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Essays – An essay is a piece of writing usually written in order to provide the author's opinion on a subject or to inform the reader. Persuasive (Argumentative) A persuasive essay is meant to convince the target audience to do something or not do something. Expository (Informative) An expository essay exposes things in detail to make readers understand without any complications. Analytical/Critical An analytical essay analyzes something, such as in literature an analytical essay analyzes a piece of literature from different angles Narrative (Tells a story) A narrative essay is a narration like a short story. It is, however, different from a short story in that it is written in an essay format Research A research essay revolves around a research question that is meant to answer some specific question through a research of the relevant literature. Timed Timed essays require you to demonstrate disciplinary knowledge by producing a writing sample within a limited time period
Strategies/Pl anning Tips/Steps – - Pre-writing - Prompt Analysis - Outlining - Researching - Evaluating of Sources
Work Cited Page – Expl ain and give an example of how to set up a works cited entry in both ML A and APA formats - there are subtle differences between each format, so be sure to identify them clearly.
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