Latest News about the River Dargle Flood Defence Scheme Issue no. 8 | Summer / Autumn 2016

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Issue no. 8 | Summer / Autumn

Our Town Our River

Latest News about the River Dargle Flood Defence Scheme Hello and welcome to the River Dargle Flood Defence Scheme Newsletter for Summer / Autumn 2016. This newsletter is to provide a brief outline of the progress made to date and to detail the ongoing works on the River Dargle Flood Defence Scheme. Construction work has been ongoing on the scheme since the last newsletter and we are happy to say that significant progress has been made and a considerable amount of the works packages have been substantially completed. Progress Update Maltings The construction of the sheetpile flood defence wall at the Maltings is completely finished. This means that the residents of the Maltings are now protected in relation to a 1 in 100 year fluvial event. Reinstatement works within the Maltings development are now substantially complete, with minor landscaping works to be finished. Killarney Glen Landscaping works at Killarney Glen have been completed. Seapoint Court Works in this area have been completed and we are delighted to announce that the new walkway opened to the public on Wednesday 6th July 2016. Ravenswell Road & North Riverbank at Bray Bridge to People’s Park Construction works began in these areas in April 2016. At present, all flood defence systems are in place and the remaining finishing works such as stone walls and footpaths etc are due for completion in September 2016. Following on from the completion of the flood defence works in this area, works will commence to provide a riverside walkway, viewing spots, planted areas, river access points and seating areas. River Dredge & Bank Stabilisation Construction works commenced on the 1st June 2016 and are scheduled to be completed by the end of September 2016.

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Progress Update Continued La Vallee All works in La Vallee have been completed including both left and right hand banks. Some minor works are required to stabilise the embankments at Silverbridge and a small section of the right hand bank opposite Riversdale apartments which will commence over the coming weeks. County Brook Preliminary designs for this area are being considered at present. Glenwood Works to the Siphon are now complete and have been commissioned. We are happy to confirm that it is in full working order. All that remains is fencing in the area and access to the Siphon chambers which we expect to be completed by the end of August 2016.

Right Hand Bank at La Vallee.

The People’s Park Works will commence in September 2016 and will continue into early 2017 on a new entrance to People’s Park which will incorporate hard landscaping, planting and the extension of the boardwalk which will link Bray Bridge to People’s Park. Works to reinstate the west end of People’s Park will commence in October 2016 and should be completed in early 2017. Rivervale Apartments The construction of the debris traps at the Rivervale apartments commenced on the 20th June 2016. Works are ongoing and should be completed by the end of August 2016.

Debris Traps at the Rivervale apartments.

The Irish Rail Bridge Phase 1 flood defence works to the Irish Rail bridge will commence in August this year. Phase 2 flood defence works will be completed during May to September 2017. This work is being undertaken directly by Irish Rail. Timelines All flood defence works will be completed with the exception of landscaping in certain areas by the end of October 2016. Landscaping works will commence in October 2016 and should be completed in early 2017, weather permitting. Works to the Irish Rail bridge will be completed by September 2017.

Works at Railway bridge.

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Works In Picture Below are more images showing the works that are currently in progress:

Coburg prior to dredging.

New Seapoint Court walkway.

Dredging at Bray bridge.

Maltings wall awaiting excavation.

Environmental Update The River Dargle is a valuable salmon and sea-trout fishery. Wicklow County Council, in planning the Dargle flood relief scheme have taken cognisance of this fact and have worked closely with Inland Fisheries Ireland, from the planning phase of this project, to ensure that the flood relief programme will not have negative consequences for this valuable fishery. Essentially this involves the incorporation of a “fish friendly” channel within the flood relief profile to ensure that the natural channel form is maintained at low water levels. The implementation of this flood relief programme is now at an advanced stage. Wicklow County Council and Inland Fisheries Ireland personnel continue to liaise in relation to the fisheries aspects of this programme to ensure that any minor modifications which have to be made to this scheme at the works stage will not have any long-term negative consequences for the fish stocks. While dredging the river Wicklow County Council have been implementing fisheries protection measures along the river such as fish ponds, weirs, deep channels in shallow areas of the river and rock pools for spawning whilst also providing additional nesting for swans and King Fishers. The Environmental Monitoring Committee met recently and you can dowload the minutes from this meeting at If you have any concerns that you would like addressed, please do not hesitate in contacting Kaley Jameson by email: or by phone 01 2744900.

Message to the Residents Wicklow County Council would like to extend their sincere thanks to all the residents affected by the ongoing flood defence works for their continuous co-operation and patience throughout the scheme. We appreciate the inconvenience experienced and we would like to reassure residents that works on the scheme are substantially completed with the exception of some landscaping and finishes which are due to be completed by the end of the year. Whilst it has taken longer than expected to get to this stage Wicklow County Council feel that these works not only protect the residents of Bray from flooding but they also enhance the visual landscape of Bray. In particular the construction of the new boardwalk from Bray Bridge to the People’s Park brings considerable advantages to the area as it will enhance the resident’s connection with the river and leave an aesthetically pleasing feature of the flood scheme.

Contact us If you have a question about the scheme here’s how to get in contact with us....... You can send us an email to or post a question on’s Twitter or Facebook pages. Just simply include the hashtag #OurTownOurRiver in your question. After We also have a dedicated page on, which is updated regularly with the scheme’s latest news, answering your questions and displaying scheme photographs.

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Municipal District of Bray © 2016

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