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offi cially recognized ac vi es and sports, weight and height of student athletes, dates of a endance, degrees and awards received, and photographs of students in school or school ac vi es provided the photographs do not reveal informa on concerning academic placement. Examples of the District’s release of directory informa on include, but are not limited to: a program showing a student’s role in a musical, the annual yearbook, gradua on diplomas and programs, athle c program team rosters, school newspapers, educa onal technology programs that require class rosters and names of individual students for account crea on, college enrollment tracking through the Na onal Student Clearinghouse, and the like.

Parents’ Right to Know


Under the Elementary and Secondary Educa on Act, a parent has the right to know the following informa on: • the qualifi ca on(s) of the school staff providing instruc on to their child. • their child’s level of achievement in each state academic assessment. • whether or not their child has been assigned to or has been taught for four or more consecu ve weeks by a teacher of a core academic subject who is not highly qualifi ed.

A website has been set up for you to obtain this informa on at h ps://deeds30.doe.k12. de.us/#/VerifyLicense. Follow the prompts on the screen to seek informa on with regard to the cer fi ca on(s) of your child’s teacher(s).

Asbestos No fi ca on

All school districts are required to have a detailed inspec on of each building to determine the existence, loca on, and condi on of asbestos containing materials. As per Environmental Protec on Agency (EPA) guidelines, every Local Educa on Agency (LEA) must no fy all workers, building occupants and legal guardian of all inspec ons, re-inspec ons, and ac vi es being conducted to control asbestos exposure, including periodic surveillance and asbestos removal that are planned or in progress.

In accordance with the EPA regula ons pertaining to the management of asbestos in schools, the Brandywine School District has had the required inspec ons. All inspec on records are fi led and maintained in the Brandywine School District’s Asbestos Hazardous Emergency Response Act (AHERA) management plan. This plan is available for all to review and is in the BSD Facili es Department and each respec ve school building. If you have any ques ons regarding these subjects, please contact the Supervisor of Facili es Management at (302) 792-3826.


Bullying among children and adolescents is a worldwide problem, and children in Delaware are not immune. To combat the nega ve eff ects of bullying, Delaware has a school bullying preven on law which requires public schools in the state to adopt policies to address the issue. A full copy of the Brandywine School District’s An Bullying Policy can be found in Appendix II.

Addi onally, the Delaware Department of Jus ce has a School Ombudsman who can assist with bullying issues. The hotline number is 1-800-220-5414. The bullying resources located on this site can assist students, parents, and school personnel to

be er understand processes and programs to eff ec vely address the issue of bullying within the school environment.


The Delaware Public Educa on Ombudsperson Program was established to assist students and their families to advoca on and resolve educa onal disputes. Addi onally, their role is to collaborate with students, families and stakeholders to address systemic gaps in public educa on by iden fying strategies and developing best prac ces. Themes may include equity, discipline, academic and social-emo onal skills, trauma-informed and/or restora ve prac ces.

The referral hotline is as follows:

Direct (302) 304-3405 Main (302) 327-1088

The hours of opera on are as follows: Hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm (M, T, TH, F) 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm (Wednesdays)

A referral form also can be fi lled out online as follows:

h ps://forms.gle/i6xoM9CoeE6JFrYZ9

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