Fort Myers Beach Observer/The Beach Bulletin

Page 1

Town, county to keep flood insurance discount

Fort Myers Beach and Lee County will keep their National Flood Insurance Program discounts through FEMA for now following an appeal of a decision by the federal agency which would have stripped away their 25% discount

FEMA said the town and county will be put on a 121-day probationary period “to address any remaining deficiencies” while plans are formulated by the town and county

The FEMA News Desk responding to media inquiries, declined to address what the deficiencies were or what the cause of the probation was.

FEMA had initially downgraded the National Flood Insurance Program rating of Fort Myers Beach, Lee County, Cape Coral, Bonita Springs and Estero over concerns about permitless work throughout the county after Hurricane Ian The FEMA news desk handling the inquiry, signed its responses anonymously and referred followup questions back to the town and county

“We’ve made progress with each of the five communities over the past two months,” the FEMA news desk said in an email responding to questions about its latest decision “Policy holders will be able to maintain their regular flood insurance policies at a discounted rate Our goal during the next few months is to continue meeting with each community and making progress to ensure standards of the program are being met so they are more resilient to future disasters ”

According to Fort Myers Beach Clerk Amy Baker, there is no written record from

N ew po les run ning afou l of to wn ordinance

nmayberg@breezenewspapers com ince reopening, the newly-renovated U S Post Office building on Fort Myers Beach has been operating with a bright new look Too bright actually The new lights attached to tall poles in front of the building, the parking lot and in the rear of the property violate the town’s lighting ordinance, including the sea turtle lighting ordinance The lights have been shining throughout the night into the morning, in violation of the town's ordinance to protect threatened sea turtles that nest and hatch on the island

Manager Chadd Chustz issued a warning letter to the property owner for the lights on June 26 though the lighting violations have continued unabated from the property during the middle of sea turtle nesting season

See LIGHTS, page 14


The new lights at the renovated U.S. Post Office building on 200 Carolina Ave. in Fort Myers Beach have been violating the town's sea turtle light ordinance.

FEMA regarding its decision to reverse the downgrade

According to spokespersons for the town and county, FEMA restored the county's rating while the town and county continue to work on a plan to address “some continuing issues ”

That plan will be due Nov 18

“We feel as though we responded to FEMA’s request for information and felt that the information was accurate while meeting the requirements that were estab-


Biden drops out of race, backs Harris


President Joe Biden dropped out of the 2 0 2 4 r a c e f o r t h e W h i t e H o

n Sunday, ending his bid for reelection following a disastrous debate with Donald Trump that raised

before the election Minutes after his

Kamala Harris

Harris is believed to have secured the support of enough Democratic delegates to become her party’s nominee against the Republican nominee - former president Donald Trump

Harris worked to quickly lock up the support of her party’s donors, elected officials and other leaders, and has so far received support from at least 2,214 delegates according to an Associated Press Survey

However, the AP is not calling Harris the new presumptive nominee That’s because the convention delegates are still free to vote for the candidate of their choice at the convention in August or if Democrats hold a virtual roll call ahead of that gathering in Chicago.

The decision by Biden to drop out of the race comes after escalating pressure from Biden’s Democratic allies to step aside following the June 27 debate, in which the 81-year-old president misspoke multiple times

Biden plans to serve out the remainder of his term in office, which ends at noon on Jan 20

“It has been the greatest honor of my

See BIDEN, page 16

Joe Biden

Fax: (239) 574-5693

Web: fortmyersbeachtalk com

Solutions overdue

If Americans are not grieving this week, we should be

An assassination attempt that failed by a fraction of an inch A mass shooting in the making that does not meet the FBI definition only because three of the four victims survived and a Secret Service sniper took the shooter out in seconds

Yes we are angry angry at a system fail that let an armed gunman breach security at a rally for not only a presidential candidate but a former president: Multiple shots were fired, one grazing the ear of now GOP nominee

Donald Trump as he spoke to a crowd of supporters Shots killed a rally attendee who dove atop family members to save their lives and critically injured two others

Why should we grieve?

Are we not grateful to providence that former president Trump’s injury was minor?

We and we as a country are

Are we not grateful as it “could have been worse?”

We are

But today we join the families of the victims:

Of Corey Comperatore, 50, a volunteer

Calling all voters

To the editor:

We have an election coming up this November, but due to Florida election laws, the primary election on Aug 20, 2024 will decide which persons are elected to serve on the Lee County Board of Commissioners

District 3 and District 5 At present, the elections are countywide meaning all voters in the county get to exercise their choice

W eb Poll

Previous Web Poll Results

Do you support Lee County rebuilding the Fort Myers Beach Pier at double the length at $11 million more than rebuilding to the same size and at an extra year of construction?

∫ Yes, 40%

∫ No, 60%

∫ Unsure/no opinion, 0%

Current Web Poll

Should the Town of Fort Myers Beach Council act to oppose the decision by the Lee County Board of County Commissioners to replace the beach sand with a turf field and shade

s t r u c t u r e s a t C r e s c e n t Beach Family Park?

∫ Yes, the town should oppose the artificial turf field

∫ No, the turf is better than the sand

∫ Unsure/no opinion

Share your opinion at fortmyersbeachtalk com

In District 3 there is a write-in candidate, Jake Cataldo, who, in his own words, joined the race to make it a closed primary, to keep the Democrats from voting It would surprise no one if this candidate drops out David Scott Mulicka, backed by the power brokers in the county is one of the candidates (If the name sounds familiar it is because his father-in-law is on the school board and his wife is a state representative ) The third candidate, Matthew R Thornton, is a grassroots candidate

In District 5 there is a Democrat candi-

backed by the powerbrokers in the county is

Cochran, is a grassroots candidate

The question in my mind is whether you want to continue with the tried-and-untrue, or, bring in fresh faces with fresh ideas

Democrats to participate in the primary If

Letters run space permitting and

mentary at


firefighter who “died a hero,” thinking first to protect his loved ones as shots rang out

Of Jim Copenhaver, 74, a retiree who suffered “life altering” injuries

Of David Dutch, 57, a Marine Corps veteran now awaiting more surgery.

Of Mr Trump, who saw not a candidate bloodied, but a husband, a father, shot in what should be the safest country in the world

We grieve that among us are countrymen who turn to the cowardly slaying of innocents as a solution to whatever it is that ails them

We grieve that this happened, continues to happen, in America

Those with far better expertise than ours are investigating and will continue to investigate, no doubt for months the whys and the how behind the would-be mass shooting and assassination at the Butler Farm Show grounds in Pennsylvania as Mr Trump spoke at a campaign rally

We will await the results of those investigations as we ignore the speculation, the unfounded theories, and the politicization of

Letters to the Editor

you change your party registration by July 22, you can exercise your choice of candidates in the primary REMEMBER, the primary will decide the election They will be unopposed in the General Election and thus considered elected. (You will be able to change your registration back after the primary )

As an aside, I attended a meet-the-candidates night and both power broker backed candidates were no-shows To me that is an insult to the voters of Lee County

Remember, voting is a privilege, a right, and a duty But, do it in a responsible manner by educating yourself about the candidates and their positions, not just by name recognition and/or a “pretty face ” Norman Cannon Fort Myers

Hateful rhetoric root cause of shooting

To the editor:

Critics and the media are responding with horror, sending hopes and prayers and appeals for peace to Donald Trump after the attempted assassination The Far Left and some media outlets facilitated this act with their rhetoric, political games, and law-fare

Calling Trump a Hitler and dictator saying “it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye” and calling him and his supporters “an

this horrific incident

The findings, though, need to be more much more than the espousing of shouldhaves, could-haves, and a regurgitation of the we-need-tos that have followed every such incident.

It is well past time for viable solutions bipartisan solutions to be brought to the table and prioritized

For Secret Service snipers are not always there to “neutralize” the shooter 26 seconds after the first shot is fired

Our country averages one mass shooting per day and is on track to exceed more than 500 such incidents for the fifth year in a row

Victims and families deserve no less than to be remembered

They, in fact, deserve more

They deserved protection and prevention.

Both are something our country, to the heartbreak of too many, lacks

Observer editorial

they are claiming all this is unacceptable

This is what happens when a political party plus the media wage a 24-hour-per-day fear campaign W

democracy, the “deep state” or whatever, there are way too many mentally unstable people getting lost in these conspiracy theories and they no longer have any grip on reality and will do just about anything and now the progressives are saying the Right and Trump must tone down the rhetoric and they had little to do with causing it

The country must unite against extremism, regardless of which side it comes from We should recognize this as a teachable moment and dial down the hateful rhetoric Peaceful disagreement is a corners

hatred should have no place in our society

America needs to send a strong message to the extremists who have taken over the political dialog and are ruining our country

We need to elect responsible and commonsense people who will put the needs of the country and its people first not the party, tone down dialog, right size all areas of government, grow the private sector, and pay down our federal debt.

Lou Walker Cape Coral

See LETTERS, page 17

Wellness practices can reduce PTSD symptoms

c a n i m p r o v e m o o d a n d a l l e v i a t e d e p r e s -

D o f t e n l e a d s t o e m o t i o n a l d i s t r e s s , a n x i e t y , a n d d e p r e s s i o n T h i s c o n d i t i o n i s p a r t i c u l a r l y p r e v a -

l e n t a m o n g v e t e r a n s , a f f e c t i n g 1 1 - 2 0 %

o f t h o s e w h o s e r v e d i n O p e r a t i o n s I r a q i

F r e e d o m a n d E n d u r i n g F r e e d o m , a c c o r di n g t o t h e D e p a r t m e n t o f V e t e r a n s

A f f a i r s B y r a i s i n g a w a r e n e s s , H o m e B a s e

F l o r i d a a i m s t o n o r m a l i z e c o n v e r s a t i o n s

a r o u n d m e n t a l h e a l t h a m o n g t h e v e t e r a n

p o p u l a t i o n T h i s i n i t i a t i v e h e l p s i n d i v i d -

u a l s f e e l m o r e c o m f o r t a b l e s h a r i n g t h e i r

Fernandez Guest Commentary

e x p e r i e n c e s a n d p r o m o t e s a h e a l t h i e r l i f e s t y l e t h r o u g h

w e l l n e s s p r a c t i c e s T h r o u g h e d u c a t i o n a n d s u p p o r t , w e c a n f o s t e r a n u n d e r s t a n d i n g a n d s u p p o r t i v e e n v i -

r o n m e n t f o r t h o s e l i v i n g w i t h P T S D

W e l l n e s s p r a c t i c e s h a v e b e e n s h o w n t o e f f e c t i v e l y

r e d u c e P T S D s y m p t o m s I n c o r p o r a t i n g e x e r c i s e ,

h e a l t h y e a t i n g , a n d m i n d f u l n e s s i n t o o n e ’ s r o u t i n e c a n

b e p o w e r f u l t o o l s f o r m a n a g i n g s y m p t o m s . R e g u l a r p h y s i c a l a c t i v i t y s e r v e s a s a v i t a l f o r m o f s e l f - c a r e a n d

s e l f - r e g u l a t i o n , h e l p i n g i n d i v i d u a l s b e t t e r h a n d l e s t r e s s a n d e m o t i o n s D u r i n g e x e r c i s e , e n d o r p h i n s h o r m o n e s t h a t r e d u c e s t r e s s a n d e n h a n c e f e e l i n g s o f p l e a s u r e a r e r e l e a s e d E x e r c i s e a l s o f o s t e r s a s e n s e

o f m a s t e r y , a i d i n g i n t h e m a n a g e m e n t o f c h a l l e n g i n g

e m o t i o n s a n d s i t u a t i o n s

C o n s i s t e n t e x e r c i s e p r o v i d e s m u l t i p l e b e n e f i t s f o r

m a n a g i n g P T S D , i n c l u d i n g :

∫ R e d u c i n g S t r e s s H o r m o n e s : E x e r c i s e l o w e r s

s t r e s s h o r m o n e s a n d b o o s t s s e r o t o n i n l e v e l s , w h i c h

s i o n a n d a n x i e t y ∫ E n h a n c i n g C o g n i t i o n : P h y s i c a l a c t i v i t y i m p r o v e s c o g n i t i v e f u n c t i o n , r e d u c i n g r u m i n a t i o n a n d d i s t o r t e d t h i n k i n g

P r o m o t i n g B e t t e r S l e e p : R e g u l a r e x e r c i s e s u p p o r t s r e c u p e

j u d g m e n t L i k e e x e r c i s e , p r a c t i c i n g m i n d f u l n e s s c a n r e d u c e r u m i n a t i o n a n d w o r r y , w h i c h a r e c o m m o n i n P T S D . M i n d f u l n e s s h e l p s i n d i v i d u a l s g a i n i n s i g h t i n t o t h e i r b e h a v i o r , e n a b l i n g t h e m t o t a k e c o n t r o l o f t h e i r t h o u g h t s a n d e m o t i o n s I t a l s o f o s t e r s s e l f - c o m p a s s i o n a n d a c c e p t a n c e , w h i c h a r e c r u c i a l f o r t h o s e s u f f e r i n g f r o m P T S D A d d i t i o n a l l y , m i n d f u l n e s s a l l o w s i n d i v i du a l s t o m a n a g e i n t r u s i v e t h o u g h t s a n d f e e l i n g s b y

o b s e r v i n g t h e m w i t h o u t b e c o m i n g o v e r w h e l m e d M o r e o v e r , m i n d f u l n e s s p

n g m

a l s a t r e g u l a r i n t e r v a l s a n d a v o i d i n g s k i p p i n g m e a l s h e l p s m a i n t a i n c o n s i s t e n t m o o d a n d e n e r g y l e v e l s B y i n c o r p o r a t i n g t h e s e n u t r it i o n a l p r a c t i c e s , i n d i v i d u a l s w i t h P T S D c a n b e t t e r m a n a g e t h e i r s y m p t o m s a n d i m p r o v e t h e i r o v e r a l l w e l l - b e i n g M i n d f u l n e s s i s a n o t h e r p o w e r f u l w e l l n e s s t o o l f o r m a n a g i n g t h e s y m p t o m s o f p o s t - t r a u m a t i c s t r e s s d i so r d e r I t i n v o l v e s b e i n g f u l l y p r e s e n t i n t h e m o m e n t a n d o b s e r v i n g o n e ’ s t h o u g h t s a n d f e e l i n g s w i t h o u t

W e l l n e s s M a n a g e r f o r t h e n o n - p r o f i t H o m e B a s e

F l o r i d a V e t e r a n a n d F a m i l y C a r e A f t e r e a r

M a s s a c h u s e t t s G e n e r a l H o s p i t a l



Savor the Shore campaign seeks to boost summer business

The Lee County Visitor and Convention Bureau has undertaken a summer marketing campaign throughout the region to attract more business for local restaurants in the area

The marketing campaign titled “Summer the Shore,” has included media advertisements to draw visitors to Fort Myers Beach as well as Lee County’s other islands and destinations

Lee County Visitor and Convention Bureau

Executive Director Tamara Pigott said the campaign is geared to bringing more visitors to a region which has lost many hotel and staycation units since Hurricane Ian – particularly on Fort Myers Beach and Sanibel

“We have lost a lot of accommodation units,” Pigott said

“We have two different commercials talking about communities each week until August,” Pigott said “The intent is each week we are highlighting different areas During the whole seven weeks, these commercials are running along with print placements ”

The advertisements are intended to focus on Lee County communities from Fort Myers Beach to Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Sanibel, Pine Island and Boca Grande Pigott said the campaign is being geared towards regional and statewide consumers who are more willing to travel this time of year – as opposed to tourists from northern climates who may not be as willing to visit Florida during the hotter temperatures of the summer

“We want to see businesses make it through these challenging times,” Pigott said “Summer is the slow season ”

Peter Ennis, a partner at Snug Harbor Waterfront Restaurant and Wahoo Willies Tiki Bar and Grill on Fort Myers Beach, said the restaurants have been offering a lot of lunch and dinner specials during the summer to entice customers

“Locals and visitors seem very appreciative of our early bird specials at Snug and great happy hour deals at Wahoo Willies Weekends have been busier than weekdays for sure,” Ennis said

Doc Ford’s Rum Bar & Grille employees volunteer at Gladiolus Food Pantry

Doc Ford’s Rum Bar & Grille on Fort Myers Beach recently partnered with Gladiolus Food Pantry to support the nonprofit’s mission of reducing hunger by providing healthy nutritious food The restaurant’s general manager Ryan Cook and nine employees stocked shelves and distributed food to over 100 clients during their day of service.

It was the first time Doc Ford’s volunt e e r e d a t t h e p a n t r y , w h i c h a s s i s t e d 26,374 adults, children and seniors and distributed 746,180 pounds of food in 2023

“We applaud Ryan for identifying a need in the community and organizing a team to help out,” said Joe Harrity, a partner with HM Restaurant Group, which owns and operates Doc Ford’s Rum Bar & Grille and Dixie Fish Company “As a company, we’re always looking for meaningful ways to support local organizations

making an impact on the community ” Doc Ford’s employees, including two Spanish speakers, helped pantry visitors and loaded groceries in their cars They also relocated two pallets of bricks, which are part of the pantry’s capital improvement projects

Founded in 2013, Gladiolus Food Pantry relies entirely on food and money donated by the community, including the H a r r y C h a p i n F o o d B a n k a n d t h e Midwest Food Bank, as well as volunteer support With the purpose of supplementing a family’s food budget, the organization fosters self-reliance and independence, serving all clients with dignity and respect

For more information about Gladiolus Food Pantry, located in a bright green building on Gladiolus Drive in Harlem Heights, visit

Snug Harbor Waterfront partner Peter Ennis said customers have responded to the summer specials at the Old San Carlos Boulevard restaurant on Fort Myers Beach.

Tropical Sunset, which was damaged by fire two months before Hurricane Ian and then damaged further by the storm, has been red tagged as an


Town puts red tag notices on seven properties

T h e o w n e r s o f s e v e n p r o p e r t i e s deemed to be unsafe by the Town Fort Myers Beach have been notified their buildings are in danger of being demolished by the Town of Fort Myers Beach if the structures are not abated within 60 days

The process has been ongoing for months since the town council instructed town staff to begin a plan to identify structures it deems unsafe and determine how to remedy them

See RED TAG, page 16

unsafe structure
the Town of Fort Myers Beach

Beach Living

Ethan Aquilera (left) won the prize for longest fish caught at the Ostego Bay Marine Science Center Foundation's children's fishing tournament at Moss Marina with this 14-inch spotted sea trout PHOTOS PROVIDED

Ostego Bay children’s fishing tournament another success


The Ostego Bay Marine Science Center's annual children's fishing tournament was another resounding success this month, with 72 entrants

The tournament was held at Moss Marina again this year, after having been held for years at Bonita Bill's W

y Hurricane Ian)

Prizes included trophies to the winner A free lunch was given to all who attended, including thirst-quenching watermelon

Tournament results:

∫ First Fish Caught: Rhylah Miller, age 4 ∫ 1st Place Most Fish Caught: Rylin Aquilrys, age 12, with 14 Fish ∫ 2nd Place Most Fish Caught: Main McKenzie, age 9, with 11 Fish ∫ 3rd Place Most Fish Caught: Teyeren Aquilera, age 8, with 10 Fish Caught ∫ 1st Place Heaviest Fish: Marina Paradiso, age 10, 2



Heaviest Fish: Cash Miller, age 6, 1 1/2

Longest Fish: Ethan Aquilera, age 6,14

2nd Place Longest Fish: Felicity Burbach, age 6, 12 1/8 inches

3rd Place Longest Fish: Gage Scasany, age 10, 12 inches

The Mound House on Fort Myers Beach is a public museum on the National Registrar of Historic Places which traces its roots to the Calusa, the ancient Native American tribe who built a shell mound approximately 2,000 years ago underneath the house and museum The house at 451 Connecticut St is the oldest standing structure on Estero Island The Town of Fort Myers Beach operates the Mound House as a museum complex and cultural and environmental learning experience that offers entertainment and educational programs, including for children There is also public land for picnics and docks for fishing along the bay Overflow parking is available at 216 Connecticut St. For more details, reservations, and a monthly programs schedule, call 239-7650865

Special events

The next upcoming special event at the Mound House is scheduled for Saturday, July 27

"Storytime on the Mound" will take place at 10:30

a m The free event will feature a reading of “We Are Water Protectors” by Carole Lindstrom Spend the morning learning about the indigenous heritage of the Calusas and the water around us Then, following the story time, you will be invited to reflect on the book’s message of sustainability with a guided activity and reflection

Regular programming:

The Mound House is currently offering regular kayak tours Wednesdays through Saturdays, from 9 a m to 11 a m The tours are $20 for Mound House members and $50 for non-members

Explore the winding mangrove creeks and go places only a kayak can go on this guided eco tour of Estero Bay This beginner-friendly tour allows you to experience and learn more about the natural beauty of a mangrove estuary and the history of the area Mound House kayak tours are conducted in accordance with Florida Society for Ethical Ecotourism guidelines All paddling

Mound House Calendar

and kayak safety equipment are provided

The tours are restricted to ages 12 and up, weather permitting A maximum of 12 paddlers per tour are allowed Shoes are required Tours can be booked at

Shell Mound Tours

Shell mound tours are given Wednesdays through Saturdays from 10 a m to 10:30 a m, from noon to 12:30 p m And from 2 p m To 2:30 p m

The tour are free for Mound House members, and cost $5 plus museum admission to non-members

Discover the archaeology and history of the shell mound site and learn what clues were uncovered about the nearly 2,000-year-old shell mound. This hands-on tour will explore the environmental and cultural history of the site and feature replica artifact demonstrations No reservations required


www MoundHouse org

Lovers Key State Park announces guided nature programs

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection

announced that Lovers Key State Park on Fort Myers Beach will present weekly programs on nature, park history and wildlife throughout the month of August The park is located at 8500 Estero Blvd

Space is limited for all events; reservations are required To register, visit the Friends of Lovers Key’s Eventbrite page: https://bit ly/FOLKS-Events

The park offers many recreational opportunities for visitors with disabilities For accommodations assistance, please contact the park office at 239-707-6328

Programs include:

∫ Friday, August 2 at 1 0 :0 0 a.m.

Beach and Estuary Walk

Program is free with paid park entry

Join a park ranger for a leisurely hike along the beach and estuary shorelines of Lovers Key Discover the natural beauty of both ecosystems as you encounter the seashells, crustaceans, birds, and other creatures that reside amongst these waterways Space is limited; reserv a t i o n

https://bit ly/FOLKS-Events

∫ Thursday, August 8 at 8 :0 0 a.m.

Lovers Key Garden Club Workday

Park entry fee is waived for participants

Join a park ranger to help maintain Lovers Key’s

native pollinator garden Weeding, pruning, and planting are all on the table at a garden club workday, and we wel-

come both beginner and expert gardeners to participate Closed-toe shoes are required, and work gloves, hand clippers, water bottles, sunscreen, bug spray, kneeling pads, and hats are highly recommended Space is limited; r

https://bit ly/FOLKS-Events

∫ Friday, August 9 at 1 0 :0 0 a m

Seashell Walk Program is free with paid park entry

Join a park ranger for a relaxing hike along the Lovers Key shoreline Learn the names of the seashells that wash ashore at the park, fun facts about the creatures who craft them, and the shelling regulations that help protect these iconic Florida treasures Space is limited; reservations are required. To register, visit

∫ Friday, August 1 6 at 1 0 :0 0 a m

Walk on the Wild Side Program is free with paid park entry

Join a park ranger for a guided hike along our Black Island Trail Learn about the fascinating vegetation and wildlife that reside in our maritime hammock ecosystem and enjoy a little local history along the way Closed-toe shoes, sunscreen, bug spray, and water bottles are highly

required To register, visit https://bit ly/FOLKS-Events

No charges at Bowditch Point Park, Lynn Hall Memorial Park



Lee County Parks & Recreation will offer free pool admission and free parking at Bowditch Point Regional Park and Lynn Hall Memorial Park on Fort Myers




National Park and Recreation Month.

Lee County Parks & Recreation sites will also be offering free swimming and free parking at these county-owned sites:


Caloosahatchee Regional Park, Six Mile Cypress Slough Preserve

Beach sites: Bonita Beach Accesses No 1 and No 10, Bonita Beach Park,


Memorial Park, San Carlos Bay-Bunche Beach Preserve, Bowman’s Beach and Turner Beach (north side only of Blind Pass)

Boat ramps: Alva, Davis, Imperial River, Lavender’s Landing, Matlacha, and Pine Island Commercial Marina

Pools: Lehigh Community Pool, North Fort Myers Community Pool, Pine Island

C o m m u n i t y P o o l a n d S a n C a

l o s Community Pool

Other recreational sites within Lee County that are owned or maintained by other government entities are not included in the free swim/free parking weekend

These include: Barefoot Beach, beach access points managed by the Town of Fort Myers Beach, and City of Sanibel sites, including the south side of Blind Pass

free pool/free parking weekend

approve a resolution designating July as National Park and Recreation Month in Lee County In the resolution, commissioners recognized that Lee County Parks & Recreation touches the lives of individuals, families, groups and the entire community and positively impacts the social, economic and environment quality of the


and Instagram

Curlew Street floods again, boil water notice issued

Despite no rain on Fort Myers Beach Monday, Curlew Street flooded again and a boil water notice was issued by the Town of Fort Myers Beach for Curlew Street and Falkirk Street The town hasn't issued a statement yet on what caused the boil water notice Residents on Curlew Street have been complaining for months about a lack of drainage on the road

The latest flooding occurred during high tide The road only has one backedup drain, which empties water into the canal


water notice sent out by the town, two consecutive days of satisfactory bacteriological water samples must show that the water is safe to drink before the boil water notice is lifted

Curlew Street resident Becki Weber


Despite no rain on Fort Myers Beach Monday, Curlew Street still flooded at high tide. The road has only one backed-up drain that empties water into the canal

said contractors from the town dug out the end of her driveway, leaving it in a condition that she is unable to drive over "The water line in our driveway started leaking again," Weber said "They dug up the end of our driveway to fix it during high tide as we still have no duckbill in our one storm drain "

The road flooded at high tide despite there being no rain yesterday

Weber said contractors hired by the town were unable to answer questions about the work at the end of the driveway

"and threw the mud back into the hole They then came back and threw rocks (versus) driveway stone on top of the mess and left "

Webster said she "will not take my car through it due to the fact I just got new tires and can not deal with any more damage to my car from the rocks or the salt water." Weber said she can not "even ride my bike down the driveway "

A message[gallery left with Fort Myers B e a c h M a n a g e r A n d y H y a t t w e r e n ' t immediately responded to

Curlew Street resident Becki Weber said contractors hired by the town left a mess at the end of her driveway, leaving her unable to drive her vehicle down the road

County re-establishes veterans advisory committee

After more than 10 years of dormancy, a Lee County panel dedicated to enriching the lives of local veterans has been reformed

Earlier this year, the Lee County Veterans Advisory Committee was brought back thanks to the work of local veterans who want to assist their fellow comrades Each county commissioner appointed two individuals to make up a committee of 10 The reformation of the committee, which was dissolved in 2012, was spearheaded by Army JROTC instructor and retired Army Col Steve Epkins

At the newly formed committee’s recent first meeting, Epikins was elected to serve as the chair of the committee, while Chris Cammarota was elected as vice chair and John Thomas as secretary

“It makes me feel good that we got something going for local veterans,” he said “I just hope that we’re able to reach out and help We’re looking to educate, assist, support, solve problems things like that for our veterans and surviving spouses and their families ”

“This is long overdue,” Cammarota added “There’s money available through the county for veterans, and our job is to make suggestions to the county commission, and if they like it, they’ll follow through. Whether it’s for homeless veterans, job training, or money for a parade or something like that Veterans need a voice, and I’m just happy to help out and do the right thing ”

The Lee County Veterans Advisory Committee is made up of:

∫ Chris Cammarota, who served in the U S Navy

∫ Retired Navy Capt. Tim Cook

∫ F



∫ Retired Army Col Steve Epkins

∫ VFW Post 8463 Cmdr Gerry Harvey, who served in the U S Marine Corps

∫ Armando Hernandez, who served in the U S Marine Corps

∫ Stephanie Neurock, who served in the U S Army

∫ Retired U.S. Marine Corps Gunnery Dale Spain

∫ Retired Army Lt Col John Thomas

∫ Retired Navy Rear Adm Roger Thriftshauer

Epkins said the committee is still shaping exactly what its goals will be moving forward

It will meet once each month, and the next meeting is Aug 14

One of the ideas he proposed was a book for veterans with information on how and where they can receive assistance

“There are answers out there, and people know those answers, but there are those that don’t know where to find them or the organizations that do certain things,” Epkins said “Some kind of book just for veterans, so when (a veteran’s) car won’t start and they need assistance and doesn’t have the money, where can they go?

Or if they’re homeless, what do they do?”

Other ideas included a quarterly veteran calendar and newsletter that includes all of the local veteran events taking place over those months

“This next upcoming meeting, we’ll start working on definitive plans and talking about this stuff,” he said

Epkins talked about a

could gather and assist the needs of the community

“We could do it at a

local college or a park,” he said “It could be something once per year where veterans could come and get all the things they need the essentials, or a resume review, or a job Things like that ”

According to statistics from Lee County and the state of Florida, there are between 55,000 to 62,000 veterans in the area the fifth largest veteran population by county in the state

Additional topics to be discussed include a committee-organized Veterans Day and Memorial Day services

All members of the committee had to fill out an application to volunteer their services and submit it to Lee County Veteran Services Manager Rodney Van Ness

“Our goal is to make things better for veterans and their families,” Epkins said “That’s all I’ve been doing since I retired from JROTC is working with veterans groups and JROTC

The committee hopes to be involved in the county commission meetings and will have quarterly updates with Van Ness and county staff

“We want to be an overarching veterans group that's looking to help and support and fix things and make things better,” he said

Recreational har vest of red grouper closes

Conservation Commission reported that the recreational harvest of red grouper in state waters of the Gulf of Mexico, e

closed on July 1

It will remain closed through Dec. 31

The closure was based on an executive order issued by the FWC at a recent commission meeting to prevent over-

fishing and help ensure fishing opportunities The closure is consistent with the closure in Gulf federal waters

For current recreational red grouper regulations, visit MyFWC com/Marine and click on “Recreational Regulations” and then “Grouper.” People can also download the Fish Rules App to keep up to date on current recreational regulations



From page 1

The sea turtle lighting ordinance proh i b i t s u n s h i e l d e d , n o n - a m b e r o u t d o o r lights from 9 p m to 7 a m from the start of turtle-nesting season in May through Oct 31 Not only do the lights outside the Post Office shine daily throughout the night and early morning, but they aren’t downward-directed, which also violates the town’s lighting ordinance for parking lots

The town’s sea turtle lighting ordinance is in place to prevent disorientations of nesting sea turtles and sea turtle hatchlings Bright lights visible from the beach can lead to sea turtle hatchlings crawling toward the light, resulting in their death

The bright lights also shine directly against neighboring homes to the rear of the Post Office property and are also visible to neighbors across the street

T h e P o s t O f f i c e p r o p e r t y a t 2 0 0 Carolina Ave is not owned by the federal government The property was purchased for $3 65 million by New Jersey-based Realbook LLC in 2021

T h e l i g h t i n g w a s i n s t a l l e d b y Everglades Construction Group

A spokesperson for the United States Post Office said the issue is being looked into

ing lot but was pulled back after the town told the contractors it was not required since a federal building is on the lot, said B

Everglades Construction Group on the rebuilding work

needed since the Post Office is a federal building A message left with Fort Myers Beach Attorney Becky Vose was not returned as of press time.

“We’re trying to see what we can do to take care of the lights,” United States Postal Service Communications Specialist

Messages left with Chustz and Fort

"We’re trying to see what we can do to take care of the lights,”

United States Postal Service Communications Specialist Lecia Hall

“They are directly visible from the beach and contribute to sky glow visible from Sanibel They are not in keeping with the town’s lighting ordinance ”

Turtle Time co-founder Eve Haverfield

Lecia Hall said on Friday, when notified of the town’s lighting ordinances When initially contacted last week, Hall said “I am not aware that the Postal Service is in violation of any of the ordinances ”

Upon learning of the town’s ordinances, Hall said “I’ve passed those on We are working on that ”

regarding the lighting violations, were not returned

The new poles were put up at the Post Office building without a permit after Hurricane Ian A permit was initially requested last year to restripe the parking dividers and handicap spaces in the park-

A spokesperson for FEMA's Region 4 said "federal buildings need to follow local ordinances for building permits" in response to an email to the agency's media desk

The town cited the property owner for installing exterior light poles and lights without a permit in April

Turtle Time founder Eve Haverfield said the bright lights from the Post Office are visible from the beach and can be seen as far away as Sanibel

“They are directly visible from the beach and contribute to sky glow visible from Sanibel They are not in keeping w

Haverfield said

The warning letter from Chustz to the

See LIGHTS, page 15


The lights from the Post Office on Carolina Avenue are visible from the beach, in violation of the town's sea turtle lighting ordinance which prohibits outdoor lights that are visible from the beach from 9 p m to 7 a m

Lights From page 14

address where the company is registered, orders the property owners to turn off unnecessary lights and/or convert all exterior, outdoor, parking and pool lights to long wavelength bulbs in fixtures that are downward directed and shielded from the beach in accordance with the town's lighting standards

The June 26 warning letter to the property owners gave five days to clear up the vio-

lations The owners could potentially face fines of up to $250 per day per violation for initial violations, and $500 per day per violation for repeat violations if the town pursues a remedy through the town magistrate

This is not the first time the property has been subjected to a warning letter for violating the town's sea turtle lighting ordinance The property was also issued warnings for violations last year



to serve as your President And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term,” Biden wrote in a letter posted to his X account

Biden, who remains at his Delaware beach house after being diagnosed with COVID-19 last week, said he would address the nation later this week to provide “detail” about his decision

The announcement is the latest jolt to a campaign for the White House that both political parties see as the most consequential election in generations, coming just days after the attempted assassination of Trump at a Pennsylvania rally

A party’s presumptive presidential nominee has never stepped out of the race so close to the election The closest parallel would be President Lyndon Johnson who, besieged by the Vietnam War, announced in March 1968 that he would not seek another term

Trump must now shift his focus to a new opponent after years of training his attention on Biden

The decision by Biden marks a swift and stunning end to Biden’s 52 years in electoral politics, as donors, lawmakers and even aides expressed to him their doubts that he could convince voters that he could plausibly handle the job for another four years

Biden won the vast majority of delegates and every nominating contest but one, which would have made his nomination a formality. Now that he has dropped out, those delegates will be free to support another candidate

Harris, 59, appeared to be the natural successor, in large part because she is the only candidate who can directly tap into the Biden campaign’s war chest, according to federal campaign finance rules

In 2020, Biden pitched himself as a transitional figure who wanted to be a bridge to a new generation of leaders But once he secured the job he spent decades struggling to attain, he was reluctant to part with it.

Biden was once asked whether any other Democrats could beat Trump

“Probably 50 of them,” Biden replied “No, I’m not the only one who can defeat

lished prior to Hurricane Ian; however, we do look forward to working with FEMA to address any outstanding issues as they continue to explore the future of the Community Rating System and focus on ways that they can improve,” Town of Fort Myers Beach Manager Andy Hyatt said

“We believe this is a positive step toward keeping the CRS rating for our unincorporated Lee County residents while we continue to remediate outstanding issues with


tag From page 7

Last month, the town identified a list of 10 unsafe structures This month, a new list of seven properties that were identified

According to a notice sent out by the town, the 60-day notice will allow property owners to abate the unsafe structure through the demolition process at their cost and initiative If they do not respond or initiate any process of demolition in the fair and reasonable time frame, the town could move forward to demolish the

him, but I will defeat him ”

Biden is already the country’s oldest president and had insisted repeatedly that he was up for the challenge of another campaign and another term, telling voters all they had to was “watch me ”

And watch him they did His poor debate performance prompted a cascade of anxiety from Democrats and donors who said publicly what some had said privately for months, that they did not think he was up to the job for four more years

Concerns over Biden’s age have dogged him since he announced he was running for reelection, though Trump is just three years younger at 78

Biden often remarked that he was not as young as he used to be, doesn’t walk as easily or speak as smoothly, but that he had wisdom and decades of experience, which were worth a whole lot

“I give you my word as a Biden I would not be running again if I didn’t believe with all my heart and soul I can do this job,” he told supporters at a rally in North Carolina a day after the debate “Because, quite frankly, the stakes are too high.”

But voters had other problems with him, too he has been deeply unpopular as a leader even as his administration steered the nation through recovery from a global pandemic, presided over a booming economy and passed major pieces of bipartisan legislation that will impact the nation for years to come A majority of Americans disapprove of the way he’s handling his job, and he’s faced persistently low approval ratings on key issues including the economy and immigration.

Biden’s age surfaced as a major factor during an investigation of his handling of classified documents Special counsel Robert Hur said in February that the president came across in interviews with investigators as “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory ”

The president’s allies seized on the statement as gratuitous and criticized Hur for including it in his report, and Biden himself angrily pushed back on descriptions of how he spoke about his late son.

Biden’s motivation for running was deeply intertwined with Trump He had retired from public service following eight years serving as vice president under Barack

FEMA,” Lee County Manager Dave Harner said “Essentially the notification today provides the county an extension to further clarify our processes and preserve the CRS rating in the future ”

In March, Fort Myers Beach received a phone call from FEMA that the CRS Class 5 would be retrograded based on perceived noncompliance with the National Flood Insurance Program minimum standards, according to the town's announcement of the

Obama and the death of his son Beau but decided to run after Trump’s comments following a “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, when white supremacists descended on the city to protest the removal of its Confederate memorials

That a sitting president didn’t unequivocally condemn racism and white supremacy deeply offended Biden Then, Biden won

ruling This resulted in the town possibly losing its 25% flood insurance discount through FEMA The Town submitted documentation to FEMA in its appeal of the ruling

Unincorporated Lee County, which includes the areas of the Fort Myers Beach ZIP code off island outside the town limits joined the Community Rating System program in 1991 In March, FEMA initially announced plans to retrograde the ratings for

the 2020 election and Trump refused to concede and stood by for hours while his supporters stormed the U S Capitol on Jan 6, 2021, beating and bloodying law enforcement in a failed attempt to overturn the certification of Biden’s win

“If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running,” Biden once said during at a campaign event

structures and charge the property owners – potentially placing a lien on the properties All reg-tagged properties that were provided by the building official have code cases created

The properties that were red tagged i n c l

damaged by a fire two months before Hurricane Ian caused further damage Hoosiers in Paradise, which was was destroyed by Hurricane Ian, is also on the red tag list

Below is a list of the properties that have been red tagged:


0 3 Estero Boulevard, 1901 Estero Boulevard (Hoosiers in Paradise), 131/133 Estero Boulevard, 100 Washington Street, 139 Chapel Street, 159/161 Old San Carlos Boulevard (Tropical Sunset)

∫ A previous list of unsafe structures identified by the town in June included the Neptune Resort as well as properties at 8297 Estero Boulevard, 8211 Estero

unincorporated Lee County and remove the discount, prompting months of work on the part of FEMA and Lee County to clarify post-Ian activities and provide documentation requested by FEMA That documentation was submitted June 3

The county will continue its work with FEMA to provide additional information in the coming months. To view a complete overview of Lee County’s efforts and the situation, go to www leegov com/femacrs

Boulevard, 7945 Estro Boulevard, 7831 E

Boulevard, 2401 Estero Boulevard and 110 Egret St

In its notice sent out to the public regarding the unsafe structures, the town thanked those property owners which had been previously cited for addressing the issues and bringing their properties into compliance

President Joe Biden met with former Fort Myers Beach Manager Roger Hernstadt and town councilmembers after Hurricane Ian in 2022
President Joe Biden visited Fort Myers Beach in the wake of Hurricane Ian and spoke with former Fort Myers Beach Mayor Ray Murphy.

From page 4

In Suppor t of Amendment

To the editor:

Tell the truth, Gov DeSantis if you can force yourself to do it. You lie about lots of things but your lying about Amendment 4 really gets under my skin I was a practicing OB/GYN physician for 28 years Several of my patients were memorable for many reasons The young woman who was abducted and raped by a stranger when she was a junior in high school comes clearly to my mind today She was able to identify her rapist in a police line-up and he spent three years in

prison When he got out of prison he found her and abducted her again He brutally beat and raped her daily for the four months that she was his captive By the time she escaped she was nearly three months pregnant This young woman had devoted parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who loved and supported her. No one in her family thought that she should not have an abortion

Who do you think you are to impose your religious beliefs on another family? Where are those ‘family values” you tout? Only for your family? Oh Yes

You are the one who “never backs down ” And believes that might makes right that your political power is unlimited You apparently see yourself as one who has a God Given Right to bully legislators into restricting women’s rights Your 6-week abortion ban took effect May 1, 2024 Thanks to you, some women have already come close to dying because physicians are fearful of going to jail if they treat a woman miscarrying And thanks to the legislators who supported your 6-week ban Sick Save your scare tactics They will not work on the voters affected Namely any-

one capable of becoming pregnant or the relatives and friends who know and love them You are lying when you say that “Amendment 4 is deceptive and dangero u s , g i v i n g b r o a d a b o r t i o n a p p r o v a l rights to non-doctor clinical staff, allowing abortions for minors without parental consent and not only legalizing abortion during the first six months, but the entire pregnancy,” Voters in November will remember your lies and what you and your legislators did to try to control women

Lynn A. Hagedorn, MD Cape Coral

Town announces Bay Oaks programming and special events


The Town of Fort Myers Beach has announced the upcoming programs at Bay Oaks Recreational Campus as well as other special events:

Bay Oaks Recreational Campus

Youth Programs

Club Rec – Monday – Friday, 2 p m to 6 p m beginning August 12: F

, non-residents: $175/semester

Grades kindergarten – 5th grade

Bay Oaks Club Rec is an afterschool program hosted by Bay Oaks for Fort Myers Beach Elementary School students Staff will pick students up from Fort M yers Beach Elementary S chool and bring them to Bay Oaks Recreational Campus facility for games, snacks, and homework time

Snacks will be provided by Bay Oaks, but you are welcome to bring your own Children cannot be picked up later than 6 p m There is a $20 charge for every 15 minutes for late pick-up.


Advanced Men’s Basketball League –Monday Nights – July 29- October 7

FEE: $750/team

Grab some friends and make a team to join Bay Oaks on Monday nights for an Advanced Men’s Basketball League! Solo player? Not a problem! Be a free agent and get placed on a team in need of players. This 10weeks league could win you and your team a monetary prize!

Registration is open now through July 24

Indoor Pickleball: Another month of Free Indoor Pickleball is coming up! Mark your calendar and beat the heat with free p


Bayside Veterans Park, Old San Carlos Boulevard

Free Sunday concer t series

Simpli-Fi – August 4, 4:00 p m –7:00 p m

Mockingbird – August 11, 4:00 p m –7:00 p m

Beach renourishment project begins


The beach renourishment project has begun on the Town of Fort Myers Beach to dredge approximately 950,000 cubic yards of sand from a nearshore borrow area in the Gulf of Mexico onto Fort Myers Beach, the town announced Construction will begin on North Estero Island near Bowditch Point Regional Park, which will serve as the first staging area for equipment to access the beach

Ahtna Marine Construction Corporation (Ahtna) is currently transporting and assembling dredge pipe along the permitted pipeline corridor from the nearshore borrow area in the Matanzas Pass ebb shoal to the beach near 500 Estero Blvd

Dredge pipe will first be laid from borrow area through the corridor onto the beach and then north towards Bowditch Park Once set, Ahtna will construct the beach North to South from

100 to 500 Estero Blvd Then the dredge pipe will be redirected South continuing to construct the engineered beach from North to South Environmental precautions are being implemented to monitor shorebirds and sea turtle nesting by FWC approved monitors as well as to monitor turbidity once pumping begins Construction is expected take 6 months

The town council voted in May to accept a bid of $21 7 million from Ahtna Marine and Construction Company for the beach renourishment work

Lee County will fund up to $9 2 million of the project with tourist development tax dollars

According to the town's consultant on the project, FEMA will fund up to 90% of the northern section of the project - which is up to 56,000 cubic yards of sand (or about 6% of the total sand)


i a t i v e i s p a r t o f C a l u s a W a t e r k e e p e r ’ s o n g o i n g e f f o r t s t o r e s t o r e

w a t e r q u a l i t y i n S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a , a n e e d t h a t h a s

b e c o m e e v e n m o r e c r i t i c a l d u e i n p a r t t o c l i m a t e

c h a n g e , i n c r e a s e d p o l l u t i o n , a n d h a r m f u l a l g a e b l o o m s O y s t e r s p l a y a c r i t i c a l r o l e i n m a i n t a i n i n g h e a l t h y e s t u a r i n e e c o s y s t e m s T h e y c r e a t e h a b i t a t s f o r a v a r ie t y o f m a r i n e l i f e , s u p p o r t s h o r e l i n e p r o t e c t i o n b y p r o -

v i d i n g a b a s e f o r m a n g r o v e s , a n d s e r v e a s a v i t a l f o o d s o u r c e f o r f i s h , b i r d s , c r a b s , a n d o t h e r a n i m a l s R e m a r k a b l y , e a c h o y s t e r c a n f i l t e r u p t o 5 0 g a l l o n s o f w a t e r p e r d a y , s i g n i f i c a n t l y i m p r o v i n g w a t e r q u a l i t y T h e V O G p r o j e c t i n v o l v e s e d u c a t i o n a l a n d h a n d so n i n s t r u c t i o n t o c r e a t e D I Y v e r t i c a l h a n g i n g o y s t e r g a r d e n s u s i n g r e c y c l e d o y s t e r s h e l l s f r o m l o c a l r e s t a u -

r a n t s t h a t w o u l d h a v e o t h e r w i s e e n d e d u p i n l a n d f i l l s .

What: Calusa Waterkeeper workshop on vertical oyster gardens

Where: Historic Iona House at the Calusa Nature Center and Planetarium, 3450 Ortiz Ave , Fort Myers

When: July 27, from 2 to 3:30 p m

Cost: $25 donation to Calusa Waterkeeper requested

T h e s e s h e l l s a r e s t r u n g o n t o w i r e s a n d s u s p e n d e d f r o m d o c k s , p r o v i d i n g s u r f a c e s f o r j u v e n i l e o y s t e r s t o a t t a c h a n d g r o w P r i o r t o s t r i n g i n g , t h e r e c y c l e d s h e l l s a r e s t o r e d o u t d o o r s a t t h e F l o r i d a G u l f C o a s t U n i v e r s i t y F o o d F o r e s t f o r s e v e r a l m o n t h s t o e l i m in a t e a n y p a t h o g e n s J o i n C a l u s a W a t e r k e e p e r i n t h i s v i t a l p r o j e c t t o h e l p r e s t o r e a n d p r o t e c t t h e w a t e r s o f S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a

Y o u r s u p p o r t a n d p a r t i c i p a t i o n a r e c r u c i a l t o i t s s u cc e s s S p a c e i s l i m i t e d t o t h e f i r s t 3 0 r e g i s t r a n t s A t a xd e d u c t i b l e d o n a t i o n t o C a l u s a W a t e r k e e p e r o f $ 2 5 p e r p a r t i c i p a n t i s r e q u e s t e d t o c o v e r t h e c o s t o f t i m e a n d m a t e r i a l s E a c h g u e s t w i l l g e t t o t a k e t h e i r V O G h o m e t o h a n g f r o m t h e i r d o c k A d d i t i o n a l o y s t e r g a r d e n s m a y b e p u r c h a s e d a t t h e e v e n t f o r $ 2 5 e a c h w h i l e s u pp l i e s l a s t T o r e g i s t e r , v i s i t c a l u s a w a t e r k e e p e r o r g / v o g w o r k s h o p F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t C a l u s a W a t e r k e e p e r , t o d o n a t e o r v o l u n t e e r , c a l l 2 3 9 - 8 9 9 - 1 4 4 0 , o r e m a i l i n f o @ c a l u s a w a t e r k e e p e r o r g C a l u s a W a t e r k e e p e r , I n c i s a n o n - p r o f i t o r g a n i z at i o n d e d i c a t e d t o t h e p r o t e c t i o n , c o n s e r v a t i o n , a n d r e s t o r a t i o n o f t h e C a l o o s a h a t c h e e R i v e r a n d i t s w a t e rs h e d C a l u s a W a t e r k e e p e r ' s j u r i s d i c t i o n c o v e r s f o u r c o u n t i e s i n S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a a n d e n c o m p a s s e s 1 , 0 0 0 s q u a r e m i l e s o f w a t e r w a y s T h r o u g h a d v o c a c y , e d u c at i o n , c o m m u n i t y e n g a g e m e n t , a n d s c i e n c e - b a s e d p r og r a m

DDWS, refuge open submissions for annual amateur photo contest

The submission process recently kicked off for the J N “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge's annual contest for amateur photographers who enjoy capturing shots of nature and wildlife

Sponsored by the “Ding” Darling Wildlife Society-Friends of the Refuge, the 3 2 n d a n n u a l “ D i n g ”

Darling Amateur Photo Contest opened on July 1 5 t o n o n - p r o f e s s i o n a l photographers

A l l e n t r i e s m u s t b e submitted electronically

The cash award prizes are $300 for first place, $225 for second place, $175 for third place and $25 for honorable mentions

The complete contest rules are as follows:

∫ There is a $25 per person entry fee that provides you with a memb e r s h i p t o t h e D D W S and is used to defray the cost of the contest One f e e c o v e r s t w o e n t r i e s per person

∫ Only amateur (all ages) photographers are eligible to enter (may not p o s s e s s a p r o f e s s i o n a l photographer tax identification number for the sale of photographs)

∫ Photos must be taken at the refuge and have been taken within two years of entry date

∫ Each person may enter up to two photos but is eligible to win only one award

∫ Photos must be submitted electronically via email

Each photo must be a JPEG file of at least 3000 x 2400 or four megabytes Panoramic photos are not allowed

∫ Photos that have won awards in previous DDWS photo contests may not be resubmitted

∫ Judging will be anonymous Please do not put your name or anything that will identify you on your photograph

∫ Judging criteria: Technical excellence (sharpness, lighting, composition and exposure); originality/creativity; interest; and ability to be reproduced for publication.

∫ Only limited image modifications are permitted Minor manipulation should be used only to produce a more natural looking photograph Cropping is allowed but adding any elements not existing in the original scene will not be accepted Judges, at their discretion, will disqualify any photos that appear to be manipulated beyond these guidelines

∫ All photo files will become the property of the DDWS Photos may be used by the DDWS in any way with appropriate credit given to the photographer

∫ First, second and third place winners and honora b l e m e n


∫ The contest's three judges will include a refuge staff person, professional photographer and member of the Sanibel community

For an entry form and more information, visit dingdarlingsociety org/photo-contests

Entries must be emailed by Sept 15

Entrants can pay by sending a check made out to the “ D i n g ” D a r

, Sanibel, FL 33957, with a memo “for photo contest" or online at tinyurl com/dingphotofee

First place last year went to Heidi Dirkse from Wolverine, Michigan, for her photo titled “Looking for Love ”
Last year's second place winner was Frank Brinker, of Oberageri, Switzerland, for “Low-flying Fisherman ”
Third place last year went to Kathleen Colligan, of Pennsylvania, for “Mangrove Tree Crab.”

Trumparilla Boat Parade set for July 27

Community invited to take part in Cape Coral-to-Sanibel flotilla to show support

In a show of support for the Republican nominee for president in November, the Lee County GOP will host the Trumparilla Trump Boat Parade next Saturday

A boat parade of its kind took place in 2020, with thousands of participants setting sail in support of thenPresident Donald J Trump

Lee County GOP felt it was time to once again put on an event of this kind, as other regions throughout Florida have recently held similar events leading up to this year's election.

Organizers hope the turnout is more of the same, or even trumps what took place four years ago

“The idea is always to keep the spirit lifted,” said M i c h a e l L

a n i z e r , R

p u b l i c a n Executive Committee Chairman of Communication and Outreach, and President of the America First Republican Club “We want to encourage the communities to feel embolden to speak out and speak their truth, by knowing there are like-minded fellow citizen in their community ”

With a 10:30 a m launch with line-up beginning at 10 on July 27, the flotilla will meet at the north side of the Mid-Point Bridge and make its way to the Sanibel Lighthouse

Special guests of the parade will include former Congressman Madison Cawthorn, Roger Stone, Tito Ortiz, Neil McCabe, and Trey Radel, with other guests pending

These guests will be on the leading boats, and potentially will speak to participants and others once at the Sanibel Lighthouse

Lee GOP encourages those who do not have a vessel to arrive at the lighthouse to show their support.

“Just like the Fourth of July, (this event) rejuvenates that American spirit,” Leiva said “Being out there with all the American flags waving, it’s something that everybody appreciates and loves For the most part, people feel unity under our flag We hope to be able to share that moment with everyone ”

In 2020, Lee County GOP’s Trump Boat Parade saw what reportedly was nearly 10,000 boats take part, with flags and banners displayed from vessels

The trip to the Sanibel Lighthouse will take approximately an hour-and-a-half, and Leiva said all participants should watch their speeds, stay below the wake, and mind other boaters in the water

Pennsylvania, where an assassination attempt on the former president took place, Leiva said now more than ever is a time to come together

Lee County Clerk, Property Appraiser and Tax Collector to host free class on property assessments, collections and disputes

The community is invited to join Lee County’s Clerk and Comptroller Kevin Karnes, Property Appraiser Matt Caldwell and Tax Collector Noelle Branning for a comprehensive presentation on the property assessment, collection and dispute process

The class will take place on Wednesday, July 31, from 2-3 p m , at the Northwest Regional Library, which is located at 519 Chiquita Blvd , North, in Cape Coral

During the presentation, all three officials will thoroughly explain their portion of the process to attendees The Property Appraiser will discuss how property value is assessed; the Tax Collector will review the tax collection process for the property; and the Lee Clerk will explain how to con-

test the property assessments, as well as help safeguard the property with the clerk’s free Property Fraud Alert service

Immediately following the presentations, there will be a question and answer session so attendees can ask the presenters any questions they may have about the property assessment, collection and dispute process

The class is free, but registration is

www leeclerk org

Legal advice will not be provided at the presentation The clerk cannot address any specific case or VAB-related decision or outcome For legal inquiries, property owners may speak with an attorney

From page 19

r i o r t o s t r i n gi n g , t h e r e c y c l e d s h e l l s a r e s t o r e d o u t d o o r s t o c u r e a t t h e F G C U F o o d F o r e s t f o r s e v e r a l m o n t h s t o e l i m i n a t e a n y f o o d w a s t e o r g e r m s J o i n C a l u s a W a t e r k e e p e r i n t h i s v i t a l p r o j e c t t o h e l p r e s t o r e a n d p r o t e c t t h e w a t e r s o f S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a . Y o u r s u p p o r t a n d p a r t i c i p a t i o n a r e c r u c i a l t o i t s s u c c e s s S p a c e i s l i m i t e d t o t h e f i r s t 3 0 r e gi s t r a n t s A t a x - d e d u c t i b l e d o n a t i o n t o C a l u s a W a t e r k e e p e r o f $ 2 5 p e r p a r t i c i p a n t i s r e q u e s t e d t o

c o v e r t h e c o s t o f t i m e a n d m a t e r i a l s E a c h p a r t i c ip a n t w i l l g e t t o t a k e t h

‘this is the big one ’ Every four years, we repeat that sentiment,” he said. “We truly believe that this is the big one this time We see the country heading into a direction that we may end up fighting for the next hundred years to try and get it back on track We are highly invested in this election cycle for posterity For our nation’s future ”

Leiva said he did receive a phone call earlier in the week from Trump’s campaign team, which he said extended a “thank you” to the Lee County GOP for its support, having caught wind of the upcoming boat parade and watch party of the Republican National Convention that took place Thursday night in Cape Coral at Ortiz’ restaurant

At the RNC on this week, Trump announced his vice presidential running mate for the upcoming election, Sen J D Vance of Ohio

For more details and information on the boat parade, contact Lee GOP Chairman Michael Thompson at Chair@LeeGOP org

County seeking public input to improve parks and rec

Lee County Parks & Recreation is asking the public to help improve its services and amenities offered by participating in a biennial needs assessment survey.

The survey is important to anyone who uses the county parks or other recreational sites because it allows the public to provide feedback on what the department is doing well and where it can improve

People who complete the survey have the option to enter a drawing for a chance to win a family four-pass to the 2025 SWFL Ag Expo, a Lee County Parks & Recreation annual parking sticker or an annual pool pass

The survey will remain online until

July 31

It is available at www leeparks org and on Parks & Recreation's social media pages.

Those without internet access may take the survey in person at any of the following locations:

∫ Estero Recreation Center, at 9200 Corkscrew Palms Blvd , Estero

∫ North Fort Myers Recreation Center, at 2000 North Recreation Park Way, North Fort Myers

∫ Veterans Recreation Center, at 55 Homestead Road S , Lehigh Acres

∫ Terry Park, at 3410 Palm Beach Blvd., Fort Myers

Lee Health, FGCU conducting joint study

Lee Health and Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) are jointly exploring opportunities to improve healthcare, wellness and support services provided to persons living i n S

Developmental Disability (IDD) diagnosis, as well as their families and caregivers

Officials reported a recent market study that was conducted uncovered the potential to improve services to this segment of the local population that will help them thrive more successfully in the community

The organizations are conducting a survey to learn more directly from this population on how they can enhance and expand services that will be most impactful to them The survey links are as follows:

∫ Caregiver, advocate or family member of an indi-


vidual diagnosed with IDD: https://fgcu qualtrics com/jfe/form/SV b1q8hJUZjQ E54pM

∫ Individual diagnosed with IDD: https://fgcu qualtrics com/jfe/form/SV 0650f7LZhT KjZX0

Officials noted that for reference, the organizations are defining intellectual and developmental disability as disorders that are usually present at birth and affect the physical, intellectual and/or emotional development of the person throughout their life Common examples are autism, cerebral palsy, down syndrome, spina bifida, childhood acquired brain injury and other genetic disorders

In the July 17, 2024, issue of the Beach Bulletin, it was reported that the Sundial Beach Resort & Spa on Sanibel will kick off its new Daycation Resort Day Pass program beginning on July 25

Last week, the resort provided an update that the program will require approval from the Sanibel City Council It is scheduled to discuss and consider the item during a special meeting on July 30


Ser vices at St. Peter Lutheran Church

St Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church in America at 3751 Estero Boulevard, Fort Myers Beach

Outdoor Services under the tent

Every Sunday 9 a m

All are welcome, we are pet friendly 239-463-4251 www stpeterfmb com

YouTube - St Peter Lutheran Church Fort Myers Beach FL

In cooperation with former Chapel by the Sea and Beach United Methodist Church

Gulf Coast Symphony to present Women of Rock July 27 at Barbara B. Mann Per for ming Ar ts Hall

Celebrate the powerful voices of female rock stars, from Alicia Keys, Whitney Houston, Carole King, Tina Turner, Donna Summers, Aretha Franklin, Dolly Parton, B

Featuring two amazing voices: LaKisha Jones from American Idol, and Chloe Lowery of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra Both have active solo careers, and have graced stages from Broadway to concert halls worldwide!

For more information visit https://www.bbmannpah com/

Barbara B Mann Performing Arts Hall is at 13350 FSW Pkwy, Fort Myers

SWFL'S Lar gest Indoor Summer Ar ts & Crafts Show to be held July 27-28 at the Charlotte Harbor Event Center

Join us Saturday & Sunday July 27 & 28 from 10 a m to 3 p m for SWFL’s Largest Indoor Summer Arts & Crafts Show at the Charlotte Harbor Event Center in Punta Gorda. Over 175 vendors participating in this event featuring a huge variety of very talented artists, crafters, artisans and more! Vendors will vary each day So check out both days! FREE Public admission & FREE parking Interested vendors please email Christy Dunn at LLSN@comcast net Or visit our www llsnevents com Facebook Event: https://www facebook com/share/ PqeHAMgUcdv5WE1R/

Charlotte Harbor Event Center is at 75 Taylor St , Punta Gorda

Law at the Librar y Aug. 7

The Lee County Legal Aid Society is again hosting a free legal clinic for area seniors in need of no-cost, limited legal advice on civil matters, including how to cope with contractor fraud and post-disaster insurance claims

The session is Wednesday, Aug 7, from 9 a m to noon, at the Fort Myers Regional Library meeting room, 1651 Lee St., Fort Myers, and is open to Lee County residents ages 50 and older

A panel of local attorneys will discuss several topics in civil law of interest to seniors Individuals can then confer with a volunteer attorney for up to 20 minutes on any legal issue, excluding criminal cases

Advance registration is required Participants should email Nanci@lee countylegalaid org or call 239-3346118 and provide contact information, a brief description of the legal advice being sought, and any relevant documents

Saint Hilar y’s Helping Hands Outreach to hold used clothes sale Aug. 10

Saint Hilary's Episcopal Church's Helping Hands Outreach Ministry is hosting a “used clothes sales (cash $5 by the bag) ”

This fundraising event will be held Saturday, Aug. 10, from 9:30 a m to 12:30p m , at the farmers market, Saint Hilary’s Episcopal Church, 5011 McGregor Blvd, Fort Myers

The ministry is raising funds to purchase uniforms and polo shirts for the underserved PreK to 5th grade children of Orangewood Elementary, Orange River Elementary and Villas Elementary schools

Reusable bags for the clothing purchases will be provided

Alliance for the Arts at a Glance

Allegories & Illusions: by Kathleen Kinkopf

On Display: Aug 2 - Sept 28

Opening Reception: Aug 2, 5 -7 p m

Time: Gallery Hours

Location: Alliance for the Arts

Description: Kathleen Kinkopf's dreamlike landscapes srve as portals to realms where reality and myth converge Posed as protectors of the natural world, her figures embody spirituality and grace, rooted in mythology and philosophy Through her work, she encourages viewers to explore the depths of their subconscious and embrace the magic woven into everyday existence

We bs i te : w w w a


Foulds Theatre Galler y ExhibitionPiercing the Veil by Danielle Branchaud On Display: Aug 2 - Sept 28

Opening Reception: Aug 2, 5 -7 p m

Time: Gallery Hours

Location: Alliance for the Arts D

Branchaud has lived and worked in Southwest Florida for over fifteen years She specializes in the efficient and intimate use of acrylics, creating conceptual series work and portraits Her works are notorious in their depth and intensity when it comes to facing those dimensions.This collection of work presents just a fraction of that emotional experience, each painting inviting you to search within yourself for those same universal feelings

We bs i te : w w


Member Galler y ExhibitionContemplating Flowers by Tania Alves On Display: Aug 6 - Sept 28

Time: Gallery Hours

Location: Alliance for the Arts

Description: Born in Brazil and raised in the USA, the Southwest Floridian Artist Tania Alves has been working in polishing her skills on Acryli cs and Mixed Media since 2012 Alves' passion for flowers and the memories of her childhood living at the beach is demonstrated in every single collection she produces She is inspired by color combinations, nature, and the free flow process of painting The use of bold colors, abstract forms, and mark-making showcase Tania’s latin roots and her love for nature as core elements Alves' work often surprises the viewer with hidden details like gold or silver foils, giving it a 3D effect under the proper lighting, managing to transport the audience to her magical world in every single painting

We bs


For more information about the sale, please call 239935-1000.


Star Séance tickets on sale now

Celebrate Halloween by joining us for a special concert led by Andrew Lipke, where he and “spirit host” vocalists will channel legendary rock stars like Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, and more! Dress as your favorite dearly departed rock star and enjoy a multimedia experience that promises to be a musical séance like no other

O c t o b e r 2 4 a t 7 : 3 0 p m a t B a r b a r a B M a n n

Performing Arts Hall, 13350 FSW Pkwy, Fort Myers

For more information visit https://www bbmannpah com/

Edison and Ford Winter Estates holds Far mers Market ever y Friday

Edison and Ford Winter Estates is hosting a farmers market each Friday from 9 a m to 1 p m More than 20 vendors

Better Together Community Event

Cost: Free

Date: Aug 4

Time: 3 - 6 p m

Location: Alliance for the Arts

Description: Join Who is She Boutique for the 3rd Annual Community event for Lee County Students

This family friendly event is meant to bring the community together while giving back to local students There will be free backpacks and school supplies to the first 150 students, free haircuts for students K-12, bounce houses, food trucks, face painting and more! Website: www artinlee org/event/better-togethercommunity-event/

Zentangle for the Seasons (16+)

Cost: $120/members, $144/non-members

Date: Four Tuesdays, Aug 6 - 27

Time: 6 - 8 p m

Location: Alliance for the Arts

Description: Zentangle is an easy-to-learn method of drawing patterns step by step It is relaxing, gratifying and a great way to exercise the creative side of your brain! Beginning with the basics in the first class, we’ll then create a variety of Art works throughout the month, based on the season Website: www artinlee org/event/zentangle-for-theseasons-ages-16-4/2024-08-06/

Instructed Life Drawing with Francesco Gillia (18+)

Cost: $180/members, $220/non-members

Date: Four Wednesdays, Aug 7 - 28

Time: 9:30 a m - 12:30 p m

Location: Alliance for the Arts

Description: The class is designed for beginner to advanced students You will see and draw by understanding and personally translating the subject instead of just copying Francesco’s one-on-one assistance and feedback ensure beginners students understanding and keep advanced and returning students engaged and challenged



For more information visit www artinlee org Alliance for the Arts is at 10091 McGregor Blvd , Fort Myers

will have a wide variety of edible, decorative, and wearable products. Family-friendly games and coloring projects will be available for children, and David Rojas will provide live music during the event

Vendors will offer an assortment of edible items including produce, baked goods, honey, sauces, juices, soups, premade meals, and treats for dogs Other items, such as candles, linens, soaps, jewelry, and lizard condos for the garden will also be available

In addition, the Garden Shoppe will have fruit trees, herbs, flowering plants, and more available for sale Visitors may also stroll through the Bromeliad and Wild Flower gardens behind the botanic research laboratory

Admission to the farmers market and parking is free (does not include tours or admission to the museum, laboratory, or riverside of the property

For more information about Edison and Ford Winter Estates, visit EdisonFord org

Edison and Ford Winter Estates is at 2350 McGregor Blvd , Fort Myers

Island pets seeking forever homes PET PALS


Hookworms are dangerous for pets We are getting more and more sick dogs because of it What are they? They are nasty worms who gets in dog's intestines and suck the blood out of them Dogs get infected by walking on contaminated ground or by eating cockroaches who carry the infective larvae Pale gums and weakness are common signs of anemia Some dogs experience significant weight loss, bloody diarrhea, dull and dry coat, or, in puppies, failure to grow properly It is not uncommon for young puppies to die from severe hookworm infections Skin irritation and itching, especially of the paws, caused by larvae burrowing into and along the skin, can be signs of a heavily infested environment Dogs may also exhibit coughing in severe cases

All puppies should be treated with a veterinaryapproved anthelmintic product at two to three weeks of age In addition, prompt deworming should be given if the parasites are detected Periodic deworming may be appropriate for pets at high risk for infection Remember do not buy any dogs from backyard breeders. There are so many great dogs at the shelters!

Home Give A Home Pet Rescue

Sweet little one!

Maisy is a little p o o d l e g i r l w h o just got groomed (no issues at the g r o o m e r ) S h e loves to be with other dogs and has no issues. She didn't start her life the right way and was not appreciated at first but now it is different Maisy is in foster care and l o v e s c a r r i d e s , being on your lap and snuggle with y o u i n b e d

Extremely loving a n d i n t e l l i g e n t . She is up to date o n a l l v a c c i n e s a n d s p a y e d o f course Maisy is 2 years old Call or t e

Tiny Mr Bojangles!

Mr Bojangles came to us as an emergency w


u p

e who took him found out the next day that the little guy was very sick and didn’t know what to do He was emaciated, had a very bad cut on his front foot and was a mess. He was checked by their vet and unfortunately needed a blood transfusion after being diagnosed with hookworms They could not afford the treatment and the little guy was turned over to us He ended up recovering without the transfusion and is now for adoption

Alfter a few weeks and few hundreds of dollars, we are looking for a great home for him He is only 1 2 w e e k s o l d

Completely adorable and is very handsome as you can see. Loves to play with his foster friends and will make a great pet V e

Please call or text 239281-0739

Follow us on Facebook at Find A Home Give A Home Pet Rescue and see all the amazing pets we saved these past few months

Please note our new PO Box #864, Bonita Springs, Fl 34133

You can also make a donation at using the donation tab using PayPal Please make sure you do it through “Friends and Family” so there is no fee and all the donation comes to us directly.

We currently have over 30 kittens plus adults in rescue and need volunteers to come to the rescue on Fort Myers Beach to help with various duties and play with the kittens and adult cats The kittens are very entertaining and enjoy play times Please call 239-851-3485 if you can volunteer some time.

We are going through a lot of kitten food with so many mouths to feed Need wet kitten food as well as dry Can be sent or picked up Please call 239-851-3485 to make arrangements Also need cat trees in good condition as we lost 12 in the hurricane and Litter boxes for kittens and adults plus litter as we go through a lot daily All of our cat supplies were lost during Ian and we are slowly trying to replace all that went out in the flood Thanks much for any help you can give us.

weeks old when rescued

Dolly is a female 3-month-old brown/black tabby kitten She is very active and playful and she and Junior have become very close friends She has the bullet markings on both sides which is very unique

REDBARN HugeEstateSale

Sat,July27th-Sun,July28th 8amto3pm 1501SE36thSt (offDelPradoBlvd)

Sleepnumberbed, LeatherSofas,Collectible cameras,BettyBoop, Snoopy,EasyBakeOven &BarbieDreamHouse. Vintagejewelry,dishes, glassware,crafts,sewing supplies,artwork& elephantcollection. Dresser,chest&nightstand,chinacabinets, b ars,gardeningitems& p lants. Generator,tablesaw, powerwasher&tools. Two3-wheeledbikes,a 2009HONDAFIT& Toomuchmoretolist.


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