Fort Myers Beach Observer/The Beach Bulletin

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Volume 38, number 9

School board voices support for Beach School rebuild

No official action yet taken, agreement with town may be needed

The majority of the Lee County School

D i s t r i c t B o a r d g a v e d i r e c t i o n t o

Superintendent Dr. Chris Bernier this past week that they want to stabilize the Fort

M y e r s B e a c h E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l a n d reopen it in phases

The project would cost an estimated

$10 4 million for the first phase and, if enrollment warrants an expansion, would cost $9 1 million for a second phase for a full rebuild The costs are expected to be reimbursed through insurance and Federal

E m e r g e n c y M a n a g e m e n t A g e n c y (FEMA) funds due to the damage brought by Hurricane Ian to the structures Specifics have not yet been agreed

upon by the board The board majority said they supported stabilizing the school and reopening it though that option would entail an interlocal agreement with the Town of Fort Myers Beach Some board members indicated they want the town to provide the school district access to the Bay Oaks Recreational Campus Board Vice Chair Samuel Fisher said

he supported a memorandum of understanding with the town He said he would like a three-year timeframe which board members have discussed as the timeframe they are seeking to see if the school’s enrollment can grow

The work session meeting started with a slide that showed the 2022 budget for the Fort Myers Beach Elementary School was $1.7 million with $404,000 of that

See BEACH SCHOOL, page 9

Town seeks easements for beach renourishment

T h e T o w n o f F o r t M y e r s B e a c h Council is supportive of a $25 5 million beach renourishment project and $7 million emergency berm project that its consultant says will only cost the town less than $1 million of the overall cost due to state and county reimbursements

But so far, the town hasn’t been receiving the easements it needs for the project to go forward

At a council meeting in February, the council was told only about one-sixth of the 360 easements required for the project to go forward have been granted by property owners

The town recently updated the easement to make it clear that “there are no third party beneficiaries and nothing prohibits the upland owner from using their property in any way as long as such use is consistent with the easement and complies with federal, state, county, and Town of Fort Myers Beach law,” town spokesperson Jennifer Dexter stated “It also clearly states that all risks associated with the use of the easement is on the Town, not on the property owner ”

When Hurricane Ian swept in off the Gulf of Mexico, it hit Salty Sam’s Marina as hard as it could, wiping out dozens of boats that were stationed there and leveling much of its docks

Despite the damage, Salty Sam’s Marina is still standing, its famed pirate ship survived and this past week its signature restaurant – the Parrot Key Caribbean Grill opened back up

The pillars are still standing upright, holding up its iconic balcony and architecture Several of the concrete pillars had to be replaced A pirate statue is still standing in front of the restaurant greeting customers. The Original Shrimp Dock Bar & Grill which is also on the property next door was hit particularly hard, with extensive roof damage Darrell and Matt Hanson, owners of Salty Sam’s Marina and the two restaurants

on the property, are still considering plans for the Original Shrimp Dock Bar & Grill, Salty Sam’s Marina Marketing Manager Ryan VanDenabeele said “It’s still kind of up in the air We want to focus on one restaurant at a time ” Currently, Parrot Key Caribbean Grill is offering a limited menu off its grill with grouper, burgers, hot dogs and bratwurst VanDenabeele said the kitchen just had power restored and hopes to have a larger menu this week The

See SALTY SAM’S, page 10

The famous Salty Sam's Marina pirate ship is back in action after undergoing repairs and a new coat of paint after taking some damage from Hurricane Ian


The easement document and instructions as well as additional information about the Town’s beach recovery projects can be found at www fmbgov com/beach

Questions can be sent by email to Chadd Chustz, the Town’s Environmental P r o j e c t s M a n a g e r , a t chadd@fmbgov com

The plan is to start the project in the fall if the easements can be acquired

“We’ve had property owners that are eager to get their properties back in shape t o b r i n g i n b e a c h c o m p a t i b l e s o u n d , ” Chustz said Chustz said he has worked with property owners and vendors Chustz

See EASEMENTS, page 10

Guest Commentary................................4 Web Poll 4 Business..................................................6 Beach Bulletin 13-21 insidetoday
Classifieds 22 S a l t y S a m ’ s M a r i n a p i r a t e s h i p , P a r r o t K e y C a r i b b e a n G r i l l r e o p e n

f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m 1 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 2

W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h

F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r

Lee County Republican Party Executive Committee passes ‘Ban the Jab’ Resolution

B y VA L A R I E H A R R I N G v h a r r i n g @ b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s c o m T h e L e e C o u n t y R e p u b l i c a n P a r t y E x e c u t i v e C o m m i t t e e p a s s e d a “ B a n t h e J a b ” r e s o l u t i o n l a s t T u e s d a y n i g h t , a s k i n g t h e F l o r i d a L e g i s l a t u r e t o b a n t h e C O V I D v a c c i n e a n d t h e A t t o r n e y G e n e r a l ' s O f f i c e t o c o n f i s c a t e a l l d o s e s w i t h i n t h e s t a t e T h e r e s o l u t i o n p a s s e d b y a v o i c e v o t e o f t h e a t t e n di n g c o m m i t t e e m e m b e r s h i p a s p r e s e n t e d a f t e r d i s c u ss i o n s p l i t l a r g e l y i n t o t w o c a m p s : w h e t h e r b a n n i n g t h e i n j e c t i o n s w o u l d b e a n i n f r i n g e m e n t o f i n d i v i d u a l c h o i c e a n d t h e p r e v a i l i n g v i e w t h a t a l a c k o f i n f o r m e d c o n s e n t i s n o t c o n s e n t T h e r e s o l u t i o n r e c e i v e d t h e r e q u i r e d t w o - t h i r d s m a j o r i t y f o r p a s s a g e T h e r e s o l u t i o n , t o n o w b e s e n t t o G o v R o n D e S a n t i s a n d t h e S t a t e L e g i s l a t u r e a s a f o r m a l p o s it i o n o f t h e L e e C o u n t y G O P , s t a t e s t h a t s t r o n g a n d c r e d i b l e e v i d e n c e e x i s t s t h a t i n j e c t i o n s a r e “ b i o l o g i c a l a n d t e c h n o l o g i c a l w e a p o n s ” a n d c i t e s v a r i o u s s o u r c e s t o s u b s t a n t i a t e i t s p o s i t i o n t h a t " g o v e r n m e n t a g e n c i e s , m e d i a a n d t e c h c o m p a n i e s , a n d o t h e r c o r p o r a t i o n s , h a v e c o m m i t t e d e n o r m o u s f r a u d b y c l a i m i n g C o v i d i n j e c t i o n s a r e s a f e a n d e f f e c t i v e "

Soules sentenced to life in prison for murder of Beach Library librarian

A d a m M i t c h e l l Soules sentenced to life in prison for the prem e d i t a t e d f i r s t - d e g r e e murder of Fort Myers Beach Library Director Dr Leroy Hommerding

i n 2 0 1 9 . S o u l e s w a s s e n t e n c e d b y L e e

County Judge Margaret S t e i n b e c k o n F r i d a y , t h e S t a t e A t t o r n e y ' s

Office announced

S o u l e s w a s f o u n d guilty in December by a L e e C o u n t y j u r y f o r stabbing Hommerding outside the Fort Myers Beach Library in January, 2019

C h i e f A s s i s t a n t S t a t e A t t o r n e y R i c h a r d Montecalvo, Assistant State Attorney Sara Miller of the Homicide Unit, and Assistant State Attorney Erin Hughes of the Special Victims Unit, prosecuted the case

Soules was indicted by the Lee County Grand Jury in Feb 2019, on one count of premeditated firstdegree murder

Soules, who was homeless at the time, was convicted of murdering Hommerding with a machete while the library director was unlocking and opening the doors of the Fort Myers Beach Library, to get ready for a book sale. Hommerding was stabbed in the torso and died in the library's lobby

S u c h " c o n t i n u e d e x p e r i m e n t a t i o n o n h u m a n s a n d d e n i a l o f i n f o r m e d c o n s e n t a r e v i o l a t i o n s o f t h e N u r e m b e r g C o d e a n d t h e r e f o r e c o n s t i t u t e c r i m e s a g a i n s t h u m a n i t y , " t h e r e s o l u t i o n s t a t e s , c a l l i n g u p o n " G o v e r n o r D e S a n t i s a n d t h e s t a t e l e g i s l a t u r e t o p r oh i b i t t h e s a l e a n d d i s t r i b u t i o n o f C o v i d i n j e c t i o n s a n d a l l m R N A i n j e c t i o n s i n t h e s t a t e o f F l o r i d a , a n d f o r t h e s t a t e A t t o r n e y G e n e r a l t o i m m e d i a t e l y s e i z e a l l C o v i d i n j e c t i o n s a n d m R N A i n j e c t i o n s i n t h e s t a t e o f F l o r i d a a n d h a v e a f o r e n s i c a n a l y s i s c o n d u c t e d "

A m o n g t h o s e o p p o s e d w e r e m e m b e r s o f t h e e x e c ut i v e c o m m i t t e e o f t h e S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a Y o u n g R e p u b l i c a n s C l u b " B a s i c a l l y o u r i s s u e o n i t w a s w e f e l t i s w a s a n o v e r r e a c h b y t h e g o v e r n m e n t , " s a i d O l i v i a E r f m a nT e n z e l , p r e s i d e n t o f t h e S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a Y o u n g R e p u b l i c a n s P r o p o n e n t s k e p t m e n t i o n i n g t h e y h a d a m o r a l o b l ig a t i o n t o b a n t h e v a c c i n e i n t h e s t a t e o f F l o r i d a b e c a u s e , i n t h e i r v i e w , p e o p l e i n F l o r i d a w e r e n ' t s m a r t e n o u g h t o t a k e t h e v a c c i n e o r n o t , s h e s a i d , a d d i n g t h a t p o s i t i o n s e t s a c o u r s e f e w m a y w a n t t o f o l l o w " Y o u e n d u p g o i n g d o w n t h i s r a b b i t h o l e , " s h e s a i d " I f w e s t a r t b a n n i n g e v e r y t h i n g t h a t h a r m s p e o p l e , t h a t a f f e c t s t h e i r h e a l t h , t h e n w e s h o u l d b a n o t h e r t h i n g s s u c h a s s m o k i n g c i g a r e t t e s o r a l c o h o l . "

T h e C a p e C o r a l R e p u b l i c a n C l u b d o e s n o t t a k e

p o s i t i o n s o n r e s o l u t i o n s u n d e r c o n s i d e r a t i o n b y t h e

L e e R e p u b l i c a n E x e c u t i v e C o m m i t t e e , s a i d A n d r e w

S u n d , t h e c l u b ' s p r e s i d e n t w h o h a d s e r v e d a s t h e

R E C ' s t r e a s u r e r u n t i l n e w l e a d e r s h i p w a s e l e c t e d i n D e c e m b e r H e h a s a s t r o n g p e r s o n a l o p i n i o n , t h o u g h , a n d s p o k e i n o p p o s i t i o n o f t h e B a n t h e J a b R e s o l u t i o n T u e s d a y n i g h t H e s u m m e d u p t h a t p o s i t i o n w h e n r e a c h e d b y p h o n e W e d n e s d a y " I b e l i e v e t h a t t h e r e s o l u t i o n t h a t p a s s e d i s a n t i t h e ti c a l t o e v e r y t h i n g w e b e l i e v e a s R e p u b l i c a n s , " S u n d s a i d " W e c a n ' t s a y w e b e l i e v e i n p e r s o n a l f r e e d o m a n d l e t t i n g p e o p l e m a k e i n d i v i d u a l c h o i c e s a n d t h e n t a k e a w a y t h e i r a b i l i t y t o m a k e t h o s e c h o i c e s I t ' s n o t d i f f e r e n t t h a n t h e p e o p l e m a n d a t i n g t h e v a c c i n e B o t h a r e e q u a l l y b a d " T h e r e s o l u t i o n f u r t h e r s t a t e s t h a t " o n b e h a l f o f t h e p r e s e r v a t i o n o f t h e h u m a n r a c e , t h e L e e C o u n t y R e p u b l i c a n P a r t y c a l l s u p o n G o v e r n o r D e S a n t i s a n d t h e s t a t e l e g i s l a t u r e t o p r o h i b i t t h e s a l e a n d d i s t r i b ut i o n o f C o v i d i n j e c t i o n s a n d a l l m R N A i n j e c t i o n s i n t h e s t a t e o f F l o r i d a , a n d f o r t h e s t a t e A t t o r n e y G e n e r a l t o i m m e d i a t e l y s e i z e a l l C o v i d i n j e c t i o n s a n d m R N A i n j e c t i o n s i n t h e s t a t e o f F l o r i d a a n d h a v e a f o r e n s i c a n a l y s i s c o n d u c t e d . "

Lt. Gov. Nunez announces cybergrant program

These days it doesn’t take much for a cyberterrorist to create mayhem inside the computers of a city, county or even a state

O n F r i d a y , L t G o v J e a n e t t e Nunez visited Fire Station No 2 in Cape Coral to announce a state grant program to equip local governments with improved cybersecurity capabilities

L o c a l a n d c o u n t y d i g n i t a r i e s attended this invite-only event that served as a kickoff to the program created to improve cybersecurity for l o c a l g o v e r n m e n t s , f i r e a n d l a w enforcement and much more

Nunez said the state is ready to help build infrastructure needed but cybersecurity is a priority, as evidenced by the $250 million invested since Gov Ron DeSantis took office

T h i s $ 3 0 m i l l i o n c o m p e t i t i v e grant program, funded through the state’s 2022-23 budget, is geared toward the local governments to help keep databases safe as the number of cyberattacks continue to rise

“We want to protect the citizens data and making sure we collaborate together We will have cybersecurity capabilities for local governments that this program will help,” Nunez said

“We’re getting rid of all the things the federal government does wrong, keep the things they do right and doing it faster, better and with less bureaucracy,” said Pedro Allende,

CHUCK BALLARO Lt Gov Jeanette Nunez visited Fire Station No 2 in Cape Coral Friday to announce a state grant program to equip local governments with improved cybersecurity capabilities

S e c r e t a r y o f t h e D e p a r t m e n t o f Management Services

T h e a p p l i c a t i o n p r o c e s s w a s launched started last week The window for applying will close at the

■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r

end of March, with awards being made April 18 No match is required

The program is designed to allow local governments to augment and

See NUNEZ, page 5

P a g e 3
Adam Mitchell Soules

1 ,

W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h

f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 4

P u b l i s h e r R a y m o n d M E c ke n r o d e re cke n ro d e @ b re e z e n ew s p a p e rs c o m

E x e c u t ive E d i t o r Va l a r i e H a r r i n g v h a r r i n g @ b re e z e n ew s p a p e rs c o m

E d i t o r N a t h a n M a y b e rg n m a y b e rg @ b re e z e n ew s p a p e rs c o m

A d ve r t i s i n g D i re c t o r L a u r i e R a g l e l rag l e @ b re e z e n ew s p a p e rs c o m

Advertising Sales


Student School Assignment is changing for the 2023-24 school year a very important message especially for parents/guardians of elementary school students

On Feb 7, 2023, the School Board approved the Superintendent’s recommendation to adopt the 2023-24

Student Enrollment Plan The new plan represents a significant change from previous plans built on a primary zone and subzone model.


o n s

The previous plan has become unwieldy and inefficient It was implemented in 2005 when the District had 68,000 students Today, we enroll nearly 100,000 students and continue to grow The 2023-24 Student Enrollment Plan and future enrollment plans will be based on a proximity zone model intended to reduce the size of attendance zones and decrease the number and length of bus routes.

Cathleen O’Daniel Morgan Guest Commentary

more than two miles from the school Incoming kindergartners may select an out-of-zone school if an older sibling is already enrolled, but transportation will not be provided

■ Students new the district will be assigned an elementary school according to the proximity zone in which they reside

■ Rising students (grades one through five) who live outside their new attendance zone will be given the opportunity to enroll in a new school within their new zone; if eligible, bus transpiration will be available to their new school Rising students living outside their new attendance zone and wishing to continue to attend their current school may do so but they must provide their own transportation

Who is not affected?

school when that school is outside the new Proximity Plan map must affirm they are waiving transportation in their FOCUS Parent Portal

When the number of applicants for a school exceeds the number of available seats, a lottery process will be used In the enrollment lottery, sibling preference will be honored

When will enrollment be completed?

Open enrollment for elementary schools began Feb 13 and continues to March 10 Families who do not make an enrollment decision by the end of the enrollment period will be entered automatically in the new Proximity Lottery for a school in their attendance zone. Families will receive information about their school assignment in late March or early April

How and where can families get additional information?

are you most concerned about in regards to rebuilding from Hurricane Ian?

The new Proximity Plan will be used for enrollment of ALL elementary students In the new attendance zones, families will be able to choose from between three to six elementary schools, with the exception of the Barrier Islands You can view a map of the proximity zones and use the interactive tool to search by address on the School District’s website

Who is affected?

■ All incoming kindergarten students are required to enroll in a school in their proximity zone Transportation is provided if they live


There’s no better place to learn about Social Security programs and do business with us than on our redesigned website at SSA gov Visitors to SSA gov will experience a new design to help them find what they need more easily

Here are our top 10 webpages:

■ my Social Security: You can open a personal my Social Security account to verify your earnings, view your Social Security Statement, get benefit estimates, and more at www ssa gov/myaccount

■ Social Security blog: Our hub for Social Security news and updates is our blog at blog ssa gov You can use social media to easily share these informative articles with others

■ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Do you need answers to Social Security-related questions? Our FAQ webpage is another valu-

Rising K-5 elementary students who reside inside their new attendance zone and want to stay in their current school are unaffected and will continue to receive transportation if eligible All middle and high school students are unaffected by the new proximity plan in 202324 They continue to be enrolled according to the three primary zones and subzone model

How will students be enrolled?

Families participating in the Proximity Plan (incoming kindergarten students, elementary students new to the District and those enrolled in schools outside their new zone) must rank the schools within the new Proximity Plan attendance zones in their FOCUS Parent Portal

Families desiring to remain in their current

1 y e a r, $ 6 2 C i rc u l a t i o n ( 2 3 9 ) 5 7 4 - 1 9 3 6 C l a s s i fi e d / D i s p l a y A d ve r t i s i n g ( 2 3 9 ) 5 7 4 - 1 1 1 0 Customer service hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a m to 5 p m , except major holidays Letters to the editor must be typed or hand printed Your name and phone number must be affixed to the copy In the event of an advertising error, we are responsible only for the first incorrect insertion of the ad itself We are not responsible for any credit or reimbursement after 30 days from publication Postal Information: Third class postage paid at Fort Myers Beach, FL Permit 521 Postmaster: Send address changes to the Beach Observer 19260 San Carlos Blvd Fort Myers Beach FL 33931 The Observer and Bulletin is published every Wednesday 19260 San Carlos Blvd Fort Myers Beach, FL 33931 Phone: (239) 765-0400 Fax: (239) 765-0846 Web: fortmyersbeachtalk com Report your news to FORTMyERSBEACHTALk COM OPINIONS

Every family with children enrolled in a K5 elementary school will receive messages from the District and from their child’s current school For general information about Elementary Student Enrollment, please go to https://www leeschools net/our district/departments/academic services/student enrollment/e lementary o pen enrollment

You may view the Jan 20, 2023 Board Workshop at which the Superintendent previewed the Proximity Plan, the Jan 24 Board Briefing update and the Feb 7 Public Comment and School Board approval at www YouTube com/LeeSchoolsTV

Cathleen O'Daniel Morgan represents District 7 on the Lee County School Board District 7 is an at-large district meaning the seat is determined by votes throughout Lee County

Guest Commentary

able source of information at

■ Retirement Application: You can complete and submit your online application for retirement benefits in as few as 15 minutes at www ssa gov/retirement

■ Disability Application: You can conveniently apply online for disability benefits at www ssa gov/benefits/disability

■ Publications: Visit our online publication library for information on key subjects at www ssa gov/pubs (includes audio versions of publications)

■ Medicare: Sign up for Medicare at

■ Online Services: You can take care of most business with us by visiting our online services page at www ssa gov/onlineservices

■ Forms: Find and fill out our forms easily at www ssa gov/forms

■ Fraud and Scam Prevention and Reporting: Learn how to recognize Social Security fraud and scams and how to report them at www ssa gov/fraud

Remember, if you need information or want to do business with us, the first place to go is our website Please share these top resources with your loved ones

For more information, visit the Social Security Administration at www ssa gov People can also contact the area office in Fort Myers at 888-318-9114 or the national number at 800-772-1213 for assistance

Critical Wildlife Area?

F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r
The views expressed on the Opinions pages are just that opinions These pages are intended to convey a range of viewpoints; opinions printed on this page do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper Opposing views are welcome. Letters to the Editor or guest columns may be mailed to: Fort Myers Beach Observer, 19260 San Carlos Blvd., Fort Myers Beach, FL 33931; faxed to 239-765-0846; emailed to; or posted to our Virtual Newsroom at Letters are due no later than noon Monday. All letters and guest columns must be signed and must contain a phone number for verification purposes. you also can comment on any letter or editorial opinion online at:
your opinion at fortmyersbeachtalk com
Web Poll
O b i t u a r i e s D e b b i e C a r l e t t i o b i t s @ b re e z e n ew s p a p e rs c o m P ro d u c t i o n m a n a g e r R o b B r a i t l i n g r b ra i t l i n g @ b re e z e n ew s p a p e rs c o m S u b s c r i p t i
We want your opinion
Poll Share
∫ Debris
∫ Insurance, 26% ∫ 50%
I can
rebuild, 33% ∫ Permits for repairs/rebuilding,
∫ Government
, 12%
removal, 8%
afford to
Current Web
∫ Unsure/no opinion
Should the Town of Fort Myers Beach Council approve a special exception permit for a 298-feet boardwalk over two lagoons, dunes and vegetation near the Little Estero Island
Parents take note: District has changed its elementary school assignment plan
Social Security’s top 10 webpages for 2023

Flood Insurance and the Increased Cost of Compliance - How it Helps

If you have a policy with the National Flood Insurance Program and your home was damaged extensively by Hurricanes Ian or Nicole, you may qualify for additional coverage under your policy

What assistance is available?

After a flooding event, local officials determine whether a structure was “substantially damaged.”

Increased Cost of Compliance (coverage is included in a Standard Flood Insurance Policy and is in addition to the regular flood coverage for the repair of the building’s actual physical damage caused by flooding

Under this coverage, you may be eligible to receive up to $30,000 to help pay the cost of bringing your home into compliance with your community’s floodplain management requirements

ICC funds can help defray the costs of elevating, floodproofing, demolishing or relocating a residential structure ICC coverage also is available on non-residential buildings, including public or government buildings s u c h a s s c h o o l s , l i b r a r i e s a n d m u n i c i p a l s t r u c t u r e s insured under an NFIP policy

You can ask your claims adjuster or insurance agent about ICC coverage This applies to homes located in a Special Flood Hazard Area, or a flood zone

The mitigation activity funded by the ICC payment

Nunez From page 3

improve their cyber capabilities, regardless of size or resources

If awarded, local governments will gain access to cybersecurity solutions that i n t e g r a t e i n t o t h e S t a t e C y b e r s e c u r i t y Operations Center

Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno said the state and the local and county authorities have created a great team, and that the way it has helped secure the inter-

must be completed no later than six years after the date of flood loss If the work does not pass final inspection before the deadline, the homeowner can request from the insurance carrier a waiver of the date of completion but must provide documentation as to the reasons such waiver should be granted

net is a game-changer

“This provides a turn-key ability to let u s w o r k s o o n e r a n d i m m e d i a t e l y Cooperation and intelligence sharing is a model for the country These programs keep us catching criminals and adapt to threats,” Marceno said “This is a critical program for us to keep your information safe ”

For the city of Cape Coral, this impor-

For more information on general flood insurance, contact your insurance agent or NFIP at 800-427-4661 You can also email FloodSmart@dhs gov to request i n f o r m a t i o n i n a l a n g u a g e o t h e r t h a n E n g l i s h I n f o r m a t i o n a l s o i s a v a i l a b l e at FEMA gov and FloodSmart gov

tant Fire Chief Ryan Lamb said the city uses IT services and the internet more than ever and it needs to be protected, since lives are at stake

“We’re all impacted by cyberattacks and how it affects our ability to provide city services,” Lamb said, adding their application is in the mail “It’s important that we safeguard that critical infrastructure ”

Mayor John Gunter said having the state provide that for all agencies is key

“I’m sure the city will look into this program and participate The state has put in a lot of hard work and dedication to get this implemented,” Gunter said “For the city as a whole, this program is for a multitude of agencies and we will utilize whichever agency we feel will benefit ”

P a g e 5 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r

Fresh Catch Bistro, Junkanoo team up for double feature

Fresh Catch Bistro and Junkanoo are back together again The popular beachfront establishments, often honored with Best of the Beach awards, lost their old home to Hurricane Ian but have a new home overlooking the bay of Fort Myers Beach at Snook Bright Marina on E s t e r o B o u l e v a r d T h e y a r e r e p l a c i n g t h e f o r m e r Bayfront Bistro at the location, after owner Franco Russo recently purchased that business

Junkanoo opened first this month at the ground level, followed by Fresh Catch Bistro on the upper level this past week.

“It’s been busy since opened,” Russo said “I feel like every day it’s busier and busier We are definitely blessed to have the support ”

Russo recommends that customers make a reservation ahead of time due to the busy nature of the restaurants

“It definitely surprised me,” Russo said “I know Junkanoo and Fresh Catch Bistro are staples on the island It’s heartwarming ”

Junkanoo was full on a recent visit “In talking to guests they are all just so happy we are back, the response has been amazing,” Russo said Grouper bites and fish tacos have been particularly popular, he said.

“The biggest item missing on our Junkanoo menu is pizza Bayfront Bistro didn't have a pizza oven in their kitchen so we are working on getting one installed as soon as possible,” Russo said

Fresh Catch Bistro, which features a slightly more upscale menu, underwent some painting and redecorating at the former Bayfront Bistro “There are still some cosmetic upgrades I'd like to make but they will take some time,” Russo said “We added some greenery, some art on the walls ”

Russo retained staff from Bayfront Bistro as well as staff from the former locations of Fresh Catch Bistro and Junkanoo “I wanted to get the staff back to work,” he said He employed about 50 people at the restaurants

The most popular items at Fresh Catch Bistro are the spiced pecan and cranberry crusted grouper as well as the oysters Rockefeller

They have an extensive wine list and “a great selection of martinis that we have become known for,” Russo said “It will be interesting operating both Junkanoo and Fresh Catch out of one kitchen, but we're up for the chal-

lenge,” he said

Russo’s father Alfredo Russo bought the restaurants 35 years ago when it was known as The Pelican, one of the earliest and iconic hotels and restaurants on Fort Myers Beach His father sold the property before he died and his son took over running the restaurant. “It has the same great food, same great view,” Russo said “It was great being on the beach and the sunset,” he said “Fresh Catch Bistro has been successful because of the food, the drinks, the staff ”

Instead of a beach view, there is now a scenic bay view with an outdoor patio and from inside - windows

provide an expansive view of the water and Junkanoo below

“It was always important to stay on the island,” Russo said "It’s a big investment I have the utmost faith in the island I believe in the future of the island If the last two weeks are any indication, I believe we made the right decision ”

Fresh Catch Bistro and Junkanoo are open from 11 a m to 8:30 p m daily

Happy hour is 2:30 p m to 4:30 p m

They are located behind the Publix Supermarket at 4765 Estero Boulevard on Fort Myers Beach

F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 6 Report your news to FoRTMyeRsBeaChTalk.CoM BUSINESS
NATHAN MAYBERG Fresh Catch Bistro and Junkanoo owner Franco Russo at his new Fresh Catch Bistro location, at the former Bayfront Bistro on Fort Myers Beach Good times are had at the full bar at the new Junkanoo The bar was busy for happy hour at the new Fresh Catch Bistro this past week

Dixie Fish Co. gets jubilant welcome

The Dixie Fish Co breathed new life to Fishermans Wharf this past week when the San Carlos Island restaurant overlooking the bay of Fort Myers Beach opened for the first time since Hurricane Ian struck The restaurant looked like it hadn’t ever been touched by the devastating storm, aside from an overturned boat nearby Grinning from ear to ear were customers, waiters and waitresses alike at the venerable establishment Competing with the food and drinks for the attention of the guests on a recent afternoon were the dolphins jumping out of the water April and Kerry Ferguson had a front-row table to the action on the bay as they surveyed the dolphins and the boats cruising on by The Columbus, Ohio couple has been enjoying Dixie Fish Co for years and regularly visit when they are staying at their Fort Myers condominium

April and Kerry Ferguson, longtime devoted customers of Dixie Fish Co , enjoy a lunch at the San Carlos Island restaurant this past week

Having Dixie Fish Co back open was like “a little piece of heaven opened up with all the devastation in the past year,” Ms Ferguson said “We love the atmosphere every time we come They treat you like family ”

“We literally flew down when we heard they were going to open,” Mr Ferguson said

Ms Ferguson enjoyed the grouper cheek bites and col-

lared greens while Mr Ferguson had the Yucatan shrimp tacos “I love the Yucatan sauce,” Ms Ferguson said

Hilda Legg, of Lexington, Kentucky, said it was her first time back to Fort Myers Beach since Hurricane Ian “We love coming here,” she said of Dixie Fish Co “The food is always good here at Dixie We always come to Dixie or

See DIXIE FISH CO , page 8

P a g e 7 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r
Dixie Fish Co customers were eager to get their favorite meals and drinks again after the store recently reopened from Hurricane Ian damage

U.S. Court of Appeals strikes down government rule over boat surveillance

The U S Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has struck down a rule proposed by the U S Department of Commerce which would have required the owners of charter boats to install 24-hour vessel monitoring systems at their own cost

The monitoring systems would have been required to be installed by charter boat captains to continuously transmit their locations whether they were being used for business purposes or personal and recreational uses

The court, in a decision filed Feb 23 found that the U S Government’s rule “likely violated the Fourth Amendment” of the U.S. Constitution for allowing for an unwarranted search and “committed multiple independent Administrative Procedure Act violations ”

A lawsuit challenging the rule was brought by the N e w C i v i l L i b e r t i e s A l l i a n c e a g a i n s t t h e N a t i o n a l Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the U S Department of Commerce and National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)

“We are obviously very pleased,” New Civil Liberties Alliance attorney John Vecchione said There was a concern on the part of the clients represented by Vecchione that the rule would lead to the monitoring of not just charter boat captains but recreational fishermen. “This (decision) stops that right in its tracks,” he said

Vecchione said the monitoring of the boats wouldn’t have proven anything about any illegal fishing activities and said he thought the government wasn’t able to show why the monitoring was needed In addition, the court found that the government erred in not presenting to the public before the public comment period ended, of a requirement under the rule for the number of passengers to be included

The rule was proposed in 2018 under the MagnusonStevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976 and codified in 2020 by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council and South Atlantic Fishery Management Council The Magnuson-Stevens Act creates fishery management councils that have jurisdiction in defined regions, the court stated in explaining its decision The U S Department of Commerce has delegated r e g u l a t o r y a u t h o r i t y t o t h e N a t i o n a l O c e a n i c a n d Atmospheric Administration, which regulates fisheries through the National Marine Fisheries Service

An estimated 1,700 charter boat captains would be affected by the rule, including many in Lee County Parts of the rule went into effect in 2021, while the vessel monitoring system requirement was delayed indefinitely.

The membership of the Gulf of Mexico Fishery M a n a g e m e n t C o u n c i l a n d S o u t h A t l a n t i c F i s h e r y Management Council comprises the states of Florida, G e o r g i a , L o u i s i a n a , M i s s i s s i p p i , A l a b a m a , S o u t h Carolina and North Carolina

Under the rule, charter boat captains were required to submit an electronic fishing report (or logbook) using federally approved hardware and software, for each fish-

Dixie Fish Co.

Doc Ford’s

From page 7

Legg was renting out on a condominium on Fort Myers Beach for her stay She said the Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce was “very helpful” in finding her a place

Fort Myers Beach is “a lot different,” she said “I came here because I want to support the area ” Legg said she was introducing her brother, who lives in Tennessee, to Fort Myers Beach

“When we see all the efforts, the food trucks, the devastation, you see how everybody is working to put it back together that spirit to make it beautiful again,” Legg said.

Marty Harrity, a partner in the ownership group that runs Dixie Fish Co and its neighbor Doc Ford's, said "We’re all very excited about the response to opening the Dixie It’s been a long time getting opened but we’re really better than ever We are so happy to see our customers and employees back at the Dixie Fish House "

Harrity said he is hopeful Doc Ford's can open by late May once some permitting issues are resolved

We have serious concerns that the GPS requirement violates the Fourth Amendment in this circumstance, given the Supreme Court’s instruction that members of the public have a “reasonable expectation of privacy in the whole of their movements.”


ing trip before offloading fish from that fishing trip

Under the proposed rule in 2020, charter boat captains in the Gulf were required to notify the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) prior to departing for any trip and declare whether they are departing on a forhire trip or another trip type, and details of the expected completion. The vessel owners are also required to use NMFS-approved hardware and software with GPS location capabilities

If leaving on a for-hire trip, the trip declaration requires the landing location for the end of the trip, and these landing locations must be added to any approved software before their use Landing locations must be submitted to NMFS through the Landing Location Request form for verification

The lawsuit filed by the New Civil Liberties Alliance claimed violations of the Bill of Rights through the F o u r t h A m e n d m e n t , F i f t h A m e n d m e n t a n d N i n t h Amendment due to warrantless trespassing as a Fourth Amendment violation, Fifth Amendment due process violations, and Ninth Amendment protections which provide freedom of movement, right to travel, rights to free enterprise, freedom from unreasonable governmental interference and right to privacy

According to the July, 2020 federal register of the rules and regulations of the Department of Commerce and NOAA, the new rule was intended to “increase and improve fisheries information collected from federally permitted for-hire vessels in the Gulf” and “improve recreational management of the for-hire component” of fisheries in the Gulf.

One of the plaintiffs in the suit, Naples-based Capt Allen Walburn of A & B Fishing Charters, said at the time of the filing of the original suit that the proposed rule was a “huge intrusion of my privacy ” Walburn also cited the cost of the GPS units – which would run an estimated $18,000 for six boats ($3,000 per boat) in addition to an estimated $60-100 monthly service charge

The suit contended that the rule confers virtually no benefit to charter boats as a way of monitoring fish stocks in the Gulf of Mexico over “cheaper and less intrusive methods.”

The court sided with the charter boat owners on the cost burden, stating in its decision “the expected costs associated with the GPS-tracking requirement are not “reasonably related” to its expected benefits ” The court found that the government failed to show “that such a

device is “necessary and appropriate for the conservation and management of the fishery ”

Charter boat fishermen are limited in how many fish they can catch The rule would have required that before a charter-boat owner take a boat out to sea, he or she must submit a trip declaration indicating the purpose of the trip, such as for-hire, fishing recreational, or non-fishing as well as other unspecified information as requested

The government, in its filing, stated that the charter fishing industry needed to be regulated to protect local fisheries If left unregulated, the fishing industry would pose a serious risk of overfishing and depleting a critical food supply The court found that the threat did not outweigh the constitutional protections and that charter fishing represented only a small percentage of total fishing in the Gulf of Mexico

“We have serious concerns that the GPS requirement violates the Fourth Amendment in this circumstance, given the Supreme Court’s instruction that members of the public have a “reasonable expectation of privacy in the whole of their movements,” the court stated

In its decision, the Fifth Circuit Court ruled that the GPS data the government is seeking is intended to improve “the accuracy and reliability of fishery data by providing trip validation in other words, corroborating whether a vessel has left the dock ” The court found that “charter-boat owners are already required to report all of the information that the Government says the GPA-tracking requirement is designed to collect That is, before going on a trip, charter-boat owners must tell the Government the type of trip (fishing or otherwise), and if it is a fishing trip, they must also tell the Government where they are going, how long they expect the trip will take, and when and where they expect to return ”

In addition, the court stated in its decision “the record lacks any evidence that charter boat owners fail to accurately report their trips Indeed, when asked at oral argument to identify one instance in which NOAA or NMFS documented inaccurate trip reporting, counsel for the Government failed to do so ”

Joining Walburn in bringing the suit was Mexican Gulf Fishing Company, partially owned by Billy Wells; Capt. Kraig Dafcik, part owner of the Alabama with A&B Charters; Ventimiglia, L L C , owned by Frank Ventimiglia, doing business as Sanibel Offshore Fishing Charters; Fishing Charters of Naples, owned by Capt Jim Rinckey; Capt Joey D Charter, Incorporated, owned by Capt Joey Dobin

Some lasting effects of Hurricane Ian can still be felt on Fishermans Wharf between Dixie Fish Co. and Bonita Bill's Waterfront Cafe where there is fencing and tape from damage caused by the September disaster

F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 8

County clerk to waive collection fee on overdue traffic tickets

Lee County drivers with a suspended license or overdue traffic tickets may be eligible to get back on the road through the Lee County Clerk’s annual Operation Green Light event March 13-24 Anyone with cases in collections will be allowed to pay their court fees and fines without getting charged the 25% collection surcharge

The event will take place from 8:30 a m to 5 p m weekdays at both Clerk locations in downtown Fort Myers and Cape Coral Special extended hours will be held from 5 p m to 6 p m Fridays, March 17 and 24 at the downtown Fort Myers office

“Since 2020, this event has saved customers nearly $2 5 million in collection fees, and more than 2,500 people became eligible to get their licenses back,” said Kevin

Beach School

reimbursed through state and federal aid for its enrollment making for a $1 3 million differential the district has to make up That is down from 2019 when the operational budget was $1 6 million and aid totaled $482,000 for a difference of about $976,000 The Lee County School District budget this year is $2 4 billion

T h e r e w a s m u c h d i s c u s s i o n a b o u t increasing the district’s student population. There were about 80 students at the school before Hurricane Ian and there is an estimated 52 of those attending San Carlos Park Elementary School since the s t o r m B o a r d m e m b e r C h r i s P a t r i c c a , whose district includes Fort Myers Beach, said she would like to see further reductions in school costs

B e a c h E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l p a r e n t Patrick Vanasse referred to the Fort Myers B e a c h E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l b u d g e t o f $1 77 million as “a rounding error” compared to the district’s overall budget of $2 4 billion

D i s t r i c t 7 b o a r d m e m b e r C a t h l e e n

O’Daniel Morgan, a Bonita Springs resident, continued to oppose the rebuilding of the school and pressed for more cuts Morgan said the community should consider a charter school or investigate making it a magnet school

“Individually, we board members are being asked to feel a moral obligation to

From page 1

Karnes, Lee County Clerk of the Court & Comptroller

“Operation Green Light is the perfect opportunity for citizens to save money and get back behind the wheel ”

To take advantage of the offer, visit the Lee Clerk’s office at the downtown Fort Myers Justice Center or call 239-533-5000 Customers can also save time by scheduling

t n e r w i t h t h e C l e r k ’ s o f f i c e t o o f f e r o u r c i ti z e n s t h e a b i l i t y t o g e t b a c k o n t h e r o a d ”

Traffic tickets must be paid in full, but customers may

the Fort Myers Beach community and something that has not been customary and traditional We have an ethical obligation to the community to provide a fair and equitable allocation of resources to this school and all the schools in the district,” Morgan said “Does the moral obligation to the community trump our ethical obligation to provide a school whose operating cost is comparable to the other island schools, can be reasonably advocated to the larger community as acceptable g i v e n t h e F o r t M y e r s B e a c h c i r c u mstances?”

Board Chair Armor Persons (District 5) said “I’m not willing to look at it as a strictly financial type thing This is time for us to be a little bit bold We should be thinking about moving ahead We got to put the kids first and to me that means getting them back to the school on the island ”

Persons asked how much was being lost on the Sanibel elementary school, which recently reopened “I know it’s less per kid but they have a lot more kids ”

While Fort Myers Beach Elementary School operated at a higher per-student cost, its cost at $1 77 million is a small fraction of the more than $350 million the district spends on its other elementary schools

“Maybe I am an optimist, I see the

enter into an affordable monthly payment plan for criminal court fees

Customers can pay their court fees and fines to the Clerk in cash, cashier’s check, money order or credit card Additional fees to the Tax Collector are required to reinstate a driver license Payments by credit card are subject to a transaction fee The Justice Center is located at 2075 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard in Fort Myers The Cape Coral branch is located at 1039 SE 9th Place, 2nd Floor

Learn more about Clerk’s Operation Green Light event at For questions about driver license reinstatements, visit the Tax Collector’s website at www leetc com

Beach coming back quite a bit stronger but it’s an unknown I have to be honest there From my viewpoint, I would like to see us go ahead and forward,” Persons said “Give the Beach a chance to rebuild They have been knocked down now and the kids being bused to another school and everything it’s kind of been rough after a hurricane losing their homes I think as a historical community and everything we need to do all we can.”

Persons said the board shouldn’t wait to get the students back to school “leaving them in limbo ”

Right now, Fort Myers Beach students are spending more than two hours a day on the bus traveling to San Carlos Park Elementary School

D i s t r i c t 2 B o a r d M e m b e r M e l i s a Giovanelli said the board should “accommodate the families” and suggested making the school a K-8 school Bernier said a K-8 school would require a redesign.

Fort Myers Beach Mayor Dan Allers recently met with Bernier

“We discussed the options he was considering presenting to the School Board We again met a couple of weeks ago with the town manager to discuss the new options being considered,” Allers stated “In that meeting we discussed the potential for an interlocal agreement between the town and school board There were no

specifics discussed, just the potential for one should the town and school board find that as the best path

Allers said he did not feel a fee or tax would be a good idea

There was a unanimous consensus at that time that Council would be in favor of t h o s e d i s c u s s i o n s T h e C o u n c i l a n d School Board have not yet had a chance to discuss what that interlocal agreement could or should look like.

Lee County School District spokesperson Robert Spicker said Bernier’s takeaway from the meeting was that the board “provided Dr Bernier with several items that needed to be part of an interlocal agreement: use of the community center, enrollment projections, expanding attend a n c e z o n e s , e n r o l l m e n t p r e f e r e n c e s , operational costs, responsibility for the school buildings, community support to lower operational costs, workforce partnerships, community partnerships, business partnerships, and a commitment of support from business and the community “ T h e c o n t i n u o u s d i a l o g u e w i t h t h e school community and town leadership developed and then refined options for the school and remains critical going forward,” Spicker stated

an appointment at www leeclerk com/appointment “ O n c e d r i v e r s a r e i n c o m p l i a n c e w i t h t h e c o u r t s , t h e y c a n c o n v e n i e n t l y a p p l y t o h a v e t h e i r l i c e n s e s r e i n s t a t e d r i g h t a t t h e J u s t i c e C e n t e r o r C a p e C o r a l b r a n c h , ” s a i d N o e l l e B r a n n i n g , L e e C o u n t y T a x C o l l e c t o r “ W e a r e p r o u d t o p a r
P a g e 9 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r

restaurant recently hosted Wisconsin Day, typically one of the biggest days of the year for the restaurant – representing the home state of its owners. VanDenabeele said the restaurant was packed, with more than 1,000 people stopping by that day

“It feels so good,” VanDenabeele said “It’s like a switch got flipped this week ”

The marina’s popular pirate ship cruises were sold out last week, with more cruise dates added for March The pirate ship leaves Salty Sam’s Marina at 11 a m , 2 p m , 5 p m and 7 p m each day About 90% of the pirate ship’s crew returned after Hurricane Ian They repainted the ship and made repairs “Pocket Pete is back He is everyone’s favorite,” VanDenabeele said

“We kept everybody working that wanted to work. They did 90% of the repairs,” he said of the ship’s crew “We couldn’t be more proud of them The boat looks fantastic ”

The pirate store was hit with nine feet of water and just about everything was lost The store is back open though still under construction

The marina’s four main concrete docks suffered heavy damage though the owners have been able to piece together the smaller docks There is no time frame when the docks will be completely restored

The dolphin boat tours at the marina could resume as early as this week, VanDenabeele said. Several fishing captains are doing charter tours out of the marina

VanDenabeele estimated there were about 130 boats at the marina when the storm hit and about 90% were deemed a complete loss, he said There are three sunken boats still in the marina, though most have been removed There is also one in the mangroves Luckily, everyone who was docked at the marina survived Salty Sam’s Marina will be hosting a car show on the first and third Monday of each month beginning March 6

F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 1 0 said if some property owners want to replenish sand themselves, they can also get some of the costs reimbursed M i k e P o s s o f C o a s t a l E n g i n e e r i n g Consultants said the Federal Emergency Management Agency will cover 75% of the emergency berm part of the project and the state will cover 25% but it has to be done within six months to get the full reimbursement T h e b e a c h r e n o u r i s h m e n t p r o j e c t would cost the town $931,000, Poss said Easments From page 1 Salty Sam’s From page 1
NATHAN MAYBERG Aside from the loss of a large portion of its docks. Salty Sam's Marina (above) looks almost like Hurricane Ian never hit it. The look at Salty Sam's Marina (below) shortly after Hurricane Ian destroyed dozens of boats.
P a g e 1 1 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r

f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m 1 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 1 2

W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h

F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r

Southwest Florida Readi ng Festi val ret urns next month

Book lovers of all ages are invited to t h e S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a R e a d i n g Festival this Saturday for a day packed full of authors, activities, food trucks and a free book for attendees

The 24th annual festival will take place at the Fort Myers Regional Library, 2450 First St , Fort Myers from 10 a m to 4 p m Saturday March 4 A 30 minute guitar performance to welcome the crowd w i l l k i c k o f f a t 1 0 a m w i t h J a n e

Rosenbohm at Adult Stage A.

Lee County Library System Manager of Programming & Community Outreach Melissa Baker said they have 22 authors, some of which are repeat authors as they were virtual authors a few years ago

T h o s e a u t h o r s f o r a d u l t s i n c l u d e

Kendra Elliot; Joseph Finder; Kristan H i g g i n s ; G r e g g H u r w i t z ; A l k a J o s h i ; Melinda Leigh; Sarah MacLean; Annette C h a v e z M a c i a s ; V a n e s s a R i l e y ; D e b

Rogers and Jennifer L Schiff

T h e t e e n a u t h o r s i n c l u d e K a l y n n

B a y r o n ; M e g M e d i n a ; N i n a M o r e n o ; Rebecca Ross and Ruta Sepetys The lineu p f o r k i d s i n c l u d e s A l e x a n d r a Alessandri; Alda P Dobbs; John Patrick Green; Terri Libenson; Medina; Heidi E.Y. Stemple and Lauren Wolk.

“There is so much for everybody I am super proud of our author committee,” Baker said “We have all the ages covered We have a good mix ”

A l t h o u g h t h e w e b s i t e , w w w r e a d fest org has a plethora of information a b o u t t h e a u t h o r s a n d e v e n t , B a k e r encourages festival goers to download the app Southwest Florida Reading Festival as it showcases the schedule of the author, allowing individuals to plan their day The app allows individuals to filter the schedule by ages and themes

“It's a good and easy way to engage and not miss anything,” she said

Author presentations are going on all day long in various tents on the grounds

“Each author has two signings,” Baker said, adding that there will be a book signing after each author's tent presentation

“Preview the schedule ahead of time That's the best advice to give people Plan ahead and don't miss your favorite ”

As with year's past, every child and teen will receive a free book Baker said they are collecting extra donated books for adults, which is something new this year Adults will receive a free book while supplies last

T h e A d u l t S t a g e A w i l l b e livestreamed again this year, as well as being available on YouTube later Baker said the hybrid model worked well last year and is ideal for those who are not able to attend the event

Baker said something new that she is very excited about, is their new cute, eyecatching outreach truck, which will be on the grounds during the festival

“We are so excited to have another vehicle in our fleet to increase outreach to the community,” she said “It is a project I have been dreaming up since a bookmobile conference in 2019 It took a year and a half to produce this thing because it is custom ”

The truck includes side panels that pop up with bookshelves and monitors It also has a big storage compartment on the inside that will hold more books

“That will be placed on Richmond Street,” she said. “It is right in the middle of the festival where the festival splits ”

There are also craft zones, festival m e r c h a n d i s e a n d a l i t t l e r e a d e r z o n e inside the library

“There is a little place indoors for kids to play,” Baker said

Jason's Deli, Brookes Nugget Wagon, F o r e v e r G r o u n d e d C o f f e e , P e l i c a n ' s SnoBalls, Simply Greek by Wynnberry and viva La Taco will also be onsight

“You can basically enjoy being there and roam around to find something to eat,” Baker said

The inside of the library looks a little d i f f e r e n t , a s t h e f l o o r i n g h a d t o b e r e m o v e d f r o m f l o o d i n g c a u s e d b y Hurricane Ian She said it is a rough concrete floor now, but everything has been opened and functioning

P a g e 1 3 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r Week of march 1, 2023 visit us online fortmyersbeachtalk com WHeRe to go WHat to Do WHo to See insidetoday DDWS to host Sounds of the Sands
‘Fanciful’ exhibit
at Shell Point
15 What’s Happening
Sports & Recreation
Southwest Florida & Lee County Fair opens Page 14
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Southwest Florida & Lee County Fair opens

99th edition of annual event runs until March 5 on grounds of Lee Civic Center

The Southwest Florida & Lee County Fair has been entertaining people for nearly a century with great rides, talented performers, all kinds of livestock and delicious (if not necessarily nutritious) food

The 99th edition of the fair opened Thursday and continues until March 5 at the Lee Civic Center, which has served as the venue since 1979 after the event spent nearly 60 years at Terry Park

After two years of COVID and on the heels of one of the worst hurricanes to ever hit Southwest Florida, Fair Board President Mike Peak said they are ready to go Last year’s fair drew more than 100,000 people and they hope that trend continues

“We don’t have any fears about the economy We think people will be willing to pay for entertainment We don’t scale back much, we think people still want to enjoy themselves,” Peak said Peak added that Hurricane Ian didn’t do much damage to the grounds or to the building, so there shouldn’t be much they can’t do.

“We feel very blessed to have the fair without having sustained much damage to make it so we couldn’t do it,” Peak said “We’re hoping for good weather throughout the 11 days ”

A l t h o u g h t h e f a i r i s a d v e r t i s e d a s “ M a k i n g M e m o r i e s s i n c e 1 9 2 4 , ” t h e roots of the fair run a little deeper

I n 1 9 1 0 , a c a r n i v a l o n M c G r e g o r Boulevard served as a precursor to the fair, featuring a Seminole Indian tribe that performed its tribal dances. The carnival ended in 1917 when the United States entered World War I

Two years later, the first Lee County Fair was held at Terry Park, a former cow pasture located just a couple of miles east

of downtown Fort Myers, on Palm Beach Boulevard The Lee County Commissioners allocated $250 to staff for the first fair

In 1924, the name was changed to the Southwest Florida Fair, which it has been named ever since, making just one move in all those years

One of the bread-and-butter attractions at the fair is the livestock The kids at 4-H will put up the animals they have raised for months Pigs, rabbits, chickens, beef and more will be judged and eventually auctioned off

“The number of entrants has been about the same over the past few years That hasn’t fallen off, so that’s good,” Peak said

There also will be ribbons handed out in the civic center for artwork, crafts, fabrics and threads, home gardening, hortic u l t u r e , p h o t o g r a p h

tablescapes People from age 5 to 85 can compete in five age groups

As for the entertainment, there always are local performers on the civic center stage dancing and singing The Cowboy Circus with Danny Grant is returning, but aside from that, it was still a little too early to determine who exactly will be there, Peak said in a January interview

Thursday, March 2, is $25 Pay-OnePrice, where admission and all the rides are $25 The final Sunday, March 5, is the Last Blast Special, which is a surprise

and active military get free a d m i s s i o n a l l d a y e v e r y d a y . F i r s t Responders Day is Saturday, March 4 All must show their valid IDs and proof of service

There will also be a new policy at the entrance gate, requiring all who come to the fair to have clear bags for safety and b e c a u s e t h e i n s u r a

requested it, as it has become a national trend at the larger venues.

The Lee Civic Center is at 11831 Bayshore Road, North Fort Myers Visit swflcfair com for more information including daily specials, calendar of events and hours of operation

F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 1 4
d e c o r a t i o n a n d
y ,
o m
n c e c
p a n y h a s
FILE PHOTO The Southwest Florida & Lee County Fair on the grounds of the Lee County Civic Center will feature a midway with a number of rides. Check the schedule for special events and ride discounts.

‘Fanciful’ exhibit opens at Shell Point

The exhibition “Fanciful: Art That Makes You Smile” will be on display now through March 18 in the Tribby Arts Center at the Shell Point Retirement Community, at 17281 On Par Blvd , Fort Myers

The light-hearted exhibit seeks to uplift spirits still coping with the effects of a hurricane

The artists on display are paper sculptor Maxine Brooks, painters Nancy Dimick and Helen Ketteman, and textile artists Barbara Heatherly and Carol Mann, all Shell Point residents It also includes fiber sculptor by Katie Gardenia, who is formerly of Sanibel and Captiva and now from San Antonio, Texas

The exhibition is free of charge and open to the public

For more information, call 239-4155667

DDWS to host Sounds of the Sands

In partnership with Bell Tower and Two Lane Lager, the “Ding” Darling Wildlife Society-Friends of the Refuge w i l l p r e s e n t S o u n d s o f t h e S a n d s o n March 25 from 2 to 7 p m at the Fort Myers plaza

T h e J . N . “ D i n g ”

Wildlife Refuge will set up stations with nature games for families and information about the Sanibel refuge and its recovery and how to support the DDWS in its efforts to help build back and reinforce its conservation education and wildlife and water-quality preservation and research

missions The event will also feature local well-known musicians

Other Bell Tower merchants will be participating Suncoast Beverage Sales will have beer available for sale

The event is free and open to the public

F o r i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t s p o n s o r s h i p opportunities, contact April Boehnen at a p r i l b @ d i n g d a r l i n g s o c i e t y o r g o r 2 3 9292-0566

Bell Tower is at 13499 S Cleveland Ave , Fort Myers

P a g e 1 5 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r
l i n
a r
g N a t i o n a l
HELEN KETTEMAN “Self Portrait” MAXINE BROOKS “Blue Giraffe”

what’s happening

Annual Safe Kids Day at Golisano Children’s Hospital to be held March 4

Lee Health believes in a safe community for everyone, especially our children

Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida is hosting its annual free Safe Kids Day event from 10 a m to 1 p m on Saturday, March 4 at Golisano Children’s Hospital, 9981 South Healthpark Dr , Fort Myers

The Safe Kids Southwest Florida annual Safe Kids Day provides a fun and inviting atmosphere to celebrate kids and helps families learn how to keep children safe in their homes and communities

In addition to a DJ and food trucks, families will be able to participate in interactive demonstrations and games to learn about the following subjects:

∫ Bicycle safety and pedestrian safety (free bike helmets while supplies last)

∫ Car and bus safety

∫ Gun safety

∫ Internet safety and child identification

∫ Keeping medications secure

∫ Safe sleep

∫ Water safety

∫ Youth sports

∫ Drug and alcohol prevention

This year, there will also be a Cold Tub Challenge hosted by the Zach Martin Memorial Foundation Zach Martin was a Naples student-athlete who died from heat exhaustion after he collapsed during football practice

The goal of the challenge is to provide education, awareness and prevention equipment to athletes, coaches and parents about exertional heat illnesses (EHI) The Cold Tub Challenge is when participants talk about how to prevent or treat heat illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke Before or after they give their message, they plunge into the tub of ice and get right back out One of the best ways to treat heat illnesses is immersion in cold water under supervision, preferably by medical per-


Children will also be able to see fire trucks and have their faces painted

The Safe Kids Southwest Florida annual Safe Kids Day was made possible with the support of our community partners, including Humana, Golisano Children’s Hospital, Healthy Start, Lee Health’s Regional Trauma

Ar ts for ACT Gala & Auction to be held March 4

This signature community event will throw back to some of the greatest classics ever made for an evening of fun and fundraising Dress as your favorite TV character of yesteryear Whether you come as Fonzie from Happy Days, Jeannie from I Dream of Jeannie, or Fred and Wilma from the Flintstones, come on out to have some fun, win some prizes and help us set the stage for zero tolerance of abuse and support our local survivors

This must-attend who’s who annual charity event is chaired by Marc Collins and Marilyn Santiago The highly anticipated live art and luxury item auction will be led by renowned auctioneer Scott Robertson, with emcees Jen Stacy and Greg Parker of ABC7 Prizes include luxury excursions, hotel stays, and art donated by many award-winning local, national, and international artists The silent auction will be filled with other wonderful items thanks to the generous contributions of local business owners

Hurricane Ian may have pushed the date, but the 34th annual Arts for ACT Gala and Auction is coming back stronger than ever! Southwest Florida is resilient and the excitement for this event has only grown! Back in person for the first time since the pandemic, Arts for ACT tickets are going quick! Reserve your seats or VIP table and come dance the night away with friends, join in the costume con-

test, sip cocktails, dine, and bid on your favorite items. You may want to try a Dreamsicle, the signature drink of the night sponsored by Millennial Brewing

Tickets can be purchased online at https://event gives/artsforact2022 The pre-show starts at 5:30 p m , and the live auction begins at 7 p m Guests are encouraged to wear their favorite TV character’s costume or semi-formal attire Check out the event on Facebook, or contact CEO Jennifer Benton at 239-939-2553 or jbenton@actabuse com to donate, become a sponsor, or learn more In the words of the Golden Girls, “Thank you for being a friend!”

Lee County Band to celebrate the Irish in all of us March 12

Oh, to be Irish just once a year! The Lee County Community Band will celebrate the Irish in all of us on March 12, with its performance of “An Irish Rhapsody,” “ P e n n y w h i s t l e J i g , ” “ M a c N a m a r a ’ s B a n d , ” a n d “Londonderry Air (Danny Boy) ” The concert will take place at Cape Coral High School beginning at 3 p m All of the band’s concerts are free and open to the public Director Richard Bradstreet also will lead the band in spirited marches, including “The Invincible Eagle;” selections from the Broadway Hit “Oliver,” “American Overture for Band,” “Golden Hits of Elvis Presley,” and a medley of Glen Miller tunes

Soloists are Norman Jones, Jann Fenn, and Fred Lamb

The band performs six concerts between November and April; all take place at Cape Coral High School, 2300 Santa Barbara Boulevard, beginning at 3 p m The last concert of the season is set for April 23

A legend in Southwest Florida, the 50-member adult band is comprised of career and amateur musicians The original concert band of Lee County, the band and has been entertaining SW Florida audiences since 1885 Persons interested in joining may phone Frances Pace,

F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 1 6
C e n t e r , L e e C o u n t y S c h o o l D i s t r i c t , L e e C o u n t y E m e r g e n c y M e d i c a l S e r v i c e s a n d t h e L e e C o u n t y Sheriff’s

what’s happening

From page 16

President, at 239-481-1251

F o r a d d i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t w w w . l e e c o u n t y band org “Like” us on Facebook at Facebook com/ LeeCountyCommunityBand

The Laborator y Theater of Florida to present ‘Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street’

T h e L a b o r a t o r y T h e a t e r o f F l o r i d a t o p r e s e n t “Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street” now through March 11

Sweeney Todd, an unjustly-exiled barber, returns to 19th-century London, seeking vengeance against the lecherous judge who framed him and ravaged his young wife The road to revenge leads Todd to Mrs Lovett, a resourceful proprietress of a failing pie shop, above which he opens a new barber practice Mrs Lovett's luck sharply shifts when Todd's thirst for blood inspires the integration of an ingredient into her meat pies that has the people of London lining up and the carnage has only just begun!

Book by Hugh Wheeler, music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim Based on the 1973 play of the same name by Christopher Bond

Photography and videography of this production are strictly prohibited.

Don't wait! Reserve your seats early for this thrilling musical!

Performance dates:

∫ March 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, and 11 at 8 p m

∫ March 5 at 2 p m

For more information visit https://laboratorytheaterflorida com/2022-23-season/ or call 239-218-0481

T h e L a b o r a t o r y T h e a t e r o f F l o r i d a i s a t 1 6 3 4 Woodford Avenue, Fort Myers

Illusionist Leon Etienne to per for m two shows at Boys & Girls Clubs in For t Myers

I n t e r n a t i o n a l l y a c c l a i m e d i l l u s i o n i s t L e o n E t i e n n e

i s b r i n g i n g h i s M a g i c R o c k s t o u r i n e a r l y M a r c h t o

F o r t M y e r s t h r o u g h a p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h B o y s & G i r l s

C l u b s o f L e e C o u n t y

E t i e n n e , w h o h a s p e r f o r m e d o n A m e r i c a ’ s G o t

T a l e n t , L a t e N i g h t w i t h J i m m y F a l l o n a n d o t h e r s h o w s , i s r e c o g n i z e d f o r h i s o n - s t a g e c h a r i s m a a n d f a s t - p a c e d , h i g h - e n e r g y p e r f o r m a n c e s t y l e H e w i l l b e p e r f o r m i n g t w o s h o w s a t B o y s & G i r l s C l u b s ’ f l a g s h i p P a r k M e a d o w s C o m m u n i t y C l u b T i c k e t s a r e $ 4 5 f o r a d u l t s a n d $ 2 5 f o r c h i l d r e n 1 2 a n d u n d e r P r o c e e d s w i l l h e l p B o y s & G i r l s C l u b s f u l f i l l i t s m i s s i o n t o e n a b l e a l l y o u n g p e o p l e , e s p e c i a l l y t h o s e w h o n e e d u s m o s t , t o r e a c h t h e i r f u l l p o t e n t i a l a s p r o d u c t i v e , c a r i n g a n d r e s p o n s i b l e c i t i z e n s S h o w s b e g i n a t 7 : 3 0 p m o n T u e s d a y , M a r c h 7 a n d W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 8 a t P a r k M e a d o w s C o m m u n i t y C l u b , 1 9 0 0 P a r k M e a d o w s D r i v e i n F o r t M y e r s F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o r t o r e g i s t e r , p l e a s e v i s i t b g c l e e o r g / e v e n t s / m a g i c - r o c k s - e v e n t I n a d d i t i o n t o t h e t w o s h o w s o p e n t o t h e p u b l i c , B o y s & G i r l s C l u b s o f L e e C o u n t y a n d E t i e n n e w i l l b e h o s t i n g f i v e f r e e M a g i c W o r k s h o p s f o r c l u b m e m b e r s i n F o r t M y e r s , L e h i g h A c r e s a n d B o n i t a S p r i n g s “ T h e m a g i c w o r k s h o p s w e w i l l b e d o i n g w i t h s t ud e n t s e m p o w e r t h e m a n d b u i l d t r e m e n d o u s c o n f i d e n c e a n d c o m m u n i c a t i o n s k i l l s , ” E t i e n n e s a i d “ I t a l s o s h o w s t h e m t h e r e a r e e x c i t i n g t h i n g s t o l e a r n t h a t h a v e n o t h i n g t o d o w i t h p h o n e s , T V o r t h e i n t e r n e t . ”

A l l y n I n t e r n a t i o n a l S e r v i c e s i s s p o n s o r i n g t h e s h o w s a n d w o r k s h o p s

G u a rd i a n A n g e l s f o r S p e c i a l P o p u l a t i o n s

F a s h i o n S h o w 2 0 2 3 t o b e h e l d M a rc h 1 1

G u a r d i a n A n g e l s f o r S p e c i a l P o p u l a t i o n s w i l l h o l d t h e 1 4 t h A n n u a l F a s h i o n S h o w & A u c t i o n , S a t u r d a y ,

M a r c h 1 1 , a t 1 0 a m , a t t h e T h e W e s t i n R e s o r t , M a r i n a V i l l a g e , 5 9 5 1 S i l v e r K i n g B l v d , C a p e C o r a l T h e s h o w b e n e f i t s t h e S p e c i a l P o p u l a t i o n s C e n t e r i n C a p e C o r a l a n d f e a t u r e s i t s p a r t i c i p a n t s , w h o w i l l s t r u t t h e r u n w a y d o n n i n g o u t f i t s o f t h e i r c h o i c e a n d p r o f e s s i o n a l h a i r a n d m a k e u p F o r t h e p a s t f i v e y e a r s , t i c k e t s h a v e s o l d o u t T h e d e a d l i n e t o b u y t i c k e t s t h i s y e a r i s M a r c h 6 , a n d t h e y

c a n b e p u r c h a s e d o n l i n e a t h t t p s : / / m y s p e c i a l p o p s o r g / s h o p / s p e c i a l - p o p u l a t i o n sf a s h i o n - s h o w - t i c k e t s / o r b y c a l l i n g 2 3 9 - 5 7 4 - 0 5 7 4

T h e e v e n t f e a t u r e s a g o u r m e t l u n c h e o n , l i v e a u ct i o n , s i l e n t a u c t i o n , l o t t e r y t r e e , d i a m o n d d r o p , a n d g a m e s G u a r d i a n A n g l e s f o r S p e c i a l P o p u l a t i o n s i s s e e k i n g s p o n s o r s a n d d o n o r s o f i t e m s f o r a u c t i o n M o d e l s w i l l a l s o b e a v a i l a b l e f o r a r e d - c a r p e t m e e t a n d g r e e t w i t h p i c t u r e s A l l p r o c e e d s h e l p p a y f o r p a r t i c i p a n t s c h o l a r s h i p s , f r e e a n d h e a l t h y l u n c h e s , w h e e l c h a i r - a c c e s s i b l e v e h ic l e s a n d f a c i l i t i e s , d a i l y p r o g r a m n e e d s , a r t a n d g a r d e n t h e r a p y , a n d m u c h m o r e .

T h e S p e c i a l P o p u l a t i o n s C e n t e r o f f e r s a v a r i e t y o f p r o g r a m s f o r a d u l t s a n d c h i l d r e n w i t h i n t e l l e c t u a l a n d p h y s i c a l d i s a b i l i t i e s I t s m i s s i o n i s t o p r o m o t e i n d ep e n d e n c e t h r o u g h e x p o s u r e , e d u c a t i o n , e x p e r i e n c e a n d e n c o u r a g e m e n t i n a s a f e , c a r i n g e n v i r o n m e n t B a i l e y - M a t t h e w s N a t i o n a l S h e l l M u s e u m t o h o s t i n t e r a c t i v e w a l k s t o s u p p o r t n e w p ro j e c t

With the launch of Snail Search of Lee County its new citizen science project the Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum is hosting guided Snail Search and Biodiversity Walks

On a walk, an educator will take participants out into the field in Lee County and walk them through the steps of creating a free iNaturalist account a free citizen science app and how to use it

Participants will also have the opportunity to explore the local flora and fauna within the natural area

The purpose of Snail Search of Lee County is to help the Sanibel museum learn more about the availability and location of native and invasive land and tree snails in the area Research conducted on land and tree snails in the area is limited and outdated, and most studies contain no photographs

During the free interactive walks, participants will be given the tools to go out on their own and contribute to the project Walks are expected to last 45 minutes to 1 hour, weather depending

The following walks are scheduled:

∫ March 13 at 1 p m at the Koreshan State Park, at 3800 Corkscrew Road, Estero ($5 per vehicle parking fee)

∫ April 26 at 10 a m at the Estero Bay Preserve State Park, at 4940 Broadway West, Estero ($2 per vehicle parking fee)

∫ May 24 at 2 p.m. at the Six Mile Cypress Slough Preserve, at 7751 Penzance Blvd , Fort Myers ($1 per vehicle parking fee)

To register, contact Jorden Falker at jfalker@shellmuseum org or 239-347-5119

For more information, visit https://www shellmuseum org/snail-search

The Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum is at 3075 Sanibel-Captiva Road, Sanibel

Alliance for the Arts to present

“The Hatmaker’s Wife”

Theatre Conspiracy at the Alliance for the Arts is proud to present “The Hatmaker’s Wife ” First premiering OffBroadway in 2013, this whimsical and poignant play based on a book by the same title, made its way down to our very own Fould’s Theatre

This bittersweet comedy will have you believing in the possibility of transcending worlds where love and family will always remain the most important aspects of life This sweet and surreal story bends time and space to redefine the idea of family, home, and true love itself

The production is generously sponsored by Janet and Bruce Bunch

Tickets are $25 for members, $30 for non-members and available at ArtInLee org or by calling the box office at 239939-2787 Performances are March 16 – 18 and 23 – 25 at 7:30 p m and March 26 at 2 p m

Eighth Annual Bonita Springs

Short Film Festival to be held April 20

The eighth annual Bonita Springs Short Film Festival is back The event and red-carpet gala will be held on Thursday, April 20, at Prado Stadium 12 Theatre in Bonita Springs, beginning at 6 p m

Playhouse per for ms ‘Camelot’

The Gulfshore Playhouse presents Lerner and Loewe’s “Camelot” thru March 12 at the Norris Center, at 755 8th Ave S , Naples The classic Broadway musical is directed by Jeffrey Binder The original 1960 musical, based on the legend of King Arthur and his knights of the round table and adapted from the T H White novel “The Once and Future King,” is a sparkling and winningly fast-paced rendition With original book and lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner and music by Frederick Loewe, this adaptation by David Lee features new orchestrations by Steve Orich Tickets start at $38 For more information or tickets, call 239-261-PLAY (7529) or visit gulfshoreplayhouse org

The 2023 competition theme “Good Deeds” will encourage filmmakers of all ages, stages, and walks of life, to participate and showcase their talent on the giant silver screen Filmmakers can pick any genre (comedy, drama, documentary, western, etc ) and tell a story through film

The festival is now accepting footage from any location, particularly from Southwest Florida, though judges like films shot in Bonita Springs and those films will receive additional points The filmmaker must hold all parts of the film’s rights Failure to observe this rule can disqualify the entry For any questions about using specific footage, please get in touch with the Antonio Correia, at 239 404 3377

Each film/video must be 1 minute to 10 minutes long, with an exciting story for everyone to enjoy A w a r d c a t e g o r i e s i n c l u d e B e s t O v e r a l l , B e s t Depiction of Bonita Springs, Most Original, Best Film Under 18, Best Musical Video and the People’s Choice Award “We are very excited to see the results of this festival especially after all of the good deeds that filled Southwest Florida post hurricane Ian,” states Antonio Correia, the organization’s founder Company sponsors include City of Bonita Springs, Henderson Franklin Attorneys at Law, Bonita Print Shop, Bonita Springs Historical Society, Heaven Scent Flowers & Boutique, Bonita Video, M & M Multi Media and TLC Marketing & Creative Services; Inc

Friends of the Festival include Connie & Steve M c I n t o s h , G a r y P r i c e , A m y Q u a r e m b a a n d K a t h y McGrath For more information about the Film Festival, visit www BonitaSpringsfilmfestival com or check the Bonita Springs Festival Facebook page, where there will b e w e e k l y u p d a t e s C o n t a c t F i l m F e s t E x e c u t i v e Director, Antonio Correia at antonio@bonitavideo com

Al-Anon, Al-Ateen meetings

Are you concerned with a friend or family member's drinking? Let us help

Call our 24-hour helpline at 941-564-5098 or visit www SouthFloridaAl-Anon org Meetings are held every day in Lee County

Al-Ateen meetings are also offered for ages 10-18

P a g e 1 7 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r


Lee County DOT advises motorists to be aware of double home game during Spring Training

Armed Forces Charity Golf Tournament set for March 4

The public is invited to participate in the annual Armed Forces Charity Golf Tournament Saturday, March 4 The tournament, sponsored by the Cape Coral Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America, will be held at the Cape Royal Golf Club, 11360 Royal Tee Circle, Cape Coral.

The shotgun event begins at 8:30 a m The event fee of $125 per person includes golf, cart, range balls, barbecue lunch and prizes Proceeds will benefit JROTC student scholarships for graduating seniors in pursuit of a college degree Reservations are required and may be made by contacting Gary Nolan, 618-407-6945, or capecoralmoaa@gmail com

T h e C a p e c h a p t e r o f t h e M i l i t a r y O f f i c e r s Association is an approved 501(c)3 charity, EIN 900169184

MOAA is a national organization of military officers that supports the interests of military members of all ranks -- past, present and future Information about the Cape Coral Chapter of MOAA may be o b t a i n e d b y c o n t a c t i n g t h e N o l a n a t gnolan0219@gmail com

Spring Training is back and L County’s Traffic Operations Cente reminds motorists to be prepared for increased traffic near the stadiu m s a t g a m e t i m e , e s p e c i a l l y when the Minnesota Twins and the Boston Red Sox take to their respective fields at the same tim on the same day

The proximity of the stadiums may result in increased traffic congestion

This year, DOT advises motorists to avoid the Daniels Parkway corridor on the afternoon of two specific dates:

∫ Sunday, March 5 - The Boston Red Sox host the Miami Marlins at JetBlue Stadium and the Minnesota Twins host the Detroit Tigers at Hammond Stadium Both games start at 1:05 p m Peak traffic is anticipated between the hours of 11:30 a m and 1 p m and then again between 3:45 and 4:30 p.m.

∫ Friday, March 17 - The Minnesota Twins host the Baltimore Orioles at Hammond Stadium and the Boston

will host the Atlanta Braves at Stadium with both games starting p m

DOT Traffic Operations Center s special programming for trafficsignal timing to help keep vehicles moving.

The county’s traffic specialists a l s o c o o r d i n a t e w i t h t h e L e e C o u n t y Sheriff’s Office and the baseball teams her for Spring Training

The Boston Red Sox train at JetBlue Park, 11500 Fenway South Drive, Fort Myers, and the Minnesota Twins train about six miles away at the Lee County Sports Complex, 14100 Six Mile Cypress Parkway, Fort Myers

For additional information about the Lee County Department of Transportation, please visit www leeg o v . c o m / d o t . F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t S p r i n g T r a i n i n g i n L e e C o u n t y , v i s i t www leegov com/parks/athletics/spring-training

San Carlos Bay Sail & Power Squadron upcoming boating courses

America’s Boating Course

∫ America’s Boating Course (8 hr) March 11, 8:15 a m

∫ America’s Boating Course (8 hr) April 8, 8:15 a m

∫ America’s Boating Course (8 hr) May 6, 8:15 a m

∫ America’s Boating Course (8 hr) June 3, 8:15 a.m.

Walk, Wiggle, Wag & 5K Run to benefit Cape Coral Animal Shelter April 15

The Cape Coral Animal Shelter is holding a Walk, Wiggle, Wag & 5K Run Saturday, April 15

The run is at the shelter, at 25 S W 2nd Ave , Cape Coral, and starts at 8 a m with the walk starting at 11 a m

The event is both a fun walk around the shelter and a timed 5K There will be music, food trucks, a vendor marketplace, a pet costume contest and give-aways, including an event shirt

FWC rule for recreational crab traps goes into effect March 1

Walk participants will enlist family and f r i e n d s , f o r m a p a c k / t e a m , c r e a t e a fundraising page and compete to become a top fundraiser and win great prizes

For the runners, there will be prizes for men, women and kids who come in first in their age group and for the dog runners who take first, second and third place

For additional information about the e v e n t a n d t o r e g i s t e r , p l e a s e v i s i t CapeCoralAnimalShelter com

Starting in March, recreational crab traps in Florida will be required to have rigid funnel openings no larger than 2 x 6 inches at the narrowest point or 2 x 6inch bycatch reduction devices installed to reduce accidental trapping of diamondback terrapins, which has been a significant threat to the species

The rule was approved by the Florida

F i s h a n d W i l d l i f e C o n s e r v a t i o n Commission (FWC) in December 2021 and goes into effect on March 1 It is part of a larger effort to conserve terrapins, a small turtle species found in brackish waters across the state

Studies have shown that BRDs can greatly decrease incidental terrapin mortality by preventing them from entering crab traps, while still allowing blue crab catch With this requirement, the FWC hopes to ensure the continued survival and recovery of terrapin populations in Florida BRDs can be installed on existing crab traps and a limited supply of

these devices are available for free to Florida’s recreational crabbers Contact FWC’s Division of Marine Fisheries Management by phone at 850-4870 5 5 4 o r b y e m a i l a t Marine@MyFWC com for more information on where to get BRDs at no cost

Diamondback terrapins are mediumsized turtles that live in brackish water habitats statewide, including salt marshes, barrier islands, mangrove swamps, tidal creeks and rivers They eat a variety of foods including snails, crabs, clams, mussels, worms, fish and plants

Five of the seven subspecies occur in Florida, three of which can be found nowhere else in the world More information on diamondback terrapins can be found at MyFWC com/Terrapin

For recreational blue crab trap regulations, visit MyFWC com/Marine and click on “Recreational Regulations” and “Blue Crab” under the “Crabs, Lobster and other Shellfish ”

F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 1 8 Like the For t Myers Beach Obser ver & Beach Bulletin? Read us daily at For! Follow us on Facebook!
1 Day Seminars ∫ Boat Handling – Emergencies on Board March 2, 6:30 p m C a l l 2 3 9 - 4 6 6 - 4 0 4 0 f o r m o r e information
http://www scbps com F a c e b o o k : h t t p s : / / w w w f a c ebook com/San-Carlos-Bay-Sailboat-

W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r

P a g e 1 9

Twins players conduct running drills at Hammond Stadium this past Friday. The team is looking to rebound from a third-place in the American League Central Division last year

Twins Camp

F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 2 0
NATHAN MAYBERG Left: The Dietz family of Virginia made their first trip to Twins spring training camp in Fort Myers this past week. Anna Dietz and Charlier Dietz brought their children Ceci (left to right), Eloise, Oskar and Flynn. Above: Hall of Fame pitcher Jim Kaat signed an autograph for Flynn Dietz and dozens of others at Twins spring training camp this past week (above and right) Carlos Correa was all smiles on the field while back in spring training camp with the Twins after signing a six-year, $200 million deal Correa took batting practice on Friday though he has yet to appear in a spring training game this season

Red Sox Take the Field


LEFT: Red Sox All-Star third baseman Rafael Devers, fresh off an 11-year, $331 million contract extension, took the field for the team's spring opener against Northeastern University on Friday

ABOVE: The crowd was a little light for the Boston Red Sox spring opener against Northeastern University The team proudly display their pennants high above the seats.

LEFT: Japanese outfielder Masataka Yoshida, who is making his debut in the Major Leagues this season, has one hit and three strikeouts through his first five at-bats with the Red Sox in spring training.

ABOVE: Jarren Duran is looking for a comeback season Duran homered on Sunday against the Twins

LEFT: Japanese outfielder Masataka Yoshida, who is making his debut in the Major Leagues this season, has one hit and three strikeouts through his first five at-bats with the Red Sox in spring training.

RIGHT: Boston Red Sox third baseman Rafael Devers will look to lead the team out of a last-place finish in the American League East last year

P a g e 2 1 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r


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F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 2 4
Observer 03/01/23
Observer 03/01/23
Observer 03/01/23

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