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Essays – A short academic composition. Types –Persuasive (Argumentative): Meant to convince the intended audience to do or not to do something. Expository (Informative): Includes many many details to make readers understand easily. Definition or Description: Essay that defines different ideas, things, and perceptions. Process (How-to): Outlines a process of making, breaking, or doing something that readers will understand fully and can do after reading it. Compare and Contrast: Either makes compares, contrasts, or both, between two things whether that be similar or different. Cause and Effect: Attempts to make readers understand the causes and effects of a specific thing. Analytical/Critical: Analyzes something from different angles. As well as evaluating them on the basis of merit and demerits. Evaluative: Offers value judgements based off of a set of criteria. Interpretive: Interprets a piece of literature. Narrative (Tells a story): Narration is similar to that of a short story, just in essay format. Personal Statement/Anecdote: Story you made up or one that actually happened. Research: Revolves around a research question which is meant to be answered through research and relevant literature. Timed: An essay written with a specific limited amount of time. Document Based Question (DBQ): Short answer scaffolding questions based on documents given. Synthesis: Written discussion incorporating support from several sources and views.


Strategies/Planning Tips/Steps –Pre-writing/Prompt Analysis/Outlining: Ask yourself who's your reader and what's your purpose? Generate some ideas Brainstorm

Researching/Evaluating of Sources:

Check for reliability: Purpose? Intended audience? Authority and credibility? Accuracy and reliability? Timeliness? Objectivity and bias?

Work Cited Page – MLA Format: Helps you break down citing paintings, books, other literature.

Adkins, Alyce. “How Social Media Contributes to Body Dysmorphic

Behavior. ” The Lexington Line, The Lexington Line, 9 May 2018, https://www.thelexingtonline.com/blog/2018/5/7/how-social-mediacontributes-to-body-dysmorphicbehaviors#:~:text=When%20scrolling%20through%20our%20feeds,are%20fa r%20from%20our%20reality.&text=Constant%20exposure%20to%20alte red%20images,result%20in%20body%20dysmorphic%20behaviors.

APA Format: Designed for technical works typically found in social sciences. It makes it easier to cite journals and technical reports. Adkins, A. (2018, May 9). How social media contributes to body dysmorphic behavior. The Lexington Line. Retrieved December 16, 2021, from https://www.thelexingtonline.com/blog/2018/5/7/how-social-mediacontributes-to-body-dysmorphicbehaviors#:~:text=When%20scrolling%20through%20our%20feeds,are%20fa r%20from%20our%20reality.&text=Constant%20exposure%20to%20altered% 20images,result%20in%20body%20dysmorphic%20behaviors.

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