River Dargle Flood Defence Scheme May Newsletter.

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Issue no. 5 | May 2015

Our Town Our River www.bray.ie

Latest News about the River Dargle Flood Defence Scheme Hello and welcome to the River Dargle Flood Defence Scheme Newsletter for May 2015. A lot of progress has been made since our March Newsletter in terms of appointing designers and contractors to enable commencement of ‘Phase 3’ works.

Coburg and County Brook Works at the rear of Coburg estate are almost complete. This involved completion of a reinforced concrete wall and clay bund. Work to provide a flood defence at the confluence of the County Brook has also been completed.

Below is an update on the works carried out in April and May: Ravenswell Road In relation to works on Ravenswell Road, a contractor was appointed in April and works commenced in early May. This work involves completion of flood defence walls, new paved access to Ravenswell Road from Castle Street to Bray Golf Club lands and the pumping station and a new public open space adjacent to Bray Bridge. The works in this area are approximately 6 weeks later than planned due to an objection raised at tender award stage by one of the bidders.

We would like to thank the residents in this area for their on-going co-operation during the works. Killarney Glen to Maltings / Bray Bridge Enabling works including the construction of a haul road, the removal of trees and vegetation have been completed. It is anticipated that a contractor will be appointed to undertake the works between Killarney Glen to Maltings / Bray Bridge in early June with works expected to commence in June 2015. Works in this area will start a little bit later than originally planned due to some late changes to the original design. It is intended that works will be completed in November 2015.

Seapoint Court La Vallee and Riversdale Works in the coming weeks will require the removal of vegetation along the river bank to facilitate the provision of new flood defence walls and a sheet-piled bund. A contractor has been appointed to undertake these works and is due to commence work on site at the beginning of June.

Emergency and associated landscaping works have been completed at La Vallee and Riversdale. Landscape works and fencing at the Silverbridge Travellers accommodation have also been completed. We would like to thank the residents and commercial users in this area for their patience and support during the construction works.

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Works in picture Below images show works that are currently in progress:

Construction of the flood defence wall at Ravenswell Road.

Scour protection at the earth embankment adjacent to the County Brook.

Construction of the flood defence wall at Ravenswell Road.

Flood defence wall at the rear of Coburg.

3 Newsletter Issue no. 5 | May 2015

Before and After What will you see when the scheme is completed. This month’s ‘before’ image and ‘after’ artist’s impression is a view from The Maltings overlooking the river. These images will help to visualise how the river and it’s landscape will look once the scheme works are completed in late 2016. Our full visual assessment is available to download from www.bray.ie.



Environmental Update The Environmental Monitoring Committee (comprising of representatives from the Office of Public Works, Wicklow County Council, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Inland Fisheries Ireland, Dargle Anglers and two community representatives) continue to meet every 4-6 weeks. Should you have any environmental issues that you would like to raise with the committee please do not hesitate in contacting Amy by email aofarrell@wicklowcoco.ie.

The above photograph shows the temporary access track opposite the People’s Park.

Contact us If you have a question about the scheme here’s how to get in contact with us....... You can send us an email to braymd@wicklowcoco.ie or why not join us on Wednesday, June 17th for ‘ask a question’ about this scheme on social media. Simply include the hashtag #OurTownOurRiver in your question and post to Twitter or Facebook.

Wed 17th June After

We also have a dedicated page on www.bray.ie, which is updated regularly with the schemes’ latest news, answering your questions and displaying scheme photographs.

Keep up to date Why not follow us on Twitter @bray_ie, like us on Facebook or log onto www.bray.ie for the very latest news! t: @bray_ie e: braymd@wicklowcoco.ie w: www.bray.ie

Municipal District of Bray © 2015

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