Blue Ridge Community College Annual Report 2012 13

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Blue Ridge Community College

Annual Report 2012–2013



BRCC – MBC Celebrates 20 Years!


his spring marked the 20th anniversary of Mary Baldwin College’s partnership with Blue Ridge Community College, which includes a well-established guaranteed admission agreement and a MBC office on-site at BRCC to help facilitate the preparation and transition of BRCC students to MBC.

The partnership was recognized as not only one of the first such partnerships in Virginia but across the nation. MBC-BRCC student extraordinaire Kelli Cash spoke at the ceremony, commenting about how the partnership had helped her achieve her dream of higher education.

BRCC Raises Hunger Awareness with Week of Activities

B Enactus Sharing the Light


n an attempt to bring light to six small villages in Haiti, as part of their ongoing efforts to improve the quality of life on the island, BRCC Enactus took more than 600 solar lights into small villages on the island. This project not only provides the villagers with light but will save them money, improve their environment, and create jobs and sustainability. The solar powered lights, which cost about $20, are durable and provide a safe and efficient light for homes. The team selected an entrepreneur in each village, and gave them 100 lights. Those entrepreneurs had to present a business plan, and promised to also train other residents to sell the lights as well.

lue Ridge Community College and the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank (BRAFB) partnered for the sixth year to raise the profile of hunger, both locally and abroad. The 2012 Virginia Hunger Symposium featured a panel discussion by local experts, a film viewing, a hunger simulation, the Empty Bowl dinner, and culminated with a benefit concert by folk music legend Tom Paxton.

Since its inception in 2007, the hunger symposium has raised $43,230 and 19,476 pounds of food for the BRAFB to address the growing problem of food insecurity. According to the BRAFB, that is more than 187,000 meals! To put that in perspective, that’s enough food to provide two meals and a snack to every person living in Augusta County. BRCC Phi Theta Kappa sponsored a viewing and discussion of the film, 30 Days on Minimum Wage, which chronicled the experiences of filmmaker Morgan Spurlock and his fiancée living on minimum wage in 2005. The film shed light on the struggles of low income families, such as hunger, unreliable public transportation, safety concerns, stresses of minimum wage work, difficulty budgeting, and being without health insurance. The discussion updated and localized some of the statistics used in the film. Another student-led event challenged teams of first-year BRCC students to answer the question: What is it like being unable to afford food? In the Hunger Simulation awareness program, designed by BRCC Enactus as part of its annual Campbell’s Let’s Can Hunger Campaign, students had to “live out” a three-day period as food-challenged individuals and families. Enactus students represented aid agency workers, food pantry workers, and social service employees, creating real life experiences for the 90 participants.


BRCC Board Member Garners State Award

D Multicultural Books


hildren visiting the Explore More Discovery Museum in Harrisonburg will find more than 40 new bilingual books in the International Book Collection of the One World Exhibit, thanks to a group of students from Blue Ridge Community College. “We are thrilled by the generosity of the BRCC SPECTRUM students. The International Book Collection helps children connect globally and embraces the rich diversity of our community,” said Executive Director or the Museum, Lisa Shull. She added, “With nearly 60,000 annual visitors, the museum’s guests represent a wide range of languages and cultures. It is unique to find a collection like this in a handson Discovery Museum.” The International Book Collection is an initiative of the local Rotary Clubs and is housed in the One World Exhibit Gallery. “We collected and donated books representing the cultures and languages of our club members and advisors. We purposely bought mostly bilingual books so parents could read to their children in both their native languages and English,” explained SPECTRUM Advisor and BRCC staff member, Miriam Basinger. “The donation was for a good cause and informing the community how SPECTRUM, from BRCC, is trying to make a little international impact everywhere in the community,” said BRCC Spectrum President, Razhan Jaf. The donated books represent the following languages and cultures: French, Spanish, Portuguese, Swahili, Arabic, Hindi, Dutch, Kurdish, Russian, African-American, Hebrew, Italian, German, and Ghana.

r. Bruce Bowman, chairperson of the Blue Ridge Community College Board, is the recipient of the 2012 Chairman’s Award for College Board Member Exemplary Service presented by the State Board for Virginia’s Community Colleges. This award recognizes outstanding service by a currently serving community college board member. Dr. Bowman, a BRCC alumnus, has a long history of service on both the college’s Local Board and the Educational Foundation Board.

who has hired graduates of Blue Ridge Community College, he articulates well the important role the College plays in our local workforce. Finally, as our Local Board Chair and donor, he is a strong advocate in the community about the mission of the College and the vital work we do for students and employers,” said BRCC President, Dr. John Downey.

Award criteria included: participation in community life, mobilizing the mission of the community college, participation in college-related activities, “Dr. Bowman is one of BRCC’s overall contribution to the community most effective advocates. As a BRCC college mission, leadership to help solve graduate, he tells his own compelling challenges to community colleges in story of how the college helped the Commonwealth of Virginia, and him get started toward his goal of leadership roles in state, regional, or becoming a veterinarian. As someone national associations.

BRCC’s Children’s Theatre Workshop Presentation of Oliver Twist is a Sell-out


lue Ridge Community College’s Children’s Theatre Workshop presentation of Oliver Twist in November created such a buzz, it accomplished something no other Fine Arts Center performance had done before: sold out all tickets before opening night! The production, directed by Matthew Grandpré, featured a cast of 22 young people ages 8-14, who practiced for weeks in a workshop setting to hone their acting skills. The production was top-notch, with stellar performances given by young and relatively inexperienced actors. The impact the experience had on them was clear when each cast member spontaneously stood and spoke to a room of about 100 people, to attest

to what the production and the director had meant to them. Due to the popularity of Children’s Theatre Workshop productions, a fourth showing was added to this year’s play, The Prince and the Pauper. The Fine Arts Center continues to be a popular venue for students and members of the community to immerse themselves in the arts. Musical and dramatic performances and art show exhibits drew over 3,000 visitors.




Private Dollars Provide Vital Support to the College


he BRCC Educational Foundation provided $60,000 in support of faculty positions and $5,117 to upgrade the IV simulator equipment in the Nursing program.

Working in cooperation with the Financial Aid Office of Blue Ridge Community College, the BRCC Educational Foundation awarded a record $253,600 in scholarship assistance to deserving BRCC students. A record 182 scholarship recipients and donor representatives attended the BRCC Scholarship Luncheon on March 22, 2013. Through its Strategic Initiative Grant Program, the BRCC Educational Foundation funded efforts to improve the number of

BRCC students who successfully transfer to a four-year college or university. These included the “Transfer Tour Tuesday” and “Beyond BRCC” opportunities. Supporters of Blue Ridge Community College helped the BRCC Educational Foundation raise $76,699 in net profit during the “Western Hoedown” Spring Fling Auction. More than 225 attendees enjoyed an evening of spirited bidding and buying at the auction, which was sponsored by Moseley Architects, Beam Brothers Trucking, and Graves-Light Wealth Management Group of Wells Fargo Advisors.

Annual Career Expo Brings Businesses and Students Together


ob seekers from on campus and the general public flocked to the ABG Career Expo in April. Sponsored by Alpha Beta Gamma business society and the Career Services office, the expo featured career seminars, job finding assistance, employer exhibitors, and even a fashion show. Sixty local business and industry partners participated to raise awareness of their products, goods, and services, in addition to providing information about job opportunities and internships. Breakout sessions discussed social media in the workplace, interview tips, and how to dress for success in interviews and on the job. BRCC students and alumni were also able to have professional photos taken and get assistance with résumé writing.

FFA Celebrates 85 Years


n March, BRCC’s Collegiate Future Farmers of America Chapter hosted a celebration of the 85th Anniversary of the FFA. Weyers Cave is the site of the first chapter (1927) of the Future Farmers of Virginia, later to become the National FFA Organization. The event featured a keynote address by Matt Lohr, Virginia Commissioner of Agriculture. Others in attendance included middle and high school FFA chapters from the area, and influential FFA leaders in the Shenandoah Valley.


BRCC Earns Place on National Honor Roll for Community Service


lue Ridge Community College was named to the 2013 President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll, one of 690 institutions of higher education to receive this honor. This designation is the highest honor a college or university can receive for its commitment to volunteering, service learning, and civic engagement. “The faculty and students at Blue Ridge Community College have a long history of engagement in community service and service learning. We believe such service helps prepare our graduates to be active and engaged leaders in the community,” said Dr. John Downey, President of BRCC. “We’re honored that our work has been recognized through the President’s Service Learning Initiative. The tremendous energy of our faculty and our students demonstrates our values, especially our commitment to the community we serve.” “BRCC Enactus’s BRIDGE project was one of the programs that helped contribute to the College receive this recognition,” said Enactus Advisor Rebecca Evans. “This program, currently in its third year, has helped mentor 12 women back into college degree programs and/or workforce training certifications. The BRIDGE is a partnership between the Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare (VIEW Program) and funded through a Wal-Mart Women’s Economic Empowerment Grant and a Wells Fargo Community Development Grant. Other BRCC community servicerelated initiatives throughout the year included: the Annual Virginia Hunger Symposium, Enactus’s “I Choose” program, United Way’s Unity Day, and a Career Expo to name a few.

BRCC Enactus Breaks Through the Glass Ceiling – Places in the Top Colleges & Universities in the U.S.


he BRCC Enactus team returned from Enactus USA National Exposition victorious. After competing against 155 other Enactus teams from across the country for nearly a week, BRCC Enactus was named 2nd Runner-up after the final round.

Excitement grew throughout the week as the student-driven team moved from the opening round of competition to the semi-final round, and then finally to the final four level of competition—the first time a two-year college has ever placed in the final four! BRCC Enactus presented several projects to the 80 judges made up of corporate executives from the Enactus sponsor companies. BRCC Enactus presented on their work in the Shenandoah Valley community as they mentor at-risk women back into college through the BRIDGE Program. The BRIDGE was also recognized at the National Expo as one of the top eight projects in the U.S. focusing on empowering women as part of the Walmart Women’s Economic Empowerment Project Partnership. BRCC Enactus was also awarded a $5,000 Lowes Community Improvement Grant Award for the team’s work in Haiti creating economic opportunity for the villagers of Mon L’opital. Additionally, BRCC Enactus placed third in the Campbell’s Let’s Can Hunger Project Partnership, which focused on not only providing immediate but also sustained hunger relief. BRCC Enactus worked with middle school children for six weeks in Recipes Meet Reality, a program that found Enactus students mentoring students on nutrition, exercise, growing their own food, budgeting for food purchases, and cooking!

BRCC’s PTK Honor Society Wins International, Regional Awards


lue Ridge Community College’s Alpha Xi Xi chapter of Phi Theta Kappa continued to win awards this fiscal year.

At the international level, the chapter earned 5-star status, the highest such status awarded, and received Honorable Mention in the Distinguished Chapter category. The club was also recognized at the regional level with Honorable Mentions for College Project and Honors in Action Project. The club also received a Distinguished Theme Award for its focus on “Too Big to Fail: Competition and Economics.” Three individuals were recognized as well for their contributions to the club. Chapter officers Peggy Michel and Val Hiner were named to the Virginia Region Hall of Honor. BRCC Alumna Terry Laney was recognized for her service as an officer in the Virginia Region Alumni Association.




Students Study in Peru “


was very excited about the chance to not only study Spanish but live with a native family for a month and complete volunteer work while living there,” said BRCC student and trip participant Joni Leetun. Four students and one faculty member traveled to Peru in early 2013. They stayed with families in Cuzco, Peru, studied Spanish at the Centro Tinku, and also participated in community services activities.

Training the Valley’s Workforce


RCC Continuing Education responded to a surge in employer requests, delivering 36 percent more customized corporate training and consulting services than the prior year. Noncredit workforce funding approved by the General Assembly, as well as various BRCC grants, enabled Continuing Education to reduce costs to companies, further encouraging them to provide employee training. Commonly requested training included customer service, leadership, team-building, commercial driving, ISO-9001, Microsoft Office software, and human resources, with training provided to companies specializing in banking, insurance, manufacturing, telecommunications, government, and retail sales.


AMT Online Courses Have Landed @ BRCC!


RCC is home to the nation’s first online Federal Aviation Administration approved Airframe and Powerplant Certificate. The Beta test program began accepting students in October, 2012, and included four classes worth seven credits. “As we face looming shortages of A&P technicians, schools need additional tools to attract and retain students. Distance learning is one of those tools. While there are many areas [of the curriculum] that require practical learning in the classroom and laboratory, there are many content areas where online methods can produce equivalent, and often, improved learning,” explained Raymond Thompson, president of the Aviation Technician Education Council. Graduates of the Aviation Maintenance Technology (AMT) program (both distance and on-site) are eligible to take the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Written, Oral, and Practical exams for a Mechanic’s Certificate with Airframe and Powerplant ratings. Currently, BRCC graduates have a 100% pass rate on the certification exams. Students are selected on a competitive basis, with priority given to qualified applicants who are residents of the BRCC service area, and then to Virginia residents. BRCC’s Aviation Maintenance Technology Distance Education program is fully approved by the Federal Aviation Administration. Distance AMT classes are anticipated to start every two years. Distance students attend summer laboratory classes at the BRCC Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport facility.

Dyen Receives Educator of the Year Award


red Dyen, assistant professor of Aviation Maintenance Technology, received the 2013 Ivan D. Livi Outstanding Educator of the Year Award from the Aviation Technician Education Council (ATEC).

“Fred’s recognition by his fellow AMT educators is a testament to the countless hours he has devoted to ensuring our AMT program is the best in the country,” said BRCC President John Downey. Last summer, under Dyen’s leadership, BRCC was the first college to receive FAA approval to implement a pilot program for teaching AMT concepts through distance learning. BRCC established its AMT degree program at the Shenandoah Regional Airport in 2007, and 50 individuals have received degrees or certificates. ATEC was founded in 1961 to further the standing of FAAapproved schools with education and industry, and to promote mutually beneficial relations with all industry and government agencies. The Ivan D. Livi award recognizes outstanding achievement of an aviation maintenance technology instructor.

BRCC Automotive Students “Ace” the ASE Exams


lue Ridge Community College 2013 graduates of the Automotive Repair and Analysis program achieved a 100 percent pass rate on the Automotive Service Excellence exams. BRCC’s program continued to meet the requirements for Master Automobile Service Technology Accreditation, the highest level of achievement recognized by the National Automotive Technician Education Foundation (NATEF). The eight 40-question tests cover different ASE content areas.




Tuskegee Airmen Presentation Highlights Black History Month Events


lue Ridge Community College welcomed two of the historic Tuskegee Airmen in February as part of the College’s Black History Month celebration. Grant S. Williams, Sr., and Harry Quinton, both of Tidewater, VA, reminisced about their service with the famed Tuskegee Airmen: the first African-American military aviators, mechanics, and air crews in the United States armed forces. Wearing bright red sport coats and ties, the two World War II heroes spoke to a packed auditorium crowd which offered them three standing ovations. “My greatest pleasure was that I got to work with a group of men who got to fight for their right to fight for their country,” Williams said. The gentlemen amazed the audience with their sharp memories for dates and statistical information about the “red-tailed angels.” About 1,000 men were trained at Tuskegee Army Airfield from 1941-1946. The unit earned 58 Purple Hearts and destroyed or damaged over 400 enemy aircraft.

New College Preparatory Courses for ESL Students at BRCC


wo English as a Second Language (ESL) courses were offered beginning in January – a first for BRCC. The classes are offered to help prepare ESL students for collegelevel work and include vocabulary for lectures and grammar for writing papers, as well as study strategies. “We’ve developed the English for Academic Purposes program in response to our service area’s growing immigrant community,” explained Pamyla Yates, BRCC English instructor. The College held an information session at the Harrisonburg Center in the spring to help build community awareness of the ESL courses. After successful spring classes, and a lot of outreach, demand for fall ESL classes lead to eight courses on the schedule. Enrollment grew from 14 students last spring to 60 this fall. These classes are offered during the day at the BRCC Weyers Cave campus, and in the evenings at the BRCC Harrisonburg Center. “Our challenge was to create a parallel program that would be more focused on language acquisition at the advanced level, but still meet the goals of getting learners ready for college-level work,” said Yates. As an interesting note, some of the native languages that can be heard around BRCC include, but are not limited to: Arabic, Spanish, Burmese, Romanian, French, Kurdish, Hungarian, Gujarati, Lingala, Korean, Maasai, Swahili, Amharic, Chinese, Dari, Hindi, and Russian.

Blue Ridge Community College Awarded Military Friendly Schools ® Title from Victory Media Inc


ictory Media, the premier media entity for military personnel transitioning into civilian life, has named Blue Ridge Community College to the coveted Military Friendly Schools ® list. The 2013 Military Friendly Schools ® list honors the top 15 percent of colleges, universities and trade schools in the country that are doing the most to embrace America’s military service members, veterans, and spouses as students and ensure their success on campus. “Inclusion on the 2013 list of Military Friendly Schools ® shows Blue Ridge’s commitment to providing a supportive environment for military students,” said Sean Collins, Director for G.I. Jobs and Vice President at Victory Media. “As interest in education grows we’re thrilled to provide the military community with transparent, world-class resources to assist in their search for schools,” said Sean. “Blue Ridge Community College has welcomed many new veterans to its campus in the last two years,” said Dr. Bob Young, vice president for instruction and student services. “These students bring a wealth of experiences and world outlooks which make our College better for all students.”

BRCC BY THE NUMBERS Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Student financial aid disbursements rose to over $14.1 million during the 2012-13 award year. More than 3,000 students benefited from financial aid programs offered by the College. $15 $12 $9 $6 $3

BRCC Local Board 2012-13 Dr. Bruce Bowman, Chair Mr. Carl Rosberg, Vice-Chair Dr. John Downey, Secretary Mr. Rodney Alderfer Ms. Joyce Colemon Ms. Denise Dawson Ms. Lynn Diveley Dr. J. Darwin King Ms. Jean Gearing Ms. Pam Huggins Ms. Beverly McGowen Ms. Caroline Sponaugle


During the 2012-13 award year, grants and scholarships represented 59% of total financial aid awarded, whereas, the Student Loan Program and the College Work-Study Program contributed 40% and 1%, respectively.

BRCC Educational Foundation Board of Directors 2012-13 Ms. Debra S. Callison, Chair Mr. Thomas C. Mendez, Vice Chair Dr. John A. Downey, Secretary Dr. Robert S. Baldygo, Treasurer Mr. John S. Barret Jr. Mr. Tony E. Biller Mr. Alphonso P. Boxley III Mr. Gregory W. Campbell Mr. Stephen W. Claffey Ms. Laura Lee Conklin Ms. Denise E. “D.D.” Dawson Mr. Lawrence H. Hoover Jr.

Ms. Nancy Hulings Mr. Carl G. Lind Ms. Martha Livick Ms. Mary N. Mannix Mr. John L. Matherly Ms. Mary McDermott Ms. Stacey D. Strawn Mr. Steven E. Stroop Mr. Don “Robin” Sullenberger III Mr. Alan J. Sweet Mr. Travis J. Tysinger Ms. Cynthia Weidner Ms. Cathleen P. Welsh

VCCS – State Board for Community Colleges 2012-13 Mr. Hank Chao, Chair Mr. Bruce Meyer, Vice Chair Dr. Glenn DuBois, Secretary Ms. LaVonne Ellis Ms. Idalia Fernandez Radm. Robert Fountain Mr. Stephen Gannon Dr. Sasha Gong Ms. Dorcas Helfant-Browning Ms. Mirta Martin Mr. Jeffrey Mitchell Mr. David Nutter Mr. Robin Sullenberger Mr. William Talley, III Mr. Michael Thomas Mr. Michel Zajur

BRCC Educational Foundation Directors Emeriti In 2003, the BRCC Educational Foundation Board of Directors instituted the “Director Emeritus” program as a way of recognizing former Board members who have truly made a difference for the Foundation and the College. The criteria used to determine this recognition include a demonstration of extraordinary service and generosity to Blue Ridge Community College and the BRCC Educational Foundation. Mr. Michael B. Beahm Ms. Carolyn L. Beam Dr. Bruce M. Bowman Mr. Woodrow W. Carr Mr. Peter F. deVaux Mr. David W. Didawick Ms. Lynn M. Diveley Mr. E. Grant Doyle Ms. Joan D. Eiland

Mr. William J. Elliott Mr. John W. Flora Ms. Sallie E. Funkhouser Ms. Jean F. Gearing Ms. Julia N. Grandle Ms. Pamela T. Huggins Mr. Timothy G. Hulings Mr. Kevin D. Humphries Mr. Robert G. Knowles

Ms. Laurel L. Landes Mr. Martin F. Lightsey Mr. Richard L. Manor Ms. Deborah T. Metz Ms. Beverly S. “Cheri” Moran Mr. Richard R. J. “Dick” Morin Mr. John N. Neff Dr. James R. Perkins Mr. William L. Pfost Jr.

Dr. Stuart L. Porter Mr. Carl A. Rosberg Mr. Art Schlappi Mr. L. Ronald Smith Mr. Frank L. Summers Jr. Ms. Lynn K. Suter Dr. Daniel M. Woodworth Mr. Edward S. “Chip” Yates




Access Increase the number of individuals who are educated and trained, with emphasis on increasing the number from underserved populations.


Student Success

Maintain tuition and fees at less than half of the comparable cost of attending Virginia’s public four-year institutions, and increase the number of students who receive financial assistance and scholarships.

Increase the number of students graduating, transferring, or completing a workforce credential, including increasing the success of students from underserved populations. College/University Transfers

BRCC Financial Aid

BRCC Total Enrollment 8000


MIllions of Dollars

14 12



10 4000 6831




300 255






150 6



4 0



2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 (individuals)


0 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012

BRCC Transfers to Instate Four-Year Institutions (with or without a degree)

Dual Enrollment Students 1600 Tuition & Fees: In-State

1400 1200 1000


















200 0

2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 *a change in the way dual enrollment classes were offered at one of the high schools accounts for this drop


400 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Average public 4-year college BRCC (15 credits)



200 100 0

174 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

Completed Coursework for Industry 1250

1800 40,000



1400 1000



1200 1219
















600 10,000




2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

Duplicated number of individuals who

0 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

or state licensure at BRCC

RESOURCES Resources: Foundation Assets Total assets as of June 30

2012-2013 Maintenance and Operating Expenditures

2010 2011 2012 2013

Expenditures General Academic Instruction 3,840,277 Remedial Instruction 321,538 Vocational Education 3,805,000 Community Education 709,957 Public Service 0 Academic Support 2,070,382 Student Services 1,369,282 Institutional Support 5,494,871 Physical Plant 1,565,669 Sponsored Programs 577,696 SUBTOTAL $19,754,672

19.44% 1.63% 19.26% 3.59% 0.00% 10.48% 6.93% 27.82% 7.93% 2.92% 100.00%

$6,227,487 $7,263,072 $7,638,507 $8,507,559

Graduates* 900 800 700 600

total graduates AA&S degrees AAS degrees AS degrees

500 400

Local Funds College Board Student Activities

300 200

1,183,752 303,043




2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

Revenues by Source Tuition and Fees State Appropriations Govt Grants and Contracts Private Gifts and Grants Local Appropriations Total

11,054,678 8,496,944 324,670 664,268 230,000 $20,770,560

53.22% 40.91% 1.56% 3.20% 1.11% 100.00%

Academic Year 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 AAS 195 233 224 189 AA&S 244 318 325 305 AS 1 5 6 19 Total Graduates* 533 888 985 960 * includes certificates and diplomas


12 DONORS 1967 Society

The 1967 Society celebrates the cumulative giving of $100,000 or more to the Blue Ridge Community College Educational Foundation. This society is named in honor of the year of the College’s founding, and recognizes our most generous donors. Anonymous (1) Dr. and Mrs. James A. Armstrong* Augusta Health Avotek, A Division of Select Aerospace Industries, Inc. Beam Brothers Trucking, Inc. Gerry and Carolyn Beam Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Blosser Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Bowman Cadence, Inc. Central Shenandoah Criminal Justice Training Academy Mr. Henry C. Clark* and Mrs. Mary Ann Clark ComSonics, Inc. Dynamic Aviation Follett Higher Education Group Mrs. Julia N. Grandle Mr. and Mrs. A. Wesley Graves VI Highway Corporation Holtzman Oil Corporation Mr. and Mrs. William B. Holtzman Houff Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Z. Houff Mr. and Mrs. Dwight E. Houff INVISTA NTELOS Mr. Leonard G. Penland* Mr. Robert E. Plecker* and Mrs. Frances W. Plecker Ms. Lynn T. Reams Rockingham Memorial Hospital Shenandoah Landscape Services, Inc. Mr. Zane D. Showker* The Family of Zane D. Showker Mr. Lyall O. Steger Jr.* and Mrs. Catherine O. Steger Mr. and Mrs. Karl D. Stoltzfus Mr. and Mrs. Karl D. Stoltzfus Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Stoltzfus Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Strickler Transfer Associates, LLC Dr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Wade Ms. Roxie Houff White

Blue Ridge Vision Society The Blue Ridge Vision Society provides recognition for friends who have committed to support the quality of education at Blue Ridge Community College in their estate plans. Anonymous (1) Ms. Dorothy W. Anderson* Dr. and Mrs. James A. Armstrong* Mr. Stephen P. Clark* Dr. and Mrs. John A. Downey Mr. and Mrs. David R. Eyler Ms. Sally F. Fulton Mrs. Julia N. Grandle Mrs. Ruth B. Grove Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Henderson III Mrs. Ola M. Hoover* Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Hoover Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hopkins III Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Hulings Dr. Darrell W. Hurst* and Mrs. Lida Hurst Lt. Col. James E. Jordan Jr.*

Dr. Paul E. Lee* Mr. Jim Lowdon* and Mrs. Jo Ann Lowdon Mr. and Mrs. Philip T. Moran Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mrotek Mr. William R. Oliver Mr. Leonard G. Penland* Mr. Robert E. Plecker* and Mrs. Frances W. Plecker Dr. and Mrs. Stuart L. Porter Mrs. Emma M. Ramsey* Mrs. Terry B. Showalter Mr. Zane D. Showker* Mr. and Mrs. Terry G. Slaubaugh Wellford and Nell Tiller Ms. L. Elizabeth Tucker Mr. Edward S. “Chip” Yates Ms. Carol A. Yetzer


Educational Foundation Donors

A special thank you is extended to the following donors who have demonstrated their commitment to Blue Ridge Community College during the period of July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013. The President’s Council provides recognition for friends who make up the heart of the BRCC Educational Foundation with annual gifts of $1,000 or more in support of Blue Ridge Community College. Diamond Level - $10,000 or more Platinum Level - $5,000-9,999 Gold Level - $2,500-4,999 Silver Level - $1,000-2,499

Diamond Level Anonymous (3) Augusta Health Beam Brothers Trucking, Inc. ComSonics, Inc. Denbigh and Associates Enactus Mr. and Mrs. J. Gray Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Fitt Houff Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Z. Houff Mr. and Mrs. Dwight E. Houff James McHone Antique Jewelry Mr. and Mrs. John L. Matherly Jr. McHone Brothers, LLC Mr. James C. McHone Mr. and Mrs. Noland McHone The Neall Family Charitable Foundation Ms. Lynn T. Reams Rockingham Memorial Hospital StellarOne Ms. Roxie H. White

Platinum Level The Appleseeds Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Garland Beam Gerry and Carolyn Beam Cadence, Inc. Ms. Debra S. Callison CEMSI Mr. Henry C. Clark* and Mrs. Mary Ann Clark Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge Mr. and Mrs. Asa W. Graves VII Harry F. and Margaret M. Flippo Foundation Tim and Nancy Hulings Mr. William A. Jongeward and Ms. Mary McDermott Massanutten Lions Club MGW Communications, Inc. Mrs. Betty C. Monger Moseley Architects NVCC Educational Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Rawley Mrs. Jane Ritchie Rocky and Brenda’s Gold & Silver Shop Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Sheets Mr. and Mrs. L. Ronald Smith United Bank Virginia Foundation for Community College Education The Wells Fargo Foundation The Wells Fargo Foundation-Educational Matching Gifts Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Yates

Gold Level Augusta County Government Dr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Bowman Bowman Family Dentistry, PLLC Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Alphonso P. Boxley III Mr. Richard D. Davis* and Mrs. Diane Davis Dominion Resources Dr. and Mrs. John A. Downey Dynamic Aviation Mr. Peter Eades Dr. and Mrs. Frank Gearing III Global Impact Graves-Light Wealth Management Group of Wells Fargo Advisors Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Henderson III Ms. Alesia Hovatter Kawneer Company, Inc. Ms. Linda A. Mars McDonalds/APB Management, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Karl D. Stoltzfus Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Stoltzfus Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Strickler Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Strickler Sunnyside Retirement Communities Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wayland Mr. J. Keith Yates Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Yates Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Young

DONORS Silver Level Anonymous (3) APB Restaurants Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Baldygo Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Bland Mr. and Mrs. A. Price Boxley IV Mr. and Mrs. Phillip W. Brown Mr. Tim Byrd Mr. Frank Carey and Ms. Mary N. Mannix Carr Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James J. Chambers Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Claffey Community College Ministries Mrs. Elizabeth Cooper Mr. Stephen Dahl and Ms. Stacey D. Strawn Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Davis Mr. Geoff Dean Degesch America, Inc. Diveley Lind & Associates, LLC Mr. and Mrs. David Diveley E & M Auto Paint & Supply Corp. Mr. H. Randolph Laird and Ms. Joan D. Eiland Elmore, Hupp & Company, P.L.C. Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. John W. Flora Follett Higher Education Group Ms. Loretta G. Frantz Mrs. Julia N. Grandle Mr. Dino O. Gregorich Dr. and Mrs. William H. Grey Hershey Chocolate of Va., Inc. The Hershey Company Hollister Incorporated Mr. Wayne Holloman Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Hoover Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James B. Huggins Lida Hurst IDM Trucking, Inc. InterChange Dr. Robert F. Jochen Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Justice Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Keane John and Amy Kiger Mr. and Mrs. Richard Landes Lawrence Transportation Systems Mr. and Mrs. David Leatherwood Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Lind Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Livick Jr. Massanutten Resort Mr. Thomas E. Mayer Dr. and Mrs. John A. McGowan McKee Foods Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Mendez MillerCoors Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Montgomery Bill and Lisa Moore Morgan-Miles Picture Frames Motorola Solutions Foundation NTELOS and Lumos Networks Foundation Donna and Jerry Pangburn Dr. and Mrs. James R. Perkins Drs. Gerald and Audrey Perselay Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pippert Dr. and Mrs. Stuart L. Porter Pritchette Physical Therapy Mr. and Mrs. David R. Rathburn

The Reider Family Fund of The Philadelphia Foundation Riddleberger Brothers Rockingham Cooperative Inc. Rockingham Group Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Rosberg Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Schilling Mr. and Mrs. Art Schlappi Shenandoah Valley Kennel Club Inc. Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport Silver, Brass & Annalee Galleries Skyline Kennel Club Mr. and Mrs. Terry G. Slaubaugh Mr. Lester A. Smith Jr. Mrs. Catherine O. Steger Mr. Steve Stroop and Ms. Billie Rosenberger Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Tucker Dr. and Mrs. David J. Urso US Joiner LLC Vector Marketing Corporation VerStandig Broadcasting Virginia Association of Licensed Veterinary Technicians Inc. Virginia Federation of Dog Clubs & Breeders, Inc. Virginia Regional Transit Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ward Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Weidner Mr. and Mrs. Hugh E. Westfall Ms. Rowan Zeiss

Donors Anonymous (11) Mr. and Mrs. Rodney D. Alderfer Ms. Amy E. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Roger M. Alexander Allen Condit LLC Mr. and Mrs. Mark Alt American Fixtures Cabinet Co., Inc. American Shakespeare Center Blackfriars Playhouse Anderson, White & Company, P.C. Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Andreotta Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Anson III Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Arkward Augusta Cooperative Farm Bureau, Inc. Augusta Framecrafters Augusta Health La Vie MediSpa Augusta Health Lifetime Fitness Avotek, A Division of Select Aerospace Industries, Inc. Ms. Pamela G. Bailey Baja Bean Co. Mr. David Balboni Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ball Ms. Ashley Balsley Bank of America Mr. and Mrs. David N. Barker Mr. Jason E. Barr Mr. and Mrs. John S. Barret Jr. Ms. Karis Swink Barry Mr. and Mrs. Richard Basinger Mr. Richard A. Baugh Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Baumbach Mr. and Mrs. Brad Baylor Mr. Michael A. Bayne Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Beam

The Beauty Spa Ms. Jody Beelendorf Mr. and Mrs. Jim Belcher Mr. and Mrs. E. Marvin Belden Mr. John M. Bell Mr. and Mrs. James O. Benedict Big “O” Tree and Lawn Service Mr. and Mrs. Tony E. Biller Bit n’ Bridle Tack Shop Dr. and Mrs. George H. Blomstrom Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Blosser Mr. Patrick and Dr. Kimberly Blosser Blue Ridge Equine Clinic Blue Ridge Lumber Co. Blue Stone Inn Ms. Ellen Boden Mr. Grant Bodkin Books-A-Million Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Bothof Mr. Brian Bowman Ms. Patricia Boyd Ms. Stacie M. Bracknell BRCC Continuing Education Mr. J. Andrew Briggs Mr. John E. Brimmer and Ms. Cathleen P. Welsh Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Brooks Ms. Kelly D. Brown Ms. Ryanne G. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Floyd E. Bush Mr. and Mrs. John A. Butler Ms. Storm Butler-Hall C. C. Rosen & Sons, Inc. Ms. Mallory A. Cain Mr. and Mrs. John P. Calabria Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Callahan Miss Jennifer Callison Calvano & La Grua, PLC Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Calvano Calvary United Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Campbell Ms. Hilary Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Carter Jr. Dr. Tara Carter Mrs. Linda Carver Ms. Janet A. Chamberlen Mr. Russ and Dr. Hara Charlier Mr. Charles R. Chittum Mr. and Mrs. Paul Christophel Ms. Mary Allison Church Clark & Bradshaw, P.C. Classic Tuxedos Ms. Anita K. Clemmer Employees of Cline Energy and Valley Exxon Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Cline Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Cline Mrs. Joyce L. Colemon Mr. Harry L. Colman Ms. Claire O. Comar The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg/Rockingham Mr. and Mrs. William H. Conklin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Connelly Ms. Sally Jane Conner Mr. David A. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Marvin B. Cook Country Cupboard Catering Ms. Ellen P. Crabtree

Ms. Cindy L. Craun Crickhollow Pottery Dr. Whitman Cross II Ms. Melissa Crowder-Rhoden Crown Jewelers Crutchfield Corporation Mr. Randy Cullers Cupcake Company LLC Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Curran Dr. Sandra M. Curry Ms. Christy S. Dameron Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Dansby Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Dawson Dayton Interiors, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Josh Deaver Dental Health Associates Denton Family Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Diehl Mr. and Mrs. William G. Dimmett Mr. John Dindinger Mr. and Mrs. Lamine Diop Dixie Gas & Oil Corporation Ms. Meghan Downey Ms. Kathryn Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Michael Doyle Ms. Audrey M. Dreelin Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Driscoll Ms. Virginia T. Dull Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Durrbeck Ms. Laura Dwyer Dr. John R. Eagle Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Earhart Ms. Linda W. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. James E. Eiland Dr. and Mrs. Daniel E. El-Bogdadi Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Eller Ms. Joann Ellero Elliott Chevrolet Cadillac Mr. William J. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Robert Errett Mr. and Mrs. Michael Evans Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Evans Explore More Children’s Museum Mr. and Mrs. T. Windsor Fields First Class Services Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Fitzgerald Mr. Don Flegal and Dr. Catherine Slusher Mr. and Mrs. Steven Q. Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Hampton W. Foley II Follett #618 / BRCC Bookstore Follett Corporation Fred and Gail Fox The Frame Factory & Gallery The Frame Gallery Ms. Samantha D. Franklin Ms. Joy Frazier Frontier Community Bank Frontier Culture Museum of Virginia Dr. and Mrs. Rex M. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Funkhouser II Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Geisert Genex Services Ms. Michelle L. Gibson Ms. Ina Gissel Mark and Angie Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Scott Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Godsey Mr. and Mrs. Scott Goldenberg Gold’s Gym of Harrisonburg



DONORS Mr. and Mrs. Gail Goldsborough The Honorable Robert Goodlatte II Gracious Consignment Shop Grand Caverns Park Mrs. Linda A. Greene Dr. Carole Grove H & R, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hahn Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Hall Jr. Ms. Franki A. Hampton Mr. John Hancock and Ms. Mary Sullivan Mr. Edward L. Harlow* and Mrs. Sandy Harlow Ms. Kimberly P. Harris Ms. Katherine Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Hartman Ms. Sandra Hatcher Ms. Robin L. Hawks Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Henning Ms. Patricia Hensley Heritage Oaks Golf Course Hershey Tire Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Darin C. Hevener Mr. Rick E. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Hodge Mr. Ronald R. Hoffman Holtzman Oil Corporation Mr. and Mrs. William B. Holtzman The Homestead Hope River LLC Mr. James Horn Mr. and Mrs. Randall G. Houff Houff Transfer, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Larry O. Howard Jr. Ms. Sara S. Howlett Ms. Anne E. Hudson Ms. Ruth Hulvey Ms. Carol A. Hurney Ms. Virginia M. Hurst Mr. Mark Husband Andrew and Lelia Jackson Ms. Lee Ann Jackson Ms. Marlena Y. Jarboe Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Jencks Ms. Annie G. Johnson Ms. Kelly E. Jones Joshua Wilton House Inn and Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Justice Ms. Lisa Kara Mr. and Mrs. John H. Karrh III Ms. Elizabeth E. Kaylor Keezlenutten Farm LLC Dr. and Mrs. J. Darwin King Dr. Patrick D. King Andy and Tami King Ms. Wilma Jean Kinsey Ms. Brenda Kintz Kline May Realty K-Mart Ms. Susan B. Knipp Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Knowles Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Krobath The Honorable and Mrs. Ross W. Krumm KSB Designs Dr. and Mrs. Daniel La Grua Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Lackey Mr. and Mrs. David Ladd Lakeview Golf Course

Ms. Diana R. Lambert Ms. Chelsey M. Lamendola Ms. Brenda Landes Ms. Peggy J. Landis Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Lanigan Dr. Janice R. Larsen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Laser Ms. Kyle J. Laver Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Layman Mr. Nelson P. Layman Jr. Ms. Marjorie E. Leake Ms. Mary Louise Leake Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Lecky Mr. Danny R. Leech Lemons Jewelry Mr. Matt Lempke Lenhart Obenshain PC Ms. Alice J. Leonhardt Dr. Bernard H. Levin Mr. Robert and Dr. Julia Lewis L’Idee Medical Spa Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas Light Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Lightsey Mr. Seth Liskey L’Italia Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. William C. Loomis III Mr. Miquel Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lotts Ms. Patti P. Lovinsky Ms. Katrina S. Lucas Luray Caverns Corporation Ms. Carolyn Lynch Mr. and Mrs. E. Houston Lynch Ms. Katherine MacHardy Ms. Melissa Malabad Drs. Joseph and Koressa Malcolm Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Manor Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. Martin Ms. Jessica L. Martinkosky Mary Baldwin College Adult Degree Program Mr. and Mrs. Neven T. Matthews Mr. John Maxfield Ms. Kimberly A. Maxwell Ms. Teresa C. May Mr. and Mrs. James Mayes Mr. Dwight M. McAllister and Dr. Jeanne Martino-McAllister Ms. Janice McArdle Ms. Anne S. McFarland Ms. Jacqueline E. McFarland Mr. James C. McFarland Ms. Andrea J. McLeod Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McSweeney Ms. Erin N. Meadows Ms. Connie K. Medaris Mr. and Mrs. David A. Melvin Ms. Melanie B. Menninger Mr. and Mrs. David R. Metz Mr. Leigh B. Middleditch Jr. Mike White Glass Designs Ms. Cheryl C. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Miller Mr. Paul H. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Miller Milmont Greenhouses Modern Boy Woodshop Mr. and Mrs. John H. Monger III Mr. William K. Monger Ms. Abigail L. Montgomery

Ms. Mildred E. Mooney Mr. Ty S. Mooney Ms. Taylor R. Moore Mr. Richard R. J. Morin Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Gary Moyers Mrs. Rowe’s Restaurant & Bakery Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Murphy Mr. Michael T. Murphy Mr. Joseph M. Murray National D-Day Memorial Foundation The Natural Bridge Mr. and Mrs. John N. Neff Mr. and Mrs. Tim Nicely Ms. Rosalie M. Nicosia Nielsen Builders, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Nielson Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Nielsen Norris and Associates NTELOS Mr. and Mrs. Ricky A. Nunnally Ms. Claudette Obenschain Dr. and Mrs. John L. Ocheltree Jr. Old Dominion Packard Club Mr. and Mrs. Don Olender Mr. William R. Oliver II Ms. Lisa V. Olshove Ms. Karen R. Olson Ms. Caitlyn N. Painter Parker Compound Bows, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Pascale Past Impressions, LLC Pat Hoover Weaving Mr. Drew Patterson and Dr. Donna L. Hastings Mrs. Sue Pennington Pepsi-Cola Bottling of Central Virginia Ms. Darlene Perez Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Peterson Petersons Enterprises Mr. and Mrs. William L. Pfost Jr. Mr. Kenneth Phillips Pickford’s Fresh Seafood Ms. Karen G. Piercy Mrs. Frances W. Plecker Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Powell Premier Moving Ms. Cynthia Pritchard Prospect Hill Mr. and Mrs. James I. Pullen Quaker Steak & Lube Mr. Darrell S. Ralston Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Ralston Ms. Abigail Ratliff Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Ratliff Ms. Deidre Redifer Ms. Agnes H. Rexrode Mr. and Mrs. Grant A. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. James F. Richerson Ms. Juanita L. Ritchie RLJ Inc. RMH Wellness Center Ms. Pamela L. Robertson Ms. Jessica A. Romero RR Donnelley Mr. James M. Russell Jr. Mr. Eric Ryan Mr. and Mrs. W. Charles Salembier Mr. Edward Sandy and Ms. Pamela

Grimm Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Santangelo Ms. Kristin L. Saunders Ms. Susan L. Schmeissing Mr. and Mrs. Ken Schwartz Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Sease Jr. SFCS Inc. Mr. Robert J. Sharp Ms. Jane E. Sheets Shenandoah Landscape Services, Inc. Shenandoah River Outfitters, Inc. Shenandoah Skies LLC Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative Shenandoah Valley Pepsi Shentel Ms. Ashleigh N. Shifflett Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Shifflett Ms. Vicky E. Shockey Ms. Susie Shomo Monty and Rajan Shore Mrs. Terry B. Showalter Shreckhise Shrubbery Sales & Landscaping Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Simmers Mr. and Mrs. Todd Slaubaugh Ms. Cathy Sliwoski Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Smith Smooth Day Spa Ms. Lisa Smythe-Rodino Sophie’s Mr. and Mrs. William R. Sorrells Jr. Ms. Patricia W. Sorrells South Hampton Roads Veterinary Medical Association Mr. and Mrs. James Sponaugle Mr. and Mrs. Larry Spoon Ms. Allison J. Sprouse Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Starick Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy M. Staubus Staunton-Augusta Family YMCA Mr. Scott A. Stogdale Mr. and Mrs. Karl Stoltzfus Jr. Lt. Col. and Mrs. John M. Stone Ms. Susan D. Stone Ms. Toni Henck Stone Stones By Toni Stonewall Detachment Marine Corps League, Inc. Stonewall Jackson Hotel and Conference Center Mr. James H. Stout Ms. Laura C. Stump Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Styers Mr. and Mrs. Robin Sullenberger III Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Summers Jr. The Supply Room Companies Mr. and Mrs. Eldon L. Suter II Mr. Alan Sweet Mr. and Mrs. Mack Swift Ms. Mary E. Tate Ms. Michelle L. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Taylor II Mr. Robert Tennyson Ms. Ann Marie Thielk Ms. Theresa Thomas Wellford and Nell Tiller To Di IV Antiques, LLC Ms. Brenda H. Todd Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Tracy Travel Leaders

DONORS Ms. Diane G. Travis Mr. Thomas Trykowski Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tucker Mr. Neil A. Tucker and Mrs. Colleen Andes-Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Keith Turner Tuscatube, Inc. Major and Mrs. Robert A. Twitty Mr. and Mrs. Travis J. Tysinger Mr. and Mrs. Borge Ulland Mr. Phill Ungar Union First Market Bank United Bank United Way of Greater Augusta, Inc. Valley Building Supply, Inc. Valley Vocational Technical Center Mr. and Mrs. Paul P. Vames Mr. Peter Van Acker Col. and Mrs. Jerry R. VanLear Dr. Brett A. VanLear Ms. Susan Vass Dr. and Mrs. T. Keith Vest The Village Inn Ms. Kathy M. Vint Virginia Athletics Foundation Virginia Native Plant SocietyShenandoah Chapter Dr. Daniel Wachspress Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. Walk Mr. and Mrs. David Wallace Ms. Kelli B. Waller Ms. Marion Ward Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Ward Washington Redskins/Community Effort Waynesboro Country Club Waynesboro Garden Center Ms. Ulrike Wertz Weyers Cave Women’s Club Ms. Elizabeth Whiston-Dean Mr. Michael White and Dr. Susan Crosby Mr. and Mrs. Terry Whitmore Dr. and Mrs. Larry Whitten Wigginton Consulting LLC Mr. David and Dr. Karen Wigginton Williams Brothers Lawn and Tree Service Mr. and Mrs. H. Joseph Williams Ms. Rebekah Williams Ms. Maxine L. Wisbaum Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Wise Mr. and Mrs. Orville Wolters Mrs. Kimberly Wood Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center Dr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Woodworth Mr. James N. Wright WVPT- Virginia’s Public Television Mr. Michael D. Yankey Ms. Pamyla A. Yates Ms. Anna M. Ybarra Ms. Carol A. Yetzer Ms. Anita Yoder Yogi Bears Jellystone Park Mr. and Mrs. John R. York You Made It Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Young Young Nicholas Branner Phillips, LLP

Mr. Ricky F. Young Mrs. Patricia Zaccaria Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Zimmerman

Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Sease Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Summers Jr. Major and Mrs. Robert A. Twitty


MR. RICHARD D. DAVIS Mr. and Mrs. James O. Benedict Ms. Debra S. Callison Mrs. Diane Davis Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Davis Dr. and Mrs. John A. Downey Ms. Virginia T. Dull Employees of Cline Energy and Managers of the Valley’s Exxon Mr. and Mrs. Randall G. Houff Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Justice Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Justice Mr. Nelson P. Layman Jr. Ms. Marjorie E. Leake Ms. Mary Louise Leake Mr. James C. McHone James McHone Antique Jewelry Dr. and Mrs. John L. Ocheltree Jr. Ms. Vicky E. Shockey Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Yates Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Young Young Nicholas Branner Phillips, LLP

TRIBUTES In Honor of… MR. STUART L. BROWN Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Yates DR. AND MRS. FRANK GEARING III Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Lecky MR. JAMES C. MCHONE Dr. and Mrs. Frank Gearing III MS. DIANE MILLER Ms. Ann Marie Thielk MRS. JANICE S. “BONNIE” MOYERS Mr. Michael White and Dr. Susan Crosby DR. JAMES R. PERKINS Dr. and Mrs. John A. Downey MS. CATHLEEN F. RYAN Dr. and Mrs. Larry Whitten MR. LESTER A. SMITH JR. Ms. Kyle J. Laver Ms. Melissa Malabad Ms. Elizabeth Whiston-Dean Ms. Kimberly Wood

MS. KIANA DYEN Blue Ridge Community College Dr. and Mrs. John A. Downey Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Young

MR. FRANK L. SUMMERS JR. Mr. and Mrs. Travis J. Tysinger

MS. CAROL GANN Blue Ridge Community College

RUDY AND LOIS TUCKER Mr. Neil A. Tucker and Mrs. Colleen Andes-Tucker

MR. DAVID GOGIAN Blue Ridge Community College

MR. EDWARD S. YATES Ms. Mary Louise Leake

In Memory of… MRS. DORA “ELAINE” ALDHIZER Blue Ridge Community College Dr. and Mrs. John A. Downey MR. SHANE M. CHANDLER Dr. and Mrs. John A. Downey Mr. and Mrs. David R. Rathburn US Joiner LLC MR. HENRY C. CLARK Mr. Richard A. Baugh Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Callahan Clark & Bradshaw, P.C. Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Dansby Dr. and Mrs. John A. Downey Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Hodge Holtzman Oil Corporation Mr. and Mrs. William B. Holtzman Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Layman Ms. Patti P. Lovinsky McHone Brothers, LLC Mr. Leigh B. Middleditch Jr. Mrs. Betty C. Monger Mrs. Frances W. Plecker Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Rawley

MRS. ELLEN GREMS GREGORICH Mr. David Balboni Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. Dino O. Gregorich Mr. Rick E. Hill Motorola Solutions Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Borge Ulland MR. EDWARD L. HARLOW Blue Ridge Community College Mr. and Mrs. John P. Calabria Mrs. Julia N. Grandle Ms. Virginia M. Hurst Mr. and Mrs. E. Houston Lynch Lt. Col. and Mrs. John M. Stone Ms. Susan Vass Ms. Rowan Zeiss DR. DARRELL W. HURST Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Andreotta Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Bland Dr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Bowman Mr. and Mrs. John P. Calabria Mr. Harry L. Colman Mr. and Mrs. William G. Dimmett Mr. William J. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Steven Q. Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Funkhouser II Dr. and Mrs. Frank Gearing III Mrs. Julia N. Grandle

Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Hall Jr. Mr. Wayne Holloman Ms. Sara S. Howlett Lida Hurst Mr. and Mrs. John H. Karrh III Ms. Brenda Kintz Mr. Danny R. Leech Mr. and Mrs. David R. Metz Mr. and Mrs. James I. Pullen RLJ Inc. Pritchette Physical Therapy Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Rosberg Mrs. Terry B. Showalter Mr. James H. Stout Ms. Maxine L. Wisbaum MR. STEPHEN KARA Blue Ridge Community College Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Young MRS. IRENE LAWSON Dr. and Mrs. John A. Downey MRS. PATRICIA S. MACKENZIE Ms. Anne E. Hudson South Hampton Roads Veterinary Medical Association Virginia Association of Licensed Veterinary Technicians Inc. MR. HOWARD MCALISTER Blue Ridge Community College MS. AGNES MCALLISTER Blue Ridge Community College MRS. MARIE MORAN Blue Ridge Community College MR. LEROY W. SMITH Blue Ridge Community College Dr. and Mrs. John A. Downey MR. ROBERT SULLIVAN Blue Ridge Community College Dr. and Mrs. John A. Downey MRS. LORA Q. TURNAGE Mr. Edward L. Harlow* and Mrs. Sandra Harlow



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