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Types of nouns

·Common Nouns: name a class of people, places, things, or ideas. Comics, Avengers, Meta-humans


Proper Nouns: give the name or title of a particular person, place, thing, or idea (must be capitalized). Avengers tower, Watch tower, S.H.I.E.L.D, Tony Stark · Compound Nouns: consist of words used together to form a single noun. Iron Man, Super Man, Batman

Concrete Nouns: refer to material things, to people, or to places. Infinity Gauntlet, infinity Stones, Batarang, Utility belt

Abstract Nouns: name ideas, qualities, concepts, emotions, or attitudes. Happiness, Sadness, clumsiness

Subject (comes before the verb) Functions Captain America threw his shield towards iron man disrupting the conflict between Bucky and the man in the red and gold suit.

Direct Object (comes after the verb and answers what or whom) Doctor Strange asked Tony if Peter Parker was his ward.

Personal: Pronouns Nominative (subjects) Objective (objects) I/we me/us you/you you/you He, she, it, one/they him, her, it, one/them


My, mine

our, ours Your, yours your, yours His, her, hers, its, one’s their, theirs

Relative: Nominative who That that those/ this Objective whom that Possessive whose of

Interrogative: who, which, what, whatever, whoever

Reflexive: (personal pronouns plus the suffix –self or –selves) Used only: when the action verb is directed toward the subject of the construction: to intensify a point: Iron man was believed to only care for himself, a hero who people would feel forced to like, now he is the face of an entire universe. Demonstrative: this, these that, those

Indefinite: all, another, anybody, anyone, anything, both, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, everywhere, few, many, much, neither, nobody, none, no one, nothing, one, other, several, somebody, someone, such.


Verbs show the time, action, and state of being of a subject.

Tense: verbs indicate time via tenses:

simple past past past perfect past progressive simple present present present perfect present progressive present perfect progressive future future perfect

Types: There are at least eleven (11) types of verbs: auxiliary verbs (helping verbs) linking verbs (verbs that do not describe action, but connect the subject of a sentence to other parts of the sentence – usually the predicate) lexical verbs (main verbs) dynamic verbs (indicate action) stative verbs (describe a condition) finitive verbs (indicate tense) nonfinitive verbs (infinitives or participles)

regular verbs (weak verbs) irregular verbs (strong verbs) transitive verbs (verbs followed by a direct object) intransitive verbs (verbs that do not take direct objects)

Voice: Voice is the form of the verb that indicates how it relates or interacts with the action. The English language has two voices: ACTIVE and PASSIVE. Active: Batman drove around Gotham looking for criminals. Passive: An automated trash can emptied out the trash and told

Stark. Verbals: (VERB FORMS NOT USED AS VERBS) Gerund: word ending in “ing” used as a noun. · Doctor Strange was researching the mystic arts in hopes of getting back into the surgical room. Participle: word ending in “ing” or “ed” used as an adjective · Tony Stark's repulsors were burning the innocent victims. · Tony Stark created Ultron as a way to put suit of armor around the world. Infinitive: verb preceded by the word “to” (to go, to jump) used as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs · Green lantern likes to play with his lantern ring.

Adjectives modify, describe, limit, and identify nouns and pronouns. · Kinds: Demonstrative, Common, Proper (Give one example of each using words related to your subject) Gamor understands Star Lord's erratic way of showing love and affection. The watch tower is home to the many heroes of the DC universe.


Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. · Endings Pepper Potts is not one to be forward in social gatherings. Stark is otherwise occupied with his metal head robots. Peter Parker carefully removes his mask so that the scared child knows to trust him. · Conversions · Types:

Manner, Frequency, Degree, Place, Time Star lord is known to mock the other heroes during their conversations, Tony Stark is not one to take it easy, he proceeds to mockingly describe Peter Quill's obnoxious dance moves.

Manner – Tony Stark politely asked pepper to pull out the copper wire from his chest. Time – At this time, Batman is patrolling gotham looking for the fallen kryptonite meteorite. Place – Black widow was seen jumping on rooftops in Russia. Degree – Batman knows to never kill criminals, he cannot cross the line , but is exceptionally good at breaking people legs and arms.

Coordinating (FANBOYS): for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so Correlative: Either/or; neither/nor; not only/but also; both/and; whether/or; as/so Subordinate: after, though as, as if, as long as, as thought, because, before, if, in order that, provided that, since, so, so that, that, though, till, unless, when, where, whereas, while Relative pronouns: who (refers to people), which (refers to nonliving object or animals), that (may refer to animals or nonliving objects)


Prepositions link nouns, pronouns, and phrases to other parts of the sentence. Prepositions are NEVER followed by verbs. There are one-word prepositions and complex prepositions. These are some common one-word prepositions: aboard, about, above, according to, across, across from, after, against, along, alongside, alongside of, along with, amid, among, apart from, around, as, as far as, aside from, at, away from, back of, because of, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, but (except), by, by means of, concerning, despite, down, down from, except, except excluding for, for, from, from among, from between, from under, in, in addition to, in behalf of, including, in front of, in place of, in regard to, inside, inside of, in spite of, instead of, into, like, near, near to, notwithstanding, of, off, on, on account of, on behalf of, onto, on top of, opposite, out, out of, outside, outside of, over, over to, owing to, past, prior to, to, toward, under, underneath, until, unto, up, upon, up to, versus, with, within, without.

A ) A a h , A h , A h a , A h e m , A r g h , A w , A y e B) Brr, Bye C) Cheese, Curses D) Darn, Drat, Duh E) Eek, Er F) Fine G) Gee, Gesundheit, Good job, Gosh, Grr H) Ha, Ha-ha, Hallelujah, Hee, Hey, Hmm, Ho hum, Hooray, Hum I) Ick, Icky J) Jeez K) Kapish L) La, Lo, Look, Lordy

M) Mmm, My oh my N) Nah, Naw, No, Nooo, Not, Nuts O) Oh, Okay, Okey-dokey, Oof, Ooh, Oy P) Pew, Phew, Phooey, Psst Q) Quite so R) Rah rah, Rats S) Shh T) Ta da, Ta ta, Thanks, Touche, Tsk tsk, Tut tut U) Ugh, Um V) Voila, Vroom W) Well well, Whatever, Whee, Whoa, Whoops, Wow

Y) Yea, Yeah, Yech, Yikes, Yippee, You bet, Yummy Z) Zap, Zip, Zzz

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