New health structures

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Secretary of State provider



NHS outcomes framework

Public Health England









NHS commissioning board


Actively market your services to clinical commissioning groups and be prepared to talk about the added value, cost benefit and quality of your work

Clinical Commissioning Groups (GPs, doctors, nurses, patients and carers, and other health professionals)

Carry out consultation and engagement on behalf of consortia to support Commissioners to meet duties around patient and public voice

Build the capacity of your organisation so that you are ready to compete (e.g. meeting quality standards, such as those set out by the Care Quality Commission)

Liaise with HealthWatch to ensure that issues important to your constituents are on their agenda

Director of Public Health

Local Authority

Health and wellbeing board

Prepare your organisation and networks to meet the requirements of commissioning processes Support members to access and use personal budgets

Clinical commissioning outcomes framework NHS Foundation Trusts

Joint Strategic Needs Analysis Purpose: to shape the commissioning of health, social care and health improvement


Support delivery and hold local authorities to account on public health strategies

provider Opportunities for the VCS Establish a channel to the health and wellbeing board (e.g. through a voluntary and community sector representative, network or a local ‘champion’)

Joint Strategic Health and Wellbeing Strategy high level

Opportunities for the VCS Support your stakeholders to voice their concerns via HealthWatch

Bring together people who benefit from a range of services to demonstrate the value of VCS service provision.


Collect data on health inequality to support commissioners’ understanding of health need

Director of Adult Social Care

Clinical senates


Opportunities for the VCS


Opportunities for the VCS

Local HealthWatch

Patient and public champions Neighbourhood Representatives Voluntary and community sector

Use your data and intelligence to support the work of HealthWatch

HealthWatch England



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