Issue no. 10 | April 2017
Our Town Our River
Latest News about the River Dargle Flood Defence Scheme Hello and welcome to the second River Dargle Flood Defence Scheme Newsletter of 2017. This edition of the newsletter will provide a brief outline of the progress made to date and to detail the ongoing works on the River Dargle Flood Defence Scheme. As mentioned in the last newsletter the primary focus in 2017 will be on works that are peripheral to the flood defences. Superb new amenities open to the public Boardwalk The boardwalk was opened to the public back in March. The new walkway formed part of one of the final large works package for the River Dargle Flood Defence Scheme. The boardwalk is a great over-the-water amenity and a huge addition to the area, connecting one of the mostused parks in the town. This new feature is only going to grow the parks popularity. The new boardwalk and the improved footpath along the Lower Dargle Road.
People’s Park Entrance The eastern entrance to the park is now fully completed and also opened to the public in March. The new entrance has not only improved the park visually but it has also made it safer for the public with the addition of pedestrian on street lighting.
The new entrance to the People’s Park.
The streetscape has been improved with the addition of wider footpaths designed to make the park safer for pedestrians and cyclists, creating a friendly and safe environment for the public to enjoy.
2 Newsletter Issue no. 10 | April 2017
April 2017 Progress Update The next section of the newsletter will continue to outline the progress of the on going works since our last newsletter: People’s Park The removal of the contractors compound and the reinstatement of the west side of the People’s Park will take place in September this year. Lower Dargle Road The works to repave the road from the Fran O’Toole Bridge to St. Brigid’s Terrace are now completed and the road was reopened to the public in March 2017. As a result of these works, the Lower Dargle Road is now more pedestrian friendly with improved access for the visually impaired as well as people with limited mobility with the addition of tactile paving and crossings.
The pedestrian friendly crossing at the Fran O’Toole Bridge.
Ravenswell Road This area has been untidy and unsightly for many years and during this time it unfortunately has attracted anti social behaviour which has had a negative effect on the area. Initial works are currently underway to turn Ravenswell Road into a linear park for public use. These works will include landscaping and the additional amenities such as new viewing points along the river. More than half of the wall along Ravenswell Road will be removed and be replaced with stainless steel railings, similar to the railings on the boardwalk. The original granite masonry will be retained and used where possible. Again, this will allow the public to get closer to the river like never before. Steps down to the river will also be constructed to allow the public observe the wildlife in and around the river. LED lighting will be installed along the entrance to Ravenswell Road in scattered locations as well as seating and paved areas. Landscaping will be carried out along the entire road.
3 Newsletter Issue no. 10 | April 2017
Landscaping General landscaping of the entire site has begun with the planting of trees and shrubs to make the area more welcoming and complement the works carried out along the River. Soft landscaping has been carried out along the river banks and large trees will be planted along the pathway in Peoples Park to create an avenue within the Park. These works are due to be completed by the end of April 2017. Landscaping of the entire site is due to be completed by September 2017. Public seating and a picnic area are being installed at the north side of the river at the entrance to the Slang. This area will be landscaped and planted also. It will be open to the public in early autumn.
An artist’s impression of general landscaping along the People’s Park.
Fish-friendly measures Our fisheries expert Dr. Martin O’Grady (who is a leading European expert in fisheries research) visited the Bray site last month and confirmed that the fish-friendly measures introduced last year were working well. County Brook Flooding has been a periodic problem along the Upper Dargle Road. Design of the flood protection measures in this area are almost complete. These works are planned to commence in June 2017. Irish Rail Bridge Phase 2
Fish-friendly measures along the River Dargle.
Irish Rail will commence Phase 2 works in May and are due to be completed in July 2017. The works will include deepening the channel under both the railway bridge and road bridge. Installed along the river will also be scour protection in the form of rock armour. Ramp for maintenance at River Lane Theses works are due to start on the ramp on 24th April 2017 once the ESB complete diversion works. Proposed completion date The works to protect the flood risk areas were completed in September 2016 with the peripheral works including enhancement of public areas and creation of new amenities for the public will be completed by latest September 2017. This is subject to weather and ground conditions.
Fish-friendly measures at Coburg.
Environmental Update The Environmental Monitoring Committee will continue to meet in 2017. If you have any concerns that you would like addressed, please do not hesitate in contacting Kaley Jameson by email: or by phone 01 2744900. The latest environmental news and updates can be found at Caring for our local community amenities We thank all the people who have commented positively on the new works at the People’s Park and Lower Dargle Road. There has been a real effort to improve this amenity. Sadly, there has been some theft of plants from the People’s Park in recent weeks which is both very disappointing and disrespectful. A lot of hard work has been undone as a result of these actions. We all have a responsibility to protect and safeguard our towns wonderful assets and we would encourage the public to report any anti social behaviour to the relevant authorities. Remember: It’s Our Town, Our River
An artist’s impression of the new People’s Park.
Contact us If you have a question about the scheme here’s how to get in contact with us.......
You can send us an email to or post a question on’s Twitter or Facebook pages. Just simply include the hashtag #OurTownOurRiver in your question. We also have a dedicated page on, which is updated regularly with the scheme’s latest news. If you would like to see more photographs of scheme please log onto
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Municipal District of Bray © 2017