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islandBEAT islander ISL AND FACES Annual road rally raises funds for Legion
The Community House Calendar
T h e C o m m u n i t y H o u s e , a t 2 1 7 3 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, will present the following:
The Shellcrafters will meet on July 24 from 10 a m to 1 p m in the lobby A shell crafting class will take place at 10 a m ; it is free and supplies range from $510. Items will be available for sale. All s
TCH is accepting art vendors for the 8 7 t h S a n i b e l H i s t o r i c a l A n n u a l S h e l l Festival on March 7-9 Reservations are available for 8-foot tables for $150 and include all three days
TCH office hours are Monday through Friday from 9 a m to 1 p m
For more information, visit www sanibelcommunityhouse net or contact 239472-2155 or office@sanibelcommunityhouse.net.
Why don’t you start By getting out of your own way, By not stumbling over every foot
Cut out the word play And come on out to real play! Stop ironing out every irony
Stop posing paradoxes like full professors, Eliminate the alliteration And forget or fill in the ambiguities
Stop looking, yes, stop looking At literate, lyrical you Trying to sing of love and loss (Eliminate the alliteration )
Stop looking at yourself
Hunched over the keyboard
Like Glen Gould at the piano
Mumbling the Goldberg Variations
Cut out the learned similes
And look for yourself
Under that pile of poet’s tricks
Where your real poetry lies
Look, keep looking for the poet within And rip reality from you
Like skin off an alligator
Peel off those layers of pretension
And peel off those layers of allusion
And plunge deeper and deeper
Through epiphany and revelation, Plummeting and plummeting
Into the lean raw poet within you
Waiting to emerge from the bubble of artifice
And let him burst and let him sing With his own voice and ring
With his own lower case truth
To shout: This is who I am!
This is what I know!
This is what I see!
This is myself, Not myself watching myself trying to write a poem about myself, But myself, Myself, My self!