2 minute read
Misuse of Technology
Misuse of Technology (S0181): Any use of school technology for unauthorized purposes such as, but not limited to, copying so ware, inappropriate internet or email usage, tampering with databases, passwords or confi gura ons, or dele on of fi les. Also includes the use of school technology equipment in: solici ng, using, pos ng on social media, receiving or sending inappropriate images or materials; or accessing unauthorized email; or the unauthorized downloading and/or installing of fi les; or inten onally damaging technology equipment in the school environment. “Severe Clause”: A situa on in which a student deliberately tampers with, damages, alters, accesses, crashes, or corrupts the computer/communica ons system in the school environment resul ng in the loss or corrup on of informa on or the ability of the system to operate; or in any way disrupts or degrades the school or District’s technology infrastructure. Also includes solici ng, using, pos ng on social media, receiving or sending inappropriate images or materials that eff ects groups of people.
Grades K – 5: Level II Off ense
First Off ense Required:
• Staff explana on, modeling & correc on • Parent/Guardian no fi ca on • Nearpod (SEL) or iSAFE lesson assignment • Restora on &/or Res tu on (if applicable, appropriate)
Subsequent Off enses Required:
• Parent/Guardian conference • Cancella on of user privileges for recrea onal purposes
Viola on of Severe Clause Required:
• Parent/Guardian conference • Consider alterna ves to technology use for instruc onal purposes for a specifi c amount of me
Op onal: • Cancella on of privileges such as, but not limited to, before and/or a er school ac vi es
Grades 6 – 12: Level II Off ense First Off ense Required:
• Staff /student conference • Parent/Guardian no fi ca on • iSAFE technology use review • Restora on &/or Res tu on (if applicable, appropriate)
Subsequent Off enses Required:
• Parent/Guardian conference • Cancella on of user privileges for recrea onal purposes • Deten on and/or Suspension (1-2 days)
Viola on of Severe Clause Required:
• Parent/Guardian conference • Consider alterna ves to technology use for instruc onal purposes for a specifi c amount of me • Police no fi ca on, if necessary Op onal: • Cancella on of privileges such as, but not limited to, before and/or a er school ac vi es • Referral to District Alterna ve Placement Team