Cape Coral Weekend Breeze

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CC Breeze 1/13/23

Hospitalizations hit historic high

‘Staggering’ number of patients has officials urging alternatives to ER for non-emergencies

Local health officials on Wednesday detailed why hospital beds have become scarcer in recent weeks as an unprecedented number of patients are being treated

During a press conference at Gulf Coast Medical Center, Lee Health Chief Medical Officer Dr Iahn Gonsenhauser said hospitals are at “nearly 100% capacity ” Gonsenhauser said contributing factors include the usual rise in patients this time of year due to a seasonal influx of residents, a slew of viruses, and an increase of COVID-19 hospitalizations over the past

few months

“Thankfully the most recent spike (in COVID-19) has been trending down but the overall increase along with seasonal visitors, has brought additional challenges for us that have placed a strain on our hosp i t a l c a p a c i t i e s a n d o u r h e a l t h c a r e resources ” Gonsenhauser said

Health officials noted that of the roughly 1 700 beds currently in use only 80 are for COVID-19 hospitalizations Prior to the pandemic Lee Health had never had 1,500 patients being treated at one time At the height of the pandemic, that number climbed to 1,674 Last week, Lee Health was treating 1 750 patients

We are seeing an incredible volume of patients ” said Lee Health Chief Officer of Hospital Operations Armando Llechu (Some) because they were delayed access to care while the pandemic was taking place This year, upper-respiratory issues flew, viruses (have seen) high numbers We are experiencing a much greater surge of patients this year as we did last year We re managing it better We learned a lot of lessons But the numbers are staggering On Tuesday he said Lee Health emergency departments saw more than 1 040

Schools eye library content access limits

Parents could decide what books child could check out

com Parents would be able to control their child s access to school library materials under a media center access plan under consideration by the School District of Lee County

Parents would be able to fill out a form that would determine what t h e i r c h i l d c o u l d c h e c k o u t , according to a policy draft discussed this week

Rotary street fair returns to Cape Coral Parkway

Parkway this weekend

The Cape Coral Art Festival & Market Place put on each year by the Rotary Club of Cape Coral is set for Jan 14 and 15 from 10 a m to 5 p m each day The event, now in its 38th year, is free to attend

A section of downtown Cape Coral will be transformed into vendor city and an arts paradise for two days as the possibility of selection for every eye is endless Hundreds of exhibitors with the creative touch will be showing off their style and chatting with attendees about their process and the meaning behind their works, which are, of course, for sale

T h e F o r t M y e r s R e c r e a t i o n V e h i c l e S h o w w i l l m o t o r b a c k t o t h e L e e C i v i c C e n t e r f o r i t s 3 7 t h a n n u a l s h o w f r o m T h u r s d a y t h r o u g h S u n d a y J a n 2 6 - 2 9 T h i s y e a r s s h o w w i l l p r o v i d e a t t e n d e e s a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o s e e t h e l a te s t a n d b e s t c a m p i n g p r o du c t s a v a i l a b l e t o R V e r s a n d l o v e r s o f t h e g r e a t o u td o o r s o f f e r e d b y a s l e w o f l o c a l R V d e a l e r s a n d v e nd o r s

When organizers say you can find anything and everything at the festival they mean it Vendor booths will line the South Cape for more than a halfmile, and on most occasions, more than 120,000 turned out to view the vast array of selections Festival Chair Bob Welsh said “This year, I see it as a great event It has been going on for 38 years and was only cancelled because of COVID-19 in 2021 In this year s festival we are taking a step as a community towards getting back to normal since Hurricane Ian We also have several local artists selling this year who had shops and studios devastated by the hurricane They are attending the festival this year to sell their art and get back on their feet financially

The Cape Coral Art Festival is a great opportunity for the community to see first-hand fine art produced by 250 artists from all over the country Two artists from California are attending as are artists from Arizona Georgia Ohio Maryland New York New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia and throughout the state of

T e a c h i n g a n d L e a r n i n g Director Lori Houchin said one of the things the district wanted to ensure is that parents had more voice in the types of materials their children are checking out District staff are proposing that one of the beginning-of-the-year forms be a media center access form

“The parent can select that their child has full access with no limi-

Cape man, 72, accused of trying to rob bank

Traffic signals planned for north Del Prado intersection


get a consensus on what Council wanted to do at an intersection that has seen its share of serious accidents over the years Mark Mason, finance director, said an ordinance was passed in 2 0 0 5 t o e s t a b l i s h t h e p l a n n e d development known as Entrada The ordinance was amended in

2016 stating that when a traffic signal at De Navarra and Del Prado was warranted, Entrada and the c o m m e r c i a l c e n t e r a t E n t r a d a would construct it The city would not participate in the funding That time has come and the Entrada Community Association has an approved design for the signal and a contractor to build it

They just don’t have all the

funding due to holdouts on payments, asking the city to front them the money while the pursue collections

They have asked the city to advance up to $120,279 85 to the Entrada Community Association The planned development proposal would need to be amended by ordinance and the city and the association would need to hammer out the terms for reimbursement, which would require the money be paid back within two years and posting a bond

In the meantime there is a plan to divert traffic in that area a

Vol 62, No 4 Weekend Edition, January 13, 2023 $1 00 Post CommEnts at CaPECoralbrEEzE.Com CAPE CORAL BREEZE Cape Coral s Community Newspaper Since 1961 Classified Marketplace • Auctions & Bazaars • Garage Sales Real Estate • Marine • General • Notices • Automotive Employment • Business & Service Directory Page 9B Deadline approaching High school seniors urged to get their applications in for the Cape Coral Mayor’s Scholarship program Page 15A RV
SHOW Looking to live the recreational vehicle lifestyle?
Page 2B
Popular weekly sports feature continues: The Cape Coral Breeze presents Athlete of the Week
Lee Health officials said that of the roughly 1,700 beds currently in use, only 80 are for COVID-19 hospitalizations Prior to the pandemic, Lee Health had never had 1 500 patients being treated at one time In the height of the pandemic, that number climbed to 1,674 Last week Lee Health was treating 1 750 patients
Upset after a hold was placed on a d e p o s i t , a 7 2 - y e a r - o l d C a p e Coral man is a c c u s e d o f a t t e m p t i n g t o r o b a b a n k with a firearm and then leadi n g m u l t i p l e l a w e n f o r c ement
a t t e m p t e d t o r o b t h e B a n k o f America
a chase that ended on I-75 Wednesday Patrick Lee Schroeder has been charged with robbery with a firearm aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, eluding police and resisting without violence after he
on Skyline Boulevard in
Coral the Cape Coral Police
Patrick Lee Schroeder
Business 2B Death Notices 8B Editorial 4A Garden Club 1B Homing In 4B Letters to Editor 4A Puzzles 6B Real Estate 4-5B Real Estate Law 4B S p o r t s 1 4 A Web Poll 4A Weekly Recap 6B
ne of the largest events in Southwest Florida returns to Cape Coral
Florida The marketplace area contains booths offering unique items plus art produced by Caribbean crafters unique toys dresses made in third world countries and local area businesses See ROTARY, page 11A IF YOU GO: What: Cape Coral Art Festival & Market Place Where: Cape Coral Parkway When: Jan 14 and 15, from 10 a m to 5 p m each day More Information: For more information and to view the virtual marketplace, visit www capecoralfestival com See HOSPITALIZATIONS, 11A CCPD: Then led police pursuit
com I n c r e a s e d t r a f f i c , a n d t r a f f i c crashes have prompted the city to look at a pair of north Cape intersections O n W e d n e s d a y C a p e C o r a l City Council heard from city staff about a plan to install two traffic lights on Del Prado at the intersections of Averill Boulevard and m o r e s p e c i f i c a l l y D e N a v a r r a Parkway
North Fort Myers Council
the need
the lights as well as reducing the speed limit on Del Prado
50 mph
also heard from numerous
manager Rob Hernandez added this topic to the agenda to
See SIGNALS, page 2A * T ’ Ad Inserts selected Zip Codes
Cape Coral City Council heard from city staff about a plan to install two traffic lights on Del Prado at the intersections of Averill Boulevard and, more specifically, De Navarra Parkway near North Fort Myers

Cape Coral to hire new city attorney in advance of retirements

i sc u s s e d W e d n e s d a y h o w a n d w h e n t o f i l l t h e p e n d i n g v a c a n c y

A t i s s u e w a s w h e t h e r t h e c i t y s h o u l d s t a r t t h e p r o c e s s o r w a i t a l i t t l e c l o s e r t o h e r l e a v i n g s o a s m i t ig a t e t h e c o s t o f a d d i n g a t h i r d a t t o r n e y i n t h e i n t e r i m C o u n c i l v o t e d 5 - 3 t o h i r e s o o n e r e v e n i f i t m e a n s t h a t n e w c i t y a t t o r n e y w i l l w o r k i n t h e o f f i c e w i t h M e n e n d e z f o r a y e a r o r m o r e

T h e a d v a n t a g e w o u l d b e a b e t t e r t r a n s f e r o f i n s t i t ut i o n a l k n o w l e d g e a n d p r o v i d e a s u c c e s s i o n r o u t e t o t h e t o p p o s t , p r o p o n e n t s s a i d M a y o r J o h n G u n t e r s a i d h e w a n t e d t h e r e t o b e a s u cc e s s i o n p l a n s o t h e p e r s o n w h o b e c o m e s n e x t c i t y a t t o rn e y c a n l e a r n h o w t h e c i t y w o r k s f r o m M e n e n d e z f o r a f e w m o n t h s M e n e n d e z h a s b e e n c i t y a t t o r n e y s i n c e 2 0 0 1 a n d s e r v e d a s a s s i s t a n t c i t y a t t o r n e y f o r 1 0 y e a r s b e f o r e t h a t H o w e v e r t h e o v e r l a p a s d i s c u s s e d d i d n o t s i t w e l l w i t h o t h e r c o u n c i l m e m b e r s S i n c e M e n e n d e z i s n t r e t i r i n g f o r a n o t h e r 2 1 m o n t h s , i t m a d e n o s e n s e t o h i r e a n d p a y h e r r e p l a c e m e n t s o s o o n T h o s e d i s s e n t i n g p r e f e r r e d h i r i n g a d e p u t y c i t y a t t o rn e y s i n c e a s s i s t a n t c i t y a t t o r n e y B r i a n B a r t o s w h o c a m e i n 1 9 9 9 , i s a l s o p l a n n i n g t o r e t i r e s o o n , t h e n s t a r t t h e p r o c e s s o f f i n d i n g a c i t y a t t o r n e y n e x t y e a r , w i t h t h a t n e w a t t o r n e y i n t h e m i x “ S t a r t i n g t h e p r o c e s s 1 4 m o n t h s a h e a d o f t i m e i s

a l m o s t u n p r e c e d e n t e d e v e n w h e n c o l l e g e s a r e h i r i n g a n e w p r e s i d e n t a n d b r i n g s o m e o n e o n a s a n u n d e r s t u d y f o r t h a t l o n g , C o u n c i l m e m b e r T o m H a y d e n s a i d H a y d e n s a i d t h a t t h e c i t y w o u l d b e a t t h e m e r c y o f t h e c a n d i d a t e s w h o a r e o u t t h e r e i f t h e y p u l l t h e t r i g g e r t o o s o o n t h o u g h h e d i d s e e s o m e l o g i c i n b r i n g i n g i n a N o 2 a n d g i v i n g t h a t p e r s o n t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o a p p l y f o r t h e t o p p o s i t i o n C o u n c i l a l s o h a s t o d e c i d e w h a t t h e r e p o r t s t r u c t u r e w o u l d b e f o r t h e n e x t c i t y a t t o r n e y w o u l d t h a t p e rs o n r e p o r t t o t h e c i t y m a n a g e r c i t y c o u n c i l o r t h e c i t y a t t o r n e y d u r i n g t h e o v e r l a p ?

H a y d e n a n d c o u n c i l m e m b e r s J e s s i c a C o s d e n a n d W i l l i a m S t e i n k e v o t e d a g a i n s t

G u n t e r t h o u g h s a i d i t w i l l t a k e a v e r y l o n g t i m e t o f i n d a c i t y a t t o r n e y w h i c h w a s a r a t i o n a l e b e h i n d h i s d e c i s i o n L i k e l y c a n d i d a t e s w o u l d b e e i t h e r a s s i s t a n t c i t y a t t o r n e y s f r o m l a r g e r c i t i e s o r c i t y a t t o r n e y s f r o m a s m a l l e r c i t y w i t h a t r a c k r e c o r d I t s a t o u g h s i t u a t i o n W e l l b e l o s i n g t w o t o p p e op l e i n t h e s a m e y e a r W e ’ r e i n u n c h a r t e d w a t e r s h e r e s o y o u ’ r e g o i n g t o h a v e a l o t o f p l a n s ” H a y d e n s a i d “ I d i s a g r e e w i t h t h e m a y o r o n t h i s o n e ”

I n a s e c o n d a c t i o n , C o u n c i l v o t e d 7 - 1 t o e l i m i n a t e a l e g a l a s s i s t a n t p o s i t i o n a n d h i r e a n a d d i t i o n a l a s s i s t a n t c i t y a t t o r n e y , n o t c r e a t e a d e p u t y c i t y a t t o r n e y p o s i t i o n

Signals: Traffic numbers, speed, crashes cited

From page 1A

process that could start within the next week Public Works Director Mike Ilczyszyn said The city would implement a split left diversion, mean-

ing no left turns from De Navarra to Del Prado North and no throughway across Del Prado North on De Navarra, which would remain in place until the signal is operational

Several residents expressed support for the light as well as one on Averill during citizens input

They cited the high speeds on Del Prado increased development throughout the North Cape and the nearby Island Coast High School, where many inexperienced drivers are as the reasons

“There are 1 700 students and 80 staff members coming out of Island Coast every day These kids don’t drive as well as we do, said Debbie Wheeler, a 45-year resident of Cape Coral and a 30-year teacher We re going to end up killing one of them As a teacher, I don t want to do that ”

Councilmember Robert Welsh said he was glad they were moving this up to do it sooner rather than later

I m glad we ve come up with a solution to stop that cross traffic between the two streets It s probably one of the reasons for the accidents, Welsh said Council indicated it has an appetite to expedite the installation of the light giving residents hope

“We think it’s positive but we’ve heard positive things before and I hope they keep their promises and they keep pushing to get these lights in, said resident Sara Kyle We re several years overdue at this point

B y C H U C K B A L L A R O n e w s @ b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s c o m W i t h a p a i r o f r e t i r e m e n t s p e n d i n g , C a p e C o r a l C i t y C o u n c i l h a s d e c i d e d t o f i l l i n a h e a d o f o n e o f t h e u p c o m i n g v a c a n c i e s a n d b e g i n i t s s e a r c h f o r a n e w c i t y a t t o r n e y n o w C a p e C o r a l C i t y A t t o r n e y D o l o r e s M e n e n d e z p l a n s t o r e t i r e i n S e p t e m b e r o f n e x t y e a r a n d C o u n c i l d
Page 2A Januar y 13 2023 w w w capecoral breeze com CAPE CORAL BREE ZE
“Starting the process 14 months ahead of time is almost unprecedented even when colleges are hiring a new president and bring someone on as an understudy for that long
Councilmember Tom Hayden,
who voted in the dissenting minority along with council members Jessica
Cosden and William Steinke
Page 3A CAPE CORAL BREE ZE w w w capecoral breeze com Januar y 13 2023

Road to recovery: Traditional events return

At the top of many Southwest Floridians’ wish lists this year is likely one common crave: normalcy

For Lee County’s hardest-hit communities and neighborhoods that s still a ways off as repairs rebuilds and reopenings continue

But there is a glimmer and then some as some things we love and cherish some things that make the Cape such a great place to live return and so quickly

Just over three months after Hurricane Ian devastated Cape Coral s riverfront neighborhoods along our Gold Coast and severely damaged many Cape homes, businesses and buildings, the first major event of the new year will take place as scheduled and in its longtime location to boot

The Rotary Club of Cape Coral will proudly jumpstart the Cape’s yearly major events schedule with its popular Cape Coral Art Festival & Market Place street fair, set for Saturday and Sunday along Cape Coral Parkway

One of the Cape s largest fests, the annual art showcase recognized nationally draws an estimated 120 000-plus visitors to the city’s traditional downtown the South Cape A major fundraiser for Rotary the festival will run from 10 a m – 5 p m each day, featuring some 250 artists and artisans from all over the U S

As always, admission and parking are free for festival attendees with an added virtual option for those who prefer to take part from home by visiting capecoralfestival com We thank Rotary and the innumerable volunteers who make this event possible Through its 38 years, the festival has grown to become one of the Cape s biggest and best and one of our personal favorites

Next week brings the city of Cape Coral’s annual Tour the Cape Tour de Cape will soft open next Friday night, Jan 20, with a pre-event packet pickup celebration from 4-7 p m at Rotary Park; step off next Saturday with a 5K run/walk and a 3-mile Family Ride then continue next Sunday with the main attraction the 15- 30- 60- and 100-mile Tour de Cape Bike Rides which will start at Rotary and run through specified tour routes

The event, now in its 32nd year, is a city tradition that draws cyclists from across the state and beyond Check-in for the Jan 21 5K will begin at 6:30 a m with the run starting at 8 a m ; the Family Ride will begin at 10:30 a m The Jan 22 Tour de Cape bike rides will begin at 8 a m or 8:15 a m , depending on the route selected

Given that the city and municipal employees have worked long, tiring hours to clean up Ian s mess (removing thus far 8 788 truckloads enough to fill 67 football fields three feet deep ) and repairing and replacing crucial infrastructure the fact that the city can put this event on as scheduled is miraculous

Thank you

There’s more, lots more

The William Austen Youth Center will host its ninth annual Classic Car Show on Saturday Jan 21 from 9 a m - 2 p m at 315 S W 2nd Ave The event is free for spectators The car entry fee is $25 with proceeds benefitting the William Austen Youth Center Scholarship Program There are six entry classes for vehicles from 1900 to 1987 For more information call the Youth Center at 239-2423950

The Cape Coral Construction Industry Association Showcase of Homes is set for the weekends of Jan 20-22, Jan 27-29 and Feb 3-5, Fridays and Saturdays from 10 a m to 5 p m and Sundays from noon to 5 p m

Fifteen builders will take part in the premiere showcase that “puts top home design on display ”

Visit cccia org for a look at the showcase book and more information

Lastly, the 17th annual Best South Cape Martini Competition organized by the South Cape Hospitality and Entertainment Associations will be held from 7 to 11 p m on Saturday Jan 28 at various venues in the South Cape entertainment district Participants will travel via trolleys, stop at participating establishments, try custom martini samples and specialty appetizers and then vote for their favorite drink and appetizer

Tickets are $30 in advance and $35 on the day of the event if tickets are still available to what usually is a sellout They are available on Eventbrite

Back to normal? No not yet Normalcy?

New property insurance law leaves little recourse for consumers

Gov Ron DeSantis signed legislation Dec 16 that he stated is designed to stabilize Florida’s property insurance market increase competition and strengthen consumer protections, with a goal of reducing the cost of property insurance for consumers

While there is no doubt that the property insurance industry needs help my experience indicates this law will primarily hurt not benefit consumers like you and me

The new law is not all bad It removes Assignment of Benefits, which are agreements that transfer the insurance claims rights or benefits of the policy to a third party Assigning benefits to restoration companies is one of the biggest cost escalators to insurance companies because it gives contractors an unnatural incentive to inflate estimates and scope of repairs When insurers balk at the inflated claims the assignees are often quick to sue Frivolous lawsuits for insurance claims that are driving up the cost of insurance are primarily the result of Assignment of Benefits

While removal of the Assignment of Benefits is a positive change another provision of the new law will make it extremely difficult for consumers to get insurance companies to pay legal fees when lawsuits are necessary to fairly cover consumer losses The law effectively means policyholders must pay all their attorney fees, even if the insurance company wrongfully denies underpays or delays their claims

The new insurance law negates Florida’s one-way attorney fees statute which required insurers to pay the plaintiffs’ legal fees if the carrier loses in court The law had been in effect, in one form or another, since 1893

The ability to hold insurance companies responsible for paying claims is necessary because insurance companies many of which are already in financial trouble will make lowball offers or deny coverage on many occasions hoping a desperate homeowner or business will jump at the offer Records from the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation show that insurance companies denied roughly 30% of the nearly 1 million claims filed after Hurricane Irma in 2017 In other cases insurance companies may try to claim they

do not have to cover anything if damage was caused by both flooding and wind In 45 states including Florida insurance policies have a clause allowing insurers to deny claims if two catastrophic events occurred simultaneously and one of those events was not covered, like wind or flooding

These disputes can result from concurrent causation the legal term for when damage is the result of two or more causes, but one (or more) causes are not covered by the policy For example, if you have wind and flooding damage but do not have flood insurance Certain provisions state that insurance coverage is only applicable when the predominate or superior peril causing the damage is covered by the policy Thus, the homeowner would have to show that the damage sustained was caused more by wind than flooding Insurance adjusters may also try to indicate that some damage was due to normal wear and tear not the storm

The law approved in December effectively gives insurance companies, with resources and engineering experts available to deny or low-ball claims the advantage over homeowners who face high deductibles and post-storm expenses and may not have the financial resources to dispute insurance denials on their own The practical impact is that it invites a Florida insurer to deny, delay and underpay on a systemic basis

While the state s property insurance crisis did not happen overnight it’s interesting that the law touted as being necessary to help lower insurance premiums went through the approval process in just six days with public comment limited to only one minute

Damage from Hurricane Ian is so extensive and insurance losses so great, the chances of premiums being reduced any time soon is not likely

Insurance companies were not prepared for the kind of damage a storm like Hurricane Ian could do to the state However, that is not a fact that should hurt consumer s ability to be able to ensure a fair insurance claim

Richard L Purtz is a former insurance adjustor and attorney at Goldstein Buckley Cechman Rice and Purtz

DeSantis: America’s Everglades governor

Since taking office, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has made a name for himself as America’s Everglades Governor

During his first inaugural address in 2019 Governor DeSantis said “It now falls to me to build upon the foundation that has been laid, navigate the challenges economic, environmental, constitutional that lie ahead and steer Florida to a stronger cleaner and safer future ” He has done just that

In that same address, he said, For Florida, the quality of our water and environmental surroundings are foundational to our prosperity as a state it doesn’t just drive tourism; it affects property values anchors many local economies and is central to our quality of life The water is part and parcel of Florida s DNA Protecting it is the smart thing to do; it’s also the right thing to do ”

Two days later, Gov DeSantis signed an executive order that would take immediate action to protect our environment and one of our most critical natural resources that also sustains our thriving economy our water

The order laid out numerous environmental policies and directives and pledged to: 1) secure $2 5 billion over four years for Everglades restoration and protection of water resources; 2) expedite critical Everglades restoration projects including the Everglades Agricultural Area Reservoir; 3) establish a Blue-Green Algae Task Force, charged with expediting progress toward reducing the adverse impacts of blue-green algae blooms; 4) appoint a Chief Science Officer; and 5) establish an Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection

He accomplished all of this and more This


Dangerous intersection must be closed

To the editor:

The intersection of Burnt Store Road and Tropicana has become a dangerous intersection and needs to be closed to cross traffic

Between Jan 1 and today Jan 10 there have been five accidents one involving 10 vehicles I was a court recognized traffic expert for 20 years and it’s my opinion FROM OBSERVATION, that this intersection should be shut down immediately Use the installed U system north and south of Tropicana to allow access to Tropicana

My No 1 violation observation is the “run through” of stop signs east and west bound on Tropicana crossing Burnt Store Road An alarming number of double run throughs have been observed, where the vehicle traveling on Tropicana runs BOTH stop sign sets Also the dual lane set up for Tropicana between Burnt Store does NOT allow for full line of site visibility of oncoming traffic at lane capacity IE Vehicles sitting side by side Brian

Scant benefit, no logic to Cape Coral’s over-reaching watering regulations

To the editor:

Giving careful consideration to the recent decision to issue guidelines to local homeowners as to when they are allowed to water their lawns, I find such action a complete and unnecessary overreach of civil authority one that places an undue hardship to home and property owners for reason that are unclear

In short the city is trying to solve a problem that does not exist and, in attempting to regulate and monitor human behavior because of so-called regulatory mandates, homeowners are forced by law and through code enforcement mechanism which puts every single homeowner in legal crosshairs for non-compliance violations that result in hefty fines and in extreme cases, property liens which could cause enormous financial hardship

Thus, we are left without a right to protest such government overreach which is why I submit this protest to you today

Has the city even considered the undue hardship it imposes on free citizens of our city?

Do city policy advisors give any consideration to the fact that people, if left to their own devices, might just have the individual good judgement on how and when to water their grass and plants?

Is it really necessary for city officials to come up with a schedule grid that forces homeowner to set up a schedule (in some cases requiring the hiring of a lawn technician, to make sure our sprinklers are properly set and city-approved)?

And who devised such arbitrary rules such as aligning home address numbers to specific days of the week even adding specific hours on those days when lawn watering is prohibited for reasons that are vague? Is there some science behind all of this structuring that shows any natural benefit?

For what reason does the city believe it has the legal authority to force human beings to accommodate regulatory mandates of something as simple as watering plants and grass? Is there a crisis at hand? Is there the possibility of drought?

There is no water shortage in Southwest Florida Annual rainfall averages over 55 inches a year according to the


National Weather Service making Cape Coral one of the wettest cities of the United States

Contrast this to other metropolitan areas, such as Los Angeles with a population of over 8 million people which receives just 12 inches of rainfall per year and is served by the depleting Colorado River

Austin, Texas receives 35 inches of rain per year, and it has a population four times as large as Cape Coral

In addition to our hefty rainfall, our area is also served by a lake with a surface area as large as Lee County

Taking these facts into consideration why then are we forced to regulate our behavior on when we water and how much we want to water to keep our lawns green and lush? Is the city of Cape Coral worried about water thievery?

Fundamental to our basic civil liberties, U S citizens have a constitutional right to be left alone to secure and inhabit private property as we see fit as law abiding citizens or according to community standards endorsed by the citizens of that community

I assert the city of Cape Coral is wasting its resources in developing and enforcing a complicated schedule grid that ultimately forces people to comply or face legal action when there is no clearly need for such regulation

It is a complete waste of taxpayer money (over $500 000 annually) to fund this idiotic program which involves the hiring of code enforcement officers, office support staff, vehicles, vehicle insurance and repair clerks who process information and keep records on homeowners all of this so that people don’t water their lawns too much!

What cost benefit is being secured by lawn code enforcement?

Better that our city government and its elected officials prioritize its management to supporting law enforcement efforts to curb real criminal activity making sure our public service agencies have the full resources they need keep the people safe and secure from fires, flooding, criminal activity, and ensuring our children have safe and clean neighborhoods in which to thrive Lawn sprinklers are not the problem

Cape Coral is the American dream for hundreds of thousands of people Let’s limit government meddling as much as possible especially with something as ridiculously simple as lawn maintenance poses no real threat to our community

More effort needed to save panthers

To the editor:

The killing of Florida panthers on the highways is a travesty for their numbers in Florida Twenty-four panthers a year, on average, are killed on Florida roads year after year This says nothing for our law enforcement officers that should be protecting them It shows that we need more law enforcement on the roads that panthers frequently use

How do we get more troopers and deputies on our roads t o s t o p t h i s p a n t h e r c a r n a g e ? T h e C o n s e r v a n c y o f

Southwest Florida and other environmental groups need to pitch in and give the Florida Highway Patrol and county sheriff’s offices grants of several thousand dollars to patrol panther habitat roads on their free and patrol time with a goal to cut the death toll of panthers on our roads in half each year Right now we have about 125 panthers in Florida If we kill 25 panthers a year on our roads and have about 25 kittens born a year we are just maintaining that

Member Florida Press Association OPINIONS
Editor 2510 Del Prado Blvd • Cape Coral, FL, 33904 Phone 239-574-1110 – Fax 239-574-5693 Page 4A , Janu ar y 13, 2023 CAPE CORAL BREE ZE Agree? Disagree? Weigh in! Letters, guest opinions, comments welcome The v i e w s e x pre s s e d o n the Opi ni o ns pag e s are jus t that o pi ni o ns The s e pag e s are i nte nde d to c o nv e y a rang e o f v i e w po i nts ; o pi ni o ns pri nte d o n thi s pag e do no t ne c e s s ari l y re f l e c t the v i e w s o f thi s ne w s pape r Oppo s i ng v i e w s are w e l c o me Le tte rs to the Edi to r o r g ue s t c o l umns may be mai l e d to : e - mai l e d to v harri ng @ bre e z e ne w s pape rs c o m A l l l e tte rs and g ue s t o pi ni o ns mus t be s i g ne d and mus t i nc l ude a pho ne numbe r f o r v e ri f i c ati o n purpo s e s Re ade rs are al s o i nv i te d to c o mme nt o n any l e tte r o r e di to ri al o pi ni o n o nl i ne at: c ape c o ral bre e z e c o m
HARRING, Executive Editor
We’re getting there Thank you to those who are making it possible Breeze editorial This week’s poll question: Should the city of Cape Coral impose new restrictions on food trucks? ∫ Y e s M o b i l e m e a n s m o b i l e ∫ M a y b e B u t n o w w o u l d b e t h e w r o n g t i m e ∫ N o A s p r o p o s e d , r e q u i r i n g v e n d o r s t o m o v e t r u c k s n i g h t l y w o u l d f o r c e s o m e e x i s t i n g o p e r a t o r s o u t o f b u s i n e s s a n d m a k e i t h a r d t o a t t r a c t n e w o n e s Previous poll question What did you think of Gov DeSantis’ inaugural address? ∫ I n s p i r i n g 2 6 6 % ∫ G o o d s p e e c h 1 3 % ∫ W h a t I e x p e c t e d p r e t t y p o l i t i c a l 2 5 5 % ∫ I t d i d n o t h i n g f o r m e 2 5 5 % ∫ H o r r i b l e a n d o f f e n s i v e 2 2 % Poll results are not scientific and represent only the opinions of Internet users who have chosen to participate Vote at capecoralbreeze com
Freeman Cape Coral Jim Watkins Cape Coral
See LETTERS, page 7A
Anna Upton Guest Commentary See
Page 5A CAPE CORAL BREE ZE w w w capecoral breeze com Januar y 13, 2023

FEMA deadlines fast approaching

Dis asterAssistance gov or d o

o a d

F E M A mobile app Those who apply should make sure their most current contact information is on file as a home inspection, or additional information may be needed

FEMA provides continued temporary housi n g a s s i s t a n c e u n d e r FEMA s Individuals and Households Program, which pays temporary rent, including security deposit at a place other than the individual's damaged home There is also rental assistance which can be used to rent a house apartment manufactured home recreational vehicle or another readily fabricated dwelling This assistance also includes electricity and water The rental

amount is based on fair market rates determined by the U S Department of Housing and Urban Development

Those who may qualify for continued temporary housing assistance include being awarded initial rental assistance and used as it was intended; are unable to return to the pre-disaster residence because it is uninhabitable inaccessible or not available; demonstrate a disaster caused financial need; not receiving temporary housing assistance for any other source and show the development of a longer-term or permanent housing plan, or demonstrate the progress towards one plan

For a homeowner if the real property FEMA verified losses are either equal or greater than Other assistance includes reimbursement for hotel costs for homeowners and renters, as well as grants to support the repair, or replacement of owner-occupied homes, which serve as the primary residence Other reimbursements can be used for replacement for personal property and vehicles as well as funds for moving storage medical dental childcare and other pre-approved miscellaneous items

Lee County, state report lower crime numbers

Both unincorporated Lee County and the state of Florida experienced a drop in crime in 2021

The city of Cape Coral saw an increase in index crimes crimes reported to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement but when adjusted for population growth saw a tick downward as well

Recently the FDLE released its annual Uniform Crime Report which includes statistics based on data from law enforcement agencies statewide

According to the UCR, the Lee County Sheriff s Office which covers unincorporated Lee recorded 5,440 total crimes in 2021 compared to 5,562 in 2020, a 2 2 percent decrease year-over-year The 2021 crime rate was 1 126 2 a 6 1 percent decline from the 1 199 4 rate in 2020

The FDLE reported that the total crimes recorded in Florida in 2021 hit a record 50-year low

Statewide, the UCR shows that 427,524 crimes were reported compared to 466,048 in 2020 an 8 3 percent drop The 2021 crime rate was 1,952 3 a 9 5 percent decline from the 2,158 rate in 2020

The FDLE noted that violent and property crimes dipped in 2021 as well as domestic violence

“Two-hundred thirty-nine Florida law enforcement agencies submitted summary-based crime stats covering 57 5 percent of the population ” agency officials reported in a prepared statement


Southwest Florida s most famous eagles pair, Harriet and M15, are once again proud parents with the hatching of eaglets E21 and E22 earlier this month at the Pritchett Farm in North Fort Myers Eaglet E21 whose egg was laid in the nest on the Pritchett property off Bay Shore Road on Nov 29 finally came out of its shell on Jan 4 at 8:22 p m , about 36 hours after pipping out of the shell

Meanwhile, a pip was seen in E22 s egg at around 11:16 a m on Jan 5 A close-up was seen of a small crack as the new baby used it to keep its balance It wasn’t until 4:43 a m on Jan 7 that E22 hatched 37 days after the egg was laid on Dec 2 Both eggs were laid in the early evening shortly after nightfall They also came a little bit later than normal as Harriet and M15 were busy rebuilding their nest after it was destroyed by Hurricane Ian

Ginnie McSpadden who helps run the Southwest Florida Eagle Cam, which broadcast the day-to-day lives of the eagle family in and around the nest, said it s amazing that there was even a season at all

“It’s been challenging Like everyone else with the hurricane and the recovery process the eagles have done the exact same thing McSpadden said Their nest was destroyed, but within two days, they were rebuilding in the original tree It was amazing to see them rebuild the nest and be able to hatch two eggs ”

People were able to watch the event on the Southwest Florida Eagle Cam now in its 11th season of showing us the daily goings on with Southwest Florida s most famous feathered couple

McSpadden said they weren t sure they would be

able to have an Eagle Cam but they were able to pull it off

The technology is still in the tree We had to make some minor switches to get it back streaming again, McSpadden said “It’s a storybook season for us ”

What happens next?

According to www eagles org, When first born, the eaglets are covered with white down By the time they are 9 to 11 days old, the first down is replaced by a second down which is much darker in color

Eaglets come into the world totally helpless They cannot hold their head up; their vision is limited; their legs are too weak to hold their weight, cannot regulate their body temperature, and must rely 100 percent on their parents to protect them and care for them

Feathers begin to appear when they are about 24 days old and grow in by the time they are 6 weeks old able to stand and tear up their own food

Fledging occurs at 10 to 14 weeks They are still fed by their parents for a time before they leave the nest

The Southwest Florida Eagle Cam may be viewed at h t t p : / / d i c k p r i t c h e t t r e a l e s t a t e c o m / s o u t h w e s t - f l o r i d aeagle-cam Four cams provide a variety of viewing options, including a primary cam, a noiseless camera, which also provides night vision, positioned 6 feet above the nesting tree

E21 and E22 are fed Sunday morning in an image captured by the South-west Florida Eagle Cam

Crime data is from reporting agencies; not all agencies report Not all agencies submitted summary-based crime statistics because they are transitioning to Florida Incident-Based Reporting System (FIBRS) ” the FDLE stated “Twenty-nine agencies have transitioned to incident-based uniform crime reporting while at least 140 are in the process of transitioning ”

Officials reported that agencies can backfill previous data as they fully transition Incident-based crime statistics provide more robust and dynamic crime reporting, the FDLE explained “FIBRS collects 56 more offense categories than summary-based reporting including more detailed victim offender arrestee and property data on each crime occurrence ”

The incident-based crime statistics will be published quarterly, with the next report in February

As for unincorporated Lee, the UCR indicates that the LCSO recorded 17 murders and 223 rapes in 2021, compared to 22 and 179 respectively for the prior year In 2021, there were 206 robberies and 935 aggravated assaults reported versus 217 robberies and 949 aggravated assaults during 2020

For the LCSO the number of burglaries dropped from 677 to 567 in 2021 while motor vehicle thefts decreased from 489 to 456 in 2021 However, larcenies rose slightly from 3,029 to 3,036 in 2021

The Cape Coral Police Department recorded three murders and 34 rapes in 2021, compared to one and 18, respectively, for the prior year In 2021, there were 30 robberies and 250 aggravated assaults reported versus 20 robberies and 216 aggravated assaults during 2020

For the CCPD the number of burglaries increased from 305 to 415 in 2021 while motor vehicle thefts d e c r e a s e d f r o m 1 3 3 t o 1 0 5 i n 2 0 2 1 L a r c e n i e s decreased from 1,692 to 1,683 in 2021

Overall, the city, which saw its population increase from 187,307 in 2020 to 201,554 in 2021 showed a 5 7% increase in crimes reported to the county and municipal date base It saw a 1 8% decrease in crime per 100 000 population

Page 6A Januar y 13 2023 w w w capecoral breeze com CAPE CORAL BREE ZE Wednesday: ■ Committee of the Whole to meet ■ High school sports report Friday: ■ Friends of the Library to celebrate 50th anniversary ■ Capt George Tunison’s fishing column ■ Local Living -- business, real estate, health, education, leisure news Coming in Next Week’s Breeze Find Breaking News at: capecoralbreeze com • Subscr ibe at 239-574-1116 We e k ly B R E E Z E R e c ap
com FEMA deadlines are fast approaching for those who suffered property loss or damage caused by Hurricane Ian or Hurricane Nicole The deadline for homeowners and renters was Jan 12, 2023 for Hurricane Ian property loss, or damage and F e b 1 3 f o r h o m e o w n e r s a n d r e n t e r s a f f e c t e d b y Hurricane Nicole A separate application is required for each disaster if there was property damage or loss caused by both hurricanes “Our goal is to continue to ensure residents are
the different resources available from
Florida and Lee County Government
the level of damage residents experienced, they are encouraged to apply to FEMA Future disaster-related federal funding for our community is based on the number of actual applications generated to FEMA by a s t o r m " L e e C o u n t y G o v e r n m e n t C o m m u - n i c a t i o n s
visit www
aware of
FEMA the State of
Regardless of
Director Betsy Clayton said Individuals can call the FEMA Helpline at 800-6213362 from 7 a m to 11 p m ET
w n l
t h e
Most Lee County administrative operations will be closed Monday, Jan 16, in observance of Dr Martin Luther King Jr Day The county’s holiday schedule adjustments are as follows: Solid Waste There will be no change to collection schedules on Jan 16 Trash recycling and yard waste will be picked up as usual Monday and throughout the week The Resource Recovery Facility on Buckingham Road will be open regular hours 6 a m to 6 p m Lee County Solid Waste offices and the Household Chemical Waste Collection Facility 6441 Topaz Court are closed on Jan 16 and are scheduled to reopen Tuesday, Jan 17 Parks & Recreation Recreation centers and administrative offices are closed Jan 16 and will reopen Tuesday, Jan 17 Some boat ramps, parks and preserves will be open Check www leeparks org for the list of open locations All beach parks remain closed at this time due to damage from Hurricane Ian Lee County Utilities The offices of Lee County Utilities the Call Center and its drive-thru window will be closed Jan 16 A dropbox is on-site at the front door and another accessible via the drive-thru for payments by check Libraries All library locations will be closed Jan 16 Each branch will resume regular operating hours Tuesday, Jan 17 Lakes Regional Library, currently serving as a FEMA Disaster Recovery Center and the Captiva Memorial Library both remain closed post-Hurricane Ian T h e o n l i n e l i b r a r y i s a v a i l a b l e a t www leelibrary net/online Domestic Animal Ser vices Animal Services, 5600 Banner Drive, Fort Myers, will be closed Jan 16, and will resume regular business hours Tuesday, Jan 17 LeeTran There will be no change to LeeTran’s regular bus trolley and paratransit service on Jan 16 Route schedules and maps are available at www rideleetran com General infor mation To receive holiday updates and other Lee County i n f o r m a t i o n p l e a s e s i g n u p f o r t h e n e w s l e t t e r a t www leegov com/ resources/newsletters Lee County operations adjust schedules for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Jan. 16
hatches, joins E21 in Harriet and M15’s nest


County commissioners in all panther counties and FWC should help with this and heartily endorse these panther saving edits and pass legislation to protect our panthers

Carl Veaux Cape Coral

Ghosts of Christmas yet to come

To the editor:

As 2023 begins election results haunt me The majority of voters voted for inflation massive invasion of illegals including many criminals and even terrorists, crime rampant in our cities, $5 trillion of additional debt already spent and more committed regulations against the production of oil causing a doubling of prices and that act alone very well might have set off the world’s inflation Everything depends on oil through transportation When the USA stopped being self-sufficient in oil it made the commodity less available and resulted in higher prices in all nations

Interesting that the Dems still try to be elected on emotional and false issues Take the fallacy that the Dems are for the little guy The massive inflation hurts guess who the most the little guy Crime the massive crime is primarily in our cities overwhelmingly governed by Democrats This hurts the little guy living in those cities the most Many live in fear

Another fallacy is abortion Abortion freedom may have been the top strategy for the Dems and yet we still

have legal abortion in over 80% of our states Don’t you think it fair that those states that are predominantly against killing the unborn should be able to control their state in that manner? Abortion is not a constitutional issue, but political and was corrected to eliminate the mistake of 1977

Immigration first of all the cartels are using this invasion as a $20-billion market They charge delivery, rape, murder and loot their customers, with a great side action in drugs being easier with all the attention on the invasion Illegal immigration is also increasing our crime in this country and costing we taxpayers billions of dollars in welfare education and medical services that we provide for free The invasion is so massive that Biden has to hide the numbers by flying the illegals to other states in the cover of darkness A scary thought We have yet to hear from the terrorists that have illegally entered our country

One huge item that most voters don’t care about is our debt Imagine the debt is $5 trillion more than when Biden took office and much of his spending has yet to be executed That has added $15,625 of debt to every man, woman and child in America Apparently, the voter says, Who cares as long as I get a free lunch?”

It is fine if the Dems want to live with such unAmerican issues but why do we conservatives have to pay for it? If we could have a conservative nation, debt free with everyone responsible for their livelihood just like the founding age, what a wonderful place America would be And believe me we would take care of those who could not take care of themselves

I can dream can t I?

Combating ignorance

To the editor:

Fortunately we live in a world of advanced technology that affords all readers the opportunity to dispel allegations of misinformation In reading the many letters to the editor

we see many wannabes that make claim of being true Americans in rhetoric but not in action

My allegiance goes to my country and the sacrifices of all our American veterans who gave so much in protecting our freedoms My flag is a symbol of this freedom If you don’t want to stand for the national anthem perhaps you should give your legs to a veteran who lost theirs

As a combat-wounded American veteran I have seen so many of these wannabes and their condemnation rhetoric through the years Leading me to realize the hardest enemy we face in life is that of combating ignorance

May God continue to bless our American veterans the true heroes of this nation “All gave some Some gave all ”

Another ‘rigged election,’ another insurrection

the editor:


Last week Mar-a-Lago didn’t offer to just host another fascist, but offered former Brazilian strongman Jair Bolsonaro an alibi Bolsonaro, Steve Bannon s other pal previously in high office, is also known as the Trump of the Tropics

As his treasonous mob set out trashing Brazilian government buildings following his defeat in a lawful election he was right here in Florida (Bolsonaro lost the bid for re election, started sniveling that he was robbed in a rigged election, refused to attend the ceremony of a peaceful transfer to the winner and pouted that the military should stage a coup Gosh that has a familiar ring to it )

Bolsonaro left the Mar-a-Lago complex before the coupe got violently underway Perhaps things became strained with Trump when TV footage demonstrated that the insurrection in Brazil had a bigger mob of lawless thugs than the Trumpinduced insurrection on Jan 6


Guest: Historic commitment made to Florida’s water quality efforts

From page 4A

commitment was only the start of a first term that would include many extraordinary milestones and achievements for restoring the Everglades and protecting our natural resources including signing into law Senate Bill 712, which included the most significant environmental reforms in decades and created the state s Resilient Florida program with the state s first Chief Resilience Officer Under Gov DeSantis’ leadership the South Florida Water Management District started, hit major milestones, or finished more than 50 Everglades-related project components

This is why the Everglades Trust was proud to endorse Ron DeSantis in his reelection for a second term as governor When it comes to Everglades restoration, Gov DeSantis fulfilled the promises to secure record funding, decrease harmful discharges through a new Lake Okeechobee operations plan and advance and expedite critical Everglades restoration projects

With Gov DeSantis overwhelming victory on Election Day it showed that restoring America’s Everglades and protecting the environment is top of mind for Floridians and that the economics of the Everglades’ health and Florida s waters continue to be a priority for voters and the businesses that drive Florida’s tourism-based economy

A healthy environment is an essential ingredient to a flourishing economy and Floridians who have been here for decades and even for those that have even just moved here recognize that important link Gov DeSantis has understood that from the start that the economy and environment are tied together

On Jan 3, 2023, when Gov DeSantis gave his second inaugural address, he showed that the Everglades and the environment continue to remain a priority He reiterated his commitment to Everglades restoration saying “Florida is now in a golden era for conservation of our treasured natural resources Our momentum is strong,

and we will finish what we started we will leave Florida to God better than we found it!”

A week after his inauguration on the anniversary of the momentous executive order he signed in his first term, Gov DeSantis signed a new executive order laying out a blueprint that builds on the promises he fulfilled during his first term

In detail Gov DeSantis increased his funding commitment to $3 5 billion over the next four years for Everglades restoration, water quality initiatives, and water supply protections for Floridians businesses and tourists alike The executive order prioritizes investments to restore water quality in the Indian River Lagoon and seeks to protect the taxpayers investment in Everglades restoration It also continues to prioritize and expedite the Everglades Agricultural Area Reservoir; it fortifies progress made on the new Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual; it reestablishes the Blue-Green Algae Task Force; and it strengthens basin

management action plans and seeks to improve best management practices working in conjunction with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

There is no doubt Gov DeSantis commitment to the Everglades in his first term was monumental but the commitment he has made to the Everglades and the environment in the newly signed executive order is unquestionably historic Time and again, Gov DeSantis makes promises, and he delivers on those promises If his first term is any indication of what he can accomplish Floridians and the great state of Florida will see this historic commitment become a reality

A n n a U p t o n i s t h e C E O o f t h e Everglades
E v e r g l a d e s T r u s t v i s i t
Page 7A CAPE CORAL BREE ZE w w w capecoral breeze com Januar y 13, 2023
Trust To learn more about the
EvergladesTrust org LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
panther population If we save just a dozen a year our total population will go up by 12 to grow our panther counts year after year Other things we must do is put panther-proof fences in all panther and deer habitat roads but especially out on all new towns in eastern Collier County and along Corkscrew and Alico Roads in Lee County and all other counties that have panthers as well All wildlife corridors will have wildlife underpasses under them designated by FWC and federal Wildlife officials This would also go for Babcock Ranch
John Benedict Cape Coral Jack Wagner Cape Coral
From page 4A
Page 9A CAPE CORAL BREE ZE w w w capecoral breeze com Januar y 13 2023 Page 8A Januar y 13 2023 w w w capecoral breeze com CAPE CORAL BREE ZE

Council rejects Sun Splash lease amendment

An ordinance to amend the lease agreement between the city and the company operating the city-owned water park was r e j e c t e d b y C a p e C o r a l C i t y C o u n c i l Wednesday

ProParks which is leasing the property on 400 Santa Barbara Blvd where Sun Splash Family Waterpark is located, is seeking to expand the park by adding a wavepool and new admissions building in time for the 2024 season

Kirk Kaplan, president of ProParks, said the additions would greatly increase revenues, which in 2022 were more than $ 4 m i l l i o n w i t h m o r e t h a n 1 4 0 0 0 0 attending

To do this Kaplan asked to amend the lease agreement to where the company would pay as additional rent 15 percent of the gross sales that exceed $2 1 million but do not exceed $4 million in any year They would pay 7 5 percent of the gross sales that exceed $4 million

ProParks anticipates the city constructing a public parking lot north of the premises in FY 2024 The parking lot will be open for use by all visitors of the Lake Kennedy Complex

Most Council members had a problem with this, believing that ProParks was getting the better of the deal, even though they appreciate that ProParks is willing to make the investment

“I think this deal benefits you more than us I think there can be additional negotiations between you and staff, Mayor John Gunter said I m not shutting the door on this but when there’s a business agreement it has to be beneficial for both parties ”

T h e p r o p o s a l f e l l t h o u g h w i t h

Councilmembers Jessica Cosden, William Steinke and Tom Hayden voting in favor, who said it was imperative to make the investments to keep Sun Splash relevant as

“I think this deal benefits you more than us I think there can be additional negotiations between you and staff “I’m not shutting the door on this, but when there’s a business agreement, it has to be beneficial for both parties ”

more attractions are being built

In other business:

■ Council voted 7-1 to award the cont r a c t t o c o n s t r u c t t h e L a k e K e n n e d y

Racquet Center to Charles Perry Partners

The contract with contingencies is worth $11 243 030 and is funded by the city’s parks GO Bond

There will be a full buildout of the facility, making room for 32 pickleball courts and 12 tennis courts instead of half that which the base bid had This would add nearly $2 million to the original $8 7 million base bid, which most on council decided was, frankly, a bargain as compared to waiting Councilmember Keith Long did not agree and voted against it

■ Council also held the first of two public hearings on an ordinance to govern mobile food vendors and courts, which supporters say is patterned after the one Lee County uses

The trucks would need to stay mobile leaving a job site at night and removing any gear Seating areas, tented or not, would not be allowed

Two people spoke out during the public hearing asking Council not to pass the ordinance especially after the service they provided after Hurricane Ian, where they became, in some cases, the only food source for residents and their families

A second and final public hearing will be held on Wednesday Jan 25

Free autism screening for young children

The ASD screening is conducted by the Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida The screenings are administered by an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse who has extensive training and experience in typical child development and developmental disorders

A physician referral is not required To schedule a screening please call 239-3436838

Robbery: Police say man had gun


From page 1A

u e d Thursday

CCPD officials said Schroeder, his face covered by a black T-shirt brandished a rifle at a security guard at the bank and quickly left in his BMW after being denied entry The license plate on his car was spray-painted out

“Officers were able to quickly locate the suspect vehicle as the driver drove away from the incident location at a high rate of speed Marked patrol units attempted a traffic stop on the suspect vehicle, which disregarded lights and sirens and continued to flee ” the release states

The pursuit extended into Fort Myers where the Lee County Sheriff’s Office assumed the lead Schroeder continued to move down the highway despite a caravan of law enforcement vehicles in tow, officials said

E v e n t u a l l y , L C S O c o n d u c t e d a p i t maneuver near mile marker 125 5 on I-75, where Schroeder was detained without further incident Police said an AR-style rifle was located on the passenger s seat CCPD said Schroeder was apparently upset with the bank

“The investigation revealed that Mr Schroeder was at the bank earlier in the day and attempted to deposit a check and withdraw the funds A hold was placed on the check, which infuriated Mr Schroeder Mr S c h



d e n c e grabbed his rifle sprayed painted his license plate and draped a black t-shirt over his head to conceal his identity He then returned to the bank with the intent to rob this location S

had not been set

Page 10A Januar y 13 2023 w w w capecoral breeze com CAPE CORAL BREE ZE
e p a r t m e n t s a i d i n a r e l e a s e i s s
e t u r n e d t
c h r o e d e r w a s t r a n s p o r t e d t o L e e
r o e d
r r
i s r e
County Jail where he remained in custody as of press time Thursday His bond
G o l i s a n o C h i l d r e n s H o s p i t a l o f Southwest Florida in partnership with Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southwest Florida offers a free monthly autism spectrum disorder screening for toddlers 18 months to five years of age The next screening will be held on Feb 3 from 9 a m to 2 p m at the Pediatric Specialist Office 15901 Bass Rd Suite 102 Fort Myers It is estimated that one in every 44 children is diagnosed with some form of Autism Spectrum Disorder, making it more common than childhood cancer juvenile diabetes and pediatric AIDS combined Medical consultants for the project
early diagnosis can make a vast difference for toddlers and their families They say early intensive behavioral intervention can make an immense difference not just in the development of the child, but in their families as well
stress that an

Hospitalizations: Record numbers

From page 1A

patients and is hopeful that members of the community will look for the most practical p l a c e t o s e e k m e d i c a l h e l p , i n c l u d i n g places other than the ER

“That’s been the trend over the past few weeks ” Gonsenhauser said “Every single patient who arrives at our facilities and emergency departments is treated as quickly as possible, but emergency departments can have long wait times for non-lifethreatening conditions ”

Care teams triage patients based on how critical their needs are when they arrive Gonsenhauser said, adding, Patients with the most critical needs are going to be treated first ”

Non-critical issues could see longer wait times

Those patients with lower-acuity illnesses may end up experiencing a longer wait, Gonsenhauser said Triaging is incredibly important to assure that we get patients the right care at the right time in the right place and we thank you all for bearing with that process

Those experiencing a life-threatening i l l n e s s o r i n j u r y , i n c l u d i n g d i f f i c u l t y breathing chest pain stroke-like symptoms persistent vomiting or abdominal pain should call 911 or seek immediate medical attention, health officials said But not all medical needs require a trip to the ER

“Many emergency room visits can generally be avoided ” Gonsenhauser said We as a health system are always trying to expand our offerings and resources to assure we have alternative sites of care when and where it makes sense Llechu said national statistics show

roughly four in every 10 patients who go to an emergency department should have and could have sought care at another facility

At Lee Health we are trying to be good stewards of our health system, our staff, but more importantly, of your time, Llechu said “If we can get you to the right setting, for the right care at the right time it is what is in your best interest and in the best interest of every patient that is seeking care in the ER

Options other than the emergency room include:

■ Lee Convenient Care – LCC operates four locations throughout the county that are open seven days a week, require no appointment and offer extended hours

■ Lee TeleHealth – This service is available 2 4 /7 from your s martphone computer or tablet Visits are $49 dollars and patients can see a physician in minutes for any of the same ailments they would use a walk-in clinic for If needed, the physician can also make a referral or write a prescription

■ DispatchHealth – Lee Health also offers a mobile healthcare service to community members in Lee County, provided t h r o u g h D i s p a t c h H e a l t h , a n a t i o n a l provider of in-home medical care Through the service patients can be treated at home for many conditions that are commonly treated in urgent care settings

■ Primary care physician – Patients can call their physician office to make an appointment if not experiencing an emergency For more information on Lee Health visit www leehealth org

C o n n e c t w i t h t h i s r e p o r t e r o n Twitter: @haddad cj

Rotary: Art Festival & Market Place

From page 1A

The artists that are attending produce unique items from their creativity and love of their chosen medium or category of art ” Welsh said “Each piece produced is unique and an expression of the mind of the artist ”

Categories that will be displayed at the festival include 2D and 3D Mixed Media, Ceramics, Glass, Jewelry, Leather, Metal, P a i n t i n g P h o t o g r a p h y S c u l p t u r e a n d Wood The event is also a great way to connect with crafters and hear their vision behind a certain creation

“The Art Festival is the perfect place to appreciate beauty ” Welsh said “The ability for the art patron to talk to the artist to know the story behind creating that piece lends an additional dimension in appreciating it The art produced by the fine artists at our festival this year stands out for its originality and quality Anyone looking for unique ways to decorate their homes should definitely attend T h i s a n n u a l e v e n t i s t h e l a r g e s t fundraiser for the Rotary Club of Cape

Coral “The proceeds from the event help us make an impact locally with projects like Rotary Park and the School Bus Bench Safety Zone project, which launched after t h e 2 0 1 9 d e a t h o f 8 - y e a r - o l d L a y l a Aiken, Welsh said This event is more than just an Art Festival it is how we serve our community and it’s something we look forward to every year ”

While the live event will be in full swing, organizers have continued to keep their online component created during COVID

The online marketplace launched Jan 2 and runs through Jan 31 Any artist or crafter accepted to the street festival has been provided with an online booth for the event s virtual festival The virtual component gives patrons the opportunity to preview works and to shop until the end of January

For more information and to view the virtual marketplace, visit www capecoralfestival com C o n n e c t w i t h t h i s r e p o r t e r o n Twitter: @haddad cj

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Wednesday Girls Soccer

Bass anglers hit the water as spawning season begins

Big bass anglers in this part of Florida are starting to or already are fishing the early bass spawning period looking for that magic 10pound class bucket mouth bedding in the shallows

When you talk largemouth fishing on Lake Okeechobee why not go to the source? Scott Martin a big bucks pro tournament angler and son of Hall of Fame angling legend Roland Martin on spawning times on his home waters

We actually have a spawn on Lake Okeechobee in October ” Martin said in published reports “You can’t necessarily depend on it but you can definitely find fish spawning in October November is better December is almost full and on into January, February and March

Lake O has the longest spawn in the country

While bed fishing is on in South Florida the other famous and in my opinion better trophy bass factories further north in central Florida like Lake Toho will still have cooler water and obviously later spawning times Even further north like in the Jacksonville area many bass will spawn in late February, March and beyond

If planning a bass trip to Lake O first consult with your favorite weather guru and hope they don’t mention the word cold front! Nothing shuts off a heat-loving lazy Florida bucketmouth like a cold snap Your other big Lake O weather enemy is the wind Wide open Lake O muddies quickly with wind events and makes sight fishing tough, as well as turning off the fish On days where the water has gotten muddy or a cold front is passing slowing fishing to a crawl most Lake O anglers will be armed with flipping rods to make short but deadly accurate casts around heavy cover with an assortment of half, to 1 1/2-ounce flipping jigs, loaded with a wide variety of their favorite plastic creature baits Look around for clear 2 to 3-foot deep water over hard sand bottoms which are ideal for bedding bass Not really looking for heavy vegetation instead clearer hard bottom areas with some

grasses present would be ideal

Fly rodders with strong sticks can get in on the action as well Gently drop a big hair bug over a nest and just let it sit Slightly move it a quarter inch at a time and hang on for a violent hit as the big fish tries to kill or eat it An 8-weight will cast these bugs but around the lake's heavy vegetation I ll pack a 10-weight rod Most bass anglers already know the 22 4-pound world record for largemouth was caught (and eaten) by George Perry in Georgia back in 1934 using a Creek Chub Fin Tail Shiner lure the one and only lure he owned but now the world record is actually a tie In 2009 a lucky angler caught a bigger bass, a 22 5-pound fish in Japan beating Perry s long-standing world record by one ounce Since record rules state it takes two ounces over the current record to become top dog Manabu Kurita’s slightly bigger bass is still considered a tie

Even though these bass are huge bigger bass have been caught by both male and female angler alike, weighed, photographed, then released but not recognized as records due to improper documentation A weighed and photographed definite new world record California 25+ pounder was not counted because the anglers jig got hooked to the outside not inside of the fishes lip This rule prevents snag fishing bedding bass for records especially in the clear California lakes and impoundments that grow, sorry Florida, the biggest bass in the U S These guys grow huge on state stocked rainbow trout

This year try catching a beautiful peacock bass that move further north each year and now even guided trips have become available in Naples and Fort Myers

Best bet this week -- sheepshead on shrimp or clams, and trout over dark grass flats

Capt George Tunison is a Cape Coral resident fishing guide Contact him at 239282-9434 or via email at captgeorget3@aol com

North Fort Myers 8, Fort Myers 0: The Red Knights (7-2-3) crushed the Green Wave with an attack that was led by Lexi Neumann (two goals one assist) and Sophia Kerns (two goals) Evie McCarthy had three assists Carolina Jenkins Kensley Seidl and Hannah Busenbark had a goal and an assist each Aliyah Morgan got the win in goal Mariner 10, Ida Baker 0: Mariner (123) trounced crosstown rival Ida Baker (3-9) Lemon Bay 2, Oasis 1: Jaclynn Mars scored for the Sharks (9-4-1)

Boys Basketball

Gateway Charter 89, Oasis 51: Jackson McArdle Sykes, Nick Brown and Kavanaugh Brady all scored in double digits for Oasis (4-6) Estero 92, Ida Baker 69: The Bulldogs are 1-10

Girls Basketball

Gateway Charter 51, Oasis 34: The Griffins (9-4) downed the Sharks (4-9) for the second night in a row despite a 20-point performance by Brynn Stambaugh

Boys Soccer

Oasis 1, Lemon Bay 1 (tie): Mario Acosta scored the equalizer for the Sharks (11-3-1) on a penalty kick Josh Hill had 10 saves in net

Tuesday Boys Soccer

Oasis 6, Island Coast 0: Oasis (11-3) set a school season record with its 11th win Tyler Kerr scored four times, adding an assist, and Mario Acosta had two goals and an assist Preston Mars also contributed an assist

Mariner 1, Canterbury 1 (tie): Gabriel Chica scored on an assist by Justin Medero as the Tritons (8-6-4) and Cougars (9-3-2) battled to a draw Bishop Verot 4, Estero 0: Cooper Banks scored twice and made an assist as the Vikings (4-3-6) extended their unbeaten streak to seven matches Raul Blandon and Ryan Gadson had a goal and an assist each, and Dylan Lukosaitis added an assist Fort Myers 6, North Fort Myers 0: The Green Wave (12-2-1) dropped the Red Knights to 1-11-2

Ida Baker 2, South Fort Myers 1: A second-half Bulldogs broke a 1-all tie at

intermission, and Ida Baker (3-6) went on to defeat the Wolfpack

Bonita Springs 4, Cape Coral 1: The Bull Sharks (8-2-2) dropped the Seahawks to 6-6-2 on the season

Girls Basketball

Cape Coral 58, Island Coast 14: Cape moved to 8-7 on the year with its win against the Gators (3-8)

South Fort Myers 54, Ida Baker 15: Ida Baker fell to the host team in the New Year s Howl tournament Tuesday s loss left the Bulldogs 4-6, while the Wolfpack improved to 11-5

Gateway 60, North Fort Myers 19: The Eagles improved to 8-5

Canterbury 52, Mariner 27: The Cougars (9-4) left the Mariners with a 3-5 mark

Gateway Charter 43, Oasis 33: Emma Osinski and Maci Stambaugh scored 12 points each for the Sharks (4-8)

Bishop Verot 47, First Baptist Academy 27: Josee Fry scored 16 points and Carlyn Kelly scored 12 as the Vikings won their ninth of the season (9-6)

Girls Soccer

Cape Coral 8, Bonita Springs 0: The Seahawks (9-5) were led by Cameron Fallacara s four-goal performance

Angelina Toro and Allison Brown each had a goal and an assist, Ella Janigan made two assists Emmy Pardo and Isabella Cruz scored and Olivia Toro Emily Carmean and Kaysie Taylor made an assist each

Oasis 7, Island Coast 0: Jaclynn Mars had a hat trick, providing three of the Sharks' seven goals She added an assist Madison Boyko Neveah Rogers and Elizabeth Blesiewicz each had a goal and an assist MacKenzie Canney scored and Erin Vezzola added an assist Elizabeth Ali had a clean sheet in goal for Oasis (9-3-1)

Estero 2, Bishop Verot 1: The Vikings (3-4-1) got a goal by Chloe Brown on an assist by Alyvia Mueller

Ida Baker 8, South Fort Myers 0: Baker (3-8) dominated a winless Wolfpack side (0-6-2)

Boys Basketball

South Fort Myers 84, Ida Baker 76: South (3-10) got past the 1-9 Bulldogs Mariner 65, Canterbury 36: The Tritons (11-8) dropped Canterbury to 4-13 Island Coast 38, Cape Coral 31: Kobey Babernitch scored 14 points to lift the Gators (8-7) past the Seahawks (9-7)

Twins' single-game Spring Training tickets on sale

Single-game tickets for the Minnesota Twins’ 2023 Spring Training home schedule featuring at least one special ticket offer promotion or special event for all 17 contests at Hammond Stadium, went on sale Thursday and can now be purchased online at twins com, or by calling 612-33TWINS or 800-33-TWINS

The Hammond Stadium Box Office at Lee County Sports Complex in Fort Myers

will open at 10 a m , Saturday, Jan 14 More information on the Twins’ 2023 Spring Training season including box office hours along with game times and promotional schedule for the Hammond Stadium home games, is available online at twins com/

The Twins begin their 17-game spring home slate with the Grapefruit League opener Saturday Feb 25 vs Tampa Bay

Breeze Athletes of the Week


capecoralbreeze com JANUARY 13, 2023 PAGE 14A CAPE CORA L BREEZE
Capt George Tunison
Sponsored by: (Selected by the Breeze Sports
Cape Coral Breeze Athlete Week of the
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CC Breeze 1/13/23
CC Breeze 1/13/23

Where are the bugs?

I have been noticing differences before and after Ian in our bug population Can you imagine how hard it was for all the various insects to survive our tremendous tropical storm? Some seem to have done better than others


We had an explosion of gnats for a while that we attributed to the piles of debris at every house We have had a burst of Monarch butterflies too Normally wasps eat many of the caterpillars, but I have seen no wasps so all the caterpillars are growing up to be butterflies I see fewer bumble bees, sweat bees and leaf cutter bees that occur only in Florida Insects who are at the bottom of the food chain are out of whack Insect populations were already in decline due to human development Birds are also in decline Is there a connection?

Birds will be nesting soon and will need to find high protein bugs and worms to feed their young or they will go hungry The University of Delaware, conducting research on chickadee feeding patterns determined that it took between 5 000 to 9 000 insects to raise one brood of baby chickadees

Yet each one of us can help to bring these insect populations back How can we help?

Stop spraying the whole yard for bugs Yes, spray around doorways and windows to keep insects from entering your house If you notice a bug problem in the lawn or on a particular plant, spray it appropriately But do not spray routinely, killing the butterflies, moths, bees and other “good” or harmless bugs When my neighbor has his yard sprayed I find dead butterflies the next day in my own yard Not good! We need our insects to preserve the food chain of our natural environment

Replace areas damaged by Ian with plants that will support bees and other insects Plants such as climbing aster tea bush beautyberry and firebush will flower and supply abundant nectar and pollen for many pollinators To supply caterpillar food for butterflies, plant passion vine Bahama cassia privet senna and frogfruit Variety is important as each species prefers different plants

Plants native to Florida will provide food that insects recognize and can use Native plants also require less watering as they are adapted to the rainy and dry seasons We can help our biodiversity bounce back by pro-

A little church in Bokeelia helping to shape lives since 1940

According to longtime Pine Islander Nellie Price, the C h u r

Bokeelia began in 1940 by holding services inside people s homes Eventually, the people asked Lee County officials for permission to meet in the local school building, which was granted providing nothing about the church interfered with the school In 1944 the county decided the children should be bused to North Fort Myers for school and put the building and property up for sale The building was originally purchased for $1,305 when Price s father, Jimmie Howard, put a sealed bid in to the county and then found out it was the highest bid The former school has been owned by the church ever since and still stands on Stringfellow Road today

An integral part of her whole life, Price still finds herself making the chicken dinners the church offers for takeout, which began when her parents helped run the church,

LIVING Business I Homes I Health I Education I Leisure Classifieds Page 1B capecoralbreeze com Januar y 13, 202 3 Page 9B
BUGS? page 7B
f G o d o f P r o p h e c y P e n t e c
h u r c
c h o
o s
h i n
and continue as a financial resource to this day “Mom and Dad got the chicken dinners started Back then it was in the old building which is the parsonage The boys would get the sawhorse and put plywood across
PHOTOS PROVIDED BY NELLIE PRICE The Church of God of Prophecy today The church is housed in a building that had been a school in Bokeelia, below

RV show returning to the Lee Civic Center Jan.

Recreation Vehicle Show will motor back to the Lee Civic Center for its 37th annual show from Thursday through Sunday, Jan 26-29

This year’s show will provide attendees an opportunity to see the latest and best camping products available to RVers and lovers of the great outdoors offered by a slew of local RV dealers and vendors

Dave Kelly executive director of the Florida RV Trade Association said the show will appeal to all levels of travelers and provides the perfect learning ground for those interested but afraid to ask questions at a dealership

“RV shows are a great place to come whether they are just getting started or experienced RVers The great thing is you have multiple dealers showing multiple brands and styles of RVs, Kelly said “There are RVs for every price point hobby and interest ”

The Fort Myers RV Show is one of the largest RV shows in the state, with more than 11,000 attending for last year s show and as many as 16,000 during its heyday 20 years ago

Attendees can view hundreds of recreational vehicles aged 2018 and newer of all different types, sizes and price points

In years past, the show featured mostly new RVs, with some models costing nearly $1 million That changed a few years ago so the event could include older models to allow more people the opportunity to afford one, including a growing number of younger people

“Some people don’t want to buy something brand new as a first unit so seeing some used models gives them an idea of where they can get started, Kelly said For a while, bigger was better It s now switching with a younger audience, who now just want a place to sleep because they’re going to use them to do things outside the RV ”

Units on display will include gas and d i e s e l m o t o r h o m e s , t r a v e l t r a i l e r s , t o y

haulers, 5th wheels, park models and van campers

The show also will feature more than 50 outdoors and camping supply vendors that focuses on the fun flexibility and affordability RVs can provide along with equipment and accessories to help outfit RVers o r p r o v i d e i n f o r m a t i o n o n c a m p i n g throughout the nation

Items will include new towing systems specialized lighting RV insurance unique camping equipment and where to camp throughout the nation Daily free RV travel and maintenance seminars also will be offered

There is a fundamental change happening in the way Americans travel work and live More people are choosing RVs as their preferred option for travel as they prioritize spending time outdoors and embracing the freedom that comes with RVing The new RVs Move America Economic Impact Study released by the RV Industry Association, shows the RV industry has an overall annual impact to the U S economy o f $ 1 4 0 b i l l i o n , s u p p o r t i n g n e a r l y 680 000 jobs and paying more than $48 billion in wages This is a 23 percent increase in economic output in just the past three years E v e n a f t e r C O V I D , y o u s e e h o w

storms have impacting flying and having trouble getting people where they need to be Since 2020 people have re-evaluated how they travel and vacation Kelly said They want those experiences that you want in traveling, not just getting on a plane and going somewhere ”

The 37th annual Fort Myers RV Show is open from 10 a m to 5 p m Thursday Friday and Saturday, and from 10 a m to 4 p m on Sunday

Admission is $10 with children under 16 free Parking is free courtesy of the RV Trade Association

For additional information please visit w w w F R V T A - R e g i o n 1 o r g o r www FRVTA org/show/ft-myers-rv-show

Cape Coral Social Club meetings, dances to resume

The Cape Coral Social Club s meeting and dance venue is back in operation Since Hurricane Ian hit Sept 28 the club has been scrounging for meeting facilities until now The club meets at the German American Social Club The GASC repairs have been completed and the facility is back in operation

The Cape Coral Social Club’s next m e e t i n g i s T h u r s d a y J a n 2 6 a t t h e GASC, 2101 S W Pine Island Road, Cape Coral, at 9:30 a m for socializing and coffee and pastries The meeting starts at 10 a m with guest speaker CSM Craig L a y t o n r e t i r e d f r o m G o l d e n P a w s Assistance Dogs Golden Paws Assistance Dogs is a nonprofit organization that promotes independence for combat wounded veterans

and children with life-changing disabilit i e s t h r o u g h p a r t n e r s h i p s w i t h s k i l l e d a s s i s t a n c e d o g s I t d o e s t h i s w i t h o u t charge

The club s first dance since Ian will be Saturday, Feb 4, at 5:30 p m at the GASC Jay Smith will be providing dance e n t e r t a i n m e n t T h e d a n c e t h e m e i s “Football Fanfare ” Attendees are encouraged to wear their favorite team colors or jerseys Both the meetings and dances are open to the public To purchase dance tickets, view the monthly newsletter or find out more about the club go to capecoralsocialclub org If you are interested in joining the club or have questions, please use the contact form on the website

For those who live the RV lifestyle, it brings adventure, freedom and ability to share time with family and friends For those who want to, the Fort Myers
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Post 90 swears in four new officers

Friends of Cape Coral Library 50th anniversary celebration Jan. 21

American Legion Post
Coral has sworn in four new
2023 John Fitzgerald was sworn in as an executive board member to fill in a vacancy
Robert Noble was sworn in as post
Chase Masters as post historian These three positions play important roles in the management and
of the Post Finally,
was sworn in as service
plays a critical role in helping veterans find the s e r v i c e s t h e y n e e d f r o m t h e V e t e r a n s Administration and other support groups American Legion Post 90 in Cape Coral was founded in April 2001 The post offers a full canteen and food service at Southeast 47th Street and sponsors scholarships Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops blood drives V A volunteers and most importantly, programs to assist veterans If you are a veteran and would like to become a member call 239-540-8128 or contact alpost90cape@yahoo com or the L e g i o n P R O f f i c e r T e d C l a r k a t t e dclark12@gmail com or 845-527-7948 Page 3B CAPE CORAL BREE ZE w w w capecoral breeze com Januar y 13 2023 All are invited to this very special event celebrating the 50-year anniversary of the Friends of the Cape Coral Library, which was started five decades ago to raise funds for the library and was known back then as The Little Acorns The event will be held Saturday, Jan 21 in the large meeting room of the Cape Coral Library, which is located at 921 S W 39th Terrace The public is invited The morning will begin at 9:30 with coffee tea special refreshments and social time The celebration will start at 10 a m For information about Friends of the C a p e C o r a l L i b r a r y v i s i t w w w c a p efriends org and follow us on Facebook
90 Cape
officers for
in the board,
Lakeshia Penn
officer The

l i o n T h e 1 5 t h h i g h e s t p r i c e d s a l e l a s t y e a r c l o s e d a t $ 2 8 m i l l i o n o n S e p t 2 2 , j u s t s i x d a y s b e f o r e I a n h i t

according to recently

statistics from the Naples Area Board of Realtors for the month of November 2022, the number of active single-family home listings was up 85 4 percent compared to November 2021 while the number of closed homes sales was down 40 percent The average days on the market for listings was 91 7 percent higher than a year ago so this slump in home sales is not isolated to Cape Coral As with our market, at least for now median sales prices in Naples remain above 2021 levels

T h e h i g h e s t p r i c e d c l o s e d h o m e s a l e i n t h e C a p e p o s t - I a n , w a s o n N o v 1 7 a t $ 2 7 7 5 m i l l i o n , m a k i n g i t t h e 1 6 t h h i g he s t p r i c e d s a l e i n 2 0 2 2 T h i s d i r e c t s a i lb o a t a c c e s s h o m e i n t h e S o u t h w e s t C a p e , d e s c r i b e d a s a l u x u r y v i l l a i n a h i g he n d v a c a t i o n r e n t a l p r o g r a m w a s b e i n g s o l d t u r n k e y I t w a s b u i l t i n 2 0 1 9 - 2 0 w i t h 2 , 5 1 1 s q u a r e f e e t o f l i v i n g a r e a o n a n o v e r s i z e d c u l - d e - s a c l o t a n d i t w e n t u n d e r c o n t r a c t a s a p e n d i n g s a l e i n a c a s h d e a l o n S e p t 1 9 T h i s h o m e w a s i n i t i a l l y l i s t e d f o r $ 3 1 5 m i l l i o n o n M a r c h 2 0 o f l a s t y e a r a n d i t h a d a p r i c e r e d u c t i o n t o $ 2 9 5 m i l l i o n o n M a y 2 2 S o i t w a s o n t h e m a r k e t f o r a b o u t 6 m o n t h s b e f o r e a t t r a c t i n g a b u y e r w i t h t h e f i n a l s a l e s p r i c e c o m i n g i n a t $ 3 7 5 0 0 0 o r 1 1 9 p e rc e n t l e s s t h a n t h e i n i t i a l l i s t p r i c e

I n s u m m a r y 1 4 o f t h e 1 6 h i g h e s t p r i c e d h o m e s a l e s i n C a p e C o r a l w e n t u n d e r c o n t r a c t a n d c l o s e d p r i o r t o t h e

Page 5B CAPE CORAL BREE ZE w w w capecoral breeze com Januar y 13 2023 BSSW Architects Inc is a full-service award-winning architectural firm founded in 1980 With offices in Naples and Fort Myers, the firm s diverse team of professionals provide service, innovation and p e r f o r m a n c e i n t h e c o n c e p t u a l i z a t i o n design and implementation of the built e n v i r o n m e n t f o r t h e i r c l i e n t s B S S W Architects has served as the lead architect o n m a n y l a n d m a r k p r o j e c t s a c r o s s Southwest Florida, including government, public service and senior living facilities schools public libraries religious buildi n g s c o m m u n i t y a n d c u l t u r a l c e n t e r s hotels, resorts and private communities B S S W A r c h i t e c t s e m p l o y s a c o m p l e t e t e a m o f a r c h i t e c t s , p l a n n e r s , i n t e r i o r designers and support staff to bring projects from the concept stage through comp l e t i o n F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n v i s i t B S S W a r c h i t e c t s c o m o r c a l l 2 3 9 - 2 7 83838 REAL ESTATE BRIEF From page 4B C o r a l s t o o d a t 1 2 6 2 h o m e s o n t h e m a rk e t a s 4 0 0 l i s t i n g s h a d b e e n t e r m i n a t e d a n d w i t h d r a w n w h i l e a n o t h e r 1 3 0 l i s ti n g s e x p i r e d , m o r e t h a n o f f s e t t i n g t h e 2 3 5 n e w l i s t i n g s t h a t c a m e o n t h e m a r k e t b e t w e e n S e p t 2 8 a n d O c t 3 1 A t o t a l o f 1 3 0 o f t h e 1 2 6 2 l i s t i n g s w e r e f o r h o m e s p r i c e d a t $ 1 m i l l i o n a n d a b o v e T h e n u mb e r o f p e n d i n g s a l e s i n t h e C a p e d e c l i n e d t o 5 4 2 w i t h 2 2 h o m e s u n d e r c o n t r a c t a t $ 1 m i l l i o n a n d a b o v e C u r r e n t l y a s o f J a n 1 0 2 0 2 3 t h e r e w e r e 1 3 1 0 a c t i v e s i n g l e = f a m i l y C a p e C o r a l h o m e s l i s t e d f o r s a l e i n t h e M L S r a n g i n g i n p r i c e f r o m $ 2 7 4 , 9 0 0 t o $ 4 , 8 4 9 , 9 9 9 w i t h t h e m e d i a n l i s t p r i c e a t $ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 A t o t a l o f 5 3 2 h o m e s , o r 4 0 6
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F e d e r a l R e s e r v e c h a n g i n g t h e r e a l e s t a t e l a n d s c a p e o n J u n e 1 5 o f l a s t y e a r w h e n t
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s i v e l
s a n d 1 5 o f t h e s e l u x u r y s a l e s c l o s e d p r i o r t o H u r r i c a n e I a n The sales data for this article was o b t a i n e d f r o m t h e F l o r i d a R e a l t o r s
Luxury home sales: Local market slumps in second
of 2022 From page 4B
h e y
t a
e s
y r a i s i n g i n
e r e s t
a t e
Multiple Listing Service Matrix for Lee County Fla as of Jan 7 2023 unless otherwise noted It was compiled by Bob and Geri Quinn and it includes information specifically for Cape Coral singlefamily homes and does not include condominiums, short sales or foreclosures The data and statistics are believed to be reliable however they could be updated and revised periodically, and are subject to change without notice The Quinns are a husband and wife real estate team with the RE/MAX Realty Team office in Cape Coral They have lived in Cape Coral for over 43 years Geri has been a full-time Realtor since 2005 and Bob joined Geri as a full-time Realtor in 2014 Their real estate practice is mainly focused on Cape Coral residential property and vacant lots

Meredith makes Dean's List at Mar yville College in


MARYVILLE, Tenn - Maryville College in Maryville, Tennessee, has announced its Dean's List for the fall 2022 semester

Among those named to the Dean's List is James Meredith of Cape Coral Meredith is majoring in management and is a graduate of Mariner High School Consideration for the Dean s List is open to full-time students who have a grade point average of at least 3 6 in all work undertaken, no grade below a "C" and no incompletes for the semester

A private liberal arts college located in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee Maryville College has educated students for more than 200 years offering more than 60 majors and seven pre-professional programs For additional information about Maryville College visit www maryvillecollege edu/

Meek among Carson-Newman University 2022 fall graduates

JEFFERSON CITY, Tenn - The following student graduated from Carson-Newman University at the conclusion of the institution's fall semester: ■ Misty Meek of Cape Coral who received her Master of Science in Nursing Family Nurse Practitioner

Founded in 1851 Carson-Newman is a Christ-centered, liberal arts-based university affiliated with the Tennessee Baptist Convention The university proclaims it helps students find their place, path and purpose Located in Jefferson City Tennessee among the foothills of the

undergraduate majors as well as associate bachelor s master s and doctoral degrees For more visit cn edu

Pencek named to the Dean's List at Shenandoah University

WINCHESTER, Va -- Dylan Pencek of Cape Coral is

one of 1,087 students who earned a spot on the Dean's List at Shenandoah University for the Fall 2022 semester

To qualify for the Dean's List students enrolled in baccalaureate degree programs must complete at least 12 semester hours and earn a semester GPA of 3 5 or higher Students with a GPA of 3 90 or higher also qualify for Shenandoah s President s List

Shenandoah University was established in 1875, and is headquartered in Winchester, Virginia, with additional educational sites in Clarke, Fairfax and Loudoun counties Shenandoah is a private, nationally recognized university that blends professional career experiences with liberal education For more information visit su edu

Sinclair named to Troy University Chancellor's List

Sarah Sinclair of Matlacha Isles Fla has been named to the Chancellor's List at Troy University for the Fall Semester/Term 2 of the 2022-2023 academic year

The Chancellor's List honors full-time undergraduate students who are registered for at least 12 semester hours and who earn a grade point average of 4 0 Troy University is a public historic international univ e r s i t y w i t h 2 2 5 0 0 s t u d e n t s a n d 1 5 4 0 0 0 a l u m n i

Students on the Troy, Ala campus enjoy a traditional college experience, while adult students are the centers of attention at campuses in Dothan, Montgomery and Phenix City Ala as well as at locations around the world and online For additional information visit www troy edu

Baxter, Kramer named to dean's list at Mount St. Mar

y's University

EMMITSBURG Md -- Mount St Mary's University has announced that 579 students earned dean's list honors in Fall 2022 They include Kyle Baxter and Jayson Kramer of Cape Coral Mount St Mary s University is a private, liberal arts, Catholic university in the Catoctin Mountains near historic E m m i t s b u r g , M a r y l a n d , w i t h a s a t e l l i t e c a m p u s i n Frederick Maryland's second largest city The university offers more than 70 majors minors concentrations and special programs for traditional undergraduate students and more than 20 adult undergraduate and graduate level p r o g

S t M a r y s Seminary, the second oldest in the United States, and the National Shrine Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes, an idyllic shrine for spiritual reflection located on the hill above the university

For additional information about the university visit https://msmary edu/

School District hosting Application Assistance Workshops


r e a t S m o k y M o u n t a i n s C a r s o n - N e w m a n o f f e r s
5 0
t i n c l u d e s
r a m s T h e M o u n
M o
n t
The Lee County School District is actively hiring teachers bus drivers support staff and more to benefit local students I n t h e m o n t h o f J a n u a r y t h e d i s t r i c t i s h o s t i n g Application Assistance Workshops in one of its computer labs to help job seekers fill out their applications The workshops are being held January 20 23 25 and 26 at the Lee County Public Education Center at 2855 Colonial Blvd Fort Myers More about the recruitment department and a link to job openings is on the district website at https://www lee schools net/cms/one aspx?pageId 2806323 Page 6B Januar y 13 2023 w w w capecoral breeze com CAPE CORAL BREE ZE S O L U T I O N S U D O K U Cryptoquip Solution: Fill in the blank cells using numbers 1 to 9. Each number can appear only once in each row, column, and 3x3 block. Use logic and process of elimination to solve the puzzle. The difficulty level ranges from Bronze (easiest) to Silver to Gold (hardest). EDUCATION NOTES

Cape Garden Club offering Merit Scholarship Awards

With awards of up to $2000 to each winner, the 2023 application for Merit Scholarship Awards, offered by the Garden Club of Cape Coral, is now open and available at https://www gardenclubofcapecoral com/meritaward/

Science teachers environmental club sponsors, counselors, career specialists at high schools that enroll Cape Coral residents and some youth organizations also have information related to this opportuni-

of Cape

and to have demonstrated active, ongoing participation related to environmental issues

agriculture natural resources and conservation through classes, extracurricular activities and work or volunteer experience Career goals compatible with the purpose of the awards fostering environmental action can be a factor in award

in the Park’ set for March 11 at Jaycee Park

Club of Cape Coral will present its 15th Annual major fundraiser March in the Park ” a plant and garden art sale This sale will be held from 9 a m to 3 p m at Jaycee Park 4125 S E 20th Place in Cape Coral With over 35 vendors, there will be plants of all kinds, trees, shrubs, ground cover, native plants and lanai plants to name a few

Garden art will include essential and fragrance oils, g las s r ef lectio n s , s tep p in g s t o n e s m e t a l w o r k s f i s h faces and various planters Thrifty treasures will also be available!

M a s t e r g a r d e n e r s a n d

Garden Club members will b e a v a i l a b l e a l l d a y t o answer questions A kids’ booth with a face painter will have activities and takehome projects for all ages Food, music and opportunity drawings will be availa b l e t h r o u g h o u t t h e d a y Admission and parking are free T h e G a r d e n C l u b o f Cape Coral is a non-profit o r g a n i z a t i o n a n d a l l p r oceeds go to the club objectives -- Local High School S e n i o r s M a r t y W a r d Merit Scholarships in horticulture; civic beautification; l o c a l m i d d l e a n d h i g h school garden projects; and to promote civic awareness of environmental and conservation concerns If you are a vendor selling plants or do a craft that

From page 1B

viding the food plants they need Butterfly Gardens: To s e e b u t t e r f l i e s a n d t h e plants they love, visit the S o u t h C a p e C o r a l Library The butterfly garden in the courtyard is open a g a i n ! T o s e e i t , g o T H R O U G H t h e l i b r a r y toward the windows behind the main desk, where you can see the butterfly garden Enter the garden from the door on the right

The Friends of the CC L i b r a r y h a v e r e c e n t l y donated tables and a shade cloth cover for the pergola, m a k i n g t h e c o u r t y a r d a more enjoyable place to sit awhile

The Rotary Park butterf l y h o u s e i s a s c r e e n e d house where it is easy to o b s e r v e c a t e r p i l l a r s a n d butterflies that are native to C a p e C o r a l T o u r s a r e M o n d a y , F r i d a y a n d Saturday at 10:30 am

Sherie Bleiler is charter member of Garden Club of Cape Coral

Resources: https://plantersplace co m / w i l d - l i f e - g a r d e n i n gj o u r n a l / h o w - m a n y - b u g sd o e s - i t - t a k e - t o - r a i s e - abrood-of-chickadees/ h t t p s : / / w w w w a s h i n gt o n p o s t c o m / o u t l o o k / w e lcome-bugs-into-your-yardy o u - m i g h t - j u s t - s a v e - t h eworld/2020/02/20/62b0a 1 2 c - 4 d 1 8 - 1 1 e a - b 7 2 19f4cdc90bc1c story html Plants for south Florida butterflies: https://miamiblue org/plantlist/

Yearly success of the club s annual major fundraiser March in the Park event a juried plant and garden show and sale held at Jaycee Park since 2009 supports the GCCC Merit Scholarship Awards The Garden Club of Cape Coral meets at 5:45

m on the second Wednesday of

t y C o m p l e t e d a p p l i c a t i o n s m u s t b e e m a i l e d t o m e r i t a w a r d @ g a r d e n c l u b o fc a p e c o r a l c o m n o l a t e r t h a n m i d n i g h t ,
o b t a i n c o l l e g e d e g r e e s A p p l i c a n t s a r e required
e c i s i o n s b u t c u r r e n t i n v o l v e m e n t h a s more weight S i n c e 2 0 1 1 , 4 9 a w a r d s h a v e b e e n earned by students participating
programs and projects at
Coral Canterbury
F l o r i d a S o u t h w e s t e r n C o l l e g i a t e I d a
Island Coast,
Friday, Feb 17 These annual awards were established in 2011 as a civic project for the purpose of assisting eligible graduating seniors to
to be residents
in environmental
Mariner, North Fort Myers and Oasis Charter high schools Other schools, which enroll students who reside in Cape Coral are included on the application distribution list of school contacts
e m o n t h S e
t e m b e r t
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Page 7B CAPE CORAL BREE ZE w w w capecoral breeze com Januar y 13 2023
o u g h M a y a t Palmetto Pine County Club 1940 S W 9th Court which is off Skyline Boulevard in Cape Coral
h e G a
d e n C
b ' s w e b s i t e i s https://www gardenclubofcapecoral com/
On Saturday, March 11, the Garden
is garden related and want to join the juried show, please contact Ginny Huffer at 239257-2654, Huffmom5 @aol com or check our website: gardenclubofcapecoral com For additional information check the c l u b w e b s i t e a t g a r d e n c l u b o f c a p e coral com
Bugs: Help
check out the native plants for sale at an earlier “March in the Park” at Jaycee Park ‘March

Horizon Foundation names Johnson executive director

The Horizon Foundation has named Bill Johnson Jr as executive director

As the face of the organization Johnson will use his eight years of nonprofit leadership experience to bring in new investors foster relationships with existing investors and continue to support Lee County s economic growth through strategic partnerships and financial sources

The Horizon Foundation raises privatesector money to support economic development initiatives and invest in the longterm prosperity of Lee County’s economy In this role Johnson will also be responsib


Johnson s leadership helped the CCCIA

attain financial stability and surplus He also had the additional responsibility as the industry liaison working with the city manager’s office the mayor and city council


Organizational Management IOM

University Established in 1995-96,

Foundation received

a charitable 501(c)(3)

in 2000 F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n p l e a s e v i s i t L

Faith Presbyterian Church in Cape to present dinner program on how to promote wellbeing in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian

Natural disasters like Hurricane Ian pose a significant threat to human health and safety property and critical infrastructure They also have the potential to warp two important experiences in life -- experiences of fairness and experiences of mattering Research shows that wellness or wellbeing is highly influenced by fairness and worthiness

u t e i

t i t

o n D

I n a d d i t i

Prevention and Treatment in Miami He is a clinical psychologist with over 30 years o f e x p e r i e n c e i n d o m e s t i c v i o l e n c e research and advocacy mental health services, community partnerships and higher e d u c a t i o n a d m i n i s t r a t i o n H i s a c a d e m i c

trajectory includes appointments in the Family Violence Research Program at the University of New Hampshire Harvard Medical School s Cambridge Hospital, The P h i l a d e l p h i a C h i l d G u i d a n c e C l i n i c , Boston College, the University of Miami and Albizu University Etiony has a long h i s t o r y o f i n v o l v e m e n t w i t h g r a s s r o o t s advocacy organizations He was founding board chair of the National Latino Alliance for the Elimination of Domestic Violence, a s w e l l a s f o u n d i n g d i r e c t o r o f t h e Community and Educational Well-Being Research Center at UM He is past execut i v e d i r e c t o r o f T h e C o u n c i l o n Contemporary Families Prilleltensky is professor of Educational

and Psychological Studies and the Erwin and Barbara Mautner Chair in Community Well-Being at the University of Miami He is past dean of the School of Education and Human Development at UM He is an a w a r d - w i n n i n g s c h o l a r a n d p r a c t i t i o n e r

who works with individuals organizations and communities to promote well-being He conducts research on various aspects of well-being and has published 12 books and about 150 academic papers Faith Presbyterian Church is at 4544 Coronado Parkway Cape Coral For additional information about the church or the presentation call 29-542-2858

Little church: Islanders turn former school into house of worship

From page 1B

cactus apple jelly from cactus apples she found on the beach in Bokeelia, which is now private property

She would make fresh orange marmalade from fresh oranges and put fresh ground coconut in it a lot of times that’s what she would put on her cake instead of putting regular frosting on it S h e w o u l d c a n t h e m u l l e t D a d d y caught and you could use it like you can with canned salmon ” Price said

well as occasional generous donations are how the church survives financially on the whole The church also provides a take-out Turkey dinner for Thanksgiving, for the same fee

coconuts; lemon pies, with fresh lemons they grew; and once even a watermelon pie, for a wise cracking gentleman who wasn’t expecting Price’s mother to actually make one Price said the man thought the watermelon pie was so good he ended up buying the whole thing Often, her mother, Lillie, would make

The church’s take-out chicken dinners began long ago in Price s parents day People had their choice of eating in the church, taking it out or, Price recalls, when she was young, they would deliver the dinners to islanders’' homes even going as far as St James City until the pandemic when the dinners became take-out only In addition to the dinners, Price said, the congregant s regular Sunday giving, as

Although the number of congregants varies throughout the year Hurricane Ian has made this a particularly rough season financially on many who count on the patronage of northerners and snowbirds, Price said This church she admits has provided her with guidance for the way of living each day of her life A constant and steadying force, rich in history, Price s family has had a hand on this little church since it began Even in the face of a terrible hurricane her faith has given her inner peace she said God is watching over and protecting me, sometimes when I m not even aware of it, Price said When I went to the doctor

Obituaries Death Notices

in 2016 they said I was knocking on death s door My thyroid had completely quit working The ball of my hip was completely out of the socket and the doctor said I was a walking miracle because I should not have been able to walk and I had been walking like that and helping with the chicken dinners and doing my daily housework Before they could do a hip replacement I had to have 3 stents put in my heart The last stent wouldn’t go in and my friends were praying without the doctor knowing it while they were praying the stent went right in So that s teaching me that with God, all things are possible ” The Church of God of Prophecy if l o c a t e d a t 1 5 1 4 6 S t r i n g f e l l o w R o a d Bokeelia For additional information about the church, call 239-283-2128

Page 8B Januar y 13 2023 w w w capecoral breeze com CAPE CORAL BREE ZE
l e f o r m a n a g e m e n t o f t h e H o r i z o n
y e a r s I n t h a t r o l e h i s r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s
T h r o u g h n a v i g a t i n g t h e p a n d e m i c
p r o v i d i n g i n d u s t r y p e r s p e c t i v e o n a l l
J o h n s o n w a s t h e m e m b e r s h i p s a l e s
a p e C o r a l f r o m 2 0 1 2 t o 2
1 4 a n d
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u n t y
u s i n e s
u n d a t i o n o r
Foundation s assets and ensuring that all regulatory and reporting requirements are met Johnson previously was the executive director of the Cape Coral Construction Industry Association for the past eight o r i z
the day-to-day management of over 375 business members of the association He was responsible for managing staffing goals preparing yearly budgets and strategic plans as well as the day-today finances
director for the Chamber of Commerce of C
remains active with the chamber as a board member and vice chair of the governmental affairs committee His private-sector experience includes 14 years of retail sales and management experience in flooring and design industries as an account executive at ProSource Wholesale Floorcovering and vice president at B&D Interiors by Design Inc Johnson earned an associate of arts degree from Edison Community College and completed a certificate
in Non-Profit
through Villanova
the Horizon
its IRS ruling as
C o
s c o m / H o r i z o nF o
o n C o u n c i l F o u ndation com or call 239-533-6800
t have
we sat on in
stretch them out and
come in and sit on them to eat
we got $2 a
u l l e t , p o t a t o s a l a d , g r e e n b e a n s a n d
H e r m o t h e r ’ s h o m e m a d e d e s s e r t s i n c l u d e d c o c o n u t c a k e s f r o m f r e s h
it to make tables We didn
chairs, we had wood benches that
church We would
people would
their dinner I believe back then
plate You could have fried chicken or
Mama made all the desserts on the wood stove ” Price said
c o l l a b o r a t i o n w i t h
In a presentation Tuesday, Jan 17, at 6:30 p m , at Faith Presbyterian Church in Cape Coral, Dr Etiony Aldarondo, Ph D , will describe an evolving initiative by The M e l i s s a I n s
community leaders in Cape Coral to equip them with research-based knowledge and practical tools to promote individual and
r i l l e l t
community well-being in the aftermath of the damage caused by Hurricane Ian
I s a a c P
n s k y Ph D , will discuss his research on wellbeing, and how well-being is directly related to experiences of mattering and conditions of fairness The presentation is free and there is a cost for the meal Aldarondo is the executive director of T h e M e l i s s a I n s t i t u t e f o r V i o l e n c e
24óHOURSERVICE NOOVERTIMECHARGES FAMILY OWNED/OPERATED Lic#CAC1817070 (239)573-2086 INSTANTREBATES AVAILABLE óAirPurificationSystems óHighEfficiencySystems óDuctCleani ng FreeEstimateson ReplacementSystems CUSTOMDOCKS &BOATLIFTS WEBUILDQUALITY DOCKS HAWLEY CONSTRUCTION OVER20YEARS OFEXPERIENCE ALLINLEECOUNTY. FREEESTIMATES Call(239)561-8074 CBC026058 TOMáSCONCRETE,INC ànTractorService Specializingin ConcreteSlabs Drives Patios Sidewalks Stucco-LandscapeCurbing SprayCrete-Keystone âNoJobTooSmallã BackHoe-Grading-Fill TopSoil-Rock-BushHogging PondDigging-LandClearing WefixDrainageProblems LaborersWanted 239-543-3700 Cell239-849-5375 âNo Bull - Just Quality Work YouCanTrustã Residential¯Commercial NewConstruction Remodels¯Repairs RoomAdditions FreeEstimates 239-707-0654 Bonded-LicCBC058576-Insured AFFORDABLE FREE ESTIMATES $1,800.00FourZones N ewInstallation IncludesPermit 2YearWarranty A+RATED-ANGIESLIST Installation&Repair FAMILYOWNEDSINCE1981 LEE#LSO200031 CAPE#06938 Residential/Commercia l FullServiceGeneralContractor *Additions *Remodels *Renovations 30YearsExperience VeteranOwned 239-560-5448 Licensed&Insured License#CGC1532266 A&JServices UnlimitedLLC Over40YearsExperience ElectricalRepairs Upgrades Installations âWorkdoneasifI’mdoing itformyself.ã 239-785-4865 CSCLic#ES12001592Insured Absolutely FREE Estimates ¯Top Soil ¯Fill Dirt ¯Grading ¯Shell, Stone ¯Erosion Control ¯Lot/Acreage Mowing ¯Driveways/ Roads ¯Asphalt Patch/ Seal ¯Culvert Pipes ¯Land Clearing Invasive & Exotic Removal ¯Holes along Seawalls ¯Solutions to pooling water Licensed - Insured (239) 872-3228 543-2288 William Rinehart Handyman Let me put my 30yrs of experience to work for you. ¯Painting ¯Pressure-Cleaning ¯Carpet ¯Laminate Flooring ¯Tile New-Repair Regrouting ¯Complete Woodworking ¯Door-Window Repair **Free Estimates** (239) 839-1131 Lic#0901158/Insured Krueger’s Painting LLC 239-980-0680 Interior/Exterior Exterior Specialist Licensed & Insured PT15-00319 Cape: 62966 AFFORDABLE FREE ESTIMATES $1,800.00FourZones NewInstallation IncludesPermit 2YearWarranty A+RATED-ANGIESLIST Installation&Repair FAMILYOWNEDSINCE1981 LEE#LSO200031 CAPE#06938 UltraPlumbing &DrainCleaning,Inc PlumbingInstallations ServiceandRepair 24/7EmergencyServices DrainBack-Ups PipeBursts Residential&Commercial Honest-Professional Affordable Veteran&SeniorDiscounts FreeEstimates 239-203-7047 FacebookandInstagram @ultraplumbingservice Licensed&InsuredLic#CFC1430549 A Tip Top Rescreen Pool Screen Repair Rescreen and Repair for an Affordable Price. Call For Your Free Estimate 239-440-6857 Licensed and Insured AFFORDABLE FREE ESTIMATES $1,800.00FourZones NewInstallation IncludesPermit 2YearWarranty A+RATED-ANGIESLIST Installation&Repair FAMILYOWNEDSINCE1981 LEE#LSO200031 CAPE#06938 Armando’s Tree Service Trim Trees * Stump Removal Lot Clearing * Landscaping Residential & Commercial Now Offering Paver Installation 239-910-4514 Licensed and Insured PHILIP C CAIL, LLC LICENSED INSURED WORKERS COMP COVERED COMMERCIAL/ RESIDENTIAL LARGE TO SMALL TREE WORK STUMP REMOVAL BUCKET TRUCK SERVICE WOOD CHIPPER SERVICE I WANT TO BE YOUR TREE GUY!! CALL ME FOR WHATEVER YOU NEED!! FREE ESTIMATES 239-357-1520 Stump Grinding! *Tree Trimming *Bobcat Services *Hurricane Clean Up Safe Local Team Free Estimates 727-243-5580 Licensed & Insured cbc060173 Blue Sparq, Inc. seeks an Embedded Linux Engineer in Cape Coral, FL to crte & mnge BSP fr linux bsed sngl bord cntrlers usng ARM prcssr. If interested send Resume to:, Subject: Ref#ELE0123 Frigidaire chest freezer, 6 cu ft, white, includes 1 basket, good condition. Asking $150. Call Robert 717676-7450 Cape Coral. 4418 SE 13th Ave. Friday/Saturday/Sunday January 13th, 14th & 15th. 9am-3pm Lots of stuff. Reasonable prices. Looking for owner who wants to lease to own house or condo in the Cape Coral/Fort Myers area. Call 239-224-8209 FLEA MARKET Horizon Village 9200 Littleton Road North Fort Myers Saturday, January 21, 2023 7:30am - 12:30pm Plenty of Parking Breakfast & Lunch Available Pressman PressAssistant TheBreeze NewspapersBreeze CommercialPrinting hasanimmediate needforthefollowing positionsatour PrintingFacility. PRESSMAN: experiencepreferred butnotrequired.F/T PRESSASSISTANT: willtrain,F/T PaidVacation, Benefits,401K,great workenvironment! ApplyinPersonor emailyourresume BreezeNewspapers 14051JetportLoop FtMyersFL33913 TruckDriver DELIVERYDRIVER (BoxTruck) TheBreeze Newspapershas animmediate needfora F ullTimeDelivery d river. NoCDLrequired 401(k), m edical/dental benefits, Greatwork environment. ApplyinPersonor emailyourresume B reezeNewspapers 14051JetportLoop FtMyersFL33913 Getyour MedicalMarijuanaCard Fast Easy Appro-val callfora FREEEVALUATIONBY PHONE 2 39-236-5311 CMMDR.COM REDBARN Saturday,Jan.14th 8amto4pm Sunday,Jan.15th 8amto4pm 1405SE30thStreet (offDelPrado) Thisisanawesome estatewith50years collection.Piesafes, oakcabinets,king b edroomset.Juki q uiltingmachine, lamps,pictures, stoneware,flowerpots &yarddecor,lanai furniture.Over100 piecesofjewelT.You donátwanttomissthis chancetogetsome greatcollectibles. Pictures: anddemolitionsale 2016BMWX5xDrive35i SportUtility4D.NoHurricaneDamage!Wasstored on4thfloorparkinggarage duringHurricane!Very c lean,completelyloaded! Panoramicsunroof,thirdrow seating,4wd/Awd,leather seats.Everyoptionavailablethisvehiclehasit. $28,500.Call239-834-8784. I BUY ALL RV’s I PAY CASH I will Come To You To See It Quick & Easy Sale. CASH ON THE SPOT! Vince ~ 941-301-9946 Local I BUY ALL BOATS I PAY CASH I will Come To You To See It Quick & Easy Sale. CASH ON THE SPOT! Vince ~ 941-301-9946 Local fortmyersbeachtalk .com BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Page 9B CAPE CORAL BREE ZE w w w capecoral breeze com Januar y 13 2023
Page 16B Januar y 13 2023 w w w capecoral breeze com CAPE CORAL BREE ZE

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