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by WebPress
Reisestipend kr 200 000,-
Norsk indremedisinsk forening utlyser reisestipend på inntil kr 200.000,- i 2020 for kongresser/konferanser med generell indremedisinsk profil. Tildelte stipend dekker reise, opphold og kongress-/konferanseavgift. Reisestipendet gjelder for deltakelse på MIRCIM, ACP og WCIM.
Vi viser til tidligere rapporter i Indremedisineren. Søknad sendes til Knut Lundin, e-post: knut.lundin@medisin.uio.no i rimelig tid før arrangementet og vil behandles fortløpende.
State of the Art in Internal Medicine
ICE Congress Centre
Kraków 7–9 May 2020
MIRCIM Krakow, Polen - 7-9 mai McMaster Internal Review Course in Internal Medicine (MIRCIM)
MIRCIM has been conceived and developed by the McMaster University Department of Medicine, the birthplace of evidence-based medicine (EBM) and problem-based learning (PBL), and the Polish Institute for Evidence Based Medicine.
ACP – Internal Medicine Los Angeles, USA - 23-25. april American College of Physicians (ACP)
ACP - Internal Medicine is the congress of the American College of Physicians. Each year, this congress brings together physicians from around the globe to experience the most comprehensive live educational event in internal medicine.
WCIM Cancun, Mexico 2-5.12.2020 World Congress of Internal Medicine
The International Society of Internal Medicine (ISIM) has the pleasure to invite you to the World Congress of Internal Medicine. The congress objective is to promote scientific knowledge, collegiality and friendship among Internal Medicine doctors from all over the world. The main topic of the congress will be “Present and Future of Internal Medicine”. The Mexican Organizing Committee is, along with ISIM, preparing a scientific program with the participation of world experts and will have a variety of academic delivery formats.