Pine Island Eagle

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Alden Pines HOA proposes purchasing golf course

Alden Pines Homeowners Association members gathered at the Pine Island Community Church April 19 for a long-deferred annual meeting After brief and speedy formalities, HOA board member Scott Snyder took over the meeting to address a topic of concern to all, what was happening with the Alden Pines Golf Course

The direction was clear from the get-go.

“We don’t want to lose the golf course,” Snyder said

The situation remains nebulous Developer Jason Picciano has apparently made an offer on the property, but to Snyder’s knowledge a contract has not been signed Picciano’s original plan was to construct what Snyder called “Disneyland Southwest” including a wave pool and beach His latest proposal is to build 13 houses on what are now the clubhouse, parking lot and several other lots

Snyder and a few trusted friends have formed a con-

sortium to make an offer to owner

R o b b i e R o b e r t s o n T h e y h a v e retained the services of an attorney who specializes in land use development This is the same attorney who represented a golf community in Venice in which P i c c i a n o w a s i n t e r e s t e d H e ended up backing out of that deal

The consortium isn’t entirely sure how much money is needed for the purchase but the figure of $ 1 m i l l i o n i s “ b e i n g t h r o w n a r o u n d , ” a c c o r d i n g t o S n y d e r Getting accurate information has been difficult, they said

No firm plans have been made for how the investors would be paid back Selling shares is one

County Commission discusses Little Pine Island Bridge repairs/replacement

The Lee County Commissioner’s workshop meeting Tuesday, April 18, included discussion on the Little Pine Island Bridge, located west of the Matlacha Bridge, heading toward Greater Pine Island

According to Lee County Deputy Director of the Department of Transportation Rob Price, the bridge was designed in 1974 and constructed in 1977. The county, he said, had identified some necessary repairs in the 2021 inspection of the bridge These repairs, totaling $150,000 were brought forth on April 5, 2022

“Subsequently, FDOT did another inspection in August of 2022, which indicated the bridge qualified for replacement We were in the process of completing those repairs, that were ordered by the board, when Hurricane Ian happened last fall,” Price said

In coordination with FDOT on funding opportunities for the replacement of the bridge after the inspection report, he said they programmed a total of $4 9 million for the bridge replacement, to start in 2025 and continuing through 2027, in their most recent work p r

replacement bridge However, the cost estimate to design and build a new bridge in 2027 is now estimated at just over $14 Mil

“Hurricane Ian did a real number on this bridge The seawalls protecting the bridge approaches were completely destroyed, and that caused significant soil loss along both the bridge approaches as a result, both approach slabs of this bridge failed after the hurricane,” Price said

The scour experience throughout the channel under the bridge was significant, he explained Scour is the measurement of underwater soil loss at the pilings of the bridge This soil loss is critical in maintaining the strength of the foundation of the bridge, he said The east end of the bridge had 21 feet of scour, and there was 11 feet on the west end

He went on to say that although FDOT completed temporary repairs to the approaches to restore traffic to

See BRIDGE, page 14


possibility. Also, no plans have been made on how the golf course would be run

Alden Pines’s situation is similar to what occurred at Cape Royal Residents there bought its golf course out of bankruptcy and hired professional management

To complicate matters, membership in Alden Pines HOA has heretofore been voluntary, not mandatory As such, it doesn’t have the authority to set requirements and enforce them

Snyder sees the current crisis as an opportunity to revitalize the HOA in the future

“We need to move quickly on the golf course situation first,” he said.

A motion was passed indicating the HOA supports community ownership of the golf course and opposes having homes built on golf course property

No further meetings are planned in the near future, but updates will be posted on the association’s website and Facebook page

MCA discusses the restoration of Matlacha

A standing room-only crowd filled the Blue Dog Restaurant on April 17 for the meeting of the Matlacha Civic Association The primary discussion centered on the restoration of Matlacha

President Mike Hannon presented the following resolution

“The Matlacha Civic Association endorses restoration of properties damaged by Hurricane Ian to their original boundary lines as noted on Lee County Plat filed on July 10, 1946 Block No 1 (the Mainland) encompasses the land from the drawbridge east to the parking lot at Coastal Kayaks Block No 3 (Little Pine Island and West Island) includes homes and properties in the Historic District which require build out to those original boundary lines, r e s t o r a t i o n , a n d e l e v a t i o n T h e M a t l a c h a C i v i c Association calls upon all property owners, Lee County, and the Governor of the State of Florida to expeditiously assist in this restoration, including acquisition of State and Federal grant monies for disaster and historic district restoration ”

Hannon explained that the original plats in Matlacha along Pine Island Road drawn in 1946 extend lot boundaries 100 feet from the right of way At present, 50 to 80 percent of individual lots are under water The advantages of filling in 100 feet from the road are threefold: a long sea wall could be built instead of many individual sea walls, the road might possibly be widened and the road would be less likely to be washed away in future storms

The resolution for which the board sought approval sparked a lengthy debate as members questioned what exactly was being proposed and suggested alternate wording

When Hannon stated that monies were available from both the state and federal governments for historic proper-

See MATLACHA, page 10

WEEk of aprIl 26, 2023 VolumE 46, NumbEr 51 FLIER INSIDE Street Eatz and Ale Restaurant in Bokeelia welcomes customers INSIDE insidetoday Athletes of the Week.........6 Dolphin Tales.....................8 Guest Commentary...........4 Island Mahjongg.............10 On the Water....................11 Tides................................16 Classifieds Open for business
FRAN THOMAS S c o t t S n y d e r a t the meeting of the Alden Pines HOA
a m , t o d e s i g n a n d s t a r t c o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h e
g r
Workers repairing the Little Pine Island Bridge after it was damaged by Hurricane Ian.

Opponents file for hearing on Cape Coral’s new request to remove the Chiquita Lock

Local non-profit organizations and residents have teamed up again and filed a petition for an administrative hearing chall e n g i n g t h e F l o r i d a D e p a r t m e n t o f E n v i r o n m e n t a l P r o t e c t i o n ’ s N o t i c e o f Intent to issue an permit to the city of Cape Coral for removal of the Chiquita Lock

The Matlacha Civic Association, Inc , S a n i b e l - C a p t i v a C o n s e r v a t i o n F o u n d ation, Calusa Waterkeeper, along with resid e n t s D a n i e l C a r n e y , J a m e s C o l l i e r , Keven Sparks and Kathleen Walsh, filed the petition on Wednesday challenging the notice of intent for an Environmental Resource Permit from FDEP to the city, contending the application “fails to meet any of the standards required under Florida Law ”

The petitioners also state that preliminary to any hearing, that FDEP “engaged in a fatal due process error in issuing the (Notice of Intent),” which was signed by FDEP Director of District Management for the South Florida District, Jennifer Carpenter

The Matlacha Civic Association, with the support of local organizations and individuals, defeated the first effort by the city to remove the lock on the South Spreader Waterway in 2019-20

P r e s i d e n t o f t h e M a t l a c h a C i v i c Association, Attorney Michael Hannon, said in the first proceeding, a Florida Administrative Law Judge concluded that removal of the lock would damage the mangroves and further impair the waters

of the Matlacha Pass He said the new effort to remove the Chiquita Lock is based on promises by the city of Cape Coral to start several new projects to improve the quality of water that flows into the South Spreader. They are once again, this time with more backing, challenging the city

“The fact that two renowned organizations that protect our waters have joined us as petitioners in this case, reflects how seriously our residents view the importance of clean water,” Hannon said

When reached for comment, city of Cape Coral officials stated they do not comment on pending litigation

The petitioners argue that the city’s proposal will not improve water, and at the same time violate a Consent Order binding dating back to the ’70s

During the decade, predecessors to the DEP stopped the digging of canals in the mangrove wetlands along the Matlalacha Pass Aquatic Preserve by developers of the Cape. From that came the largest fine ever levied for environmental crimes, managed wetlands were deeded to the state, and a water detention system for the canals designed to curb further damage

Enforcement action was resolved by Consent Order No 15 in 1977, to govern the operation of the canal system thereafter The goal of Consent Order No 15, which is still in effect today, is “to restrict destruction of the mangroves and to provide additional control and treatment of stormwater discharges” and “to be a freshwater system designed to retain and treat

the stormwater runoff and then to provide uniform discharge of the stormwater into the adjacent mangrove.” The Consent Order requires the maintenance of both the Chiquita Boat Lock and the Ceitus Boat Lift Barrier on the south end of the North Spreader Waterway Hannon said Cape Coral has refused to maintain both spreader waterways as required by the Consent Order

Cape Coral was allowed to remove the Ceitus Boat Lift Barrier many years ago

“As a result, Matlacha Pass is polluted a n d t h e m a n g r o v e s a l o n g t h e N o r t h S p r e a d e r a r e d y i n g , ” H a n n o n s a i d “Evidence of the damage to the mangroves on the north presented at the 2019 hearing was dramatic ”

P e t i t i o n e r s s t a t e t h e c i t y h a s o n l y offered one reason for the removal quoted, and that’s to allow boaters to navigate the Spreader Waterway without having to wait for operation of the lock They add there is no environmental purpose served by the removal on the lock, and will in-turn cause “significant environmental damage ”

T h e c i t y ’ s p r o p o s e d p r o g r a m p u t together by Brown and Caldwell includes two stormwater improvement projects; environmental monitoring for small tooth s a w f i s h ; e n h a n c e m e n t t o m a n g r o v e , upland, and subtidal habitats along the waterway, and removal of the Chiquita Boat Lock and the associated northern upland pad from the terminus of the waterway The city states these actions “will result in environmental improvements and increase the sustainability of the Waterway

system and the adjacent natural areas ”

Petitioners argue other than the removal of the lock, no Environmental Resource Permit is necessary to carry out the program, and state that the request is an “illegitimate vehicle to seek amendment of Consent Order No 15 without proper notice of any proposed amendment to affected parties ”

Petitioners also state that in the Notice of Intent, FDEP acknowledges the potential adverse impact of the removal of the lock

“The Department has determined that the proposed activity, because of its size, potential effect on the environment or the public, controversial nature, or location, is likely to have a heightened public concern or likelihood of request for administrative proceedings,” FDEP stated in the notice

Petitioners state the removal of the lock will cause the same environmental hazards that first caused action back in the ’70s

“The removal of the Lock will alter the natural flow of water and allow direct flow of polluted canal waters into protected natural resource areas utilized by Petitioners, thus directly affecting their use and enjoyment of the water and natural resources of the area including Matlacha Pass Aquatic Preserve, San Carlos Bay, and the waters of Sanibel, Captiva, and Pine Islands,” the petition states “Petitioners allege that removal of the Chiquita Lock will have the effect of impairing, polluting, or otherwise injuring the air, water, or other natural

See CHIQUITA LOCK, page 14

P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e p i n e i s l a n de a g l e . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , A p r i l 2 6 , 2 0 2 3 n P a g e 2
P a g e 3 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , A p r i l 2 6 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e



Publisher Raymond M Eckenrode reckenrode@breezenewspapers com

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Editor Paulette LeBlanc pleblanc@breezenewspapers com

Advertising Director Laurie Ragle lragle@ breezenewspapers com

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Chris Strine cstrine@breezenewspapers

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Matlacha Hookers 11th Annual Tasting Event 'Island Luau' generates $10,000 for the B e a c o n o f H o p e S e n i o r P r o g r a m s a n d $10,000 for repairs at St James City Civic Center

T h e M a t l a c h a H o o k e r s i s a 5 0 1 c 3 women’s charitable non-profit organization

Our organization has had members from Matlacha and the Greater Pine Island area, as well as Cape Coral, North Fort Myers and Fort Myers for over 25 years

We are proud and honored to announce that the Island Luau, held on Sunday, Feb 26, at the St James City Civic Center, was sold out for the third year in a row The response from the Pine Island Community is always amazing. We want to express a big thank you to all the volunteers who helped make this event run smoothly

The two $10,000 checks were given to Nancy Buthman, director of The Beacon of Hope’s Senior Programs, and Cindy Bickford, p r e s i d e n t o f t h e S t J a m e s C i t y C i v i c Association, on Monday, April 10, at the Matlacha Hookers General Meeting at the American Legion Post 136 in St James City Both are 501c3 non-profit organizations dedicated to helping the needs of the Greater Pine Island Community

We are so thankful for more than 120 Pine I s l a n d - a r e a b u s i n e s s e s a n d f a m i l i e s t h a t donated items to the silent auction and money to offset the costs of running the event

Here is the list of the sponsors, businesses, and individuals included in alphabetical order:

$500 - Orchid Sponsors - Gavin’s Ace Hardware, Four Winds Marina, Pineshine Farms

Enough with the wokeness

To the editor:

Previous Web Poll Question: With Ian-caused damage and more red tide, are you concerned about the water quality around the island?

■ Yes 55%

■ No 17%

■ Poor water quality will be an ongoing issue 28%

Current Web Poll Question: What do you think of the state legislation banning most abortions past 6 weeks?

■ I support it

■ I think the 15-week ban is sufficient

■ Abortion should be legal

■ Abortion should be illegal

I would like to know what changed so much that we are more concerned with how or what people are called, the gender of a person or what that person may grow up believing in Should we not focus on educating are children to be productive citizens and teach them the morals, values and ethics to succeed in life Who cares if little Johnny loves little Billy Is little Johnny respectful and contributing to making this a great country?

While we focus on these distractors, China and Russia are eating our lunch on the economic and global front We need to get back to the basics of what made this country great

For all the people that are “Woke.” Stop, you are only hurting your cause and destroying America Ask this simple question, does


Guest Comment


Front row – Anna Van Kirk, Nancy Buthman (director Beacon of Hope), Sandy Kerr (co-chair), Linda Bohacek (co-chair), Carol Zaremba, Vicki Janda, Cindy Bickford (president of St. James City Civic Association), Linda Bessett, Lucinda Good and Chris Buntin; second row - Joanne Correia (co-chair), Tonia Watkins, Jeanne Glenn, Bev Hart, Darcy Conner, Christy Rau, Joyce Boyer and Joyce Bieber; and third row Lorie Tidwell and Teresa Shattuck,

$250 - HIBISCUS Sponsors – Ted Bluey, Bokeelia Art Gallery, Tom and Joyce Boyer, Melville Brinson III, PA, Greater Pine Island Chamber of Commerce, Honc Industries, Pine Island Massage, Pine Island Pools, Reef

F a m i l y & C o s m e t i c D e n t i s t r y , S p y r n a l Associates, Inc and Stearns Custom Builders

$100 - Plumeria Sponsors – Ancuram

L L C , B l u e w a t e r R e a l t y o f P i n e I s l a n d , Bobbers Bait and Tackle, Bo and Linda Bohacek, Florida Complete Realty, Franklin Hamilton Gwen Galpin Realty, Hurricane Arcade, Jug Creek Marina and Fish House, Lumiere Cosmetic & Vein Center, Pelletier Rickert Physical Therapy and Pine Island Tax & Accounting Company

it really matter what people think of me?

Your actions and accomplishments in life will go further than your spoken words.

I live my life by three simple rules 1 No control - you can’t control what other people say or do so knowing that don’t get upset when someone does or says something 2 No expectations - never place expectations on things because most of the time it disappoints 3 It is what it is - relax and take life minute by minute and day by day


Cape Coral is on the wrong path to take out South Spreader lock

To the editor:

Cape Coral is on the wrong path to take out the South Spreader lock.

Silent Auction Donors – Applebees, Genie A n d r e w s , B e r t ’ s P i n e B a y G a l l e r y , Bikeworks, Blue Dog Bar and Grill, Linda Bohacek, Bokeelia Custom Apparel , Bones Coffee, Brooke’s Restaurant & Lounge, Chris Buntin, Buon Appetito, Cafe Fort Myers, Camping World, Captain Cathy Eagle Boat T o u r s , C a p t ’ n C o n ’ s F i s h H o u s e , A m y C a s o n / P o r t r a i t P h o t o g r a p h y , M i c h a e l

See HOOKERS, page 16

Sometimes you really can’t begin to understand why city governments such as Cape Coral want to do things that really don’t make sense

We just go through a horrific hurricane It hasn’t rained much since the hurricane and the Cape's canals are losing water Cape Coral now wants everyone to cut down on water usage to make up for the lack of rain The mangroves are in severe damage from the hurricane and lack of freshwater Most of them look red and burnt from a distance and not green an healthy.

So what does the city fathers want to do to help the mangroves with fresh water? Yes, you guessed right, if you said remove the locks from the South Spreader You ask, isn’t the freshwater supposed to be held back from the locks to help spread freshwater to the mangroves? Yes One would think that getting the health of the estuary and mangroves back would be the first order of business for all our elected government officials Evidently that doesn’t seem to work with Cape Coral decision-makers.


views expressed on the Opinions pages are just that opinions These pages are intended to convey a range of viewpoints; opinions printed on this page do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper Opposing views are welcome Letters to the Editor or guest columns may be mailed to: Pine Island Eagle, 10700 S t r i n g f e l l o w R o a d , S t e . 6 0 , B o k e e l i a , F L 3 3 9 2 2 ; e - m a i l e d t o p i n e i s l a n d @ breezenewspapers com; posted to our Virtual Newsroom at www breezenewspapers com or faxed to 283-0232 All letters and guest columns must be signed and must contain a phone number for verification purposes You also can comment on any letter or editorial opinion online at: pineisland-eagle com

They are more concerned that the first orders of business should be the removal of the South Spreader lock for the safety of a few boaters than about the health of the waters that we all want to enjoy Cape Coral Council should be nominated for a Bud beer can

P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e p i n e i s l a n de a g l e . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , A p r i l 2 6 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 4
Cason/Florida Landscape Photography, Chris Peacock, Chuck’s Auto Repair, Citrola’s on College, CK Nails & Spa, Cutting Ties Salon, Fabri – Tech, Four Winds Marina, Freedom Boat Club, Friga Tyme Roofing and Marine, your news to PINEISLAND-EAGLE.COm
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Web Poll
Share your opinion at pineisland-eagle com
We want your opinion Letters to the Editor
Hookers donate funds from luau
P a g e 5 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , A p r i l 2 6 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e

Cape Coral Breeze Athletes of the Week

by the

Sponsored by:

P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e p i n e i s l a n de a g l e . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , A p r i l 2 6 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 6
of the
Breeze Sports staff) Cape Coral Breeze Athletes Week

Street Eatz and Ale open and ready to serve

On Thursday, April 13, Reid Freeman and his wife Natasha successfully opened S t r e e t E a t z a n d A l e R e s t a u r a n t i n Bokeelia

“It was a success We had a good turnout with a lot of the island locals who came to support us,” Freeman said

T h e a f f o r d a b i l i t y o f m e n u i t e m s , Freeman said, can be attributed to a somewhat self-serve, casual atmosphere, where patrons head up to the bar and order their drinks themselves. If you’re wondering why there is a food truck out front, he said, it is acting as his kitchen temporarily, as he builds the restaurant kitchen exactly the way he wants it

On Sunday nights, he said, there will be celebrity food trucks brought onto the premises, for variety, such as, Dave’s Neapolitan Pizza, coming on April 23 On April 30, Dynamite Street Eatz food truck will be there, as every Sunday will present a different truck, Freeman said “Every Sunday will be a different truck,

and we’ll keep it on a rotation Just to give the island a little something different with cuisine if someone wants maybe a gyro, they can come out and get that it’s s o m e t h i n g d i f f e r e n t , s o m e t h i n g f u n , ” Freeman said.

Being accustomed to having always had Happy Hour, Freeman aims to keep that going Currently, Happy Hour is from 3-6 p m , in an attempt to make it inexpensive to meet friends and have a drink together

There is a certain degree of a learning curve with any new business, he said, although his experience and history dictates his sticking to his principles as a restaurateur

“We just want to keep it fun with a little neighborhood bar that won’t break the bank,” Freeman said

Street Eatz and Ale is located at 5508 Avenue A, Bokeelia Hours are TuesdayThursday, 12-9 p m ; Friday and Saturday, 12-9 p m (food) and 12-10 p m (bar); and Sunday, 12-6 p m

For additional information, call239312-4697

CLT paddling tour set for Friday

This month’s Calusa Land Trust-sponsored paddling tour will be held this Friday, April 28 The guided tour will be along the west shore of Matlacha Pass to investigate the wildlife among its mangrove forests and inlets. Participants will m e e t a t 1 0 a m a t L e e C o u n t y ’ s T r o p i c a l P o i n t Park (located at the east term i n u s o f T r o p i c a l P o i n t Drive) There is no parking fee at this location

The tour should end at about noon with all invited to share their experiences a f t e r w a r d s o v e r l u n c h a t Phuzzy’s Boat House in St James City.

The Calusa Land Trust is Pine Island’s all-volunt e e r l a n d c o n s e r v a n c y , which sponsors events for public education and enjoyment The paddling tours are held in season the last Friday of each month

B r i n g y o u r o w n kayak/canoe or kayaks are a v a i l a b l e f o r r e n t a l a t Carmen’s Kayaks (at the end of Porto Bello on Jug C r e e k , 2 3 9 - 3 3 3 - 7 3 3 2 )

Since it is also a fundraising effort, a donation of

$20 per person ($10 if CLT member) is requested

Please contact Jim Friedlander at 860608-1158 or jimfri29@gmail com for your reservation and further information

P a g e 7 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , A p r i l 2 6 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e
PHOTOS PROVIDED BY REID AND NATASHA FREEMAN Street Eatz and Ale Restaurant recently opened in Bokeelia.

Dolphin mating habits

Our local bottlenose dolphins are very sexual animals and are known to mate with numerous partners throughout the year Dolphins are one of the few species who have sex for enjoyment

Bottlenose dolphin in particular are known for being promiscuous They use sex as a tool for both bonding and intimidation The actual act of mating only lasts a few seconds, but there is lots of foreplay. Some foreplay is rather aggressive on the part of the male

Gangs of two or three male bottlenose dolphins will bond together to isolate a single f e m a l e f r o m h e r p o d T h e males will forcibly mate with her, sometimes for weeks at a time To keep her in line, they make aggressive noises, threatening movements and even smack her around with their tales Other females may try to protect her but will be forced away by the aggressive males

Dolphin Tales

one mate Mating season is 365 days a year

Dolphins appear to have a special affection for pregnant w o m e n T h e r e a r e m a n y a c c o u n t s o f d o l p h i n s ( m o s t likely females) swimming up t o a p r e g n a n t w o m a n a n d making buzzing sounds near her stomach We believe they can detect the fetus and heartbeat of a developing fetus by using echolocation

Dolphins are mammals and therefore give birth to live young The gestation period for our bottlenose dolphins is 1 1 - 1 2 m o n t h s C a l v e s a r e born tail first At birth, a bottlenose dolphin calf is about 3-4 feet long and weighs 3040 pounds

Maternal care is the primary influence in a calf’s life Maternal pods of related and unrelated females will share in the duties of calf rearing The nursery pods are made up of moms, sisters, female friends, aunties and grandmas, similar to the human world

Chiquita Lock focus of next GPICA meeting

A discussion of the Chiquita Lock will be the primary topic during the May 2 meeting of the Greater Pine Island Civic Association

The city of Cape Coral has requested permission to remove the Chiquita Lock a move that many people believe will cause environmental damage and degradation to important mangrove habitats and waterways, includi n g M a t l a c h a P a s s T h e F l o r i d a D e p a r t m e n t o f E n v i r o n m e n t a l Protection has filed a notice of intent to issue the permit

on a proposal to provide financial assistance for the suit

During the May 2 meeting, GPICA Board Member Sue Dahod will provide an overview of the situation Then the members will be asked to vote on whether the GPICA should financially support the MCA request for funding Per GPICA bylaws, membership must approve any expenditure over $1,000. Only members in good standing members for more than 30 days and current in their dues may vote

Dolphins will engage in playful activity such as chasing each other, head-butting and scratching each other with their teeth, as well as lying on one side like a floating log The actual act of mating is quick, generally lasting only a few seconds

After mating, the male leaves to find a new mate Paternal investment is virtually nonexistent Females are left to raise their calf without the male Dolphins are clearly polygamous, meaning they have more than

Females spend much more time fishing than males because they are either pregnant or lactating Calves nurse for up to three years

Mamma dolphins need a lot of calories!

Capt Cathy Eagle has spent over 40 years boating in our local waters As a professional Charter Captain, she specializes i n D o l p h i n a n d N a t u r e t o u r s V i s i t

CaptainCathy com or call 239 994-2572

Welcome aboard!

The Matlacha Civic Association has formed a coalition to request an administrative hearing against the removal of the lock and has asked the GPICA to join as a named petitioner and to spend up to $12,500 to financially support the legal fight against the removal of t h e l o c k . M C A P r e s i d e n t M i c h a e l Hannon gave a presentation about this issue and the request during the April meeting (You can view the draft meeting minutes and Hannon’s presentation o n t h e G P I C A w e b s i t e : h t t p s : / / g p i c a o r g / 2 0 2 3 / 0 4 / m i n u t e sapril2023/)

The GPICA held a special board meeting to consider the request and the board voted to:

■ Not join as a named petitioner, for fear that the organization could be responsible for Cape Coral attorneys’ fees should the suit fail

■ Request GPICA members to vote

The GPICA will ask membership to approve:

■ A $2,500 direct expenditure to support the suit;

■ Allowance to provide up to an additional $5,000, based on matching donations provided by GPICA members (GPICA would match each donation up to a total of $5,000.)

MCA has already filed the petition for an administrative hearing to fight the removal of the lock In addition to MCA, other named petitioners on the s u i t a r e t h e S a n i b e l - C a p t i v a C o n s e r v a t i o n F o u n d a t i o n ( S C C F ) , Calusa Waterkeeper and individuals Daniel Carney, James Collier, Kevin Sparks and Kathleen Walsh You can view the petition on the GPICA website at https://gpica org/2023/04/chiquita-lock/

Also on the May meeting agenda

See GPICA, page 10

P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e p i n e i s l a n de a g l e . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , A p r i l 2 6 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 8
Capt. Cathy Eagle
P a g e 9 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , A p r i l 2 6 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e

ties, Leoma Lovegrove said it was her understanding that Matlacha is considered an historic district only by Lee County In order to qualify for federal funds, the district must first be recognized on the state level To obtain such a designation requires attorneys and is costly but would protect the district

One resident questioned whether historic properties located other than along Pine Island Road would be included While the resolution is focused on the lots along the water, the build-out of those would be an improvement for all the residents in reducing potential damage to Pine Island Road

Another resident pointed out the lots were in a flood plain and might not be eligible for federal money anyway That may be the case, but funding should be explored to find out This investigation would not be the responsibility of the MCA board but of the county

A third suggested the resolution be split into two, one

regarding the issue of restoring original property lines and a second regarding investigating funding These two ideas go hand in hand Each individual lot owner is responsible for obtaining permits to extend lots 100 feet and to apply for any funding that may be available

It was reported that at least one property owner has already sought a permit and is waiting for Lee County to approve it

Hannon said he sees the resolution as evidence individuals can present to governmental entities stating that the community is behind the idea of extending properties as part of the restoration of Matlacha

Hannon summarized the purpose of the resolution is to take a position about restoration

“It’s not talking about funds," he said "It’s an expression of what we want to see We want to make our community resilient and sustainable in the next hurricane ”

Lee County will hold a meeting of the historic board on

April 24 in Fort Myers

Hannon urged everyone to attend this meeting in person to see what the county will do to help residents

“We’re doing this resolution to get Lee County to step up and do their job," he said "They tell us ‘We went through the hurricane, too. We feel your pain ’ The hurricane was seven months ago Do you have a clue what you’re going to do for us?”

T h e r e s o l u t i o n w a s finally approved as writt e n , t h o u g h n o t u n a n imously


From page 8

■ A public information session for zoning variance request for the Overhulser residence, 2782 York Road, St James City The Overhulsers are asking to reduce the variance setback on their property for a carport

■ Discussion of the Lee County Charter Review process and how residents have the opportunity to request changes to the rules that govern how Lee County o p e r a t e s S e e m o r e o n o u r w e b s i t e https://gpica org/2023/04/lee-charter-review/

The GPICA meeting will be at 6:30 p m , May 2, at Pine Island United Methodist Church, 5701 Pine Island Road, NW, Bokeelia, FL 33922

Online: The GPICA will also stream the meeting live on their Facebook page for those who cannot attend in p e r s o n , h t t p s : / / w w w f a c e b o o k c o m / P i n e I s l a n d C i v i c Association

Island Mahjongg

There was a fun group of 13 mahjongg players at St James City Civic Association on April 20 We were happy to welcome a new player, Elaine

scores were made by Carolyn Crosby with 190 p o i n t

Mahjongg is played every Thursday from 1-4 p m at SJCCA, located at Fourth Avenue and Lemon Street in St James City

P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e p i n e i s l a n de a g l e . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , A p r i l 2 6 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 1 0
Matlacha From page 1
s m u s s e n w i t h 1 3 5 , a n d M e l a n i e Giangrant
s , S u e R a
with 95
FRAN THOMAS Mike Hannon at the MCA meeting

Tarpon, grouper and more ...

Spring tarpon fishing is in full swing as fish numbers a n d h o o k - u p s i n c r e a s e d W e a t h e r e a r l y l a s t w e e k pushed many fish into Gulf waters, but they returned in a few days with an appetite

Boats report multiple hookups in and near Boca Grande Pass, and off the beaches To t h e s o u t h , t h e a f t e r n o o n falling tide gathered tarpon a r o u n d S a n i b e l ’ s C - s p a n , where boats anchored up current and drifted baits under t h e b r i d g e I n P i n e I s l a n d Sound tarpon were located in 6 to 10-foot depths off channel edges

On the Water

The offshore grouper bite was good in 60 to 90-foot depths Red grouper up to 30 inches took live and cut bait either rigged on a heavy jig or knocker rig Lane and mangrove snapper were caught from the same bottom on lighter tackle Ten to 15 feet of 30-pound or lighter fluorocarbon leader helped fool the bigger fish A few cobia and permit were hooked over structure in 40 to 60-foot depths plus large goliath grouper.

Inshore fishing was up and d o w n D e s p i t e g o o d m o r n i n g incoming tides, t h e b i t e w a s o f t e n s l o w i n many areas, yet anglers in other

areas found a strong bite Trout, snook and redfish came from mid to south Pine Island Sound Snook a n d r e d s w e r e h o o k e d around docks and pilings, oyster bars and hard bottom shorelines Sea trout up to 20 inches took live bait and lures while drifting 4 to 8-foot grass flats L a r g e l a d y f i s h , m a c k e r e l a n d s m a l l s h a r k s w e r e hooked well

S p a n i s h m a c k e r e l a r e often there one day and g o n e t h e n e x t U n l i k e many fish, mackerel never stop moving and they are fast, so they can cover a lot of ground At times they will stay in an area for a week or more and other times it's day to day Often anglers locate fish trolling small silver spoons while watching for feeding birds Mackerel are often sighted rocketing from the water after a meal

With Spanish mackerel, if there is one there is more If you have three or four areas you have caught them before, odds are good at least one will be productive on a given day

With many anglers and fishing guides focused on tarpon, this is a great time for fishing the other species without as much competition

To keep up on current fishing regulations, you can go to www myfwc comor download the Fish Rules app for the latest


rules and regulations

If you have a fishing report or for charter information, contact Gulf Coast Guide Service at 239-410-8576 (call or text); on the web at www fishpine island com; or via email at gcl2fish@ live com Have a safe week and good fishin’

As a lifetime resident of Matlacha and Pine Island, Capt Bill Russell has spent his life fishing and learning the waters a r o u n d P i n e I s l a n d a n d S o u t h w e s t Florida, and as a professional fishing guide for the past 23 years

P a g e 1 1 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , A p r i l 2 6 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e
Capt Bill Russell PHOTO PROVIDED funday when the family goes tarpon fishing Captain Tony Price and family enjoyed a great Sunday afternoon tarpon fishing out of Pineland's Tarpon Lodge
P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e p i n e i s l a n de a g l e . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , A p r i l 2 6 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 1 2
P a g e 1 3 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , A p r i l 2 6 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e

resources of the state, including manatees and the habitat of the smalltooth sawfish ”

Petitioners stated the most recent data on pollution of the Caloosahatchee Watershed is evidence that FDEP and i t s c o n s t i t u e n t s a r e f a i l i n g t o p r o t e c t l o c a l w a t e r s

Estimates of pollutant loading have increased dramatically from Cape Coral major outfalls during the past five years, as reported in the Cape Coral MS4 reports comparing 2014/2015 to 2019/2020 Total nitrogen, the parameter FDEP attributed to verified nutrient impairment in the Caloosahatchee estuary, San Carlos Bay, Pine Island S o u n d , a n d M a t l a c h a P a s s S t a t e A q u a t i c P r e s e r v e , i n c r e a s e d f r o m 2 5 1 , 1 4 8 p o u n d s p e r y e a r i n t h e 2014/2015 to 927,703 pounds per year in 2019/2020, a 267 percent increase

The recent 2022 Caloosahatchee River FDEP BMAP (Basin Management Action Plan) 5-Year review indicat-

ed that total nitrogen loading has significantly increased since the BMAP was adopted in 2012 and that nitrogen load reduction allocations to stakeholders will need to be increased by 1,938,241 pounds per year for total maximum daily load attainment Cape Coral is one of the BMAP stakeholders required to reduce total nitrogen loading

The review reports that Cape Coral has only one project for nutrient improvement in process and one project in the planning stage Petitioners state the reported 5-year average of total nitrogen load is actually 5,177,800 pounds-per-year, which is an increase of 1,218,239 p o u n d s - p e r - y e a r o v e r t h e p r e d i c t e d

n g l o a d Petitioners believe current projects will not meet the 20year milestone currently projected for the BMAP

The petitioners state that FDEP’s Nikki Morgan reporte

Everglades West Coast Basin Management Action Plans (BMAPs) Annual Meeting that FDOH does not know why measured loading of total nitrogen is higher than what was modeled

“In other words, the modeling on which the BMAP system is predicated bears no relation to quantitative


From page 1

Pine Island, further repairs are still required FDOT, he said, has identified two options to restore the bridge to pre-Ian conditions.

“Option A is additional repairs to further stabilize the bridge This option would require single-lane closure for up to six months on Pine Island Road, while the state installs new seawalls and sheet pile walls to protect the structure the cost of this repair is estimated at just under $4 5 million and would be fully eligible for participation by the federal highway administration,” Price said

Upon completion of repairs, this option would still leave the bridge in need of a full replacement in 2027, at a cost estimated at $14 million, he said Option B would be a full replacement of the Little Pine Island Bridge now, by the FDOT contractor at an estimated cost of $7 65 million

“As we indicated earlier, the 2027 estimate to replace the bridge is $14 4 million With this option, the Federal Highway Administration would likely only participate in the cost to perform the permanent repairs that we showed in Option A, so the county would be responsible for 100 percent of the difference ($3 3 million) to replace the bridge now,” Price said

The traffic delay, in this option, would only be 4 months, he said When building the south half of the bridge, two lanes of traffic could be maintained, by using

analysis,” the petitioners state. “To the extent the City of Cape Coral relies on its ‘compliance’ with the BMAP process, the argument carries no quantitative weight ”

Hannon said the city has “claims” they are doing a great job meeting their BMAP requirements, but that the BMAP is a decade old “and bears no relation to reality ”

Hannon said Cape Coral should use taxpayer dollars and grants to build high-speed locks at both Chiquita and Ceitus, then implement best practices to maintain those waterways

The Chiquita Boat Lock is a water detention barrier across the South Spreader Waterway in Cape Coral The purpose of the Chiquita Lock is to separate the canal waters of the southern end of the city from the navigable waters of the United States at the Caloosahatchee River The Chiquita Lock and the South Spreader Waterway were constructed over 30 years ago by the early developers of Cape Coral to remedy a Clean Water Act enforcement action brought in 1977 by the predecessor of FDEP, the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation.

Connect with this reporter on Twitter: @haddad cj

the newly constructed shared-use path on the new portion of the bridge

Based on the impact to the public, Price said, staff is seeking the board’s recommendation to move forward with a full replacement of the Little Pine Island Bridge now, he said.

L e e C o u n t y C o m m i s s i o n e r B o a r d C h a i r B r i a n Hamman reminded everyone that a decision would not be made at this meeting about the Little Pine Island Bridge, but brought to a future board meeting for a final determination Commissioner Kevin Ruane opted for Option B as a demonstration of commitment to resiliency

“To me, all we’re going to do is repair something in A (Option A) and wait a couple of years and have to start all over again anyway I mean, it really doesn’t seem to be much of a decision in my point of view Option B,” Ruane said

Discussion on the Little Pine Island Bridge will continue, as well as voting on and making the final decision, as it will be added to the agenda for the Lee County Board of Commissioners meeting on May 16 If anyone cares to make a public comment on anything seen or heard in the workshop meeting, they are encouraged to attend the next meeting, or email commissioners (all email addresses are listed) or visit the website at leegov com

s t
t i
e C a l o o s a h a t c h e e R i v e r a n d E s t u a r y a n d
d a t t h
P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e p i n e i s l a n de a g l e . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , A p r i l 2 6 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 1 4 Chiquita Lock From page 2
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From page 4

Genesee Parkway Neighbors, Get Perk’d Coffee, Great Clips, Island CBD Vape, Island Crab Company, Island Exchange

R e a l t y , I s l a n d T i m e F a s h i o n s , I v e t a Horvath-Bell, Barbara Jameson, Jason’s Deli, Gwen Kaushagen, Sandy Kerr, Kay’s

J e w e l e r s , K e g a n d C o w , K e y W e s t Express, Kinetic Touch, Koucky Studios, Kramer Cutting Edge Sharpening Services, Gail Landis, Leoma Lovegrove, Live Love Laugh Salon/Christine, Live Love Laugh Salon/Jae Gudleman, Lumiere

Cosmetic Vein Center, Phyllis Martin, Material Green, Matlacha Hookers Merchandise, Matlacha Menagerie, Matlacha

T r o p i c a l J e w e l r y / M a t l a c h a H a m m o c k

Company, Linda McQuinn, Merrick’s Fish Tale Grill, Miceli’s, Jennifer Nicole Salon, Phelan Family Brands, Vicki Piatt, Pine

I s l a n d B a i t a n d T a c k l e , P i n e I s l a n d Massage, Pine Island Pizza, Pinera Bread, P r e m i u m G r o w e r s , C h r i s t y R a u , D J Ruscik, Paul & Carolyn Ryzanych, Salon

A l v a r e z , K r i s t i n S c h e l w a t , K e l l i e Simpson, St James Automotive, Stuff- ABagel Deli and Bakery, Sweeney’s SOS, T a r p o n L o d g e a n d R e s t a u r a n t , T e x a s Tony’s, The Cycle Company, The Frozen Flip Flop, Lorie Tidwell, Twisted Acres, Waterfront Restaurant, Wicked Dolphin, W i l d f l y C h a r t e r s , a n d Y e l l o w R i v e r

Gardens in Wisconsin

Other food donors for the Luau were Farmer Joe's, Publix Calusa Cay and Coral Shore, Sam’s Club and Total Wine

Huge thanks to CW Fudge for its seven years of support and delicious desserts that always make our tasting events so special Mr Tom’s Spirits for their amazing punch, and to Brian at Fine Swine for smoking and pulling all our meat

If you would like to participate in our recycle program, please consider donating your silent auction basket to us for next year's event Simply drop it off at Flip Flops in St James City

Please mark your calendars for the 12th Annual Island Luau Event, which will be held on Sunday, Feb 25, 2024, at the St James City Civic Center

For more information about the event or our organization, you can visit our website m a t l a c h a h o o k e r s o r g o r F a c e b o o k T o learn more about the Beacon of HOPE, you can visit them at Beaconofhope pineisland com or the St James City Civic Association at sjccapi org

Thank you to the more than 50 volunteers from our Matlacha Hookers who made this event a success

P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e p i n e i s l a n de a g l e . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , A p r i l 2 6 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 1 6
Matlacha Hookers
P a g e 1 7 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , A p r i l 2 6 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e


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P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e p i n e i s l a n de a g l e . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , A p r i l 2 6 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 1 8 Help Wanted Healthcare
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Deadline for Kiwanis Club scholarship applications May 3

Just as it has for the past 40 years, the Kiwanis Club of Greater Pine Island again has scholarships available to Pine Island students

To qualify, each student must meet the following criteria: Be a resident of Pine

I s l a n d o r h a v e a t t e n d e d P i n e I s l a n d Elementary School The applicant must either be a senior in high school or a high school graduate either already in a post high school program or going to one The applicant must also need financial assistance

Application forms are available at the following locations: Century 21 Office,

10191 Stringfellow Road, St James City, or Pine Island Public Library or it can be downloaded from the Kiwanis website: PineIslandKiwanis org The deadline for turning in the applications is May 3, 2023 at the Century 21 Office or they may be mailed (postmarked no later than May 3) to Scholarship Chairman, P O Box 111, St James City, FL 33956

The scholarships is just on way for the Kiwanis Club of Greater Pine Island to give back to the community Please contact scholarship committee chair Carlyn Herring 239-850-9613 if you have any questions

Lee County Recovery Task Force town

The Lee County Recovery Task Force will host a series of 16 town hall meetings through May 17 giving residents, leaders and businesses throughout the community an opportunity to learn about the work of the Recovery Task Force and provide input on what is needed to repair and rebuild more resilient to future hazards we may face

One of the goals of ResilientLee, the public-facing aspect of the Lee County R e c o v e r y T a s k F o r c e , i s c o m m u n i t y e n g a g e m e n t B e g i n n i n g A p r i l 1 9 , t h e Recovery Task Force is hosting a series of countywide town hall meetings to engage r e s i d e n t s T h e m e e t i n g s w i l l l a s t t w o hours and include facilitated discussions

to encourage public involvement in the recovery-planning process

Meeting dates and times will vary to e n c o u r a g e p a r t i c i p a t i o n a n d i n c r e a s e accessibility. There will be 14 in-person town hall meetings, one virtual town hall offered in English, one virtual town hall offered in Spanish, and five additional inperson town halls with Spanish-language options

Cat of the Week

T h e R e c o v e r y T a s k F o r c e , l e d b y Commissioner Kevin Ruane, was created as an advisory committee to the Lee Board of County Commissioners in response to the devastating effects of Hurricane Ian, which made landfall Sept 28, 2022 The task force consists of 13 leaders from across the county, including mayors of municipal jurisdictions within Lee County, as well as representatives from the school district, fire, law enforcement and other public agencies Using the F e d e r a l E m e r g e n c y M a n a g e m e n t A g e n c y (FEMA) National Disaster R e c o v e r y F r a m e w o r k (NDRF), the Recovery Task F o r c e c o n s i s t s o f e i g h t branches that bring together p u b l i c , p r i v a t e , a n d n o nprofit sector subject matter experts

A town hall meeting was held for North Fort Myers, Bayshore and Burnt Store

Tuesday, April 25, at the North Fort Myers Parks and Recreation Center

Ar thur

This handsome boy is hoping to be the center of your world Arthur was very scared when he first came to us, but time and kindness have turned him into a lap cat He enjoys fol-


moment a lap is available, he’s in it. Arthur prefers to be petted on his head, which makes us curious about his history and if someone hurt him. He’s approximately 2 years old and is hoping to be your best friend. For

A meeting will be held in C a p e C o r a l W e d n e s d a y , May 10, at Cape Coral City Hall

The town hall for Pine Island residents will be held

Wednesday, May 3, at Pine Island Elementary School

The three local meetings will be held from 6-8 p m

T h e s c h e d u l e , l o c a t i o n details and more information can be found at silientlee com

Residents can also follow us on Facebook@Resilient Lee FL, Twitter@Resilient Lee, and Instagram @Resil ient Lee FL

P a g e 1 9 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , A p r i l 2 6 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e Plumbing Screening Sprinkler Systems & Irrigation Tree Service UltraPlumbing &DrainCleaning,Inc PlumbingInstallations ServiceandRepair 24/7EmergencyServices DrainBack-Ups PipeBursts Residential&Commercial Honest-Professional Affordable Veteran&SeniorDiscounts FreeEstimates 239-203-7047 FacebookandInstagram @ultraplumbingservice Licensed&InsuredLic#CFC1430549 YourServicePlumber ForAllYourPlumbingNeeds WellPumps R.O.Systems WaterSofteners R e-PipeSpecialist Sewer&WaterHookUps $50.00off anyserviceover$250.00 Over25YearsExperience Veteran&SeniorDiscounts FreeEstimates 239-940-7978 CreditCardsAccepted License#CFC1430070 AFFORDABLE FREE ESTIMATES NewInstallation IncludesPermit 2YearWarranty RainBirdContractor A+RATED-ANGIESLIST Installation&Repair Licensed&Insured FAMILYOWNEDSINCE1981 LEE#LSO200031 CAPE#06938 Sanibel#S11-000923 Tony’s
Tree Service
l o w i n g t h e v o l u n t e e r s a r o u n d
b u t t h e
i n f o r m a t i o n c a l l H e l p i n g P a w s A n i m a l Sanctuary at 239-283-9100 If you’d rather just d o n a t e , o u r a d d r e s s i s 1 0 0 6 0 M a l l o r y Parkway, E , Unit D, St James City, FL, 33956 or there’s always our website:
www helpingpawsanimalsanctuary
hall meetings underway; island session next Wednesday
P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e p i n e i s l a n de a g l e . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , A p r i l 2 6 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 2 0

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