1 minute read
Writer: Ralitsa Nikolova
Designer: Anne van Merrienboer
soMetHing nice soMeone Has done FoR Me Was listening to Me WHen i Felt sad WitHout judgMent. also, tHeY BougHt Me a donut aFteRWaRd :P.
kindness goes a long WaY. Be kind to eveRYone. ReMind YouRselF to Put YouRselF FiRst. take tiMe to Rest. You can and You Will.

HuB students, don’t Be discouRaged. We aRe listening even iF it doesn’t seeM so. continue Being aWesoMe!
, and Feeling like notHing is WoRking at is not okaY is ignoRing YouR sadness, eel and gRoW! WHen i FoRgot MY HoMeWoRk at HoMe, tHe teacHeR did notice it But said: ’tHings like tHat can HaPPen.’ it’s okaY not to Feel okaY! Be kind to YouRselF cuz iF You Won’t, WHo Will?
HUB MAIL noW it is YouR tuRn
aFteR Reading all tHese kind WoRds WRitten BY otHeRs, it is tiMe to WRite soMetHing kind FoR YouRselF. like one oF tHeM Mentiones
“Be kind to YouRselF cuz iF You Won’t, WHo Will?“ use tHe notes HeRe to WRite notes FoR selF. You can Put doWn anYtHing You need YouRselF to knoW oR just a Message oF adMiRation. aFteRWaRds, cut it out, Put it soMeWHeRe visaBle and enjoY tHe kind Message.
TO: You
FROM: HuB PuBlisHing
HuB Magazine student Well Being edition
TO: ell FloWeR PansY
DATE: selF
NOTE: 27 seP
YelloW PansY sYMBol oF joY, Positive eneRg and HaPPiness