The Echo November 2011 Vol. 10, Issue 3

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The Echo November 2011

Heidi Choice Editor

Volume 10, Issue 3

~Monthly Parent Education Program~ November 14, 2011

Juanita Jones & June Mosely Calendar of Events: 

Nov 3, 9:00 am, Newly Diagnosed Workshop at PFC Resource Center, Room 414 Nov 14, 5:45 pm, HFA Support Group at Dorothy Spainhour Center

Nov 14, 6:30 pm, Parent Education Meeting at Dorothy Spainhour Center

Nov 8, 11:30 am, ALC Support Group at Ruby Tuesday on Skibo Rd

Nov 16, 9:30 am, ABC Support Group at PFC Resource Center, Room 414

Nov 22, 11:00 am, Board of Directors Mtg. at PFC Resource Center

Nov 17, 9:30 am, Preschool Support Group, PFC Resource Center, Room 414 Board of Directors: Chris Leacock, President Anna Finch, Vice President Lydia Short, Secretary Gwen Scott, Treasurer Warren Aronson Cynthia Billops Dr. Debra Gillum Brandy Mello Staff: Director of Programs and Outreach: Heidi Choice Program and Outreach Assistant: Mary Potter

Fayetteville Children’s Developmental Services Agency “Early Intervention for Children with Autism” Learning Objectives: 1. The learner will understand the NC Infant-Toddler Program. 2. The learner will understand the referral process and why it is important to start early. 3. The learner will understand the importance of the parent as the primary teacher. For your convenience, free respite care is available on site through Community Based Developmental Services. Please contact Cynthia Billops at 488-5820 or 488-4584 to reserve your space at least 24 hours in advance. You may leave a message to reserve your space. Please be aware that you will not receive a return phone call.

November 14, 2011, 6:30 pm at the Dorothy Spainhour Center, 223 Hull Road, Fayetteville

~For Your Calendar~ 23rd Annual Leo M. Croghan Conference December 5, 2011, Sheraton Imperial Hotel, Durham, NC A Conference for Parents and Professionals Concerned with the Care and Development of Young Children For more information, please visit

2012 ASNC Annual Conference March 30-31, 2012, Hilton University Place, Charlotte, NC For more information, please visit

The Echo Page 2

November 2011

Support Groups:

~Membership Drive~

ASCC Monthly Support Groups provide an opportunity to share, learn, and c on n e ct with oth e r s . Parents, caregivers, guardians, and professionals are welcome to participate in all of our support groups

Become a member of the Autism Society of Cumberland County and help us sustain our programs. Your $10 annual membership fee will ensure your voting privileges in matters discussed during Parent Education nights, priority selection for scholarships, as well as the continuity of all programs offered by the ASCC. You will also receive a free 8”x 4” “Autism Awareness” car magnet as displayed in the picture box. Please mail your $10 membership fee to the ASCC, 351 Wagoner Drive, Suite 410, Fayetteville, NC 28303 today. Thank you! Questions? Please call (910) 826-3004.

The Autism Breakfast Club (ABC) Support Group will meet Wednesday, Nov 16 at 9:30 am at the PFC Resource Center, Room 414. Focus: Families of children with ASD up to age 12. The Autism Lunch Club (ALC) Support Group will meet Tuesday, Nov 8 at 11:30 am at Ruby Tuesday on Skibo Road. Focus: Families of adolescents and adults with ASD. The High Functioning Autism (HFA) Support Group will meet Monday, Nov 14 at 5:45 pm at the Dorothy Spainhour Center. Focus: F a m ilie s of ch ild re n , adolescents, and adults with high-functioning autism or Asperger’s. The Preschool Support Group will meet on Nov 17 at 9:30 am at the PFC Resource Center, Room 414. Focus: Families of young children with ASD ages 1-5 years. The Stedman Support Group will meet on Monday, Nov 7 and Nov 21 at 6:00 pm at the Stedman Recreation Center. Focus: Families of children, adolescents, and adults with ASD. For more information, please call JoAnn Bass (910) 7055360.

~Thank You~ Those who can, do. Those who can do more, volunteer.” ~Author Unknown Volunteers play an integral part in the success of all our programs. Please accept our sincere gratitude for volunteering your time with us during the months of July, August, and September 2011. Thank you for making the ASCC shine! We applaud you: Ashley Anderson, Warren Aronson, Cynthia Billops, Patricia Boyd, Anna Finch, Debra Gillum, Darien Hudson, Jejaun Hunt, Kristen Johnson, Clare Larpenteur, Chris Leacock, Brandy Mello, Diggy Ruebensaal, Alexandria Sampson, Gwen Scott, Lydia Short, Sandra Surles, Gail Hughes, Nancy Williams, and Kimberly Yard.

A very special “Thank You” goes out to all our volunteers who helped make the 2012 Greek Festival a great success!

Thank you also to our generous donors who have supported ASCC programs with monetary and other donations in the months of July, August, and September 2011. Your generous donations ensure the continuation of our programs! We are so grateful for your support: Nicholas Fasul Finch Autism Fund, John Morris, Grace Roman, Aurore Wold, Nancy Williams, and Mary Potter.

The Echo Page 3

November 2011

~Attention Members~ The nomination and election of the Board of Directors of the ASCC will be held at the November 14 general membership meeting immediately preceding the Parent Education program. Nominations for the Board of Directors may be made by the general membership and a majority vote of the members present shall be required to elect all directors. If you are interested in serving on the board, please contact us at (910) 826-3004.

~Classroom Holiday Donations~ Every year, the ASCC treats all Cumberland County students in self-contained AU classrooms with a goody bag filled with special treats and information about the services we provide. We need your help! Here’s what you can do to make this program a great success for our children and their families: Next time you are out, please pick up pencils, large erasers, candy, and other treats appropriate for school-age children. Be creative and please keep the students’ ages and health in mind. Remember nothing too small as that will impose a choking hazard for the little ones. Please drop off your treats at the ASCC office on 351 Wagoner Drive, Suite 410, until December 1, 2011. You may also bring your treats to our regularly scheduled programs and support groups. Volunteers are needed to help us stuff approximately 450 goody bags Friday, December 2, 2011, at 10:00 am at the Partnership for Children Family Resource Center Multipurpose Room 2328. Please call (910) 8263004/3005 for more information. Please accept our gratitude for your support in making this program a success! Thank you.

~Rhythm and Rhyme Sensory Story Time~ The Cumberland County Public Library’s Hope Mills Branch will offer a Rhythm and Rhyme Sensory Story Time for exceptional children and their families on Saturday, November 19, 10:30 a.m. — 11:00 a.m. For more information about this new event, please call Vicki Sheeler at 425-8455, ext. 225. Would you like to receive the ASCC newsletter via email versus traditional mail? Please email to be added to our mailing list.

~Did You Know?~ Researchers at the Center for Infection and Immunity (CII) at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health and at the Harvard Medical School report that children with autism and gastrointestinal disturbances have altered expression of genes involved in digestion. These variations may contribute to changes in the types of bacteria in their intestines. Full study findings are reported online in the journal PLoS ONE. Autism, which is defined by impairments in verbal and nonverbal communication, social interactions, and repetitive and stereotyped behaviors, affects approximately 1% of the population. Many children with autism have gastrointestinal problems that can complicate clinical management and contribute to behavioral disturbances. In some children, special diets and antibiotics have been associated with improvements in social, cognitive, and gastrointestinal function. To read more, please visit (NASET, Vol 7,

Issue 34, September 2011)

November 2011

Return Service Requested

351 Wagoner Drive, Suite 410 Fayetteville, NC 28303 Tel: 910-826-3004/3005 Fax: 910-868-5881 E-mail: Web:

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Winner of the Autism Society of North Carolina affiliate of the Year Award—1996, 2002, & 2003

“Supporting Individuals Within The Autism Spectrum”

The Autism Society of Cumberland County is an affiliate of the Autism Society of North Carolina.

Mission Statement:

~Donations~ Please remember the ASCC with your tax-deductible charitable contribution. Make checks payable to:

The Autism Society of Cumberland County is committed to providing support and promoting opportunities which enhance the lives of individuals within the autism spectrum and their families.

Vision Statement: The Autism Society of Cumberland County strives to create a community where people within the autism spectrum and their families receive respect, services, and supports based on individual differences, needs, and preferences.

Autism Society of Cumberland County 351 Wagoner Drive, Suite 410 Fayetteville, NC 28303 Name: Address: Amount of Contribution:

Disclaimer: The Autism Society of Cumberland County does not take any position regarding studies of ASD, nor endorse any particular form of treatment, intervention, or therapy. This newsletter allows us to pass along current information in the field of ASD to our families and organization members.

Funded In Part By:

~Membership~ Autism Society of Cumberland County

Annual Membership Categories:

351 Wagoner Drive, Suite 410 Fayetteville, NC 28303

__ Local ASCC Membership only: $10.00

Name: ________________________________ __ Parent/Caregiver

__ Professional

__ Sibling

__ Individual with ASD

Address: _______________________________ _______________________________ Telephone: _____________________________ Email: _________________________________

(Make your check payable to: Autism Society of Cumberland County

OR __ Combined State & Local Membership: $45.00 (Make your check payable to: Autism Society of NC) __ Yes, I would like $10 to be returned to the ASCC for local membership fees. )

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