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★ About the Author
Who am I? I am Kimberly Murillo, the author of The Miscellaneous Book of Writing. I am merely human; I am everchanging; I grow and regress in a never ending cycle. I play a different role in the lives of different people; I play the role of daughter, younger sister, friend, student, and whatnot. I play a lot of roles, but I play the most important role in my life.
It is quite ironic that it is difficult for me to tell you who I am since I am myself; you would expect that I know myself the best, but I do not. What I know about myself is what others know about me; I am a cat person who owns a cat and a plant enthusiast with an absurd amount of plants. I dislike defining who I am because I believe that life is an artwork that should be left up to interpretation. Rather than me telling you who I am I prefer that you decipher who I am through my work.
How did I learn to write? To learn to write, I first learned to speak when I was one or two years old. Then at three years old, in pre-kinder, I began to learn the alphabet and began learning to write my name. In kindergarten, I wrote a few sentences for drawings. Later, around 4th and 5th grade, I began to take interest in creative writing and wrote stories; I vividly remember the name of one of the stories, "The Devil's Rose." In middle school, I lost my confidence in writing and stopped writing stories, but began writing poetry. In 9th grade, I continued to lack confidence when it came to writing up until my sophomore year when I began to find my style and feel more comfortable with writing. Now, I tend to write scripts for personal projects and I am working on a collection of short stories. During the pandemic, I thought it would be healthy to record my feelings and changes, so I began a journal with a few entries.