1 minute read
1 Cancer in Ireland 1994-2018 with estimates for 2018-2020: Annual Report of the National Cancer Registry. 2020 Annual Report
2. INVOLVE: what is public involvement in research? http://www.invo.org.uk/find-outmore/what-is-public-involvement-in-research-2/. Accessed 23 Feb 2015.
3. Cancer Incidence Projections for Ireland 2020-2045. National Cancer Registry Ireland, 2019. CancerIncidenceProjections_NCRI_summaryreport_09042019_final.pdf
4. Allemani C, et al., Global surveillance of trends in cancer survival 2000-14 (CONCORD-3): analysis of individual records for 37513025 patients diagnosed with one of 18 cancers from 322 population-based registries in 71 countries. Lancet. 2018; 391:1023–1075. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140- 6736(17)33326-3
5. The Spectrum of Translational Research. https://tri.uams.edu/