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State-threatened shorebird chicks fledge
The Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation reported that snowy plover and least tern numbers are up from last year on Sanibel and Captiva Both are state-threatened species
As of July 11, four snowy plover chicks had fledged on Sanibel since the spring Three more chicks were expected to fledge in the following few days Last year, two chicks fledged
The SCCF also continues to monitor nesting least terns at the South Seas Island Resort on Captiva
Lake O levels threaten ecological health, SCCF reports
T h e S a n i b e l - C a p t i v a C o n s e r v a t i o n F o u n d a t i o n reported that as of July 12, Lake Okeechobee was about 2 feet higher than the level that supports a healthy ecosystem for the lake and its marshes and prairies, which provide habitat to wading bird and fish communities Measuring 14 88 feet at the time, the lake was 1 9 feet higher than the top of the ecological envelope, which defines the optimal range
“The further away lake levels get from the healthy stage, the worse the ecological effects could get,” Research and Policy Associate Leah Reidenbach said. “Right now, we are seeing an example of how high lake levels are associated with algal blooms that have been plaguing the lake for most of the summer ”
The SCCF reported that high lake levels early in the summer lead to the potential for damaging releases later in the wet season, particularly as tropical storm activity increases When the lake stage is too high for too long, the ecological effects ripple into the following seasons by causing permanent damage to the lake's marsh and prairie habitats, as well as wading bird and fish communities
Over the prior week, no water had been released to the Caloosahatchee from Lake Okeechobee, with a 14-day average of 3,371 cubic feet per second (cfs) at the W P Franklin Lock and Dam (S-79) The flows were coming mostly from runoff within the watershed
“Flows greater than 2,600 cfs are considered damaging to the Caloosahatchee Estuary and we have seen increasing signs of blue-green algae along the c a n a l a n d a r o u n d c o m m u n i t i e s a l o n g t h e Caloosahatchee as a result,” she said “This is why storage projects in the works are so important ”
The SCCF reported that projects such as the C-43 West Basin Storage Reservoir (WBSR) a 55.4-billion-gallon water storage area in Hendry County are essential for mitigating excess flows from the watershed and lake during the wet season It is expected to be fully operational by 2026
“In the meantime, we will have to continue bracing for a summer of high flows from the watershed, and potentially from Lake Okeechobee by the end of the wet season,” Reidenbach said
“Despite great losses from predation by crows and coyotes, we have confirmed at least four least tern fledglings, and now fledglings from other colonies are gathering on the beach,” shorebird biologist Audrey Albrecht said
Unlike snowy plovers, least terns nest in colonies as a strategy to protect eggs and chicks from predators collaborate in finding food It is the first time they have nested on Captiva since 2014
The SCCF reported that the public can help safeguard vulnerable shorebird nests and chicks by keeping their distance from birds and posted nest areas, keeping pets leashed, picking up trash and food, and being a respectful photographer
For more tips on coexisting with shorebirds, visit https://sancaplifesavers org/shorebirds/