Abou US Magazine

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Halloween Makeover

Patricia Costa

Edição #3

Expediente Diretores Laiz Rodrigues Marcia Van Guilder Editora chefe Marcia Van Guilder



Redatora chefe Laíz Rodrigues Diagramação Jonas Cândido Photography Laiz e Ademar Rodrigues HotspoOrlando Participação Especial: Debby LeBlanc Photographer Danielle Buljan - Miami-Final art Vendas Ademar Rodrigues: 407-406-4900 407-432-5167 Contatos Marcia - brazilusa@comcast.net Laiz - hotspotorlando@gmail.com

About Us é uma empresa Brazil Usa Magazine HotSpotOrlando


SONHANDO E CRENDO! “Visão é o espetacular que nos inspira a seguir em frente na rotina da vida”. Chris Widenert Tudo – mas absolutamente tudo – começa no coração e na mente de alguém. Toda grande e nobre realização um dia teve início na mente de uma pessoa. Essa pessoa ousou sonhar e crer – ainda que no impossivel. About Us, é a realização de um sonho, o sonho de fazer uma revista digital ou seja uma revista somente online, estamos na terceira edição, muitos resultados conquistados e também muitos obstáculos superados. A partir de novembro teremos duas edições mensal, com notícias exclusivas da Central Flórida. Nosso foco são os acontecimentos local para atualizar e deixar por dentro a nossa comunidade brasileira, nossos filhos americanos, que não leem português, e aos nossos inúmeros amigos americanos que amam a nossa cultura, mas também não lê em português. Se porventura no passado você teve um determinado sonho e hoje ele se encontra adormecido, é hora de acorda-lo! Abane essas cinzas e busque nelas ainda uma faísca que venha reativar esse fogo! Sim, sonhe grandes sonhos. Lembre-se daquilo que William Carey disse certa vez: “Permita que o tamanho dos seus alvos determine o tamanho do seu Deus”. Deus está pronto para fazer algo tremendo em sua vida; tudo o que você necessita é Nele crer um pouco mais. Boa Leitura

Marcia Van Guilder


The baby has a name it is AboutUS Magazine, and like a new baby we are taking care of it so it grows strong, beautiful, intelligent, and popular with lots of friends. This has been a long journey, and an amazing one, lots of supporters, but as in any partnership, we did a lot of sacrifice, to get to this great moment. So here, we start now, with this issue, with our faith renewed, and stronger, knowing that no matter what we can always count on each other. Hope you love reading it as much as we love making it ! uhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu !!!! Laiz Rodrigues HotspotOrlando


communication that gets results!

visit us: aboutus.wordpress.com

THE ART IN DOWNTOWN ORLANDO If you ever visited Downtown and had the opportunity to admire all the sculptures that are exposed to the public, you probably know what we are talking about. For free, no questions asked you get to admire, touch and photograph them as many already did, and have a feel of history.The sculptures created by several artists are scattered by downtown as a gift and a reminder that there is a reason why Orlando has the nick name “City Beautiful�. Orlando is considered by far the most beautiful city in Florida and beyond the Parks and International Drive, offers a variety of entertainment not know by many outsiders. If you ever considered visit Orlando, remember to include in your itinerary a visit to Downtown, and have this experience of visiting The Plaza Building area, Orange Avenue, Lake Eola, and The City Of Orlando Building where they have an incredible collection of local artists.


Se você já visitou Downtown e teve a oportunidade de admirar todas as esculturas que estão expostas ao público, você provavelmente sabe do que estamos falando. Gratuitamente, sem perguntas você começa a admirar, tocar e fotografar como muitos já fizeram, e ainda ter um senso de Historia. Criado por vários artistas elas estão espalhadas pelo centro da cidade como presentes, e um lembrete de que há uma razão pela qual Orlando tem o apelido de “City Beautiful”.

Orlando é considerada, de longe, a mais bela cidade do Estado da Flórida e merece tanta consideração quanto os Parques e a International Drive, pois oferece uma variedade de entretenimento não conhecida por muitos turistas. Se você já pensou em visitar Orlando, lembre-se de incluir em seu roteiro uma visita a Downtown, e ter essa experiência de visitar a área do Edifício Plaza, Orange Avenue, Lake Eola, e a Prefeitura de Orlando, que possui uma galeria de artes dentro dela.


Sean Slack


ean Slack works as the Director of International sales for the Sports Authority. Over the past sixteen years, he has been instrumental in developing South American business, primarily Brazilian, for retail stores in the Orlando area. Many of you probably remember him as the Sales Manager for Just For Feet, the large shoe chain with the basketball court inside over by the Florida Mall.


Since then he has created millions of dollars in business to several retail stores by working directly with Brazilian tour operators, agencies, and families to get them to put his clients on their itineraries. Big, American companies like Burlington Coat Factory, Shoe Carnival, KMART, and most recently Tommy Hilfiger, hhgregg, and the Sports Authority.

“ It all comes down to relationships and having a passion for the Brazilian community. Not only because their groups can cause an eruption of sales, but also because they are wonderful, unique people.

We asked Sean if he knew about any other American with the same enthusiasm for Brazilian tourists and here is what he said. As far as I know, I am the only American-born citizen in the United States who has the relationships and the solid reputation that can afford me to have the privilege to work in this community.”

He practices what he says. He learned Portuguese, lived in Sao Conrado, RJ for a few years, and even has a tattoo of a Brazilian and American flag on his arm. He says he travels to Brazil at least twice a year and has been there over 50 times. “ Sixteen years ago I never would have guessed the path I have chosen.” He says. A former American football player at the University of Central Florida, Sean was nowhere near the Brazilian facilitator he is now.

directly. Learn the culture, the language. Then, you can really realize the fruits of your labor and it became a passion. Once you breathe the air, see the mountains and water, eat pao de queijo with café….you are hooked for life. Starting years ago with Cintia Kerber, Rosana Costa… People like Pablo from Perfumeland, Manuel from Camila’s, and now Mauricio Galvao. People that showed me the business and the importance of loyalty and relationships. I was an outsider. These people showed me the door many years ago and I had to convince American companies to walk through it. I will be forever greatful. “

“ Out of college, I was a store manager for Just For Feet. It all came down to a lucky stop of a bus in my car. I pleaded with the driver to bring his tour group to my Just For Feet by the Florida Mall. Two hours later, the group came and spent $3000 . “ Three years later as the sales Manager for Just For Feet, they were receiving tourism business in three cities totaling over millions in sales a year from only tour groups! Primarily Brazilians. We also asked Sean about his primary contacts in the Brazilian Community,

we were happy to hear so many good friends were envolved in Sean’s journey. “ Thanks to many friends in the industry, I realized that the key to working with Brazilians is to actually go to Brazil. Form relationships with the companies

“ It’s not just the power of the groups. I can remember sitting in Augusta Fortunato’s office ( Owner of TIA AUGUSTA) several times. 15 minutes of the meeting was business. The other 45 was discussing our families and our health. And business was always the last fifteen minutes. Even in 2009 in Porto Alegre while working with KMART, being picked up at the airport by TIA IARA herself! She introduce me around to her staff, and show me her city of Porto Alegre. She was so happy and proud that an American company was respecting her company by visiting her.


It is cheaper for a Brazilian family to come here, buy all of their stuff, and fly back than it is to go to Rio Sul shopping center across the street from their house.�

It’s relationships like that. I have hundreds of stories. Hundreds... Of the generosity and benevolence of Brazilians. Sean believes the problem with America and with Orlando in general, is that we wait for something catastrophic to happen before we act. Instead of spending millions of dollars on television, radio, and other American print media, American retailers should be focused on going after the business. “ Brazilians are the most loyal, grateful, friendly, spending demographic in the world. No one spends more in American stores than Brazilians. If you treat them right and form a bond with them, they will be partners for you forever. Business in Brazil is so much different than it is here. The majority of the time a handshake, a beer in Copa, or a kiss on the cheek will seal the deal. Only if you have the reputation and contacts. If not, good luck.” Sean says the key to his success at his stores comes from his passion and his desire to work with everyone. And, most importantly, follow through on what you say you will do. “ I can remember this past summer bringing items to groups at the hotels late at night. Sometimes kids lose their wallets,

cameras, etc..It’s important for the retailers to take extra special care of the groups to ensure their return next season.” Currently, Sean says he has formed relationships with a huge majority of Brazilian operators and agencies. Large local companies like AllTour, Pegasus, Suncoast, Kahlua, PRGE Personal, and many others all work with Sean in some capacity with the Sports Authority, along with hundreds of other owners and contacts based in South America.

“ I will never be able to thank them enough. People like Daniel and Maria Fernanda and Mr. Cipeda. Claudia and Fernando who have been so nice and helpful and instrumental in expanding on ideas and opening new doors. Angela and Paulo Corano whom I have known since the beginning and visited them here and in Brazil many times. Fabiana and Marianna, who have allowed access to their clients and been very helpful.” Locally, it is important to have solid relationships to be able to rely on to help overcome any issues that may occur. They provide the foundation and the basis to be able to go to Brazil and other South American countries and work with companies there directly. It speaks volumes for an American company to take the time and visit Brazil and really engage with the people there..in their arena on their terms. “ I work with everyone and treat everyone the same way. And, I work with their clients the same way. These companies trust that their people will be taken care of; they will have a great experience in my stores, and will enhance any shopping program. At the end of the day, I want them to feel like they are not only business partners but also good friends. I would do anything for them, and I


Sean Slack

believe it goes both ways.”

This past month, three of Sean’s clients TOMMY HILFIGER, hhgregg and Sports Authority combined to do well over $1.5 million in sales just from the tour groups from Brazil and Argentina he works with now. “It’s a lot of work. A lot of work that you have to love. The credit all goes to the operators and agencies that put up with me. To all of their staffs, the drivers, tour guides, coordinators, and owners. I probably call my contacts several times a week…Even in Brazil. My radio rings all hours of the day. Emails go out everyday. But this is what you need to do.” Hhgregg, one of the largest electronics and appliances stores, had this to say about Sean and his abilities recently… “Sean is an excellent liaison for the tourist industry. We could not have started the business of tourism without Sean. He was a great agent for h.h gregg. I would recommend him to anyone wanting to get into the Tourism business. “ Dan Turner VP of the Southern Division. “Working with Brazilians is a privilege. Not just when the real (Brazilian Dollar) is low to the American dollar or it’s convenient. I remember doing this job in 2001 or 2002 when groups were few and far between and American companies all but disappeared. They stopped working with the Brazilian community because it wasn’t “trendy”. It has to be a commitment.” “I always tell anyone I work with who wants Brazilian groups or individuals… It’s not about the store, the money, or product. It’s about the relationship. You cannot get a little bit pregnant. You either jump all in to the Brazilian community and


Sean Slack really immerse yourself, or you don’t do it ”. “Brazil is the key to the American economic rebound. With the World Cup, Olympics, patch of oil found off of Rio and the vast natural resources, Brazil is going to be the next superpower. We should treat them as such.” Sean’s enthusiasm and thirst to work in the industry has certainly helped many American retailers grow their business. He is currently working on itineraries for the upcoming October season and planning his next trip to Brazil. He is considering writing a book about the

relationship between American companies and the power of the South American tourism industry. And, even considering a lecture tour to discuss the industry in depth to American companies looking to add to their business. He wants to help educate American businesses about the power of Brazil. “ This is not just about Orlando. We can do this in any tourism-based city in the United States. We have brought groups to stores in Las Vegas, New York, San Francisco, Hawaii, all over the United States

from all demographics. American companies need to invest in Brazil and stop putting money into useless media and traditional methods. We have contacted Rick Winters, Central Florida District Manager for Sports Authority and asked him a few question, here is what he had to say: How did Sports Authority and Sean got connected? Did the company knew about his large history with the Brazilian Tourism in Orlando? -Sean and I met about 5 years ago and started talking about doing this business. It took awhile for the company to get interested in this,but slowly it got developed and we got to know his expertizes in the group business. Did Sports Authority envision the connection with the Brazilian Tourism in Orlando when you hired Mr. Sean or it was just casual? -No, we did not expect the tourist business to develop as large and as quick as it did. It is still growing and both parties are benefitting from the partnership. How did Sports Authority respond to the fact that being already the major store in the sports Industry it is also a mandatory stop to all the groups from Brazil. I believe the company responded in a positive light to the exposure to the Brazilian business. Does Sports Authority think that the Mr. Sean played a major role in this scene? -Yes, he did play a major role in the development of this business and partnership. We are delighted with the results of our business as well as accommodating the Brazilian tourist. How would you describe the relationship between Sports Authority and Mr. Sean Slack? as just an employee or someone that made a difference? -He is more than an ordinary employee. He contributes his energy as well as his knowledge of retailing and the relationship to South American tourists. He has been an asset to my organization and will be in the future. Well, the Brazilian Tourism has a friend in AMerica, made in America with a brazilian heart, I don’t think we need to say anything else. If you are interested in knowing him or contact him, he can be reached at 321-368-2166. seantra432@yahoo.com



The Southern Women’s Show is a tradition that many women wait for, and it has been for many ears. The Show has an array of activities in display, such as cooking, fashion, art, health and beauty. This activities are represented by the best brands in the Nation, and also marks the opportunity to be in an event, made for women only, where you can enjoy by yourself or with friends.




This year we visited the pavilion for one of the most popular shows at the moment, on Lifetime TV “The Balancing Act”, a show that runs every day at 7 AM, Monday through Friday, for a whole hour, and helps women to a more balanced life, showing exercise, talking about many issues on modern life.


As we arrived the pavilion was filled with fans, they were giving away prizes, and that is the energy the show is all about.



About Us is fusion. About Us is real. About Us is yours.

visit us: aboutus.wordpress.com

CRISTO REDENTOR - 80 ANOS DE BRAÇOS ABERTOS As comemorações dos 80 anos do Cristo Redentor começaram cedo no dia 12 Dia das Crianças e tambem Dia de Nossa Senhora Aparecida. O Cristo Redentor é um monumento que retrata Jesus Cristo, localizado no bairro do Alto da Boa Vista, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, no Brasil. Situa-se no topo do Morro do Corcovado, a 709 metros acima do nível do mar. Foi inaugurado às 19h 15min do dia 12 de outubro de 1931, depois de cerca de cinco anos de obras. Um símbolo do cristianismo, o monumento tornou-se um dos ícones mais conhecidos internacionalmente do Rio de Janeiro e do Brasil. No dia 7 de julho de 2007, em Lisboa, no Estádio da Luz, foi eleito uma das sete maravilhas do mundo. Dos seus 38 metros, oito estão no pedestal e trinta na estátua, a qual é a segunda maior escultura de Cristo no mundo, atrás apenas da Estátua de Cristo Rei, na Polônia. Há também, na base do monumento, uma capela católica devotada a Nossa Senhora Aparecida, onde há celebrações católicas como casamentos e batizados. Hoje diversas canções já exaltaram a beleza do Cristo redentor e ele completa 80 anos com direito a festa. Parabéns a Cidade do Rio de Janeiro que possui essa fantástica maravilha !

CRISTO REDENTOR 80 YEARS OF OPEN ARMS The celebration of the 80th Anniversary of CRISTO REDENTOR began early on October 12th, when we also celebrate Children’s Day and the Day of Our Lady Aparecida. Christ the Redeemer is a monument that represents Jesus Christ in the district of Alto da Boa Vista, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is situated at the top of Corcovado Mountain, 709 meters above the sea level. It opened at 19h 15min on 12 October 1931, after about five years of work. A symbol of Christianity, the monument became one of the biggest icons in Rio de Janeiro and Brazil known internationally . On July 7, 2007, in Lisbon’s Stadium of Light, Cristo Redentor was elected one of the new seven wonders of the world. From its 38 meters, eight are the pedestal of the statue, and thirty is the statue itself which is the second largest sculpture of Christ in the world, comming behind the statue of “Christ the King” in Poland. There is also at the base of the monument, a Catholic chapel devoted to Our Lady of Aparecida, where Catholic celebrations such as weddings and baptisms are performed. Today many songs have described the beauty of Cristo Redentor, and he turns 80 with the right to a party. Congratulations to City of Rio de Janeiro that built this amazing wonder!



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Dave & Buster’s The new mandatory stop to our tourists, introducing to all the Brazilians visiting Orlando a new concept of fun, based on the philosophy Eat, Drink, Play. The place already won the hearts of Americans and now invades the Brazilian touristical territory allowing them to absorb the best that America has to offer. Dave & Buster’s is located on International Drive in Orlando, with a magnificent architectural design, of concrete and glass. With the capacity to house thousands of customers, it also has three halls available to the public for conventions, meetings and happy hour events. Families arrive nonstop, parents head to the restaurant and bar, and children play at the arcade, making a complete combination of fun for all ages.

The success of this venture in Orlando has certainly proven its strong message, since it opened in July this year. Dave & Buster’s has the perfect blend of arcade, bar and restaurant. At the end When children get tired of playing all games end they end up with a lot of tokens, kids get to go replace them for merchandise. Everything that exists in the market that is interesting and innovative, Dave & Buster’s has in their House store from small toys,souvenirs, stuffed animals, to games and musical instruments, it is all there. Dave & Buster’s provides the whole family the opportunity to have fun with an option for all ages. It’s worth finding and living this adventure. Everybody should try. address: 8986 International Drive, Orlando 32819 Hours of operation: From 11 Am.- 1 Am. Sunday-Thursday, 11 Am.- 2 Am. on Friday and Saturday. website: www.daveandbusters.com

Dave & Buster’s A nova parada obrigatória a nossos turistas, introduzindo aos Brasileiros que visitam Orlando um novo conceito de diversão Comer, Beber, Brincar (Eat, Drink, Play), desenvolve toda uma filosofia de divertimento que já conquistou o coração dos Americanos e agora invade o terreno do Brasileiro que absorve o melhor que a América tem a oferecer. Dave & Buster’s esta localizado na International Drive em Orlando, em um magnifico projeto arquitetonico, de concreto e vidro. Com capacidade de abrigar milhares de clientes, possui também três salões a disposição do público local, para convenções, happy-hour meetings e eventos. As famílias chegam sem parar, os pais seguem para o restaurante, e as crianças brincam, fazendo uma combinação completa de divertimento para todas as idades.

O sucesso turístico em Orlando esta certamente comprovado pois não para de lotar desde sua abertura em Julho desse ano. Dave & Buster’s tem a mistura perfeita de Arcade, Bar e Restaurante, quando as crianças terminam de jogar elas ficam com um monte de tokens, ai e’ a hora de trocar os tokens. Tudo que existe no mercado de mais interessante e inovador, Dave & Buster’s tem em sua loja de mercadorias. De brinquedos pequenos a Jogos e instrumentos, tudo o que você possa imaginar. Não há como contester Dave & Buster’s proporciona a toda a família a oportunidade de se divertir com opção para todas as idades. Vale a pena descobrir essa aventura.

Dave & Buster’s

Dave & Buster’s


About Us is fusion. About Us is real. About Us is yours.



We all have seen the ads on TV, the green campaigns for the environment and all the new projects for clean air, cars that are so futuristic that we will never need to get gas ever again! Well this time is for real and Walgreen’s is the pioneer hand to lead us in the future, when they opened the first of at least 20 electric vehicle charging stations, and 800 by the end of the year. The visionary creation of Chevrolet and Nissan presented their 100% full electric cars, VOLT & LEAF, starting a new era in the auto industry. Mayor Buddy Dyer made it official for the City Beautiful Orlando and Walgreen’s to be part of this moment and open the pioneer charging station in Central Florida. Walgreen’s will have at least 800 charging stations by the end of the year, making it the nation’s largest retail host for charging stations.

Walgreen’s as you know is the largest chain of drugstores in America, and it is part of the American family 24 hours a day seven days a week, and now will be a part of this revolutionary future, as the number of electrical cars grow in America, as you do your little shopping, and get your medicine you will be able to charge your car, at any time any day, due to the convenience of Walgreen’s 24 hours stores, in your neighborhood or anywhere in the Country. This ground stone, is one of the most important for our future, not only because it makes people aware of the existence of such cars, and the possibility of embracing this new technology, bringing it into their lives, but also shows the world how daring and successful this administration has proven to be. Mayor Buddy Dyer has excelled in the many projects for the Community, not only social, but also economic

and Technological, transforming the City in an amazing way. The city’s program Green Works Orlando in partnership with OUC and LYNX also supported Orange to Green. This “solar project” was conceived in the summer of 2006, while preparing an application for the Florida Renewable Energy Technologies (RET) Grant Program. Several Orange County departments, including the Convention Center and the Environmental Protection Division, partnered with the Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC), the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC), and others, were awarded a $2.5M state grant for this $8.8M project. Imagine that only a year ago in July 2010, Mayor Buddy Dyer gave the kick off to Charge Point America, declaring Orlando the Largest Market for Hybrid Car sales, and the most sustainable community in the entire country. And now 15 months later we are at the inauguration of the first charging station at Walgreen’s . This is the future ! Mayor Buddy is a man of vision, with an eye in the future, and he made it possible to the City of Orlando, and it is brought to us at Walgreen’s. As part of this moment the cars presented and available at dealers in Central Florida, Chevrolet VOLT, and Nissan LEAF, that you can see in our pictures . All members of Wallgreens Administration were present in this inauguration, and it was clearly a moment to celebrate ,Mayor Buddy Dyer and Cindy Brown Senior Representative for Congressman Daniel Webster- Fl(R). If you would like to visit the charging station is located at Walgreens 8050 International Drive ,Orlando and also visit the Universal Chevrolet and Nissan Orlando dealer for demonstrations on the new electric cars.

DOWNTOWN ORLANDO FASHION WEEK House of Me’Ja created this Great three day event,by Producers Michael Ransom and Sarideliz Vasquez. Themed as “The Beautiful People” it was divided in three days of fashion, accessories, and lots of great models. The opening day was at Dechoe’s Resale, second day at Pulse and Third Day at Touch on Church Street, Downtown. The runway featured garments designed and produced by local designers from Central Florida. Guests will experienced the unveiling vision of these designers and the vision of featured collections for Spring/Summer 2011/12. Part of the show proceeds were donated to Harbor House a women’s shelter. The event was a huge success and next year for sure is expected to be another great hit.




Our congratulations to all models Jay Santos Sandra Lopez Diana Lopez Tk Burtin Ananda Malave Raquel Sewell Imani Velez Valeria Reivera Michelle Canfield Claudia Lynn Patrick Ransom Rawleigh Preaster Glen Dailsay Sheldon Rowe Freddy Napoleoni Seth Price Jon Rivera Julian Tobar


communication that gets results!

visit us: aboutus.wordpress.com

Developing relationships with the important Brazilian travel market. Understand the traits and trends of the Brazil market and gain important exposure in the marketplace that travels in shoulder seasons. ABAV (Brazilian Travel Agents Association) has been for the past 25 yrs one of the most important travel exhibition of the Americas, gathering Top Producers from the Mercosul and neighboring countries. ABAV brings in more than 600 international Exhibitors to present their travel product to more than 16,000 qualified buyers from South America. The central theme for 2011 is “Successful Brazil, and New Opportunities Attitude for Tourism “and has as main objective to inspire and motivate the agent travel through special tributes. The theme will align all activities and themes of the three days of activities. The sign still Abav Business Pact to Combat Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents in Tourism in the presence of Xuxa Meneghel, who participates as president of Xuxa Meneghel Foundation, and the Minister of the Department of Human Rights, Mary of the Rosary Nunes.Camila Pitnga another actress that also fights for kids was present at the event along with XUXA.

With news and new style of performing its congress, the organization wants to demonstrate its positioning on the market and its members: “The world has changed and Abav too. We want to introduce new ways for of travel agentsto transform their businesses and seize the opportunities in practice. It is time to look forward, enjoy and embrace the new Travel times as Distributors. We are another market another country and a new travel agent, “says Carlos Alberto Ferreira Amorim, at the close the agenda of the opening ceremony. Website: http://www.abav.com.br/

e países vizinhos. ABAV traz mais de 600 expositores internacionais para apresentar seus produtos de viagem para mais de 16.000 compradores qualificados da América do Sul e países vizinhos. O tema central da edição de 2011 é “Brasil Bem Sucedido, Novas Oportunidades e “Atitude para o Turismo” e tem como objetivo principal inspirar e motivar o agente de viagens através de homenagens especiais. O tema alinhará todas as atividades e temas dos três dias de atividades. Para começar, o cenário do palco de abertura terá como imagens centrais belíssimos desenhos de Cândido Portinari, que formaram os painéis Guerra e Paz. Esta delicada ação faz parte das homenagens a brasileiros bem sucedidos e de atitude, de ontem e de hoje.

Desenvolvimento de relações com o mercado Brasileiro de viagens. Compreender as características e tendências do mercado do Brasil e ganhar importante exposição no mercado que viaja em estações de temporada. ABAV (Associação Brasileira Agentes de Viagem) tem sido durante os últimos 25 anos um dos mais importantes expositores sobre turismo das Américas, reunindo os maiores produtores do Mercosul

A Abav ainda assinará Pacto Empresarial de Enfrentamento de Exploração Sexual de Crianças e Adolescentes no Turismo na presença de Xuxa Meneghel, que participa como presidente da Fundação Xuxa Meneghel, e da ministra da Secretaria de Direitos Humanos, Maria do Rosário Nunes. A atriz Camila Pitanga tambem estava presente como uma das principais ativistas pelas crianças. Com as novidades e novo estilo de realizar seu congresso, a entidade quer demonstrar seu posicionamento diante do mercado e de seus associados: “O mundo mudou e a Abav também. Queremos apresentar formas dos agentes de viagens transformarem seus negócios e aproveitarem as oportunidades de forma prática. É tempo de olhar para frente, de gostar e de adotar os novos tempos como Distribuidores de Viagens. Somos outro mercado, outro país e um novo Agente de Viagens”, diz Carlos Alberto Amorim Ferreira, ao encerrar a agenda da cerimônia de abertura.

Uma revista feita com o coração e com certeza a mais amada da Central Flórida

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Wake up Deborah-Parents in Prayer Parents on their knees, children standing up! 15 minutes... big difference!

The movement Wake up Deborah is composed of biological mothers, adoptive and spiritual that pray for their children, nephews and children in need of prayer. They are courageous women and warriors who call for transformation and victory for the youth. The Movement Awake Deborah was born in the heart of God in 1995. Pastor Jeremiah Payne, pastor of the Eighth Presbyterian Church of Belo Horizonte,Brazil, participated in a large conference in Seoul, Korea. At that time, thousands of young people stood before a large audience pledging to love God and neighbor, living a life of commitment. Pastor Jeremiah knew that the South Korean mothers were praying for their children, as a response to this movement of prayer, the lives of many young people were transformed. Some of them off drugs, many of them returned to school and their hearts were touched by the love of God. Returning to Brazil, impacted by this movement, Pastor Jeremiah challenged the mothers in Brazil to pray for their children, asking God for a generation of young people who love God and willing to serve and love others. The idea was widely accepted by the Brazilian mothers. They seemed to be looking for something that could really change the lives of their children. In 1995, in Belo Horizonte, the first group of women gathered to pray for their children. Deborah was a prophetess and judge in Israel. Her story is in Judges chapters 4 and 5. In a time of great moral decay, spiritual and economic, Deborah got up and prayed for her people. As a result of the prayers of Deborah the history of Israel has changed. She is known as a woman who failed to comply with an unfavorable situation. She wrestled in prayer and so had great victory. The book of Judges refers to Deborah as a mother who was raised in Israel.In 2002, parents and uncles decided to join the movement. So, today we have Deborahs (Mothers) and Fathers in Prayer. The participation of men in the movement came to complete what was lacking. The prayer of the parents is very important to the lives of their children. Every child needs a reference male who cares, who participates, to intercede. Today there are more than 70,000 parents registered worldwide. Intercessors are parents, biological, adoptive or spiritual, of any denomination or religious group, committed to pray daily for their children and the youth, for at least 15 minutes daily. If you want to join the movement or receive any information, please contact us. Awake Deborah National: http://www.despertadeboras.com.br.

Deborah awakens in the United States: http://www.despertadeborausa.com In Orlando, two churches embraced the move: New Hope and the Brazilian Ministry of First Baptist Orlando. New Hope 1450 Citrus Oaks Ave - Gotha, FL. Coordinator in the Church: Costa Edvan E-mail: edvanirjc@hotmail.com Brazilian Ministry of First Baptist Orlando 3000 S. • John Young Parkway Orlando, FL 32805 Student Center Contact: Patricia Nogueira E-mail: patyhope@aol.com Phone: 407-953-4579 Fifteen minutes a day of prayer for the children we love are done and continue to make a big difference. After all, there is a God in Heaven answers prayers. The Praying Parents and Deborahs believe in God and the power of prayer. Have you prayed for your son today?

Desperta Débora e Pais de Oração Pais de Joelhos, filhos de pé! 15 minutos... grande diferença! O movimento Desperta Débora é composto de mães biológicas, adotivas e espirituais que oram por seus filhos, sobrinhos e crianças que necessitam de oração. São mulheres corajosas e guerreiras que clamam por transformação e vitória para a juventude. O Movimento Desperta Débora nasceu no coração de Deus no ano de 1995. O Pr. Jeremias Pereira, pastor da Oitava Igreja Presbiteriana de Belo Horizonte, participou de um grande congresso em Seul, na Coréia. Naquela ocasião, milhares de jovens se levantaram diante de um grande auditório se comprometendo a amar a Deus e ao próximo, vivendo uma vida de compromisso. Pr. Jeremias soube que as mães da Coréia do Sul estiveram orando por seus filhos e, como resposta a esse movimento de oração, as vidas de muitos jovens foram transformadas. Alguns deles deixaram as drogas, muitos deles voltaram aos estudos e seus corações foram tocados pelo amor de Deus. Ao voltar ao Brasil, impactado por esse movimento, Pr. Jeremias desafiou as mães do Brasil para que orassem por seus filhos, pedindo a Deus uma geração de jovens que ame a Deus e esteja disposta a servir e amar ao próximo. A idéia teve grande aceitação por parte das mães brasileiras. Elas pareciam estar em busca de alguma coisa que pudesse realmente mudar a vida de seus filhos. Em 1995, em Belo Horizonte, o primeiro grupo de mulheres se reuniu para orar por seus filhos. Débora foi uma juíza e profetiza em Israel. Sua história está em Juízes capítulos 4 e 5. Num tempo de grande decadência moral, espiritual e econômica, Débora se levantou e orou por seu povo. Como resultado das orações de Débora a história do povo de Israel foi mudada. Ela é conhecida como uma mulher que não se conformou com uma situação desfavorável. Ela lutou em oração e por isso teve grande vitória. O livro de Juizes se refere a Débora como uma mãe que se levantou em Israel. Em 2002, os pais e tios decidiram fazer parte do movimento. Por isso, temos hoje Déboras e Pais de Oração. A participação dos homens no movimento veio completar o que estava faltando.

A oração dos pais é muito importante para a vida de seus filhos. Toda criança precisa de uma referência masculina que se importe, que participe, que interceda. Hoje já são mais de 70.000 pais e mães cadastrados em todo o mundo. São pais intercessores, biológicos, adotivos ou espirituais, de qualquer denominação ou grupo religioso, comprometidos a orar diariamente por seus filhos e pela juventude, por no mínimo 15 minutos diários. Se você deseja fazer parte do movimento ou receber alguma informação, entre em contato. Desperta Débora nacional: http://www.despertadeboras.com.br. Desperta Débora nos Estados Unidos: http://www.despertadeborausa.com Em Orlando, duas igrejas abraçaram o movimento: Igreja Nova Esperança e o Ministério Brasileiro da First Baptist Orlando.

Igreja Nova Esperança 1450 Citrus Oaks Ave. - Gotha, FL. Coordenadora na Igreja: Edvanir Costa E-mail: edvanirjc@hotmail.com Ministério Brasileiro da First Baptist Orlando 3000 S. John Young Parkway • Orlando, FL 32805 Student Center Contato: Patricia Nogueira E-mail: patyhope@aol.com Phone: 407-953-4579 Quinze minutos de oração por dia em favor das crianças que amamos têm feito e continuará fazendo grande diferença. Afinal, há um Deus no Céu que responde orações. As Déboras e Pais de Oração acreditam nesse Deus e no poder da oração. Já orou por seu filho hoje?


por Laiz Rodrigues We scheduled this interview in the afternoon and at night we were there, at the comfort of her home talking about life, rewards and chances to restart everything when it is needed. The first interview we did with Soco Freire was on the beginning of the year, when she was getting ready to show her work at an Art exposition at Ana G. Mendez, University System, and I saw the light. I called it an explosion of colors, an amazing opportunity to enrich your eyes with beauty and color. Now a few months later I see an updated version of Soco, a little person with a giant soul and talent. Her work is ready to sail into the most competitive art market in the US-New York, she was invited by Agora Gallery, and this next expo will for sure take her into a brand new level of opportunities. Soco Freire is about to embark in the journey of her life to conquer the art market at the Big Apple, and maybe Europe next. Life can and will bring lemons, but how the lemonade will taste is up to us , and this is what life is all about, not the battle but the results of your struggles. Today I looked at some of her new work, and if the first one was an explosion of colors, this will blow you out of your feet, I can guarantee it. Soco is definitively renewed, refreshed and ready to launch. Just wait and see. At our visit to Soco and her husband Ed her greatest supporter we also met her other loves, herdaughter Marina of course, her turtle, and her dog . Besides being a great artist, Soco is also a great mother and wife, she will always be a reason for pride for the Brazilian Community.




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texto e foto by Igor Thorstensen Quem na vida nunca brincou de Lego? Desde 1949, na Dinamarca, a marca lego e seus blocos de montar ganharam o Mercado mundial, fazendo de seu produto uma divertida e inteligente brincadeira. Pois essa brincadeira acaba de ganhar proporções gigantescas. Dia 15 de Outubro deste ano, foi inaugurado a quarenta minutes da famosa cidade de Orlando FL, um parque temático para fãs de todas as idades: Legoland. Os criadores do parque avisam que o mesmo foi criado para crianças de 2 a 12 anos, porém se você foi um ávido colecionador de bloquinhos como eu, este fadado ao deslumbramento da quantidade e qualidade das esculturas que lá se encontram. Realmente não há limites para o que as peças possam montar.

O espaço físico do parque é bem distribuído, tendo áreas para crianças de 2 a 6 anos, áreas para crianças de 6 a 12 anos, e áreas comuns a todas as idades. Quem já esteve no falecido “Cypress Gardens”, consegue identificar ainda estruturas remodeladas para o recém-nascido Legoland, pois estefoi construído aproveitando e maximizando o espaço do anterior.


Tive a oportunidade de visitar o parque com meu rebento de 7 anos, ávido construtor e fã incondicional da marca, uma semana antes da abertura oficial, e gostaria de dividir com toda minha experiência. De fato o parque foi feito visando o infante. É bem interessante ao adolescente e adulto para conhecer e trás memórias inusitadas da nossa época áurea, porém é realmente exclusivo para os baixinhos. Para um pai babão como eu, ganhei memórias especiais do meu pimpolho “zoando a boca” nas atrações, e um abraço longo e impagável no final (o que valeu a viagem), mas se os seus já entraram na adolescência, tenha certeza de alertar aos mesmos a premissa supramencionada. O parque é dividido em diferentes áreas, cada uma com seu respectivo tema: Fun Town, onde tem uma fábrica que mostra como o lego é construído; Miniland USA, com miniaturas de varias cidades americanas; DUPLO Village, para os de 2 a 6 anos; LEGO Kingdom, tema medieval; LEGO Technic, tema futurístico; Imagination Zone, onde você pode fabricar e testar suas próprias criações; Pirate’s cove, um show com piratas; Land of Adventure, tema pré-histórico; e LEGO City (o predileto de meu filho), onde tem escolinhas de barco, carro e avião. O ingresso custa 75 dólares para adultos, e 65 para crianças, e você tem a opção de, por 5 dólares, pegar um ônibus de ida e volta partindo do Premium Outlet as 9:00 da manha, retornado quando o parque fecha. Legoland é digno de fazer o Sr. Mickey Mouse perder o sono…


Doações nos EUA: ESTADOS UNIDOS: Bank of America – MA Walter Alexandre Cleve Canhoni Conta corrente: 004605719433 Zipcode: 02149 Doações no Brasil: Banco Bradesco S/A Agência 0095-7 Conta: 0126319-6 Walter Alexandre Cleve Canhoni Banco Itau Agência 6375 Conta 01630-7 Inst. Soc. Com. G D CNPJ 08.280.906/0001-19


Life is a precious gift, save lives an even greater gift, and the professionals at the Trauma Center - Arnold Palmer Hospital for children, has the utmost mission, to succeed under the most critical conditions. How many children have been lost over the years because they could not get the treatment they required, or the transport that was not properly equipped to give them the immediate care? Well, today Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children -Trauma Center has all the means necessary to save a child, in the case on an emergency. Top of the line equipment and personnel, 20 well-trained professionals in a crew to each child, upon arrival, no questions asked, because what matters is to save, and care, and every second counts. Is that what you would want for your child? Today all this structure has been acquired by significant donations from people like you and me, and on October 21st, Performance Enthusiasts, came forward to reach out for the ones who can make a difference. Joined by The Orlando Premier Collection, Harley Davidson East Orlando, Cessna Pilot Center, Flight Training Professionals and Orlando Predators, they created this incredible event to raise funds and make it possible for Arnold Palmer Hospital Trauma Center to give even more children the care they need.

The Event was organized by Flight Training Professionals, by the Downtown Orlando Executive Airport, with every detail planned with care and extreme quality by the Administration of Yvette Hart-Metzger, owner of Celestial’s Legacy Corp. John Maher, owner of Windermere Design, created the beautiful website of Performance Enthusiast and he is in charge of the marketing portion for the event. The website remains open to further events and to let people know about the progress on donations. Keith Wynsma, owner of Flight Training Professionals and also one of the main event organizers, was present and thankful for all the support given to the cause. Catering was provided by Tim Webber The coordinator, they provided an excellent service, great crew, Cork & Olive was responsible for all the wine at the event, Robbi Wilkenman, The Event Artisan who provided all the sound for the event and was also Master of Ceremony, Axium Coffee,was present serving everybody their great coffee, BCI Beverage donated many items to the auction, CESSNA, brought the Jets presented at the Event, and had an entire crew ready to answer any questions. Among the sponsors, the event also counted on POD, Showalter Flight

Services, Children Surgical Associates, and Centenial Bank. A Live Auction, Silent Auction and Raffle were offered at the event, Live Auction was performed by Auction Angels LLC. commanded by Susan Crampton and her amazing crew. Ben Bennett, member of the Arena Football Hall of Fame - Kenny McEntyre, all time interception leader in the Arena Football League and current Player Personnel Director. - Marlon Moye-Moore. First team All First team Line Backer. - Juan Aguilera. Director of Community Relations. - Keith Recine. Director of Operations - Ashley Kassuba. Assistant - Amanda Stevens. Prowler dancer - Morgan Currie, Prowler dancer The event also counted with the presence of Buzz Braman Buzz Braman is known in NBA circles as The Shot Dr. He is the first full time shooting coach in NBA history when he joined the Philadelphia 76ers in 1989 . Buzz was also the shooting coach for the Orlando Magic in 1993-1995 and was instrumental in the Magic’s run to the NBA final in 1995. He works with elite college players and NBA stars, as well as young players, where his shooting camps are sold out. He recently teamed with long time friend and former NBA star, Penny Hardaway, to create pennyandtheshotdr.com, an online basketball training site for young players . The program provides training and coaching to players all over the world.

Buzz is regarded as the premier shooting coach in the world, as well as being one of the most deadly shooters in the game. A few of his amazing shooting achievements... * 246 out of 250 college three pointers, including the first 92 in a row; * 738 free throws in a row; * 1121 out of 1144 free throws in an hour. Using one ball. The City of Orlando was represented by City Commissioner Lui Damiani-District 3. The sponsors were Windermere Design, Cessna that was represented by Dave Armstrong, RandySchuelte, Matt Tutton, and Mike Long. Flight Training Professionals was represented by Keith Wynsma, and Ed Comisky. Zach Kallenbach Vice President at Arnold Palmer MC Foundation, opened the event with a wonderful speech and presented the Merchant Family, that had a personal experience with APMCF, when their son was saved by the Trauma Unit and he wanted to share with all the guests. Life is about choices you can have all the money in the world but that will not help if don’t have the right professionals, and equipment to save a life. The Trauma Unit needs your pledge. You can still help!

Halloween Makeover - Black Swan

Halloween is here, and we know you are wondering what to do. If you are going to a costume party attention to detail is important, but you can keep it simple and elegant. Choose a costume that will fit comfortably and try to avoid unnecessary accessories. These days less is more. Patricia our model, chose Black Swan for her Halloween makeover, dark without being scary, and mysterious enough to attract a lot of attention.

Juan is Chanel’s make up artist at Bloomingdale’s, ant he did an amazing job as you can see. At first he applied the foundation, mapped the eyes, contour of the lips and started filling the spaces with colors and art. Juan is a great professional It looks great. The makeover process was photographed by HotspotOrlando, but we had the pleasure of sharing this photo-shoot with Deborah LeBlanc, she is responsible for the pictures reflecting the makeover results and they were edited dy Danielle Buljan Photographer-Miami. It was a group effort, and the results are amazing! We are all really proud of it. Can’t wait for the next.

Halloween Makeover - Black Swan

The model is Patricia Costa, she is Brazilian, has been a model for many years and she chose Juan Rico to perform her makeover.

Halloween Makeover - Black Swan

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