BRCC Annual Report 2014-15

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Blue Ridge Community College

Annual Report 2014-15


Message From President Downey he past year was a busy, but special one for Blue Ridge Community College. We celebrated numerous student and employee successes and recognized their dedication to higher education. Our institution was also acknowledged for achievements both locally and nationally. Events such as the Virginia Hunger Symposium, Unity Day involvement, Career Expo, and Commencement gave us ample opportunities to witness the mission of the College being fulfilled. During the 2014-15 academic year the College awarded nearly 1,000 degrees, diplomas, and certificates! These credentials are proof of just some of the ways that BRCC is helping individuals improve their lives and our community. As we strive to address the ever-changing needs of the Shenandoah Valley and its residents, we know that our ability to achieve success is dependent on collaborations with and support from you – our friends and partners. So I invite you to celebrate with us, as you review this Annual Report.


Welding, Information Systems Technology, Mechatronics, Veterinary Technology, and the Houff Library.



was a highlight at both the President’s Luncheon and Graduation. Dr. Corder credited his experience at BRCC with providing him a strong foundation to transfer on and pursue advanced degrees.

unexpected passing in October 2014, Burnett was a member of the BRCC Educational Foundation Board of Directors and a tireless champion of BRCC in his role as Executive Director of the Shenandoah Valley Partnership. Gifts and pledges to the Dennis O. Burnett Memorial Endowed Scholarship total $115,667.

AS OF JUNE 30, 2015, THE ASSETS OF THE BRCC EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION TOTALED $11,476,305—an almost 15% increase over the 201314 total.


Employee Excellence & Outreach

Director of Information Technology, Mike Murphy won the John Noftsinger High Tech Leadership Award, given by the Shenandoah Valley Tech Council. Murphy was recognized for his work with the technology committee in developing the BRCC strategic technology plan and for creating the Active Learning Classrooms on campus. In addition to Murphy’s award, faculty members Robert Oliver and Linda Alger were also nominated for their innovative teaching with technology, and BRCC President Dr. John Downey was nominated for the High Tech Leadership Award.

Assistant Professor of Computer Science Olugbemiga Adekunle spent 10 weeks last summer collaborating with scientists at the NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio, as part of a faculty fellowship program. Adekunle worked on a project to help NASA design the next generation space suit. “My research involved improving sound capabilities in the space helmet’s communication system,” Adekunle said. “I was basically implementing a programming algorithm to reduce noise.” Fellowship participants were a mixture of faculty from 4- and 2-year schools who teach in STEM-related fields. Margaret Marangione, English instructor, was selected to attend a National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities in Eugene, Oregon this past summer. Marangione was chosen from a national applicant pool to attend one of only five Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities Summer Institutes and the only one designed specifically for community college faculty. The NEH is a federal agency that, each summer, supports enrichment opportunities at colleges, universities, and cultural institutions, so that faculty can work collaboratively and study with experts in humanities disciplines. Digital methods, tools, and practices for humanities teaching and scholarship have brought new relevance to humanities disciplines and this institute will develop a national community of practice among community college faculty in history, English and writing, classics, and other humanities disciplines.


Dr. John Downey was appointed by Governor Terr y McAuliffe to the GenEdge Alliance (aka A.L. Philpott Manufacturing Extension Par tnership) Board of Trustees. GenEdge is, “a state organization that fosters economic growth by enhancing the competitiveness of Virginia’s small and mediumsized manufacturers.”

Blue Ridge Community College

Making a Difference in Our Community THE BLUE RIDGE PROMISE PROGRAM, offered for the first

time this summer, provided BRCCbound students from selected high schools a tuition free one-credit course following their high school graduation. The 4-day summer transition course helped them get to know other BRCC bound students and introduced College policies and procedures. Participants engaged with campus resources that are essential to success, used our Recreation Center, and received a free lunch each day. They also received assistance with advising and registration.


BRCC STUDENT AMBASSADORS LEAD THE COLLEGE’S UNITY DAY participation, as volunteers went to four locations in the service area – the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank and Project Grows in Verona, the Staunton YMCA, and the Senior Center in Waynesboro. Thirty BRCC volunteers participated in the United Way’s annual volunteer event.

Community College System Chancellor Glenn DuBois in the spring to meet and hear from students who are participating in the Great Expectations program at BRCC. Johnston, is an advocate and donor to the VCCS Great Expectations program, whose mission is “to help young people leaving foster care in Virginia to access and succeed in higher education.”



through interactive workshops at BRCC. The free workshops were part of CS4Va—a collective effort by higher education institutions in Virginia to promote and support a community of learning and engagement in computer science across the Commonwealth. The workshops included: Game Programming, Lego Robotics, Flash: animation, and Arduino (small, but powerful circuit board computers that utilize plug-and-play sensors and components to build projects).


with more than 100 participants. The purpose of the summit was to get feedback from the manufacturing community (and related businesses) about the training and education needed to ensure a skilled workforce now, and in the future. The College collected important insight into the training it will need to develop in both credit programing and through customized training offered through the Continuing Education Division.

Annual Report 2014-15

GIRLS EMBRACING MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS (GEMS) Camp was offered again this summer. Designed for rising 7th–9th grade girls to expand their horizons in the world of technology, the program introduced participants to the fundamentals of robotics, computer programming, electronics, and mechanical processes. The girls designed, built, and programmed unique projects from scratch using a specific set of modules.

Another free camp for local girls was offered this summer at BRCC – FEMALES IN TECHNOLOGY (FIT) CAMP. The four-day camp introduced 9th and 10th grade girls to technology and the many exciting career opportunities in STEM fields. Activities included: Game Programming—using simple drag-and-drop tools, and learning computer programming basics to create 3-D computer animations and games; Lego Robotics—using software and hardware to create customizable, programmable robots; Arduino—using small, but powerful circuit board computers, plug-and-play sensors and components to build projects; and Presentations— creating presentations, practicing public speaking, and demonstrating the technology created during the camp. CHILDREN IN BESSIE WELLER’S HEART PROGRAM put their culinary skills to test in a Recipes 4 Reality Cook-Off last February. The crock-pot cook-off, funded by a Unilever Bright Futures Grant, featured first through third graders who had been working with BRCC Enactus mentors for several weeks. They learned about nutrition, consumerism, cooking nutritiously, growing food, and preparing meals. “Our HEART children and staff have very much enjoyed this great program through BRCC and we hope to have them back at some point to replicate it again in the future,” said Claire Richardson, Recreation Manager for Staunton Parks & Recreation.


“It was rewarding to see how much these kids have learned in just a few weeks. I also learned that even if you don’t think that these kids are learning, they really are taking in what we are teaching them,” said BRCC Enactus member and mentor April Joseph. She added, “I love working with young children, and I enjoyed that my group was very attentive and respectful.”

Blue Ridge Community College

Student Achievement


n recognition of her stellar academic work and promising future, Airplane Maintenance Technology program student Hannah Collins received a STEM Takes Flight at Virginia’s Community Colleges scholarship. The Virginia Space Grant Consortium (VSGC) in partnership with the Virginia Community College System, NASA Langley Research Center and NASA Wallops Flight Facility and with the strong support of the Virginia Governor’s office, is offering the STEM

(Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Takes Flight at Virginia’s Community Colleges initiative. Hannah’s award was a $5,000 mentored scholarship. A feature of the scholarship is career coaching and mentoring from aviation maintenance technology instructor Fred

BRCC’S VET TECH CLUB PARTNERED WITH INVISIBLE FENCE TO DONATE SEVEN PET OXYGEN MASK KITS to the VA State Police K-9 tactical units statewide. The kits will be used to provide oxygen to canines injured in the line of duty. Trooper Adam Galton demonstrated how the dogs work in tandem with police officers in the field, and why the kits are essential in preserving the lives of dogs in a critical state. Two K-9 units were present for the presentation, as well as Steve Monaghan from Invisible Fence.


Dyen. Dyen is already impressed by her skills. “Her workmanship in the laboratory is of the highest quality and her attention to detail is without compare.” He’s even had Hannah give presentations to high school students about the AMT program and plans for her to mentor prospective BRCC students in STEM-related fields.

Annual Report 2014-15

Deanna Corder and Mandi Ortiz were named to the PTK Virginia All-Academic team, and recognized for their commitment to academic excellence and public service at a banquet in Richmond last spring. BRCC’S PTK CHAPTER took home several PTK Regional Convention awards, including 3rd Place for Fundraising, 2nd Place for Fighting Cancer, and 2nd Place for Communications. They were also recognized for hosting and managing registration at the conference. Other recognitions that came from judging at the international level: A Distinguished Chapter Member certificate for Amber Masincup, a Distinguished Theme Award: “The Nature of the Quest”, Distinguished Chapter Status, and Five-Star Chapter Status.

ENACTUS PLACED 9TH IN THE NATION at the Enactus USA Competition in Saint Louis last spring. Advisor Rebecca Evans was inducted into the Sam Walton Hall of Fame. The team also won more than $23,000 in awards to help fund future projects.

At BRCC, Deanna received the Graves Family Endowed Scholorship and was a featured presenter at the BRCC Scholarship Luncheon. DEANNA CORDER, A 2015 NURSING GRADUATE, WAS ONE OF 20 HEALTHCARE STUDENTS NATIONWIDE to receive a $2,500 Frank Lanza Scholarship. Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society and the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), with the support of CAE Healthcare and L-3 Communications, Inc., awarded $50,000 in scholarships to the 2014 Frank Lanza Scholars. Twenty community college students were selected to receive up to $2,500 each for completion of associate degrees.


Blue Ridge Community College


n a picture-per-

fect Valley “almost fall” evening of September 12, 900+ attendees enjoyed “Americana music at its best” with a free on-campus concert by The Steel Wheels. “Roots music” lovers traveled hundreds of miles, and some just down the road, to hear the dynamic four-piece string band which marries oldtime musical traditions with their own innovative sound and lifestyle, generating a truly magnetic revival.

Appalachian Heritage Arts Series

Through a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, Blue Ridge Community College celebrated the rich heritage of Appalachia through music, dance, photography, nature, and literature during the fall with the Appalachian Heritage Arts Series.

he Series kicked off in early August with an exhibit in the Fine Arts Center gallery of the powerful work of landscape photographer Hullihen Williams Moore, who studied with Ansel Adams in the late 1970s. Moore’s work is part of the permanent collection of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and is held in the art collections of major corporations including Capital One and Owens & Minor. His book, Shenandoah: Views of Our National Park, published by the University of Virginia Press in 2003, contains 51 images made over more than 20 years. Through his duotone prints of grand vistas and waterfalls to the delicate unfurling of new ferns, viewers could understand the appeal that attracts more than one million visitors to the park each year. The Mountain Heritage Cloggers performed during Welcome Week. The family-oriented MHC have been wowing audiences for over 20 years with performances at Opryland, Dollywood, Virginia and West Virginia State Fairs, Richmond Science Museum, Richmond Children’s Museum,


and the Maryland State Fair, to name a few. Students and community members were treated to a rousing show and even had a chance to kick up their own heels by trying the intricate steps. Continuing the exploration of the Shenandoah National Park, a panel of experts – including Katrina M. Powell (Virginia Tech), Sue Eisenfeld (Johns Hopkins University), and Jim Northup and Claire Comer (Shenandoah National Park) discussed the creation of the SNP and the displacement of the families from the Park lands, and how the Park honors those who were removed. The Series finished with a lecture and reading by Sharyn McCrumb, an award-winning Southern writer, best known for her Appalachian “Ballad” novels, including the New York Times bestsellers The Ballad of Frankie Silver and She Walks These Hills. McCrumb’s talk encompassed how geography, history, storytelling, music, and memory all combine to tell the tales of Appalachian culture. She read from her works, and attendees were able to purchase copies for signing.

Annual Report 2014-15

College Honors BRCC WAS DESIGNATED A 2015 STEM JobsSM APPROVED COLLEGE by Victory Media, the leader in successfully connecting individuals in transition with education and career opportunities, and creator of STEM JobsSM media, education, and career resources for students interested in science, technology, engineering and math. The 2015 STEM JobsSM Approved Colleges inaugural list is the first of its kind to rate universities, colleges, community colleges, and trade schools on their responsiveness and relevance to high-demand, high-growth STEM occupations. BRCC was among over 1,600 schools participating in the STEM JobsSM survey process. Schools submitting surveys were scored on publicly available data and responses to proprietary questions around three key indicators of success: STEM job alignment, STEM job placement, and diversity in a school’s STEM programs. “As STEM jobs are among some of the highest in demand by local employers, I am thrilled to have BRCC recognized as responsive to employer needs,” commented BRCC President Dr. John Downey. “With the list of STEM JobsSM Approved Colleges we’re able to help parents, students, and guidance counselors evaluate how well education is translating into real-world jobs, and how responsive institutions are to meeting those demands,” said Daniel Nichols, president of STEM JobsSM. “We’re pleased to showcase schools like Blue Ridge Community College as a school leading the way in this area.”

THE RECREATION CENTER WAS CERTIFIED AS A LEADERSHIP IN ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN, or LEED, Gold certified facility. It is the second LEED Gold building on the BRCC campus. The $11 million, 35,500-square-foot facility is the College’s largest building. It includes elements of the five categories of LEED including: energy performance, water conservation, site improvements, material use, and indoor environment. Features such as advance metering to track energy use, preservation of open space outside, lowflow showers, regional sourcing of construction materials, and use of low VOC paints, adhesives, and sealants were just some of the specific efforts included in the Rec Center’s environmentally and energyfriendly construction and design. “Students are so excited to have a state-of-the-art fitness and recreation facility on campus that is beautifully designed. It is doubly rewarding to learn that the building is now certified environmental friendly with this LEED Gold designation,” said BRCC President Dr. John Downey.


BRCC was selected by Military Advanced Education (MAE) as a Top School in its 2015 MAE Guide to Colleges & Universities, measuring best practices in military and veteran education. The Guide presents results of a questionnaire of the military-supportive policies enacted at more than 600 institutions including private, public, for-profit, not-for-profit, four-year, and two-year colleges. This year, institutes were evaluated on their military culture, financial aid, flexibility, on-campus support and online support services.

The 2014-2015 Digital Community Colleges Survey placed BRCC in the top five mid-sized colleges (5,000-10,000 students) nationally. In its tenth year, the survey analyzes how community colleges use digital technologies to improve services to students, faculty, staff, and the community at large.

Highlighted Events from 2014-15

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge August 2014


July 2014 July brought warm weather and over 650 (summer total) K-12 youngsters to campus for Learning Can Be Fun classes.

Fall classes begin August 2014

Welcome Week activities included free food, music, a pottery demonstration, and a visit from JMU’s Chin Hamaya Daiko Japanese dance troupe.

BRCC President Dr. John Downey accepted the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, and then issued his own to Dr. John J. Rainone, president of Dabney Lancaster Community College, Miriam Basinger, BRCC SPECTRUM club advisor, and Dr. Bob Young, BRCC vice president of instruction and student services.

Faculty Exchange October 2014

Blue Ridge welcomed exchange faculty member Ellen Oosterwechel from The Netherlands. Osterwechel is an English teacher in the Transport and Logistics and Engineering programs and coordinator of one of the three English departments at Deltion College in Zwolle. Jessica Martinkosky, associate professor of art, then traveled to The Netherlands in May, visiting several cities and providing presentations on BRCC, the American education system, and the US in general at Deltion.

Community Resource & Internship Fair September 2014

FAC Concert: Guy Davis November 2014

Among the stellar offerings at the Fine Arts Center in the fall was a blues concert by talented musician, composer, and writer Guy Davis, son of the late actors Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis.

Virginia Hunger Symposium EventsLunch 2 Go program debuts September 2014

More than 35 community agencies and employers were on hand for the second Community Resource and Internship Fair, giving students and the public an opportunity to learn about resources, internships, and volunteer services available locally.


New to the 8th Annual Virginia Hunger Symposium was the SGA’s Lunch 2 Go food pantry, offering twice monthly food assistance to BRCC students. Other events included BRCC Chopped Cooking competition, a basketball tournament, panel discussion, the Empty Bowl dinner, and a play at the Fine Arts Center.

Active Learning Classroom

BRCC Gives—Holiday charitable activities December 2014

January 2015

During the holiday season, BRCC students and employees took the opportunity to give thanks, and express kindness and generosity towards others. The Student Ambassadors Coat Drive benefited the Harrisonburg Salvation Army mission to assist families in need. The Staff Association Angel Tree collection provided toys for more than fifty needy children. And the Vet Tech Club Animal Angel Tree supported the Shenandoah Valley Animal Service Center.

Thanks to a Chancellor’s Innovation Fund grant, a second Active Learning Classroom was unveiled for the spring semester. Faculty participated in inservice training to learn how the interactive technology can benefit students and enhance learning.

BRCC Artist-inResidence: Laura Lee Gulledge

Spring Fling

Laura Lee Gulledge, illustrator and author of two graphic novels, “Page by Paige” and “Will and Whit,” demonstrated her craft in the Houff Student Center.

Under Construction: Spring Fling Auction 2105 was a huge success for the Educational Foundation. The 20th annual auction was the main fundraising event of the year and raised more than $70,000!

March 2015

April 2015

Ribbon Cutting for Disc Golf Course April 2015

Dr. Bob Young cut the ribbon to start open play on BRCC’s new nine-hole disc golf course.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Appreciation Week Dream Walk Brown Bag Lecture: Tales from the Himalayas November 2014

A standing-room-only audience of veterinary technology students and community members heard Bruce Bowman, DVM and BRCC College Board member, speak about his mission trip to Kashmir in northern India on behalf of Christian Veterinary Mission. Bowman, other veterinarians, and students assisted Gujjar nomads in care of their livestock, moving them from winter to summer pasture.

January 2015

Students and employees gathered to watch Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, then SGA and Spectrum Club members and advisors lead their own “Dream Walk” across campus. Carrying candles in the honor of Martin Luther King Jr., and his vision, the group accumulated additional participants as it made its way through the hallways.


BRCC Hikes the Virtual Appalachian Trail February 2015

Starting in late February, 27 employees and eight students combined walking and running the virtual Appalachian Trail for a total of 2,180 miles in just six weeks.

Career Expo April 2015

The Career Expo hosted more than 40 employers with job openings to fill. Attendees came dressed for success and ready to interview. Participants could also get résumé critiques, professional headshots, and LinkedIn profile tips.

Guest Lecturer: Forensic Anthropology Center Scholarship Luncheon March 2015

Working in cooperation with the Financial Aid Office, the BRCC Educational Foundation awarded a record $332,382 in student scholarships, an increase of 13.5% over 2013-14’s previous record amount. This total includes $25,000 in Rural Virginia Horseshoe Initiative Scholarships for GED recipients.

April 2015

Jake Smith, Graduate Research Assistant with the University of Tennessee’s Forensic Anthropology Center, discussed experiments conducted at the facility, which is a renowned resource for training and research, providing forensic anthropological services to medical, legal and law enforcement agencies.

Commencement May 2015

Dreams and hard work paid off as 230 graduates walked across the stage to have their degrees, certificates, and diplomas BRCC conferred on May 9.


Offices and the library relocated temporarily to accommodate indoor construction activities in the Houff Student Center. Work on the 3-story south addition and 2-story north addition will include ten classrooms, four multipurpose rooms, and two chemistry labs. Expected completion is Spring 2016.

2014-2015 Maintenance and Operating Expenditures General Academic Instruction Remedial Instruction Vocational Education Community Education Public Service Academic Support Student Services Institutional Support Physical Plant Sponsored Programs


3,953,405 355,519 4,016,041 695,493 0 2,170,459 1,659,656 5,658,279 1,532,920 627,178


19.13% 1.72% 19.43% 3.36% 0.00% 10.50% 8.03% 27.38% 7.42% 3.03%

$20,668,950 100.00%

Local Funds

College Board Student Activities

2,694,351 305,476



Revenues by Source

Tuition and Fees State Appropriations Govt Grants and Contracts Private Gifts and Grants Local Appropriations Total

2014-15 State Board for Community Colleges Officers: Glenn DuBois, Chancellor State Board for Community Colleges Dorcas Helfant-Browning, Chair Idalia Fernandez, Vice Chair Carolyn Berkowitz

William C. Hall Jr.

Thomas Brewster

David Nutter

Benita Thompson Byas

Eleanor Saslaw

Darren Conner

Michael J. Schewel

James Cuthbertson

Robin Sullenberger

LaVonne Ellis

Michel Zajur

Robert R. Fountain

11,882,576 8,081,885 193,301 900,830 240,500

53.91% 39.78% 1.91% 3.28% 1.13%



BRCC College Board Carl Rosberg, Chair, Waynesboro Joyce Colemon, Vice-Chair, Waynesboro John A. Downey, Secretary Rodney Alderfer, Rockingham County Bruce Bowman, Augusta County Lynn Diveley, Augusta County Pam Huggins, Staunton Beverly McGowen, Harrisonburg Linda Reviea, Staunton Caroline Sponaugle, Highland County Matt Sunderlin, Rockingham County Frank Tamberrino, Harrisonburg

Blue Ridge Vision Society

1967 Society

The Blue Ridge Vision Society provides recognition for friends who have committed to support the quality of education at Blue Ridge Community College in their estate plans.

The 1967 Society celebrates the cumulative giving of $100,000 or more to the Blue Ridge Community College Educational Foundation. This society is named in honor of the year of the College’s founding, and recognizes our most generous donors Anonymous (3)

Anonymous (2)

Dr. and Mrs. James A. Armstrong*

Ms. Dorothy W. Anderson*

Augusta Health

Dr. and Mrs. James A. Armstrong*


Dan and Nancy Brubaker

Beam Brothers Trucking, Inc.

Mr. Stephen P. Clark*

Mr. and Mrs. Garland Beam

Dr. John A. and Sandy S. Downey

Gerry and Carolyn Beam

Mr. and Mrs. David R. Eyler

Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Blosser

Ms. Sally F. Fulton

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Bowman

Mrs. Julia N. Grandle

Cadence, Inc.

Mrs. Ruth B. Grove* Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Henderson III

Central Shenandoah Criminal Justice Training Academy

Mrs. Ola M. Hoover*

Mr. Henry C. Clark* and Mrs. Mary Ann Clark

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hopkins III Tim and Nancy Hulings

The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County

Dr. Darrell W. Hurst* and Ms. Lida Hurst

ComSonics, Inc.

Lt. Col. James E. Jordan Jr.*

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Crosby

Ms. Mary Louise Leake

Crosby Trucking Service, Inc.

Dr. Paul E. Lee*

Dynamic Aviation

Mr. Jim Lowdon* and Mrs. Jo Ann Lowdon

J. Gray and Janet M. Ferguson

Mr. and Mrs. Philip T. Moran

Mrs. Julia N. Grandle

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mrotek

Mr. and Mrs. A. Wesley Graves VI

Mr. William R. Oliver II

Highway Corporation

Mr. Leonard G. Penland*

Holtzman Oil Corporation

Mr. Robert E. Plecker* and Mrs. Frances W. Plecker

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Holtzman

Dr. and Mrs. Stuart L. Porter

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Z. Houff

Mrs. Emma M. Ramsey*

Dwight and Carolyn Houff

Ms. Lynn T. Reams


Mrs. Jane Ritchie

John and Cathy Matherly

Carl and Cheryl Rosberg

MGW Communications, Inc.

Art and Jamie Schlappi


Ms. Terry B. Showalter

Mr. Leonard G. Penland*

Mr. Zane D. Showker* Mr. and Mrs. Terry G. Slaubaugh

Mr. Robert E. Plecker* and Mrs. Frances W. Plecker

Mr. Leo A. Thralls

Ms. Lynn T. Reams

Wellford and Nell Tiller

Sentara RMH Medical Center

Ms. L. Elizabeth Tucker

Shenandoah Landscape Services, Inc.

Mr. Edward S. “Chip” Yates

Mr. Zane D. Showker*

Ms. Carol A. Yetzer

The Family of Zane D. Showker








(in millions)


2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

Dual Enrollment

Follett Higher Education Group

Houff Foundation

1631 1408




2009-10 2010-11

Tuition & Fees

(BRCC 15 credits)

2012-13 2013-14

*a change in the way dual enrollment classes were offered at one of the high schools accounts for this drop ** includes Blue Ridge Scholars; a change in the implementation of placement testing affected this total






Mr. Lyall O. Steger Jr.* and Mrs. Catherine O. Steger Mr. and Mrs. Karl D. Stoltzfus Mr. and Mrs. Karl D. Stoltzfus Jr.

BRCC $1,512 $1,809 $2,049 $2,202 $2,292 $2,292 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013

First-Generation to Attend College

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Stoltzfus Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Strickler Transfer Associates, LLC Dr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Wade Ms. Roxie Houff White Mr. Edward S. (Chip) Yates *Deceased

BRCC Educational Foundation Board of Directors 2014-15 Officers: Mr. Thomas C. Mendez, Chair

BRCC Educational Foundation Directors Emeriti

BRCC Shuttle Ridership

In 2003, the BRCC Educational Foundation Board of Directors instituted the “Director Emeritus” program as a way of recognizing former Board members who have truly made a difference for the Foundation and the College. The criteria used to determine this recognition include a demonstration of extraordinary service and generosity to Blue Ridge Community College and the BRCC Educational Foundation.

Ms. Cathleen P. Welsh, Vice-Chair Dr. John A. Downey, Secretary

Mr. Michael B. Beahm

Ms. Julia N. Grandle

Dr. James R. Perkins

Dr. Robert S. Baldygo, Treasurer

Ms. Carolyn L. Beam

Ms. Pamela T. Huggins

Mr. William L. Pfost Jr.

Dr. Bruce M. Bowman

Mr. Timothy G. Hulings

Dr. Stuart L. Porter

Mr. Gregory W. Campbell

Mr. Kevin D. Humphries

Mr. Carl A. Rosberg

Mr. Woodrow W. Carr

Mr. Robert G. Knowles

Mr. Art Schlappi

Mr. Peter F. deVaux

Ms. Laurel L. Landes

Mr. L. Ronald Smith

Mr. David W. Didawick

Mr. Martin F. Lightsey

Mr. Frank L. Summers Jr.

Ms. Lynn M. Diveley

Mr. Carl G. Lind

Ms. Lynn K. Suter

Mr. E. Grant Doyle

Mr. Richard L. Manor

Dr. Daniel M. Woodworth

Ms. Joan D. Eiland

Mr. Edward S. (Chip) Yates

Mr. William J. Elliott

Mr. John L. Matherly Jr. Ms. Deborah T. Metz

Mr. John W. Flora

Ms. Beverly S. “Cheri” Moran

Ms. Sallie E. Funkhouser

Mr. Richard R. J. “Dick” Morin

Ms. Jean F. Gearing

Mr. John N. Neff

Ms. Kelly R.S. Blosser

Ms. Mary N. Mannix

Mr. Alphonso P. Boxley III

Ms. Mary McDermott

Mr. Dennis O. Burnett*

Ms. Beverly B. McGowan

Ms. Debra S. Callison

Ms. Karen E. Santos

Mr. Stephen W. Claffey

Mr. Jerry D. Sheets

Ms. Denise E. “D.D.” Dawson Ms. Stacey D. Strawn Mr. Lawrence H. Hoover Jr.

Mr. Steven E. Stroop

Ms. Nancy Hulings

Mr. Alan J. Sweet

Ms. Elizabeth Jerlinski

Mr. Travis J. Tysinger

Ms. Camala B. Kite Ms. Martha Livick

Ms. Cynthia Weidner *Deceased


In-state Average Public 4-Year Colleges

Mr. and Mrs. L. Ronald Smith *Deceased

Financial Aid Awards

Total credit enrollment (Individuals)





1678 46145 40658




1219 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14


Annual Report 2014-15


Student Success Transfers to In-State Four-Year institutions

Persons Served

(with or without a degree)

Duplicated number of individuals who completed coursework for industry certification or state licensure

Fall 2009


Fall 2010


Fall 2011


Fall 2012


Fall 2013


Fall 2014


Graduates Total Graduates*




Businesses Served by Continuing Education and Career Services


244 195





















2009-10 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 * includes certificates and diplomas


Resources Foundation Assets

Total assets as of June 30 $11,476,305



2014-15 BRCC Educational Foundation Donors A special thank you is extended to the following donors who have demonstrated their commitment to Blue Ridge Community College during the period of July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. The President’s Council provides recognition for friends who make up the heart of the BRCC Educational Foundation with annual gifts of $1,000 or more in support of Blue Ridge Community College.

Dr. and Mrs. Carie Buckley III Mr. Vernon M. Burnett By the Side of the Road Inn & Cottages Mr. William Byrd C. C. Rosen & Sons, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Rob W. Cale Miss Jennifer Callison Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Campbell Ms. Roxanne F. Campbell Carded Graphics Cargill, Inc. Ms. Judith L. Cariker Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Carter Jr. Dr. Tara Carter Mrs. Linda Carver Ms. Amy L. Cash

Diamond Level - $10,000 or more

Gold Level

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hahn


Mr. H. Wayne Cash

Platinum Level - $5,000-9,999

American Subcontractors

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis D. Hartman

Anonymous (9)

Ms. Carol M. Cassidy

Gold Level - $2,500-4,999

Augusta Health Care for Women

Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hatter

Dr. Halvor Aaslestad

Silver Level - $1,000-2,499

Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Baldygo

Hershey Chocolate of Va., Inc.

Adams & Garth Inc.

Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission

Debra Stiles Callison

The Hershey Company

AFP Shenandoah Chapter

Central Tire Corporation


IDM Trucking, Inc.

Rodney and Jenelle Alderfer

Champion Aerospace LLC

Dr. John A. and Sandy S. Downey

Dr. Robert F. Jochen

Ms. Emily C. Alexander

Mr. and Mrs. Taylor E. Chenery

Dynamic Aviation

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Keane

All Phase K-9

Chesapeake Animal Hospital

Graves-Light Wealth Management Group of Wells Fargo Advisors

John and Amy Kiger

Ms. Denise K. Allen

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Chick

Lantz Construction Company


Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Childress

Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Henderson III

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Laser

Mr. C. Rick Chittum

Houff Feed & Fertilizer Co., Inc.

LD&B Insurance and Financial Services

American Shakespeare Center Blackfriars Playhouse

Tim and Nancy Hulings

Mary Louise Leake

Anderson, White & Company, P.C.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Clark


Mary N. Mannix and Frank A. Carey

Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Anson III

Ms. Anita K. Clemmer

Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Lightsey

Massanutten Resort

Mr. and Mrs. John Apesa Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy R. Cline

Carl and Arnesa Lind

Mr. Thomas E. Mayer

Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar

Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Cline

Dr. and Mrs. Daniel B. McMillan

McKee Foods Corporation

Ms. Sandra Arnold-Harris

Ms. Melissa A. Clock

Mrs. Reba S. Rawley

Tom and Lori Mendez

Artisans Center of Virginia, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Coffield

Rockingham Group

Mental Health America of Augusta

Ashley Furniture Homestore

Andrea R. Coffman

Art and Jamie Schlappi


Ms. Melba S. Atkinson

Joyce L. Colemon

Staunton Elks Lodge #351

Roger and Kathy Peterson

Augusta Framecrafters

Commonwealth Veterinary Clinic, P.C.

Mr. and Mrs. Karl D. Stoltzfus

Petersons Enterprises

Augusta Health Lifetime Fitness

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Conklin

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Stoltzfus

Mrs. Frances W. Plecker

Augusta Realty Group Inc.

Mrs. Deidra A. Connellee

Superior Concrete, Inc.

Plecker Family Fund of The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County


Mr. and Mrs. Robert Connelly

B & L Glass & Mirror

Ms. Sally Jane Conner

Ms. Pamela G. Bailey

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Cook

Stuart and Terry Porter

Mr. Kiran Bains

Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Cook

Maggie Ragon and Nick Walge

Baja Bean Co.

Cottonwood Commercial

The Reider Family Fund of the Philadelphia Foundation

Ms. Casey L. Balderson

Court Square Theatre

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ball

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cox

Bob and Linda Reviea

Mr. Randy Barbano

Cracker Barrel of Harrisonburg

Rockingham Cooperative Inc.

Mrs. Cathy B. Barker

Cracker Barrel of Waynesboro

Mr. Victor M. Santos and Dr. Karen E. Santos

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan D. Basile

Mr. Sam Crickenberger

Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Schilling

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Basinger

Crickhollow Pottery

Mr. and Mrs. Hobart P. Bauhan

Mr. James T. Crockett

Mr. and Mrs. Brad Baylor Mr. Michael A. Bayne

Mr. Michael A. White and Dr. Susan Crosby

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Beam

Crown Jewelers

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Beaman

Crutchfield Corp.

Bears and Blankets Academy of Early Learning

Cuban Burger

The Beauty Spa

Dr. Sandra M. Curry

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Belcher

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Dailey

Beverley Cigar Store

Dan Harris Insurance Agency, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. James F. Bevins

Ms. Faison Dana

Ms. Susan W. Bevins

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Beyeler

Dayton Interiors, Inc.

Big “L” Tire Company

Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Dean

Big “O” Tree and Lawn Service

Mr. and Mrs. Mensel D. Dean

Dr. George H. Blomstrom* and Mrs. Vera M. Blomstrom

Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Deckert

Blue Ridge Equine Clinic

Depot Grille

Blue Ridge Lumber Co.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. deVaux

Blue Ridge Veterinary Medical Association

Ms. Victoria M. Dever

Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Bothof

Mr. and Mrs. David W. Didawick

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Botkin Mr. and Mrs. Waldo E. Botkin

Mr. Donald G. Diehl* and Mrs. Joyce M. Diehl

BotkinRose PLC

Mr. and Mrs. Lamine Diop

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bourne

Donovan’s Framery

Ms. Melissa M. Bowers

Draper Aden Associates, Inc.

Mr. Brian K. Bowman

Ms. Laura Dwyer

Mr. and Mrs. Darrell S. Bowman

Eagle Carpet

Mr. and Mrs. Travis Bowman

Mr. Kemper Eagle

Mr. Steven K. Bradley

Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. Eagle

Branch Highways

Eavers Gas

BRCC Continuing Education

Eavers Tire

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Bronski

Mr. Adam L. Eckard

Dr. Alfred A. Brooks IV Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Brooks

Economic Development Authority of Highland County

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Brothers

Eddie Edwards Signs Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. David W. Brown

Edward Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip W. Brown

Ms. Chris G. Edwards

Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Brown

Ms. Linda W. Edwards

Mrs. Julia N. Grandle

Dr. Stephen J. Brown

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Eiland

H. L. Lang & Co.

Bradley and Velma Bryant

El Charro

Diamond Level Anonymous (2) Augusta Health Bowman Family Dentistry, PLLC Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Alphonso P. Boxley III Boxley Organization Cadence, Inc. Carr Family Foundation Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge ComSonics, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Crosby Crosby Trucking Service, Inc. Mrs. Diane Davis Dixie Gas & Oil Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Earhart Enactus J. Gray and Janet M. Ferguson Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. John W. Flora Ms. Sally F. Fulton Dr. and Mrs. Frank Gearing III Asa and Kathleen Graves Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Z. Houff Dwight and Carolyn Houff Jim and Pam Huggins Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Kersch John and Cathy Matherly Dr. and Mrs. John A. McGowan Bill and Lisa Moore The Neall Family Charitable Foundation Ms. Lynn T. Reams Carl and Cheryl Rosberg Sentara RMH Medical Center T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving Virginia Foundation for Community College Education Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. (Chip) Yates Platinum Level Anonymous (3) Daniel and Kelly Blosser Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Blosser Bruce and Nancy Bowman Mrs. Alphield Canning Mrs. Mary Ann Clark The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County Follett #618 / BRCC Bookstore Follett Higher Education Group Houff Foundation J. Douglas and Linda B. Light The Lincoln Electric Company Ms. Linda A. Mars Mary McDermott and Bill Jongeward McGaheysville-Massanutten Lions Club MGW Communications, Inc. Mr. Richard R. J. Morin Moseley Architects Rosalie M. Nicosia Dr. and Mrs. James R. Perkins Riddleberger Brothers Mrs. Jane Ritchie Rocky and Brenda’s Gold & Silver Shop Jerry and Lindy Sheets Shenandoah Landscape Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. L. Ronald Smith USPOULTRY Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation

Travis and Dottie Tysinger Valley Career and Technical Center W. M. Jordan Company Wells Fargo Foundation-Educational Matching Gifts The Honorable Tony O. Wilt Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Young Silver Level Anonymous (5) Gerry and Carolyn Beam Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Bland Mr. and Mrs. A. Price Boxley IV Chester and Nancy Bradfield Chester & Nancy Bradfield Pass-Through of The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County Brown and Sutt, PLLC Ms. Jennifer C. Brown Ms. Susan E. Buerkel Mr. Dennis O. Burnett* and Mrs. Cynthia Q. Burnett Calvano & LaGrua, PLC Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Calvano Dr. Hilary Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Claffey Community College Ministries Mrs. Elizabeth Cooper Crescent Development Goose Creek LLC Crescent Development Group, LLC D.D. and Tom Dawson Degesch America, Inc. Dental Health Associates Diveley Lind & Associates, LLC Dave and Lynn Diveley Douglas and Gayle Driver Dupont Community Credit Union E & M Auto Paint & Supply Corp. Dr. John R. Eagle Elliott Chevrolet Cadillac Mr. William J. Elliott Elmore, Hupp & Company, P.L.C. Ms. Joy Fournelle Ms. Loretta G. Frantz Frontier Community Bank Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Garber The Honorable and Mrs. Robert Goodlatte II

Jerry and Lindy Sheets Pass-Through of the Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County Shenandoah Valley Kennel Club Inc. Shenandoah Valley Technology Council Shickel Corporation Mr. and Mrs. H. Roller Shipplett Jr. Ms. Susie Shomo Terry G. and Vickie G. Slaubaugh Ms. Linda D. Slough Mr. William F. Sowers Jr. Mrs. Catherine O. Steger Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Strickler Mr. Steve Stroop and Ms. Billie Rosenberger Sunnyside Retirement Communities Mr. Alan Sweet Union Bank & Trust Dr. David J. Urso and Mrs. Carrie Urso Dr. and Mrs. T. Keith Vest Virginia Association of Licensed Veterinary Technicians Inc. Virginia Western Community College Mr. Donald Vreuls Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ward Waynesboro Economic Development Authority Thomas and Cynthia Weidner Mr. Scott M. Weisenborn Cathy Welsh and John Brimmer Mr. and Mrs. Hugh E. Westfall Mr. and Mrs. Jackie E. Whetzel Larry and Kathy Whitten You Can’t Take It With You Fund of The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County

Ms. Roxie H. White


City of Harrisonburg Government

Cupcake Company

Delta Airport Consultants, Inc.

Didawick & Company, P.C.

Mr. Steve Elkins

Mr. and Mrs. Neil Houff

Mike White Glass Designs

Houff Transfer, Inc.

Ms. Diane M. Miller

Mr. Matthew O. Rodgers and Ms. Franki A. Hampton

Dr. John W. Todd

Enlisted Auctions Mr. and Mrs. Robert Errett

Mr. and Mrs. Larry O. Howard Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Miller

Ms. Lauren R. Ross

Mr. Dave Tong

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Evans

Mr. James Huddleston

Dr. Lisa G. Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Tracy

Evergreen Marketing

Ms. Kimberly D. Hughes

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miller

Rotary Club of Staunton-Augusta County

Explore More Discovery Museum

Mr. Brent A. Hull

Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Miller Jr.

RR Donnelley

Mrs. Shirley S. Travis

Fairview Church of the Brethren

Ms. Virginia M. Hurst

Ms. Betty M. Mitchell

Mr. James M. Russell Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Sydney E. Trott Jr.

Farm Credit of the Virginias, ACA

Ms. Theresea Janosky

Mr. and Mrs. Lyle A. Moffett

Ms. Jeanne K. Russell

Ms. Kelcey Troxell

Mr. and Mrs. T. Windsor Fields

Ms. Marlena Y. Jarboe

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Monger III

Mr. and Mrs. John S. Rutherford

Truck & Equipment Corporation

Ms. Abigail L. Montgomery

Ruthie’s Rembrandts

Mr. Thomas Trykowski

Ms. Marsha Moore

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Santangelo

Moore Public Relations LLC

Ms. Laura Leigh N. Savage

Mr. Neil A. Tucker and Mrs. Colleen Andes-Tucker Ms. L. Elizabeth Tucker

Fine Earth, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Finnigan First Bank & Trust Company

Ms. Elizabeth A. Jarrels JAYMAXX, L.L.C. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Jencks

Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Toman

Travel Leaders

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Fitzgerald

Mr. and Mrs. David Jerlinski

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Moran

Ms. Amanda Schaefer

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Flora

Ms. Christine Johnston

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Morgan

Mr. Stephan P. Schwartz

Dr. and Mrs. Francis S. Turnage

Ms. Diane Flower

Ms. Kelly E. Jones

Mr. J. Garrett Morris

Mr. and Mrs. H. Fulton Sensabaugh Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Keith L Turner

Flowers by Rose

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Jones

Morris Moving

Sentara RMH Wellness Center

Mr. Phill Ungar

Mr. and Mrs. Hampton W. Foley II

Ms. Lisa Kara

Mount Aloysius College/Enactus Team

Shamrock Farms

United Bank

Food Bar Food

Ms. Elizabeth E. Kaylor

Ms. Helen D. Moyer

Mr. and Mrs. Don W. Shank

United Way of Greater Augusta, Inc.

Food Lion LLC

Ms. Connie Kennedy

Mr. J’s Bagels & Deli

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Sheets

Ms. Misty A. Valkner

Mr. Frederick B. Fountaine

Andy and Tami King

Mrotek Enterprises Inc.

Mike and Cheryl Shelton

Valley Industrial Piping, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Todd R. Fowler

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kiser

Mr. and Mrs. John Mrotek

Shenandoah Fall Foliage Bike Festival

Mr. and Mrs. Paul P. Vames

Gail P. and Frederick L. Fox

Robert and Camala Kite

Mrs. Rowe’s Restaurant & Bakery

Shenandoah River Outfitters, Inc.

Ms. Paula Jane Van Ryan

Gail P. and Frederick L. Fox Fund of The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County

Kitty Hawk Properties

Murphy Business Blue Ridge LLC

Col. and Mrs. Jerry R. VanLear

Kline May Realty

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Myers Jr.

Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative


Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Naylor

Shenandoah Valley Kiwanis Club

Mr. and Mrs. William L. Vaughn

Ms. Susan B. Knipp

John and Linda Neff

Shenandoah Valley Partnership

Vector Industries, Inc.

The Honorable and Mrs. Ross W. Krumm

John and Linda Neff Charitable Fund of the Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County

Shenandoah Valley Pepsi

Verona Storage Company

Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport

Viette Communications, Inc.

Shenandoah Valley Water Company Shentel

Virginia Economic Developers Association

Mr. and Mrs. Angel Negron Jr.

Shields Investment Co. LLC

Virginia Port Authority

Mr. Barry L. Nelson

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Shifflett

Virginia Regional Transit

Ms. Marla L. Nemoytin

The Shoppes at Mauzy

Mr. and Mrs. Grigoriy Vislobokova

Ms. Karen Niarhos

Monty and Rajan Shore

Dr. Daniel Wachspress

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Nicely

Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy L. Showalter

Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. Walk

Nielsen Builders, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel K. Shreckhise

Walker Transportation

Dr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Nielson

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Ward

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Norene

Shreckhise Shrubbery Sales & Landscaping

Not Too Shabby

Mr. and Mrs. Brian B. Shull

Washington Redskins/Community Effort

Mr. and Mrs. Ricky A. Nunnally

Mr. Robert J. Siewert

Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wayland

Mr. and Mrs. William G. O’Brien

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Simmers

Waynesboro Country Club


Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Simmons

Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. O’Donohue Jr.

Ms. Mary Jo Sisson-Vaughan

Weaver Insurance and Financial Advisors

Mr. and Mrs. Don Olender

Skyline Associates

Ms. Rosaland Annette Webb

Mr. William R. Oliver II

Ms. Cathy Sliwoski

Ms. Ulrike Wertz

The Omni Homestead Resort

Mr. Don Flegal and Dr. Catherine Slusher

Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Western

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Oppy

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smiley

Weyers Cave Women’s Club

Ms. Cari R. Orebaugh

Ms. Ellen F. Smith

Wharton, Aldhizer & Weaver, PLC

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Owen

Smooth Day Spa

Mr. Benjamin L. Wheelbarger Jr.

P. Buckley Moss Society

Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Sorrell

Mr. John P. Wheelbarger

Dr. and Mrs. Philip Pandolfi

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Sorrells Jr.

Ms. Tonya S. Whetzel

Papa John’s Pizza

Ms. Charlene E. Spears

White Hill Catering LLC

Parker Compound Bows, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. James Sponaugle

White Oak Lavender

Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Pascale

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Spoon

Mr. C. Elwood Whitmore

Ms. Erica L. Patterson

Spotswood Country Club

Mr. and Mrs. Terry Whitmore

Dr. and Mrs. Marshall W. Pattie

Stage Insurance Agency, Inc.

Peaceful Spirit Massage

Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Starick

Mr. David Wigginton and Dr. Karen Wigginton

Ms. Bethany Pence

Staunton-Augusta Family YMCA

Ms. Holly Wilfong

Pepsi-Cola Bottling of Central Virginia

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Ward

Ms. Annette D. Williams

Mr. Wiley Perry

Stella, Bella & Lucy’s

Williams Brothers Lawn and Tree Service

Drs. Gerald and Audrey Perselay

Ms. Nicole S. Stephens

Mr. Scott A. Williams

Ms. Emma Rose Phillips

Steven Toyota

Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Wills

Mr. Kenneth Phillips

Mr. and Mrs. Karl Stoltzfus Jr.

Mr. Stephen S. Wine

Mr. Kenneth L. Pitsenbarger

Wintergreen Resort

Ms. R. Claire Pitt

Stonewall Jackson Hotel and Conference Center

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Powell

Stacey Strawn - Silver Gallery

Mr. Stephen J. Wittenberg

Premier Jewelry

Mrs. Judith S. Strickler

Mr. and Mrs. Orville Wolters

Ms. Cynthia Pritchard

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Styers

Prorealty Group

Mr. and Mrs. Robin Sullenberger III

Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library and Museum

Prospect Hill

Mrs. Kathleen Sullivan

WVPT- Virginia’s Public Television

Ms. Tami Barksdale Pusateri

Mr. John Hancock and Ms. Mary Sullivan

Mr. Michael D. Yankey

Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Radecke

Ms. Teri R. Sumey

Ms. Pamyla A. Yates

Mr. Jerry Rader

Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Summers Jr.

Mr. Domenic Zaccaria

Ms. Amy Ragland

Matthew and Lisa Sunderlin

Mrs. Patricia Zaccaria

Mr. Darrell S. Ralston

Ms. Patricia Supko

Zaccaria Realty

Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Ralston

The Supply Room Companies

Mr. and Mrs. Silvio Zaccaria

Mr. Mark Rapert

Eldie and Lynn Suter

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zickefoose

Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Ratliff

Dr. Raymond L. Swadley

Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Reese

Mrs. Joan B. Swift

Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Reich

Mr. and Mrs. David A. Tait

Ms. Kate Renalds

Frank and Charlotte Tamberrino

Ms. Agnes H. Rexrode

Taste of Thai

Ms. Meghan L. Rexrode

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Taylor II

Mr. and Mrs. Grant A. Richardson

Mr. Robert Tennyson

Mr. Greg Riddle

Thomas House Restaurant

Mr. and Mrs. W. Jon Rife IV

Ms. Theresa Thomas

Mr. and Mrs. Barry W. Ritchie

Mr. Glenn Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Ritchie

Tidewater Community College Educational Foundation, Inc.

The Frame Factory & Gallery The Frame Gallery Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Frank Ms. Ashley Freeman Ms. Katie Freemen Ms. Linda S. Fretwell Friendship Industries Frontier Culture Museum of Virginia Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Frye Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Funkhouser II Ms. Lera A. Galenis Game Day Designs Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Garber Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Gardner Ms. Deborah M. Garrett GDOGZ LLC Ms. Bridgit G. Gianakos Ms. Amy E. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Gibson Mark and Angie Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Scott Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Godsey Gold’s Gym of Harrisonburg Mr. and Mrs. Gail Goldsborough Ms. Brooke D. Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. Chris Grandle Ms. Caitlin V. Grant Mrs. Linda A. Greene Dr. and Mrs. William H. Grey Ms. Ida M. Griffin Mr. Robert K. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Halterman II Mr. William R. Hamblet Ms. Emily D. Hammonds HammondTownsend PLC Mr. John Hancock and Ms. Mary Sullivan Mr. Dennis Harper Sister Jean Harper Dr. Reid Harris Harrisonburg Family Fitness Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Hartman Ms. Jennifer L. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Harvill III Mr. Drew Patterson and Dr. Donna L. Hastings Mr. Matthew C. Heineck Mr. and Mrs. William J. Heisey Mr. Russell J. Held Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Henning Heritage Oaks Golf Course Mr. and Mrs. L. Burk Hershey Jr. Ms. Anni Hevener Ms. Bridget L. Hickman Highland County Government Mr. and Mrs. C. Alan Hiner Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Hodge Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hodge Ms. Sarah K. Hodge Ms. Lucy R. Holland Hollister Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hopkins III Mrs. Jacquelyn E. Horn Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Houff Ms. Deona Landes Houff Mr. and Mrs. Kern Houff

KSB Designs Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Kyle LA Dodgers Dr. and Mrs. Daniel LaGrua Lakeview Golf Course Ms. Diana R. Lambert Ms. Brenda Landes Rick and Laurie Landes The Honorable and Mrs. Steven Landes Ms. Lauren T. Landram Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Lanigan Larkin Arts Dr. Janice R. Larsen Mark and Kathy Laser Mr. and Mrs. David Leatherwood Mr. Jim Leech Lemons Jewelry Mr. and Mrs. David A. Lempke Lenhart Pettit Dr. Bernard H. Levin Mr. Robert and Dr. Julia A. Lewis L’Idee Medical Spa Mr. Curtis E. Link Mr. and Mrs. Jared Link Mr. and Mrs. Tim A. Link Mr. Malcolm H. Livick III Mrs. Martha S. Livick Ms. Sallie E. Livick Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lotts Luray Caverns Corporation Ms. Carolyn Lynch Mr. and Mrs. E. Houston Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Lyons M J Colgan Associates LLC Ms. Katherine MacHardy Ms. Beth Madden Mr. Bill Madison Majomi Bags Melissa and Paul Malabad Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Manor Mrs. Agatha B. Marshall Ms. Donna M. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Marshall Mr. Timothy A. Martin Mary Baldwin College Mathers Construction Co. Mr. John Maxfield Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. May Ms. Monica F. Mayo Ms. Kaitlin McCaddin Mr. Kyle McCarrell Ms. Chris McClintock McCoy’s Furniture Co. Mr. and Mrs. Steve McDonough Ms. Anne S. McFarland Col. Richard K. McNealy Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McSweeney Ms. Erin N. Meadows Ms. Ina Mae Meadows Mr. John Meck Ms. Connie K. Medaris Ms. Rachel N. Mehegan Mr. and Mrs. David A. Melvin Mr. and Mrs. Randy L. Metje Mr. and Mrs. David R. Metz

Ms. Elizabeth Robertson Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Courtland Robinson Rocking R Ace Hardware


Wellford and Nell Tiller To Di IV Antiques, LLC Ms. Brenda H. Todd

Dr. Bret A. VanLear

Ms. Jennifer L. Warren

Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Wise


Office of the President, P. O. Box 80, Weyers Cave, VA 24486

Non Profit Org U. S. Postage and Fees Paid BRCC

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