It is truly an exciting time here in the Town of Kiawah Island. The holidays are fast approaching, bringing friends and families together to enjoy the holiday season and pleasant temperatures across the Lowcountry. The new year is also just around the corner, providing an opportunity to set goals and look forward to what is to come.
Coming from our recent Town Council elections, I congratulate the new council members and look forward to working together to bring our Town to new heights in the spirit of cooperation and collaboration. I also look forward to updating you on our progress throughout the year Before we close the chapter of 2022, I would like to take a moment to share a few highlights from the past 12 months.
In addition to the Town's outstanding financial strength and strong turtle nest season, our Marsh Management Plan was one of this year's big successes. This plan continues to build on the momentum of the Town's awareness of and commitment to resiliency planning. With an established framework and strategies to responsibly manage our marsh front, the Town will be a state leader and serve as a model for other communities. Another accomplishment in 2022 was the acquisition of LiDAR and orthophotography technology services, which provided improved tools to monitor and assess our natural resources and will allow the Town to manage the unique and cherished environment of Kiawah.
Next year will be the Town's 35th anniversary. A number symbolizing longevity and success perfectly describes today's Town of Kiawah Island and its future. One of the most essential elements of 2023 will be the development of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan, which will set forth a vision and goals for our future and will provide the foundation for all land use regulations and development. The Town kicked off the Comprehensive Plan at its December 7 Planning Commission.
The Town’s last comprehensive update to the plan was in 2010, and we all know a lot has changed since that time. South Carolina state law requires all towns and cities to re-evaluate the elements of their Comprehensive Plan every five years and update every 10 years.
John D. LabriolaThe Town planned to update the comprehensive plan in 2020. However, due to COVID-19, communities were granted an extension. The new Town Comprehensive Plan will outline the community’s vision for the future through 2033 and will incorporate the most recent planning efforts. The authority to engage in community planning and zoning is an essential service of town governments. The Town’s Comprehensive Plan is a valuable tool for us to come together to ensure a safe, pleasant, and economic environment for residential, commercial, and public activities. I promise this will be an all-inclusive plan. Therefore, YOU will have an opportunity and a responsibility to engage in the process and be involved. A shared responsibility makes the entire community committed to future actions and decisions. To learn more about how to be involved, visit the Town's website.
Seafield's at Kiawah Island is expected to break ground, serving as our first and only life-plan community. MUSC's Sea Islands Medical Pavilion will follow suit with the support of a large financial contribution from the Town. We may also see the development of a larger grocery store, which is something I know many of you are looking forward to.
Whether you plan to travel this season or enjoy the cooler temperatures here at home, I wish you and your family a Happy Holidays and Happy New Year.
In addition to the Comprehensive Plan, residents will see several exciting projects progress across the island in 2023.
The Kiawah Island Municipal Election took place on Tuesday, December 6, 2022, which included voting for one two-year seat that will expire in December 2024 and two four-year seats that will expire in December 2026.
The below information summarizes the Kiawah Island Municipal Election’s official voting results, which do include absentee and early voting ballots.
Charleston County mailed out 129 absentee ballots and received 78 absentee ballots as of 4 p.m.
Candidates for Town Council 2-year term (one seat):
Bradley D. Belt - 460
F. Daniel Prickett - 226
John P. Ross - 25
Candidates for Town Council 4-year term (two seats):
Russell Berner - 329
Dr Ronald Curran - 188
Michael Heidingsfelder - 343
Maura McIlvain - 318
Larry Wolahan - 173
Along with our four-legged girl, Folly, Laura and I live in the RiverView neighborhood. After visiting over the years, we bought a home in 2019, intending to split our time between Washington, DC, and Kiawah. During the pandemic, we realized how much we enjoyed life here and decided to make Kiawah our permanent home, becoming full-time residents in 2020.
Before semi-retiring a year ago, I had spent the last decade and a half in executive roles with asset management and investment banking firms. Prior to that, I had been privileged to serve in the Administration of President George W. Bush as the head of the agency responsible for overseeing and ensuring private sector pension plans. I’ve had leadership roles with two “think tanks,” and early in my career, I served in senior counsel roles at the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.
Throughout my career, I have served on the fiduciary or advisory boards of various companies, nonprofit organizations, and professional associations. Currently, I serve on the executive board of a private equity firm and the board of UNICEF USA (MidAtlantic). My previous service includes a Presidential appointment to the Social Security Advisory Board and the Board of Trustees of the Protestant Episcopal Cathedral Foundation, as well as several private companies and organizations On Kiawah, I am on the board of the RiverView POA and was one of the founders of PreserveKiawah.
In many respects, we are at an inflection point for life on and around Kiawah Island. We are nearing the end of growth on Kiawah but aren’t there yet. And there is going to be substantial additional development and growth off Island. This growth has profound implications for our physical infrastructure, fragile natural ecosystem, and quality of life on and around Kiawah. I believe that the Town of Kiawah needs to play a leadership role in addressing the challenges we face, and we can best do so by engaging the community and working collaboratively with all stakeholders.
My wife, Karen, and my family have been vacationing in Kiawah since 1990. In 2016 we purchased our home and became full-time residents in 2020.
I am a licensed Professional Engineer with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and 44 years of experience in the construction industry. Upon graduation in 1978, I started working with Exxon, constructing complex petrochemical facilities in the U.S., Europe, and South America. Later in my career, I worked with NBC Broadcasting in NYC, performing facility upgrades at 30 Rockefeller Center and sound studios in Brooklyn, and a construction consulting firm in NYC, where I commenced my construction claim analysis experience. In 1999, I founded my engineering/construction consulting firm, Construction Claims Group, that specialized in providing nationwide construction management services, resolving construction-related disputes (contract and defective work), and testifying as an expert witness. I testified in court as an expert witness 30 times.
My working career included designing and constructing projects that are important to Kiawah; luxury residential communities, retail shopping centers, roads, environmental preservation, hotels, and infrastructure utilities. When I sold my firm and retired in 2020, I immediately became very active in the Kiawah community. In addition to being a Town Councilman, I am currently a Trustee with the Kiawah Conservancy and a Kiawah Island Turtle Patrol member. I also was a member of TOKI’s Board of Zoning Appeals, but that service ended when I was elected to the Town Council. I am currently working on two important projects for Kiawah; a design to improve exiting traffic flow at the front gate and a design to reduce flooding on Governor’s Drive.
I look forward to using my design/construction expertise on future proposed developments in the Town of Kiawah and outside Kiawah’s boundaries to ensure they integrate and complement Kiawah and minimize the impact of those developments on the environment, infrastructure, and utilities. I look forward to working with KICA, KP, KIGR, and the community to preserve the beauty of Kiawah for future generations.
Our family first visited Kiawah Island in 1999 and instantly fell in love with its nature, beach, and relaxing setting. We purchased our home in 2004 and moved here full-time in 2015. We love this island, as do our children, who come here as often as they can.
My Master’s education in Engineering and Business Administration prepared me well for my roles as COO and CEO with large private and public cooperations in the consulting, automotive, and instrumentation industries. Building companies from the ground up and enhancing the professionalism of organizations to be best prepared for the challenges in their businesses, improving customer satisfaction and leading them to financial stability have been at the core of my career. These always global business responsibilities have taken me frequently to many countries and cultures worldwide. But whenever I passed the first gate, I was home.
Several years ago, I started to engage in matters important to this island. First with ongoing service to the Lowcountry Foodbank and then as a member of the TOKI Noise Ordinance Workgroup. Earlier this year, I was appointed to the TOKI Planning Commission.
This involvement made me realize that we as a joint community – with all stakeholders from residents and property owners to TOKI and KICA, the ARB, the Partners, and the Resort – need to develop a thoughtful and comprehensive vision for the future of our island. Foremost, to answer the remaining questions: How do we as a community want to be recognized 10+ years from now? What do we not want to look like in a few years?
We have seen positive development in the past. Still, today we are facing challenges triggered by both man and nature: There is an increasing concern in the community about over-development, rising traffic, the impact of a changing environment and rising sea levels, not always transparent decisionmaking processes, a gap in communication about important matters to the community and –unfortunately – sometimes a lack of civil cooperation among certain stakeholders.
I believe that our joint community wants a meaningful and transparent resolution of these challenges without harming our neighborhoods and the island envisioned as a perfect synergy between nature and modern life.
I promise to the community that I will do my best to help preserve, protect and enhance life on Kiawah and foster collaboration between the community and our governance.
Sha' Graham, TOKI's Communications SpecialistWhere were you born?
New York
Where did you graduate law school?
Georgetown University
Before coming to Kiawah, what kind of law did you practice?
I primarily practiced family law, and wealth and succession planning for businesses and corporate law.
How long have you been practicing?:
My legal career spans over 50 years.
Since beginning your legal career, what has been your biggest accomplishment?
My biggest accomplishment was being elected as a fellow by the American College of Trial Lawyers.
What do you enjoy about being TOKI's Chief Municipal Judge?:
Serving as the Town's Chief Municipal Judge has been my favorite role in my legal career thus far. I love serving this community and find it to be very fulfilling.
Christmas Tree Collection: The collection will take place during the month of January on Thursday’s with yard debris.
Holiday: New Year’s Day (Carolina Waste will observe the holiday Sunday, January 1st) - No change in service collection.
Holiday: MLK Day - No change in service
February: March:
Holiday: President's Day - No change in service
Bicycle Collection: Thursday, March 2, (contact: Sarah Quinn - Bicycles for Humanity (843)-768-4407).
Shred Day: Thursday, March 2, 9 am12 pm at Town Hall
Brown Trash: Friday, March 3, 7:00 am, curbside.
The solid waste center located at Kestrel Court is open and accepting refuse from residents. There are two roll-off dumpsters available for trash and recycling. The compactor at this location is awaiting electrical work to be operational, and we anticipate this being completed in the next week.
The units that are there currently are temporary, as we are waiting to have upgraded compactor units installed. We are expecting these new units to arrive around the beginning of December. However, the roll-off dumpsters are open for use.
Any questions regarding the site can be directed to the Town’s Public Works Manager, Brian Gottshalk, by phone (843)-768-9166 or by email at bgottshalk@kiawahisland.org.
To sign up for the Town's email notifications, please scan the QR code above with your smart phone or device.
December 23 - Town Hall closed in observance of Christmas Eve
December 26 - Town Hall closed in observance of Christmas
January 2 - Town Hall closed in observance of New Year's
February 20 - Town Hall closed in observance of President's Day
This year, the Town completed an intersection study (linked here) of the Kiawah Island Parkway at Beachwalker Drive and three required traffic counts per the Town's Development Agreement with Kiawah Resort Associates.
The traffic counts were held during three two-week periods, including the first two weeks of June (June 1-14), the second and third week of July (July 8-22), and the last two weeks of August (August 17-31). Please reference the development resource page to see the results of the 2022 traffic study. In addition, this study determined that the Near Capacity Traffic Volume (NCTV), which represents the point at which 70% capacity is reached on the Kiawah Island Parkway determined by vehicles per hour (VPH), was not reached.
The Town worked with it's consultants, Kimley-Horn, to design a two-phased project: the first phase of the project was to improve bike paths along Beachwalker Drive (completed), and the second phase is to rework the geometry of the intersection at Beachwalker Drive and the Kiawah Island Parkway (underway). With these improvements, Kimley-Horn predicts better levels of service and vehicle delays, which will ultimately improve safety and traffic for the community.
Hurricanes and tropical storms bring about many challenges for everyone, including the fire department. Prior to the storm, St. Johns Fire District (STJFD) staff prepared additional equipment and our fire stations for the impacts of Hurricane Ian and brought in additional staffing. Including emergency response, STJFD clears local roadways throughout Johns Island and Kiawah Island to allow travel of emergency vehicles and traffic. If needed, the STJFD has obtained a high-water vehicle in the event of any major flooding incident.
STJFD activated its local Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and helped coordinate emergency responders to calls about a downed tree, medical incidents, and other firerelated calls. STJFD responded during the duration of the storm and will continue to prepare for future weather events.
For immediate access, click on the desired episodes below to stream.
Open the streaming service app (Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcast, etc.) and log in (if necessary).
Enter the podcast name, "Sharing With The Community: A Podcast from the Town of Kiawah Island", within the search bar. Select the desired podcast matching the title above, then press play to stream.
Be sure to press "follow" or "add to library" for easy access and to stay updated on new releases.
Any questions concerning the podcast can be directed to Chris Makowski at cmakowski@kiawahisland.org.
1. 2. 3. 4.Keep ALL software up-to-date. Utilize strong passwords.
Make sure your internet connection is secure.
Customize and use privacy settings when using social media.
ALWAYS make sure your internet connection is secure. Most public Wi-Fi is not. Refrain from making an online purchase while connected to public Wi-Fi.
Use a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your browsing information. Only make online purchases from secure websites.
The holidays are approaching, which entails extensive shopping for most. Online shopping during the holiday season or at any time of year should always be done with caution. According to research conducted by the Nebraska Department of Justice, there were a total of 59,177 scams reported in the state of South Carolina last year. We encourage all residents to proactively familiarize themselves with the following protection tips:
Customize and use privacy settings on all social media platforms. Identify and block nuisance calls manually or automatically.
Be wary of requests to update or confirm your personal information.
Do not open attachments from unknown senders or click on links in emails/strange text messages in which personal information is requested.
For more safety tips on protecting yourself and your identity this holiday season, please email TOKI’s Director of Public Safety, Dr. Craig Harris, at charris@kiawahisland.org.
The holidays are here, and Kiawah Island Golf Resort offers an abundance of programming to mark the season throughout the month of December. The resort offers various holiday crafts, ornamentmaking, cookie decorating and much more. Visit the splendidly decorated Sanctuary to enjoy carolers in Dickensian costume as they roam the halls to serenade guests, and be sure not to miss the giant festive season-themed sculpture in the lobby created entirely of chocolate by the hotel pastry team. Visit the resort holiday page for full details and a schedule of events.
Winter brings new dining options to island residents and guests at Kiawah Island Golf Resort. Tomasso at Turtle Point offers pizzas to-go. The delicious pies, including the sauce and crusts, are made entirely from scratch in-house for ultimate flavor and freshness.
Players’ Pub at Cougar Point has resumed its popular Prime Rib Night. The herb-crusted 12-ounce prime rib is served with mashed potatoes and grilled asparagus every Thursday evening from 5:00 to 9:00.
Cherrywood BBQ & Ale House at Osprey Point has launched what is becoming a foodie favorite: Fried Chicken Fridays, featuring Chef Keith Richardson’s signature blend of herbs and spices. The special including two pieces and a choice of sides, begins at 5:00 PM, but come early as it tends to sell out quickly.
Night Heron Park welcomed The Nest Market | Café in September. Be sure to drop in for gourmet coffee, pastries baked fresh daily by the resort’s culinary team, meals for take-out or dine-in, essential groceries and assorted sundries.
Visit Kiawah Island Golf Resort’s dining page for full details and winter hours. Pickleball is the world’s fastest growing sport. In addition to having two dedicated instructors, the resort offers weekly clinics, lessons and socials for adults and juniors. Visit the pickleball page for the full weekly schedule, and call the tennis center at (843) 768-2838 to learn about special pickleball weekends.
The Town of Kiawah Island is excited to announce that the revamped, redesigned website will launch in early 2023.
Town Staff and Revize (TOKI's web-development partner) have been developing a completely redesigned website since May 2022 so that residents, businesses, and visitors, both current and potential, can easily navigate and access information, interact with the Town through surveys and online comments and download any necessary documents.
In addition to making the Town's website more intuitive, it will also feature innovations that enhance its user experience. The following are just a few of the features you can expect:
A robust search function allows the user to search the whole site or specific subsections within the map.
Easy access to all meeting minutes and materials.
Faster and crisper user experience.
Recreated wildlife and native plant database.
In-depth, easy-to-follow Town calendar.
A more effective emergency communication system. There will be no broken links or outdated pages.
The ability to submit comments online and have them directed to the appropriate town official.
Streamlining the registration process for Town Notifications.
Improved archive functionality.
All documents will be print-friendly.
A better visual experience for the user.
Arts, etc. is holding its Kiawah Art and House Tour on Friday, April 14, 2023, from 1 pm - 5 pm. The fundraiser features five elegant Kiawah homes showcasing distinguished artwork, stunning architecture, and unique island views. Proceeds benefit arts programs for Johns and Wadmalaw Islands youth and other local organizations. Tickets are $75 and may be purchased online soon or in person at the kiosk at 165 Village Green, Freshfields Village, a few days before the tour. On the day of the event, in order to begin the tour, all tickets must be exchanged at the kiosk (165 Village Green at Freshfields) for a wristband and tour brochure. In addition to ticket sales, an online auction featuring impressive original art and other premium items will open several weeks prior to the tour date. For more information on tickets, the auction, or to donate, visit www.kiawahartsetc.org.
"It has truly been a sensational Sea Turtle Season! KITP ended the season with a total of 491 nests! Kiawah's second-largest season since our banner year of 2019. This year was so exciting because we saw many of our 2019 female turtles."
The following information displays the total of nests per zone for the season:
Zone 2 - 94 nests (82 KI nests including 12 STP nests)
Zone 3 - 81 nests (including six wild nests)
Zone 4 - 43 nests (including three wild nests)
Zone 5 - 36 nests
Zone 6 - 68 nests (including one wild nest)
Zone 7 - 74 nests (including three wild nests)
Zone 8 - 91 nests (including four wild nests)
The Town of Kiawah Island and Kiawah Conservancy hosted Kiawah Island's 2022 Bobcat Week.
Events included:
A panel discussion and Q&A on bobcats and our ecosystem accompanied by a flight demonstration from Birds of Prey.
A presentation and Q&A by the Town's Wildlife Biologist, Jim Jordan, on Bobcat research conducted on Kiawah Island, the harmful effects of second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides, and alternative pest management methods and best practices.
An hour-long walk at The Preserve with Ph.D. student Meghan Keating. Currently, she is currently leading the Clemson Bobcat & Rodenticide Study, which focuses on Bobcat habitats, livability, and how the community can assist the Town in its efforts.
The Clemson Bobcat & Rodenticide Study is a collaborative research effort to understand the connection between human development, rodenticide use, and bobcat populations in the Southeastern US, specifically Kiawah Island. Click here to learn more about the study.
Attendees were also reminded of the importance and lasting impact that Kiawah's Bobcat Guardian program has on our native wildlife and the Kiawah ecosystem.
If you have not yet pledged your allegiance to the 2022-2024 Bobcat Guardian initiative, please use the links below to submit your pledge today. Kiawah residents should only make one pledge per household.
Pest Control companies pledge here
Businesses pledge here
The Town of Kiawah Island and Kiawah Conservancy hosted the 2022 SC Native Plant Week.
Events included:
Watercolor Workshop
Cocktails with Collie
Coffee with Collie
A Walk in Nature with Dr. Jane Ellis
Bird Banding with the Town's Assistant Wildlife Biologist, Aaron Given
Learning with Lee Bundrick, Sr. Ecological Health and Conservation Coordinator at Kiawah
10 Ways That You Can Attract More Birds to Your Yard
Native Plant Pop-Up Shop
At these events, Kiawah residents were reminded of TOKI's Grow Native initiative and of the vital roles that native plants play in our ecosystem.
Kiawah’s Grow Native initiative is a community-wide effort to increase the use of native plants in landscaping projects across the island with an overall goal of improving wildlife habitat. Click here to learn more about the Grow Native initiative.
In October, the Town hosted its annual Volunteer Appreciation Drop-In event at Andell Inn. The Town of Kiawah Island's staff and volunteer programs, including elected officials, consisting of nearly 400 committed people who make this community successful. It is with profound gratitude that the Town acknowledges the selflessness and dedication of these individuals.
2022 Meet the Candidates Night