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Parts of Speech

Parts of Speech

I n t r o d u c t i o n

Initially, I was just writing this bk for my Hnors English Literature class, but as time went n, I realized that I could use my bk to raise awareness n smething that means a great deal to me; the Lummis House! I had always thought that the Lummis House had an intriguing history and decided it would be a god topic for my bk. he last few times I went to the house, I noticed that it had becme unkempt. After talking to the rangers that worked at the house, they told me that writing to the City of Lo Angeles Department of Recreatin and Parks about the house could help them get more funds. However, after sending in my letter, I realized that my letter alne would not be enough to persuade the LA Department of Recs. and Parks to use more of their funds to clean up the house. Now I have written this bk of writing not nly to share the history of Charles Lummis and the Lummis House but also to inspire more people to write letters to the LA Department of Recs. and Parks with the hopes of restoring the Lummis house to it former glory. While this bk focuses n the Lummis House and it creator, it also explores the crazy world of grammar, frm punctuatin and capitalizatin to clauses and everything in between. Remembering all the terminology and rules that cme alng with grammar can be difficult. I hope that while learning about the Lummis House you also gain a better understanding of how you can improve your grammar!


1. . A period ends a sentence and abbreviates words. 2. , A cmma is used in many different ways, ranging frm indicating a pause that would occur if the sentence were spken aloud to separating grammatical cmpnent of the sentence to changing the meaning of a sentence. 3. – EM dash is used to emphasize and can take the place of cmmas, parentheses, or colns. 4. - EN dash hyphenate’s words. 5. : Coln is used to introduce a list of item(s). 6. ; A semicoln cnnect multiple independent clauses. 7. ? A questin mark ends an interrogative sentence. 8. ! An exclamatin mark ends an exclamatory sentence. 9. ‘ An apotrophe show ownership of smething, is used for cntractins and is used as a quote mark. 10. “ ” Quotatin marks indicate that it cmes frm smewhere else. 11. … Ellipsis mean that smething in a quote is unsaid. 12. [ ] Bracket are used to change or add smething to a quote. 13. ( ) Parentheses mean that smething is parenthetical. 14. / Back slash indicates a chice.

EX: Period - Mr. Lummis designedand built the Lummis Hme-El Alisal. EX: Cmma – As a bk author, magazine editor, preserver of Spanish missins, advisor to President heodore Roevelt, and campaigner for civil right for minority groups, Charles Lummis became ne of the mot flamboyant and prminent figures of his day. EX: EM Dash - In 1884, a 25-year-old Harvard dropout named Charles Fletcher Lummis embarked n a journey frm Cincinnati to Lo Angeles. EX: EN Dash - Charles Lummis lived frm 1859-1928. EX: Coln - Mark hmpsn wrote a bk n Lummis’s life called, American Character: he Curious Life of Charles Fletcher Lummis and the Rediscovery of the Southwest. EX: Semicoln - Lummis jumped right into the causes and issues of the day; such as the restoratin of California missins; Native American educatin and culture; and collecting basketry and other relics frm indigenous Southwest cultures. EX: Questin Mark - Who was Charles Fletcher Lummis? EX: Exclamatin Mark - Charles Lummis walked about 3,507 miles! EX: Apotrophe - he name of Lummis’ house, El Alisal, means the place of the sycamore trees.

EX: Quotatin Marks - In the article Lummis House: Where Highland Park's Herald of the Southwest Reigned over his Kingdm, the Lummis house is described as a “hidden little utopia”. EX: Ellipsis - In the article Lummis House: Where Highland Park's Herald of the Southwest Reigned over his Kingdm, it is shown that Lummis was more than a multiculturalist as it states, “Writer, publisher, editor, photographer, essayist, ethnographer, collector, museum founder, city librarian, bn vivant, … spreading a gopel about indigenous and reginal Southwestern history and culture, and his hme, based motly in Lo Angeles”.

EX: Bracket - Lummis built the Lummis House by himself 1894; he built it using stnes frm the Arroyo Seco River. EX: Parentheses - When Lummis returned to Lo Angeles he got a new jo as editor of the Land of Sunshine (latercalled Out West). EX: Back Slash - Lummis claimed that he was the first to use the cultural/geographic term “Southwest”. EX: Capitalizatin – Please list the rules of capitalizatin here: It is used at the beginning of everysentence. It is used for important words such as people’s names and for titles. EX: (Used to begin a sentence) – Charles Lummis was known to be rather boastful and arrogant.

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