Issue no. 9 | Spring 2017
Our Town Our River
Latest News about the River Dargle Flood Defence Scheme Hello and welcome to the first River Dargle Flood Defence Scheme Newsletter of 2017. We would like to wish you a Happy New Year and convey our sincere thanks to the Bray community for your patience and assistance throughout the past number of years. As planned, the flood protection works were substantially completed in September 2016. It is with great delight we can now announce that due to the works carried out to widen and deepen the river channel and the construction of walls and embankments along a 3.3km stretch from Silverbridge at the N11 to the Harbour Bridge at Bray Harbour, all properties in the area are now protected from a 1 in 100 fluvial event and a 1 in 200 tidal event.
An artist’s impression of the River Dargle from the Fran O’Toole Bridge.
More importantly however, the likelihood of potential loss of lives in such an event has been mitigated. What works have been completed to date The flood defence works are completed at the following locations: • • • • •
Coburg Seapoint Court Killarney Glen Riversdale La Vallee
The current view of the River Dargle from the Fran O’Toole Bridge.
2 Newsletter Issue no. 9 | Spring 2017
Scheme Focus in 2017 In 2017 the primary focus will be on works that are peripheral to the flood defences. The main works are described in more detail below: Peoples Park West & River Lane
Ravenswell Road
Wicklow County Council plan to construct a new ramp at the end of River Lane. This will be on the site of a previous access point to the river and will be used in cases of emergency and for annual routine maintenance.
Landscaping and amenity works are due to begin in April 2017 which will include replacing the concrete slabs, constructing new viewing decks over the river, the installation of new railings and the construction of steps and access points to the river.
Wicklow County Council has made a Part 8 application for this ramp and this is due for decision by the Councillors in March 2017. Subject to approval, the works will be completed in June this year. The plans and supporting documents can be viewed and downloaded from
County Brook
Peoples Park The contractors compound will be removed and the park reseeded and landscaped by September 2017. The reinstatement works will be to a higher standard than previously existed with the addition of a hoggin path which will fully extend to the Lower Dargle Road and the new entrance to meet the existing path at River Lane. This will allow the public walk around the entire park using the path, a distance of approximately 1km. The construction of a new entrance to People’s Park East is already underway and is due to be completed in March 2017. Boardwalk The boardwalk is substantially completed and is due to open to the public on St. Patrick’s weekend. The boardwalk will run for 190m from People’s Park to Fran O’Toole Bridge. It will allow the public get closer to the river in a safe manner like never before as well as creating a visual attraction to the town which we hope will promote more tourism to the area.
Historically, there have been regular flooding problems for residents and road users between Blind Lane and La Vallee. There is currently a Part 8 application pending for works in this area for deepening and widening the existing County Brook stream. This will include raising the levels of the river banks and the installation of 2 no. overflow pipes crossing under the Lower Dargle Road and discharging into the Dargle River. It is expected that, subject to Part 8 approval by the Councillors, these works will commence in March 2017 and complete in July 2017. The plans and supporting documents can be viewed and downloaded from Rivervale Apartments Works are substantially completed in the area with the exception of works in the Slang area. The complete removal of river dredge material from the Slang is due to be completed in September 2017. The area will then be levelled, top soiled and seeded. We expect these works to be completed by September 2017. The temporary bridge will also be removed at this time. Irish Rail Bridge Phase 2
Lower Dargle Road Works to the Lower Dargle Road are currently underway to repave the road from Fran O’Toole Bridge to St. Brigid’s Terrace. These works include traffic calming measures and to make the road more pedestrian friendly i.e. more crossing points etc. Road closures will be in place on the Lower Dargle Road until 16th March 2017.
Irish Rail are due to commence Phase 2 works in March and to be completed by July 2017. These works include deepening the channel under both the railway bridge and road bridge and the installation of scour protection in the form of rock armour along the river bed.
Environmental Update The Environmental Monitoring Committee will continue to meet in 2017. If you have any concerns that you would like addressed, please do not hesitate in contacting Kaley Jameson by email: or by phone 01 2744900.
The latest news and updates about the scheme can be found at
3 Newsletter Issue no. 9 | Spring 2017
Works In Pictures Below are some images showing the works in progress:
View of the boardwalk and the Dargle River as seen from the Peoples Park.
Coburg Upstream.
The Irish Rail Bridge Phase 1 Works.
Fish pass at Swan Stream.
Completion of the Flood Defence Work We are aiming to have the River Dargle Flood Defence Scheme completed in it’s entirety by September 2017. This is subject to weather and ground conditions.
An artist’s impression of the new entrance to the People’s Park East which is due to be completed and opened to the public by the end of March 2017.
Contact us If you have a question about the scheme here’s how to get in contact with us.......
You can send us an email to or post a question on’s Twitter or Facebook pages. Just simply include the hashtag #OurTownOurRiver in your question. We also have a dedicated page on, which is updated regularly with the scheme’s latest news, answering your quesAfter tions and displaying scheme photographs.
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Municipal District of Bray © 2017