For the students whose experience at tackling student life at BUas ain’t their first rodeo, welcome back! And for newbies, who are a little bit scared, very excited, and have great expectations for their upcoming years in university, buckle up because it’s going to be one hell of a ride!
Being a student often means juggling between meeting deadlines, work, getting enough sleep, and having some social life. After all, we are young, energetic, and ready to take on the world. Unfortunately, our days become so busy that we forget that sometimes we should take a step back and prioritize our well-being. That’s where we come in handy. We, the editorsRalitsa and Floor, our Head of Design - Monica, and our incredible team of content writers and designers, collaborated with the Student Well-Being team to create this special issue of the HUB Magazine for you. Because we, too, have struggled, and sometimes still do, to navigate our lives through sleepless nights filled with finalizing assignments, staying active, vigorously being part of the BUas community, and many other experiences you can read more about in the following
Sometimes it feels like our busy lives occupy our minds that we forget the importance of caring for ourselves mentally, physically, and spiritually. If you are feeling stagnant in your energy and routine, your time to go through a metamorphosis has come too. The student well-being team at BUas is here to guide you through your journey, and the infographic on the next page will help you choose the most suitable support. While you are on a journey of rediscovering and prioritizing yourself, take the time to check up on your friends, do something nice for your peers, and compliment a stranger. The change starts within but can only truly impact the world if you share it with others. Lastly, we want to thank Frederieke de Pee and Cashelle Mclean for their guidance and support while creating the student well-being edition.
We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did making it!
The biggest misconception about masculinity is that men are stronger than women and, therefore, less likely to experience mental struggles. Facts prove otherwise. Suicide rates in men are four times higher than in women. About time we break the silence.
There are a few reasons why it is difficult for men to seek help when needed. Stereotypes play a huge role in the stigma. To be a “real man,” you must be independent, tough, responsible, and dominant, and a “real woman” should be elegant, caring, and emotional.
As a man, being vulnerable and sensitive can be a threat to this masculine image, and the fear of judgment might occur. In these times of acceptance of mental health issues, the truth emerges because boys and men are left behind.
The pressure is on. But why? Physical differences between men and women are by no means sufficient to draw the conclusion that men would be stronger than women.
This everlasting lack of equality results not only in women having trouble catching up on men in society but also in men struggling to find a balance between being masculine and being vulnerable.
The fear of men being perceived as weak or soft is what makes this stigma dangerous, and unfortunately, the truth is that way too often, it can be fatal for men. And it’s not their fault. Breaking a taboo that has existed for hundreds of years is far from easy.
You could say that parenting is playing a role here. When for example, your dad has been telling you to man up instead of sharing feelings your whole childhood, chances are you will be struggling with opening up in the future.
However, it is unfair to blame things on the individual parent. Although you can blame someone for not letting their kids open up about their emotions, it is not their fault society has been expecting the same things for this long. In fact, parents probably have been raised the exact same way.
It is much more important to zoom out and work together to better understand what this stigma is and how it affects society in general. It is the underlying stereotype we have to kill in order for people to understand that suppression is never the answer.
Last week I read an article about this subject explaining how men never receive flowers in their life except at their funerals. This kind of shocked me and got me thinking even by showing appreciation towards men, we can tackle stereotypes and create equality.
Masculinity is all about power. In order to tackle the stigma, women need a little more, and men need a little less. By small things such as giving men flowers, we are already challenging the stereotypes to adapt to modern society, to create a more inclusive community.
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BReak tHe silencestigMaBe tHe cHangeFeelings aRent a WeaknessBReak
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Designer: Mila Engering
Did you know that volcanic soils are one of the most fertile ones? Someone said it once in a movie, so I had to fact-check it immediately! Funny enough, it happened to be true. Who would’ve thought such a destructive force would create a fertile foundation for prosperity?
Funny, isn’t it? I believe it’s the same with people. We, humans, live so often in our heads that we start giving power to all of our negative thoughts. We let them roam freely, consume our thoughts, and engrave themselves in our hearts. Entering your twenties will rock your world, shatter your outdated mentality, and make you question if every decision you have ever made has been the right one. Yes, it is scary, and you will long for the past and the person you used to be. Unfortunately, you cannot get them back by living in your memories. This person doesn’t exist anymore. However, when the storm passes, you will have a clean slate to rebuild yourself anew. It will allow you to discover new hobbies, meet new people, and enrich your already established set of skills with some new ones that would help you romanticize life to enjoy it to the fullest. Let me spill the beans on some steps you can consider taking on your journey to getting better.
The seasonal depression arrives at your doorstep uninvited. It creeps into your life, builds walls around you and calls it home. You return to it when you are overwhelmed with work or on rainy days. Sometimes, the most enticing of books and the wildest parties cannot distract you from your overwhelming state of mind. This inner sadness and unworthiness consume you, making it endless, tiring, and so comforting that you never want to part with it because finding peace is frightening.
But taking the first step toward getting better is a great accomplishment as it is. Sit with your emotions, let yourself feel them, validate them, and reach out to a professional when ready. And when you get home, recreate all the comfort foods you ate as a child, play Little Miss Sunshine, journal, and listen to songs that make you feel alive in the quiet hours of the night. Even when you think you are on your own in this battle, remember that your inner child is rooting for you to win. The sun will shine, and you will fall in love with life again.
There comes a time in the life of every caterpillar when it must go through a metamorphosis and let its old self die for a more beautiful version of itself to be born. This new version exudes acceptance that only comes when you choose to love yourself. When you start looking at yourself with your heart and not your eyes, you start to see your strengths and weaknesses with compassion and appreciation. That is when you learn to like yourself for your positive qualities and love yourself despite the ones that need some more work. Welcome every new experience and every new person into your life as a courteous host and let them go when the time comes.
The friendships we make along the way and the ones we walk away from will teach us that what is meant for us will stay and that what is not will leave. Don’t dwell on the past for too long because you will miss out on all gifts that the present has to offer. The only constant in your life will forever be just you. So, embrace the person you are and learn to love yourself because you
will be your most reliable and faithful companion until the very end. Besides, the compassion you cultivate for yourself also manifests in empathy for others. Holding space for other people’s struggles rewards us with more robust connections and a sense of belonging.
That is why springs are so fascinating. Spring is when the underground water finds an opening to the land surface, whether as a trickle, only after it has rained, or occasionally in a continuous flow. The strength to resurface that water carries, even after the worst of storms, is inspirational, and I believe that everyone should aspire to be like a spring. Be a force of nature, and don’t let what happened to you define the person you are. Fight for the love you harbor for your friends and family, for your prosperity, and for yourself. The most potent muse of all is your inner child. Carrying your traumas and emotional baggage your whole life is a heavy burden. Why not leave it one day at a random train station and catch the next train on your journey to self-love?
Partying all week, city hopping or just chilling at a café... Student life can be pretty fun and exciting. However, for some students it means nothing but stress and pressure. Since we are now heading towards the end of the semester, my guess is that you’re either on top of all the work or drowning in it and feeling overwhelmed, or somewhere floating in between. Either way, we can all use some extra guidelines and tips and tricks. If you seek extra help, it’s good to know that BUas offers a lot of options to help you out as well.
It can be very overwhelming to keep track of your schoolwork. Most of the time you have group members who expect things from you, tons of deadlines around the corner and of course you want to obtain good grades. Trying to escape the overwhelming stress can cause procrastination which leads to sleepless nights, because being the perfectionist you are, you still want to deliver quality work. Obviously, you can’t keep doing this forever. Does it always seem like your classmates have everything organized and you don’t know how they do it? Maybe they are following these easy tips (and now you can too). It’s time for you to get your sh*t together.
When moments of high stress levels sneak up on you, the only thing that helps is to know exactly what you have to do to release that stress. Creating an overview of all your deadlines can really help to keep your vision clear, so that you can feel motivated and calm again. Here are some ways to create an overview of your deadlines.
You can create one yourself or buy one, either way, annual calendars are excellent to get an easy overview of how busy you actually are. Highlight all the days on which you have a deadline, hang it on the wall, or someplace else where you will be constantly reminded and your first step of being an organized student is done.
This is basically the same concept as the annual calendar, but this looks much cooler. Draw a circle and divide it into 12 sections, and again highlight your deadlines. Maybe you can create something to point at where you are, so you can keep track of time. Get creative with it, why not?
Something that can really help with starting your day stress-free is writing down your tasks for the day. Some students prefer online agendas and others need the satisfaction of writing their tasks down on paper. Just take 10 minutes to write down some goals and a to-do list while sipping your morning coffee and you will be all set. It is really that easy, just 10 minutes and you are ready to start the day with confidence and motivation. Also, at the end of the day, you get to enjoy the satisfaction of crossing tasks off of your list. Look at you being all organized and on top of stuff, who would’ve thought!
If it is too much for you to take 10 minutes of your day, that’s okay too. Make sure to at least plan some time once or twice a week to look over your tasks, check when the next deadline is and write down what you have to do for that. At the end of the day, you owe it to yourself to stay away from all the stress that student life can cause. We all experience negative emotions due to all the pressure sometimes, but it is crucial to find ways to reduce this stress. Maybe just try it, plan out a week of studying and see how it goes. And don’t forget to take some time for relaxation as well! You need and deserve time to be lazy and if you create a plan for yourself, I’m sure you will see that you have more free time than you think.
If you need more guidance and you are really stuck, BUas is here to help. Maybe you used to think you would never need guidance but now you are feeling like you’re losing control. Or maybe you are afraid that you’re only a burden to ask for help with your issues. Don’t worry! Everyone needs a little extra help sometimes and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Be proud that you grant it to yourself to feel better, as we all deserve. Considering to seek guidance at BUas but don’t know where to start? Here’s all the info you need.
Maybe you’ve seen the flyers for BEST trainings around campus. BEST stands for Better Studying. It kind of speaks for itself but BEST trainings can help you thrive during your time at BUas for those who can use a little extra support. BUas offers several different options. For example, yoga sessions, empowerment therapy and public speaking workshops. But also individual coaching for students with autism, or guidance in your study choices. Besides this, the student well-being offer also includes a point of contact for students who are experiencing grief, in case of the loss of a loved one.
Check the student portal to find out the current schedule and sign up if you’re interested. You can always contact your coach for more information if you’re not sure which option is best for you.
Mirro is an online module that helps with mild mental health issues. It is a self-help concept, which means you can do it at any moment of the day whenever you have the time for it. Mirro helps you work on your mental health independently for everyone who is uncomfortable speaking to a person or just wants to figure things out themselves. All the information about mirro and how to start is on the student portal. As BUas students you can use the modules for free!
Do you prefer a good old chat with a real person? On campus there are several student counsellors to help you out with any struggle. Maybe you are facing some challenges in your personal life, or you just have some questions about your student grant, your student counsellor really has the answer to all your questions and will help you with any struggle you might have.
They will guide you through any challenge you are facing and can refer you to a specialist when needed. Every academy at BUas provides the option to contact a student counsellor. Are you feeling a bit lost, or do you just need to talk to someone about what concerns you? Everything you speak about is confidential, so check the student portal to get in contact with a student counsellor of your academy.
The psychologists on campus offer short-term treatments for students who are in need of help. If you are experiencing any obstacles that keep you from having a pleasant study time, then getting in contact with one of the psychologists is a good idea. Maybe you just need a safe space to talk to someone about your problems, or you’re sensing that you might need more serious help but don’t know where to start, the psychologists are there for you. Good news for us broke students, signing up for an appointment won’t cost you a single cent.
As a student in the middle of our busy lives it is really important to take care of yourself, and it is nothing to be ashamed of if you can’t do that on your own sometimes. Luckily there are plenty of options offered by the university, so don’t wait any longer if you are doubting to seek help.
If you have any questions or need more information feel free to contact the Student Well-Being team at:
Writer: JayJay Annan
Designer: JayJay Annan
Laziness, we all experience it in some type of way. Well, sometimes I feel like it’s especially me though. My roommates often like to call me grandma because I’m the type of person that likes to lounge around when I don’t really have anything to do (I also do this when I have lots of things to do but that’s beside the point). Knowing this about myself I never really had the motivation to change it, because that’s just the kind of person I am right? Well, not really, because I remember being little and spending my days playing outside or doing different sports. Thinking back to that time in my life made me realize that I don’t really want to be inactive, it’s just that I never made work of actually trying to find new ways to exercise. So, why not try out various types of activities to help get me more energized and motivated?
When I think about my childhood, one of my favorite sports to do was swimming. Although back then, swimming meant me and my best friend hitting each other with pool noodles, going on water slides and seeing how long I could hold my breath underwater. This time around, I decided to actually try to use it as an exercise. So, I bought a €6,80 ticket for Sonsbeeck Swimming pool (which is a 10-minute bike ride away from BUas, by the way) and went there for about an hour. When I tell you that within 5 minutes of me being there, I already had a problem with the lockers, I’m
not even kidding. Thankfully the staff were really nice and helped me out right away. At first, undressing and being in my bathing suit with a bunch of strangers took some getting used to, but luckily, I was able to get over that pretty quickly. After this little struggle, it was time to actually get in the pool and start swimming. For some reason, I expected the water to be very cold but getting in it was kind of warm-ish (which was both nice and a little unsettling, because what made the pool so warm…). After 5 minutes I was already very winded, which I didn’t expect because how tiring could it be to swim a few lanes right? Well, apparently very tiring. For the rest of the hour, I tried to keep up the pace, take a few breaks here and there, and overall, just enjoy the water. It was nice to focus more on the physicality of it because I’m usually more focused on my thoughts. It really felt like I took a break from stressing about school, which was kind of unexpected.
Then, I started thinking about why I hadn’t started exercising like this sooner. I remembered the last time I actually did some sort of sporty activity – except for biking to school – was during quarantine. Remember how we all used to go on these walks because we wanted to get out of the house and weren’t really allowed to do anything else? Well, I decided to relive the good ole’ days! So, I put my headphones in and just started walking. Without having a set destination, you really start noticing your surroundings. I tried to
keep a faster pace than I usually do because that way it felt like an exercise and not just me strolling around aimlessly. I walked for about an hour and a half, which seems like a long time, but it surprisingly flew by. Not only did it make me feel very active, it also helped me to reorganize some of my thoughts and got me motivated to do some schoolwork! By the way, I’m not saying I got lost or anything, I just had to use a lot of google maps to find my way back and eventually decided to take the bus.
What I really enjoyed about both these activities is that they’re very different from going to the gym. I’m not saying that there’s anything wrong with going to the gym though. It’s just that for me personally, I would be too lazy and to actually keep up with going a set number of times a week. But on the other hand, the fact that it’s so non-obligatory is what makes it very appealing to a lot of people. That’s why I think Bress is a perfect mix of both ways of exercising. Bress is the student sports club here in Breda. I won’t bore you with the details so for more information you can just go to
Bress.nl. They have a pretty big fitness hall, but also organize group lessons and offer a discount at a lot of different sport locations in Breda. For example, I went swimming at Sonsbeeck for €6,80 but if you have a Bress membership it only costs you €2 per visit!
time which made the dancing itself look kind of stiff. But at the end of the class, my mind automatically connected the order of the moves to the music, which meant I could have a little bit more fun doing the dance steps themselves. The hour flew by and by the end, not only did I feel like I had a great workout, but I also learnt a cool party trick. Whenever this song comes on, I’ll be able to surprise everyone and bust a quick move!
(Also, that’s definetliy me in the picture!)
Hence, as a student that goes out clubbing often enough, I thought it would be fun to take my dance skills to the next level by joining a hip-hop dance class at Bress. Our teacher for the day was unbelievably nice and made me feel comfortable right away. As we started warming up, I noticed that I was starting to sweat within the first 2 minutes of the song. For some reason, you don’t really notice how much of your whole body moves when you’re dancing. This was kind of nice for me because it didn’t really feel like exercising, but more just having fun. Our dance teacher had choreographed this dance to Heat by Chris Brown because she got inspired by him when she went to his concert. As I was trying to keep up with all the moves in my head, it was hard to move my body at the same
By the way, if you want to know what i listened to on my walk, you can find the spotify playlist here!
Doing these different activities made me realize something. Starting is the hardest part! I know it seems obvious but getting out of my comfort zone to do all these things is what made me wary of it at first. But once I was doing them, I found it to be really fun! I feel like swimming especially really felt like a great way to exercise, without having the feeling of being forced to work out to get your money’s worth. It’s a very easygoing and flexible way to get moving.
While walking I felt like it was a great way to clear my head, which also made it easier to do some studying afterward. The hip-hop class was really fun as well, and the fact that it can be done at Bress makes it a great addition for someone who is already more into exercising. I’m honestly very happily surprised that I had this much fun sporting, especially since I’ve been feeling a little lazy and demotivated lately. Hopefully, my experiences will inspire you to do the same!
Ever since I can remember, I have struggled with my hormones, facing symptoms such as battling fatigueness, apatite swings, and acne. Trying to look for a solution, I have visited my doctor too many times and scrolled through the countless results that popped up when I Googled my symptoms for hours. My doctor swears by artificial hormones, such as created by the pill. He prescribed it to me after having a short 5-minute visit during which he did not ask me about my diet and physical activity routine. It for suuuure would help, he said. Fact-check, it ruined everything. I kept experiencing the full side-effects list, no matter what changes we made to the prescription. So, I stopped taking the medication, which got me back to square one. I got frustrated, after all, of all people a doctor should know what would cure me in the long run, right? Wrong.
So, after all these years of taking medication which fail to help me, I want to take you on my journey to take back control on my own body. Your hormones have a very high impact on how you feel and how your body functions. If they are out of balance, so are you as a whole. This occurs for both men and women and is caused by various factors such as age, food allergies
My journey, comically, went on with turning back to Google. However, this time, I intended to seek help rather than generate unhelpful answers to my symptoms. I expected that finding the right orthomolecular dietitian would be hard and would take me at least a week, however I was taken by surprise by
It was finally time to meet up with my dietician. I sent them the documents a few days prior. This gave them time to go through everything and prepare for our intake. Nowadays, many professionals in the field offer the options to do it either on- or offline, this gives you the freedom to choose whatever is most convenient. While going through the documents, we mainly elaborated on the different symptoms I had and how they could be related to hormonal imbalance. They gave me extensive explanations about everything. Finally, they gave me a list of possible alternatives for the types of food they thought would be best if I stopped eating for a while. Overall, it was a very pleasant and informative experience. Only, I found out that my journey is just about to start and it will be hard.
I picked out an orthomolecular dietitian that met my personal requirements and scheduled a meeting with them. There are a number of professionals out there so you can choose the one that you feel most comfortable with. As the diet is based on various personal factors, such as food intake, allergies and personality, you will receive a number of documents you’ll need to fill in beforehand. This way the diet will be very personal.
The first week was a disaster. A very tough personal event resulted in me completely losing myself. I binged on my comfort food, which of course, didn’t relate to my diet. The one thing that did help me keep a bit of routine was walking my dog every morning and evening. I also met my daily goal of drinking water, as that didn’t crash with the feeling of being too full. Towards the end of the week I started picking up the diet for real. It was still 50/50, however, it was a start and I believe that’s praiseworthy. Taking care of yourself is hard, especially if it’s a new turn in your routine. Your mind needs some time to accept the changes you’ve made and not see them as a burden. So, give yourself some slack, that will make the journey a bit easier.
1,75 cuPs and 1 tsP Reg WHole WHeat FlouR
1 tsP Baking PoWdeR
0,5 tsP Baking soda
0,5 tsP Fine sea salt
0,25 tsP gRound cinnaMon
0,33 cuP Melted coconut oil oR eXtRa viRgin olive oil
0,5 cuP HoneY oR
2 eggs RooM teMP
1 cuP Plain gReek
2 tsP vanilla eX
1 cuP BlueBeRRies, 1 tBsP RaW sugaR
PReHeat tHe oven to 400 degRees FaHRenHeit.
MiX tHe FlouR , Baking PoWdeR , Baking soda, salt and cinna on togetHeR Wit
coMBine tHe oil and HoneY oR MaPle sYRuP and WHisk in add tHe eggs and Beat Well, tHen add tHe Y e Wet ing
gentlY Fold tHe BlueBeRRies into tHe Batte
Bake tHe MuFFins FoR 16 t 19 Minutes, oR until t e golden on to
Whenever I open the fridge to see what’s in stock (which, let’s be honest, happens a lot), I hear a voice in my head singing the TikTok famous words: “Well he looks at me. And I look at him. And he looks at me. And I look at him.” While I focus on the food that I was advised not to eat. It’s just screaming my name and I crave from time to time. However, even though I have many snack cravings during the day, my main eating moments are aligning very well with my diet. And I have to say, it’s tasty. My love for roaming through cookbooks to look for new recipes I can try out really serves as a motivation to keep up the good work.
The past week I have only drank water, next to that one, very tempting hot chocolate, which is huge for me. I still don’t drink the minimum amount of water needed per day, but it’s already a huge step forward in my opinion. Next to that, the visit of the Easter bunny didn’t help with having fewer snacking moments, however, as for the main meals I am killing it. I believe that over the course of the next few weeks I will be able to switch to my diet 99%, I still want to be able to enjoy a night out and the weekly tastings of our class’s cheesecake bake-off, so I am more than fine with that 1% being left forever.
I struggled a lot during the last few weeks, both personally and at school. I went through a very dark period during which I completely lost myself, while the deadlines for school projects were just around the corner. No, I did not stick to my diet 100% and I even delayed it for a week extra. However, this does not take away the proud feeling I have about accomplishing the small steps that I did take in the right direction. My dietician told me that it can take a while to adapt to these changes in your lifestyle and diet, which makes sense. In order for a new routine to stay, it is very important to break it down into smaller steps. Trying to change immediately will only bring you more stress and lessen the possibilities of keeping the routine for the long term, as your brain needs time to adapt.
My tip is that, after receiving the list of changes, look at what’s the easiest to do. A very simple one for myself was to walk for a bit before eating breakfast. So instead of rushing to eat it at home, I took it with me to school and ate it on my way there.
Also, just like me, be happy with eventually accomplishing that 99%. Thinking about what you cannot eat anymore will only increase your cravings. You need to still be able to enjoy life and eat whatever you want, as long as you stay reasonable and make those moments special. Like the cheesecake bake-off is for me, it’s a very special and fun moment I have with my friends. I look forward to it every week, which makes it worth it for me to set aside my diet.
It can take a while for the effects of this practice to overrule the problems within your body. However, the more you do it, the more in sync you get with it. I love getting to know my body more and actually working together with it to cure it. It makes me feel empowered doing this and I wish it was normal to do this. No more countless visits to the doctors or crazy theories of Google. Just knowing what your body is experiencing and how to help it and be ok with losing yourself, everyone experiences that from time to time, as long as you can pull yourself back up after a while.
“HoRMones get no ResPect. We tHink oF tHeM as elusive cHeMicals tHat Make us a Bit MoodY , But tHese Magical little Molecules do so MucH MoRe.“
- Susannah Cahalan
Will practicing yoga and meditation transform you into a green smoothie-drinking, chakraaligning, ‘live, laugh, love’ poster girl? We’re about to find out. Get ready to meet Gueorgui, just an ordinary student, whose life was transformed by the power of meditation and join your writer – me, Natali Petrova, on a wild journey as I take my first steps into the world of yin yoga at BUas.
The person who will introduce us to the teaching of meditation is the 20-year-old student – Gueorgui Boyadjiev. Like many of us, he moved to Breda to pursue his studies. However, at the end of Semester 3 he jumped onto his first internship without a single doubt and is currently living in the beautiful city of Milan. Despite being in a new environment, Gueorgui has remained focused on his goals, pushing himself to develop both professionally and spiritually.
Gueorgui’s first memories about meditation come from his father:
“My dad introduced me to a unique approach of taking in concepts and information, allowing them to simmer in the back of my mind to mature and gain deeper understanding. This insightful method eventually evolved into the practice of meditation.”
However, when he came to study in the Netherlands he made a great friend, who taught him more about the whole concept of meditation and they started practicing it daily together. Gueorgui was profoundly influenced by the idea of spending time with himself first – building awareness mainly about what thoughts go through his brain and how to control them.
Gueorgui shares that he sees a big difference in himself after he implemented meditation in his routine. He warns people who are interested in trying it out that it takes a long time, and they really need to do some practice before seeing actual results.
“tHe Result FoR Me is BetteR decision Making, tHat’s FoR suRe. Meditation also HelPs Me envision tHe PatH toWaRds MY goals. i knoW WHat i Have to do and HoW i Have to do it. neXt, tHe Most oBvious one selF contRol and coPing WitH MY eMotions. and FinallY Being Patient.
Gueorgui encouraged some of his friends to try meditation by themselves. He believes that meditation is for everyone, and he enjoys the fact it is gaining even more popularity nowadays. He recommends the Medito app to people who are afraid to try it out because of the typical stereotype. (remember the ‘live, laugh, love girl’?)
“I’ll put it like this- for beginner level the best thing to do is to watch this video called “Guided Meditation” , it comes with all the background noises and then you have someone guiding you through, that’s the best way to go.”
I followed the teacher’s voice telling us to close our eyes and switch our positions slowly. Her name is Monique by the way, and she is the nicest and calmest person I’ve ever met in my life. Her journey with yoga began many years ago, and it shows.
“just tRY it out! it is not WHat You tHink it is Most PRoBaBlY. iF You need soMe RelaXation just join us! it is FoR eveRYone. Monique
Moving on from Gueorgui’s journey, I’d like to reflect on my own actions. Despite my tendency to stress out about everything in life, I decided to sign up for a zen yoga class at BUas, and what followed was an experience that changed my outlook on meditation and yoga completely.
It all started when I stumbled upon Gueorgui’s inspiring journey and felt motivated to explore my own path towards mindfulness. Without hesitation, I logged onto the student portal and signed up for the next available yoga class.
It was a Thursday evening, 5:30pm, after a long day of boring classes (no offence teachers, but it do be like that sometimes), I headed to the room described in the confirmation email, on the 2nd floor of the Horizon Building. I was surprised to see the number of people in the room, only 5, including me. It was kind of a relief though, because I am an introvert who often feels weird in big groups... Anyway, entering the room I felt the cozy and welcoming vibe, so my concerns flew away. I took a mat, sat down in a comfortable position and the class began.
As I listened to her soft guidance throughout the class, I nervously opened my eyes from time to time to make sure I’m doing everything right, and yes, I was.
There were a few awkward moments, when I didn’t feel that flexible for some poses but as Gueorgui said, I really need to do some practice before achieving any results, and I’m certain of that. Was everything worth it? Yes, absolutely! Would I recommend the Yin yoga classes at BUas? Yes, confirming what Gueorgui and Monique mentioned above, yoga and meditation really are for everyone. My experience in the Yin yoga class at BUas was truly transformative and I’ll definitely try to free my schedule more often for those classes.
If you want to follow my steps and break the stereotype, go and sign up for the next yin yoga class here:
scan tHis qR code to sign uP !
Contrary to the most popular opinion, practicing meditation and yoga will not transform you into the “that girl” stereotype but it may make you feel like a warrior (pose) in your everyday life.
Designer: Mila Engering
Unfortunately, not everyone is born to be a social butterfly in this life. Some of us enjoy spending our weekends in the warmth and comfort of our beds. However, sitting alone in our room will definitely create an unsettling feeling of alienation. More often than we care to admit, finding the courage to go out and meet new people is hard. We all have our moments as outsiders but sometimes the best way to get away from the dark corner is to go out, and try our luck by wandering around the city, looking for intriguing people who may transport us in a more comfortable environment. Do you recognize yourself as one of those people? It’s alright, because this article aims to pull you out of your eggshell and show you some cool places and activities that will help you blossom again.
We went around the university to ask our co-students about their favourite places to go and activities to do in the city of Breda. Why, you might ask. Because we know there’s no better research than first-hand experience!
Pier 15 is a unique and dynamic place that offers a diverse range of activities and events. This multipurpose venue is home to a chill bar, basketball court and skatepark, making it the perfect spot for adrenaline junkies and sports enthusiasts. Additionally, the venue features a bar where visitors can relax and socialize after a long busy day. Pier 15 also hosts multiple events throughout the year, including live music performances and art exhibitions, which attract a diverse crowd of people. The skatepark’s event calendar is regularly updated, and visitors can check the Pier 15 website or social media pages for information on upcoming events. If you’re looking for a fun and exciting place to hang out, Pier 15 is a must-visit destination for anyone seeking an active and vibrant experience.
Mastbos and Park Valkenberg are two scenic destinations that offer a variety of outdoor and cultural experiences. Mastbos is a historic forest that features hiking and cycling trails, lakes, and ancient trees. Visitors who enjoy nature will appreciate the diverse range of experiences that Mastbos offers. Park Valkenberg, on the other hand, is a scenic city park that features flower gardens, walking paths and a lovely cafe. This beautiful green space is ideal for those seeking a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life. Whether you’re looking to have a picnic with your friends or immerse yourself in the beauty of nature, Mastbos and Park Valkenberg are two enchanting destinations that offer beautiful escape for outdoor enthusiasts in Breda.
Kunstijsbaan Breda is a super cool indoor ice rink that attracts people of all ages and backgrounds. No matter if you’re a beginner or an advanced skater, you’ll love the excitement of gliding on the ice. It’s a lively place where you can make new friends and have a lot of fun with your old ones too. They even have ice hockey and curling tournaments, which makes it even more exciting! If you’re looking for an unforgettable skating experience in Breda, you simply can’t miss out on Kunstijsbaan. Don’t be afraid to take a tumble, there will always be someone to give you a hand, trust me! Exploring the city is one of the best ways to spend your free time as a student. Whether you’re into trendy cafes, cultural events, or outdoor activities, there’s always something exciting to discover. But what if you’re looking for more than just a fun experience? What if you’re looking for a community that shares your interests and passions? That’s where BUas comes in. With a variety of clubs and events, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals and dive deeper into your hobbies and interests. So, let’s take a look at some of the fantastic clubs you can join and start building those connections!
Leomund’s Tiny Club is the perfect place for anyone looking to unleash their creativity and explore new worlds. Their community is centered around tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPG), where you can create a character and embark on an immersive journey through a world created by a game master. Whether you’re a seasoned
veteran or just starting out, they welcome players of all experience levels to join them in a low-pressure and inclusive environment. But they’re more than just a group of TTRPG enthusiasts – they’re a society that values diversity and inclusivity. At Leomund’s Tiny Club, they welcome players from all walks of life and prioritize creating a safe and supportive environment where everyone can feel welcome. Whether you’re interested in trying out new and experimental TTRPG systems or just looking for a fun and engaging way to spend time with others, they’re here to help you on your journey.
You’ve got an artistic soul? The Poetry Club is a space where you can immerse yourself in the beauty of poetry and explore your own creative potential. The club members’ focus is on reading and discussing poetry that resonates with them, whether it’s a wellknown classic or an undiscovered gem. And if you’re a budding poet yourself, you’re more than welcome to
share your own work with the group. Their meetings are a place to connect with others, exchange ideas, and support each other’s artistic growth. And with a new prompt for writing your own poetry each time, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to hone your skills and explore new creative avenues. Whether you’re a seasoned poetry lover or just starting out, the Poetry Club welcomes all with an open heart and mind. So why not join them for their bi-weekly meetings on Mondays from 5-7 pm and discover the power and beauty of poetry for yourself?
If you’re looking for something even more distinctive, you can check out the Airplane Modelling Club that is all about the wonder and excitement of flying model
airplanes. Using free-flight rubber-powered models weighing 3 grams or less, members of the club gather in the Chapel to watch their planes soar through the air for over a minute at a time. Powered by tightly wound rubber strips, these planes are truly a sight to behold as they twist and turn in the air. At their meetings, they time their flights with stopwatches and strive to keep their planes in the air for as long as possible. However, it’s not just about watching – they also welcome anyone who wants to try their hand at building their own model airplane. Building these planes is a patient and precise process, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. And when your creation takes flight for the first time, the sense of accomplishment is truly exhilarating. Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or simply curious about the world of model airplanes, the Airplane Modelling Club welcomes all with open arms. So come join them and discover the joy of flight for yourself – who knows where it might take you!
There are plenty of fun activities and places for BUas students to explore in the city, and even more opportunities to get involved on campus through
various organizations. Additionally, don’t forget to check out the university’s events and activities by visiting the student portal, clicking on “Community Organization” in the top middle, and then selecting “BUas Community.” From there, you can scroll down to find out about the latest events on campus. If you’re not sure which BUas Club is the best match for you, don’t hesitate to do the following quiz and find out. So, what are you waiting for? Get involved and make the most out of your time.
When you’ve had a very long and overwhelming day, you would like to...
1. B Put my headphones on and isolated myself from the world.
Pull an all-nighter to play my favorite games!
You are offered free tickets. Which event would you like to go to?
2. B
When someone asks about your hobbies, the first thing that pops up in your mind is....
Hitting the console cause, I’m a gamer at heart.
Playing an instrument. I eat, sleep, and breathe music.
a Cosplaying convention all the way.
3. B My favorite artist’s concert. Duh?
The activity that would bring your family together is...
4. B
You have some extra time on your hands. How would you like to spend it? a
Dressing up as my favorite character. Constantly being myself gets boring...
I love getting lost in the tunes that I play or sing.
a Playing board games. Nothing wrong with some family rivalry.
5. B Going to orchestral concerts/musicals together. We value the beauty of music.
If you mostly chose A…
Congratulations! It seems like you would be a great addition to Scorito Club, Leomund’s Tiny Club, or the Vintage Game Night Club
If the thought of meeting new people makes you anxious, then you might thrive in settings where you can cosplay. Dressing up as someone else brings you confidence, the real you might have dreamed of having. You are great at making high-risk decisions under pressure because gamers are the best at finding the fastest route to victory.
6. B
The Last of Us. I am a big fan of TV show adaptations of games.
Glee! I will forever be a theatre kid.
If you were to watch a show, you would pick: a
If you mostly chose B…
You never curb your enthusiasm. Whatever you take on, you аre set on accomplishing it and making it perfect.
You are not the one to shy away from the spotlight, and you always get along with people. Most importantly, you are not tone-deaf and can sing/play an instrument.
Bandjam Club welcomes anyone who can sing, play a note, or a chord with open arms, and YOU might just be the person they are looking for.
soMetHing nice soMeone Has done FoR Me Was listening to Me WHen i Felt sad WitHout judgMent. also, tHeY BougHt Me a donut aFteRWaRd :P.
kindness goes a long WaY. Be kind to eveRYone. ReMind YouRselF to Put YouRselF FiRst. take tiMe to Rest. You can and You Will.
HuB students, don’t Be discouRaged. We aRe listening even iF it doesn’t seeM so. continue Being aWesoMe!
, and Feeling like notHing is WoRking at is not okaY is ignoRing YouR sadness, eel and gRoW! WHen i FoRgot MY HoMeWoRk at HoMe, tHe teacHeR did notice it But said: ’tHings like tHat can HaPPen.’
it’s okaY not to Feel okaY! Be kind to YouRselF cuz iF You Won’t, WHo Will?
aFteR Reading all tHese kind WoRds WRitten
BY otHeRs, it is tiMe to WRite soMetHing kind FoR YouRselF. like one oF tHeM Mentiones
“Be kind to YouRselF cuz iF You Won’t, WHo Will?“
use tHe notes HeRe to WRite notes FoR selF. You can Put doWn anYtHing You need YouRselF to knoW oR just a Message oF adMiRation. aFteRWaRds, cut it out, Put it soMeWHeRe visaBle and enjoY tHe kind Message.
TO: You
FROM: HuB PuBlisHing
HuB Magazine
student Well Being edition
TO: ell FloWeR PansY
DATE: selF
27 seP
YelloW PansY
sYMBol oF joY, Positive eneRg and HaPPiness
For some, the most comforting words they will ever hear are “I haven’t started either” while stressed about completing their assignment on time. For others that work in groups, however, this statement will probably send them into a coma or, worse, turn them into the angry dude from Inside Out . Nonetheless, there are other ways to deal with stress instead of walking around campus, breaking a sweat, and asking people if they have started working on their tasks. And if you have been wondering if there will ever be a time in your life when you won’t be freaking out , we are here to tell you that it will probably come when you’re old and wrinkly, and even then, it is not guaranteed. The bad news is that stress is an inevitable universal experience that prompts us to address challenges and threats. The good news is that there are ways to manage it, so it doesn’t spiral out of control. To do that , we suggest that you should first be well-known with your moon sign. Your moon sign is the soul of your subconscious, the reflection of your inner world, and accounts for a significant portion of your emotional side. Astro-seek is an excellent website to learn more about your natal chart if you are into astrology but know nothing about it. Ring up your mothers to ask about your time and place of birth, and let’s hop right into how you can manage stress according to your moon sign.
Due to its impulsive, dynamic, and pioneering personality, the Aries Moon is prone to have a primal and rash reaction in times of negative emotions and tension. Being the hothead that they are, people under this fiery moon sign need to find a healthy outlet for their intense feelings. We suggest Aries Moon people engage in a high-energy workout to distance themselves from their worries. Extinguishing the flames before they burn out in the heat of their own fire will give them the space to step outside their emotions and make a rational decision.
Taurus Moon carries an innate need for security and comfort. Drawn to predictable, concrete, and well-established circumstances, people under this moon sign often feel overwhelmed by negative emotions. Hence, dealing with stress can be challenging for them. When that vital stability is lost, and the only constant in their life is the pressure that is building up, it is crucial to practice solitude. Treat yourself to a finger-licking good meal and engage in self-care.
As a Mercurial sign, Gemini Moon people have intellect-driven and curious personalities that feed on collecting, consuming, and communicating ideas, exchanging information, and habitually involving themselves in multitasking. When exposed to stress, these social butterflies may experience spiraling thoughts splattered everywhere, overcommunicating or intellectualizing their stressful emotions. Therefore, journaling would be beneficial in these situations because it allows the Gemini Moon to organize and prioritize their needs, but it forces them to self-reflect.
Ruled by the Moon, the lunar qualities of emotion, empathy, and intuition are amplified in people born with Cancer Moons. Therefore, in trying times, these highly sensitive babies soak up all the energy around them, which disturbs their peace. In the meantime, feelings of vulnerability and their inner world being exposed may arise. Cancer Moons are advised to work out their emotions around the house to reclaim their sense of security. What’s a better way to create a physical outlet than in the comfort of your own home?
On the contrary, Leo Moons are flamboyant, creative, and passionate due to the sign being ruled by the Sun. In times of stress, their ingrained sense of dignity might take a hit and manifest in negative attention-seeking behavior to soothe their vulnerable egos. In the company of loved ones who cheer them on and remind them how strong they are, people with Leo Moons can tame their inner lion and regain their typical vitality and stable sense of self.
If you are detail-oriented, need a degree of routine in your life, and acts of service is your love language, then chances are you have a Virgo Moon. It’s important to note that this sign rules over the digestive and nervous systems, so when stressful situations occur, you tend to really feel it with your whole body. Due to their organized nature, using a bullet journal would be beneficial because it will give them a sense of structure by allowing them to feel in control.
People with this moon sign are usually socially aware from a young age, making them naturally born diplomats with a fair-minded approach in their business with others. Disruption in relationship dynamics and troubles with problem-solving may easily make a Libra Moon feel overwhelmed since these drastic changes disrupt their harmony. Practicing yoga as an outlet can work wonders for their psyche because it will help them release tension and unify their mental, emotional, and physical selves.
Let’s get one thing straight. Scorpio Moons are the most emo moon signs out there . Due to their high sensitivity and the intensity of their feelings and emotions, people with Scorpio Moons might come off as cold and guarded. In trying times, these angsty emo folks may often retreat into themselves and bottle things up until the tsunami wave forming inside of them floods everything leaving it in ruins. Confiding in a comfort person or playing a movie that will leave them bawling their eyes out are essential outlets for releasing stress.
Sagittarius Moons are pioneers who are always on the go, pursuing a way to break the chains of norms and restrictions. Therefore, when stress becomes overbearing, these individuals engage in avoidant behaviors or seek to escape their problems. Because of their curiosity, we suggest trying something outside the norm. Taking on a new hobby, cooking something new, or going on a spontaneous trip would make them feel alive, engaged, and reconnected to their potential.
A pragmatist at heart with a very grounded energy and leadership qualities, Capricorn Moons feel the innate need to take action and perform to the best of their abilities. Due to their workaholic personality, stress may serve as an engine that makes these individuals power through it. However, don’t be fooled by this because the fire can burn down just as fast as it lit them. The next time turmoil and strain occur, Capricorn Moons should seek ways to re-nourish themselves. Hence, baking a cake, knitting a warm sweater for the cold weather or making origami would be the perfect activity to release tension.
Aquarius Moon people are masters in detaching themselves from emotional situations due to their ability to focus, persevere and endure. However, due to their airy nature, these individuals may have difficulty processing their negative feelings, which leads to avoiding dealing with them altogether. To counteract that, it’s advisory for Aquarius Moons to engage in activities that would implement their core values and let them express their humanitarian spirit. Volunteering at a shelter, doing community service, or just spending some time with friends would immediately make you feel rejuvenated.
Since water is the ruling element of Pisces, people born under this moon sign are highly intuitive with an extraordinary degree of perception and sensitivity to oneself, other people, and the mysterious, unseen forces shaping the world. Similar to Cancer Moons, Pisces Moons absorb, like a sponge, the energy of their surroundings, which contributes to quickly becoming overwhelmed when stressed. To heal from the turmoil, these individuals will need to take some lessons on detaching themselves from stressful situations alongside the much-needed meditation classes.
Although our moon sign is a reflection of our inner world, that doesn’t necessarily mean that these statements would 100% resonate with you. There are additional factors that play into our birth chart and what your emotional needs are. Nonetheless, you should ditch your unhealthy coping mechanisms and instead indulge in and explore activities that will leave you feeling at peace with yourself and your surroundings.
I want to stay in bed but I also want to conquer the world I want to stay in bed but I also want to conquer the world
I’m not really in the mood but I won’t let this thing get me screwed I want to be the top of the class but whatever man I just want to pass I want to achieve each and every goal but sometimes I feel like I have no control
In your 20s you’re young and your old You’re scared and you’re bold You want money you want fame But nah bro, that’s so lame
We have so many things on our mind And yet we zone out so easily behind We should fail but be careful We should try but succeed We should do what we want to But also do what we need
We should work to get money We should work on our dreams We should sit and consider What all of that really means?
We work hard but not enough We are motivated but not so much We are capable and we know But the inner drive is what brings us low.
So what’s the conclusion? What is here meant?
Is social anxiety now our friend?
Or fearing the future becoming a trend?
These are facts but worry not my dear With some piece of advice I’ll make it clear
Travel explore don’t sit on one place
Feel the wind in your hair
Live your life at your own pace
Giggle, jump and dance
Let the sun touches your face
Let your heart go wild