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Nesting season arrives for sea turtles and waterbirds
Nesting season has started for both sea turtles and waterbirds in the Sunshine State
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission reminds people they can help protect vulnerable nesting sea turtles and waterbirds this spring and summer while visiting coastal habitats
“Because our state’ shorelines are critical for se turtle and waterbird nesting beach-goers can have a bi impact on their nesting suc cess,” the FWC reported “T help nesting sea turtles an waterbirds, give them spac minimize disturbances, an keep beaches clean and dark
Obstacles on the beach can prevent sea turtles from nesting as they crawl across the sand to lay their eggs Trash, holes in the sand and other obstacles can also prevent sea turtle hatchlings from reaching the water once they emerge from their nests Food scraps attract predators, such as raccoons and crows, that prey on sea turtle hatchlings, shorebird eggs and chicks
Litter on beaches can entangle sea turtles, birds and other wildlife Beach-goers can help native wildlife by stashing all trash, filling in human-made holes in the sand and removing boats, beach toys and furniture from the beach before sunset Also, fishing line can be deadly to sea turtles, waterbirds and other wildlife, so be sure to dispose of it properly To find a nearby monofilament recycling station, visit mrrp MyFWC com
Any lighting can misdirect and disturb nesting sea turtles and their hatchlings, leading them away from the ocean and toward potential danger Beach-goers should use natural starlight to see on the beach at night and avoid using flashlights or cellphones. Anyone living along or visiting beaches can do their part by putting porch, parking or deck lights out and closing curtains after dark to avoid harming nesting and hatchling sea turtles on the beach If lighting could still be visible from the beach, be sure it is long, low and shielded Getting too close 50 feet or less to nesting sea turtles can cause them to leave the beach before they complete nesting Remember: It is illegal o harm or disturb nesting sea urtles and their nests, eggs and hatchlings Shorebirds, seabirds nd wading birds also need pleny of space to prevent them from ushing from their breeding tes, leaving vulnerable eggs and ks exposed to the elements and predators Egg temperatures can increase to lethal levels after just a few minutes of direct sun exposure Shorebirds and seabirds nest in shallow scrapes in the sand and their eggs and chicks are well-camouflaged, making them vulnerable to being stepped on unless people look out for them and avoid walking though flocks of birds
“In general, it is best to keep at least 300 feet from nesting birds and to avoid walking through flocks of birds or entering posted areas,” the FWC reported “Pet owners can also help by keeping dogs at home or on a short leash and away from wildlife on petfriendly beaches ”
Sea turtles typically return to nest in March along Florida’s southeast Atlantic coast from Brevard County south to Broward County, while nesting begins on the Gulf coast and north Florida beaches in April or May Around this same time, many shorebird and seabird species nest directly on beaches across the state where their eggs and chicks are well camouflaged in the sand Colonies of wading birds, such as herons, will typically nest on mangrove islands off the coast
For more information about nesting sea turtles and how to help, visit MyFWC com/SeaTurtle or view the FWC’s “Be a Beach Hero” brochure Other ways to help sea turtles include reporting those that are sick, injured, entangled or dead to the FWC’s Wildlife Alert Hotline at 888-404FWCC (3922) People can also contact the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation's
Sea Turtle Hotline at 978-728-3663
For more information about nesting waterbirds, go to MyFWC com/Shore birds and download the “Share the Beach with Beach-Nesting Birds” brochure Or visit the Florida Shorebird Alliance at FLShorebirdAlliance org to learn more about how to participate in conservation efforts
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