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Breakthrough Cancer Research is an Irish medical research charity focused on cancer. We work to significantly impact the number of children and adults who can survive this disease. We invest in world-class research in Ireland and beyond to impact the quality of life for people with cancer and save lives. We are particularly focused on improving outcomes for those cancers, which are poorly served by current treatment options.

Our Charitable Purpose, for which we were established, is the raising and application of money and other resources for the purpose of education, research and development, in the field of cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

Breakthrough funds cancer research that responds to current clinical challenges and offers a clear and demonstrable path to positive clinical outcomes. Research programmes funded by Breakthrough must focus on translating lab discoveries into new treatment opportunities. To this end we work closely with clinicians in practice all over Ireland and internationally so that our research is targeted at finding new options for poor prognosis and currently incurable cancers.

Breakthrough Cancer Research demonstrates openness, transparency and integrity to our donors, supporters, volunteers and funding partners by operating rigorously to the triple lock standards set out by the Charities Institute Ireland – ethical fundraising, transparent annual financial reporting and governance.

We are fully compliant with:

1. GOOD FUNDRAISING: Commitment to Standards in

Fundraising Practice 2. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORTING: Statement of

Recommended Practice (SORP) 3. GOVERNANCE: Governance Code for the Community and Voluntary Sector and Charities Governance Code

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