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HealtHY BlueBeRRY Mu

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1,75 cuPs and 1 tsP Reg WHole WHeat FlouR

1 tsP Baking PoWdeR

0,5 tsP Baking soda

0,5 tsP Fine sea salt

0,25 tsP gRound cinnaMon

0,33 cuP Melted coconut oil oR eXtRa viRgin olive oil

0,5 cuP HoneY oR MaP

2 eggs RooM teMP

1 cuP Plain gReek Yogu

2 tsP vanilla eXtRact

1 cuP BlueBeRRies, FR

1 tBsP RaW sugaR

PReHeat tHe oven to 400 degRees FaHRenHeit.

MiX tHe FlouR , Baking PoWdeR , Baking soda, salt and cinna on togetHeR WitH a coMBine tHe oil and HoneY oR MaPle sYRuP and WHisk in a add tHe eggs and Beat Well, tHen add tHe Y e Wet ing gentlY Fold tHe BlueBeRRies into tHe Batte

Bake tHe MuFFins FoR 16 t 19 Minutes, oR until t e golden on toP.

Week 2

Whenever I open the fridge to see what’s in stock (which, let’s be honest, happens a lot), I hear a voice in my head singing the TikTok famous words: “Well he looks at me. And I look at him. And he looks at me. And I look at him.” While I focus on the food that I was advised not to eat. It’s just screaming my name and I crave from time to time. However, even though I have many snack cravings during the day, my main eating moments are aligning very well with my diet. And I have to say, it’s tasty. My love for roaming through cookbooks to look for new recipes I can try out really serves as a motivation to keep up the good work.

Week 3

The past week I have only drank water, next to that one, very tempting hot chocolate, which is huge for me. I still don’t drink the minimum amount of water needed per day, but it’s already a huge step forward in my opinion. Next to that, the visit of the Easter bunny didn’t help with having fewer snacking moments, however, as for the main meals I am killing it. I believe that over the course of the next few weeks I will be able to switch to my diet 99%, I still want to be able to enjoy a night out and the weekly tastings of our class’s cheesecake bake-off, so I am more than fine with that 1% being left forever.

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