BRCC Annual Report 2018-2019

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Blue Ridge Community College is such a vital

part of the community we serve. This year’s annual report provides highlights of our College from the past academic year. We hope that you will enjoy reading about and seeing some of the impressive events, recognitions, and endeavors of our students, employees and community! From study aboard trips to China, to community service projects here in the Valley, to new programming and degrees, we are always striving to emulate our BRCC Values of Excellence, Ethical Behavior, Education, and Empowerment. Most impor tantly, our work shines a spotlight on the students who pursue higher education and training programs as a way to create a better life for themselves and for their families. We wouldn’t be in a position to assist so many individuals through our mission if it wasn’t for your continued support! Therefore, we hope that you will also take pride in the achievements noted in this annual report, and continue to support the great work that we do. Thank you! 2 BRCC annual report 2

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Annual Report 2018-19



he Blue Ridge Community College Educational Foundation had its largest fundraising year in its 34-year history – raising a total of $1,587,923!

The Blue Ridge Annual Fund raised $138,107 in unrestricted funds, surpassing its goal of $130,000 by more than 6%. And as of June 30, 2019, the assets of the BRCC Educational Foundation totaled $14,651,293.

One special item of note was the receipt of two significant estate gifts during 2018-19. While those donors are no longer with us, their legacy will live on at Blue Ridge Community College and their generosity will support our students every year to come.


he BRCC Educational Foundation participated in its first ever Give Day, in partnership with the Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County’s Great Community Give, on April 17. By the end of the day, 86 donors gave more than $5,700 to BRCC. In total, the Great Community Give raised $536,300 for par tnered local nonprofits in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County.

Long-time BRCC Educational Foundation donors Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Bowman (pictured on right above) were recognized as BRCC’s honorees for the 2019 Chancellor’s Award for Leadership in Philanthropy.



Al Tayara

wo BRCC students, Arthur “Brad” Ridder and Maher “Mo” Al Tayara, were selected for the 2018-2019 class of the prestigious Valley Proteins Fellows scholarship program. Of the nearly 250,000 people served by Virginia’s Community Colleges, only ten are selected each year as Valley Proteins Fellows.The program, which began with the 2011-2012 class, is made possible through a generous donation by Valley Proteins, Inc., based in Winchester, Va. The approximate value of the scholarship, accompanied with professional development, travel and cultural opportunities, as well as a stipend for an internship and a community service project, totals up to $10,000 per Fellow. “Valley Proteins is privileged to invest in the future of some of Virginia’s most outstanding students,” said Gerald F. (J.J.) Smith, Jr., president of Valley Proteins, Inc. “Helping to remove some of the obstacles that can hinder their success is a priority for us, and it reflects our commitment and support for the community college mission overall.”

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Blue Ridge Community College


Conner Recognized

he BRCC Educational Foundation provided significant program support to Blue Ridge Community College in 2018-19, including the following:


ally Jane Conner, Educational Foundation Special Projects Coordinator, was recognized by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) with the Sandra S. Neff Fundraising Executive Award. Specifically, her dedication to fundraising at Blue Ridge Community College, and her commitment to the Shenandoah Valley AFP Chapter were noted. In addition to these professional responsibilities, Sally Jane is active in her church and the Bridgewater Rotary Club.

• $1,531—Lunch2Go program, providing daily lunches (at the low cost of $3.01 each) for students in financial need who are food-insecure • $1,750—Emergency student assistance provided through the Student Outreach And Resource (SOAR) Center, including student rent payment • $4,400—Electrical repair work and upgrades in Machining/Welding facility • $4,500—Transition Coaches to work with new students in summer of 2019 in an effort to prevent summer melt, ensure a successful transition to BRCC, and improve retention rates • $9,281—Salaries for tutors (provided free to students) in Developmental Math, Developmental English and ESL (English as a Second Language) • $10,600—Professional development opportunities for members of BRCC Staff Association, Career Coaches, Vet Tech staff; as well as Instructional Mini-Grants: Venkestan Chakrapani (Mathematics), Mark Fitzgerald (Electronics), Maggie Marangione (English), and Patrick New (Theater) • $12,168—“Worlds of Work” expo which introduced 7th graders in the BRCC service region to possible careers through hands-on exploration of specific skills or jobs that correlate to those available in our region • $20,937—Inspection and repair work on automotive lift in Charles B. Cook Automotive Analysis and Repair Laboratory, as well as equipment purchases and upgrades for the program (power steering fluid exchanger, headlight aimer, hybrid battery, rotary 2-post asymmetrical car lift)

Charles B. Cook Automotive Lab Dedication

• $25,000—Support for development of new healthcare programs in Workforce and Continuing Education Division

Last August, the automotive laboratory at BRCC was dedicated

in memory of Charles B. Cook. The lab, now officially the “Charles B. Cook Automotive Analysis and Repair Laboratory,” is home to the automotive technology program. Mr. Cook left an estate gift to the College, totaling more than $268,000, that funds a yearly scholarship for one student and created an endowment for keeping the lab equipment up-to-date. Additionally, the gift will support BRCC’s welding and machining programs.

• $60,000—Support for instructional faculty members in Nursing program • $63,000—Support for development of the Emergency Medical Technician/Paramedic program and curriculum • $90,624—Support for Career Coaches, with particular emphasis on those positions that were upgraded from part-time to full-time (7 of 12 Career Coaches are now full-time)

“The impact of this gift is going to be tremendous,” said Dr. John Downey, president of BRCC. “It’s going to help a student who otherwise may not be able to attend college to get an associate’s degree in automotive technology.”

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Annual Report 2018-19


Bridgewater and Blue Ridge Sign Updated Articulation Agreement


ridgewater College and Blue Ridge Community College signed a new Guaranteed Admission Agreement that will allow students meeting certain requirements to transfer directly from the community college to Bridgewater’s bachelor’s degree program and enter with junior status. Bridgewater President Dr. David Bushman and BRCC President Dr. John Downey signed the agreement in April.

Online Outpost Opens to Provide Assistance and Internet Access


shared goal of providing residents of Waynesboro and the surrounding region with access to support for higher education and training lead to the opening of the Blue Ridge Community College Online Outpost.

“Bridgewater College is excited at the prospect of additional Blue Ridge Community College students electing to continue their education at a liberal arts college close to home that offers a wide variety of opportunities,” said Dr. Bushman.

Waynesboro Mayor Terry Short Jr commented, “If we are to achieve many of the goals identified in our Comprehensive Plan, it will require identifying and committing to opportunities that not only support the growth of our existing and prospective businesses but also suppor t members of our community through 21st century education and skill set development resources. It is our hope that the BRCC Online Outpost, and GO Virginia initiative will align with these objectives quite nicely. Conveniently located in our downtown, these 21st century educational resources will serve to empower residents from across our region, and set the stage for building the new Waynesboro economy.”

Courses taken at BRCC will transfer directly to Bridgewater, and transfer students will only be required to complete four additional credit hours of liberal artsbased coursework.

Located at 110 North Wayne Avenue, the facility offers information about BRCC programs and services, and assistance applying, enrolling in and paying for classes, placement testing, as well as internet access for those taking online classes with BRCC.

“Blue Ridge Community College and Bridgewater College have enjoyed a long history of working together for the benefit of the community,” said Dr. Downey. “This updated Guaranteed Admission Agreement means that BRCC students will truly benefit from a seamless transfer agreement and will now have a more accessible pathway through the excellent majors available at Bridgewater College.”

“The increased emphasis on technology and distance learning coursework in higher education has left people with limited broadband services with few options for accessing continuing education and community college programs. We believe that the Online Outpost in Waynesboro will provide residents in the surrounding regions with excellent opportunities to enroll in BRCC distance learning coursework and to enjoy more convenient opportunities to access BRCC services,” explained BRCC President Dr. John Downey.

Twenty-nine students transferred from BRCC to BC in 2017, up from 11 in 2011.

A state budget amendment offered by Delegate Dickie Bell, R-Staunton, helped provide start-up funds for the initiative.


Academy Blue

he 2018-19 Academy Blue cohort once again collaborated with Habitat for Humanity for their team project. Established in 2015, the Blue Ridge Community College Academy Blue is an eight-month leadership program for both faculty and staff members, centered on the development of participants’ leadership style. This year, they added some finishing touches to a house within our service community for some very special homeowners as their capstone project. Pictured from l to r: Latoya Garrison, Melissa Malabad, Salome Baugher, Natasha Butler, Megan Hartless, Allison Ortner, Suzie Dull, William Wilkerson

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Blue Ridge Community College


China Study Abroad

BRCC Cyber Security boot camp participants.

GO Virginia Grant & Partnerships Help BRCC Offer Cybersecurity Training and Jobs to Graduates


elected individuals can get cyber security training for $300, thanks to a $200,000 GO Virginia Cyber Security grant awarded to Blue Ridge Community College. The goal of the grant is to train and employ 50 Tier I Cyber Security Analysts by July 2020. Six graduates of BRCC’s GO Virginia cybersecurity training program have already obtained positions with Tiber Creek Consulting, which opened a new office in the same building as BRCC’s Online Outpost in Waynesboro. In addition, more students will participate in paid internships with Tiber Creek this year. BRCC students will be performing cybersecurity assessments for federal contractors in Virginia as part of a $1.4 million Department of Defense grant awarded to GENEDGE Alliance. The funding covers a variety of services to assist Defense Department suppliers in putting cybersecurity risk management systems in place, to comply with the National Institute of Standards and Technology for cybersecurity. According to a release from Governor Ralph Nor tham’s office, “Cyber threats are real and growing,” said Dr. Wayne Stilwell, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of GENEDGE. “This grant will allow us to increase the cyber security capabilities for many small defense companies that are essential national security assets in critical supply chains.” The BRCC cybersecurity program includes a security review course, CompTIA Security+ Exam, Cybrary online training, and on-the-job training, and takes approximately three months to complete.The BRCC Educational Foundation provided $20,250 for the cybrary online training. Classes and training are held at BRCC, and on-thejob training is offered with a private companies.


even Blue Ridge Community College students, along with Art faculty member Jessica Martinkosky, spent May 21 to June 1, 2019, exploring the sights and culture of China, in an effort to “gain greater appreciation of another culture.” Students were enrolled in HST 298, History of China, online through Ozarks Technical Community College in Springfield, Missouri. The BRCC Educational Foundation provided partial scholarships to make the dream trip a reality for students. Course assignments included weekly discussions; group projects researching each city visited; reports on favorite artifacts from each museum visited; and journals kept from one week before departure to one week after returning. The final assignment was two-part: a six-toten page paper written about eight sites from among those visited, and then answering one of two questions: 1. Explain how you think China’s history shapes its society today or 2. Evaluate the impact that contact with the West has had on modern China. Memorable excursions included flying kites outside the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, a Buddhist temple complex; visiting the gardens at the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Museum; and of course, a trip to the Great Wall, where some students made the steep climb to the 20th guard tower.

Cub Creek Foundation Exhibit


RCC’s Fine Arts Center Gallery hosted a new exhibit, “Cub Creek Foundation: The Artists of Cub Creek” in early 2019. The exhibit included works by: Tom Alward, Takuro Shibata, Heidi Kreichet, Sukjin Choii, Nick Listo, Mathew Wheeler, Mitch Iburg, Casey Beck, Katie White, Ashwini Bhat, Hitomi Shibata, John Jessiman, Lauren Visokay, Rachel Pearlman, Jesse Buxton, Cecelia Peters, and Elizabeth McAdams. The Cub Creek Foundation’s mission is to promote advancement of ceramic arts. They offer an ongoing residency program, visiting artist workshops, on-site critiques, and collaborative networking. Located in the western foothills of Virginia, Cub Creek encourages and supports the artistic, aesthetic, and technical development of craftspeople and artists who work with clay, and enhances their opportunity and ability to produce traditional and innovative ceramic art of the highest quality.

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Vet Tech Grad Featured in National Geographic Article

s a young girl, Jessica Jimerson collected pictures of people working with wildlife from National Geographic magazine and plastered them on her bedroom walls as inspiration. Now, many years later, she is one of the wildlife conservationists featured in an online-version National Geographic article about the endangered pangolin. She works at Save Vietnam’s Wildlife (SVW), a non-profit, Vietnamese NGO that saves and protects native small carnivores and pangolins from extinction in Cuc Phuong National Park in Ninh Binh, Vietnam. In addition, she co-wrote a chapter on pangolin rehabilitation for a book set to be published in 2020. Here are excerpts from an email interview.

On her Blue Ridge education: I attended BRCC from 2012-2014. I had never studied or prepared so hard in my life than I did during the two-year program. I wrote paper about an endangered species for our zoo/wildlife class with Dr. Porter. I decided to write mine about the pangolin: the most trafficked mammal in the world. Who knew that four years later I would be a part of a leading movement to save this species! I decided to go to tech school because I thought gaining practical experience and technical knowledge could be highly useful in the conservation world. I couldn’t afford to go to a big university, and I was certain that going into debt

that regard. My lab skills and position at the Houston Zoo are also what started my relationship with Save Vietnam’s Wildlife because I received a grant called the Staff Conservation Fund. Tech skills are THE skills needed to manage these animals when they are rescued. Intensive care, nursing, and compassion are critical needs for these animals. BRCC provided me with not only the knowledge and skills but also with the expectation that I need to do more than your average “extra set of hands.” I felt liberated by the instructors at BRCC to take responsibility for my patients and not let my title, or the public perception of what a tech is, decide my importance or worth in the practice. at all to work in conservation would be a huge mistake. I am currently living debt free from my school choice, and I have a degree and skill set that is quite versatile.

On her LVT career: I made it clear to instructors, colleagues, and classmates that my goal was always wildlife medicine. I had already been working in wildlife rehab and zoos by the time I started tech school and continued to work in zoo/wildlife practice throughout my time at BRCC. When I landed a job with the Houston Zoo, I realized what an advantage BRCC gave me in the lab world. I was ahead of most techs in Texas as far as lab skills go and that comes down to education and experience. BRCC is really a great school in

On living in Vietnam: I love my life in Vietnam. I love living in the middle of a jungle with so few people around. It isn’t an easy life out here. In the States, I took a lot of luxuries for granted. Vietnam is a communist country. People are oppressed in many ways. This society is dominated by a patriarchy. For me, a strong and empowered woman, this can create problems. But I enjoy being a role model for the other girls out here! On the flip side, Vietnam has strong family values and people take care of each other out here. Although there is a language barrier, I have made many amazing friends and I feel like I belong to this village.

CDL Program Hosts Truck Driving Competition


n mid-June, the BRCC Commercial exam and a graded pre-trip inspection of Driving Program hosted the 68th annu- a commercial vehicle.” al Virginia Truck Driving Championships. Eighty-nine drivers representing the “As active members of the Virginia transportation divisions of 16 businesses Trucking Association, we were proud to such as FedEx and Walmart competed at host this competition,” said BRCC CDL the CDL testing facility in Verona. Program Director Jim Butler. He added, From the Virginia Championship, eight “This event rigorously tests skills on var- drivers advanced to compete at the naious maneuvers and includes a written tional competition in Pittsburgh, PA.

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Blue Ridge Community College



edidiah Keplinger won the Virginia Mathematical Association Two Year College Glen Fox Scholarship for spring 2019.

Shenandoah Valley Tech Night


wo BRCC programs received recognition at the Shenandoah Valley Tech Council’s annual TECHNITE19 Awards ceremony in the spring. The BRCC Technology Camps were awarded the Innovation in Education K-12 Award. Present to receive the award were Technology camps coordinator Velma Bryant, and instructors Matt Goss and Jim Richerson. This award is given to the “educator or program in K-12 that provides exceptional technology leadership, innovative use and/or development of technology while encouraging students to pursue higher education or training in science, technology, engineering or math,” according to the SVTC’s web site. The BRCC Go VA Cybersecurity Program was a nominee in the Innovation in Higher Education category as well.

Shomo is a Rockstar


s a geology instructor at BRCC, Susie Shomo is known for her love of rocks! And she shares that passion, along with an appreciation for all things geology (and some meteorology!) with her students, and even fellow faculty and staff.

Downey Receives PTK National Award


n the spr ing, BRCC President Dr. John A. Downey was the recipient of the Shirley B. Gordon Award of Distinction in 2019, given by Phi Theta Kappa, a national honor society for two-year colleges. Eighteen community college presidents from across the country received the award this year, but Downey was the only college president from Virginia.

Recently, the James Madison Univer sity Depar tment of Geology & Environmental Science recognized her outstanding dedication to the field with its Distinguished Alumni Award. The award was established in 2008 to distinguish those alumni who have served prominent roles in the areas of business, government, and academia. Shomo also is a guest lecturer and adjunct faculty for the Department.

BRCC’s PTK chapter - Alpha Xi Xi – nominated Dr. Downey for the award. Specifically, former chapter president Loretta Wenger felt he was a perfect fit for the award as recipients are selected “on the basis of outstanding efforts given toward promoting the goals of Phi Theta Kappa,” and in their role as a college president, have “a strong level of support for Phi Theta Kappa.”

Faculty Scholarship Winner


mmanuel des-Bordes, assistant professor of Mathematics, received the Suanne Davis Roueche Faculty Scholarship to attend the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) annual conference, held in May in Austin, Texas. He has been teaching at BRCC since 2016.

“I just felt he embodied all of those hallmarks and qualities,” Loretta said. “To me, the Gordon Award represents the sacrifices our students make in order to make a better life for themselves,” Downey said.

Jedidiah earned an Associate of Science degree specializing in Computer Science from BRCC in May, and transferred to JMU to major in Computer Science. He worked as a math tutor while attending Blue Ridge. Theresa Thomas, ass i s t a n t p r o fe s s o r o f Mathematics and VMATYC member nominated Jed for the $500 scholarship. In her recommendation, Thomas wrote, “Jedidiah is still one of my most dedicated students. When he was in my courses, he came prepared to class, had good questions, and participated in all class discussions and activities. Even though Jed is not currently enrolled in any of my courses, he continues to sit outside my office and help students…on his own time. In addition to being my future work-study, Jed is interested in becoming an embedded math tutor in all of BRCC’s MTE courses once he transfers to JMU next fall.”

NISOD is a membership organization committed to promoting excellence in teaching, learning, and leadership at community and technical colleges.

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Annual Report 2018-19

EVENTS Brown Bag Lectures Are for Globetrotters


or the past few years, the Cultural Affairs Committee has funded a lecture series featuring BRCC faculty, staff, and alumni who have traveled the globe and have pictures to prove it! Usually held on the third Friday of the month, these talks are open to the public.

BRCC Fights Against Hunger


RCC and the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank (BRAFB) once again par tnered to raise the profile of hunger, through the 12th Annual Virginia Hunger Symposium, held in October 2018. Highlights included a presentation, “Eating Healthy on the Go and On a Budget,” with facilitator Kristina Fischbach, Common Health Regional Coordinator. There was also an Empty Bowl Dinner fundraiser and a performance, Carrie the Musical, as well as a Bake SaleRaffle Fundraiser held by the CFFA. In total, events during the Hunger Symposium raised more than $8,200! Dr. John Downey also par ticipated as a “celebrity” shopper in the Shop to Stop Hunger Race held by the BRAFB. Racing through the aisles of the Harrisonburg Kroger, Dr. Downey and other shoppers were on the clock to collect as many food items as possible. “It was a blast,” Downey said. “I grew up with nine brothers and sisters so I’ve been competitive all my life.” The race provided 19,766 meals to hungry families.

In the fall semester, faculty members Donna Ladd and Don Taylor shared stories about their (separate) adventures in Japan; Annette Williams, dean of Student Services, provided photographic highlights of her trip to Jackson Hole, WY, the Grand Tetons, and Yellowstone; and Robin Hawks took attendees to the happy country of Norway. The spring semester featured faculty members Lisa Kara, Lynne Ryan and friends discussing their adventures in and around Yosemite; Harpreet Panesar presented a “Visit to Four States of India;” and lastly, Dr. Bruce Bowman, DVM, a BRCC alum and former chair of the College Board, shared highlights of a mission trip to central Mongolia.

BRCC Puts Best Foot Forward with Art Project


hat is book art? That’s the question answered by Lyall Harris, 2019 artist-in-residence, during her two-day visit to campus in March. More than 100 people—students, faculty, staff, and visitors—participated in her creation of a book called “Walk in My Shoes.” The process involved each participant stepping onto an ink-covered mat, then pressing their footprints on pieces of paper one at a time. By the time it was finished, the book was over 80 feet long with a spine measuring seven inches in width! During her artist lecture on the first morning, she explained her creative process and her desire to do a project that could be fully realized in a couple of days. “People have really taken to it,” said Harris. “It’s something very relatable, sharing our common humanity. People have been sharing stories, conversation with me. Each one is participating in the creation of a piece of art, so it’s very rewarding on that level.”

Rec Center Fifth Anniversary


un, food, and games, like bubble soccer, highlighted the Recreation Center’s fifth anniversary celebration. Since its Grand Opening event in April 2014, the Rec Center has become a hub of activity and athletic pursuits on campus.

Harris hoped to explore many questions during this artistic endeavor, such as “What if we really could ‘walk in someone else’s shoes’? How might that change our perspective? Our attitudes and assumptions? Would we find compassion? Common ground? Would we better understand? And would we be better understood ourselves?” Harris, who holds a BA in Ar t Histor y from Northwestern University and an MFA in Book Art and Creative Writing from Mills College, moved back to the Charlottesville area about three years ago after living abroad. Her book art has appeared in more than 50 libraries.The Cultural Affairs Committee purchased the collaborative artwork for future display on campus.

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Star-Spangled Beam It is a building construction tradition to celebrate setting of the final piece of structural steel on a project. For the new Biosciences Center, that day was July 3, 2018. Adorned with Old Glory waving proudly and a couple hundred signatures of BRCC students and employees, the beam was lifted into place and into the history of BRCC! Dr. Bob Young and Cynthia Page, BRCC vice presidents, were on site to supervise.

School Supplies Collection BRCC participated in the SGA School Supply Drive for the United Way of Greater Augusta. “I delivered six very large, very full backpacks of supplies to them, and they extend their thanks to our community for helping them with this project. The picture doesn’t quite do justice to the amount of supplies you brought in,” wrote Megan Hartless, coordinator of Financial Aid & Scholarships.

New Student Welcome Day A positive beginning makes a huge difference in the experience of new students. That is the main goal of Welcome Day. New students and their parents spend the day on campus taking tours, attending information sessions, and completing tasks like getting ID cards and parking permits. By the numbers, the friendly folks in Public Safety issued 503 student IDs and 499 parking permits on August 10!

Director Emeritus The BRCC Educational Foundation Board bestowed the title of Director Emeritus on Alphonso P. “Al” Boxley III at the President’s Luncheon in September.

Pink Out Dr. Dave Urso was BRCC’s representative to the American Cancer Society initiative called Real Men Wear Pink last fall. This program compels men across the community to wear pink every day for October in a campaign to generate contributions to support ACS. The effort at BRCC raised just over $4000. Many celebrated on Pink Out Day, October 30.

Welcome Week

Ask the Chief

Faculty Art Show

Local Author Speaks

The first week of classes is always brimming with excitement--free food, music, and activities! And when the weather is gorgeous, some students enjoy sitting in the grass to study and get to know their new classmates.

To encourage more awareness of public safety on campus, Police Chief William Wilkerson offered an “Ask the Chief ” information session in September. Faculty, staff, and students also participated in training seminars for Bcon (bleeding control,) active assailant drills, and a health and safety fair during the school year.

Faculty artists John Bell, Jessica Martinkosky, Colleen Pendry, Jerome Sturm, and Claudia Furlow participated in a panel discussion and reception for the BRCC Art Faculty Show: Multifarious II, which ran Oct. 19-Dec. 5. Here, Furlow discusses a painting with an interested art student.

Cultural SPECTRUM hosted a lecture with local author Allison K. García, who won the 2018 finalist IAN Book of the Year Award in the Christian/Religious Fiction category for her first novel, Vivir el Dream. Her second novel, Finding Amor, addresses the serious issue of family separation at the border.

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Donuts with Downey Each year, the BRCC Educational Foundation sponsors a “Community Breakfast Series” at which Dr. Downey updates community leaders in Harrisonburg, Staunton, and Waynesboro about BRCC’s mission and the work done to fulfill that mission. That same presentation is the basis for “Donuts with Downey,” which enables BRCC faculty and staff to learn more about new programs, student success stories, and other items of interest.

Coat Drive The Student Ambassadors collected over 100 items--coats, hats, scarves and gloves--for their Fall Coat Drive during the month of November. Church World Service Immigration and Refugee Center in Harrisonburg received the donations this year.

BRCC Giving Tree—Staff Association The BRCC Staff Association collected gifts for our own students in the Federal Work Study program, for BRCC tutors and teacher assistants, and for several students who utilized the BRCC food pantry. One grateful recipient wrote, “I just got my present and it made my year tbh [to be honest]. I just wanted to send a whole thank you to you and the staff at Blue Ridge. It’s really been a dream working here, everyone is so understanding and kind. Many thanks.” Here, Latoya Garrison (R) presents a gift to Hailey Miller, work-study student in Enrollment Services.

April Spring Fling Auction

Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Former BRCC student Ronnie Brandon III read the historic “I Have a Dream” speech. Following the speech and discussion, a group of students, community members, and BRCC employees walked the campus in honor of Dr. King.

Art Meets Science in Kinetic Gallery

OASIS Features Student Art

Students in Harpreet Panesar’s Anatomy and Physiology class became artists, producing 2D and 3D projects for an exhibit called “Tissue World: Life Magnified.” The assignment was to explain how different tissue cells in the human body resemble things one views in nature. “Projects like this help students learn beyond the content and helps their creative side,” says Panesar. Here, Khari Wright posed with her project, “Ring Around the Bony.”

The work of BRCC art students was on display at OASIS art gallery in Harrisonburg in February.

Fifth Undergraduate Research Conference The Fifth Undergraduate Research Conference, supported by a Blue Ridge Community College Dream Big Award, featured students presenting research papers, original poetry, photography, and even a performance of American Sign Language.

ACEN Visit The Accreditation Committee for Education in Nursing made a site visit in February to review curriculum changes in the Nursing program.

An important source of unrestricted funds for the Educational Foundation in 201819 was the annual Spring Fling Auction, which netted a total of $65,344! With a theme of School Spirit, the evening encouraged guests to wear the colors of the favorite school(s) while showing support for Blue Ridge.

New Horizons Award Patrick New, an adjunct faculty member teaching theater, received the George B. Vaughan Leadership Award for Outstanding Adjunct Faculty at the 2019 VCCS New Horizons banquet in Roanoke. Patrick was one of only four adjunct faculty members selected statewide.

Scholarship Luncheon

Career Expo

Working in cooperation with the Financial Aid Office, the BRCC Educational Foundation awarded a record $450,244 in scholarships to 628 deserving students in 2018-19! The Scholarship Luncheon allows donors to meet the students whose lives they’ve impacted. Here, many recipients gathered to say “Thank You.”

The Career Expo brings together employers, students, and community members to learn about employment opportunities in BRCC’s service area and beyond. As a bonus, DuPont Community Credit Union of Verona presented a financial literacy workshop. Jerome Sturm and his photography students also took professional headshots for attendees.

Commencement “Coming from someone that was searching for a second chance, I was able to find it here and achieve the excellence that will propel me to wherever life takes me next. We all were. So, congratulations, graduates. Let’s go change the world,” said Brad Ridder, student graduation speaker. Approximately 250 graduates walked in the ceremony and BRCC awarded more than 1,100 degrees, diplomas, and certificates for the 2018-19 academic year.

Tree Planting Beyond the Blue planted a Red Bud tree in the courtyard between the Plecker Center and the Technology Building in honor of the Human Services program class of 2019, and also in recognition of Earth Day, celebrated a few weeks earlier.

Learning Can Be Fun Hundreds of area K-12 students kick off their summer by continuing to learn in BRCC’s Learning Can Be Fun program. LCBF offers something for every age group and area of interest. Here, Gail Foley, LVT, works in the lab with teens in the PreVeterinary Technology class. Youngsters enjoy pretending to be scary animals in Matthew Grandpre’s Acting Foundations theater course.

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2018-19 Operating Revenues & Expenditures*

Blue Ridge Vision Society

Revenues Tuition and Fees State Appropriation Govt Grants and Contracts Private Gifts and Grants Local Appropriations

$ 11,204,531 $ 9,552,361 $ 214,899 $ 1,088,910 $ 182,852

50.37% 42.94% 0.97% 4.90% 0.82%

subtotal Operating Revenue $ 22,243,553 Local Fund Revenues—student fees $ 1,557,405


Grand Total

$ 23,800,958

Expenditures General Academic Instruction Remedial Instruction Vocation Education Community Education Academic Support Student Services Institutional Support Physical Plant Sponsored Programs

4,414,207 142,614 4,051,791 1,477,200 1,989,125 1,903,404 6,398,385 1,534,981 833,991

19.41% 0.63% 17.81% 6.49% 8.75% 8.37% 28.13% 6.75% 3.67%

subtotal Operating Expenditures $ 22,745,698 Local Funds Expenditures— Rec Center and Parking $ 1,412,682


Grand Total

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

$ 24,158,380 * Unaudited. Exclusive of scholarships and fellowships

Blue Ridge Community College Board Matthew C. Sunderlin, Chair, Rockingham County Joyce L. Colemon, Vice Chair, City of Waynesboro Dr. John A. Downey, Secretary Rodney D. Alderfer, Rockingham County Michael W. Bedwell, Highland County Debra S. Callison, Augusta County Lynn M. Diveley, Augusta County John L. Matherly, City of Waynesboro Beverly B. McGowan, City of Harrisonburg David R. Metz, City of Staunton Ronald W. Ramsey, City of Staunton Frank M. Tamberrino, City of Harrisonburg

Virginia Community College System—State Board for Community Colleges Glenn DuBois, Chancellor Robin Sullenberger, Chair Susan Tinsley Gooden, Vice Chair Douglas M. Garcia Yohannes A. Abraham William C. Hall, Jr. Carolyn Berkowitz Peggy Layne Nathaniel Bishop Eleanor Saslaw Adnan Bokhari Joseph Smiddy, M.D. David E. Broder Senator Walter Stosch Darren Conner Edward Dalrymple, Jr.

Blue Ridge Community College Educational Foundation Board of Directors Mary Louise Leake, Chair Matthias N. Smith, Vice Chair John A. Downey, Secretary Cynthia F. Page, Treasurer Kelly R. S. Blosser Kenneth R. Boward Rob W. Cale Karen C. Clark Kenneth S. Cleveland III Denise E. Dawson Douglas G. Driver Silvia T. Garcia-Romero Teresa H. Gauldin Camala B. Kite Mary McDermott

Beverly B. McGowan Thomas C. Mendez Sacha Purciful Karen E. Santos William M. Saxman Jr. Jerry D. Sheets Alan L. Shelton Linnea J. Spradlin Ruth E. Jones Turner Pamela K. Ungar


Directors Emeriti In 2003, the Educational Foundation Board of Directors instituted the “Director Emeritus” program as a way of recognizing former Board members who have truly made a difference for the Foundation and the College. The criteria used to determine this recognition include a demonstration of extraordinary service and generosity to Blue Ridge Community College and the BRCC Educational Foundation. Martin F. Lightsey Joan D. Eiland Carl A. Rosberg Robert S. Baldygo DBA Carl G. Lind William J. Elliott Art Schlappi Carolyn L. Beam Mary N. Mannix John W. Flora L. Ronald Smith Michael B. Beahm Richard L. Manor Sallie E. Funkhouser Frank L. Summers Jr.* Bruce M. Bowman DVM John L. Matherly Jr. Jean F. Gearing Lynn K. Suter Alphonso P. Boxley Deborah T. Metz Julia N. Grandle Travis J. “Ty” Tysinger Debra Stiles Callison Beverly S. “Cheri” Moran Pamela T. Huggins Cathleen P. Welsh Gregory W. Campbell Richard R. J. Morin Timothy G. Hulings Daniel M. Woodworth Woodrow W. Carr DVM John N. Neff Nancy L. Hulings Peter F. deVaux James R. Perkins PhD Edward S. “Chip” Yates Kevin D. Humphries David W. Didawick William L. Pfost Jr. Robert G. Knowles Lynn M. Diveley *Deceased Laurel L. “Laurie” Landes Stuart L. Porter VMD E. Grant Doyle

12 BRCC annual report 12

The Blue Ridge Vision Society provides recognition for friends who have committed to support the quality of education at Blue Ridge Community College in their estate plans. Anonymous (2) Ms. Dorothy W. Anderson* Dr. James A. Armstrong* and Mrs. Dolly Armstrong* Dan and Nancy Brubaker Mr. Stephen P. Clark* Mr. Charles B. Cook* Dr. John A. and Sandy S. Downey Mr. and Mrs. David R. Eyler Ms. Sally F. Fulton Mrs. Julia N. Grandle Mrs. Ruth B. Grove* Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Henderson III Ms. Sylvia Honke* Mrs. Ola M. Hoover* Mr. John L. Hopkins III* and Mrs. Helen Hopkins Tim and Nancy Hulings Dr. Darrell W. Hurst* and Ms. Lida Hurst Lt. Col. James E. Jordan Jr.* Mary Louise Leake Dr. Paul E. Lee* Mr. Jim Lowdon* and Mrs. Jo Ann Miller Lowdon* Ms. Margaret S. Marangione John and Cathy Matherly Mr. and Mrs. Philip T. Moran Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mrotek Mr. William R. Oliver II Mr. Leonard G. Penland* Mr. Robert E. Plecker* and Mrs. Frances W. Plecker Stuart and Terry Porter Mrs. Emma M. Ramsey* Ms. Lynn T. Reams Mrs. Jane Ritchie Carl and Cheryl Rosberg Suzi and Jim Russell Art and Jamie Schlappi Ms. Terry B. Showalter Mr. Zane D. Showker* Terry G. and Vickie G. Slaubaugh Mr. Leo A. Thralls* Wellford and Nell Tiller Ms. L. Elizabeth Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ward Mr. Edward S. “Chip” Yates Ms. Carol A. Yetzer


1967 Society The 1967 Society celebrates the cumulative giving of $100,000 or more to the Blue Ridge Community College Educational Foundation. This society is named in honor of the year of the College’s founding, and recognizes our most generous donors. Anonymous (4) Dr. James A. Armstrong* and Mrs. Dolly Armstrong* Augusta Health Avotek Beam Brothers Trucking, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Beam Gerry and Carolyn Beam Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Blosser Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Bowman Cadence, Inc. Debra Stiles Callison Central Shenandoah Criminal Justice Training Academy Mr. Henry C. Clark* and Mrs. Mary Ann Clark* Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County ComSonics, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Crosby Crosby Trucking Service, Inc. Mr. Richard D. Davis* and Mrs. Diane Davis Dynamic Aviation Enactus J. Gray and Janet M. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. John W. Flora Follett Higher Education Group Mrs. Julia N. Grandle A. Wesley Graves VI and Glenna M. Graves Asa and Kathleen Graves Highway Corporation Holtzman Oil Corporation Mr. and Mrs. William B. Holtzman Houff Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Z. Houff Dwight and Carolyn Houff INVISTA John and Cathy Matherly MGW Communications, Inc. Bill and Lisa Moore The Neall Family Charitable Foundation NTELOS Mr. Leonard G. Penland* Mr. Robert E. Plecker* and Mrs. Frances W. Plecker Ms. Lynn T. Reams Carl and Cheryl Rosberg Sentara RMH Medical Center Shenandoah Landscape Services, Inc. Mr. Zane D. Showker* The Family of Zane D. Showker Mr. and Mrs. L. Ronald Smith Mr. Lyall O. Steger Jr.* and Mrs. Catherine O. Steger Mr. and Mrs. Karl D. Stoltzfus Mr. Karl D. Stoltzfus Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Stoltzfus Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Strickler Transfer Associates, LLC Virginia Foundation for Community College Education Dr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Wade Ms. Roxie Houff White* Mr. Edward S. (Chip) Yates



Financial Aid Awards

Total credit enrollment (Individuals)




(in millions)


2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 $14.1

Dual Enrollment


$ 9.4

2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

$8,177 $7,290

2044 $7,290

2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19


(BRCC 15 credits)

2490 1554


Tuition & Fees







In-state Average Public 4-Year Colleges

* includes Blue Ridge Scholars from this year forward; a change in the implementation of placement testing affected this total


$2,397 $2,510 $2,566

$2,626 $2,682

Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Fall 2018

Percentage of students taking at least one distance education course

First-Generation to Attend College

80% 70% 60% 50%








20% 10%

2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19





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Participants in noncredit training, workforce, and special interest programming

Transfers to In-State Four-Year institutions (with or without a degree)



Fall 2014


Fall 2015


Fall 2016


Fall 2017


Fall 2018


2607 Graduates

2622 Total Graduates*




What are Students Studying





























RESOURCES Foundation Assets


Total assets as of June 30













$13,421,128 $13,527,827


college transfer






13 13 BRCC annual report 13

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2018-19 BRCC EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION DONORS A special thank you is extended to the following donors who have demonstrated their commitment to Blue Ridge Community College during the period of July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. The President’s Council provides recognition for friends who make up the heart of the BRCC Educational Foundation with annual gifts of $1,000 or more in support of Blue Ridge Community College.

Ms. Linda A. Mars

Dental Health Associates

MGW Communications, Inc.

David & Cindy Didawick

Rockingham Insurance Company Big “L” Tire Company Carl & Cheryl Rosberg Capt. & Mrs. Mark Black

Pepsi-Cola Bottling of Central Virginia

Dave & Lynn Diveley

The Carol C. Ross Revocable Trust

Douglas & Gayle Driver

Mr. Victor M. Santos & Dr. Karen E. Santos

Diamond Level - $10,000 or more

Shenandoah Valley Pepsi

Platinum Level - $5,000-9,999 Gold Level - $2,500-4,999 Silver Level - $1,000-2,499

Diamond Level Anonymous (1) Augusta Health Carr Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell O. Carr City of Harrisonburg Government

Dennis & Mary Jane Rawley

Endless Horizons Rocky & Brenda’s Gold & Silver Shop First Baptist Church Art & Jamie Schlappi Mr. & Mrs. John W. Flora

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald C. Bland

Mr. William M. Saxman Jr.

Robert Bland & Kelun Zhang


Ms. Alayna L. Blazic

Follett Higher Education Group

Jerry & Lindy Sheets

Mr. Patrick & Dr. Kimberly Blosser

Shickel Corporation

Ms. Loretta G. Frantz


Blue Ridge Equine Clinic

Shickel Corporation-Colossians 3:17 Fund of The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. French

Sherando Management Group, LLC

Blue Ridge Lumber Co.

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick N. Showker

Dr. & Mrs. Frank Gearing III

Rocky & Brenda Simonetti Mr. & Mrs. L. Ronald Smith

Gold Level

City of Waynesboro Government

Atlantic Union Bank

The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County

Col. & Mrs. Jack Bowman

Mrs. Diane Davis

Dupont Community Credit Union

Mr. & Mrs. Joel Davis

Dynamic Aviation

Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Davis

Mr. & Mrs. David T. Gauldin II

Dixie Gas & Oil Corporation

Ms. Christin E. Bland & Mr. Michael P. Linn

Mr. & Mrs. Alphonso P. Boxley III Dr. John A. & Sandy S. Downey

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Earhart

Graves-Light Private Wealth Management

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Tim & Nancy Hulings

Asa & Kathleen Graves

Mathers Construction Co.

Dr. & Mrs. Rex M. Fuller Mr. & Mrs. Joseph K. Funkhouser II Gardner Food Services LLC Dr. J. Eric Gentry Mr. & Mrs. Chris Grandle Mrs. Julia N. Grandle Mr. W. John Hall Harrisonburg City Public Schools Mr. & Mrs. Curtis D. Hartman Dr. Robin L. Hawks Ms. Carolyn Helmetsie Hershey Chocolate of Va., Inc. The Hershey Company Mr. & Mrs. Dennis W. Houff Mr. & Mrs. Kern Houff Mr. & Mrs. Neil Houff Jim & Pam Huggins IDM Trucking

Staunton City Schools

Blue Ridge Veterinary Medical Association

Mrs. Nancy V. Summers

Ms. Elisabeth L. Bohnengel

Swann Construction

Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Bothof

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Swann

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Botkin

Dr. David J. Urso & Mrs. Carrie Urso

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Boward

Mr. & Mrs. Paul P. Vames

Mr. Brian K. Bowman

Mr. Scott Vanderkooi

Mr. & Mrs. Darrell S. Bowman

Dr. & Mrs. T. Keith Vest

Samuel R. Bowman, II Endowed Scholarship of The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County

Virginia Academy of Small Animal Medicine Virginia Association of Licensed Veterinary Technicians Inc. Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community

Melissa & Rob Bowers

Chester & Nancy Bradfield

Waynesboro Public Schools

Chester & Nancy Bradfield Designated Pass-Through Fund of the Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County

Cathy Welsh & John Brimmer

Mr. Steven K. Bradley

Mr. & Mrs. H. Joseph Williams IV

Mr. Lee K. Branner

Ms. Carol A. Yetzer

Ms. Megan Brown

Mr. Domenic Zaccaria

Bradley & Velma Bryant

Ms. Kristina A. Zaccaria

Ms. Amanda D. Bunch

Mrs. Sharon Zaccaria

Ms. Nancy Burford

Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Ward Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ward

Holtzman Oil Corporation

Mary McDermott & Bill Jongeward

Mr. & Mrs. William B. Holtzman

John & Linda Neff

Estate of Sylvia Lynn Honke

Amy Laser Kiger

Dwight & Carolyn Houff

John & Linda Neff Charitable Fund of the Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County

Houff Family Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Karl D. Stoltzfus

Lantz Construction Company

John & Cathy Matherly

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Stoltzfus

Mrs. Catherine M. Lareau

Bill & Lisa Moore

Sunnyside Retirement Communities

Lareau Consulting, LLC

Anonymous (16)

United Bank

Mary Louise Leake

Mrs. Elizabeth J. Calabria

Ms. Lynn T. Reams

Ms. Lisa D. Adkins

Rob & Debbie Cale

Mr. James B. Richardson Jr.

Wells Fargo Foundation— Educational Matching Gifts

Mr. & Mrs. Martin F. Lightsey

AFP Shenandoah Chapter

Lions of Massanutten Foundation Mrs. Martha S. Livick

Dr. Hilary Campbell & Mr. Josh Campbell

Mr. Chapman W. Williams

African American Heritage Festival Foundation Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. (Chip) Yates

Mr. Thomas E. Mayer

Mr. & Mrs. James D. Allen

Mrs. Joyce A. McDonald

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Campbell

Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Young

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Allen

Tom & Lori Mendez


Mr. & Mrs. Mark Alt AmazonSmile

Robert H. Strickler & Lorraine W. Strickler Foundation

Mental Health America of Augusta

Ms. Linda Casey Carter

Anonymous (3)

Mrs. Susan E. Carter

Rodney & Jenelle Alderfer

Dr. Timothy W. Arnold

Dave & Debbie Metz

Mrs. Linda Carver

Sentara RMH Medical Center

Alpha Omega Wealth Management LLC

Augusta Health Fitness


Mr. & Mrs. H. Wayne Cash


Janice & Gary Moyers

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Cash

Virginia Foundation for Community College Education

Augusta County Government

Ms. Pamela G. Bailey

Rosalie M. Nicosia

Cedar Hill Pottery

Mr. Stacey L. Baker

Baja Bean Co.

Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Baldygo

Ms. Cynthia F. Page & Dr. Ray Alderfer

Dr. Vidvuds Celtnieks

Ms. Rosalie W. Waterman

Baltimore Ravens

Charlie Obaugh Auto Group

Ms. Cindy Williams

Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund

Papa John’s Pizza

Mrs. Cathy B. Barker

Mr. C. Rick Chittum

Ms. Alexandra M. Barre

Ms. Stephanie R. Christiansen

Daniel & Kelly Blosser

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Basinger

Ms. Sue Ellen Church

Anonymous (5)

Dr. James R. Perkins

Bowman Family Dentistry

Mr. & Mrs. William Clark

The Appleseeds Foundation of The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pippert

Ms. Genesis Batista

Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Bowman

Mr. Ray Clary

Ms. Jacqueline Bayer Mr. & Mrs. Brad Baylor

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth S. Cleveland III

Debra Stiles Callison

Plecker Family Fund of the Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County

Ms. Salome E. Baugher

Gerry & Carolyn Beam

Ms. Kris Cleveland

Mr. Gregory W. Campbell

Mrs. Frances W. Plecker

Lt. Col. & Mrs. Thomas R. Beam

Ms. Victoria Cleveland

City of Staunton Government

Ms. Patti A. Plecker

The Beauty Spa

Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Cline

Clark & Bradshaw, P.C.

Stuart & Terry Porter

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bedwell

The Club at Ironwood

Couric Family Foundation, a Donor Advised Fund of The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust

Mrs. Reba S. Rawley

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Belcher

Joyce L. Colemon

The Honorable & Mrs. Richard P. Bell

Commonwealth Veterinary Clinic, P.C.

Mr. & Mrs. John N. Couric

Riddleberger Brothers


Mr. & Mrs. William H. Conklin

Degesch America, Inc.

Rockingham County Public Schools

Beverley Cigar Store

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Connelly

Ms. Susan W. Bevins

Ms. Sally Jane Conner

Ms. Tena M. Bibb

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory C. Cook

Houff Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Z. Houff

James B. Richardson Jr. Charitable Fund of the Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County Mrs. Jane W. Ritchie

Estate of Leo A. Thralls

Platinum Level

Bruce & Nancy Bowman Boxley Organization Bridgewater Retirement Community Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge ComSonics, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Charles H. Henderson III InterChange

Silver Level

Mr. & Mrs. A. Price Boxley IV Cynthia Q. Burnett

Dr. Robert F. Jochen The Honorable & Mrs. Ross W. Krumm Mr. & Mrs. Dale S. Lam

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Patton

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Reider Bob & Linda Reviea


Mr. & Mrs. John Burgess Mr. James Butler

Mr. Kevin Campbell

14 14 BRCC annual report 14

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Cottonwood Commercial

Mr. & Mrs. Howard Hahn

Ms. Jennifer Martin

Maggie Ragon & Nick Walge

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond D. Taylor II

Mr. Jerry L. Coulter & Dr. Phyllis Y. Coulter

Mr. Robert K. Hall

Ms. Mary E. Martin

Ms. April Ramirez

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tennyson

Mr. & Mrs. John Michael Ham

Ms. Jessica L. Martinkosky

Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Ratliff

Texas Roadhouse

Ms. Kathleen Cox

Mary Baldwin University

Regal Jewelers

Ms. Theresa Thomas

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Cox

Mr. John Hancock & Ms. Mary Sullivan

Ms. Debra S. Mason

Mr. & Mrs. Jack D. Reich

Mr. Michael A. Thompson

Cracker Barrel of Harrisonburg

Dr. Reid Harris

Massanutten Resort

Ms. Agnes H. Rexrode

Mr. & Mrs. James D. Todd

Crickhollow Pottery

Ms. Stacy Harris

Mr. & Mrs. John T. Mauzy

Mr. & Mrs. Justin T. Rexrode

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Tracy

Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Cromer

Harrisonburg Family Fitness

Mr. John Maxfield

Mr. & Mrs. Grant A. Richardson

Travel Leaders

Crutchfield Corporation

Ms. Megan Hartless

Mr. & Mrs. Bob G. May

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Richerson

Mr. & Mrs. Walter R. Trobaugh III

Mr. & Mrs. Terrence J. Cunningham

Heifer Investments, LLC

Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. May

Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Ricketts III

Mr. & Mrs. Brent Trumbo

Mr. & Mrs. Philip H. Henning

Mr. & Mrs. James Mayes

Mr. Arthur B. Ridder

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Tucker

Cupcake Company

Mr. & Mrs. Sterling Herbst

Mr. Kyle McCarrell

Mr. & Mrs. W. Jon Rife IV

Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Curran

Heritage Oaks Golf Course

Mr. & Mrs. Joel A. McCauley

Mr. Maurice Turner & Mrs. Ruth Jones Turner

Dr. Sandra M. Curry

Ms. Diane Hermes

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McCormick

Dr. Gregory Y. Kim & Dr. Janet E. Rinehart-Kim

The Curtis Group

Mr. & Mrs. C. Alan Hiner

Mr. & Mrs. John C. McCue III

Rocking R Ace Hardware

Mr. Phill Ungar & Dr. Pam Ungar

Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Dailey

Glenn M. & Sandra K. Hodge

Ms. Mary Sue McDonald

Rockingham Cooperative Inc.

Ms. Faison Dana

Ms. Jessica Hoffman

Ms. Anne S. McFarland

United Way of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County

Ms. Margaret A. Davis

Ms. Theresa Hoffman

Mr. & Mrs. Tom McGloon

Rockingham County Fair Association

D.D. & Tom Dawson

Hollister Incorporated

Dr. & Mrs. John A. McGowan

Dayton Interiors, Inc.

Ms. Sherrill P. Hood

Mr. & Mrs. Emerson L. Deitz

Houff Transfer, Inc.

Delaware North at Shenandoah National Park

Travis & Dottie Tysinger

Valley Pike Farm Market Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Vanhook

Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. McKee

Mr. Matthew O. Rodgers & Ms. Franki A. Hampton Ms. Ariel V. Rodriguez

Dr. Bret A. VanLear

Mr. & Mrs. Zane Houff

Dr. David McQuilkin & Dr. Charlette E. McQuilkin

Mr. & Mrs. E. John Rosenberger III

Mrs. Sharon E. VanName

Ms. Mindy Hughes

Ms. Erin N. Meadows

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ruleman

Verizon Foundation

Ms. Megan J. Dickson

Ms. Kristina Ivanova

Ms. Katherine P. Melton Simpson

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Runion

Mr. Matthew Von Schuch

Ms. Nichole M. Dimeo

J&N Car Care

Mr. & Mrs. T. Carter Melton Jr.

Ms. Mary E. M. Satterlee

Mr. & Mrs. D. Samuel Wampler

Mr. & Mrs. Lamine Diop

Neal & Ann Menefee

Ms. Amanda Schaefer

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Ward

Grant & Claudette Doyle

James Madison University Athletic Office

Mr. Todd A. Metzger

Mr. Mike Schikman

Washington Capitals

Ms. Rebecca V. Driver

Ms. Wendy James

Mill Street Grill

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. See

Eagle Carpet

Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Darryl E. Miller

Sentara RMH Wellness Center

Washington Nationals Baseball Club

Mr. & Mrs. Rodney L. Eagle

Ms. Marlena Y. Jarboe

Mr. Ed Miska

Mr. & Mrs. Don W. Shank

Ms. Andrea Early

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Jencks

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Monger III

Mr. Christopher Shaw

Eavers Tire Pros

Mr. & Mrs. David Jerlinski

Ms. Abigail L. Montgomery

Ms. Martha Johnson

Ms. Cheryl Montgomery

Mr. Alan L. Shelton & Ms. Jane Hubbell

Washington Wizards

E-CLECTIBLES Eddie Edwards Signs Inc.

Ms. Kelly E. Jones

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Morgan

Shenandoah Caverns

Waynesboro Lions Club

Ms. Linda W. Edwards

Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Juhasz

Mr. Richard R. J. Morin

Shenandoah River Outfitters, Inc.

El Sol Mexican Restaurant

Ms. Julia Kappes

Mr. & Mrs. Edwin B. Morse

Weaver Insurance & Financial Advisors

Mrs. Rebecca W. Eller

Ms. Lisa Kara

Mrs. Iris M. Moubray

Emilio’s Italian Restaurant

Ms. Elizabeth E. Kaylor

Mr. J’s Bagels & Deli

Ms. Tanya H. Eppard

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Keane

Mrs. Rowe’s Family Restaurant

Mr. & Dr. Michael Evans

Mr. & Mrs. Andy Kelley

Mr. & Mrs. George B. Norris Jr.

Explore More Discovery Museum

Kevin Blackburn Photography

Ms. Christine M. Fasching-Maphis

Andy & Tami King

Museum of American Frontier Culture

Mr. & Mrs. T. Windsor Fields

Ms. Lisa A. Kiracofe

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Myers Jr.

First Bank

Robert & Camala Kite

Mr. & Mrs. Randolph I. Nesselrodt

Mr. Mark S. Fitzgerald

Kjellstrom & Lee, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Drew Newman

Flora Pettit

Kline May Realty

Ms. Melinda T. Newman

Mr. & Mrs. James D. Flower

Mr. Ashton Knighton

Mr. & Mrs. Tim Nicely

Flowers by Rose

Kristen’s Travels

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Nicholas

Follett #618 / BRCC Bookstore

Mr. & Mrs. David Ladd

Mr. Daniel O’Brien

Mr. & Mrs. Lance Foster

Dr. & Mrs. James C. LaGrua II

Mr. & Mrs. Don Olender

Fred & Gail Fox

Ms. Diana R. Lambert

Mr. William R. Oliver II

Gail P. & Frederick L. Fox Fund of The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County

Ms. Brenda Landes

The Omni Homestead Resort

Dr. & Mrs. Eugene R. Lareau

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Oppy

Mr. Mark LaRosa Mark & Kathy Laser

Mr. Wayne Orebaugh & Ms. Brenda L. Yankey

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Laser

Outback Steakhouse

LD&B Insurance & Financial Services

Mr. & Mrs. George W. Pace

Mr. & Mrs. David Fuller Ms. Sally F. Fulton

The Frame Factory & Gallery Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Fulk

Ms. Karen Pape

Dave & Ann Leatherwood

Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Pascale

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Gammarino

Lemons Jewelry

Paypal Charitable Giving Fund

Mr. Hermilo Garcia & Mrs. Silvia T. Garcia-Romero

Ms. Sarah Lester

Peaceful Spirit Massage

Mr. J. Douglas Light

Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Pease

Carl & Arnesa Lind

Pendleton Community Bank

Jon & BJ Little

Ms. Colleen A. Pendry

Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm H. Livick

Drs. Gerald & Audrey Perselay

Local Chop & Grill House

Peterson Enterprises

Ms. Cristy A. Long

Roger & Kathy Peterson

Ms. Kelly Long

Ms. Karen G. Piercy

Mr. & Mrs. William C. Loomis III

Mr. & Mrs. G. Leonard Pittman Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. George T. Lott

Ms. Courtney Pitts

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Lotts

Pittsburgh Steelers

Lumos Networks- A SEGRA Company

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Powell

Luray Caverns Corporation

Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Quick

Mr. & Mrs. E. Houston Lynch

Ms. Donita Quinn

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Mannix

Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Radecke

Drs. David & Ann Gardner Mrs. Kathleen Gardner Ms. Latoya Garrison Mark & Angie Glenn Mr. & Mrs. Scott Glenn Mr. & Mrs. Gail Goldsborough Ms. Lisa Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Matthew L. Goss Kurt & Dinah Gottschalk Grand Caverns Park Mrs. Linda A. Greene Mrs. Ann G. Grey Mr. Ben Hagood

Mr. & Mrs. Chad Purciful

Shenandoah Valley Beekeepers Association

Col. & Mrs. Jerry R. VanLear

Washington Redskins/Community Effort Waynesboro Garden Center

Ms. Rachel S. Wenger

Shenandoah Valley Kiwanis Club

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh E. Westfall

Shenandoah Valley Office Equipment, Inc.

Weyers Cave Women’s Club

Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport

Mr. Michael A. White & Dr. Susan Crosby Michael & Kathy White

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sherman

White Oak Lavender

Mr. Mark Shickel

Mr. & Mrs. Terry Whitmore

Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Shifflett


Ms. Susie Shomo

Mr. William D. Wilkerson

Monty & Rajan Shore

Mr. & Mrs. N. Paige Will

Shreckhise Shrubbery Sales & Landscaping

Williams Brothers Lawn & Tree Service

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Simmers

Mr. H. Joseph Williams V

Ms. Katherine P. Simpson

Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd L. Willis

Ms. Cathy Sliwoski Smiley’s Ice Cream

Mr. Thomas D. Wilson & Ms. Elena M. Zimmerman

Ms. Mary Kier Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Roland Windmiller

Mr. & Mrs. Matthias N. Smith

Wintergreen Resort

Smooth Day Spa

Mr. & Mrs. Warren E. Wise

Smoothie King / SCO Inc. Ms. Heather D. Soldato

Mrs. Sarah C. Wolters* & Mr. Orville Wolters

Ms. Charlene E. Spears

Mrs. Kimberly Wood

Ms. Rosemary L. Spell

Mr. Ryan Wood

Mr. & Mrs. James Sponaugle Ms. Danielle B. Sponaugle

Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Spoon

Dr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Woodworth

Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Sposato

Mrs. Susan L. Woodworth

Spotswood Country Club

WVPT Commonwealth Public Broadcasting Corporation

Ms. Linnea J. Spradlin Ms. Dana Staniunas Steven Toyota Ms. Odessa A. J. Stinson Mr. Karl D. Stoltzfus Jr. Mrs. Judith S. Strickler Ms. Teri R. Sumey Matthew & Lisa Sunderlin

Ms. Brenda L. Yankey & Mr. Wayne Orebaugh Mr. Michael D. Yankey Ms. Pamyla A. Yates Ms. Rowan Zeiss Bob & Bonnie Zickefoose Ms. Lorisa M. Zimmerman

The Supply Room Companies Mrs. Joan B. Swift Frank & Charlotte Tamberrino

15 15 BRCC annual report 15

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Office of the President, P. O. Box 80, Weyers Cave, VA 24486

BRCC annual report 16

Non Profit Org U. S. Postage and Fees Paid BRCC

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