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Prior to the denial of bus privileges, the student shall: 1. be given oral or wri en no ce of the charges and be told who is making these charges or complaints. 2. be given a fair and impar al hearing and have the opportunity to present the student’s side of the story. 3. have had prior opportunity to know that the misbehavior was in viola on of established rules and regula ons.
Bus Route Problems
Bus Route Problems concerning the bus routes, bus arrival mes, etc. should be referred to the Brandywine School District Transporta on Offi ce at 302-762-7181.
The District strives to provide a safe and invi ng learning environment for students and staff . Crea ng and maintaining a climate of safety and respect requires the work and commitment of all three responsible par es – students, staff , and parents. It is essen al that students, staff , and parents respect the rights of all others in crea ng learning spaces in which common courtesy and respect protects the teaching and learning process, personal beliefs and property of others regardless of se ng (e.g. in school, in class, online, school func on, etc.).
Expecta ons of Students
Ac vely Par cipate in Learning:
Students are expected to come to class ready to engage in learning. Full and ac ve par cipa on means listening, talking, working with partners, crea ng, reading, drawing, expressing, enjoying, smiling, laughing and anything else involved in the learning process. Being prepared for class means being on me, ready to start when the bell rings, having necessary supplies, and comple ng prerequisite assignments and homework.
Demonstrate Posi ve A tude Toward Learning:
A posi ve a tude means trying new things, establishing goals, and becoming involved in one’s studies. Students must challenge themselves and put forth the eff ort to learn new content and skills.
Respect Self, Others and the Environment:
Respect is a core theme for success in all Brandywine schools. Words and ac ons should be considerate of people, situa ons, and condi ons. This means polite language, a posi ve and helpful a tude, and a regard for the property of others. Students are expected to be courteous and respec ul to staff , faculty, and to one another.
Consequences for Behavior
Since the late 1980s, school districts across the country u lized zero tolerance policies- manda ng suspension or expulsion for student misbehavior regardless of circumstances- exclusively within their Student Codes of Conduct. Evidence from decades of research conclude that neither adults nor young people have benefi ted from zero tolerance policies. In fact, there is growing research and consensus to support that posi ve reinforcement is more eff ec ve, and behavioral problems should be resolved on a case-by-case basis. As a result, Delaware passed legisla on in 2018