Branson Cobb Study Guide Lesson 2018- Final

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What the Heck Is That? A Look at Expressionism


The student will be able to identify expressionism in art and theatre and be able to discuss the emotional impact it has on an individual. Recommended Grade Level: 9th-12th Time Required: 40 minutes

TEKS OBJECTIVE CORE TEKS Art I §117.302 (C)(1)(D) Make judgments about the expressive properties such as content, meaning, message, and metaphor of artwork using art vocabulary accurately. Art I-VI §117.302 or §117.303 or §117.304 or §117.305 (C)(2)(D) create original artwork to communicate thoughts, feelings, ideas, or impressions;

THEATRE TEKS Theatre I & II §117.315 & §117.316 (C)(2)(E) employ physical techniques consistently to express thoughts, feelings, and actions non-verbally

Theatre III & VI §117.317 & §117.318 (C)(1)(B) experiment with stage movement;


Copies of paintings (provided) Discussion Questions for Teacher (provided) Emotion cards (provided) Timer/phone (optional)


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