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Community meeting

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Lee County Climate Reality Project, S a n i b e l - C a p t i v a C o n s e r v a t i o n F o u n d a t i o n a n d S a n i b e l - C a p t i v a Renewable Energy Working Group

The goal of the task force is to help the community as it rebuilds from the hurricane and to explore longer-term resilience measures for future storms and other impacts, like sea level rise In addition to community events, it is working on developing workshops, materials, and other resources on a variety of topics related to resilient rebuilding and planning Additional community participation is invited

BIG ARTS is at 900 Dunlop Road, Sanibel and emails from people asking about the lighthouse.

T h e r e w e r e s o m a n y c a l l s f r o m around the world wondering about this iconic beacon that's such a symbol of Sanibel it's a piece of so many people's hearts,” Smith said “I remember when we were riding across on Friday (after the storm), we all were able to look and see that she was still standing ”

“She's broken, but she's still there We're a little broken, but we're still here That's the resiliency of what this island is,” she continued. “We see this light-

From page 1 fighting from 337 to 386; drug use/possession from 284 to 377 and threat/intimi d a t i o n f r o m 2 1 5 i n c i d e n t s t o 2 5 4

Districtwide, physical attack incidents decreased from 306 to 252 and major disruption on campus incidents from 115 to 69 incidents.

In elementary schools, there was a decrease in physical attack from 105 in 2021-22 to 65 in 2022-23 There was an increase of 51 in 2021-22 in threat/intimidation to 71 in 2022-23

At the high school level, there was an increase in drug use/possession from 282 in 2021-22 to 376 in 2022-23 There was a reduction in major disruption on campus from 97 in 2021-22 to 63 in 2022-23

The board had many questions about the incident type and what classifies such b e h a v i o r a s f i g h t i n g v e r s u s p h y s i c a l attack

Student Services Executive Director Jessica Duncan said the SESIR definition of a fight is where two students are physically restrained, or a resulting injury from the event A physical attack is unprovoked by someone, or not engaged in mutual combat The incident is recorded and processed by an administrator or dean, who will closely compare it to the state definition to determine if the incident was coded correctly

Protecting loved ones

ner with the Clerk’s office to offer our citizens the ability to get back on the road.”

Traffic tickets must be paid in full, but people may enter into a payment plan for criminal court fees

People can pay their court fees and fines in cash, cashier’s check, money order or credit card

The Fort Myers office is at the Justice Center, at 2075 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd

The Cape Coral office is at 1039 S E 9th Place, Second Floor

For more information, visit www leeclerk org/ogl house as a beacon of hope, a beacon of life and a beacon of community, and I couldn't be more proud for all of us to be here ” Smith acknowledged those supporting Sanibel, and the entire region, from afar post-storm

“Everyone is, has been and I know will be as we continue to recover as a community in Southwest Florida, on Sanibel and the areas that were harmed by the hurricane,” she said “This light today is huge for all of us because it's a light that will keep shining on Sanibel, and we will all be shining.” t o p h e r

Bernier said the district has to better inform a site-based team to understand what is occurring on campus and what the big events are, as well as where incidents are occurring, so the administrative team watching and supervising a campus can be properly aligned

“That is the consistent part looking at data One of the long-term projects would be creating interactive dashboards, (so administrators) could see what is transpiring at the appropriate levels,” he said

District action

Positive Prevention Director Chuck Bradley said the district is working with the schools to help find appropriate strategies and interventions They are educators and are there to teach appropriate behavior and appropriate ways to interact, so students can be successful in life

Some of the corrective strategy examples include alternatives to suspension, conferencing with students and parents, P o s i t i v e B e h a v i o r I n t e r v e n t i o n s a n d Supports (PBIS), counseling sessions, n i c o t i n e p r e v e n t i o n c o u r s e / P r e v e n t i o n Center, mentoring and restorative practices

Bradley said they want to meet with the student and parent to make sure the

From page 4

Services offices can also cause long processing times and underreporting

We work hard to protect beneficiaries from Social Security and government imposter scams You can learn more a b o u t p r o t e c t i n g y o u r l o v e d o n e s a t blog ssa gov/slam-the-scam-how-to-spotgovernment-imposters and our Protect Yourself from Social Security Scams webpage at www ssa gov/scam

Please share these important resources

“We will watch her shine again, and we will celebrate her every day in a different way when we're crossing the causeway or out on the water,” Smith added “She had to be dim for a little while, but now she's going to be back For those of us that call this home, we are so excited Shine on, Sanibel ”

While the Sanibel Lighthouse parking lot was open for the ceremony, it was closed to the public following the celebration The city reported that it has not yet completed the repairs to the site parents are aware of what they are trying to accomplish at school, while enforcing what is being done at home

As far as the restorative practices and mentoring, he said this is being done to repair harm that has happened whether it is harm in relationships or damage on the campus PBIS is a program schools use to help support positive behavior

“We need to turn around and tell them what to do and how do you behave and interact with others, resolve conflict and meet expectations of others,” Bradley said “The research behind PBIS is growing ”

PBIS research shows that there is a decrease in disciplinary infractions and antisocial behavior, while increasing academic engagement and school safety and climate

“We talk PBIS to teach our students on w h a t t o d o r i g h t , ” B e r n i e r s a i d “Sometimes we put a big long list of everything children can do wrong PBIS simplifies four to six things to do correctly every day Be on time, be responsible, to be prepared, to be nice All those things listed in the code of conduct you really don’t have to worry about because if you conduct yourself every day, you’re treati n g y o u r s e l f a n d c l a s s m a t e s a s g o o d human beings ” with your family and friends

For more information, visit the Social Security Administration at www ssa gov People can also contact the area office in Fort Myers at 888-318-9114 or the national number at 800-772-1213 for assistance e e k o f

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