6 minute read
Datuk Assoc. Prof. Dr. Haji Abdul Kadir Rosline
When he was being interviewed for the post of a lecturer, what he shared with the panel earned him the job. His passion for giving back to UiTM from what he gained when he was a student, to how it shaped him as a person, gave them the confidence that he was the right candidate for the job. To top off this experience, when he returned home to Keningau for the Aidil Fitri celebrations, his supportive mother was proud to see his success. Even with differing views of a career path, Kadir’s father respected his determination to succeed in a field he’s always pursued.
Abdul Kadir is a humble Sabahan who hails from Keningau. His parents are both from Ranau but they moved to Keningau and settled in Kampung Bayangan, Keningau which is where he was born and raised. Kadir shared with us his kampung winning prestigious national awards Anugerah Desa Cemerlang (ADC) Peringkat Kebangsaan 2004 and Anugerah Desa Gemilang (ADG) Peringkat Kebangsaan 2008 awarded by the then YAB Prime Minister himself.
While in primary school in Keningau, most kids in primary 4 wanted to grow up to get a glamorous dream job or career, Kadir however, told his teacher that he wanted to be a teacher like her. She was touched by the sentiment as Kadir was her first student who wanted to be a teacher. Apparently, this is not unusual for Keningau locals as many families hold education to be very important and most families have members who are interested in the field of public education or becoming a religious teacher.
He managed to show his excellent performance in education involving religious classes and in his regular school classes. However, he somehow became more complacent and consequently distracted from his educational pursuit. As a result, he dropped out of his lower six education and went back to Keningau to work in odd jobs, to Sabah Finance and finally to UiTM which was known as YS-ITM then as a student. This was where he realised the worldly challenges of life meeting people who had diverse backgrounds from other parts of the country and lecturers from foreign countries. He focused to improve himself and overcome his weaknesses by learning from his lecturers as well as his peers.
After completing his education in YS-ITM, he found a job in Keningau as a part time teacher but before he even got a chance to start teaching he got called back to YS-ITM to be an administrative assistant and they say the rest is history. A history that blossomed from administration to lecturer to manager that led him finally to the post of Rector for UiTM Sabah.
Despite his humble beginnings, he believes that he is still the same person he was from before. He believes in striving to do his best on a daily basis. He believes that UiTM has a massive role to play for the country, particularly in helping the youth realise their potential and giving them a place to explore their options to reach their goals and dreams. This is especially for those from the rural areas of Sabah. He is a firm believer that UiTM Sabah can still grow in terms of its size and curriculum as there will always be a segment of the population in Sabah that can benefit from what UiTM has to offer.
His passion for being an educator continues from when he started as a junior lecturer until today as a senior lecturer and UiTM Sabah’s Rector. He loves spending time with the students during retreat programs sharing with them the options they have for their studies and future destinies. He continues to find ways to help the students and the faculty & staff through the many creative ideas and plans that he has achieved and is still working towards this. We have to keep a keen eye on UiTM to see the many new things that will be happening.
Kadir shared with us that he always tries to stay true to his philosophy of life. “Being crystal clear of what you want to achieve in the future and to persevere until you achieve it”. He shares that with everyone so that one day when he leaves UiTM, the next generation will be able to carry on with a noble vision of the university. The institution still has a long way to go to be the best it can be. It is indeed respectful to see that their collaborations with other institutions are worldwide and they are truly on their way to realise their vision of becoming a globally renowned university by 2025 (GRU2025).
Finally, we want to take this time to wish Abdul Kadir a happy birthday as 30th January is his birthday. “Happy Birthday Datuk” and we wish you continued success for UiTM for many more years to come.
by Mohammad Iskandar Image | Ivan Valeris
new year, new resolution and new goals
As we enter the new year, a lot of us will be coming up with our annual resolutions and goals. Why not let this be the year you finally put in the effort to start exercising! Whether the goal is to look your best or for general health, this is definitely something everyone should be looking into if you have not committed to exercising as part of your lifestyle yet.
When it comes to fitness, there are a few things that a beginner can do in order to get started and make the most of their time. Starting out, it’s important to prioritise cardiovascular fitness. Doing cardio is one of the simplest ways to get into exercising as you only really need yourself to get started! Start by increasing your daily step count, then get confident enough to go for slow jogs at your local neighbourhood or park. Cardio helps prevent cardiovascular diseases by strengthening the heart, it also helps burn off calories from the occasional snacking we all do.
Secondly, strength training is important. Strength training will help you build muscle and strengthen your joints. Having more muscle also increases your metabolism, allowing you to have a larger caloric quota! Strength training can also have a great carryover to many scenarios in life that requires more physicality. If you’ve always been afraid to sign up for a gym, you can always start with bodyweight workouts at the comfort of your own home! Remember that if you are starting from zero, anything will be better than nothing.
Finally, be sensible with your expectations. Don’t try to do too much too quickly. Start by doing what feels comfortable and gradually increase your intensity and volume over time, this process is called Progressive Overload. You wouldn’t wanna go all out and burn out in a few months. Exercise and fitness should be part of your life for as long as possible!
Reach us on our Instagram if you think we can help you with anything at all. Personal Training, Group Classes and Nutrition Coaching available in Hustle Fitness!
by Joshua Tsen Image | Unsplash
Gaining knowledge and learning something new is a continuous life process. It doesn’t stop once you’ve finished school or college. Taking on new skills for work, accidentally reading new information, getting lessons from the people around you is all part of the process. It might seem trivial or something we don’t even notice, but it’s an important part of life. Why? Well, here are the answers to that question.
Broadens our minds and knowledge
The most obvious reason to learn is also the most important. It helps us look at things in new perspectives that we didn’t expect to see. Broadening our minds also helps us become more aware of how the things around us work. We’ll either scratch the surface of something that’s completely new to us or have a deeper well of knowledge to dive into when needed, one thing’s for sure, it’ll always be helpful one way or another.
Improves our work prospects
Depending on what field you’re in, it makes sense that continuous learning helps improve your position in the workplace or get that job offer you’ve always wanted. Considering what you should learn and tailoring your skills based on your dream job will make a huge difference in how your employers will look at your work performance.
Makes social engagements better
This isn’t a point to brag about our knowledge on certain topics but to make it easier for us to fit into a conversation. When we’re generally knowledgeable about the issues and things around us, people tend to feel more comfortable speaking to us since we’re at least familiar with the topic. However, don’t ever feel like you’re looked down on if you’re not familiar with a topic, it’s still a chance to learn something new.
Helps us adapt
Be it in work, social settings, or wherever, some setbacks are bound to happen. Not only can these setbacks teach us something new, but they can also help us adapt to future setbacks that may come our way. We might know how to solve said issues immediately through our past experience, or simply adapt and react.
If you ever think you’d stop learning or should stop learning, then you should change that mindset. Learning is an important part of life. We learn something new everyday, whether we realise it or not.