1st year prep 2ndterm preparation

Page 1

Day Lesson ( 1

) SB Page ( 2

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To talk about Egyptian inventions. • To read a web page about Egyptian inventions and answer questions. • To carry out an internet search about another great Egyptian invention.





Teaching Aids -Data show -Internet -Student's book -Workbook -Teacher's guide -Library -Board -Cassette -Flash cards


New vocabulary:

glass beads - ink lighthouses papyrus for paper toothpaste ancient Egyptians

invent Chinese earliest beautifully

Structures: Adverbs • The ancient Egyptians liked to dress beautifully.

• The ancient Egyptians cleaned their teeth very well.


Procedures Warm up and revision: What do you know about the lighthouse?

-Lecture -Discussion

-Study circles --Problem solving

1 Match the words and the pictures. Which things do you think Egyptians first built or invented?


-Co- operative -learning -Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

Teacher’s preparation book






Senior teacher

5m 15 m

Students’ note books

Draw attention to the Objectives box on page 2, which refers to the objectives of the unit, and explain in Arabic if necessary. Now ask the students if they know of any Egyptian inventions. Draw their attention to the words in the box and drill pronunciation.

Student’s' activity books

15 m

2 Read the web page and check your answers to exercise 1. What other things did Egyptians invent?

Tell the students that they are going to find out their answer to the question in exercise 1.

3 -Now answer these questions Assessment: Oral questions Written Exercises


Home Assignment: SB page 2 Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them





Day Lesson ( 2 ) SB Page ( 3

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To use adverbs. • To talk

about things you do well, easily or badly.

) WB Page (

Teaching Aids -Data show -Internet -Student's book -Workbook -Teacher's guide -Library -Board -Cassette -Flash cards







New vocabulary: carefully quickly easily happily slowly hard fast early late well



-They worked more carefully than usual on that old building. -You can tell the time most accurately with this clock.




Warm up and revision:


Who invented paper?

-Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning -Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work


1 Underline the adverbs in these sentences:

Ask the students to look at the picture and ask What can you see? (a lighthouse/ The ancient lighthouse of Alexandria) 2- Ask the students to read the example sentence and look at the underlined word. 2- Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets 1- Ask the students to read the example sentence. 2 -The students then complete the exercise individually before checking their answers in pairs. Then check the answers as a whole class. 3 -Complete these sentences with the comparative form of the word in brackets



Teacher’s preparation book

5m 15 m


Students’ note books Student’s' activity books

15 m

4 -Talk about things you do well, easily or badly

Assessment: Oral questions Written Exercises

Home Assignment:WB page 2 Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.


Day Lesson ( 3 ) SB Page ( 4

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To

describe objects. • To listen to

a conversati on about measurem ents. • To ask

about and give measurem ents.





Teaching Aids -Data show -Internet -Student's book -Workbook -Teacher's guide -Library -Board -Cassette -Flash cards



Procedures Warm up and revision: which Egyptian inventions do you remember? Presentation:

New vocabulary:


ruler scales stopwatch tape measure How wide How heavy How long How tall How fast



-Discovery -Role playing

-How fast does a plane go?

2- Which of the words from exercise 1 can you use to measure the following?


- How heavy is (your bag)?

- Elicit the meaning of measure (find out the size, length, etc. of something). 3- Amal is flying to Aswan with her

-Work groups

-Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning

-Peer learning -Team teaching -Pair work

Evidence Teacher’s preparation book


1- Ask the students to look at the

pictures and ask What can you see? Then ask them to look at the four words in the box and drill pronunciation. Note that scales in English are usually plural. 2- The students work in pairs to match the words with the pictures. Then check the answers as a whole class.

Students’ note books 15m Student’s' activity books

father to visit her uncle and his wife. Listen and answer the questions

4- Ask and answer Assessment:


Oral questions Written Exercises

Senior teacher


1 Match the words and the pictures

Home Assignment:SB page 4 Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.





Day Lesson ( 4

) SB Page ( 5 ) WB Page ( 3

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To describe

pictures using measurem ents.

Teaching Aids -Data show -Internet -Student's book -Workbook -Teacher's guide

• To ask and

answer about using a computer and the internet.

Contact New vocabulary: accurately carefully immediately safely facts How good Structures:

-How good are you with facts and figures?

-Board -Cassette -Flash cards

Strategies -Lecture -Discussion -Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -learning -Discovery -Role playing


-Peer learning

discuss the questions in exercise 2. 2- Invite some ideas from the class.

-Pair work


Warm up and revision: What do you know about using the internet? Presentation: 1 Match the measurements to the pictures and make sentences 1- Ask the students to look at the pictures and decide in small groups which of the measurements in the box might be used to describe each one, as in the example. Ask them in their groups to take turns asking and answering about each one. (How heavy is this baby? How tall is the Great Pyramid? How heavy is this car? How long is the Qasr El Nile Bridge?) 2- Check the answers as a whole class.


-Team teaching

rules for using a computer


2 Ask and answer 1 Ask the students to form new groups to

-Work groups

• To discuss



-Co- operative



Teacher’s preparation book

Student’s' activity books



3- Complete the rules for using the internet using these adverbs

4 -Discuss in pairs Assessment: Oral questions Written Exercises

Senior teacher


Students’ note books


Home Assignment: WB Page ( 3 ) Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.







SB Page (

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To review and practise the vocabular y and structures of the unit

To practise dictionary skills

6 ) WB Page ( 4

Teaching Aids -Data show

New vocabulary: No new vocabulary

-Lecture -Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming

-Teacher's guide

-Co- operative

-Library -Board

Strategies -Discussion





-Discovery -Role playing

-Cassette -Flash cards





-Student's book


No new


-Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

Procedures Warm up and revision:

How often do you brush your teeth?

Presentation: 1 Complete the sentences 1 Elicit the inventions that the students have found out about in the unit. 2 Then ask the students to look at the words in the box and elicit their meanings. The students then complete the sentences in pairs. 3 Invite different students to read out the completed sentences.

Evidence Teacher’s preparation book

Student’s' activity books

2 Rewrite the sentences using adverbs 1 Ask the students for some examples of adverbs, including regular and irregular ones. 2 The students then complete the sentences with suitable adverbs and check their answers with a partner.





Assessment: Home Assignment:. WB Page ( 4 ) Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.

Senior teacher


Students’ note books

3 -Complete the questions and answers with these words.




Day Lesson ( 1

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To read about

Teaching Aids -Data show -Internet -Student's book

-Teacher's guide

instructions for an experiment.

-Library -Board -Cassette

• To carry out

an internet search about objects that sink and float in water.



) SB Page ( 7 )

an experiment and answer -Workbook questions. • To sequence


-Flash cards




New vocabulary:


Warm up and revision:

add float peel (v) peel (n) sink


Do you like science?



Zero Conditional " If "

• If you put an orange into water, it floats on the water.

• If you peel the orange and then put it into the water, the orange sinks to the bottom.


-Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Co- operative -learning -Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

1 Look at the pictures. Which subject are the students studying? 1- Draw attention to the Objectives box on page 7, which refers to the objectives of the unit, and explain in Arabic if necessary. 2 -Ask the students to look at the set of pictures and discuss in small groups what they think is happening (an experiment) and which subject the pictures represent (science). 2 -Read about the experiment and put the pictures in the correct order

Evidence Teacher’s preparation book

Student’s' activity books

15 m

15 m

3 -Match the words and their meanings 4- Answer the questions - Ask the students to read the questions and

discuss the answers with a partner before they read the experiment in exercise 2 again. Invite some ideas from the class.



Home Assignment:SB page 7 Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them

Senior teacher


Students’ note books

Oral questions Written Exercises





Day Lesson ( 2 ) SB Page ( 8

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To use the

zero conditional • To ask and

answer questions using if and when

) WB Page (

Teaching Aids -Data show



Strategies -Lecture -Discussion


feel ill warm become bottom add

-Teacher's guide


-Student's book


Zero Conditional " If "


-Board -Cassette -Flash cards






New vocabulary:



If ice gets warm, it becomes water. When I’m tired, I go to bed. I go to bed when I’m tired. If it gets warm, does ice become water? Does ice become water if it gets warm?

Procedures Warm up and revision: When do you go to bed?


1 -Underline the verbs that follow if or when 1- Ask the students to look at the picture and

-Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning -Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work


Teacher’s preparation book

5m 15 m

say what it is (oil and water). Ask what they remember about mixing oil and water (oil floats because it is lighter than water). 2 -Then ask them to read the example sentence and the underlined words. Ask What tense are the underlined verbs? (present simple). Ask what else they notice, to elicit the words if/when at the beginning of the sentence.

2 -Match to make sentences


Students’ note books Student’s' activity books

- Ask the students to look at the sentence

halves. Tell them that they have to match them.

3- Ask and answer questions with if/when


Oral questions Written Exercises 5m

Home Assignment:WB page 5 Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.


Senior teacher

15 m



Day Lesson ( 3 ) SB Page ( 9

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: •

To listen and sequence instructions for an experiment To ask and talk about the sequence of events





Teaching Aids -Data show

Contact New vocabulary:

-Teacher's guide

becomes fills happen heat need put Watch When



-Internet -Student's book -Workbook

-Board -Cassette -Flash cards

Sequencing events First, pour/add/put (some water) … Now … Then/Next/After that, … Finally, … Asking about the sequence of events What do we do first/next/after that? What happens next/now? Why does this happen?




Warm up and revision:


When I feel ill, I ………………

-Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning -Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work


1 -Complete the dialogue about another experiment

Evidence Teacher’s preparation book

Senior teacher

5M 15m

1 -Ask the students what they remember

about the experiment with the orange in Lesson 1. Ask what other experiments they have done in science lessons. 2 -Ask them to look at the two pictures and say what they think the experiment is. Tell them that they are going to find out. 2 -Match each verb to a picture - Ask the students to look at the pictures and say what is happening (an experiment with an egg, water and salt). Then refer them to the verbs in the box and check meaning.

Students’ note books 15m Student’s' activity books

3- Listen to an experiment and put the pictures in the order you hear them 4 -Ask and answer about the experiment in exercise 3



Oral questions Written Exercises

Home Assignment:SB page 9 Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.





Day Lesson ( 4

) SB Page ( 10 ) WB Page ( 6

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

• To talk about

Teaching Aids -Data show -Internet

science facts using the zero conditional.

-Student's book

• To learn about

-Teacher's guide

famous scientists.

• To write a

paragraph about a famous scientist.



Contact New vocabulary: scientist university famous for science study melt Structures: -Asking about famous scientist: scientist’s name and date of birth?

-Cassette -Flash cards

• Where did the •




• What was the



scientist come from? What did the scientist do when he/she was young?

• How did the

scientist learn about science?

• What can we

Strategies -Lecture -Discussion -Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning -Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work



Warm up and revision:

Do you want to be a scientist? Presentation: 1 Make four science facts using the zero conditional 1 -Ask the students to look at the pictures and say what they can see (colours, rice being cooked, clocks, ice). 2 -Put the students into small groups. Then ask them to read the four sets of prompts and match them to the pictures. 2 Match these people with the objects they are famous for. Then listen to check your answers 1- Ask the students to name some famous scientists or inventors and say what they are famous for. 2- Then ask them to look at the pictures and ask them to identify the objects (a = the internet, b = windscreen wipers,c = Xray, d = telephone).Ask if they know who invented them.

Teacher’s preparation book

Student’s' activity books



3- Project

Assessment: Oral questions Written Exercises


learn about

Senior teacher


Students’ note books

Home Assignment: WB Page ( 6 ) Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.







SB Page (

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: •

To review and practise the vocabulary and structures of the unit. To practise using ordinal numbers correctly.

11 ) WB Page ( 7

Teaching Aids -Data show

Contact New vocabulary:

Strategies -Lecture -Discussion

No new vocabulary

-Inductive -Study circles


--Problem solving

-Teacher's guide


-Library -Board

Structures: No new structure

-Cassette -Flash cards




-Internet -Student's book


-Co- operative -learning -Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

Procedures Warm up and revision:

How often do you go to the science lab? Presentation: 1 Complete the sentences with these verbs 1- Brainstorm the verbs that the students

have learned in the unit to describe experiments. 2 -The students then complete the exercise in pairs. Check the answers as a whole class. 2- Write the sentences using the zero conditional 1 Elicit the form and use of the zero

Evidence Teacher’s preparation book

Time 5m 15m

Students’ note books Student’s' activity books

conditional. (If/When + present simple + , + present simple. It is used to say what always happens when a certain action takes place.) Ask the students to read the example sentence.


3 -Complete the dialogue Assessment: Oral questions Written Exercises

5m Home Assignment:. WB Page ( 7 ) Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.


Senior teacher



Day Lesson ( 1

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To ask and answer about forms of transport • To read about how people travel and answer questions • To carry out an internet search about the fastest plane in the world

) SB Page ( 12

Teaching Aids -Data show -Internet -Student's book -Workbook -Teacher's guide -Library -Board -Cassette -Flash cards





Contact New vocabulary:

Electric electricity environment petrol technology instead of travel plan for bad for pollution Structures: The future with " will " - In the future, we will have small electric cars.

-cities will build more metro lines so people will be able to get around the cities quickly. -How will technology help us to travel in the future?




Warm up and revision: What do you know about means of transport?

-Lecture -Discussion

Teacher’s preparation book



-Study circles

1- Ask and answer 1- Draw attention to the Objectives box on page 12, which refers to the objectives of the unit, and explain in Arabic if necessary. 2- Now ask the students to look at the picture and ask What can you see? (a train) 2 -Read the text and find all the forms of transport 1- Ask the students what they think the text might be about, and then ask them to read the question and scan the text quickly to find the answer. 2- Check the answer as a whole class. 3 -Complete the sentences with these words

--Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning -Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

Senior teacher

5m 15 m

Students’ note books Student’s' activity books

15 m

4 -Answer the questions


Oral questions: Written Exercises:


Home Assignment:SB page 12 Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them





Day Lesson ( 2 ) SB Page ( 13

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To use will and won’t for future predictions

) WB Page (

Teaching Aids -Data show -Internet -Student's book -Workbook -Teacher's guide

• To talk about ability and possibility

-Library -Board -Cassette -Flash cards






Contact New vocabulary: technology petrol fast across desert younger hundred Structures: will and won’t for future predictions -My brother will be at university in France next year. He won’t be at home. *We can travel to Alexandria from Cairo by train. We can’t travel by boat. *Long ago, people couldn’t travel by plane.. *My brother’s learning to drive. Next year, he’ll be able to drive. *He won’t be able to buy a car because they are expensive.



-Lecture -Discussion -Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning -Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

Warm up and revision: Warm up and revision: What will the weather be like this afternoon? Presentation: 1 Underline the verbs. Tick the sentences that are about the future 1- Write predictions on the board and check the meaning. Ask them what kinds of things people make predictions about (e.g. stories the weather). Then ask the students to read the example and look at the underlined verbs. Ask When was this? (in the past) 2- Tell them to copy the sentences into their copybooks and underline the verbs, ticking the sentences that are about the future.



Teacher’s preparation book

5m 15 m

Students’ note books Student’s' activity books

2- Complete the sentences with these words - Ask the students to look at the words in the

box. Ask them to say which refer to the past (could, couldn’t), present (can, can’t) and future (will, won’t, won’t be able).

3 -Complete the sentences


Oral questions: Written Exercises


Home Assignment: WB page 8 Self-Evaluation: (


) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.

Senior teacher

15 m



Day Lesson ( 3 ) SB Page ( 14



Teaching Aids

By the end of the lesson -Data show students will be able to: -Internet

• To make predictions about the future

• To

listen to people making predictions and answer questions

-Student's book -Workbook -Teacher's guide -Library -Board

Contact New vocabulary:

university skyscraper get better go skiing dark understand definitely Structures: Expressing certainty/uncertainty - Do you think

Strategies -Lecture -Discussion -Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning -Discovery

Procedures Warm up and revision: Do you think we will have underground cities? Presentation: 1 Read the questionnaire. What are your predictions about the future? 1 Ask the students to look at the picture in exercise 1 and ask What can you see? (an underground city) 2 Ask the students to read the first statement. Invite some opinions from the class and encourage the students to give reasons for their answers. 2 Listen to Salma and her sister Dina doing the questionnaire. Which two answers do they agree on?

Evidence Teacher’s preparation book


Senior teacher


5M 15m

Students’ note books 15m Student’s' activity books

that we’ll -Role playing only read on 1- Tell the students that they are -Individual computers in the • To ask and -Flash cards going to hear Salma and her sister future? answer -Peer learning Dina doing the questionnaire in - No, that questions that exercise 1. -Work groups definitely express 2- Elicit phrases for agreeing and won’t certainty/unce -Team teaching disagreeing and tell them to listen out for happen. rtainty the two answers which the sisters agree on. -Pair work -That’s impossible. 3 Play the recording. - Perhaps (we 3 -Ask and answer about the following will/won’t be Assessment: able to Oral questions: …) Written Exercises: - I’m (not) a hundred Home Assignment: SB page 14 Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them. -Cassette




Day Lesson ( 4 Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

• To read about transport in Egypt and answer questions • To use critical thinking skills to discuss travelling in the future

) SB Page ( 15 ) WB Page ( 9 Teaching Aids -Data show -Internet -Student's book -Workbook -Teacher's guide -Library -Board -Cassette

New vocabulary:

Strategies -Lecture

transport large ferry project billion dollars railway system international airport




-Flash cards








Do you think travel will be easier or more difficult in the future? Why?

-Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups

Do you think travel will be more expensive or less expensive in the future? Why?

-Team teaching -Pair work



Warm up and revision: What do you know about transport in Egypt? Presentation: 1 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 Ask the students to look at the pictures and say what they can see (a Nile ferry, an old train, coaches, Cairo International Airport). Ask what kind of information they expect to be in the text. 2 Ask the students to read the text heading. Ask why they think transport is so important in a large country (e.g. because people want to travel to places far away quickly). 3 The students then read the text to check their ideas. Tell them not to worry about any words they don’t know at this point.

Teacher’s preparation book

Student’s' activity books



2-Critical thinking

- Ask the students to read the first question and elicit the forms of transport mentioned in the text. Check the answers as a whole class.

Home Assignment: WB Page ( 9 ) Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.

Senior teacher


Students’ note books

Assessment: Oral questions: Written Exercises








SB Page (

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To review and practise the vocabular y and structures of the unit

To practise using articles.

To practise using sequencing words.

16 ) WB Page ( 10

Teaching Aids -Data show

New vocabulary: No new vocabulary

-Lecture -Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming

-Teacher's guide

-Co- operative

-Library -Board

Strategies -Discussion




Structures: No new


To practise using linking words although, because and so.

-Discovery -Role playing

-Cassette -Flash cards





-Student's book


-Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

Procedures Warm up and revision:

What do you want to be in the future? Presentation:

1- Match to make sentences 1- Elicit the forms and use of the future with will and won’t. 2- The students then match the sentence halves, as in the example. 2 Complete the sentences with these words 1- Ask the students which words and phrases are used to express ability and possibility in the past, present and future (could, couldn’t, can/can’ will/won’t, will/won’t be able to). 2- Then ask them to read the example answer and tell them that they have to complete the rest of the text with the words in the box.

Evidence Teacher’s preparation book

Student’s' activity books

3 - Complete the dialogue






Senior teacher


Students’ note books

Home Assignment:. WB Page ( 10 ) Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.




Day Lesson ( 1

) SB Page (

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To review and practise the vocabulary and structures of Units 10 –12




17 )

Teaching Aids -Data show

Contact New vocabulary:



-Student's book -Workbook

New vocabulary

-Board -Cassette -Flash cards


New structures

Warm up and revision: What do you know about Michel Bakhum?



-Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Co- operative -learning





-Teacher's guide -Library


-Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

1 Look at the pictures. Which of these people do you think the text is about? 1- Tell the students that they are going to review and consolidate what they have learned in Module 4 in Review D. 2- Ask the students to look at the two pictures in exercise 1 and describe them (the 6th October Bridge in Cairo, the Cairo International Stadium). 3 The students decide which person they think the text is about. 2 Read the web page and check your answers to exercise 1 1- The students read the text quickly to check whether their answer to the question in exercise1was correct. 2- Check the answer as a whole class.

Evidence Time Teacher’s preparation book

Students’ note books Student’s' activity books

3 - Answer the questions


Oral questions: Written Exercises: Home Assignment:WB Page ( 17 ) Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.


Senior teacher



Day Lesson ( 2

) SB Page (




Teaching Aids

Contact New vocabulary:



-Student's book

New vocabulary


Warm up and revision:


Do you remember Michel Bakhum?

-Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving

-Teacher's guide


-Board -Cassette -Flash cards


-Co- operative -learning


New structures .





-Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair wor


1- Listen and complete the sentences with adverbs 1- Ask the students to look at the picture and say where it is (in a city). Ask How will they cross the road? Quickly? Carefully? and then refer them to the example. 2- Then ask the students to read the rest of the sentences and predict which adverbs might complete them. 2 Match to make sentences 1- Ask the students to read the first halves of

Evidence Teacher’s preparation book

Students’ note books Student’s' activity books

the sentences. Tell them that the second part of each sentence tells about that something that happens all the time. 2- The students then complete the exercise in pairs. Check the answers as a whole class. 3- Complete the sentences with these verbs 4- Listen and put each word in the correct box


Oral questions: Written Exercises: . Home Assignment:SB Page ( 18 ) Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.




By the end of the lesson -Data show students will be able to: -To review and practise the vocabulary and structures of Units 10 –12


Senior teacher





Lesson ( 1

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To ask and answer about foods which are good for you • To read a magazine page about health and answer questions




) SB Page ( 19 )

Teaching Aids -Data show -Internet -Student's book -Workbook -Teacher's guide -Library -Board -Cassette -Flash cards

• To carry out an internet search about food and vitamins

Contact New vocabulary: health healthy vitamins protein fat sugar calcium carbohydrates contain dairy products energy Structures: Question tags


Warm up and revision: How can you stay fit?

-Lecture -Discussion



1 -Ask and answer

--Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning -Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning

-She’s very friendly, isn’t she? Yes, she is.

-Pair work

-Work groups -Team teaching

Evidence Teacher’s preparation book

on page 19, which refers to the objectives of the and explain in Arabic if necessary.،unit 2- Now ask the students to work in small groups to brainstorm foods which they think are healthy or unhealthy. 2- Read the magazine page and check your answers 1- Ask the students to quickly look at the text. Ask where they think they might find this text (in a magazine). 2- Ask them to read the title and make predictions about what kind of information will be included in the article.

Senior teacher

5m 15 m

Students’ note books Student’s' activity books

15 m

3 -Answer the questions

- Ask the students to read the questions and

ask whether they can answer them from memory.



Oral questions: Home Assignment: SB page 19 Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them



1- Draw attention to the Objectives box

-Study circles

-You’re in the basketball team, aren’t you?

-You like shopping, don’t you?




Day Lesson ( 2 ) SB Page ( 20

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To use question tags • To listen to and identify intonation in question tags • To ask and answer questions using question tags

) WB Page (

Teaching Aids -Data show -Internet -Student's book -Workbook -Teacher's guide -Library -Board -Cassette -Flash cards






Contact New vocabulary: weather weekend table tennis Structures: Question tags -We aren’t late, are we? No, we aren’t.

Strategies -Lecture -Discussion -Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning


-You like nuts, don’t you?


- He speaks English, doesn’t he?


-Ashraf doesn’t play football, does he?

-Work groups

-Role playing -Peer learning -Team teaching -Pair work

Procedures Warm up and revision: What's your favourite food? Presentation: 1-Underline the verbs in these sentences. Circle the subject

1- Ask the students to look at the picture and ask What can you see? (a person sleeping). 2- Ask the students to read the example sentence, and look at the underlined verbs and the circled words. 2 -Complete these sentences with a question tag. -1 Ask the students to look at the picture in exercise 2 and ask What can you see? (a girl painting). 2- Ask the students to read the example sentence and play the first part of the recording for them to listen for the intonation. 3- Complete the sentences with a question tag. Then ask and answer - Ask two students to read out the question and answer shown in the speech bubbles. Repeat several times with different students.



Teacher’s preparation book

5m 15 m

Students’ note books Student’s' activity books

15 m


Oral questions: Written Exercises Home Assignment:WB page 13 Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.


Day Lesson ( 3 ) SB Page ( 21

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To listen to a doctor giving advice • To use expressio ns for asking for and giving advice





Teaching Aids -Data show -Internet -Student's book -Workbook -Teacher's guide -Library -Board -Cassette -Flash cards

Contact New vocabulary:

Strategies -Lecture

sports team- get fitadvice- exerciseincrease- bad forinstead of- alsostill- tastecompletely Structures: Asking for advice: -How can I get fit quickly? -What can I do?


Giving advice: -Why don’t you do some exercise every day? -Try doing ten minutes of exercise a day -What about eating some fruit when you’re hungry? -It’s a good idea to relax

-Role playing

-Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning -Discovery

-Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

Procedures Warm up and revision: I want to live a healthy life, What should I do? Presentation:

Evidence Teacher’s preparation book

1- Ask the students to look at the three pictures in exercise 1 and say what they see (a = a boy watching other children play football; b = a girl looking at sweets; c = a boy in bed, looking tired). 2- Ask the students to look at the picture and read the speech bubble in situation a. Invite suggestions about what the boy should do.


2- Listen to Doctor Sabrin giving more advice and check your answers to exercise 1

Students’ note books 15m Student’s' activity books

1- Tell the students to look at the picture of Doctor Sabrin, and tell them that they are going to listen to her giving advice to the people in the situations in exercise 1 2- Play the recording for the students to listen and check their answers to exercise 1. 3 -Listen again and complete the Functions box 4- Use these sentences to ask for and give advice using expression from the Functions box


Assessment: Oral questions:

Senior teacher


1- Match the situations with the advice

Home Assignment: SB page 21 Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.





Day Lesson ( 4


) SB Page ( 22 ) WB Page ( 14

Teaching Aids

By the end of the lesson -Data show students will be able to: -Internet

• To read a text about why you should not smoke

-Student's book -Workbook -Teacher's guide -Library

Contact New vocabulary: breathe chemical contains lungs tobacco cigarettes smoking air

• To use question tags

-Flash cards

1- It doesn’t


smell nice, does it?






• To discuss problems related to smoking


2- We shouldn’t smoke, should we?

3- Cigarettes

aren’t cheap, are they?

Strategies -Lecture -Discussion -Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning -Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work



Warm up and revision: Do you like sports? Presentation:

1- Match the words and their meanings

1- Ask the students to look at the picture and say what they can see (lungs in a human body). 2- Ask them to read the words in the box and check their meanings. Ask what they think the link between the words is (smoking). 2- Complete the text about why you should not smoke using words from exercise 1 1 Ask the students to look at the pictures and ask them why smoking is bad for our health (the first man smokes and can’t do exercise; the second man doesn’t smoke and he can do exercise). Encourage them to use the words from exercise1 in their answers.

Teacher’s preparation book

Time 5m 15m

Students’ note books

Student’s' activity books


3 -Discuss in pairs

- Ask the students to work in new groups to

discuss the questions in exercise 3. 4 -Complete these sentences with question tags - Ask the students to look at the example and

say what the verbs are (is, isn’t).



Oral questions: Written Exercises Home Assignment: WB Page ( 14 ) Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.


Senior teacher





SB Page (

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To review and practise the vocabulary and structures of the unit • To practise using commas before question tags

23 ) WB Page ( 15

Teaching Aids -Data show

New vocabulary: No new vocabulary

-Lecture -Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming

-Teacher's guide

-Co- operative

-Library -Board

Strategies -Discussion





-Discovery -Role playing

-Cassette -Flash cards





-Student's book


No new


-Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

Procedures Warm up and revision: Do you like healthy food?

Presentation: 1 Read and match 1- Elicit the foods and food groups the students have learned in this unit. 2- Ask the students to look at the foods on the left and ask them what they know about each item in the list. 2 Complete the sentences. Then ask and answer 1- Ask the students to look at the example answer in exercise 2. Ask why don’t is used in the question (because do is used in the question tag). 2- Go through each question tag and elicit the form needed in the first part of the sentence.

Evidence Teacher’s preparation book

Student’s' activity books



3 -Use the notes to give advice to Nabila about how to study

- Point to the picture and explain that the girl’s name is Nabila. Ask the students what they think she is doing (studying for her exams).


Oral questions: Written Exercises Home Assignment:. WB Page ( 15 ) Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.

Senior teacher


Students’ note books






Day Lesson ( 1

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To match parts of the body with pictures • To read about health and exercise • To carry out an internet search about how fast the heart beats

) SB Page ( 24

Teaching Aids -Data show -Internet -Student's book -Workbook -Teacher's guide -Library -Board -Cassette -Flash cards








New vocabulary:


Warm up and revision:

back brain eye heart knee skin teeth Unless prepare heart beat


Name some parts of your body. Presentation:

Structures: -Reflexive pronouns

*Amir will hurt himself. *Did you look at yourself in the mirror? The first conditional -If you don’t eat, you will be hungry. Unless you eat, you will be hungry.


-learning -Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

page 24, which refers to the objectives of the unit, and explain in Arabic if necessary 2- Now ask the students to look at the pictures. Call out each number in turn and elicit the parts of the body. 2- Read about health and fnd out why exercise is good for you 1- Ask the students to read the title of the text and predict in pairs what kind of information will be included. Then invite them to share their ideas with the rest of the class. 2- Ask the students to read the text and then discuss the answer in pairs. Tell them not to worry about any words they don’t know at this point.

Senior teacher

5m 15 m

Students’ note books Student’s' activity books

15 m

3- Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?



Oral questions: Written Exercises: Home Assignment:SB page 24 Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them



1- Draw attention to the Objectives box on

--Problem solving -Co- operative

Teacher’s preparation book

1- Match the parts of the body to the pictures

-Study circles -Brainstorming




Day Lesson ( 2 ) SB Page ( 25

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To use reflexive pronouns • To use the first conditiona l

) WB Page (

Teaching Aids -Data show



Strategies -Lecture

-Teacher's guide




- Nobody helped me do the work. I did it myself.

-Student's book -Workbook

-Board -Cassette -Flash cards




New vocabulary: hurt mirror painting need a bath exams




-When I arrive, I’ll phone you. I’ll phone you when I arrive. -Will it be cold if you go to England? What will you do if you arrive late?

-Discussion -Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Co- operative -learning -Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

Procedures Warm up and revision: What do you know about your body parts?


1 -What do the underlined pronouns refer to? 1- Ask the students to look at the picture and

say what they can see (a doctor and a young patient). 2 -Then ask them to read the sentences and the underlined words. Ask them to work with a partner to discuss what they think the pronouns refer to.



Teacher’s preparation book

5m 15 m

Students’ note books

2- Now underline the verbs in these sentences - Ask the students to read the example

Student’s' activity sentence and look at the underlined verbs. books Elicit which tenses are used (present simple and future with will). 3- Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns 1- Ask the students to read the example sentence and ask who herself refers to (Amal). 2- The students then complete the rest of the exercise in pairs. 4- Ask and answer questions using the first conditiona

15 m


Oral questions: Written Exercises

Home Assignment:WB page 16 Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.






Lesson ( 3 ) SB Page ( 26 )


Teaching Aids

By the end of the lesson -Data show students will be able to: -Internet

• To learn vocabul ary for illnesses and injuries • To listen to a doctor talking to patients and complete some notes • To ask and talk about health problems

-Student's book -Workbook -Teacher's guide

Contact New vocabulary:


stay in bed toothache headache stomachache cold ankle





What’s the matter? How do you feel? What happened to I feel hot/cold. I hurt my (ankle). My (arm/back/stomach) hurts. I’ve got toothache/a headache/a cold/a stomach-ache. you?

-Cassette -Flash cards

Strategies Presentation:

-Study circles --Problem solving -Co- operative -learning -Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work


Warm up and revision: How do you feel today?




1 -What’ s t he m atter wi th thes e peopl e? Read and match 1- Ask the students to look at the pictures. Ask the students to identify where the people are (in a doctor’s waiting room). Call out a letter and invite ideas about what’s wrong with each person. 2- The students then work in pairs to read the problems and match them with the people in the pictures. 2- Listen to a doctor talking to her patients and complete the notes - Tell the students that they are going to listen to a doctor talking to her patients. Ask them to read through the notes and explain that they are going to listen and complete them. 3 -Take turns to be a doctor and a patient. Talk about health problems and give advice

Teacher’s preparation book

Senior teacher


15m Student’s' activity books

Assessment: Oral questions: Written Exercises



Students’ note books

Home Assignment: SB page 26 Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.





Day Lesson ( 4

) SB Page ( 27 ) WB Page ( 17

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To talk about exercise and staying fit • To listen to instructio ns for exercises • To write instructio ns for exercises

Teaching Aids -Data show -Internet -Student's book -Workbook -Teacher's guide

Contact New vocabulary: bend hold lift stretch Touch knees toes

Strategies -Lecture -Discussion -Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning


-Discovery -Role playing

-Cassette -Flash cards




-Library -Board


No new structures

-Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work



Warm up and revision: Which jobs do you have to do in the house?


1 -Complete the sentences with these verbs 1 -Ask the students what they do to stay fit. 2 -Ask them to look at the text and pictures in exercise 1. Elicit that the pictures show different types of exercise. 2 -Listen to the instructions and put the pictures in the correct order - Ask the students to look at the pictures in exercise 2 and say what the person is doing in each one, using the vocabulary in exercise 1 (a = bending, b = stretching, c = bending, d = lifting, e = holding). You may need to teach them the word weight.

Teacher’s preparation book

Student’s' activity books



3- Project 1- Tell the students that they are going to write instructions for the exercises in the pictures in exercise 2. 2- First ask the students to look at the pictures in exercise 2. Elicit parts of the body and ask them to write a list. Ask them to add the verbs from exercise 1. 5m

Oral questions: Written Exercises Home Assignment: WB Page ( 17 ) Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.

Senior teacher


Students’ note books








SB Page (

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To review and practise the vocabulary and structures of the unit • To practise using hyphens in numbers and ages .




28 ) WB Page ( 18 )

Teaching Aids -Data show

Contact New vocabulary:

-Lecture -Discussion


No new vocabulary

-Student's book -Workbook

-Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming

-Teacher's guide

-Co- operative

-Library -Board




-Role playing

-Cassette -Flash cards


No new


-Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

Procedures Warm up and revision:

Do you like sports? Presentation: 1- Read and match

Evidence Teacher’s preparation book

students have learned in this unit. -2 The students complete the exercise in pairs, matching the body parts with their definitions, as in the example. 2 -Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns -Elicit the reflexive pronouns and their use (myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves – these are used when the object is the same as the subject of the verb. They are sometimes used for emphasis). 3- Complete the first conditional sentences - Now ask the students to look at the picture in exercise 3 and tell you where they think the boy is (in England).


Students’ note books Student’s' activity books


4 -Complete the dialogue



Home Assignment:. WB Page ( 18 ) Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.

Senior teacher


1- Elicit the parts of the body that the

Oral questions: Written Exercises





Day Lesson ( 1

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To ask and answer about saying safe in the kitchen. • To read a leaflet about saying safe in the kitchen and answer questions. • To carry out an internet search about the danger of pouring water on burning oil.




) SB Page ( 29 )

Teaching Aids -Data show -Internet -Student's book -Workbook -Teacher's guide -Library -Board -Cassette -Flash cards

Contact New vocabulary:

Electric electricity environment petrol technology instead of travel plan for bad for pollution Structures: The future with " will " - In the future, we will have small electric cars.

-cities will build more metro lines so people will be able to get around the cities quickly. -How will technology help us to travel in the future?


Procedures Warm up and revision:


Where do you sleep?


Presentation: 1- Match the words and the pictures 1- Draw attention to the Objectives box on

-Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning -Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

page 29, which refers to the objectives of the unit, and explain in Arabic if necessary. 2- Now ask the students to look at the picture in exercise 1 and ask What can you see? (A mother and two girls in the kitchen.)

2- Ask and answer 1- Ask the students to work in small groups to discuss the questions about the picture in exercise 1. 2- Then hold a short class discussion about what is happening, but do not confirm their answers at this point. 3- Now read the leaflet and check your answers to exercise 2 - Tell the students that they are going to find out whether their ideas for exercise 2 were correct.

Evidence Teacher’s preparation book

Student’s' activity books

15 m

15 m

4 -Choose the correct answer



Home Assignment: SB page 29 Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them

Senior teacher


Students’ note books

Oral questions: Written Exercises:





Day Lesson ( 2 ) SB Page ( 30 ) WB Page (

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To use can, can't , must, mustn't for permission and obligation. • To discuss what you can, can't , must, mustn't

do at school.

Teaching Aids -Data show -Internet -Student's book -Workbook -Teacher's guide -Library -Board -Cassette -Flash cards






Contact New vocabulary: technology petrol fast across desert younger hundred Structures: will and won’t for future predictions -My brother will be at university in France next year. He won’t be at home. *We can travel to Alexandria from Cairo by train. We can’t travel by boat. *Long ago, people couldn’t travel by plane.. *My brother’s learning to drive. Next year, he’ll be able to drive. *He won’t be able to buy a car because they are expensive.

Strategies -Lecture -Discussion -Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning -Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

Procedures Warm up and revision:

Does your mother say you can cook with her? Presentation:

1 -Underline the examples of can, must or mustn’ t and the verb that follows in these sentences 1 -Ask the students to look at the photo in exercise 1 and identify what it shows (a woman cooking in a kitchen). 2 -Ask the students to read the example sentence and look at the underlined verbs. Ask What does can mean in this sentence? 2- Complete the sentences with can, can’t , must or mustn’ t 1- Ask the students to read the example and ask why can is used (the person is asking permission). 2 -The students complete the exercise in pairs. Remind them to think about whether the speakers are asking for/giving permission or whether what they are saying is an obligation. 3 -What c an/ c an’t/ mus t/mustn’t y ou do at school?



Teacher’s preparation book

5m 15 m

Students’ note books Student’s' activity books

Assessment: Oral questions:

Home Assignment:WB page 19 Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.

15 m


Day Lesson ( 3 ) SB Page ( 31



Teaching Aids

By the end of the lesson -Data show students will be able to: -Internet

• To make predictions about the future

• To

listen to people making predictions and answer questions

• To ask and answer questions that express certainty/unce rtainty

-Student's book -Workbook -Teacher's guide -Library -Board -Cassette -Flash cards

Home Assignment: SB page 31 Self-Evaluation: (


Contact New vocabulary:

university skyscraper get better go skiing dark understand definitely Structures: Expressing certainty/uncertainty - Do you think that

we’ll only read on computers in the future? - No, that definitely won’t happen. -That’s impossible. - Perhaps (we will/won’t be able to …) - I’m (not) a hundred percent sure that (we will …) - I’m (not)




Warm up and revision:


Where can you catch a bus?

-Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning -Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

Presentation: 1- Answer the questions

Evidence Teacher’s preparation book

5M 15m

1- Ask the students to look at the photo and

ask What can you see? (a bus) 2 -Ask the students to read the first sentence and decide in pairs what the correct answers are. Check their answers and explain that these verbs are known as phrasal verbs. 2- Listen and put the pictures in the correct order - Ask the students to look at the pictures and say what they think is happening in each one. Tell them that they are going to listen to some conversations and find out. 3 -Listen again and answer the questions - Ask the students to read the questions and discuss them in pairs to see what they remember from the conversations.

Students’ note books Student’s' activity books


4 -Take turns to ask for and offer help


Oral questions: Written Exercises


) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.

Senior teacher




Day Lesson ( 4

) SB Page ( 32 ) WB Page ( 20

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To read about transport in Egypt and answer questions • To use critical thinking skills to discuss travelling in the future

Teaching Aids -Data show -Internet -Student's book -Workbook -Teacher's guide -Library -Board

New vocabulary:

Strategies -Lecture

transport large ferry project billion dollars railway system international airport





-Flash cards








Do you think travel will be easier or more difficult in the future? Why? Do you think travel will be more expensive or less expensive in the future? Why?

-Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work



Warm up and revision:

How can we help to keep water clean? Presentation: 1- Read and match 1- Ask the students to look at the picture of the Nile river in the border, and ask them why the Nile is important. Ask what canals are and what they do. Then ask them to read the introductory paragraph and check their answers. 2- Ask the students to say what they can see in the pictures in the text (someone washing food, a noswimming sign). Ask them whether they know what diseases people can get from dirty water. Tell them that they are going to find out about a disease called bilharzia and how to avoid getting it. 3 -The students read the text. Tell them not to worry about any unknown words at this point.

Teacher’s preparation book

Senior teacher

5m 15m

Students’ note books Student’s' activity books


2- Critical thinking

1- Ask the students to read the questions. 2 -Then ask them to work in pairs or small

groups to discuss the questions.

Assessment: Oral questions:

Home Assignment: WB Page ( 20 ) Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.








SB Page (

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To review and practise the vocabulary and structures of the unit • To practise giving examples.




33 ) WB Page ( 21 )

Teaching Aids -Data show

Contact New vocabulary:


No new vocabulary

-Student's book -Workbook

Warm up and revision:



-Work groups -Team teaching

3- Complete the dialogues

-Pair work

box and decide whether they think they are used for asking for or offering help.

-Study circles --Problem solving



-Role playing

-Cassette -Flash cards


No new


-Individual -Peer learning


What other ways can you think of to stay healthy? Teacher’s

1- Complete the sentences with these words 1- Elicit what the students remember about staying safe in the kitchen and any related vocabulary. 2- Ask the students to look at the example answer, and then ask them to complete the rest of the exercise individually before checking their answers with a partner. 2- Complete the sentences with can, can’t , must or mustn’t 1- Elicit the modals for permission and obligation and when they are used (can/can’t for permission, must/mustn’t for obligation). 2 -Then ask them to look at the pictures and say what rule they think they represent.


-Co- operative





-Teacher's guide



preparation book

Student’s' activity books



- Ask the students to read the words in the


Oral questions: Written Exercises Home Assignment:. WB Page ( 21 ) Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.

Senior teacher


Students’ note books






Day Lesson ( 1

) SB Page (

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: •To review and practise the vocabulary and structures of Units 13 –15




34 )

Teaching Aids -Data show

Contact New vocabulary:



-Student's book -Workbook

New vocabulary

-Board -Cassette -Flash cards


Warm up and revision:


- You get up at six o’clock, don’t you?

New structures


-Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Co- operative -learning





-Teacher's guide -Library


-Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

1- Read and complete the magazine article with sentences 1– 5 1- Tell the students that they are going to review and consolidate what they have learned in Module 5 in Review E. 2 -Ask the students to look at the title of the text and the pictures. Ask them to predict what information the text might include. 2- Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? -Ask the students to read the sentences and decide whether they think they are true or false without referring back to the text in exercise 1.

Evidence Time Teacher’s preparation book

Student’s' activity books


3-Add question tags to the sentences in exercise 2. Then ask and answer

- Review the form and use of question tags (when the verb is positive, the question tag is negative; when the verb is negative, the question tag is positive; question tags are used to check and ask for information). Invite different students to provide some examples. 5m

Oral questions: Written Exercises: Home Assignment:SB Page ( 33 ) Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.

Senior teacher


Students’ note books






Day Lesson ( 2

) SB Page (

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: -To

review and practise the vocabulary and structures of Units 13 –15


To listen to and practise pronouncing words with ea that have different vowel sounds




Teaching Aids -Data show -Internet -Student's book

Contact New vocabulary: No

New vocabulary

Strategies -Lecture -Discussion -Inductive -Study circles


--Problem solving

-Teacher's guide




-Board -Cassette -Flash cards


-Co- operative -learning


New structures .

-Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair wor



Warm up and revision:

Some fats are healthy for eyes, aren’t they? Presentation: 1- Listen to some advice about studying for exams. Number the sentences in the order you hear them 1 -Ask the students to look at the picture in exercise 1 and elicit where the children are (at school). 2 -Ask the students what advice they would give someone who is studying to take an exam, for example, Take lots of breaks. 2-Make sentences using the frst conditional - Write the prompts for the example sentence on the board and construct the sentence together as a class.

Teacher’s preparation book

Time 5m 15m

Students’ note books Student’s' activity books


3- Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns 4- Listen and put each word in the correct box


Oral questions: Written Exercises: .


Day Lesson ( 1

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To ask and answer about using modern technology. • To read a magazine article about mobile phones and answer questions.




) SB Page ( 36 )

Teaching Aids -Data show -Internet -Student's book -Workbook -Teacher's guide -Library -Board -Cassette -Flash cards

• To carry out an internet search about the invention of the first computer.

Contact New vocabulary: Mobile phone internet voicemail size show popular battery Structures:

-as …………..as


Procedures Warm up and revision: Who invented the computer?

-Lecture -Discussion



1- Ask and answer

-Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning -Discovery

-more / less than

-Role playing

-the most / the least

-Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

1- Draw attention to the Objectives box on page 36, which refers to the objectives of the unit, and explain in Arabic if necessary. 2 -Students stay in their current groups to discuss the question. 2 -Read the magazine article about mobile phones and fnd out when someone sent the frst text message - Ask the students to discuss in small groups what they know about mobile phones. Ask them when they think the first mobile was invented and what the first mobile phones looked like.

Evidence Teacher’s preparation book

Student’s' activity books

15 m

15 m

3 -Answer the questions

- Ask the students what else they remember

from the article. Then ask them to read the questions and discuss the answers in pairs without referring back to the text.



Home Assignment: SB page S36elf-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them

Senior teacher


Students’ note books

Oral questions: Written Exercises:





Day Lesson ( 2 ) SB Page ( 37 ) WB Page (

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To use ( not ) as ….as ………….. More / less The most / least

Teaching Aids -Data show -Internet -Student's book -Workbook



24 )

Contact New vocabulary: useful opinion laptop Structures:




Warm up and revision:


Do you a mobile phone?

-Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming

-Teacher's guide



-as …………..as


-more / less than



-the most / the least

-Role playing

-Flash cards


-Co- operative -learning

-Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

Presentation: 1 -Underline the comparative or superlative phrases 1- Ask the students to look at the picture and



Teacher’s preparation book

5m 15 m

ask What can you see? (A girl using a mobile phone.) 2- Elicit what they already know about comparatives and superlatives. Quickly go through the forms of some regular and irregular adjectives in their comparative and superlative forms. 2 -Rewrite the sentences to have the same meaning, using the words in brackets 1- Ask the students to read the example sentence and to consider the changes that have been made. 2 -Go through each of the sentences and elicit which adjective will be used in the rewritten sentences. 3- Make sentences with (not) as … as … ; more/ less than; the most/least

Students’ note books Student’s' activity books


Oral questions: Written Exercises Home Assignment:WB page 28 Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.


Senior teacher



15 m


Day Lesson ( 3 ) SB Page ( 31

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To listen to a conversation in a computer shop and answer questions. • To ask and talk about similarities and differences.





Teaching Aids -Data show -Internet -Student's book -Workbook -Teacher's guide

Contact New vocabulary: Keyboard Mouse Printer Screen price

Structures: Asking about

Strategies -Lecture

Warm up and revision:


Do you have a computer?

-Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative


similarities and differences.:


-Is the laptop the same -Discovery as the tablet?

-Cassette -Flash cards



-Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work


1- Match the pictures and the words 1- Ask the students to look at the picture and ask What can you see? to find out how much of the technology vocabulary in the box the students already know. 2- Then ask them to match the words with the items in the picture in small groups. 2 -Listen to the conversation in a computer shop. Does the man buy a computer, a laptop or a tablet? 1- Ask the students to listen and say what the man buys. Play the recording. 2Check the answer as a whole class. 3 -Listen again and answer the questions 4 -Choose two objects. Ask and answer about the similarities and diferences

Evidence Teacher’s preparation book

Student’s' activity books



) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.

Senior teacher




Home Assignment: SB page 31



Students’ note books

Oral questions: Written Exercises Self-Evaluation: (



Day Lesson ( 4

) SB Page ( 39) WB Page ( 25

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To ask and answer about problems in a pictures. • To discuss taking care of your possessions.

Contact New vocabulary:

-Student's book

rucksack seat briefcase so that




-Teacher's guide

1- Always keep your possessions with you.

-Library -Board




Teaching Aids -Data show


2- Never leave

-Cassette -Flash cards

your bag open.

Strategies -Lecture -Discussion -Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning -Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work



Warm up and revision: Do you have a rucksack?

Teacher’s preparation book

Presentation: 1- Ask and answer

discuss what is happening. (A girl is sitting on a bus with her rucksack next to her.) 2- Then ask them to find the objects in the box in the picture and ask different students to point to them. Ask what people carry in a briefcase (papers, documents). 2- Complete this advice about how to take care of your possessions - Ask the students who they think the man in the pictures is (he’s probably a tourist). Ask them what the problems might be (he has some expensive items on show, which a thief might try to steal). Ask them what the tourist could do to protect his possessions.


Students’ note books Student’s' activity books


3- Discuss in pairs

-Ask the students to discuss the question in

pairs. Ask them to consider public transport, the street, shops and so on, to decide which places they should be most careful in. 5m

Oral questions: Written Exercises Home Assignment: WB Page ( 25 ) Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.

Senior teacher


1 - Ask the students to look at the picture and








SB Page (

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To review and practise the vocabulary and structures of the unit • To practise using linking words too, also and in addition Correctly.

40 ) WB Page ( 26

Teaching Aids -Data show

New vocabulary: No new vocabulary

-Lecture -Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming

-Teacher's guide

-Co- operative

-Library -Board

Strategies -Discussion





-Discovery -Role playing

-Cassette -Flash cards





-Student's book


No new


-Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

Procedures Warm up and revision: What have you learned in this unit?

Presentation: 1-Match the words and their meanings

Evidence Teacher’s preparation book

have found out about in the unit. 2- Then ask them to match the words and the definitions, as in the example. 2- Make sentences about these earphones using ( not ) as … as … ; more/l ess t han; the most/least and these words 1 -Elicit some examples of adjectives which could be used to describe the earphones in the pictures. Ask the students to compare their ideas with the adjectives in the box in exercise 2. 2- Then ask the students to compare the three sets of earphones, using each of the adjectives and the comparative and superlative phrases. 3Complete the text 4- Complete the dialogue with these words and phrases


Students’ note books Student’s' activity books

Home Assignment:. WB Page ( 26 ) Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.




Oral questions: Written Exercises

Senior teacher


1- Elicit the technologies that the students





Day Lesson ( 1


Teaching Aids -Internet

• To read a website about recycling and answer questions. • To carry out an internet search about recycling.



) SB Page ( 41 )

By the end of the lesson -Data show students will be able to: • To talk about what things are made of.


-Student's book -Workbook -Teacher's guide -Library - Board

Contact New vocabulary:

blanket car tyre rubber recycle wood wool


" made of " - A ruler is made of plastic.



-Flash cards


plastic is made from petrol. Most cars are made in Korea.

Strategies -Lecture -Discussion -Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning -Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

Procedures Warm up and revision: What is a ruler made of?


1 -Look at the pictures below and guess which material each object is made of 1- Draw attention to the Objectives box on page 41, which refers to the objectives of the unit, and explain in Arabic if necessary. 2- Now ask the students to look at the pictures in the text in exercise 2 and discuss in small groups what material they think each object is made of. 2 -Read the website and check your answers to exercise 1 1- Ask the students to read the title of the website and elicit the meaning of recycle. Ask them to use the pictures to help explain. 2- The students then read the text quickly to check their answers to exercise 1.

Evidence Teacher’s preparation book

Student’s' activity books

15 m

15 m

3- Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? - Ask the students to read the sentences and

decide in pairs whether they are true or false, without referring back to the text.


Oral questions: Written Exercises:

Home Assignment: SB page 41 Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them

Senior teacher


Students’ note books






Day Lesson ( 2 ) SB Page ( 42 ) WB Page (

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To use made of , made from and made in. • To ask and answer about classroom objects.

Teaching Aids








New vocabulary:


Warm up and revision:


Where does silk come from?

-Student's book

made of made from made in



--Problem solving

-Teacher's guide

" made of " - A ruler is


-Data show -Internet

-Library -Board


-Cassette -Flash cards



made of plastic. plastic is made from petrol. Most cars are made in Korea.

-Inductive -Study circles

-Co- operative -learning -Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work


1 -Underline the examples of is/are made and the word that follows 1- Ask the students to look at the photo in exercise 1 and elicit what item of clothing they can see (jumpers). 2 -Ask the students to read the example sentence. Ask them what the form of the verb is (be in present simple + past participle). Ask which part of speech of is (a preposition). 2- Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with of, from or in 1- Ask the students to look at the pictures and say what the objects are (a desk, a hat, a bowl, a bag). 2 -Ask them to work in pairs to complete the descriptions. Remind them to refer to the Grammar box if necessary. 3 -Ask and answer about things in your classroom



Teacher’s preparation book

5m 15 m

Students’ note books Student’s' activity books

15 m


Oral questions: Written Exercises Home Assignment:WB page 27 Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.


Day Lesson ( 3 ) SB Page ( 43

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To talk

Teaching Aids -Data show -Internet

-Workbook -Teacher's guide

• To listen to a radio programme about where things are made and answer questions.




-Student's book

about countries and nationaliti es.


-Library -Board -Cassette




New vocabulary:


Warm up and revision:

cotton cow gold leather oil sheep


Where is China? Presentation:


Asking about and describing objects

-What is that like?

-Flash cards


• To ask about and describe objects.

It's made of plastic and it's Chinese.

-Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning -Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work


How big is it?

1- Match the countries and the nationalities 1- Ask the students in the class what nationality they are. Drill pronunciation. 2- Ask them to look at the map and identify the countries. Elicit the nationalities of people from the countries. 2- Which countries from exercise 1 do you think these things come from? - Ask the students to look at the words in the box and work in pairs to decide where the things come from, using the countries in exercise 1. 3- Listen to a radio programme about where things are made and check your answers to exercise 2 4 -Listen again and choose the correct word

Evidence Teacher’s preparation book

Student’s' activity books

5 -Choose an object and describe it. Can your partners guess the object?



) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.

Senior teacher




Home Assignment: SB page 43



Students’ note books

Oral questions:

Self-Evaluation: (



Day Lesson ( 4

) SB Page ( 44 ) WB Page ( 28

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To match materials with where they come from. • To talk about what everyday objects are made of.

-Internet -Student's book -Workbook -Teacher's guide -Library



New vocabulary:


cotton cow gold leather oil sheep


Structures: -What are they like?

-Board -Cassette




Teaching Aids -Data show



-Flash cards

Where do they come from?

-Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning -Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning


How wide are they?

- What are they?

-Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work



Warm up and revision:

What's your shirt made of? Presentation:

1- Match the materials with where they come from

Teacher’s preparation book

say what they can see. 2 -Ask the students to work in pairs to discuss where the materials 1–4 come from. Then ask them to share their ideas with the rest of the class and confirm their answers.


2- Name an everyday object. Say what it is made of

1- Put the students into small groups and ask them to take turns to name an everyday object for the rest of the group to say what it is made of. 2- Invite different students to name objects for the rest of the class to say what they’re made of. 3- Project -Tell the students that they are going to write about a material. Ask them to choose one of the materials they would like to write about. Make sure there is an even spread within the class. Assessment:

Students’ note books Student’s' activity books

Home Assignment: WB Page ( 28 ) Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.

Senior teacher


1- Ask the students to look at the pictures and

Oral questions: Written Exercises









SB Page (

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To review and practise the vocabular y and structures of the unit

• To practise using abbreviations for countries

45 ) WB Page ( 29

Teaching Aids -Data show

New vocabulary: No new vocabulary

-Lecture -Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming

-Teacher's guide

-Co- operative

-Library -Board

Strategies -Discussion





-Discovery -Role playing

-Cassette -Flash cards





-Student's book


No new


-Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

Procedures Warm up and revision: Do you like pizza?

Presentation: 1- Choose the correct word 1 -Brainstorm the materials that the students have learned in the unit. 2 -The students then complete the exercise in pairs by choosing the correct words. Check the answers as a whole class. 2- Rewrite the sentences to have the same meaning, using made of, made from or made in 1- Elicit the difference between made of, made from and made in. 2 -Ask the students to read the example and complete the rest of the exercise in pairs. 3- Where do these objects come from and what are they made of? 1- Ask the students to look at the pictures and name the objects (a rug, a car, a toy, a ring, a scarf). 2 -Elicit the nationalities for each of the countries listed below the pictures a–e.

Evidence Teacher’s preparation book

Student’s' activity books

Home Assignment:. WB Page ( 29 ) Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.





Oral questions: Written Exercises

Senior teacher


Students’ note books





Day Lesson ( 1


Teaching Aids -Internet

To ask and answer about the news and newspapers . To read a magazine article about how a newspaper is made and complete sentences.

-Student's book -Workbook -Teacher's guide -Library



New vocabulary:


newspaper reporter article headline print


Structures: The present simple passive


-Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Co- operative -learning

- Board



-Role playing

-Flash cards

-Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work



) SB Page ( 46 )

By the end of the lesson -Data show students will be able to: •


To carry out an internet search about newspapers

Procedures Warm up and revision: Do you like reading newspapers?

Presentation: 1 -Ask and answer 1- Draw attention to the Objectives box on page 46, which refers to the objectives of the unit, and explain in Arabic if necessary. 2- Now ask the students to discuss in small groups whether they read newspapers and if not, how they find out about the news. Then ask different students to tell the rest of the class about the people in their group. 2 -Complete the sentences about a newspaper 1- Ask the students to read the sentences about a newspaper and the example. 2- The students then complete the sentences in pairs using the words in the box. Invite different students to read out the completed sentences.

3 4

Evidence Teacher’s preparation book

Student’s' activity books

-Read the magazine article about newspapers and put the pictures in the correct order -Complete the sentences with information from the article

Oral questions:


15 m

15 m



Senior teacher


Students’ note books

Home Assignment: SB page 46 Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them




Day Lesson ( 2 ) SB Page ( 47 ) WB Page (

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: •

To use the present simple passive. To guess what sentences are about.



Warm up and revision:


-Student's book -Workbook


--Problem solving

-Teacher's guide

1- How are newspapers




-Co- operative




often taken


-Flash cards

added to some of the articles. -After an article is written, the information is checked. 4-Newspapers are not

-Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work



Teacher’s preparation book

5m 15 m

1- Point to the man in the photo in exercise 1

-Study circles


and they are

When was this school built? Presentation: 1- Underline the verbs in each sentence


-Photos are





New vocabulary: decide design ready



30 )

Teaching Aids -Data show


and ask the students what he is reading (a newspaper). 2 -Ask the students to look at the underlined verbs in sentence 1 and elicit their forms (the present simple of be and the past participle of make). 2 -Rewrite the sentences using the present simple passive 1- Point to the people in the photo in exercise 2 and ask the students what they are taking photos of (the Suez Canal). 2- Ask the students to identify the verbs and tenses in each sentence in exercise 2. 3- Work in pairs. What are these sentences about? Ask two students to read out the dialogue shown in the speech bubbles. Then refer them to descriptions in sentences 1–4.

Students’ note books Student’s' activity books


Oral questions: Written Exercises


Home Assignment:WB page 30 Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.


Senior teacher

15 m



Day Lesson ( 3 ) SB Page ( 48


To listen to a conversation about an invention.

and order sentences • To respond to informati on.

Teaching Aids

-Student's book -Workbook -Teacher's guide -Library -Board -Cassette

Contact New vocabulary: soil plough seeds hole

Structures: -That’s (good/bad)! Really?




-Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Co- operative

-Oh dear. What a pity.

-Discovery -Role playing -Individual

-Flash cards

-How (interesting/amazing)!

-Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching

-I can’t believe it!

-Pair work


Do you like watching news on TV? Presentation: 1 -Ask and answer 1- Ask the students to look at the picture and



Procedures Warm up and revision:



say what they think it is. Refer them to the options a–c in question 1 and ask them again. 2- Ask the students to work in pairs to match the words in the box in question 2 to the numbered parts of the picture. 2- Listen to a conversation about the invention and check your answers to exercise 1

Teacher’s preparation book

1- Tell the students that they are going to

hear Tarek talking to his mother about the invention in exercise 1. Tell them to listen and check their answers. 2- Play the recording. Then check the answers as a whole class. 3 -Listen again and put the sentences in the order you hear them 4- Complete the sentences with your own ideas


Student’s' activity books

Oral questions: Written Exercises




) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.

Senior teacher


Students’ note books


Home Assignment: SB page 48 Self-Evaluation: (



By the end of the lesson -Data show students will be able to: -Internet • To ask and

answer about inventions.




Day Lesson ( 4

) SB Page ( 49 ) WB Page ( 31

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: •

To read about farming in Egypt and answer questions. To use critical thinking skills to discuss why farming is important.

Teaching Aids -Data show -Internet -Student's book -Workbook

New vocabulary: shaduf crops irrigate what a pity Structures: No new



Strategies -Lecture -Discussion -Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning




-Role playing

-Flash cards





-Teacher's guide


-Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work



Warm up and revision:

Teacher’s preparation book

What does a farmer do? Presentation: 1- Match the crops and the pictures 1- Ask the students to read the title of the article and look at the photos in the article. Ask them to identify what is shown in the photos (a farmer using a shaduf; a farmer using a machine to irrigate a field) and what kind of information they think will be included in the text. 2- Brainstorm a list of crops that are grown in Egypt. 2- Which of the words in blue in the text mean the following? - Ask the students to find the words in blue in the text. Ask them to work in pairs to read the context carefully and try to work out their meanings. Invite them to share their ideas.

Student’s' activity books



3- Work in pairs and do the following

- Ask the students to read the sentences and

check the meaning.

4- Critical thinking 5m

Oral questions: Written Exercises Home Assignment: WB Page ( 31 ) Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.

Senior teacher


Students’ note books








SB Page (

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • To review and practise the vocabular y and structures of the unit

To practise using however to give a contrasting idea or view. •

50 ) WB Page ( 32

Teaching Aids -Data show

New vocabulary: No new vocabulary

-Lecture -Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming

-Teacher's guide

-Co- operative

-Library -Board

Strategies -Discussion





-Discovery -Role playing

-Cassette -Flash cards





-Student's book


No new


-Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

Procedures Warm up and revision: What do you know about farming in Egypt?

Presentation: 1 -Complete the text

Evidence Teacher’s preparation book

exercise 1 and ask what it is (a newspaper) and what the article is about (the new Suez Canal). 2- Elicit the words that the students have learned about to describe parts of a newspaper. 2 -Rewrite the sentences in the present simple passive - Elicit the form and use of the present simple passive. (be + past participle. We use the present simple passive when we don’t know who does something, or when the action is more important than the person who does it.) 3 -Choose the correct words - Review the phrases for responding to information.


Students’ note books Student’s' activity books


4- Complete the sentences

Assessment: 5m

Home Assignment:. WB Page ( 32 ) Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.

Senior teacher


1 -Ask the students to look at the picture in

Oral questions: Written Exercises





Day Lesson ( 1

) SB Page (

Objectives By the end of the lesson students will be able to: •To review and practise the vocabulary and structures of Units 16 –18




51 )

Teaching Aids -Data show

Contact New vocabulary:



-Student's book -Workbook

New vocabulary

-Board -Cassette -Flash cards


New structures

Warm up and revision: What do you remember about computers?

-Discussion -Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Co- operative -learning





-Teacher's guide -Library


-Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

Presentation: 1 -Read the magazine article and choose the correct words from a, b, c or d 1 -Tell the students that they are going to review and consolidate what they have learned in Module 6 in Review F. 2 -Ask them to read the title of the magazine article and look at the photo of the recycling bins and say what kind of information they think will be included.

2-Are these sentences true ( T ) or false ( F )? 1- Ask the students to read the statements

Evidence Time Teacher’s preparation book

Student’s' activity books

and discuss whether they think they are true or false without referring back to the text. 2- They then read the article again and check their answers. 3 -Check the sentences as a whole class, encouraging the students to correct the false sentences by reading out the part of the text which provides the answer.




Oral questions: Home Assignment:SB Page ( 50 ) Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.

Senior teacher


Students’ note books





Day Lesson ( 2

) SB Page (







Teaching Aids






By the end of the lesson students will be able to: -To review and

practise the vocabulary and structures of Units 16 –18.

To listen to and practise pronouncing the - d or -ed ending of regular past verbs.

-Data show -Internet -Student's book

New vocabulary: No

New vocabulary


Warm up and revision:


Where do you live?

-Inductive -Study circles


--Problem solving

-Teacher's guide




-Co- operative -learning

-Board -Cassette -Flash cards


New structures .

-Discovery -Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

Teacher’s preparation book

Presentation: 1 -Which materials are these things usually made of? Choose as many answers as possible 1- Ask the students to identify the objects in the photo and what they can be made from (rucksacks; leather/plastic/cotton). 2 -Then ask the students to look at the material words in the box and say what objects can be made from them. 2- Listen to the conversation in a shop. What colour is the pen that Omar buys? 1- Play the recording for the students to listen for the answer. 2 -Check the answer as a whole class.

5m 15m

Students’ note books Student’s' activity books


3- Listen again and complete the table 4 -Listen and put each word in the correct box


Oral questions: Written Exercises:

. 5m

Day Lessons ( 1 - 2

) SB Pages (

Objectives By the end of the Chapter students will be able to: • To learn about

Ted Hughes. •


-Student's book -Teacher's guide

To understand the background to the story.

-Library -Board


New vocabulary:





Teaching Aids -Data show


cliff stones climb shout hole trap .

Strategies -Discussion -Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning

-Role playing

To read Chapter 1.

-Individual -Peer learning

To make predict ions.

Warm up and revision: What can you see in these pictures? Presentation:





-Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

1 -Read about the writer and poet Ted Hughes and answer the question 1- Ask the students to read the question. Elicit/ teach the words poem and poet. Ask the students to look at the biography and find out what other things Hughes wrote in addition to poems (children’s books). 2- Draw a map of England on the board, with a dot to represent Cambridge.

Prereading activity

Ask the students to look at the picture and ask What can you see? What is the Iron Man doing? Who is the man in the car? How do you think he feels? What do you think is going to happen next?

Evidence The Reader Teacher’s preparation book


Student’s' activity books

1- Match the words and the defnitions 1- Ask the students to look at the pictures and ask What can you see? (small items made from iron, and cliffs). 2 -Ask the students to cover the words on the left and read the definitions on the right.





) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.

Senior teacher


Students’ note books

Home Assignment: Answer question on chapter 1 and read chapter 2. Self-Evaluation: (



Day Lesson ( 3 ) SB Page ( Objectives By the end of the Chapter students will be able to: •

To answer true/false questions about the story. To discuss what the farmers are planning for the Iron Man.





Teaching Aids -Data show


New vocabulary:

-Internet -Student's book -Teacher's guide -Library


cliff stones climb shout hole trap

-Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning

-Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

To talk about the Iron Man’s character.

Warm up and revision: What do you know about Ted Hughes? Presentation:









3 -Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 -Ask the students to read the sentences and decide with a partner whether they are true or false, without referring back to the text. 2- Ask the pairs to share their ideas. Then ask them to read the text again carefully to confirm their answers. 4 -Read the quotation and answer the question - Ask the students to work in small groups to

summarise the chapter, without referring back to the text. Then invite different students to summarise different parts of the story.?

Evidence The Reader Teacher’s preparation book


5m 15m

Students’ note books Student’s' activity books


5 -Think of three words to describe the Iron Man

6- Critical thinking

- Ask the students to read the questions and think about them individually, referring back to the text if necessary. 5m

Home Assignment: Answer question on chapter 1 on page 57 and read chapter 2 Self-Evaluation: (


) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.

Senior teacher







Lessons ( 1 - 2 ) SB Pages ( 58 - 59 )


Teaching Aids

-Data show By the end of the chapter students will be -Internet able to: • To read the

next part of the story. •

To talk about what has happened to the Iron Man.

Contact New vocabulary:

-Student's book -Teacher's guide

fox fence follow lamp full of scrap metal yard




-Inductive --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative

-Flash cards

-Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching

Evidence Time The Reader

Ask students to look at the picture and ask What can you see? Where is the Iron Man? Who are the people? What are they doing? Do you think they are happy or sad? How do you think the Iron Man feels?

Teacher’s preparation book

1- Complete the sentences

- Ask the students to look at the words in the

Students’ box and ask them to work with a partner to note discuss what they think they refer to in the story. Invite different pairs to share their ideas. books Then ask them to find the words in the text on page 58 and check their answers. Student’s' activity 2-Answer the questions books


3-Put the events into the correct order

-Pair work 5m

Home Assignment:Answer question on chapter 2 and read chapter 3. Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.


5m 15m

Prereading activity

-Study circles


To put the events of the story into the correct order.

What do you remember about chapter 1?



Warm up and revision:



•To answer reading comprehension questions.


Senior teacher







Lesson ( 3 ) SB Pages( 59 )


Teaching Aids






-Data show By the end of the chapter students will be -Internet able to:

To discuss the Iron Man’s eating habits.

-Student's book -Teacher's guide -Board

To learn adjectives to describe feelings

New vocabulary: fox fence follow lamp full of scrap metal yard .

-Lecture -Discussion -Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning



-Flash cards

-Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

Warm up and revision:

Why did they want the Iron Man to stop eating the cars and tractors?

The Reader

5m 15m

Presentation: 4- Read the quotation and answer the Teacher’s preparation question 1- Invite a volunteer to read out the quotation. book 2- Then ask the class to work in small groups to discuss the question.

3- Invite different groups to share their ideas and discuss them as a class.

5 -Find two examples in the text that show Hogarth is brave 6- Critical thinking 1- Read through the questions with the class,

Students’ note books

Student’s' making sure they understand them. Explain activity that the answers to the questions are not in the books text, but they can refer to the text for clues if they wish. 2- Put the students into groups of three of four to discuss the questions. Remind them to give reasons for their answers. Monitor as the students are working. Make sure that all students are taking part.







Lessons ( 1 - 2 ) SB Pages ( 60 - 61 )


Teaching Aids

-Data show By the end of the chapter students will be -Internet able to:

To read the next chapter of the story. To answer questions about what happened next.

Contact New vocabulary:

-Student's book -Teacher's guide

star unusual earth wing tail rocket



Warm up and revision:


What animal did Hogarth want to catch?


Presentation: Prereading activity

-Inductive -Study circles

1- Ask the students to look at the picture. Ask

--Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning



-Flash cards

-Role playing -Individual

To answer questio ns on Chapte r 3.


What is the creature? (a dragon) Where is it? (in the sky) Who else is in the picture? (the Iron Man) What time of day do you think it is? (nighttime). Why? (because it is dark and we can see stars and the moon). 2- Then ask them to work in small groups to predict what they think might happen next in the story. Then invite different groups to share their ideas. Tell them that they are going to read the next chapter to find out.

1 -Match the words and their definitions

-Peer learning

- Write the words on the board and ask elicit

-Work groups

2- Answer the questions

-Team teaching -Pair work

their meanings.

Evidence Time The Reader

15m Teacher’s preparation book

Students’ note books

Senior teacher


Student’s' activity books

-Ask the students to read the questions and

discuss them with a partner before checking the answers by referring back to the text. 3- Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? - Ask the students to read the sentences and discuss whether they are true or false in pairs.


Home Assignment:Answer question on chapter 3 and read chapter 4. Self-Evaluation: ( ) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.





Day Lesson ( 3 ) SB Pages ( 60 - 61






Teaching Aids






-Data show By the end of the chapter students will be -Internet able to:

To intensively study one part of the story. To discuss the test that the Iron Man gave the dragon.

-Student's book -Teacher's guide -Board

New vocabulary: star unusual earth wing tail rocket .

-Lecture -Discussion -Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving

Warm up and revision: Where did the dragon land?


4- Read the quotation and answer the questions 1- Ask the class to read the quotation and


questions and check they understand them. 2- Ask the class to work in small groups to discuss the questions. Encourage them to give reasons for their answers. Monitor as they are working, helping if necessary. 3- Ask the groups to join together with another group and share their ideas. Then hold a short class discussion.

-Peer learning

5- Critical thinking

-Work groups

to discuss the questions. Encourage them to give reasons for their answers. 2- Invite a confident student to give their answers to one of the questions for the rest of the class to decide which question they are answering (model the activity first if necessary). Then ask the rest of the class to offer their own opinions. Repeat the activity for the remaining questions.

-Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning



-Flash cards

-Role playing

-Team teaching -Pair work

The Reader

1- Ask the class to work in different groups

5m 15m

Teacher’s preparation book

Students’ note books 15m Student’s' activity books


Day Lessons ( 1 - 2 ) SB Page (


To discuss the moral of the story.

Teaching Aids

-Teacher's guide

Contact New vocabulary:

go back frighten ground show hero sing


Warm up and revision:

How do you think the story ends? Presentation: Prereading activity

-Discussion -Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -Discovery

-Flash cards

-Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

To discuss the importanc Home Assignment: Answer question on chapter 4.







To answer comprehen sion questions about Chapter 4.

Self-Evaluation: (



62 )

-Data show By the end of the chapter students will be -Internet able to: • To read the -Student's book

final instalment of the story.


Evidence Time The Reader


Ask the students to look at the picture and ask Teacher’s What can you see? What is the Iron Man preparation doing? Who is the man in the car? How do you think he feels? What do you think is going book to happen next?

1- Put the events into the correct order 1- Ask the students to read the sentences and

decide in pairs which order they go in. 2 -They should then check their answers by referring back to Chapter 4.

Students’ note books

2- Answer the questions

1- Ask the students to read the questions. Ask Are the answers in the text? (no). 2- Ask the students to discuss their ideas with a partner. Monitor as they are working, helping where necessary. Then ask the students to form new pairs and to share their ideas. 3- Choose students to tell the class what they think, and to give reasons for their answers.



Student’s' activity books


) I've achieved all the lessons objectives or ( ) I haven't achieved all the objectives for some reasons. I'll try hard to achieve them.

Senior teacher



Day Lesson ( 3 ) SB Page (

Objectives By the end of the chapter students will be able to: • To discuss

the story in more detail. •

To write a review of the story.






Teaching Aids -Data show -Internet -Student's book -Teacher's guide - Board


New vocabulary: go back frighten ground show hero sing .

Strategies -Lecture -Discussion -Inductive -Study circles --Problem solving -Brainstorming -Co- operative -learning



-Flash cards

-Role playing -Individual -Peer learning -Work groups -Team teaching -Pair work

Procedures Warm up and revision: What do you think John Clay wanted to do with all the gold?


4- Read the quotation and answer the question

1- Ask the students to read the quotation and discuss the question in small groups. 2- Invite the groups to share their ideas with the rest of the class. 3 -Then have a short class discussion about how it might be possible to stop people becoming thieves and criminals.

Evidence The Reader

5m 15m

Teacher’s preparation book

Students’ note books

Writing activity

Give the students the following questions and ask them to write a report about the whole story: What is the story about? [Students should write four or five sentences.] What is your favourite part? [Students should write two or three sentences.] Are you going to tell your friends to read it? [Students should write one or two sentences] How many stars do you want to give it? [1, 2, 3, 4 or 5]


15m Student’s' activity books


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