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Period (Ends a sentence) Example: The joker killed Jason Todd, the second Robin.

Comma (indicates a pause in a sentence and separates grammatical components of a sentence) Example: Brother Eye was a controversial topic at the Justice League Tower, Wonder Woman and other members were not surprised that Bruce had a camera on the world.


Em Dash (Takes the place of the comma, parentheses, or colons. The em dash is limited to only appearing twice in a sentence) Example: In Infinity War, Thanos collected the Mind Stone- the final stone to complete the Infinity Gauntlet- from Vision.

En Dash (Used to represent a range of numbers , dates, or times) Example: After Morgan Stark told her father that she loved him 3000, he told Pepper that she was in the 600-900 range.

Colon (The colon is used to introduce a list of items) Example: The Avengers had ice cream named after them: Hulking Fudge and Stark Raving HazelNuts.

Semicolon (Used between two independent clauses) Example: Dr. Strange was able to steal a book with the time stone; Wong didn’t notice because he was listening to Beyonce.

Question Mark (Used at the end of a direct question) Example: Why was Wanda in the Wakandan Palace instead of the field battling Thanos’s minions.

Exclamation Mark (A punctuation mark that indicates an exclamation) Example: Bring me Thanos!

Apostrophe (The apostrophe is used for contractions, plurals, and possessives) Example: Doctor Strange’s cape is not only a fashion choice, it’s a levitation cloak that allows him to fly and has a mind of its own.

Quotation Marks (Used to indicate material that is being reproduced word for word, citing someone else’s work or dialogue) Example: When Scott Lang returned to the current timeline he asked Black Widow, “ is that anyone’s sandwich?” .

Ellipses (Indicates an omission) Example: Tony Stark unveiled his new nano tech suit to Bruce Banner and the look on his face said it all … awesome!

Brackets (Allow the insertion of editorial material inside quotations) Example: In Avengers: Endgame, when they attempt to send the stones into the past, scott lang asks people if they see an ungly brown van [scott’s retrofitted time machine].

Parentheses (Allow to provide more information, this may be a single word, fragment, or multiple complete sentences) Example: The Iron Legion (Tony’s damage control suits) was called during Age of Ultron to take care of the people inhabiting the village.

Slash (Commonly used to signal alternatives in a sentence) Example: Hawkeye/Ronin lost his children and wife when Thanos snapped his fingers, and half of the universal population ceased to exist.


Capitalize the first word of a sentence Example: Captain America is the Leader of the Avengers.

Capitalize Names and Other Pronouns Example: Tony Stark and Peter Parker have a deep and sentimental connection.

Don’t Capitalize after a colon (usually) Deadpool has a plan to find the person that activated his x gene: Find Francis.

Capitalize the first word of a quote (sometimes) “There was an idea, to bring together a group of remarkable people” .

Capitalize Days, Months, and Holidays Peter Parker’s favorite time of year is Christmas!

Capitalize most words in a Title Avengers: Age of Ultron

Capitalize Cities, Countries, Nationalities, and Languages Spider-man lives in Queens, New York and speaks English as well as Spanish.

Capitalize time periods and events (sometimes) Captain America fought the Nazi’s science division Hydra during World War 2.

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