2 minute read
Punctuation and Capitalization
Punctuation – Identify the function and create one (1) example sentence of the uses for each mark.
1. . used in at the end of sentence/ in an abrivieation Ex) Hardin was preparing me for our test on Monday. 2. , can be used in groups or single Ex) Do you want burgers, pizza, or tacos. 3. – (em dash) used to drag attention Ex) My favorite genre of book is-romance. 4. - (en dash) used to hyphenate. Ex) Take-out. 5. : is used to indicate that whatever comes after it has to be directly related to what came before it. It can introduce a list or introduce an explanation or example. Ex) Some of my favorite things to do: going to the movies, going to amusement parks, reading romance novels, and going shopping. 6. ; (semi-collon) used to separate independent and dependent clauses. Ex) The student practiced their writing; for tommarows assignment. 7. ? interrogative sentence Ex) What’s his problem? 8. ! exclamatory sentence Ex) I can’t wait for Friday’s game! 9. ‘ apostrophe. Also indicates possession Ex) It’s good. 10. “ ” quotation marks whenever your referring something from another sources- interperate Ex) He said it was “lively.” 11. … ellipses something left unsaid/or think about it Ex) the teacher wished the students a happy … weekend. 12. [ ] brackets is to insert something. Ex) The teacher wished the students a day before the [three-day] weekend.
13. ( ) parentheses insert a specific kind of information. Paerenthetical informATION Ex) Vanessa (a former student) is trying to find a job. 14. / forward slash indicate options. Ex) What you rather drink lemonade/soda?
Capitalization – Identify and create one (1) example sentence for each rule of capitalization.
1. Capitalize the first word of a sentence Ex) It’s a beautiful night. 2. Capitalize names and other proper nouns Ex) Hero Fiennes Tiffin is my favorite actor, and he lives in the city of London 3. Capitalize the first word of a quote only sometimes Ex) Desiree asked, “When he was coming back?” 4. Capitalize Days, Months, and Holidays, but not seasons Ex) I took my test on Monday. 5. Capitalize most words in Titles Ex) After was a better book series than To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before. 6. Capitalize Cities, Countries, Nationalities, and Languages Ex) My parents are originally from Oaxaca, Mexico. 7. Capitalize time periods and events; sometimes Ex) In History class, they usually teach about the Middle Ages.