HUB Magazine - Summer Guide '23

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BUas summer guide 2023

editors note


Hi everyone! Are you excited for the summer vacation? I definitely am! My name is Hubby, and I will be here with you on your journey to an unforgettable summer.

One semester of hard work later and here we are! Together with a team of talented writers and devoted designers, we worked hard to make the first online edition of the newly relaunched HUB Magazine. When we heard that the online edition was assigned to our group, we were excited about that new challenge, but also quite afraid of what’s to come. Our team, now smaller and still in the unknown, needed a moment before it could truly show its strengths. Some people changed their roles from the first semester which took some getting used to. However, very soon we learned how to work with each other in the best way possible. Being an editor-in-chief can be challenging yet rewarding at the same time. Working in a team is easy, but working as a team is hard. Tara, the editor-in-chief of design is a natural leader with a creative mind that helps the team move forwards as planned. Katerina, the editor in chief of content is a star in motivating people and guides her team towards success by giving them excellent feedback. Their differences make the work go smoothly as they fill each other’s blind spots.

This summer HUB Magazine edition is a guide to all your favorite events. From music festivals and amusement parks to drag shows and immersive art experiences. Whatever it is you enjoy, there is something out there for everyone! Maybe you’ll read about the events you’ve been to. Who knows, you might even discover a completely new scene and find the community you were longing for. Let us take you on a journey to explore the magical world of events!

I have always loved exploring, traveling, meeting new people and having fun with my friends, who come from all corners of the world. One thing you should know about me is that I LOVE expressing myself in many different ways. I change into different shapes, sizes, and objects. I can represent everyone and everything. One moment I can be a social butterfly and the next a true couch cuddler. I like loud concerts but also quite mornings at the beach. I have various interests and hobbies. I love bright pink but would also never say no to pitch black. I find beauty in everyone, in how they look and who they are. I hope you find beauty in the adventure I take you on!

If you struggle to find me, look out for my wiggly arms and happy face!


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Contents Fomo & jomo festival fever jazz it up havenfeesten Brand Parkies mdma-zing SUMMER GUIDE 2023 4 6 10 12 14 16 BUas
unique unions ready, set, game on! embracing confidence at comic con cheesecakes n drag queens from fear to freedom wondrous worlds once upon a ride... step into a world of wonder become a dj onstage sorry, out to live, be back soon buas recommends! credits BUAS SUMMER GUIDE 2023 5 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 38


Let’s say you are laying on the couch. You’ve got your feet in the air, a cold drink next to you, and a fully charged phone. Yup; you are completely ready to spend the night scrolling through TikTok, or to binge-watch that one show you’ve been looking forward to.

Before you do that, though, you check Instagram. Just for a second, right?

You open the story of a friend. They’re going out with some other friends, doing whatever. And you’re here, on the couch, ready for a night in.

Damn! Now, there are two things you can experience in this situation. Number one:

FOMO: Fear of missing out

What started as a nice chill evening at home has turned into an agonizingly empty, boring night stuck in your house. Now you’re scared that you are missing out. While putting on that show that turns out to be just a little over mediocre, your Instagram has turned against you, showing picture’s and video’s of your friends having fun without you. And you can’t help the anxiety that creeps up, ruining your evening.

Firstly; know that you are not alone in feeling this. The fear of missing out has risen with the rise of social media, and now 56% of social media users say they experience FOMO.

Here are some tips on how to deal with FOMO, and how to get your comfortable, lazy night in back.

1. Put your phone away! There is no need to rub what you are missing out on your face. Try to be in the moment instead of on your phone.

2. Know that social media can lie. Haven’t you ever gone somewhere you didn’t necessarily enjoy that much, but you still posted a picture where it seemed like you were having the time of your life? Yeah? See, just take a deep breath and remember social media is fake.

3. Know that there is joy in missing out. Yup! Joy! More about that for option number two:

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JOMO: Joy of missing out

JOMO is the direct opposite of FOMO. There is joy to be found in the quiet life! You don’t have to worry about that party you are missing, or the concert your friends are attending, as long as you can find joy in it.

You must have experienced it before: Your friends want to go out, but you can’t find it within yourself to join. This time, when you are checking Instagram for ‘just a second’ you see the pictures of your friends and think, I am so happy I am at home wearing sweats and eating pizza.

This is incredibly normal to feel as well! When experiencing JOMO, one is much more connected to the present, instead of wishing they were somewhere else. JOMO is a form of self-care; of being grateful to be right where you are, and recognizing that just because others are so actively sharing their ‘amazing’ experience, doesn’t mean that you have to be missing out.

So, the next time you are experiencing FOMO, think about the tips listed below, and try to turn your FOMO into JOMO.

Are you not sure if you experience JOMO or FOMO more often? Do the quiz shown on the following two pages to see which category you fall into!

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Source: Unsplash

1) If social media (Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, BeReal) would no longer exist you’d feel:

A) Anxious. How else to know what your friends are up to? And how else to share all the fun things in your own life? 3 points

B) Oh, that’s too bad. Now you’ll have to find another way to fill your time. 2 points

C) You know you still keep in contact with everyone you care about anyway, so what’s the big deal? 1point

2) It’s your mother’s birthday dinner, on the same night as your friends had that dinner planned together. Do you:

A) Enjoy your mother’s birthday party! Your phone?

Uhm, it must be around here somewhere! 1point

B) You eat the first course and main course with your family and then rush to your friends for dessert! You’ve missed a big chunk of both parties, but with a quick picture of your dessert and one together with your friends, your Instagram story is filled for the day. 3 points

C) You stay at your mother’s birthday party, sulking in the corner. Constantly on your phone you can see everything your friends are doing. 2 points

3) You always make sure you know the latest online trends, jokes or slang

A) Yup! It’s fun! When you don’t know something yet you make sure you learn it as soon as you can! 3 points

B) Uhm, who has time for that? 2 points

C) In all honesty, you don’t spend enough time online in order to know it, but that doesn’t matter to you 1point

4) You’re scared your friends are living a better life than yours:

A) Yeah! In between work, school and other things, you’re stretched out. How come others have so much time for fun things? Are you doing anything wrong? 3 points

B) Social media is fake, and you are pretty sure that friend who keeps posting fun things is actually stressed out about an upcoming exam. 1point

C) Everyone’s life is different, but it is not that big of deal, as long as you are satisfied with your own life. 2 points

5) It’s Saturday night, and after a busy week, you’ve finally found yourself having the time to lie down and relax. Then you see your friends going out. Do you feel:

A) Uneasy. What if something super fun happens tonight that will be talked about for years to come? 3 points

B) It doesn’t do you much. You wouldn’t have minded going, but you are here now. 2 points

C) You sigh. At least you don’t have to stand the entire night!1point

6) You were one of the first people to download BeReal

A) Yeah! You weren’t going to miss out on such a cool, new app! 3 points

B) You were a little late with it, but you’ve got it now! 2 points

C) You still don’t have it. You can’t be bothered to post a picture everyday. 1point

quiz the fomo & jomo
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7) There is an event you don’t want to go to, but all your friends do. You decide not to buy a ticket, and stay at home that day, spending time doing a hobby. When you check your phone after a while you see that your friends have posted something. Upon seeing this, you:

A) You are happy don’t have to be there! It doesn’t seem like the scene for you! 1point

B) Maybe you made the wrong choice by not going? Although, what you are doing is fine, too. 2 points

C) Shoot! That seems like fun! Now you regret not going. It doesn’t seem like your scene, but your friends look so happy, it must be great there! 3 points

8) You’re at a concert, having the time of your life. Do you:

A) Make a few pictures and video’s here and there. You’ll figure out later if you post something or not. 2 points

B) You don’t make any pictures. Your friends will have made plenty anyway! 1point

C) Your story is already filled with pictures of the concert and all the other fun things that are going on! 3 points


count the numbers behind your answers and your total number will reveal your result!

Do you have between 13 to 8 points?

You are JOMO! You don’t feel the social media pressure and are able to do your own thing. You appreciate the quiet days by yourself and enjoy busy days without worrying about updating your social media. Good for you!

Do you have between 16 to 14 points?

You are Neither FOMO nor JOMO! On occasions you might feel either FOMO or JOMO, but you are careless about it in other moments!

Do you have between 24 to 17 points?

You are FOMO! Try to follow the tips as listed in the article to help yourself feel better. If you didn’t expect this answer, don’t worry! Lots of people experience this feeling, so it is totally normal!

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Jazz it up

The sun is high in the sky. Around you is laughter, cold beer and nice music. You are free from school and enjoying a long weekend while attending the annual Jazz festival. Every year on Ascension Day, at one pm sharp, the festival opens. Four days later on Sunday evening, the festival ends. Located in the centre of Breda, the ticket-free festival is definitely a fun thing to check out during your free days. Chloé, a BUas student and enthusiastic attendee of the festival, is going to share her experience with the festival!

When asked what the main reason for returning each year was, Chloé speaks about the chill vibes the festival gives.

“It doesn’t matter where you come from, who you are or what age you are -older people and younger people alike go to the festival to listen to the music.”

The organisation is well done by the organizers, who make it clear for atendees who is playing when and where.

“I’ve been attending the festival for as long as I can remember. I grew up with it,” the Creative Business student shares as she reflects back on her memories of attending the event with her parents and grandparents. She talks about wandering through central Breda and experiencing the city as a sensory delight.

“It really is an experience. On every street corner there is another band playing. There is just so much to see and hear.”

The diversity of the music is what makes the festival so special to Chloé. “There are so many different genres of jazz. That is really the power of the Jazz festival. It shows a side of music that is not in the public eye anymore. Although I only listen to it when the festival is happening, I still think it is good that the music gets a podium.”

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Source: Facebook

If you are wondering whether the festival is something for you, Chloé is here to help you out.

“If you like music -any type of music, really, it’ll be fun to go. Grab a drink, talk to friends and socialize. There isn’t a specific person for an event like this -if you like music, it will be worth going.”

When you see the crowd from further away, Chloé mentions that people can only see a sea of people standing still. “It is quite surprising when you get nearer to the podium and a lot of big groups are dancing,” The second-year student says the dancing is not only cool to look at, but it also contributes to the positive vibe.”

Although Chloé would really love to attend the festival this year, because of a school project she is out of the country. “I’ll check in on the podcast to keep myself updated, and hopefully next year I will be able to attend again.”

Hearing all of Chloé’s fun stories, you really don’t have a reason to skip out on this ticket free festival, so hopefully you will be able to dance all of your school stress away, and be ready to nail the last few weeks before the break!

Pros: Everything is organized by volunteers who are passionate about the event.

Cons: If the weather isn’t good there is no possibility to take shelter anywhere.

Price: Free entree

When Chloé went to the festival in 2021 she filmed some interviews for a local Breda podcast. There she met someone who played in a performing band 50 years ago. Although the members have long since changed, the man still travelled all the way from Germany to see his old band when they perform, bringing a picture of the good old days with him.

Place: In the centre of Breda

18, 19, 20 & 21
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Source: Facebook

18th - 20th of august

18th - 20th of august

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where the sun, music, and laughter never stops

When you hear about a harbor party (or the Dutch name; Havenfeesten), you probably wouldn’t guess that it it being organized right here in Breda, so far away from the seaside. Yet on the weekend of the 18th until 20th of August, that is exactly what is happening in Breda. Although in other places in the Netherlands the Harbor parties have been around for nearly seven decades, the Harbor party in Breda has had its first edition just last year. There is no need for tickets as the entry is free. Nina, a BUas student, attended the festival last year, and is here to share their experience.

Is there anything better than listening to live music with a beer or sangria on a hot summer day? The harbor festival is the perfect place to spend a few of your free days. Similarly as with carnival, Breda’s streets become overflown with people. “Don’t park your bike within the city! The parking lot near the river fills up early in the morning,” Nina advises students who are interested in going to the festival this year to already start “early in the morning because during the day all kinds of live bands are playing.” Looking back on the festival last year, Nina says that she saw all kinds of people who came out –both young and old. “The crowd was really diverse,” the student recalls.

For the cycle fans at BUas, the festival can be even more special, as people were able to watch the tour to spain race everywhere.

With a laugh, Nina confesses that she didn’t even know that many people watch cycle games. “It was extra special because the race also passed Breda, so that was a really cool experience.”

The festival doesn’t have an entrée price, so everybody is freely able to walk in. It starts around noon, and the music keeps playing until 1 at night. “Drinks and snacks were mostly a decent price. The bars had summery drinks like sangria, and on friday there was a special beer festival.”

Nina mentions the good vibe that the festival had. “It’s sunny weather, there are all kinds of bands playing, so everybody could enjoy the music they like, and everybody is just really happy to be there, enjoying the summer.”

Whatever your summer plans are, Nina recommends you make the time to go to the haven feesten!

Price: Free entree

Place: In the centrum of Breda

Date: The 18th, 19th, and 20th of august

Pros: live music, good vibe

Cons: very busy

Source: Havenfeesten

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Brand Parkies Breda’s ultimate Summer Festival

Writer: Danique de Munck

Designer: Roos van Hasenbroek

“Usually if you go to a festival, it’s in the f*cking middle of nowhere”

Do you want to have an enjoyable, budget friendly, and chill night out right here in Breda? Then go to Brand Parkies this summer! Every summer Brand Parkies organises a festival in the centre of Breda. It takes place on multiple Tuesdays throughout July and August, so you can go whenever you’d like. Like many festivals there is music, food, drinks, and people, but what makes Brand Parkies so special then? Our fellow BUas student Irene de Mauro from Social Innovation shares her personal experience of attending the event and explains what is so unique about the festival.

It’s Chill; “Just put down a blanket in the park and chill with friends.”

Great music, sunny weather, a good atmosphere, Brand Parkies has it all. There is no better way to spend your evenings over the summer holiday than chilling with your friends at Brand Parkies. Irene has lost count on how many evenings her and her friends have spent there. The last time they went, they were sitting far away from the stage where the music wasn’t too loud, so they could still communicate well. Irene was having such a fun time that she didn’t even know who performed. “It was just nice music for in the background.” Towards the end of the night Irene and her friends moved closer to the stage and went dancing.

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Source: Breda City App

It’s Cheap; “You don’t have to pay to enter Brand Parkies.”

If you want a cheap night out, Brand Parkies is the way. You don’t have to buy a ticket to enter the festival. You can enjoy some good entertainment and pleasant company all for free! Irene went in with her own blanket, beer and picnic basket and found a nice spot in the park. But can you also order drinks there? Irene said you can get food and drinks at Parkies and it’s not that expensive.

It’s Close By; “Minutes away from my house in Breda.”

Did you know Brand Parkies is close to BUas? It’s certainly not in the middle of nowhere, but right in the centre of Breda! Many festivals are far away, so it takes a long time to get there. However, Brand Parkies is nearby, perfect for all the BUas students living in Breda. Irene would like to go again next summer. She recommends going early so you can find the perfect spot, because there tend to be a lot of people. She felt like everybody in Breda was there.

After Parkies

Still not tired after the festival? Brand Parkies invites you to go into the city with them to the Mr. Barley bar and the Vesting Cafe for some drinks. You can follow their Instagram page, @Brandparkies to keep updated for the exact dates. Invite your friends to come to Brand Parkies, just like Irene, and have a fun, cheap and relaxing night out this summer. See you there!

Pros: Free, close, chill, inviting music

Cons: No big artists, only on Tuesday nights

Price: Free

Place: Centre of Breda, Valkenberg Park, John F. Kennedylaan

Date: Tuesdays in mid-July until mid-August (19:00 – 23:00)

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Source: Breda City App

The world of substances at festivals

Writer: Tara Roijakkers

Designer: Tara Roijakkers

The Dutchies clearly know how to organize a party. In 2022 the Dutch music festivals got over 19,2 million visitors. Festivals are definitely an amazing way to get through your summer holiday. Whether you are a metal maniac, a jazz junkie or a true EDM enthusiast, there is something for everyone. However, the beautiful music, magical light shows, and overall festivity are not the only things going on at these events. It probably won’t surprise you that music festivals and drug use often go hand in hand, and yes, that oh-so innocent beer counts too!

Some festival lovers spend all their money on beer, while others prefer to lay in the sun and smoke a joint or use XTC or spending their night killing it on the dancefloor. Not all of those substances are illegal, yet all of them carry risks. Floris Brocaar, Coordinator & Prevention Worker of UNITY Brabant spoke about the world of substances and the role of UNITY within this world.

UNITY is an organization that emerged from within the dance scene. People were worried about the alcohol and drug use of their peers. From these concerns an organization was born that provides information about safe substance use. The information is brought across by people that have a strong love for the dance scene. UNITY comes in to make sure that the volunteers are qualified to transfer the information. They educate people at events by opening a non-judgmental conversation about substance use. You can come to them with all your questions and they’ll give you advice specific for your situation.

“Think for yourself, care about others!”
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Source: Pixabay

“We want to know everything, the good and the bad. Therefore, we are the antennas in the scene.”

At events UNITY let’s people come to them rather than attempting to lure people into having a conversation. They believe that talking about substance use should always be a choice! UNITY is a place where information is exchanged whereby the UNITY volunteers share their knowledge and the visitors of the event share their experiences. UNITY analyzes and translates these experiences into knowledge. Doing this, keeps them critical and up to date about what is happening in the dance community.

“You don’t want people asking if we sell drugs every two seconds.”

It is understandable you‘d ask that if alcohol and other drugs are a part of almost every festival, why would you only inform people at dance events? Well, because the use of drugs is very normalized within the dance scene. You could almost say that XTC and EDM grew up together. This normalization makes it possible to open up a conversation. Large events such as the Dutch Carnaval, Lowlands, or even the club scene could just as well be a place where it would be good to talk about safe use. However, in these places’ alcohol is in charge! It is likely that you think your drunk friends are funny, yet having a serious conversation about the risks of substances with them probably won’t be so effective. It is always good to inform yourself about what you put in your body! For some that might be best to do at a festival. For others this is more effective to do from within the comfort of your own home.

“Don’t be fooled, stay critical, and think about what YOU want.”

Whether you like it or not, drugs and alcohol have a place in our society. Using them will never be without risks. However, if you do decide to use them, be careful and inform yourself about what you consume. Do this in an open-minded way, so don’t only read about the magical experiences but also about the negative side effects that come with drug use. In the end you are in charge of what you put in your body!

Would you like to know more about alcohol and drugs? UNITY is a great critical source so have a look at their website or look at their agenda and find them at your favorite festival!

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Ready, Set, Game On!

Today’s gaming culture emphasizes both playing games and watching others play which has led to the rise of electronic sports, or eSports, is a professionally organized form of competitive video gaming. The main aspect of it is teams fighting against one another in tournaments for monetary awards. Functionally, it is equivalent to traditional sports.

Gamers appreciate competition and they always aspire to be the best. Winning is at the heart of gaming. Winning is at the heart of what gaming is all about, dating back to 1972 when the winner of the very first eSports tournament won a year’s membership to Rolling Stone, to the present day when prize pools reach up to tens of millions of dollars.

While competitive gaming might not be for you, the world of eSports has much more to offer. In the following interview with Mathijs van der Kroft (Project lead for the E-sports minor in Creative Business) will tell us more about it.

With the rising popularity of eSports the Academy for Games and Media collaborated with the Academy for Leisure and Events to create a new minor in Esports Event & Media Management. The first few weeks of the minor is like a practice trial,

and in the last few weeks students get to work with real clients such as “Nintendo” or local organizations and a budget.

“It [the BUas Esports Minor] introduces eSports as a business opportunity and a social trend.” Someone completely unfamiliar with video games can also learn a lot from the minor and is also welcomed in. “People who don’t have experience with video games have a fresh perspective.”

Some gaming communities organize smaller tournaments. Esports makes that easier. Competition is in the heart of playing video games. “Some people might ask “Why would you watch someone play a video game?” but the same question could be asked for traditional sports.” The minor is the first steppingstone to open the doors for competitive gaming in Breda.

Mathijs also encourages students to contact him with questions about the minor or simply visit one of the events that are organized between September and January every year.

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Source: @bredaguardians (Instagram)

Like everything at Breda University of Applied Sciences, the minor is community driven. “Seeing people from different academies come together, play the same game and having fun – I think it’s just a wonderful experience.”

Luka van der Eng is a Leisure and Events student with an eSports specialization. He is currently doing his internship at Breda Guardians that is also a client of the minor.

“We are locally oriented eSports club. You have to work, live or study in Breda to participate.”

They organize minor tournaments and watch parties for the eSports events. People can just walk in and play games together at the HIVE in the Frontier building. It’s also a great place for new people to start exploring the world of eSports.

“Come around and look for yourself! Breda guardians is an open community and welcomes anyone.” If you want to join a team for eSports or create one, this is also the place.

In case you want to start with competitive gaming, or are just curious about it, you definitely should go to one of the events that the university organizes or visit the club at the HIVE.

If you what to stay up to date with Breda Guardians, you can follow their Instagram accountbredaguardians

Price: Free

Place: Breda University of Applied Sciences, Frontier building.

Date: Early October till January

Pros: A welcoming community; everyone is there to have fun

Cons: There are no set dates yet, so you have to look out for the events

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: 100000

embracing confidence at comic con

Let’s start with the question: what is cosplay?

The short answer is it could be anything from recreating the costume of your favourite movie, book, or game character to simply wearing clothes inspired by them. But what’s so alluring about it? Why do people like dressing up or even acting as someone else? And where can you experience it yourself (the suggestion from Katty was to use “fully” but I also like this variation)?

Here’s the answers to these questions from two cosplayers from Breda University of Applied Sciences:

Sabina Bojilova is 21 years old and studies Games and Technologies here at BUas. She started cosplaying six years ago and it has helped her get out of her comfort zone.

“Pretending to be somebody else instantly unlocks my confidence. It helps me get out of my comfort zone. Like actors when they go on the stage.”

Through cosplaying she gets to talk about her more niche interests and bond over it with other people.

“While a community could be toxic online, meeting people in real life makes it easier to start a conversation. The fact that you might never see those people ever again makes you feel more comfortable.”

At cosplaying conventions people can also go on a stage, show off their costume and win a prize. Behind the scenes, even for a short time, strangers become family. Helping the other contestants with any costume issues happens all the time. “You get excited for each other, cheering for the others.” Sabina says.

“I have made friends there that will hopefully last for life.”

Sabina also comments that you don’t really need previous experience with acting to cosplay. The idea is to have fun and enjoy your time.

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Annebelle Linders is 21 years old Creative Business student who also started out six years ago with cosplaying. “Personally, for me cosplay is about self-expression and clothing. I think it’s a form of art. Also, it crosses that bridge between fiction and reality. It brings my favourite characters to life and creates community around it. It’s about community and being able to express yourself through art.”

When asked about Dutch cosplay events she said that she has gone mostly to Comic Con.

I had a friend who wanted to start cosplay, but she was unsure, so she simply wore an outfit that was inspired by a character while still looking like wearing every-day clothes. A lot of people do that.”

“The next one is in June on the 24th and the 25th. Plus even if you are just starting out you definitely should go. If you don’t feel comfortable dressing up, you could just go to admire other people’s work and enjoy the event.

Annebelle says the best advice for someone just starting out would be to:

“Literally stop caring about other people’s opinion.”

“At the end of the day this is your life.”

Some people find confidence in interpreting their favourite characters on stage, some are simply happy to be a part of the audience. All in all, if you are looking to get into this fantasy world or you simply want to admire other people’s costumes the upcoming Comic Con is a great start.

Pros: A welcoming and fun place

Cons: Could get a bit pricey

Price: €25 Day Ticket, €44 Weekend Ticket Place: Jaarbeurs Utrecht; Jaarbeursplein 15; 3521 AM Utrecht

date: 24 & 25 June

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Source: Annebelle Linders

Writer: Meike Verbaandert

Designer: Roos van Hasenbroek

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘Cheesecake’? Probably not a drag queen event organized by the restaurant and club Holy Moly. Once a month, the Breda located company organizes a drag-night with some of the Netherland’s best drag queens. It is a night where people can truly be themselves and enjoy anything drag, like lip-sync performances and hilarious shows.

Vicky (@VickyViQueen on Instagram) is a drag queen who performs during Holy Moly’s monthly show. They rolled into drag make-up by accident. “I think a lot of queer people my age started

watching RuPauls Drag Race, but I never thought it was something for me,” When they started volunteering for COC, a LGBTQIA+ organization, they were there as support for someone giving a Drag make-up workshop. “People just sort of started to like what I was doing, so I kept going to the workshops. After a while there was a drag queen who invited me to perform at one of their gigs, and then I became part of a drag house.”

This all happened three years ago, right before the pandemic, and Vicky never left. That first performance turned into weekly performances. “I didn’t feel like a very creative person, but people liked what I was doing, and I liked what I was doing, so I never stopped.”

When asked what their favorite thing about drag is, Vicky answered, “I identify as non-binary, but my body looks very masculine. When I am in drag, I get to explore a much more feminine side of

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Source: @cheesecakedragevents

myself without a lot of repercussion I’d have in the real world. If I’d wear heels or dresses in everyday life, people would look at me weird, but if I am performing, people know what they signed up for.”

Not only does Vicky love to perform, but they also like to address political issues. “Obviously the show needs to be entertaining, but I also want to make the audience aware of certain things that are going on which they might not know about otherwise. Like, maybe they don’t know a non-binary person, or they don’t know that the trans-laws are now a whole thing in the US, so I like talking about those subjects as well, to share a bit of my story.”

At the Cheesecake event at Holy Moly, Vicky gets to work with some of the Netherlands’ best drag queens. “The audience there is really nice. There are even people who come back every month. The stage and light at Cheesecake are amazing, and Vicky considers it an amazing show.

Although drag is typically a queer form of art, Vicky thinks that everybody who undersatnds

Pros: a good show in a safe space

Cons: more expensive than entrees in other clubs, but definitely worth is

Price: 17,50

Place: Holy Moly, Breda

Date: 4th of june, 2023

Dutch should go. It’s not like you won’t belong if you are straight, or if you have never been to a show before. Cheesecake is a safe space where everybody can be themselves. There are straight alpha males who didn’t expect to like it, but they still have a really great time. I’d just recommend everybody to go.”

In conclusion, there is no reason for you not to check it out! Whether you have been to dozens of shows before, or whether this is the first time you have heard about the performances happening in Breda, Cheesecake night at Holy Moly is the place to go if you are looking for an entertaining and unique evening going out!

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Source: @cheesecakedragevents

from fear to freedom

Our life is a journey full of ups and downs, successes and challenges, adventures and routine tasks. Exploring life means exploring yourself, getting out of your shell, finding who you truly are. As busy as life can be for young people, it’s easier than ever to let your routine take over. However, you should still find time and energy to explore hobbies, meet new people, build yourself as a person, or simply drink a beer with music blasting in the background. There are so many places you can visit, people you can meet, concerts you can dance at, clubs you can join. So many possibilities standing right in front of you, memories waiting to be created.

We live in a society where we’re always waiting for one thing to be over and another to happen. Just this one class, just this busy Monday, just this stressful week, just the cold, rainy winter. A life waiting to be lived. Remember, perception is reality. Your days are what you make out of them. So, enjoy! Explore! Create! Travel! Make mistakes! And grow!

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”

It’s important to make the most out of life! However, it’s easier said than done. Sometimes what we lack the most is courage. Being yourself for the whole world to see can be challenging. Society has made many limitations and stereotypes which can act as a barrier, detaching us from our authentic self. But society is, now more than ever, also breaking those same stigmas, raising awareness about different topics, and creating a non-judgmental space where everyone can express their interests and passions freely. You get to decide what to see and what to strive for. At the end of the day, we all make the society we live in.

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”

Life is full of events, both bad and good, exciting and scary, memorable yet thrilling. Some events pick us, they just happen, and we have to deal with their consequences. Other events are ours to pick – celebrations, concerts, festivals, organizations, clubs. Pick your path, go out there and find who you are! In the end, that’s what life is – a journey of self-exploration and growth.

“A ship in a harbor is safe, but that’s not what a ship is built for.”

Source: Isabelle Janssens

summer guide 2023 24 unique unions
summer guide 2023 25 unique unions

Once upon a ride..

Writter: Danique de Munck

Don’t you know what to do on a beautiful summer day? Why not get your adventure on and visit one of the many amusement parks in the Netherlands. Whether you’re a rollercoaster junkie, fantasy themed fiend or are simply looking for some gentle adventure rides, Dutch theme parks have them all. But which park is the best option for you? Three BUas students shared their experiences of three different theme parks and share what they love about them. Check all your options and see which one fits you best.

Price: 48 euros

Place: Kaatsheuvel (Noord-Brabant)

Date: The entire summer (10:00 – 22:00)

Pros: Great atmosphere, delicious food

Cons: Rides are short, queues are long


The Efteling is the most magical theme parks of Europe. Whether you like exciting rollercoasters or gorgeous rides, the Efteling has it all. The theme of the park is based on Dutch children’s fantasy stories that come to life. The nostalgia around these beautiful traditional stories, is what makes this park so special to many. After a day filled with pure fun, you can enjoy an extraordinary light show in the water.

Lara-Elin is an international student studying Creative Business and went to the Efteling for the first time last summer. From the distance, she already saw the top of the castle and thought it was mysterious, because she didn’t know what to expect yet. “It felt really exciting”. One of her favourite rides was the wooden rollercoaster ‘Joris en de Draak’, because it was one of the longest rides, which helped her enjoy it fully. Her amazing experience makes her want to go again.

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Source: Efteling

Price: 32,50 euros

Place: Biddinghuizen (Flevoland)

Date: The entire summer (10:00 – 23:00)

Pros: Good pricing

Cons: Not a big variety of rides, mostly wild rides


Do you like thrilling rides, terrifying heights, and heavy drops? Then Walibi is for you. Whereas the Efteling is known for the beautiful rides, Walibi dares you to get out of your comfort zone. Even though most rollercoasters are wild, there are all types of rides: Thrilling, sensational, exciting, fun, and for kids.

Laura Bravo Lemmens from Tourism went a while ago, and she enjoyed the entertainment park a lot. “It was a beautiful and fun day.” Even though some of the rollercoasters were scary for her, she went on the exciting rides anyway, and she really liked it. There were also a few calmer rides she enjoyed, so she thinks everybody would enjoy Walibi.

Price: 28 euros

Place: Den Haag (Zuid-Holland)

Date: The entire summer (10:00 – 17:30)

Pros: Cheap

Cons: Not many exciting rollercoasters


Are you not a fan of crazy roller coaster? Then Drievliet is what you’re looking for. It’s a cosier amusement park with less scary rides. The park is almost more like one big fair, filled with carrousels, Farris wheels and a ghost house. There are mostly soft attractions, but the park also has a few exhilarating rides.

Someone at BUas who went to Drievliet, is Delana de Munck. She really enjoyed the uniqueness of the park, and it thought it had a cosy and welcoming atmosphere. One of her favourite moments was the big slide. “You walk up the stairs super high and go down in waves. It’s super fun. I’ve never seen something like this in another theme park.” At the slide there wasn’t a queue, so she went over and over.

So, which park excites you the most? Are you going for the dangerous rides, the magical experience or the budget friendly option? They all sound wonderful, but there must be one you prefer. Go with your family or friends and have a fun day riding the coolest rollercoasters.

Source: Walibi
summer guide 2023 27 wondrous worlds
Source: Drievliet

Step into a world of wonder

xperience a world beyond your wildest imagination! Imagine stepping into a scene that transports you from your everyday surroundings and immerses you in a completely different world. With the help of cutting-edge technology like Virtual Reality goggles or multi-media exhibits at theme parks, this is now possible! Get ready to be a part of an immersive experience that will leave you feeling breathless!

... However, are they worth the price? To find out we asked our fellow students and teachers for their immersive experience recommendations.


Valeria, a Creative Business student recently explored the Wondr immersive experience with her family. The immersive experience WONDR combines visual enchantment with unlimited creation. A colourful, sensory world dotted with confetti that beckons you to have fun and explore, no matter your age.

“I went there together with my family. It was a nice place with a lot of beautiful rooms, each one of them having a unique creative atmosphere. There was a big pool with colourful plastic balls which was something I have never seen besides in a children’s play area. There were also some interactive activities such as drawing on walls or taking photos in different enviroments.”

Price: €17 to €44 depending on what experience you want to have

Place: Meeuwenlaan 88, 1021 JK Amsterdam

Pros: Has interactive elements

Cons: Can be pricy depending on the experience you want to have.


Silvena, an International Leisure and Events Management student recommends the ‘Gold in Motion’ or ‘Fabrique des Lumières’ experience in Amsterdam. The works of the greatest artists in history are displayed in an ode to digital picture and music by “Fabrique des Lumières”, bringing art to life.

“It was an exhibition of Monet’s and Hundertwasser’s works represented by holograms. The exhibition lasts around 40minutes, and it repeats every hour. my opinion, the music and the transitions between the “paintings” were very well implemented and they fit the theme perfectly. I think it’s a great experience for everyone who would enjoy seeing various art pieces from different artists.“

Price: €13 with student discounts

Place: Pazzanistraat 37; 1014 DB Amsterdam

Pros: Unique technology that allows you to experience art in a new way

Cons: If you are late for your time slot you will have to wait till the next one.

summer guide 2023 28 WONDROUS WORLDS
Source: Isabelle Janssens


Cashelle McLean is a Creative Business teacher

(note- ask Cashelle how to introduce her) and she went to the “AMAZE” experience in Amsterdam recently. The first portion of the experience is an exploratory walkthrough set in the dark with different lighting and sound experiences. In the second portion of the experience, you get to move through and interact with it at your own pace. There’s also a fun surprise at the end.

“I went during the Autum break in October 2022 on a solo date exploring the city. “Amaze” was really fun but also a little nerve wracking, because I did not know what to expect. Overall, it’s a high energy experience with wonder around every corner. I highly recommend it to both singles or for groups!”

Price: €20.95 with student discount

Place: Elementenstraat 25, 1014 AR


Pros: Easily accessible

Cons: You are not allowed to take photos during the main experience.

While these experiences could be a bit pricey, they are definitely worth it for the art lovers! By making people believe that what they’re experiencing is real, it enables them to sympathize with each other, be inspired, and learn on a completely new level.

Source: Cashelle Mclean
S o u r c e : F a b r i q u e d e s L umi eres summer guide 2023 29 wondrous worlds
Source: Cashelle Mclean

BECOME A DJ on stage

Do you want to get a glimpse behind the scenes of what it’s like being a DJ superstar? Then Onstage is the place for you.

With the Onstage Experience, you go through multiple interactive rooms with fun music, bright lightshows, and you can play with a DJ deck.

You can take as many beautiful pictures as you want in the aesthetically pleasing rooms. Unlike a regular festival, you are the DJ yourself. You can make your own music and play it in front of a virtual crowd.

All this is right here in Breda.

I went to the Onstage Experience myself, and interviewed the owner and experience director, William Watts.

“When people come here, they really have no idea what they can do and when they come out of the experience, they’re like: this is really something new.”

Before William started Onstage, he studied Facility Management here at BUas. After that, he worked at an event management company where they organised all kinds of events, and he saw the opportunity to come up with a new attraction. He thought about the idea of having a ‘DJ museum’ in Breda.

When I came in, there was loud music playing and it was pretty crowded. There was a bar where people were drinking and chatting. I saw people going through a golden door in groups to get into the experience. I really didn’t know what to expect, but William said that a lot of people say that.

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Source: Danique de Munck

Then, it was my turn to become an artist for an hour. I got a wristband and had to scan it to fill in my DJ name. I went for ‘DJ Dream’. Next, I could finally go through the golden door to see what’s behind it. At first, I got introduced to the experience. All the rooms were extraordinary, filled with bright lights, music, and of course DJ decks. In one room, I could scan my wristband to take pictures with various backgrounds. After that, it was time to create my own DJ song for the first time. By clicking on a screen, I could choose what instruments and beats I wanted, to mix my personal song. When I was done, my own produced track got played. It sounded pretty good for a beginner like me.

“It’s one hour of a completely different world, stepping into something really new that you never experienced before and ending on the virtual main stage of Tomorrowland.”

William is proud that he established this place. “It’s something completely new for people in Breda. That’s why it’s really special. Before this, the building was empty for six years. People love the idea of having something new.”

Also, Onstage is definitely not just for people who want to become DJs. “It’s for people who love dance festivals or just want to have a unique experience overall.”

When the experience was over, I got an email containing the professional pictures I took and the audio of my own produced music number. It was a memorable experience stepping into the life of a DJ and I would definitely recommend you try it out. It is absolutely worth it.

You can listen to my own produced DJ track here!

Pros: Original, very accessible for everyone. Cons: I wish the experience was longer, because it was so fun.

Price: Student ticket: 17,50 euros.

Place: Ginnekenstraat 88a, centre of Breda

date: Wednesday: 15:00 – 22:00

Thursday: 15:00 – 22:00

Friday: 17:00 – 23:00

Saturday: 15:00 – 23:00

Sunday: 13:00 – 23:00

summer guide 2023 wondrous worlds 31
Source: Danique de Munck

sorry, out to live, be back soon!

Nowadays, there are numerous virtual experiences. You can visit the virtual zoo in Maputaland, South Africa, ‘travel’ to Austria to see places of immense historical significance, or even see the famous Mona Lisa up-close from your own living room.

Years of technological evolution passed us by. New slim TVs were made, then lighter phones appeared. Online platforms began to rise starting from the beloved MySpace to Instagram and TikTok nowadays.

Video games with amazing quality and immersive experience were created as well as movies with phenomenal effects thanks to CGI. There is no denying that technology gave us the opportunity to explore the world and experience it more fully.

However, have you ever considered what it also took away from us?

Having everything on a plate, ready to be consumed, has deprived us of the joy of some other live experiences that also cause some kind of discomfort.

Going to a festival, an amusement park, or a concert may seem less tempting because it’s surrounded by other factors that can raise discomfort.

For instance, traveling to the location, waiting in a line for a roller coaster, having to stay in the freezing cold or sweaty heat, being surrounded by a big number of people you have never seen and on top of it all, having to pay for the experience.

‘No, thanks! Staying home and watching Netflix sounds better!’ you might think.

summer guide 2023 wondrous worlds 32
Source: Welkom in Breda

And yes, it is very nice to go back home after a busy day, order a pizza and watch your favorite Netflix show. However, moments like this don’t make memories. They just go by, and we won’t even remember which movie we watched a few weeks later. Experiencing life to the fullest means creating core memories, getting out of your comfort zone and realizing that it’s not so comfortable after all.

Life is a journey. It’ s unique and beautiful. Technology can make that journey even more exciting and fulfilling. However, we shouldn’t let it get in our way and lock us in a state of comfort for too long. This is why we find the topic of events very important. Visiting Brandparkies, being a part of the Onstage experience, going to an amusement park or enjoying a cosplay event can all make so many memories that can put a smile on your face even years later.

“Be willing to step outside your comfort zone once in a while; take the risks in life that seem worth taking. The ride might not be as predictable if you’d just planted your feet and stayed put, but it will be a heck of a lot more interesting.”

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Source: Welkom in Breda


The summer months are a busy time when it comes to events, but it can be hard to know where to go and which ones are worth going to. Here is a list with events recommended by BUas students, for BUas students.

Enjoy the music and lightshows at the largest techno party of the Netherlands!

In Hilvarenbeek, Spaarnwoude-park.

A techno, freestyle, tech house, progressive house, and more! In Aqua best.

A worldwide meeting point for the creative industry of electronic music and a music festival! In Breda, Chasseveld.

One of the Netherlands biggest music festivals, focused on hard styles. “It had a really cool light show.” In Oisterwijk, Sportpark d’n Donk.

Experience the unique magic of this three-day music festival right by the sea!

In ‘t Kopje van Kanada.

An erotic Freestyle music festival!

In Best, Aquabest.

A multi-genre electronic music festival! ‘’Always super dope with amazing live shows.’’

In Utrecht, Strijkviertelplas.

One of the longest annual music festivals in the world, playing pop music!

In Landgraaf, megaland.

A music festival with pop, rock, metal, punk, theater and more!

In Breda, Park Valkenberg

may june 13 2, 3, & 4 20 awakenings lake dance intents 7, 8, & 9 de ballade 10 pussy lounge 10 & 11 verknipt 16, 17 & 18 pink pop 16, 17, & 18 breda barst 25 dance tour
BUas summer guide 2023 34

22 - 25


A hardcore music festival with techno, hard house and hard trance!

In Biddinghuizen, Walibi Holland.


wish outdoor

A Music festival featuring hardstyle, Urban, techno and more!

In Beek en Donk, site De Aa.

july 30, 1 & 2 wish outdoor

A Music festival featuring hardstyle, Urban, techno and more!

In Beek en Donk, site De Aa.

1 & 2 by the creek

A music festival pushing multi-genre’s to the extreme!

In Uterecht, Middelwaard.

1 & 2 ploegendienst

A house and techno festival right here in breda!

In Landgraaf, parkeerplaats P5.

14, 15 & 16

city of dANCE

A music festival with Eclectic, Techno, Deep House and more, right by the sea!

In Uterecht, Middelburg.



The harbor of Breda gets taken over by all kinds of floats!

In Breda, harbor.

24 & 25 COMIC CON

The biggest cosplay event of the Netherlands! ‘’Great vibe with like-minded people!’’

In ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Brabanthallen.

summer guide 2023 BUAS 35


18, 19, & 20

low lands

A festival with music, theater, comedy, film, and more!

In Biddinghuizen, Walibi Holland.

1 - 31 chasse outdoor cinema

An outdoor cinema! In Breda, 7 different locations.

27 dutch f1 grandprix in zandvoort

The F1 race in the Netherlands! In Zandvoort, Burgemeester van Alphenstraat 108

26 duikboot

A house, disco and techno festival which celebrates its ten-year anniversary this year! In Breda, Asterdplas.

BUas summer guide 2023 36


1, 2 & 3


A creative get-together between visitors, artists, music, and culture!

In Boxtel, Velder Woods.


rotterdam rave

Party the night away at this techno festival!

In Rotterdam, on the RDM site in Rotterdam.

15 & 16 into the woods

Fairy tales and techno come together at this multi-genre electronic music festival.

In Amersfoort, at the bos van Birkhoven.


18 - 22

amsterdam dance event

An event with music-related exhibitions, films, documentaries, and more! In different locations in Amsterdam.

21 - 30

dutch design week

The biggest event about works and concepts of northern-Europe! In different locations in Eindhoven.

12 lake dance

A techno, freestyle, tech house, progressive house and more!

In Aqua best.

summer guide 2023 BUAS 37



Editor in chief Tara Roijakkers

Editor in chief Katerina Plamenova


Head of content Meike Verbaandert

Writer Danique de Munck

Writer Mihaela Irobalieva


Head of Design Indi Sperber

Designer Roos van Hasenbroek

designer Isabelle Janssens


Irene de Mauro

Lara-Elin Deininger

Laura Bravo Lemmens

Delana de Munck

William Watts

Floris Brocaar

Sabina Bojilova

Annebelle Linders

Mathijs van der Kroft

Luca van der Eng

Cashelle McLean

Valeria Scheutjens

Silvena Ivanova

Chloé Rijpert

Vicky ViQueen

Nina Theeuwen

Our HUB supervisor: Charlie Hicks

picture sources

Danique de Munck

Isabelle Janssens

Cashelle McLean

Annebelle Linders


Welkom in Breda

Welkom in Breda




Breda City App

Breda City App




@bredaguardians (Instagram)




Fabrique des Lumieres

our AMAZING publishing supervisor: Cashelle McLean



summer guide 2023 BUAS

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