Cape Coral Wednesday Breeze

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Top o’ the mornin’!

German American Social Club to hold St Patrick s Biergartenfest INSIDE

North 1 West UEP info session set for today


Property owners in the North 1 West Utility Expansion Project area may have a l o t o f q u e s t i o n s , e s p e c i a l l y c o n c e r n i n g costs, projected at $33,000-plus for a standard-sized lot if paid in advance

The city of Cape Coral will try to answer those questions and more at an informational meeting and open house set for 5 to 8 p m today at City Hall

“The open house is for residents in the North 1 West project area to ask one-onone questions specific to their property and individual situations, said Kaitlyn Mullen, city spokesperson As you know, public hearings provide a platform for residents to provide input but that is a one-way communication and does not allow for a back-

“The open house is for residents in the North 1 West project area to ask one-on-one questions specific to their property and individual situations ” Kaitlyn Mullen, city spokesperson

and-forth discussion

Property owners can speak with a representative on topics such as what to expect during UEP construction septic tank abandonment endangered species in the project area the city's hardship program and oneo n - o n e Q & A s e s s i o n s r e g a r d i n g U E P assessment payment options, Mullen said

Residents must check-in for one-on-one sessions to secure a time slot with city staff Homeowners are asked to bring their assessment notice to assist staff in answer-

ing questions

All six project contractors will be in Council Chambers; the Health Department and a representative knowledgeable about endangered species will be on the catwalk; and the hardship representative will be available in the city manager s lobby for privacy The one-on-one Q&A regarding UEP payment options will take place in conference room 220A We expect this event to be well-attended so residents can understand how the

Cape cuts ribbon at Del Prado Linear Park playground

“This is just another example of our commitment to the community to make sure we provide the best amenities we can to our residents, Gunter said In the next six weeks, we’ll have three more ribbon-cuttings for other parks and two groundbreakings ”

Among the happiest was Councilmember Jessica Cosden, who lives just blocks away from the park and can now bring her children to enjoy it after months of little voices asking when the park would open “I’m excited for the people in the area and myself because we’re so close we can walk here There were kids in the park already when I got here and it filled my heart with joy that people are already enjoying it, Cosden said In 2018 Cape Coral voters approved a $60 million expansion of the city's parks and recreation amenities They approved a 15-year


process works ” Mullen said

The UEP will provide the area with city water, sewer, and irrigation services New roads and stormwater improvements will be built as part of the project The

Mayor asks council member to respond to accusation she is not living in district

A Cape Coral City Council member accused of failing to meet the residency requirements to seek and hold office has responded saying Hurricane Ian forced a temporary relocation Councilmember Patty Cummings responded to Mayor John Gunter who on Monday sent the District 4 representative a letter stating that the city was notified of a complaint filed with the Governor's Office alleging that she currently does not reside in her district as required by the city's charter

A s t h e c h a r t e r v e s t s council with the authority to judge the qualifications of its members and to determine grounds for forfeiture

o f o f f i c e , G u n t e r a s k e d Cummings to respond to the c i t y e l e c t e d b o a r d w i t h i n s e v e n d a y s i n c l u d i n g a n explanation if an issue does exist

Cummings said the only issue is the damage wrought by Hurricane Ian

Councilmember Patty Cummings

As you all are aware, many of us in Cape Coral have been affected by the recent hurricane that swept through our community and I am no e x c e p t i o n ” C u m m i n g s s a i d i n a w r i t t e n response to Council Tuesday “I am currently a part-time resident in District 4 with the full intent to be living in District 4 full-time by March 22 2023 I relocated from my full-time residence due to hurricane damage and I have been actively looking for a full-time residence since then Unfortunately, it's been difficult due to the housing shortage “At one point I was presented with an opportunity on a home but had to decline due to severe mold growth throughout the house To further articulate my family has recently experienced a problem with mold which hospitalized one of them Thus, it was highly important we find a home that was clean and safe

a U S Small

B u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n (SBA) representative

■ Meet with a mitigation specialist about protecting y o u r h o m e a n d p r o p e r t y from future natural disasters

You do not need to go to a DRC to get assistance

You can go online to disasterassistance gov or call the F E M A h e l p l i n e a t 8 0 0621-3362 The line is open every day from 7 a m to 11 p m ET Help is available in most languages

For the latest news on Florida’s recovery from Ian visit floridadisaster org/info or fema gov/disaster/4673

Above members of the Cape Coral City Council and city staff cut the ribb o n o n t h e u p g r a d e d Del Prado Linear Park on Friday At left, youngsters try out one of the new attractions at the a l r e a d y - p o p u l a r p l a yground

I am still a part-time resident in District 4 with a driver's license and voter's registration c a r d t h a t d i s p l a y s m y D i s t r i c t 4 a d d r e s s Additionally I receive my mail at this same address ” S h e p r o v i d e d a n a d d r e s s s h e s a i d w i l l become her full-time permanent address by March 22 This will fulfill my residency requirements as a full-time District 4 Councilmember, she wrote in the response also copied to the city attorney city clerk and interim city manager T h e c o m p l a i n t w h i c h a l s o a l l e g e s Cummings was not a resident of District 4 when she submitted paperwork to qualify to appear on the municipal ballot in 2022, was received by Matt Caldwell, state committeeman for the


Elks donates wheelchairs to VA hospital

The Veterans Administration doesn t just rely on funding from the federal government It relies on volunteers and donations from organizations and private citizens to help lighten the burden

When the Elks Lodge 2596 of Cape Coral learned that the VA Hospital in Cape Coral needed wheelchairs, the fraternal organization got to work

On Friday the Elks presented the hospital with 12 wheelchairs for use for patients arriving and leaving the hospital John Nugent, a member of the lodge, said he called the hospital to ask if there was anything it

needed The hospital volunteer representative said they needed wheelchairs the type that can be pushed

It seems the chairs were disappearing and there weren t enough chairs for everyone to go into the hospital

“What we did was buy 10 wheelchairs Later someone bought two more for a total of 12 ” Nugent said “So their veteran members can wheel themselves from their vehicle to the hospital for their appointment in comfort

The Elks got their shipment of chairs in just a few days continuing their longtime partnership with the VA Nugent said the Elks got a grant from the hospital a couple years ago for homeless veter-

ans for more than $4,000

A t C h r i s t m a s t h e E l k s g a v e m o r e t h a n $3 000 in presents and have given donations of $500 for dinners for veterans of the war in Afghanistan and multiple donations to the veterans hospital

The VA isn’t the only organization they help

The Elks also made a $5 000 donation to the Cape Coral Caring Center

That money went to help those primarily in the community to help pay for utility bills, said Elk Rich Kampf Our main goal is to invest in the local community One goal is to give back to local veterans and the other is caring about fam-

city has already extended utilities to nearly all of Cape Coral south of Pine Island Road and is currently working its way north The city estimates that for those who choose to pre-pay in full between March 2023 through Sept 30 2023 the assessm e n t s f o r a 1 0 , 0 0 0 - s q u a r e - f o o t l o t i n North 1 West will be $26,617 $7,246 for water, $13,330 for sewer and $6,041 for irrigation T h e e s t i m a t e d C a p a c i t y F a c i l i t y Expansion Charge is $6 750 $1 106 WEEKDAY EDition Post CommEnts At CAPECorAlbrEEzE.Com Vol 62 No 19 Wednesday March 8 2023 50 Cents Classified Marketplace • Auctions & Bazaars • Garage Sales • Real Estate Marine General • Notices • Automotive • Employment Business & Service Directory Coming in this weekend’s Breeze ■ Vegan Street Fest Sunday ■ Grease opens at Cultural Park ■ Athletes of the Week 7 48445 46010 1 AT A GLANCE Inside today’s Breeze T o w n o f F o r t M y e r s Beach using heavy equipment to remove dead fish from beaches INSIDE Legal Notices 5-8 Local Tides 3 Sports 3 Weather 2 INDEX NEWS OF NOTE CAPE CORAL BREEZE Cape Coral s Community Newspaper Since 1961 Hours change at Florida Disaster Recover y Centers As of Monday, March 6, all remaining Disaster Recovery Centers in Florida will be open 9 a m to 6 p m Monday through Saturday To find a center you can go online to disaster recovery center locations T h e F E M A D i s a s t e r Recovery Center in Cape Coral is located at the Lake Kennedy Center, 400 Santa Barbara Blvd Although the deadline to apply for assistance for damage from Hurricane Ian has passed, survivors who were affected by Ian can still contact FEMA to: ■ Get help understanding FEMA decision or request for information letters ■ C h e c k t h e s t a t u s o f your FEMA application ■ Get information about help with rental assistance or other basic needs ■ Get referrals to agencies or non-profits that may offer assistance FEMA is not able to provide ■ Meet with
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The ribbon-cutting at the Del Prado Linear Park was set to start at 10 a m , but that didn t stop families from giving the new playground a test drive a little bit early The city of Cape Coral is putting its $60 million GO Bond for city parks to use by renovating old parks and building new ones Friday, the city celebrated the completion of improvements on the city’s only linear park
cutting the ribbon on the park that runs
Del Prado Boulevard north of
Island Road
event was at the newest
park, the playground and
on the east side of
16th Place and Northeast 12th Terrace Members of Cape Coral City Council
staff and Special Pops came to
event Mayor John Gunter said the event was
kickoff to many other milestones for city parks
addition to the
the basketball court
Del Prado at Northeast
witness the
this spring

Town of


Myers Beach using

heavy equipment to remove dead fish

Officials trying to eliminate smelly problem caused by red tide

The shores of Fort Myers Beach have been littered with dead fish in recent weeks leading the Town of Fort Myers

B e a c h t o u s e h e a v y e q u i p m e n t t o r e m o v e t h e f i s h

According to Town of Fort Myers Beach Interim Manager

Keith Wilkins, approximately 13 tons of dead fish have been removed from the town's beaches

The Town of Fort Myers Beach announced this past week that staff have “been working on the Beach daily to remove an increasing amount of dead fish that have started washing up daily, according to a statement issued by town spokesperson Jennifer Dexter stated

Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt said he received complaints from those living on Tropical Shores Way of the difficulty of passing by the dumpster behind town hall due to the stench of the dead fish Wilkins said some of the dead fish removed from the beaches were stored behind town hall until they could be transported to a landfill

The increasing numbers of dead fish on the town’s beaches coincides with increasing red tide levels this past month just a few months after Hurricane Ian struck

The Town s Environmental Services Manager started w o r k i n g l a s t w e e k w i t h t h e F l o r i d a D e p a r t m e n t o f

E n v i r o n m e n t a l P r o t e c t i o n ( F D E P ) t o r e c e i v e o f f i c i a l approval in the form of a permit to use heavier equipment to remove the fish ” Dexter stated

That approval was received on Monday Feb 27 and the town is using equipment from Lee County that is intended to make cleanup more efficient, Dexter stated

Numerous fish have been spotted floating on top of the waters around Fort Myers Beach and washing ashore

Last month the Florida Department of Health in Lee County issued a health alert after waters around Lynn Hall Memorial Park near Times Square on Fort Myers Beach were tested and found to have alert levels of red tide

Elevated alert levels of red tide are also being documented by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission in the area around Little Hickory Island and Barefoot Beach State Preserve in recent weeks Low levels of red tide were reported at nearby Bowditch Point Park on Fort Myers Beach

An increased level of dead fish washing up with tides can be caused by Red Tide which is a toxic algae bloom that periodically happens ” Dexter stated

The Health Department also has an advisory that has been in place since Hurricane Ian about entering the Gulf or any other body of water due to the level of debris that landed in the water after the storm ” Dexter stated

The Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF) called upon the Army Corps of Engineers to divert more water south to the Everglades to relieve the waters of

Southwest Florida from an overload of nutrients dumped into the local waters from Hurricane Ian

“When red tide intensifies, it s not only bad for wildlife and human health but it is also bad for tourism Sanibel is typically viewed as an escape from the overly developed cities of Fort Myers and Cape Coral said SCCF Research and Policy Associate Leah Reidenbach Although our beautiful island isn t recovered, red tide is stymying our ability to bring back the tourism economy that many businesses on Sanibel and Captiva depend on ”

Persistent red tide has been blooming in the Gulf of Mexico since October, when it was exacerbated by nutrient pollution from Hurricane Ian, according to SCCF

Naturally occurring K brevis tends to bloom by feeding on upwellings of deep ocean nutrients that become mixed in warmer waters near the surface of the Gulf However when provided with a large supply of man-made nutrients such as nitrogen, the bloom can grow much larger than it otherwise would, said SCCF Environmental Policy Director Matt DePaolis, adding that SCCF and the University of Florida recently published a study showing this connection

The ongoing red tide bloom has resulted in frequent reports of mild to severe respiratory irritation and fish kills along beaches, and the public is urged to follow all beach closures and red tide advisories and avoid areas with active red tide blooms

“Water managers must send more water south to the Everglades where it is needed and more water storage and treatment in the Caloosahatchee watershed are absolutely necessary to buffer periods of high and low flows and reduce nutrient loading Our islands’ economy and our future depend upon it ” Reidenbach said

Captiva Civic Association to host writing workshop on healing trauma

‘Voices of the Storm: Writing Your Story in the Aftermath of Hurricane Ian’ Tuesday

trepecki@breezenewspapers com

Reservations are open for a free upcoming workshop that will focus on therapeutic writing

The Captiva Civic Association will host Voices of the Storm: Writing Your Story in the Aftermath of Hurricane Ian” on March 14 from 10 to 11:30 a m at the Captiva Civic Center

Led by author, editor and island resident Ilie Ruby, participants will learn how to process their experiences through writing

E x e c u t i v e D i r e c t o r E m i l y Hess Ankerson explained that Ruby proposed the workshop to help people process any trauma through writing particularly as it relates to what they have dealt with with Ian

All storms become personal, and if you drill down deep enough, the personal becomes universal, Ruby shared While many of us have been pouring our energy into rebuilding our homes businesses and communities it's vital that we include ourselves in the 'rebuilding' equation Processing our personal experience through writing can help us restore our inner resources

Telling our story is a proven and powerful tool for healing, she added Ankerson explained that Ruby has experience teaching others how to use writing to heal In the workshop she will

guide participants through the process by using examples and her background “She will lead people through the process of writing to process trauma she said

Participants should bring a pen or pencil and journal or notebook to use

Ruby is the author of two novels “The Language of Trees” and “The Salt God’s Daughter ” Her essays have been published in the New York Times CNN AOL and Forward among others Ruby s awards include the Edwin L Moses Fiction Prize, Kerr Foundation Scholarship and Phi Kappa Phi Award for Fiction She is also a recipient of the Wesleyan Writer’s Conference Nonfiction Scholarship a n d K e m p A w a r d f o r O u t s t a n d i n g T e a c h i n g a n d Scholarship

Ruby has taught at literary conferences nationwide and she offers writing workshops, as well as coaches people on the transformative process of writing to heal

While the workshop is free reservations are required as space is limited

To make a reservation visit https://ccacaptiva org/

The community is encouraged to reserve their spot

I think it could be very helpful for people who are still working through what happened, Ankerson said It's kind of a different approach for people to try a different avenue for people to perhaps process what they've been through

For more information, visit the CCA website or contact 239-472-2111 or info@ccacaptiva org

The Captiva Civic Center is at 11550 Chapin Lane, Captiva

Groundbreaking for Lake Kennedy Racquet Center March 24

The city of Cape Coral invites the public to a groundbreaking ceremony for the Lake Kennedy Racquet Center Friday, March 24, at 10 a m The ceremony will be at Lake Kennedy Center, 400 Santa Barbara Blvd , and no reservation is required to attend

In 2018 Cape Coral voters approved a $60 million expansion of the city's parks and recreation amenities The

approved 15-year general obligation bond will fund major parks and recreation improvements throughout the City

The Lake Kennedy Racquet Center will include pickleball and tennis courts with covered seating, as well as a pro shop, concession stand and ample parking

Go online for more information on the Lake Kennedy Racquet Center and other GO-Bond projects

Page 2 Wednesday, March 8, 2023 capecoral breeze com CAPE CORAL BREE ZE
NATHAN MAYBERG A gull with a dead fish on Fort Myers Beach

Last call to register for Pan-Florida Challenge Cancer Ride

T h e M a r c h 2 5 - 2 6 P a n - F l o r i d a Challenge Cancer Ride is fast approaching, giving cyclists a final opportunity to register for the annual fundraising ride to help fight cancer Whether you re celebrating survival or honoring a loved one the PFC welcomes cyclists of all ages and abilities to choose from multiple routes in Naples – starting at Paradise Coast Sports Complex – and Tampa –starting in the Telecom Parkway area “It’s getting close and we’re all so excited for the 2023 ride! We encourage registration at least a week before the event to allow ample time to prepare and fundraise We want everyone to enjoy the ride and have a great time ” said Jeri G o e t z E x e c u t i v e D i r e c t o r a t P a nFlorida Challenge “The ride is very meaningful and it s personally fulfilling to be able to help others whose lives are being impacted by the disease and we welcome anyone who wants to join us in this mission ”

Pan-Florida Challenge is a non-profit o r g a n i z a t i o n t h a t p r o v i d e s n u t r i t i o u s meals to at-risk and hungry children, as malnutrition has been shown to increase the risk of developing cancer In addit i o n P a n - F l o r i d a C h a l l e n g e p a r t n e r s w i t h o r g a n i z a t i o n s s u c h a s M o f f i t t Cancer Center, to fund cancer and prevention Every dollar raised by the riders d i r e c t l y s u p p o r t s P a n - F l o r i d a Challenge’s mission

Rides are designed for cyclists of all skill levels with routes ranging from 10 to 125 miles A fundraising minimum is required which is cut in half for new riders Pan-Florida assists all participating cyclists with reaching and exceeding their fundraising goals

Meet fellow cyclists, volunteers and sponsors at the Paradise Coast Sports Complex for the Naples rides of 10, 30, 62 100 and 125 mile routes in addition to the PFC Junior a quarter-mile lap on a sidewalk around the lake that is ideal for trikes and bikes with training w heels and scooters

Cyclists will receive a finisher medal Those who register for the PFC Junior and the 10 and 30 mile routes will receive a T-shirt and riders of 62 miles or more will receive a PFC cycling jersey A light breakfast and lunch will be provided, and all participants are welcome to celebrate after the ride with live DJ entertainment giant Jenga corn hole and other activities

The Tampa ride offers 10, 30, 62, and 100 mile routes that will start and finish in the Telecom Parkway area Goetz added “We’re excited to offer rides in Tampa for the third year In addition to funding weekend backpack m e a l s , p r o c e e d s w i l l b e n e f i t M o f f i t t Cancer Center, and we re cycling right by one of their buildings!”

To learn more about start times regi s t r a t i o n f e e s a n d f u n d r a i s i n g m i n imums please visit https://panfloridachallenge org/ride-overview/

Partners In Care to host Scope for Hope 5K Run, 2-Mile Walk and Kid’s Fun Run

Partners in Care will host the 12th annual Scope for Hope 5K Run, 2-Mile Walk and Kid s Fun Run at 8 a m Saturday March 18 at Jaycee Park located at 4215 S E 20th Place in Cape Coral Funds raised will benefit the nonprofit Partners in Care Foundation and will be used for colorectal cancer educat i o n , s c r e e n i n g a n d t r e a t m e n t i n

Southwest Florida Registration is open now and ends March 18 Entry fee is $30 for adults and $20 for youth 17 years of age and under Children under 5 years of age are free Fees to pre-register before March 10 are discounted $5

The overall top male and female will receive an award The first three male and female finishers in the 5K timed run in each age category will receive a lanyard pin All Kids’ Fun Run participants will receive a ribbon Strollers and pets are allowed only in the 2-mile walk

Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the country Colorectal cancer is preventable, treatable and beatable Partners in Care founded in 1996 is a not-for-profit charitable foundation dedicated to cancer patients The foundation helps to provide financial assistance, cancer screenings, support groups for patients as well as additional educational programs The foundation serves p a t i e n t s i n 1 8 s t a t e s O v e r 8 0 0 0 patients have been served since 2007 and over $900k has been provided in financial assistance The goal of the foundation is to continuously expand to provide support to patients so that they can have one less thing to worry about during their fight against cancer For more information about the event or Partners in Care, call 888-850-1622 or visit www YourPartnersInCare org

Minto, Brady repeat as state wrestling champions

Five other local grapplers also earn top 10 finishes

Christopher Minto caught up to his big brother Mariner's Minto won his third consecutive FHSAA state wrestling championship S a t u r d a y i n K i s s i m m e e m a t c h i n g Christian Minto s three titles in 2017-1819 C h r i s t o p h e r M i n t o ( 5 4 - 1 ) t o o k t h e

Class 2A 160-pound title on Saturday with a technical fall over Gage Wiggins of Braden River Christian was "big brother" in age only as Christopher competed in higher weight classes than the older Minto

Scotti Sentes of Riverdale was a fourtime champion from 2005-08, the most titles won by a Lee County wrestler Mariner however wasn't done with one repeat winner on Saturday

Fellow Tritons star Maximus Brady captured his second consecutive state title beating Dominick Smith of River Ridge by a technical fall in the 126-pound final With the victory, Brady held a 53-1 record for the season

A n o t h e r M a r i n e r g r a p p l e r , H a n s e l Pompa-Mauri (22-8) took third place at 152 pounds defeating Connor Edwards of Lincoln by a 14-8 decision Cape Coral s Robert Albert came in


C a p e C o r a l 7 , G a t e w a y 0 : T h e Seahawks (5-0) won four matches on the c o u r t a n d t o o k t h e o t h e r t h r e e b y walkovers Community School of Naples 6, Oasis

1: John Vezzola and Liam Greco won at second doubles 8-7 (7-3) for the Sharks (3-3) I d a B a k e r 6 , C h a r l o t t e 1 : T h e Bulldogs won four of five singles matches and both doubles GIRLS TENNIS Community School of Naples 6, Oasis

1: Emily Feichthaler won for the Sharks (4-2) at third singles by a 3-6, 6-4, 10-7 score


B i s h o p V e r o t 9 , E C S 3 : M a d d i x Simpson drove in four Vikings runs, going 2-for-3 with a triple, as the Vikings (3-4) won their first game in the Private 8 C o n f e r e n c e t o u r n a m e n t G r a y s o n Carpenter was 1-for-2 with a double two RBI and two runs scored Jason Bello allowed one unearned run over six innings Maddix Simpson got one out to earn the pitching victory Oasis 10, East Lee County 0: Gabe Gair (1-1) allowed one hit and no walks in f i v e i n n i n g s s t r i k i n g o u t 1 0 b a t t e r s G r a y s o n M e d i c o w o r k e d t h e l a s t t w o innings, striking out four, allowing one hit and not walking a batter Noah Pinney was 2-for-3 with a double and an RBI


North Port 22, Island Coast 0 (3 innings): The Gators slipped to 2-4 BEACH VOLLEYBALL

B i s h o p V e r o t 5 , L a B e l l e 0 : T h e Vikings are 3-0

Charlotte 4, Mariner 1: The Tarpons are 3-0 the Tritons 0-3 Estero 5, Ida Baker 0: Baker is off to an 0-2 start Cape Coral 3, North Fort Myers 1: The Seahawks got the best of both teams' season opener

GIRLS LACROSSE Bishop Verot 12, Cardinal Mooney

11: A very Comis ar s cored five times , adding an assist, as Verot (5-2) pulled out a squeaker Ava Bird had three goals and an assist Piper Kelleher two goals and an a s s i s t a n d D a p h n e O H a r a a d d e d t w

fourth at 113 pounds falling to Elijah

Lowe of Lake Gibson in his final match Albert finished the season 36-9

Teammate and brother


w i t h t w o R B I a n d t w o r u n s s c o r e d , Gabriela Gonzalez 2-for-3 with two RBI and two runs scored Marina Beaulieu scored a run and drove in two and Kesia Gonzalez scored twice and had two RBI for the Seahawks (2-3) North Fort Myers 9, Ida Baker 0: Kendall Wylie drove in five of the Red Knights' runs homering twice and adding a double Abigail Hynes and Desirae Devine had an RBI each Wylie also pitched a onehitter, striking out nine batters

BOYS LACROSSE Bishop Verot 11, Tampa Berkeley Prep 4: The Vikings are 5-1 TRACK

d Myna Estrada (Ferguson) injur y WB2: Rebekkah Kinkade (South Dade) d Gabriella Vasquez (Bishop Verot) fall 0:50 140 POUNDS First round: Kristy Moe (Sunlake) d Melanie Lamb (Nor th For t Myers) fall 2:34 WB1: Emma Hoppe (Viera) d Melanie Lamb (Nor th For t Myers), fall 2:53


Bishop Verot 4, Gulf Coast 1: Fidel Alvar drove in two runs for the Vikings (24) and Owen Rarden had an RBI Aidan Knaak held Gulf Coast to one run in seven innings striking out nine South Fort Myers 12, Cape Coral 8: Wyatt Drury was 2-for-3 with two RBI and two runs scored Collin Thess was 2-for-4 with two RBI for Cape Coral (1-7) Ida Baker 6, North Fort Myers 4: Santiago Liendo was 2-for-4 with two

R B I a n d C o d y C a t a n i a a n d A n d r e w F i g u e r a d o h a d a n R B I e a c h f o r t h e B u l l d o g s ( 3 - 2 ) M a t t h e w B l a s e n a a n d Jacob Wagner had an RBI each for the Red Knights (3-2)


B i s h o p V e r o t 1 7 , I n s p i r a t i o n

Academy 4 (6 innings): Camryn Feast had two hits, drove in four Vikings runs and scored four times Madeline Knaak went 2for 2 scored twice and had two RBI and Alexalys Torres was 3-for-5 with two RBI The Vikings improved to 3-2 Cape Coral 17, South Fort Myers 6 (6 innings): Abigail Brannon went 3-for-3

www capecoralbreeze com Wednesday, March 8, 2023 PAGE 3 CAPE CORAL BREEZE SP ORTS T I D E S C H A R T at Cape Coral Bridge Day High Tide Height Sunrise Moon Time % Moon /Low Time Feet Sunset Visible Th 9 High 4:01 AM 0 7 6:43 AM Set 8:00 AM 98 9 Low 10:58 AM 0 1 6:33 PM Rise 8:39 PM 9 High 4:09 PM 0 8 9 Low 11:22 PM 0 0 F 10 High 4:44 AM 0 7 6:42 AM Set 8:30 AM 95 10 Low 11:16 AM 0 2 6:34 PM Rise 9:35 PM 10 High 4:28 PM 0 9 at Matlacha Pass (Bascule bridge) Th 9 High 3:29 AM 1 4 6:44 AM Set 8:00 AM 98 9 Low 10:24 AM 0 2 6:34 PM Rise 8:40 PM 9 High 3:37 PM 1 5 9 Low 10:48 PM 0 1 F 10 High 4:12 AM 1 3 6:43 AM Set 8:30 AM 95 10 Low 10:42 AM 0 3 6:34 PM Rise 9:36 PM 10 High 3:56 PM 1 7 10 Low 11:32 PM -0 1 S P O R T S B R I E F Registration to begin for Cape Coral Junior Golf Association Summer Golf Program C o r a l O a k s ' l o n g - t i m e s u m m e r tradition, the Cape Coral Junior Golf Association Summer Golf Program will begin online registration March 1 5 a t w w w C a p e C o r a l J r G o l f o r g The program is open to all children aged 7 to 18 with six levels ranging from first swing to championship flight The entry fee is only $30 per child f o r t h e e n t i r e S u m m e r P r o g r a m which will run for six weeks on M o n d a y m o r n i n g s f r o m J u n e 1 2 through July 17 Space is limited to the first 250 children to sign up For more information check out the Junior Golf Association website a t w w w C a p e C o r a l J r G o l f o r g , c a l l the Coral Oaks Pro Shop at 239-5733100 or contact CCJGA President Ed Crann at 239-248-5258 Coral Oaks Golf Course, an 18hole Arthur Hills-designed championship course is at 1800 N W 28th Ave , Cape Coral Visit www capecoral gov/coraloak/ for more
o goals Saturday
At Community School of Naples BOYS Team: 1 Bishop Verot 108 2 Lehigh 77 3 For t Myers 76 4 Lely 69, 5 Gulf Coast 57 Also: 14 Island Coast 16, 18 Oasis 3 Individual: Javelin: 1 Jorge Acosta Herera (IC) 49 94m 2 Tyler Kelly (BV) 47 39m, 4 Ofil Ramos (IC) 42 60m Shot put: 1 Wyatt Whalen (BV) 15 99m 4 Ryan Peterson (BV) 13 52m Discus: 1 Ryan Peterson (BV) 43 65m 4 Wyatt Whalen (BV) 41 69m 3200 relay: 1 Bishop Verot (Beecher Olson Marino Prendiville) 8:45 37 110 hurdles: 5 David Latell (BV) 16 79 400 relay: 4 Bishop Verot (Watts, Maxwell Caldwell Carmo Watts Wilson) 43 86 800: 1 Grayson Tubbs (BV) 1:58 60 3200: 4 Zachar y Engel (BV) 1 0 : 3 3 8 2 1 6 0 0 r e l a y : 1 B i s h o p Ve r o t ( Tu bb s , C a r m o , Caldwell Maxwell Watts) 3:33 96 GIRLS Team: 1 Lehigh 83 2 Bishop Verot 70 3 For t Myers 69 4 Gulf Coast 67 5 ECS 57 Also: 14 Oasis 16 19 Island Coast 6, 21 Nor th For t Myers 3 Individual: High jump: 2 Elise Bollgiano (BV) 1 41m Tr i p l e j u m p : 1 R a ve n G a d s o n ( B V ) 1 1 5 5 m 1 6 0 0 : 2 Mackenzie De Lisle (BV) 5:15 47 3 Julia Reitz (BV) 5:21 59 5 Kylie Thomas (BV) 5:29 33 100: 3 Geraldine Herrera (BV) 12 54 4 Alyssa Husain (O) 12 58 400 relay: 5 Island Coast (Dudley Osme Lacomme Ivy Moore) 51 96 800: 3 Mackenzie De Lisle (BV) 2:25 58 4 Julia Reitz (BV) 2:27 01 5 Kylie Thomas (BV) 2:30 67 Friday GIRLS WRESTLING FHSAA Championships At Silver Spurs Arena, Kissimmee 105 POUNDS First round: Adrianna Barrientos (Oakleaf) d Isabella Hull (Nor th For t Myers) 6-1 Helena Alcantar (Gulf Breeze) d Gabriella Vasquez (Bishop Verot) major decis i o n 9 - 1 W B 1 : M a d e ly n e B o m b a r d i e r ( M c Ke e l ) d Isabella Hull (Nor th For t Myers) 8-7 Gabriella Vasquez (Bishop Verot)
FIELD Charlotte Invitational at Charlotte High School GIRLS Team: 1 Venice 103 2 Charlotte 92 Nor th For t Myers 76 Individual: Long jump: 2 Destyni Devine (NFM) 4 99m 3 Gaby Mendez (NFM) 4 85m 110 hurdles: 5 Noel Davis (NFM) 17 89 100: 1 Destyni Devine (NFM) 12 54, 4 Gaby Mendez (NFM) 13 32 400 relay: 1 Nor th For t Myers (Brown Devine Mendez Davis Billhorn Witter) 50 69 400: 5 Gaby Mendez (NFM) 1:04 15 400 hurdles: 5 Keila Creus (NFM) 1:16:17 800: 5 Skyla Stevens (NFM) 2:38 28 BOYS Team: 1 Charlotte 128, 2 Venice 80, 3 Nor th For t Myers 73 Individual: Long jump: 3 Kir tis Denham (NFM) 6 69m 110 hurdles: 4 Dan Newsome (NFM) 17 51 400: 2 Byron Fleming (NFM) 52 00 400 hurdles: 4 Dan Newsome (NFM) 1:01 77 Triple jump:1 Redjy Dorceli (NFM) 13 02m 5 Ceon Gordon (NFM) 12 20m High jump: 2 Santino Arroyo (NFM) 1 77m Pole vault: 2 Dustin Castagna (NFM) 3 30m 59th Eagle Invitational At Naples High School BOYS Team: 3 Ida Baker 69 91 5 Cape Coral 58 98 10 Mariner 22 98 Individual: 3200: 4 Ryan Mitchinson (CC) 11:06 12 4x100: 2 Cape Coral (Coelho, Green, Hamilton, Skinner) 43 75 3 Ida Baker (Bayley Olmstead Rizzo Morrison) 44 00 5 Mariner (Clark Davidson Wilcox Williams) 45 50 4x200: 3 Cape Coral (Miranda, Green, Hamilton, Skinner) 1:32 21 4 Ida Baker (Olmstead Neely Rizzo Morrison) 1:32 34 4x400: 4 Ida Baker (Rivera Bayley Olmstead, Morrison) 3:39 83 4x800: 4 Mariner (Jones, Cruz Sutton-Lewis Lynch) 9:19 93 5 Cape Coral (Franco Rogato, Valdez, Lukow) 9:25 16 Sprint medley relay (800): 1 Cape Coral (Miranda Rivera Green Coelho) 1:38 04 Shuttle hurdle relay: 3 Ida Baker 37 86 4 Mariner 39 56 4x1600: 1 Cape Coral (Ziomek, Canales, Jacoby, Franco) 18:58 39 5 Ida Baker (Freire Rivera Rufener Shapiro) 23:17 63 Distance medley relay: 2 Cape Coral (Jacoby C a n a l e s , Z i o m e k , K l o e p p e l ) 1 0 : 5 6 6 5 H i g h j u m p : 1 Kaiden Crossdale (IB) 1 92m Pole vault: 1 Nick Coppola (IB) 3 35m Long jump: 4 Kaiden Crossdale (IB) 5 82m Triple jump: 5 Kaiden Crossdale (IB) 11 51m GIRLS Team: 3 Ida Baker 47 49 5 Cape Coral 41 97 7 Mariner 39 98 Individual: 3200: 4 Abigail Cudnik (CC) 14:42 91 5 Mia M o r a n ( CC ) 1 5 : 5 5 2 2 4 x 1 0 0 : 2 M a r i n e r ( S c h u l z , Mckinnon Johnson Morey) 52 58 4x200: 4 Cape Coral (Alcide Hayes Laurent Vassania 1:57 53 4x400: 4 Ida Baker (Arango Meyer Klutsarits Zayas) 4:46 89 4x800: 2 Cape Coral (Michaels Gross Sanchez Moran) 11:55 23 4 Ida Baker (Deluca, Meyer, Wilson, Roman) 12:21 17 Shuttle hurdles relay: 5 Mariner 42 95 4x1600: 3 Cape Coral (Sibbrell Begic McFarland Michaels) 24:42 72 4 I d a B a ke r ( D e l u c a , Pa l m e r, Ko l t z , B r o w n ) 2 4 : 5 9 0 9
Championships At Silver Spurs Arena, Kissimmee 113 POUNDS First round: Rober t Alber t (Cape Coral) d Santiago Mayic (For t Walton Beach), fall 1:20 Quar terfinals: Elijah Lowe (Lake Gibson) d Rober t Alber t (Cape Coral) major decision 14-4 WB2: Rober t Alber t (Cape Coral) d Dully Brutus (Miramar), major decision 13-2 WB3: Rober t Alber t (Cape Coral) d Hernand Pinto (Countr yside) major decision 14-1 WB4: Rober t Alber t (Cape Coral) d Va n i e l C a c e r e s ( L i n c o l n ) d e c i s i o n 9 - 2 T h i r d - p l a c e match: Elijah Lowe (Lake Gibson) 45-11 d Rober t Alber t (Cape Coral) 36-9, fall 4:02 120 POUNDS First round: Richard Alber t (Cape Coral) d Zavier Pennington (Leesburg), technical fall-1 5 3:52 (18-2) Quar ter finals: Richard Alber t (Cape Coral) d Coby S h i e l d s ( G u l f B r e e ze ) u l t i m a t e t i e b r e a ke r 3 - 2 Semifinals: Alexander McMiller (Satellite) d Richard Alber t (Cape Coral) decision 5-3 WB4: Luke Williams (Brandon) d Richard Alber t (Cape Coral) fall 1:55 Fifthp l a c e m a t c h : E n i s L j i ko v i c ( B a rr o n C o l l i e r ) 4 6 - 9 d Richard Alber t (Cape Coral) 38-10 decision 2-1 126 POUNDS First round: Maximus Brady (Mariner) d Jet Griffis (Land O Lakes) technical fall-1 5 2:50 Quar terfinals: M a x i m u s B r a d y ( M a r i n e r ) d S e b a s t i a n B o n a c h e a ( O a k l e a f ) t e c h n i c a l f a l l - 1 5 4 : 2 8 ( 1 6 - 1 ) S e m i f i n a l s : Maximus Brady (Mariner) d Colt Brown (Lake Gibson), technical fall-1 5 3:00 (17-1) First-place match: Maximus Brady (Mariner) 53-1 d Dominick Smith (River Ridge) 102 technical fall-1 5 2:11 (15-0) 145 POUNDS First round: Keith Cole (Heritage) d Judd Cole (Cape Coral) fall 1:49 WB1: Judd Cole (Cape Coral) d Tyler Smith (Brandon), fall 3:37 WB2: Judd Cole (Cape Coral) d Michael Farrelly (Hollins) fall 3:26 WB3: Gavin Young (Jesuit) d Judd Cole (Cape Coral) fall 2:43 Seventhplace match: Inson Guerrier (Miami Norland Senior) 4712 d Judd Cole (Cape Coral) 20-8, fall 2:16 152 POUNDS Fi r s t r o u n d : H a n s e l Po m p a - M a u r i ( M a r i n e r ) d r Matthew Kotler (Fleming Island), major decision 15-6 Quar terfinals: Hansel Pompa-Mauri (Mariner) d Dylan Q u i r o g a ( M e rr i t t I s l a n d ) d e c i s i o n 1 0 - 7 S e m i f i n a l s : Gianni Maldonado (Lake Gibson) d Hansel PompaMauri (Mariner), fall 5:33 WB4: Hansel Pompa-Mauri (Mariner) d Matthew Kotler (Fleming Island) decision 10-6 Third-place match: Hansel Pompa-Mauri (Mariner) 22-8 d Connor Edwards (Lincoln) 51-6 decision 14-8 160 POUNDS First round: Christopher Minto (Mariner) d Vincent Contreras (Pasco) fall 3:17
d Ryan Beirne
decision 10-4 Semifinals:
Minto (Mariner) d Ty Rodriguez ( B r a n d o n ) t e c h n i c a l f a l l - 1 5 5 : 0 2 ( 2 3 - 8 ) Fi r s t - p l a c e m a t c h : C h r i s t o p h e r M i n t o ( M a r i n e r ) 5 4 - 1 d G a ge Wiggins (Braden River) 64-5, technical fall-1 5 5:19 (15-0) 220 POUNDS Fi r s t r o u n d : T h o m a s Jo n e s ( R i ve r s i d e ) d Fr a n k C o r n e l i s o n ( N o r t h Fo r t M ye r s ) 5 - 2 W B 1 : Fr a n k Cornelison (Nor th For t Myers) d Bill Gregor y (Dillard) fall 3:29 WB2: Frank Cornelison (Nor th For t Myers) d Donnell McCray (Jones) 11-4 WB3: Jhoel Robinson (Fleming Island) d Frank Cornelison (Nor th For t Myers), fall 1:43 Seventh-place match: Frank Cornelison (Nor th For t Myers) 39-4 d Kedtric Wilboun (Clay) 45-13 decision 8-2 See PREP REPORT, page 4
Richard Albert (38-10) came in sixth at 120 pounds Judd Cole of Cape (20-8) was eighth at 145 pounds Frank Cornelison (39-4) brought home a medal finish for North Fort Myers placing seventh at 220
FHSAA Class 2A

St. Patrick’s Biergartenfest this weekend at German American Social Club in Cape

St Patrick’s Day Biergartenfest the second of four festivals will be held this weekend at the German American Social Club in Cape Coral

The German American Social Club held its first of four Biergartenfests the last weekend of February and the community responded! The event was a great success helping the club make up for losses experienced after Hurricane Ian and the cancel a t i o n o f i t s 3 7 t h O k t o b e r f e s t T h e Bavarian Gardens were bustling, and the dance floor under the pavilion was full

beaming with excitement to see that the season of festivals was off to such a great start The gardens were hardly cleaned up w h e n t h e m e m b e r s o f

s t a r t

d preparing for the next festival The celebrations continue this weekend with a St Patrick’s Day-style German/Irish event

On March 11 and 12, the Southwest Florida community is invited to enjoy a celebration of all things Irish, with some German mixed in

o p o ’ t h e m o r n i n ’ ! F e a t u r i n g Guinness corned beef shepherd’s pie bangers fish & chips as well as alternating Irish and German musicians, Cape Coral will experience a sea of green with perhaps a slight bit of black, red and gold But if it’s a schnitzel or brat you’re c r a v i n g n o w o r r i e s ! T h e n e x t Biergartenfest is scheduled for the end of March 25-26, followed by another one in April to mark the halfway point to the 38th annual Oktoberfest There s plenty of good cheer and beer to go around at the

German American Social Club With this jam-packed filled schedule of events this season the organizers hope to make it up t o t h e S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a c o m m u n i t y , inviting everyone to join in the fun and celebrate who we are – Southwest Florida Strong!

Of course the club opens its doors to members and the public for dinner and dancing every Friday night at 5:30

The German American Social Club is at 2101 S W Pine Island Road For more information call 239-283-1400

Cape Coral Police Department issues fraud alert involving unwitting transportation drivers

A nationwide scam has affected residents in Cape Coral The Cape Coral Police Department has received several cases over the last week in reference to scams involving unwitting Uber/Lyft drivers Several residents received phone calls from scammers stating they were with a law enforcement agency or a law firm According to the CCPD these scammers will then say a family member has

been arrested or was in an accident, and they need funds for lawyers or bail money

The victims are requested to go to their banks and withdraw thousands of dollars and place the funds in unique packaging to d i s g u i s e i t f r o m d e l i v e r y d r i v e r s A n unknowing ridesharing driver will show up and pick up this money/package and deliver it to another location outside the city No law enforcement agency or law firm

would send drivers to pick up cash or packages from anyone, the CCPD said If you do get one of these phone calls and are not sure what to do follow these steps:

1 Contact the family member directly; if you cannot reach them, contact other family members to assist If you cannot get anyone, wait until a family member calls you back

2 Do not put cash in envelopes or pack-

ages for anyone to pick up from your home: these alleged accidents or an arrest of family members are likely fictitious and are part of a scam

3 If you are still trying to figure out what to do, please call the Cape Coral P o l i c e D e p a r t m e n t a t

These calls can also be reported by emailing us at ccpdfraud@capecoral gov

Accusation: Cape City Council member responds to mayor ’ s request

From page 1

Republican Party of Florida Caldwell, a state representative from 2010-2018 and the Lee County property appraiser, said Friday he forwarded the letter based on the seriousness of the allegation and the supporting documentation received

He said he was obligated to pass it on

This is a fundamental question regarding the electoral process and anytime anyone brings up a situation like this it needs to be investigated, Caldwell said when reached by phone “One way or another, it needs to be resolved ”

He said he received the complaint written by a Cape resident and forwarded without a name about two weeks ago I t o o k t h e i n f o r m a t i o n t o t h e

G o v e r n o r s O f f i c e w h e n I w a s i n Tallahassee a couple of weeks ago working on some tax proposals, Caldwell said

He did not contact Cummings

“It's the kind of thing that when you receive that type of allegation you are not the one to investigate it ” Caldwell said

Obviously we are a society where everyone is innocent until proven guilty, but I do have a duty to forward that type of information when it's provided to me

“I took it and passed it along to the Governor's Office I suspect at this time they are investigating it he added

He did not keep a copy of the letter but provided a general overview of the allegation which is that Cummings was not a resident of the district at the time of election and that she still is not a resident of District


The complaining parties had conducted their own investigation and provided "several pieces of information to back up their complaint, Caldwell said

They had investigated and done their own research as collaboration for their conclusion and it was credible information, he said

Since being notified of the complaint Cummings has said there has been no abridgment of city residency requirements pertaining to her qualification to run or serve

Everything I'm doing is legal, she said

when reached by phone last Friday I have a part-time residence in District 4 and I'll be full time in less than six weeks And we had a hurricane that wiped out the other house ”

She updated on Tuesday morning the time it would take to move providing the March 22 date to the city

People need to understand we just had a hurricane, she said This is why it's frustrating to me; we still have people displaced ” She said her response to the mayor would constitute her statement on the allegations

According to documents attached to G u n t e r s l e t t e r r e q u e s t i n g a r e s p o n s e , Cummings' drivers license and voters registration card both bear the address of a residence in District 4 which Cummings has said is her residence of record albeit parttime post-Ian G u n t e r a l s o a t t a c h e d C u m m i n g s ' Statement of Candidate form and other paperwork she had filed with the City Clerk s Office to qualify to run for the District 4 seat; city legal opinions related

to the charter residency requirement and situations that could result in forfeiture of office dating back to 2002 and 2013; and information obtained from the Lee County Supervisor of Elections Office regarding a change in her voter's registration shortly before the 2022 candidate qualifying period According to the dateline, Cummings, who previously ran in District 7, updated her address from one in District 7 to one in District 4 on May 9 2022

“ O n M a y 1 0 2 0 2 2 y o u f i l e d a

‘Statement of Candidate’ to be a candidate in the 2022 Election for a Council member in the district 4 race and Qualified on June 14, 2023, Gunter wrote

The District 4 address, on Palm Tree Boulevard, is the address Cummings said she has maintained as a part-time address since Hurricane Ian hit on Sept 28

The Governor's Office had not responded by deadline to email and phone requests for comment on the status of the complaint

North 1 West UEP: Info session

From page 1

for water $3 390 for sewer and $2 254 for irrigation bring the total tally to $33 367 For those who choose to pay in full between Oct 1, 2023 through July 31, 2 0 2 4 , t h e a s s

n t s f o r a 1 0 , 0 0 0square-foot lot in North 1 West will be $28,658 $7,802 for water, $14,352 for sewer and $6 504 for irrigation

The estimated Capacity Facility Expansion Charge is $7 273 $1 196 for water $3 650 for sewer and $2 427 for irrigation for a total tally of $35 931

As proposed, property owners will have the option to pay annually over 20, 25 or 30 years, with the first bill coming in November 2024 as an additional levy on the property tax bill

Over 20 years property owners would pay $4 365 per year equal to $363 75 per month At 25 years property owners would pay $3 991 annually about $332 58 per month Someone who chooses the default 30-year option would pay $3,740 annually, nearly $311 per month, with the total

As proposed, property owners will have the option to pay annually over 20, 25 or 30 years, with the first bill coming in November 2024 as an additional levy on the property tax bill

payout estimated at $112,200 over the term of the loan

The interest rate is estimated at 6 5 percent

The meeting will be held on the second floor of City Hall 1015 Cultural Park Blvd

The final public hearing for the Final Assessment Resolution has been set for March 22 in the Council Chambers at City Hall

The meeting, which will include public input, will begin at 4:30 p m and is open to the public

The design for North 1 East are about 70 percent complete Assessments have not yet been set but are expected to be noticed to property owners early next year

Del Prado Linear Park: Upgrade

From page 1


Representatives of Elks Lodge 2596 in Cape Coral with the donated wheelchairs at the VA Hospital in the Cape

Wheelchairs: Donation from Elks

From page 1

ilies with kids who are ill ”

Elks Lodge 2596 has done so much for veterans it earned an award for Elks volunteering on behalf of veterans for the whole state of Florida Eliud “Pico” Torres has been with the VA since 2016 and said it has been nothing but a pleasant experience

It gives me such an incredible pleasure to work as a volunteer Then you see who s willing to give up their time for our veter-

From page 3

Distance medley relay: 4 Cape Coral (McFarland, Moran, Begic Sibbrell) 14:41 07 High jump: 2 Chloe Johnson (M)

1 42m 5 Emily Vizi (IB) 1 32m Long jump: 3 Emily Vizi (IB)

4 80m Triple jump: 2 Emily Vizi (IB) 8 91m 4 Madalyn Rowe (M) 8 72m


Mariner 3, Cypress Lake 1: Katie Campbell's walk-off three-run homer in the bottom of the seventh propelled the Tritons (2 -2 ) Campbell w as 3 -for-4 Crims on Lawrence and Chenne Waddell combined to hold Estero to one run on two hits and a w a l k w h i l e t o t a l l i n g 1 1 s t r i k e o u t s Lawrence got the win in relief North Fort Myers 15, Gulf Coast 0 (3 innings): Kendall Wylie was 3-for-3 with a double and a triple, scored twice and had f o u r R B I f o r N o r t h ( 2 - 0 ) K a l i y a h Williams tripled and had three RBI Lela Jamison and Desirae Devine added two RBI each Williams pitched three perfect innings Ida Baker 13, Dunbar 0 (5 innings):

ans, Torres said It s not just money, but also time

As for the wheelchairs Torres said they could not have come at a better time since they are so needed

When you come into a medical environment, the wheelchairs are on an as needed basis Many of our veterans are not as mobile as they want to be ” Torres said “They need wheelchairs when going from their vehicle to the clinic The wheelchairs become critical to that

General Obligation Bond to fund significant parks and recreation improvements throughout the city Improvement at Del Prado Linear Park i n c l u d e a s h a d e d p l a y g r o u n d f e a t u r i n g

a c c e s s i b l e s w i n g s e a t s a n d t r a d i t i o n a l swings a moon rock climbing component and a cozy cocoon spinning apparatus

It also contains a fenced basketball court, accessible and traditional parking, public restrooms and improved landscaping and lighting

This new site is a trailhead for Del Prado Linear Park which hosts a nearly four-mile paved and lighted path, and i n c l u d e s e i g h t f i t n e s s s t a t i o n s , a l o o p around Lake Zurich and a rain garden

“It’s great for people who live here all year so they can enjoy the park in the evening When the sun is beating down in the summer, sometimes it makes it hard to


Four Bulldogs pitchers combined on a fiveinning no-hitter Kaiden Nealeigh drove in two Ida Baker (2-1) runs Michela Barraza and Alana Hutchinson each scored three times for the Bulldogs South Fort Myers 18, Cape Coral 8 (5 innings): Angela Brannan and Gabriela G o n z a l e z h a d t w o R B I e a c h f o r t h e Seahawks Jessica Ratliff drew four walks, scoring all four times Oasis 14, SW Florida Christian 6: The Sharks (3-0) poured it on in the late innings scoring 11 times in their last three turns at bat G a t e w a y 1 5 , I s l a n d C o a s t 5 : T h e Gators are 1-3


Estero 8, Mariner 7: Estero scored five times in the fifth inning, then held off a Tritons rally Sam Guth had two RBI for

innings): Mason Blackburn homered and drove in four runs on a 3-for-4 night leading the Gators (4-1) Jake Mueller hit two home runs, going 2-for-3, driving in three runs and scoring twice Davin Hickman also homered driving in two in a 3-for-4 game Mueller (1-0) and Emilio Gonzalez combined for the pitching shutout I d a B a k e r 4 , D u n b a r 1 : C a y d e n Farmer was 2-for-3 with an RBI and five stolen bases and Ryan Torres doubled in a run for the Bulldogs (3-2) Ely Mora went 2-for-3 Brendon Donnelly worked five innings for the win, with Michel Valdes earning a save South Fort Myers 19, Cape Coral 2: Alexander Kolasinski and Bryan Calderon

exercise ” said city spokesperson Melissa Mickey “When you can do it in the evening it makes it that much easier and safer

After the ribbon-cutting, members of the City Council, the mayor and members of Special Pops went to the basketball court to shoot some hoops with balls that the city gave out to those who attended with the autographs of the City Council members

The playground filled quickly with families with small children not old enough to attend school Bill Braney watched his grandchildren play on the artificially surfaced playground and said that he loved it I m glad to see they re taking care of the children in the neighborhood We’ve been keeping an eye on it waiting for it to open Braney said They had an issue with the tarp after the hurricane and we re happy it s open now

Page 4 Wednesday, March 8, 2023 capecoral breeze com CAPE CORAL BREE ZE
M a r i n e r
h i l e R o m e
o G
s t X a v i e r M u e n t e s a n d L a n g s t o n J o h n s t o n e a c h drove in a run Five Estero runs were unearned I s l a n d C o a s t 1 2 , G a t e w a y 0 ( 5
GIRLS TENNIS Ida Baker 7, Cypress Lake 0 Singles: Kathr yne Jones (IB) d Carolyn Solomon 6-1 6-2 Alexandra Hamilton (IB) d Bridgitte Maillakakis 6-0 6-0 Ella Peterson (IB) d Catelyn Holcomb 6-2 6-1 Brokke Robinson (IB) d Devin Haddock 6-2 6-0 Julika Feix (IB) d Zulai Perez 7-5 6-3 Doubles: Jones/Hamilton (IB) d S o l o m o n / M a l l i a k a k i s 8 - 0 Pe t e r s o n / R o b i n s o n ( I B ) d Haddock/Holcomb 8-0 Record: Ida Baker 3-3 Fort Myers 7, North Fort Myers 0 Singles: Gabriel Whitmer (F) d Alexis Neumann 6-4 61 Elizabeth Kremenchuker (F) d Mikayla Mann 6-0 6-4 Lauren Sawczyn (F) d Maria Lakes 6-1, 6-1 Isabelle Rose (F) d Olivia Myers 6-1, 6-1 Amber Alber (F) d Delaney Souppa 6-0, 6-0 Doubles: Whitmer/ Sawczyn (F) 8-3 M a d i s o n We l c h / A l ex a n d r a B o c a n e g r a ( F ) d Myers/Souppa 8-4 BOYS TENNIS Estero 6, Mariner 1 Singles: John Brodeur (E) d Karl Schott 6-1 6-0 Evan Combs (E) d 6-1 6-4 Noah Riascos (M) d 6-3 6-3 Nikky Snow (E) d Rober t Preston 6-0 6-0 John Nassif (E) d Damien Gleason 6-0 6-2 Doubles: Brodeur/Combs (E) d Schott/Kirkimilis 8-1 Snow/Har ty (E) d Riascos/Preston 88 (7-4) GIRLS LACROSSE Cape Coral 16, Golden Gate 4: Emmy Pardo scored five times for the Seahawks (4-0) Ella Bernard and Mackenzie Scully had four goals each AJ Cudnik had two and Mikala Allen one BEACH VOLLEYBALL F o r t M y e r s 4 , I d a B a k e r 1 : T h e Bulldogs lost their season opener
drove in
for Cape
G A S C P r e s i d e n t S t e p h e
a u e r w a s
e s s m
2 3 9 - 5 7 4 - 3 2 2 3
CITYLEGALS CITY OF CAPE CORAL INVITATION FOR BIDS The City of Cape Coral Florida will receive Bids for Inspection and Maintain Backflow Preventers BPW2336MM in accordance with the specifications on file Detailed specifications and instruct ons for submittal may be obtained online at capecoral ionwave net BIDS MUST BE SUBMITTED NO LATER THAN 1:30 P M on April 6 2023 BIDS PRESENTED AFTER THAT TIME WILL BE REFUSED By Order of the City Manager Kimberly Bruns City Clerk Advertise: March 8 2023 March 8 2023 LC1502 CITY OF CAPE CORAL INVITATION FOR BIDS The City of Cape Coral, Florida will receive Bids for Purchase of Steel Sign Posts BPW2344MM in accordance with the specifications on file Detailed specifications and instructions for submittal may be obtained: in person from the City of Cape Coral Procurement Division 1015 Cultural Park Blvd Second Floor Cape Coral FL 33990; online at capecoral ionwave net or by mail request by calling 239-574-0831 (recipient s account required for overnight mail) BIDS MUST BE SUBMITTED NO LATER THAN 1:30 P M on March 29, 2023 BIDS PRESENTED AFTER THAT TIME WILL BE REFUSED By Order of the City Manager Kimberly Bruns, City Clerk Advertise: March 8 2023 March 8, 2023 LC1502 PROBATE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR LEE COUNTY FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No 23-CP-750 Division IN RE: ESTATE OF JERRY FIEBIGER Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Jerry Fiebiger deceased whose date of death was July 30 2022 is pending in the Circuit Court for Lee County Florida Probate Division the address of which s Lee County Clerk of Court PROBATE DIVISION Post Office Box 9346 Ft Myers FL 33902 The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative s attorney are set forth below All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent s estate on whom a copy of th s notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent s estate must file their claims w th this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733 702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED The date of first publication of this notice is March 8 2023 Attorney for Personal Representative: Daniel J Endrizal III Attorney Florida Bar Number: 300860 2069 First St Ste 301 Ft Myers, FL 33901 Telephone: (239) 728 8555 Fax: (855) 802 5195 E-Mail: daniel@endrizallaw com Secondary E-Mail: daniel endrizal@earthlink net Personal Representative: Kay Fiebiger 6769 SR 67 Kenton Ohio 43326 March 8 15 2023 LC1533 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO 22-CP-3068 IN RE: THE ESTATE OF MARIE E BURKE a/k/a Marie Evelyn Burke Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE: The administration of the estate of MARIE E BURKE also known as Marie Evelyn Burke deceased whose Social Security Number was XXX-XX-1915 is pending under File Number 22CP- 3068 in the Circuit Court for Lee County Florida Probate Division the address of which is P O Box 9346 Lee County Courthouse Fort Myers Florida 33902 The names and addresses of the Personal Representative and the Personal Representative s attorney are set forth below ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is served within three months after the date of the first publication of this notice must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM All other creditors of the decedent and persons having cla ms or demands against the estate of the decedent must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATIONS OF THIS NOTICE ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED The date of the first pub ication of this Notice is March 1, 2023 Attorney for the Personal Representative Harold S Eskin Esq P O Box 07197 Fort Myers Florida 33919 Telephone: (239)549-5551 Personal Representative Kathleen Conneilly 39 Liberty Dr N Billerica MA 01862 March 1 8 2023 LC0025 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR LEE COUNTY FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No 23-CP-000247 IN RE: ESTATE OF ALEX W BUDAY a/k/a ALEX WILLIAM BUDAY Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of ALEX W BUDAY a/k/a ALEX WILLIAM BUDAY deceased whose date of death was January 24 2022 is pending in the Circuit Court for LEE County Florida Probate Division the address of which is 2075 Dr Martin Luther King Blvd Fort Myers FL 33901 The names and addresses of the Personal Representative and the Personal Representative s attorney are set forth below All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent s estate on whom a copy of this Notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent s estate must file their claims with th s court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733 702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED The date of first publication of this notice is March 1, 2023 Attorney for Personal Representative: KIMBERLY C FUENTES f/k/a KIMBERLY C MORRIS Attorney Florida Bar Number: 169900 JONES HABER & ROLLINGS 1633 SE 47th Terrace Cape Coral FL 33904 Telephone: (239) 542-0700 Fax: (239) 542-8627 E - M a i l : Morris@JonesHaberLaw com Secondary E-Mail: Simes@JonesHaberLaw com Personal Representative: BARBARA J BUDAY 1212 SE 22nd Street Cape Coral Florida 33990 March 1 8 2023 LC0018 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR LEE COUNTY FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No 23-CP-000459 IN RE: ESTATE OF PRUDENCE ANN SMITH LEE Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Prudence Ann Smith Lee deceased whose date of death was December 21 2022 is pending in the Circuit Court for Lee County Florida Probate Division the address of which is 1700 Monroe Street 2nd Floor Fort Myers FL 33901 The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative s attorney are set forth below All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their c aims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733 702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED The date of first publication of this notice is March 1 2023 Jacqueline Bruehl Esq Attorney Florida Bar Number: 0142964 WAGGONER & BRUEHL PA 5400 PINE ISLAND RD NW STE D BOKEELIA FL 33922-3201 Telephone: (239) 283-1076 Fax: (239) 283-7567 E-Mail: jackie@wblegallaw com Secondary E-Mail: eservice@wblegallaw com Personal Representative: Robert Bruce Stevens Jr 5556 Avenue C Bokeelia Florida 33922 March 1 8 2023 LC0178 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR LEE COUNTY FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No 22-CP-3786 IN RE: ESTATE OF ELLEN MARIE ARTHURS Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS (summary administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE: You are hereby not fied that an Order of Summary Administration has been entered in the estate of Ellen Marie Arthurs deceased File Number 22-CP-3786 by the Circuit Court for Lee County Florida Probate Division the address of which is 1700 Monroe Street Fort Myers Florida 33901; that the decedent s date of death was March 14 2022; that the total value of the estate is $25 372 93 and that the names and addresses of those to whom it has been assigned by such order are: Joseph Arthurs 3709 S Pintar Rd Hibbing MN 55746 James Arthurs 3515 Country Lane Hibbing, MN 55746 John Arthurs 6580 156th Street E Hastins MN 55033 Marie Stimac 204 East 31st Street Hibbing MN 55746 Kathleen Asher PO Box 158 Sandstone MN 55072 ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the estate of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent other than those for whom provision for ful payment was made in the Order of Summary Administration must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733 702 ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER APPLICABLE TIME PERIOD ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED The date of first publication of this Notice is March 8 2023 Attorney for Person Giving Notice: Seott Kuhn Esq E-mail Addresses: pleadings@kuhnlegal com Florida Bar No 555436 Kuhn Law Firm PA 6720 Winkler Rd Fort Myers Florida 33919 Person Giving Notice: Joseph Arthurs 3709 S Pintar Rd Hibbing MN 55746 March 8 15 2023 LC1280 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR LEE COUNTY FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No 23-CP-000653 IN RE: ESTATE OF BARBARA M BROWN A/K/A BARBARA MAE BROWN Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of BARBARA M BROWN A/K/A BARBARA MAE BROWN deceased whose date of death was November 24 2022 is pending in the Circuit Court for LEE County Florida Probate Division the address of which is 1700 MONROE ST 2ND FLOOR FORT MYERS FL 33901 The names and addresses of the personal representatives and the personal representatives attorney are set forth below All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733 702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED The date of first publication of this notice is March 8 2023 Attorney for Personal Representatives: JACQUELINE BRUEHL ESQ Attorney Florida Bar Number: 0142964 WAGGONER & BRUEHL PA 5400 PINE ISLAND RD NW STE D BOKEELIA, FL 33922-3201 Telephone: (239) 283-1076 Fax: (239) 283-7567 E-Mail: jackie@wblegallaw com Secondary E-Mail: courtney@wblegallaw com Personal Representatives: SCOTT M DURMA 10820 COOSE HOLLOW LANE ROGERS AR 72756 March 8 15 2023 LC0178 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR LEE COUNTY FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No : 23-CP-000633 Division: Probate IN RE: ESTATE OF HERBERT S WILCOX Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Summary Administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE: You are hereby notif ed that an Order of Summary Administration has been entered in the Estate of Herbert S Wilcox deceased File Number 23-CP- 000633 by the Circuit Court for Lee County Florida Probate Division the address of which is P O Box 9346 Fort Myers FL 33902-9346; that the Decedent s date of death was January 4 2023; that the total value of the Estate is $11 435 00; and that the name and address of those to whom it has been assigned by such Order are: Susan W Dyer as Trustee of the Herbert S Wilcox Revocable Trust, dated April 1, 2008 1006 Nettles Blvd Jensen Beach FL 34957 ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: A l creditors of the Estate of the Decedent and persons having claims or demands against the Estate of the Decedent other than those for whom provision for full payment was made in the Order of Summary Administration must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733 702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER APPLICABLE TIME PERIOD ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED The date of first publication of this Notice is March 8 2023 Attorney for Person Giving Notice: Kevin A Kyle Florida Bar Number 980595 GREEN SCHOENFELD & KYLE LLP 1380 Royal Palm Square Boulevard Fort Myers Florida 33919 Telephone: (239) 936-7200 Fax: (239) 936-7997 E-Mail: kevinkyle@gskattorneys com Person Giving Notice: Susan W Dyer 1006 Nettles Blvd Jensen Beach FL 34957 March 8 15 2023 LC2258 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No 23-CP-680 IN RE: ESTATE OF PATRICIA A MALTZMAN Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Summary Administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE: You are hereby notified that an Order of Summary Administration has been entered in the Estate of Patricia A Maltzman deceased File Number 23-CP-680 by the Circuit Court for Lee County Florida Probate Division the address of which is 1700 Monroe Street Fort Myers Florida 33901; that the decedent s date of death was November 4 2022; that the tota value of the estate is $14 176 52 and that the names and addresses of whom it has been assigned by such Order are: Michael K Abrahamsen 1205 Joyce St Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Lisa Dawn Abrahamsen 1803 Walden Court Sicklerville NJ 68081 Richard Todd Abrahamsen 524 Coachwood Ct Newtown PA 18940 ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the estate of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent other than those for whom provision for full payment was made in the Order of Summary Administration must file their claims with th s court WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733 702 ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER APPLICABLE TIME PERIOD ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED The date of first publication of this notice is March 8 2023 Person Giving Notice: Michael K Abrahamsen 1205 Joyce St Stroudsburg PA 18360 Attorney for Person Giving Notice: Amy L McGarry Florida Bar Number: 181897 Amy McGarry Law Office PL 1708 Cape Coral Pkwy West Suite 7 Cape Coral Florida 33914 Telephone: (239) 945-3883 amy@amymcgarrylaw com March 8 15 2023 LC1928 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR LEE COUNTY FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION CASE NO : 23-CP-000029 IN RE: THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL W K WONG aka MICHAEL W WONG, Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Michael W Wong deceased whose date of death was January 17 2022 is pending in the Circuit Court for Lee County Florida Probate Division the address of which is 1700 Monroe Street, Fort Myers FL 33901 The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative s attorney are set forth below All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their c aims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733 702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED The date of first publication of this not ce is: March 8 2023 Signed on this 27th day of December 2022 /s/ Christine F Wright Christine F Wright Esq Florida Bar No: 120790 923 Del Prado Blvd S Suite 205 Cape Coral, FL 33990 Tel: 239-542-9955 Fax: 239-829-0548 E-mail: cwright@wlfpa com Secondary E-mail: info@wlfpa com /s/ Marcia Langlois Marcia Langlois 7174 East 9000 North Road Grant Park IL 60904 March 8 15 2023 LC0273 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION CASE NO : 23-CP-000673 IN RE: THE ESTATE OF MARGARET C WOLF Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of MARGARET C WOLF deceased whose date of death was February 7 2023 is pending in the Circuit Court for Lee County Florida Probate Division the address of which is 1700 Monroe Street Fort Myers FL 33901 The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative s attorney are set forth below All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733 702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED The date of first publication of this notice is: March 8 2023 Signed on this 6th day of March, 2023 /s/ Christine F Wright Christine F Wright, Esq Florida Bar No: 120790 923 Del Prado Blvd S Suite 205 Cape Coral FL 33990 Te : 239-542-9955 Fax: 239-829-0548 E-mail: cwright@wlfpa com Secondary E-mail: info@wlfpa com /s/ Robert B O Donnell Jr Robert B O Donnell Jr 624 Yellow Cypress Lane Winter Haven FL 33881 March 8 15 2023 LC0273 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR LEE COUNTY FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION CASE NO : 23-CP-000327 IN RE: THE ESTATE OF CHARLOTTE HERB Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Charlotte Herb deceased whose date of death was January 20 2023 is pending in the Circuit Court for Lee County Florida Probate Division the address of which is 1700 Monroe Street Fort Myers FL 33901 The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative s attorney are set forth below Page 5 C A P E C O R A L B R E E Z E w w w capecoral breeze com We dnesday, March 8,202 3
CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS CHILD IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THIS NOTICE If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding you are entitled at no cost to you to the provision of certain assistance Please contact Brooke Dean Operations Division Manager whose office is located at Lee County Justice Center 1700 Monroe Street Fort Myers Florida 33901 and whose telephone number is (239) 533-1771 at least 7 days before your scheduled Court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired call 711 WITNESS BY HAND as the Clerk of Said Court and the seal thereof this 03/02/2023 KEVIN KARNES CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BY: DEPUTY CLERK March 8 15 22 29 2023 LC0017 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR LEE COUNTY FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION CASE #: 23-DR-1374 DIVISION: COREY SCHMAL Petitioner and ZHENNI MOROZYUK Respondent NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE TO: ZHENNI MOROZYUK Last known address 2615 S Greeley Bay View WI 53207 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses if any to it on Diane M Dramko Esq Attorney for Petitioner, whose address is 1423 SE 16th Place Suite #102 Cape Coral FL 33990 on or before April 17 2023 and file the original with the clerk of this Court at 1700 Monroe Street Ft Myers FL 33901 before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter If you fail to do so a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition Copies of all court documents in this case including orders are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court s office You may review these documents upon request You must keep the C erk of the Circuit Court s office notified of your current address (You may file Notice of Current Address Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12 915 ) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed to the address on record at the clerk s office WARNING: Rule 12 285 Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure requires certa n automatic disclosure of documents and information Failure to comply can result in sanctions including dismissal or striking of pleadings Dated: 03/07/2023 Kevin C Karnes CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: C Richardson Deputy Clerk March 8 15 22 29 2023 LC0220 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR LEE COUNTY FLORIDA Case No : 22-CA-002205 Division: MARSHALL T MARTIN REVOCABLE TRUST Plaintiff vs MARSHALL T MARTIN and KAREN S LITTLEJOHN Defendants NOTICE OF ACTION TO: MARSHALL T MARTIN 11273 BUTLER DRIVE BONITA SPRINGS FL 34135 KAREN S LITTLEJOHN 11273 BUTLER DRIVE BONITA SPRINGS, FL 34135 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to quiet title on the fol owing property in Lee County Florida: THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LAND SITUATE LYING AND BEING IN LEE COUNTY FLORIDA TO WIT: All that part of the North 145 feet of the east on-half (E 1/2) of the Southeast one-quarter (SE 1/4) of the Northeast one-quarter (NE 1/4) of the Northwest one-quarter (NW 1/4) of Section 1 Township 48 South Range 26 East Lee County Florida lying West of a line parallel with and 225 feet (as measured on a perpendicular) Westerly from the East line of said fraction of a section has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses if any to it on The Law Office of C W Wickersham Jr P A Plaintiff s attorney at 2720 Park Street Suite 205, Jacksonv lle, Florida, 32205 Phone Number: (904) 389-6202 on or before April 12 2023 and file the original with the Clerk of this Court at 1700 Monroe St Fort Myers FL 33901 before service on Plaintiff or immediately thereafter If you fail to do so a Default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint DATED this 3rd day of March 2023 Kevin C Karnes Clerk of the Circuit Court By: C Richardson As Deputy Clerk March 8 15 22 29 2023 LC2720 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR LEE COUNTY FLORIDA Case No 23-CA-1124 FEDERICO-STOPA HOLDINGS LLC as Trustee of the NW 34th Terrace Land Trust and as Trustee of the Card Street Land Trust and as Trustee of the Beggs Street Land Trust Plaintiffs v RICARDO GARCIA HENRIQUEZ YA NAN CHEN TENG MA RUO XI MA and MAX CHASTANET Defendants NOTICE OF ACTION STATE OF FLORIDA To: RICARDO GARCIA HENRIQUEZ, YA NAN CHEN, TENG MA RUO XI MA and MAX CHASTANET and all parties having or claiming to have any right title or interest to the property described below whose residence is unknown YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to quiet title to the following properties in Lee County Florida: Lots 28 and 29 Block 5432 Unit 90 CAPE CORAL SUBDIVISION according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 24 pages 12 through 29 inclusive in the Public Records of Lee County Florida and Lot 3 Block 78 Unit 12 Section 2 Township 45 South Range 27 East Lehigh Acres according to the map or plat thereof on file in the office of the clerk of the circuit court, recorded in Plat Book 15 Page 204 Public Records of Lee County Florida and Lot 5 Block 87 Unit 13 LEHIGH ACRES Section 2 Township 45 South Range 27 East according to the map or plat thereof on file and recorded in Plat Book 15 Page 205 Public Records of Lee County Florida has been filed against you and you are required to file your written defenses if any with the Clerk of the above Court on or before April 10 2023 and to serve a copy upon Vestalia Aylsworth Esq Plaintiff s attorney whose address is 12307 SW 143rd Ln Miami FL 33186-6026 and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plaintiff s attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint In accordance with the Amer cans With Disabilities Act, persons needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding should contact the ADA coordinator not later than seven (7) days prior to the proceeding at (239) 861-7400 If hearing impaired (TDD) call 1-800-9558771 or if voice impaired (V) call 1-800-955-8770 for the assistance of Florida Relay Services DATED this 1st day of March 2023 Kevin C Karnes CLERK OF THE COURT By: C Richardson Deputy Clerk March 8 15 22 29 2023 LC3052 Page 8 W ednesday, March 8,202 3 w w w capecoral breeze com C A P E C O R A L B R E E Z E

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