Fort Myers Beach Observer/The Beach Bulletin

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Seagate to present plans for high-rise condos

Seagate Development, which purchased the Red Coconut RV Park site on Fort Myers Beach last year for $52 million, will hold a presentation for the public on their proposed high-rise condo development at the Pink Shell Beach Resort on Wednesday, Aug 14

The presentation will take place from 4 to 5 p m at the Fort Myers Beach hotel, 275 Estero Boulevard Seating will be limited to 100 people.

To apply to attend, visit www seagatedevelopmentgroup com/fort-myers-beach

The developers have proposed two 17-story high-rise

buildings with 137 total luxury condominium units, a beach club, spa, outdoor pools, cabanas, villas and a beachfront restaurant at the 10-acre site

Seagate is proposing a private “resident-only” pedestrian overpass crossover to straddle both sides of Estero Bulevard

The plans were presented to the town earlier this summer and haven’t changed, Seagate Development Group Director of Marketing Trish Lorino said

The developers are proposing to keep three acres of the property open for public use, including a beach park and walking path Access to Matanzas Pass on the bay side of

Hu rrican e Debb y fl ood s F ort M yers Beach fro m 1 00 miles away

The Town of Fort Myers Beach declared a state of emergency Monday morning due to the effects of Hurricane Debby, which dropped about six inches of rain on the island between Saturday and Sunday Lee County announced the closure of Lynn Hall Memorial Park on Fort Myers Beach

According to the National Weather Service, the then-tropical storm was about 100 miles off the coast of Fort Myers Beach though its effects were still strongly felt on the island with flooded out streets and homes

Fort Myers Beach Manager Andy Hyatt said the town experienced more than three feet of storm surge Sunday from the

storm “We’ve got some fencing down, we’ve got some debris,” he said Hyatt said the county is working on cleaning up from the storm and Florida Power and Light Company had one pole down

During an emergency meeting Monday, Fort Myers Beach Vice Mayor Jim Atterholt asked town operations director Frank Kropacek about the town’s ongoing stormwater project

See FLOODS, page 17

Flooding on Fort Myers Beach Sunday at Falkirk Street and Sterling Avenue from Tropical Storm Debby PHOTO BY LAURIE NIENHAUS

Early voting will begin in Lee County

County Supervisor of Elections Tommy Doyle announced that voters have until this Thursday to request a Vote-by-Mail Ballot for the primary election

Voters can request their ballot online at www lee vote, by emailing votebymail@lee vote or calling (239) 5338683 Voters can also track the status of their ballot at www lee vote

The deadline to return a Vote-by-Mail Ballot to the Lee County Supervisor of Elections is by 7 p m on Election Day, Tuesday, August 20

Early voting in person will be held ahead of the primary from Saturday, Aug. 10, to Saturday, Aug 17, at 12 locations throughout the county

A list of the locations can be found at:

Medicare Doomsday Clock ticks closer to midnight

One day, our grandchildren may talk about Medicare the way we talk about Bernie Madoff

Medicare’s trustees recently released their annual report on the program’s finances, and things are not looking good The entitlement spent $12 billion more than it took in from taxes in 2023 Absent change,

Medicare’s Part A hospital insurance trust fund will be exhausted by 2036

Years ago, there may have been more than enough workers to cover the cost of Medicare for many fewer retirees and sock away some extra in the accounting fiction that is the Part A trust fund Those days are gone Soon, Medicare won’t be able to collect enough in taxes from workers to pay for the benefits that retirees are redeeming

Guest Commentary

Sounds an awful lot like a Ponzi scheme

Preserving the program for future generations will require harnessing the power of competition to lower costs and bringing eligibility requirements into the modern era.

A new report from the Paragon Health Institute highlights Medi-care’s problem The average American who turned 65 in 2020 will receive $176,500 more in Medicare benefits

Pied Piper switch-a-roo

To the editor:

Web Poll

∫ Yes, the town should oppose the artificial

It should seem strange to Dems that their leaders are chosen for them and then they are told who to vote for Biden was most likely a guaranteed loss for the 2024 Presidential election, so they lobbied, caucused and undermined him until he had no choice but to leave. There was nothing honorable or sacrificial about his withdrawal from the campaign; he was drummed out of the party by the party and we all saw that Now comes Harris, the current VP to a president that has been deemed too old and too senile to run again by the Democratic party leaders to say nothing of his inability to govern for the balance of the term Who will the leadership replace Harris with during the DNC? Who will they tell their followers to vote for once they really get a candidate?

Harris has been more unpopular than Biden the entire time Biden has been president and now all of a sudden, she is the answer to their prayers Hardly Her baggage, in terms of the Biden/Harris policies, is just as bad now as it was before they threw Biden out of the race

“538” is a polling service established by

than they paid in One who retires in 2030 is on track to receive $248,500 more than they paid in

Some 62 million Americans were enrolled in Medicare in 2023 By 2033, that number is projected to swell to 78 million The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that by the following year, Medi-care spending will account for just over 17% of the federal budget and 4% of GDP

Medicare’s growth is fueled by an aging population Americans 65 and older will make up nearly one-quarter of the population by 2050, the U S Census Bureau estimates

Americans are also living longer Men who make it to age 65 can expect to log another 17 5 years; life expectancy for women who reach 65 is another 20 2 years That’s an increase of 4 5 years for men and almost four years for women, relative to 1965, when Medicare was created

Yet Medicare’s eligibility age 65 has remained the same since the program’s inception Given improvements in longevity, raising the age at which Americans become eligible makes sense and would ease some of the fiscal pressure on the program

Letters to the Editor

Nate Silver, a known Democratic supporter, and Silver vacated his position in 2023 when the website was taken over by the ABC Television network, also a known supporter of the Democratic party You can still access the current polling data at the site and the latest “favorability” rating as of July 22 cd, 2024 shows that 38 3% approve of Harris and 51 4% disapprove of Harris These numbers were published after Biden was replaced by Harris and very closely align with Biden’s numbers on this site prior to his departure Since the polls dictate every aspect of the Democratic party’s decision process so that they may plug in whoever or whatever the polls tell them, do you really think numbers like these will put a Democrat back in the White House in November?

Harris is merely the temporary Dem candidate until the convention where the “cabal” of Obama, Pelosi, Schumer and Soros will decide who will represent the Dems in this election and then they will tell their voters who to vote for

Max Christian St James City

But that’s not the only way to save Medicare from insolvency The program can institute more “means-testing,” to ensure that richer beneficiaries pay for a greater share of their coverage than their poorer counterparts.

For example, lawmakers could lower the threshold at which means-testing already kicks in for premiums for Medicare Part B, which covers physician services, and Part D, which covers prescription drugs Right now, only individuals who make more than $103,000 a year and couples who make more than $206,000 a year face additional costs in Parts B and D

Policymakers need not limit themselves to income when formulating means-testing policies As the Paragon Health Institute report points out, Social Security calculates benefits based on lifetime earnings Medicare could do something similar

There are any number of roads back to Medicare solvency Medicare’s choice is no longer between change and the status quo It's between change and dissolution

Sally C Pipes is president, CEO, and Thomas W Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy at the Pacific Research Institute Her latest book is False Premise, False Promise: The Disastrous Reality of Medicare for All (Encounter 2020) Follow her on Twitter @sallypipes This piece was originally published by PennLive

Open borders foster victimization

To the editor:

We don’t understand the pain and criminal activities occurring at Biden’s “open border ” Jarrod Sadulski, an expert on smuggling has spent much time talking to illegals researching both sides of the border

A mother told him, en route to the southwest border, just south of Reynosa, Mexico, she was robbed by the Sinaloa cartel Not only were all of her belongings taken from her, but so were her other two children because she had no money for bribes Mr Sadulski said those taken children will be brought to the border separately and crossed over as unaccompanied minors. They’re told to give the U S government the name of a potential sponsor here in the U S The children are released to that sponsor and put into child labor or sex trafficking

O n e c r i m i n a l i n v e s t i g a t o r t o l d M r . Sadulski that he followed up with 25 kids at their sponsors’ homes Only two out of 25 were at that home No doubt those missing 23 children have been absorbed into the car-

See LETTERS, page 12

fund balance or use the state bridge loan to keep taxes flat?

∫ Keep taxes flat, use state bridge loan

∫ Raise millage rate for emergency fund balance, save state bridge loan funds

∫ Unsure/no opinion

Sally C. Pipes

A guide to influenza vaccines and staying healthy for the upcoming flu season

August is back to school month and a great time to start making a plan to protect yourself against influenza Getting vaccinated when flu vaccines become available in late September and early October and taking other precautions can help ensure that you and your loved ones stay healthy this season Cases tend to spike during the fall and winter months when friends and families gather for the holidays

One of the best ways to avoid getting sick is to make sure you and your children are vaccinated against the flu When the vaccine becomes available, you can make an appointment with a Lee Health provider to ensure you and your children are protected

In addition to the vaccine, there are other things you can do to help give your immune system a boost, such as ensuring you get enough rest, eating well and washing your hands frequently using warm and soapy water and washing for 20 seconds or more

What do I need to know about getting vaccinated against the flu?

Getting a flu shot when the vaccine becomes available is important because it can help make the illness less severe and keep you out of the hospital if you become sick Studies also suggest that getting a vaccine helps reduce community transmission This is important if you’re planning on gathering for the holiday season, especially if elderly or immunocompromised guests are present It can also help reduce community transmission at school among children and their peers

Flu season lasts from fall to winter and the shot is effective for the duration of the season As we get closer to spring, its effectiveness tends to wane After receiving the vaccine, the body needs at least two weeks after getting the shot to ramp up its defenses against the virus

You can visit a Lee Health provider to receive your flu shot when vaccines become available or visit www leehealth org for more information

Do I need a new flu shot each year?

The influenza vaccine does not offer a blanket protection against the flu, but studies show that it is 40-60% effective How does it work? If someone receives the vaccine and comes down with the flu, the vaccine will often make the illness less severe and keep that person out of the emergency department

A new vaccine is offered each year because the influenza virus mutates at a swift pace and evolves and adapts each year, causing the shot from last season to be less effective against the current season’s strain It’s encouraged each year to boost the immune system with a new dose of the vaccine, so you have the best possible chance of fighting the illness if you get sick

Who should get a flu shot?

Lee Health

The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention has recommended a flu shot for all children who are 6 months and older since the 2010-2011 season The very first time children receive a flu vaccine, they should get two doses four weeks apart After that, they should get one flu vaccine a year.

The CDC also says that there are three preferred flu vaccines for people 65 years and older: Fluzone HighDose Quadrivalent flu vaccine, Flublok Quadrivalent recombinant flu vaccine and Fluad Quadrivalent adjuvanted inactivated flu vaccine

There is no preferred recommendation for 18- to 65year-olds

All flu vaccines for the 2024-2025 season will be trivalent vaccines, designed to protect against three different flu viruses, including two influenza A viruses and an influenza B/Victoria virus

Is there anything different to know for the 2 0 2 4 -2 0 2 5 flu season?

The composition of U S flu vaccines is reviewed annually, and new flu vaccines are manufactured each year

The Federal Drug Administration’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee made a recommendation that this year three-component (trivalent) vaccines, which include an influenza A(H1N1), an A(H3N2) and a B/Victorialineage vaccine virus, should be administered. Because influenza B/Yamagata viruses, which are included in current four-component (quadrivalent) flu vaccines, are no longer actively circulating, their inclusion in flu vaccines is no longer warranted

Staying healthy this season

Kids tend to be more exposed to germs at the start of the school year, and while back to school illnesses and infections are inevitable, encouraging your kids to wash their hands regularly can help prevent illnesses like influenza as well as colds and other viruses

When considering attending a gathering this season, take stock of your health and see if you’re well enough to attend a celebration On the day of the event, see how you’re feeling If you’re experiencing congestion, sore throat, fatigue, muscle pain, headache or any other flu-like symptoms, it’s best to stay home

When gathering with large groups of people, be sure to wash hands often, wipe down surfaces in high-traffic areas, stay-up-to-date on vaccinations and stay hydrated Back to school and holiday season can be stressful times so it’s best to keep a positive mindset and make time for self-care to help reduce stress When we’re stressed, it’s harder for our

See FLU SEASON, page 21

Lee County Visitor & Convention Bureau recognized with marketing award

n a t i o n r e c o g n i z e s t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n ' s c o m m i t m e n t t o i n d u s t r y e x c e l l e n c e a n d d e d i c a t i o n t o t h e i n d u s t r y

s t a n d a r d f o r p e r f o r m a n c e a n d a c c o u n t a b i l i t y o f d e s t i -

n a t i o n o r g a n i z a t i o n s a r o u n d t h e w o r l d

“ T h i s s t a m p o f a p p r o v a l r e p r e s e n t s o u r c o n t i n u e d

c o m m i t m e n t t o L e e C o u n t y t o u r i s m , ” s a i d T a m a r a

P i g o t t , L e e C o u n t y V C B e x e c u t i v e d i r e c t o r “ W e a r e p r o u d t o s h i n e a l i g h t o n t h e F o r t M y e r s a r e a a s a d e st i n a t i o n a n d t o c r e a t e e c o n o m i c o p p o r t u n i t y f o r t h e

c o m m u n i t y t h r o u g h t o u r i s m ”


T h e r e a c c r e d i t a t i o n c o n t i n u e s t h e l e g a c y o f h i g h p e r f o r m a n c e s t a n d a r d s a c h i e v e d i n i t s o r i g i n a l a c c r e di t a t i o n o n A p r i l 1 , 2 0 0 7 T h e a c c r e d i t a t i o n p r o g r a m r e q u i r e s a d e s t i n a t i o n o r g a n i z a t i o n t o s u c c e s s f u l l y c o m p l y w i t h a m u l t i t u d e o f m a n d a t o r y a n d v o l u n t a r y s t a n d a r d s t h a t s p a n a v a r ie t y o f p e r f o r m a n c e a r e a s T h e s t a n d a r d s c o v e r n e a r l y a l l a s p e c t s r e l a t e d t o t h e m a n a g e m e n t a n d m a r k e t i n g o f d e s t i n a t i o n o r g a n i z a t i o n s i n c l u d i n g g o v e r n a n c e , f i n a n c e , h u m a n r e s o u r c e s , s a l e s , c o m m u n i c a t i o n s , d e s t i n a t i o n d e v e l o p m e n t a n d r e s e a r c h “ W e a r e d e l i g h t e d t o w e l c o m e F o r t M y e r s –

names new general manager

B e a c h R e s o r t


announced the promotion of Yenier Marrero

director of guest experience

M a r r e r o b r i n g s 1 8 years of experience in the hospitality industry to his new role According to an announcement from the company, Marrero "quickly exceeded expectations, generating strategies that surpassed expected revenues, guest satisfaction, team morale and owner relations "

Marrero previously served as spa director and director of rooms at the Naples Grande Resort

s l a n

D M A P c o m m u n i t y , " s t a t e d D o

C E O o f D e s t i n a t i o n s I n t e r n a t i o n a l " T h e r e l e v a n c e o f d e s t i n a t i o n o r g a n i z a t i o n s h a s n e v e r b e e n m o r e v i t a l t o t h e e c o n o m i c v i t a l i t y o f t h e p l

I n t e r n a t i o n a l m e m b e r s s e r v e , a n d t h i s i n

t r y a c c r e

i t a t i o n i s a b e n c h m a r k f o r q u a l i t y a n d p e r f o r m a n c e M y g r

c o m m u n i t i e s , " s t a t e d T a n i a A r m e n t a , p r e s i d e n t & C E O o f V i s i t A l b u q u e r q u e a n d c h a i r o f t h e D M A P

B o a r d o f D i r e c t o r s " A s c u s t o d i a n s o f t h e i r d e s t i n at i o n s ' b r a n d s , p a r t i c i p a t i o n i n D M A P u n d e r s c o r e s a d e s

School District of Lee County to host career oppportunities event

County is set to host Social Lee: Careers & Conversations on Aug 14 from 5 p m to 7 p m The informational event will provide insight on all career opportunities within the District

T h e i n f o r m a t i o n a l e v e n

allow participants to speak with the talent acquisition team and learn more about open positions within the District for the 2024-25 academic year. Attendees will also be able to walk through becoming certified to teach in Florida The event will take place at University Grill, located at 7790 Cypress Lake Drive in Fort Myers Food will be included To r e g i s t


County is among the largest school


New hires

w i l l r e c e i v support and ne e s s a r y r e s o u that will enable them to succeed upon entering the field of education The District offers a competitive and comprehensive compensation plan for its employees, and a d d i

opportunities are also available via advanced degree supplement, summer school, athletic coaching and Upon hire, a personal

about available career opportunities, visit LeeSchools net/Careers About The School District ee County Lee County Public Schools is the eighth-largest district in Florida and the 33rd largest district in the United States The District educates more than 99,000 students in grades K-

employees, the district is one of the county’s largest employers

Greater For t Myers Chamber to host ‘State of the Chamber’ luncheon Aug. 13

The Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce will host its monthly luncheon from 11:30 a m to 1:15 p m , Tuesday, Aug 13, to focus on the “State of the Chamber ”

During the luncheon, attendees will hear from Chamber CEO Robert Goltz, who will share the chamber’s plans for the 2024-2025 fiscal year He will cover n e w m e m b e r s h i p b e n e f i t s a n d p r o g r a m s , g e n e r a l updates and future plans for the organization There will also be an opportunity for members to ask questions and speak directly with the CEO

The luncheon will take place at The Plantation Golf

& Country Club, at 10500 Dartington Drive in Fort Myers Admission is $35 for chamber members and $40 for future members and includes lunch Attendees must register for the event by Friday, Aug 9; walk-ins will not be accepted

The event is sponsored by HBKS Wealth Advisors. To learn more or to register, visit FortMyers org or call 239-332-2930

Province Proper ty Group

ear ns accreditation

Province Property Group has earned accreditation from the National Home Watch Association for the third year The NHWA was formed in 2009 in order to establish and maintain the highest industry standards for


throughout the United States and Canada (www nationalhomewatchassociation org) Home Watch is a visual inspection of a home or property, looking for obvious issues, which means that it is a service that “keeps an eye on things” at your vacation or primary home while you are not in residence All principals of NHWA


checked, insured, and bonded

Province Property Group, which is co-owned by Nicole King and Matt Jantos, serves Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Sanibel, Estero, and Fort Myers Beach You can reach the business at 239-722-9276 or at info@provinc

Yenier Marrero

Beach Living

Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce planning action-packed August

The Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce has a month of fun, coffee, mini-golf, music and networking planned to close out the summer on the island

The fun all started Thursday, Aug 1, with a free “Coffee Connection” event with Fort Myers Beach Elementary School Principal Dr Traci Kohler sponsored by the chamber

The chamber is a co-sponsor of the Bayside Park Concert Series which runs every Sunday at Bayside Veterans Memorial Park

The Aug. 4, featuring the classic rock cover group Simply-Fi at the Fort Myers Beach park off Old San Carlos Boulevard was cancelled due to Hurricane Debby On Aug 11, the party band Mockingbird will take the stage from 4 p m to 7 p m

The chamber presents the concerts in conjunction with the Town of Fort Myers Beach The series sponsor is the Alex King Group The stage sponsors for the next two shows are the Florida Structural Group and Gavin's Ace Hardware The title sponsors are Snug Harbor Waterfront Restaurant, Nervous Nellie’s and Wahoo Willie’s

The chamber will hold a membership luncheon at Nervous Nellie’s this Thursday, Aug. 8, from 11:30 p.m.

to 1 p m The guest speaker will be Eric Eickenberg of the Everglades Foundation.

The cost for members is $30 and prospective members is $40 To register, visit


The chamber will hold a business after-hours event at The Roxie at Times Square on Thursday, Aug 15 from 5:30 p m to 7 p m

Refreshments will be served at the event, which is being sponsored by Extreme Florida Roofing, LMCU and

Waste Management

Registration information can be

The chamber will close out August with a mini-golf tournament at Smugglers Cove Adventure Golf on Aug 30 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.

The cost to enter is $200 per team

For more information, visit www Fortmyersbeach org

Lovers Key State Park announces guided nature programs


The Florida Department of Environmental Protection announced that Lovers Key State Park on Fort Myers Beach will present weekly programs on nature, park history and wildlife throughout the month of August The park is located at 8500 Estero Blvd

Space is limited for all events; reservations are required To register, visit the Friends of Lovers Key’s Eventbrite page: https://bit ly/FOLKS-Events

The park offers many recreational opportunities for visitors with disabilities For accommodations assistance, please contact the park office at 239-707-6328

Mound House Events Schedule

The Mound House on Fort Myers Beach is a public museum on the National Registrar of Historic Places which traces its roots to the Calusa, the ancient Native American tribe who built a shell mound approximately 2,000 years ago underneath the house and museum The house at 451 Connecticut St is the oldest standing structure on Estero Island The Town of Fort Myers Beach operates the Mound House as a museum complex and cultural and environmental learning experience that offers entertainment and educational programs, including for children. There is also public land for picnics and docks for fishing along the bay Overflow parking is available at 216 Connecticut St For more details, reservations, and a monthly programs schedule, call 239-765-0865

Regular programming

The Mound House is currently offering regular kayak tours Wednesdays through Saturdays, from 9 to 11 a m The tours are $20 for Mound House members and $50 for non-members

Explore the winding mangrove creeks and go places only a kayak can go on this guided eco tour of Estero Bay This beginner-friendly tour allows you to experience and learn more about the natural beauty of

a mangrove estuary and the history of the area. Mound House kayak tours are conducted in accordance with Florida Society for Ethical Ecotourism guidelines All paddling and kayak safety equipment are provided

The tours are restricted to ages 12 and up, weather permitting A maximum of 12 paddlers per tour are allowed Shoes are required Tours can be booked at www MoundHouse org

Shell Mound Tours

Shell mound tours are given Wednesdays through Saturdays from 10

a m to 10:30 a m, from noon to 12:30 p m and from 2 p m to 2:30 p m

The tours are free for Mound House members, and cost $5 plus museum admission to non-members.

Discover the archaeology and history of the shell mound site and learn what clues were uncovered about the nearly 2,000-year-old shell mound This handson tour will explore the environmental and cultural history of the site and feature replica artifact demonstrations No reservations required

More information can be found at www MoundHouse org

Programs include:

∫ Thursday, Aug 8 at 8 a m

Lovers Key Garden Club Workday Park entry fee is waived for participants

Join a park ranger to help maintain Lovers Key’s native pollinator garden Weeding, pruning, and planting are all on the table at a garden club workday, and we welcome both beginner and expert gardeners to participate. Closed-toe shoes are required, and work gloves, hand clippers, water bottles, sunscreen, bug spray, kneeling pads, and hats are highly recommended Space is limited; reservations are required To register, visit https://bit ly/FOLKSEvents

∫ Friday, Aug 9, at 10 a m Seashell Walk Program is free with paid park entry Join a park ranger for a relaxing hike

along the Lovers Key shoreline Learn the names of the seashells that wash ashore at the park, fun facts about the creatures who craft them, and the shelling regulations that help protect these iconic Florida treasures Space is limited; reservations are required To register, visit https://bit ly/FOLKSEvents

∫ Friday, Aug 16, at 10 a m Walk on the Wild Side Program is free with paid park entry

Join a park ranger for a guided hike along our Black Island Trail Learn about the fascinating vegetation and wildlife that reside in our maritime hammock ecosystem and enjoy a little local history along the way Closedtoe shoes, sunscreen, bug spray, and water bottles are highly recommended Space is limited; reservations are required To register, visit https://bit ly/FOLKS-Events

District students to receive free breakfast and lunch

The School District of Lee County announced that it is again part of the Community Eligibility Program (CEP)

National School Lunch/National School B

- 2 5 school year Every student in the district's 82 traditional schools and four special centers will be served breakfast and lunch at no charge For more information, contact district Food and Nutrition Services

8449 or The School District of Lee County, Food and Nutrition Services, Attention: Kandy Messenger, Director

School board approves tentative budget

The Lee County School Board approved a tentative budget of $2 7 billion for 2025 Tuesday night during the first of two public hearings

The board also approved the proposed millage rate of 5 286, local effort millage of 3 038, discretionary millage of 748 and a capital outlay millage of 1 500

One mill is equal to $1 for every $1,000 of taxable assessed property valuation

The budget supports more than 100,000 students and 120 schools.

Budget Director Kelly Letcher said the roll back rate is 5 1549 mills and the proposed millage rate is 5 286, which is a decrease of 144 mills from the 2023-2024 millage rate of 5 430 The total amount to be raised is $814,346,553

“This is an increase over the rollback rate of 2 54% and this new millage rate will generate $58 million more than in the previous year because of the increase in the tax roll,” Letcher said

The current tax roll is at $160 billion, which is a 10 61% over the previous years of $145 billion

The required local effort millage is 3.038 amount to be raised $468,025,885, which includes the prior period adjustment The discretionary mills is 748 an amount to be raised $115,234,813 and the capital outlay mills is 1 500 an amount to be raised $231,085,855

“As the tax roll goes up, the millage rate drops,” Letcher said “Again, this year the taxable value is $160 billion ”

A property with a taxable valuation of a $100,000, with a 10 61% increase, the new value would be

$10,610 more

“At last year’s rate and value, they would have paid $543 and this year they are going to pay $584 68, an increase of $48 68 If they had a $200,000 home their home value would have increased to $221,220,” she said, which is an increase of $83.37.

Homeowners who have Save Our Homes limits the annual increase of assessed value to 3% or the Consumer Price Index, whichever is lower So, for someone who had a homestead on their $200,000 home, the new rate is $956 77, $6 52 more than last year

The total tentative budget is $2 7 billion The general fund makes up $1 2 billion of that and the capital budget is $1 billion

The five-year capital plan tentatively includes three new elementary schools, one new middle school, two new high schools, one pre-K-8 school, one addition, two rebuilds, two remodels and additions at technical center.

The internal service fund is comprised of $209 million, special revenue for food service at $69 million, special revenue for grants at $60 million and debt service at $100 million

The budget has a focus on the whole child mental wellness, English learners, students in need of additional interventions and supports and employee retention

The budget is built off of the second Florida Education Finance Program calculations

The second calculation is $993 million, $67 million over last year, with $60 million of that going to the Family Empowerment Scholarship, Letcher said. Of the $993 million, $6 7 million goes directly to teacher salary increase allocation

The new dollars increased the FTE to $9,241 per stu-

dent, a $266 increase over last year The base student allocation increased $5,330 98, an increase of $191 25

The school district has set reserves aside to protect schools, $29 5 million Letcher said they have a total of $87 5 million sitting in reserves for contingency for purchase orders that have to carry over from 2024 into 2025

During public comment, Robert Daniels said during the time he has been in Lee County they have acquired 20,000 students and have lost 500 teachers

“That 20,000 students represent $185 million in FTE each year For less than a third of that, you could give each of your instructional, non-administrative staff a flat $10,000 raise,” he said “That means your starting salary for teachers would go beyond Collier, beyond Charlotte, beyond being competitive to incentivizing $60 and a half thousand to start ”

Daniels said they have three assistant principals positions open in the entire county, elementary school assistant principals, positions that start at $77,500

“In contrast you have 190 instructional elementary school positions open That’s enough positions to fully staff three to four elementary schools,” Daniels said “That’s roughly at 20 kids per unit 3,800 elementary school students that don’t have a teacher yet and we are a week from the start of the school year ”

He said they have 328 instructional positions across the county not yet filled as of 4 a m Tuesday morning still being advertised

“That’s roughly 8% of your student body that doesn’t have a teacher in that classroom,” Daniels said “The only way to fix it is throwing money at it ”

F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , A u g u s t 7 , 2 0 2 4 ■ P a g e 1 0

Community support ‘such a good feeling’

Boating accident survivor focuses on recovery; hopes her groundbreaking surgery can help save lives

B y C J H A D D A D

c j h a d d a d @ b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s c o m W i t h h e r u n r e l e n t i n g s p i r i t , N i c h o l e H a l l c o n t i n u e s t o f i g h t b a c k a f t e r a h a r r o w i n g b o a t i n g a c c i d e n t e a r l i e r t h i s y e a r r e s u l t e d i n

e r e s p o n s e f r o m t h e r e g i o n h a s b e e n o v e r w h e l m i n g a n d h a s h e l p e d l i f t h e r s p i r i t s i n t h e m o s t d i f f i c u l t t i m e s “ I t ’

w a s i n t h e h o s p i t a l l o o k i n g a t v i d e o

o o d c a u s

n t h e w a y h o m e ,

f e w f


e o n

b o a t o f t h e i r o w n , t r a v e l i n g a t a l o w r a t e o f s p

n s h a l l o w w a t e r T h e r e , t h e b o a t h i t e i t h e r a w a v e o r a n o b j e c t i n t h e w a t e r , c a u s i n g H a l l a n d t w o o t h e r s t o b e t h r o w n f r o m t h e b o a t U n f o r t u n a t e l y , H a l l w a s h i t b y t h e p r o p e l l e r S h e w a s q u i c k l y h e l p e d b y o t h e r s o n t h e

b o a t

A f t e r a t u m u l t u o u s 2 4 h o u r s f o l l o w i n g t h e i n c i d e n t , i n c l u d i n g t h e a m p u t a t i o n o f h e r l e f t l e g , H a l l , w h o i s

2 9 , w o k e u p t h e n e x t d a y a n d w a s a b l e t o c o m m u n i c a t e v i a n o t e b o o k A f t e r a f e w s u r g e r i e s , s h e w a s e v e n t u a l l y a b l e t o s t a n d o n h e r o w n n e x t t o h e r h o s p i t a l b e d

W h i l e H a l l c o n t i n u e s t o f i g h t , h e r f a m i l y s a y s t h e t y p e o f a m p u t a t i o n t h a t w a s r e q u i r e d , a h e m i p e l v e c t om y , i s a r a r e a n d u n c o m m o n a m p u t a t i o n o f t h e e n t i r e l e g , a s w e l l a s a p o r t i o n o f t h e p e l v i s N o t m a n y h a v e

s u r v i v e d t h i s t y p e o f a m p u t a t i o n I n f a c t , a c c o r d i n g t o a f e l l o w a m p u t e e H a l l m e t , s h e i s o n l y t h e 2 0 3 r d p e r s o n t o h a v e t h i s s p e c i f i c t y p e o f a m p u t a t i o n a n d s u r v i v e H a l l , w h o s e r v e d a s s a l e s a n d m a r k e t i n g d i r e c t o r a t A t r i u m a t L i b e r t y P a r k i n C a p e C o r a l , h a s b e e n o u t o f t h e h o s p i t a l f o r f i v e w e e k s a n d s a i d s h e h a s c o m p l e t e d p h y s i c a l t h e r a p y a n d w i l l s t a r t o u t p a t i e n t w o r k s o o n

H e r h o m e i s c u r r e n t l y u n d e r g o i n g r e n o v a t i o n s t o b e m o r e h a n d


p a c c

S h e s a i d s h e ’ s e v e n b e e n a b l e t o g o t o t h e g y m a f e w t i m e s L a s t M o n d a y , H a l l h a d h e r f i r s t a p p o i n t m e n t w i t h a p r o s t h e t i s t t o s t a r t w o r k

n t h e p r o s

i c s h e w i l

l i z e “ T h a t ’ s t h e b i g g e s t t h i n g i s t o g e t t h a t p r o s t h e t i c , a n d I ’ m r e a l l y e x c i t e d f o r t h a t , ” H a l l s a i d “ I h a d

s a s s i s


l l w i t h m e d i c a l b i l l s a n d m o s t i m p o r t a n t l y , t h e p r o s t h e t i c s h e w i l l s o o n r e c e i v e “ W h e n I s p o k e w i t h a n o t h e r a m p u t e e ( b e l o w t h e k n e e ) , s h e s a i d t h a t o u t - o f - p o c k e t , a f t e r i n s

Nichole Hall

School sales tax holiday for consumers under way

With the first day of the School District of Lee County's 2024-2025 calendar year for students just 10 days away, parents can grab supplies at local stores at a discount before they take to the classroom

The Florida Department of Education and Florida Department of Revenue has once again approved the Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday, which is in effect now through Aug 11 The sales tax holiday allows Florida families to save money on essential items students need for the upcoming school year

“Students can achieve remarkable things when prov i d e d w i t h

Commissioner of Education Manny Diaz, Jr, in a release “Thanks to Governor DeSantis and the Legislature, Florida continues its promise of helping parents purchase school supplies for the coming school year I encourage all families to take advantage of this great opportunity to save money.”

The Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday includes items such as:

∫ Up to $1,500 for personal computers, tablets, electronic book readers, headphones and related accessories

∫ School supplies selling for $50 or less such as binders, notebooks, folders, markers and pencils

∫ Backpacks, clothing and footwear up to $100

∫ Learning aids and related resources such as flashcards, interactive books and matching games selling for $30 or less

Community support

n i t e l y m a k e s i t e a s i e r f i n a n c i a l l y T h a t

w a s a b i g t h i n g I w a s w o r r i e d a b o u t A n d e v e n w i t h d o n a t i o n s a n d s u p p o r t , I ’ m

w o r r i e d a b o u t t h e f u t u r e B u t i t ’ s d e f in i t e l y b e e n a h e l p ”

There is no limit to the number of items one can purchase, as long as the item meets the tax break requirement

“With the Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday in place until the Sunday before classes start this is the perfect

From page 10

H a l l , w h o i s d e s c r i b e d a s a “ s a i n t ” b y h e r f a m i l y , s a i d s h e w o u l d n ’ t b e w h e r e s h e i s t o d a y w i t h o u t t h e i r l o v e . “ T h e y ’ v e b e e n a h u g e s u p p o r t , ”

opportunity for parents to save some money on supplies for their children and any supplies they might want to donate to their child’s school," said School District of Lee County spokesperson, Rob Spicker “Supply lists are available on school websites and at open houses next week We want our students to have an amazing year and coming ready to learn on day one is a great way to start ” Items purchased online are exempt when the order is accepted by a company during the sales tax holiday for immediate shipment, even if delivery is made after the tax holiday

When it comes to defining learning aids and what would qualify as exempt, the Florida Department of Revenue stated that “learning aids” are flashcards or other learning cards, matching or other memory games, puzzle books and search-and-find books, interactive or electronic books and toys intended to teach reading or math skills, and stacking or nesting blocks or sets

“The Back to School Sales Tax Holiday is an excellent way for Florida families to save money on the supplies students need for a successful school year,” said Jim Zingale, Executive Director of the Florida Department of Revenue, in a release

There will be a second Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday during the spring semester of the school year to help families replenish their child’s school supplies.

For more information and to view the lists of qualifying items, visit the Department of Revenue's Back-to-

floridarevenue com/backtoschool/


page 1

the property would be made available with an area for bike parking

There would be four units of single-family bay homes and a 29,000 square-feet beach club

Early voting

The private beach club would extend two stories high and would be accessible by a private overpass across Estero Blvd. The club would have 35 parking spaces

According to plans submitted to the

From page 1

The closest site to Fort Myers Beach is Lakes Regional Library at 15290 Bass Road

Voters returning their ballot by mail are suggested to mail their ballot no later than Tuesday, Aug 13, to ensure timely receipt


dropped off at any of the Lee County

Friday, from 8:30 a m to 5 p m or on Election Day, from 8:30 a m to 7 p m

Vote-by-Mail Ballots may also be dropped off at authorized Secure Ballot Intake Stations located at each Early Voting site during the Early Voting period

Check your signatures

checking signatures to match those on file for vote-by-mail ballots and at the voting booth Make sure your ballot is signed and matches your regular signature

In 2022, the office flagged 88 signatures that were deemed not to match by the office of the Lee County Supervisor of Elections, including one by a Fort Myers Beach voter The office also flagged 108 ballots for missing signatures

“We make every attempt to notify voters throughout the election,” said Gaby Aguirre, a Lee County Elections Office spokesperson “In addition to mail, our office will contact them by email and phone if we have that information on file ”

From page 4

tel system for sex trafficking or who knows what else

I conclude that the Biden system under h

, Alejandro Mayorkas who brags about how everything is under control at the border, benefits the cartels causing enor-

town, the project would also include a linear park and fountain

The beachfront restaurant would be open to the public and total 7,500 square-feet with a 2,500 square-feet dining terrace

Voters will have until the Thursday after the election to correct a signature or verify their signature

Voters can go online to the Lee County Supervisor of Elections website to fill out an application to change or update a signature or do so at an elections office Voters have up to the day before the elections office processes vote-by-mail ballots to update their signatures, Lee County Supervisor of Elections Tommy Doyle said Voters flagged for a signature can fill out an affidavit and replace their signatures with a new one

The county’s supervisor of elections has a canvassing board that reviews all signatures which Doyle said includes an employee of the office, a judge and a state attorney investigator


mous suffering of illegal immigrants You might say Mayorkas is an accomplice in the crimes committed He could not be more helpful to the cartels Government’s first priority is the safely of its citizens and now the present administration not only watches as our cities are filled with crime but magnify that crime with setups for the cartels in

their $20 billion business

Whoopi Goldberg said on The View that she would vote for Biden even if he pooped his pants and can’t put a sentence together

I see that attitude in many voters They don’t like Trump even though his border policies saved millions of people from being robbed, raped and murdered To

The development will need both approval from the Local Planning Agency and Town of Fort Myers Beach Council to be rezoned as a Commercial Planned Development

Voters can also update their signatures on their licenses at the local DMV office for those voting in person though Lee County Supervisor of Elections Tommy Doyle said that is not ultimately necessary as voters can always update their signature before voting if there is an issue with an elections official

Doyle said his office is trying to get the department of motor vehicles to make the process for license signatures better

“A lot of signatures from the DMV are not very good,” he said.

“If you go to the poll both and you have a picture ID, the poll worker is looking at you The signatures don’t have to match They have to verify it’s you by looking at you,” he said Poll workers can also check signatures against past signatures

some, personality is 100% of what a president should have Personality before lives! Some distorted thinking I think One big issue in this election Nov 5 is whether you vote for more crime or against it

John Benedict Cape Coral

Doyle faces primary challenger in Supervisor of Elections race

Tommy Doyle has served as Lee County Supervisor of Elections since 2016 and has heard the worries espoused by his Republican primary opponent Michael “Mick” Peters and a contingent of the electorate concerned about potential voter fraud He has heard those who think the 2020 presidential election was stolen from former President Donald Trump

Doyle is here to tell you that election wasn’t stolen and that elections in Lee County are among the safest in the state and the country Voter fraud, he said, is a rarity When there is an allegation, his office looks into it and takes it seriously But the amount of voter fraud that would have been needed to happen in the 2020 election didn’t happen, as experts and many courtrooms have all agreed since

This primary is an open contest, meaning voters of any party or even independents can vote to choose the Republican candidate There are no other challengers for the office.

The issue of voter fraud is the cornerstone of the campaign by Peters, who said he is also concerned about undocumented immigrants voting and even the identities of dead voters being used by voters

Doyle said there is no evidence any of that is occurring, has occurred or will occur here “He has nothing,” Doyle said of the allegations by Peters

Peters, who is 65, is on the Lee County Republican Party Executive Committee He moved to Lee County in 2011 and works as a commercial mortgage broker

“I want the cleanest elections in Florida,” Peters said “Our current system is a trainwreck,” he said of the electoral process “Both parties really stink at this I don’t know why people think Republicans can do this better than Democrats ”

Peters, who resides in Fort Myers, said he is “data-driven” and calls himself “a bean counter ”

Doyle said the most recent case that bordered on a potential misuse of a ballot in Lee County was when an elderly woman whose husband died notified his office that a vote-by-mail ballot was sent to him and returned it Apparently trying to help his office, she signed the ballot as it was sent back with a note telling the office that her husband died.

“She was trying to help,” Doyle said Doyle’s office removed more than 10,000 deceased voters from the Lee County voting registration rolls this year His office is notified by the Clerk of the Court and the

Lee County Super visor of Elections Republican Primar y

Incumbent Super visor of Elections

Tommy Doyle

Age: 72

Length of residence in c o unty



Donna for 37 years and

Ryan, Taylor and Lauren



United States Air Force



www VoteDoyle com

Lee County Health Department every week of deceased residents

Doyle said his office is notified by the Clerk of Courts anytime an undocumented immigrant reports for jury duty so that they can be checked to make sure they are not on a voter registration roll

This year, about 8,000 vote-by-mail ballots were sent back to his office by the Post Office, meaning the voters no longer resided there The ballots were never opened and the Supervisor of Elections does not forward ballots to forwarded addresses

His office also verifies every signature on a ballot. If somebody were to open a ballot that wasn’t their own and try to fill it out, they would need to know the person’s signature, Doyle said Voters can also update their signatures by signing an application form online The office has a full-time staff to review signatures In the case that a signature is rejected, a voter will be notified and have the opportunity to come to the Supervisor of Elections office and verify their signature

The office also sends out confirmation notices to voters every election cycle to ensure they are still residing at their residence If the Post Office notifies the Supervisor of Elections of a change in address, the voter is put on an inactive list After two election cycles, that voter is removed from the rolls and de-registered

Age: 65

Lee County Elections began the initial mailing of domestic Vote-by-Mail Ballots for the Primary Election on Tuesday, July 16

Approximately 130,000 Vote-by-Mail Ballots will be mailed to voters who requested one for the Aug 20 Primary Election

Voters who have not submitted a Voteby-Mail request to the office since the 2022 General Election will need to sub-


Michael “Mick” Peters

Commercial mortgage broker

Length of residence in county: Since 2011

Family: Married, wife

Marge and two children

Education: High school graduate, attended college

Campai g n w e bs i te : Mick4yourvote com

Peters said he is also worried about drop boxes being potentially misused Doyle said the dropboxes are monitored in-person An individual is not allowed to possess more than two ballots that aren’t on their own at the dropbox though they can drop off as many ballots of family members

Doyle said election security and streamlining services to make the electoral process more efficient are his top issues

“When I first ran for election, I promised to eliminate long lines at polling locations, protect your tax dollars, and ensure our elections are secure. I’m proud to say we’ve accomplished all those things and more,” Doyle said “Our community has faced numerous challenges over the past few years We’ve endured hurricanes, a pandemic, and a historic recount in 2018 In every instance I relied on my business experience, ingenuity, and outside-the-box thinking, and each time we persevered to conducted successful elections ”

Doyle said he was recently asked by a voter if the 2020 presidential election was stolen “My reply to her was ‘voter fraud is very rare and it is usually a mistake by the voter,’” Doyle said Lee County is one of the best in the country in protecting against voter fraud, Doyle said. “Our elections are secure and accurate ”

Voters who have not submitted a Vote-by-Mail request to the office since the 2022 General Election will need to submit a new request to receive a Vote-by-Mail Ballot for the 2024 elections Requests can be made by calling (239) 533-8683 or online at www lee vote

mit a new request to receive a Vote-byMail Ballot for the 2024 elections

Requests can be made by calling (239) 533-8683 or online at www lee vote

Deadline to request a Vote-by-Mail Ballot:

Important dates . . .

∫ Primary Election: Tuesday, Aug 20

∫ Deadline to request that a Voteby-Mail Ballot to be mailed: 5 p m , Saturday, Aug 13

∫ Early Voting for the Primary: Saturday, Aug 10, to Saturday, Aug 17, 10 a m to 6 p m , daily

∫ General Election: Tuesday, Nov 5

For more information on the 2024 races and candidates:

∫ The Lee County Supervisor of

Elections’s office posts all city-election related documents, including campaign reports at lee vote

∫ The Lee County Supervisor of Elections has a wealth of elections-related information concerning registration, voting, dates and candidate lists and documents on its website, lee vote

∫ The League of Women Voters, Lee County offers election-related information on its website, my lwv org/florida/lee-county, and will host Virtual Candidate Forums before the Primary

5 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 8, Deadline to return a Vote-by-Mail Ballot:

7 p m , Election Day, Tuesday, Aug 20

If you plan to return your ballot in the mail, the Elections Office suggest you do so no later than Tuesday, Aug 13

The League of Women Voters of Lee County is taking an active role in local elections, stressing voter turnout while also providing information issues and candidates

“Elected leaders make the decisions that affect us, our jobs, healthcare, energy costs, education and more Every eligible voter should exercise their right to be heard at the ballot box,” said Sandy Frank, president of the League of Women Voters of Lee County, Inc said in a prepared statement.

All eligible voters, including those

Secure Ballot Intake Station, located at every Early Voting site during Early Voting dates and times Click here for Early Voting dates, times, and locations

Track the status of your Vote-by-Mail Ballot at www lee vote

without a party affiliation, may vote in the Aug 20 election

Ballots will include non-partisan races for Lee County School Board, Cape Coral City Council, Fort Myers City Council and judges Ballots for voters with a party affiliation will include their party’s candidates

The league also offers the following information and resources:

∫ Request mail ballot: Request your Vote-by-Mail Ballot by Aug 8 Contact the Supervisor of Elections,

Tommy Doyle
Michael “Mick” Peters

Mulicka, Thornton face off for District 3 seat

Lee County Republican primary voters will have a choice to decide who gets on the November ballot for the open Lee County District 3 Commissioner seat being vacated by Commissioner Ray Sandelli

David Mulicka, owner and founder of HONC Destruction, and Matt Thornton, a retired contractor who lives off San Carlos Boulevard on Fort Myers Beach outside town limits and operates a ranch in North Fort Myers are running in the Republican primary

The candidates have different visions of the district and county, with Mulicka favoring more development while Thornton calls himself an “environmental conservation” candidate

“I am very pro-property rights,” Mulicka said “We are never going to stop growth from happening ” Mulicka favors developments proposed off Main Street in Fort Myers Beach for the Bay Harbour marina and hotel, townhouse and commercial project. The project is currently in front of the Lee County Board of County Commissioners for a land use change approval “Something good needs to happen there,” he said

Mulicka also favors the Kingston project which has drawn widespread opposition from environmental groups who say it represents threats to the endangered Florida panther population Mulicka said the developers behind the project, Cameratta Companies, “are very thoughtful about conservation ”

Mulicka, a lifelong resident of Lee County, is married to state Rep Jenna-Persons Mulicka He sees his years of experience in the contracting business and pulling permits from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and working with the Army Corps of Engineers as a positive that could help the county rebuild the Fort Myers Beach Pier faster Mulicka said he has been visiting the pier since he was a child “It’s an engine for economic development We need to get it back as soon as we can,” he said

“I love Lee County and have had a wonderful life growing up here,” Mulicka said “I want to use my conservative business and community involvement experience to help rebuild and improve our paradise, keep our residents safe, restore and protect our waterways, and get government red tape out of the way for businesses.

Thornton, who grew up around Fernandina Beach and began visiting Fort Myers Beach as a child in the 1970s with his family tug boating, bought a residence on San Carlos Boulevard in Fort Myers Beach (outside town limits) eight months ago with his wife Christi They had been living in Cape Coral but Thornton said they grew tired of increasing taxes and paying tolls for trips to Fort Myers Beach He moved to Lee County four years ago and also owns a ranch in North Fort Myers

He said voters on Fort Myers Beach he speaks to want to

Lee County District 3 Commissioner Primar y

Candidate profile

David Mulicka

Age: 57


Education: Graduated

University of Florida

Family: Married, two children

Years in district: 19, lifelong resident of Lee County

www DavidMulicka com

keep the “small town feel” of Fort Myers Beach

“I want to see Fort Myers Beach go back to the way it was,” Thornton said Thornton said the town needs housing for those who work on the island and called the Bay Harbour project on Main Street “not the greatest idea ”

Thornton and his wife Christi have started a golf cart business on Fort Myers Beach called Trippin Rides “It’s better to go tripping with us then tripping on the sidewalks,” he said Thornton said they have plans to expand to shuttling visitors to the area from the airport to Fort Myers Beach and Sanibel in what he sees as “a big need” due to the traffic

Thornton said the infrastructure can’t handle the multiple large-scale hotel development projects heading for the Fort Myers Beach area “Infrastructure is a problem,” he said Thornton is concerned about increasing development leading to delays evacuating the island in the event of another hurricane an issue cited in the initial rejection of the Bay Harbor plans by an administrative law judge

Mulicka said the town lost a lot of hotel rooms to Hurricane Ian

“So much has been removed, we need to start putting them back,” Mulicka said “We’ve lost so many homes ”

Mulicka said it was important to learn from Hurricane Ian to ensure properties are rebuilt the right way.

“We will learn from this thing,” he said

“The market knows where the best place in the world is to build is and will continue to build here,” Mulicka said

He had a firsthand look at the devastation Hurricane Ian brought to Fort Myers Beach, as his company was responsible for demolishing many of the homes destroyed on the island and off-island

“It was difficult because everybody needed everything at

Guest Commentary

Candidate profile

Matt Thor nton

Age: 62


contractor, cattle rancher

Educ ati

School in St Petersburg




8 months (four years in Lee County)


te : www Thornton4lee com

once,” Mulicka said “Everybody needed us but nobody wanted it We had tears on the contracts ”

Mulicka said the town has done a good job at rebuilding quicker than many expected

“It was so decimated I think people forgot how bad it was,” Mulicka said “People are still suffering PTSD from the amount of devastation ”

That said, Mulicka also sees the county’s growth as “putting strain on roadways and infrastructure We must change the mindset of building for today’s needs, and instead build for the needs of our future ”

He is also concerned about water quality and wants better water restoration plans

Thornton said the county needs a better mass transit plan and wants to conserve more land

“Our inland areas are being overrun by developers that are not doing their part to improve our infrastructure prior to building, then leaving it up to the taxpayers to foot the bill Yes, we need to continue to build, but in a sustainable way that serves the environment and the community equally Housing in our suburbs should have larger parcels to promote an environmentally sustainable growth for those areas as those before us have determined,” Thornton said Thornton said Fort Myers Beach needs a lot of assistance.

“Fort Myers Beach needs a lot of help,” Thornton said “It needs help from a lot of people and needs help from people who aren’t on Fort Myers Beach ”

County commission candidates must live in the district which they represent but are elected countywide

The District 3 race has no Democratic candidate but does have a qualified write-in candidate, Jake Cataldo

E a r l y V o t i n g s c h e d u l e o r v o t e i n p e r s o n o n E l e c t i o n D a y A s a r e m i n d e r , y o u c a n o n l y v o t e i n y o u r a s s i g n e d p r e c i n c t o n E l e c t i o n

D a y

r g o v e r nm e n t a t a l l l e v e l s T h i s y e a r , e v e r y v o t e r w i l l h a v e s o m e t h i n g t o v o t e o n B a l l o t s w i l l i n c l u d e p a r t i s a n a n d n o n p a r t i s a n r a c e s , a s w e l l a s t w o u n i v e r s a l p r im a r y c o n t e s t s G i v e n t h e s i g n i f i c a n c e o f t h e r a c e s b e i n g d e c i d e d i n t h e p r i m a r y , i t i s u n f o r t u n a t e t h a t v o t e r t u r n o u t r e m a i n s h i s t o r i c a l l y l o w f o r p r im a r y e l e c t i o n s F l o r i d a ' s E l e c t i o n C o d e p r ov i d e s y o u w i t h t h r e e d i f f e r e n t v o ti n g o p t i o n s Y o u c a n v o t e b y m a i l , v o t e i n p e r s o n d u r i n g t h e f l e x i b l e

V o t e - b y - M a i l b a l l o t a s y o u r j u s ti n - c a s e i n s u r a n c e p o l i c y a n d m a k e

y o u r p l a n s o y o u a r e r e a d y t o v o t e ! T o v i e w t h e n e w s l e t t e r , v i s i t

h t t p s : / / w w w l e e v o t e / N e w s r o o m / N

e w s l e t t e r / C u r r e n t - N e w s l e t t e r

T o m m y D o y l e i s t h e L e e C o u n t y

S u p e r v i s o r o f E l e c t i o n s F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t h t t p s : / / w w w l e e v o t e / o r c a l l 2 3 9 -

I n o u r s u m m e r n e w s l e t t e r , w e h a v e p r o v i d e d a g u i d e t h a t i n c l u d e s e v e r y t h i n g y o u n e e d t o k n o w f o r t h e A u g 2 0 p r i m a r y e l e c t i o n I e n c o u r a g e y o u t o r e a d i t t h o r o u g hl y , e n s u r e y o u r i n f o r m a t i o n i s c u rr e n t w i t h m y o f f i c e , r e q u e s t y o u r

5 3 3 - 8 6 8 3

The Lee Board of County Commissioners voted Tuesday to approve the purchase of property off Alico Road for an Emergency Medical Services facility. The facility will be located in ITEC Park off Alico Road in south Fort Myers

The purchase price is $3 75 million, plus closing costs, and includes land, design, and construction of the facility Construction is expected to begin next year

The facility will serve the area around Florida Gulf Coast University and the WildBlue community, as w

David Mulicka
Matt Thornton


Curlew Street, which has been hit hard by flooding over the past year due to town and county drainage issues, was flooded again by Hurricane Debby on Sunday.


From page 1

to address the town’s stormwater draining i n f r a s t r u c t u r e t h a t w a s d a m a g e d b y Hurricane Ian and which has had issues since before Hurricane Ian

“We had a big storm surge on the back bay The way the wind was flowing, it really pushed the water back to the mangroves,” Kropacek said

“We had a lot of flooding over the seawalls,” he said

Kropacek said the town doesn’t have holding facilities for stormwater, “so everything that we catch stormwater-wise gets pushed back out onto the bay,” he said

Kropacek said the town’s stormwater system is such that on a handful of streets that are at sea level or below sea level, a simple use of a garden hose can flood a street under certain situations

Hyatt said the town’s contractor will be cleaning out storm drains

Town employees have been busy since Sunday cleaning out sand that washed up on Times Square and into storm drains along Old San Carlos Boulevard. The town also just started a new beach renourishment project

Residents on Fort Myers Beach reported flooded out streets, garages and in some cases six inches of water or more in their homes

Fort Myers Beach Fire Chief Scott Wirth said the department ran about a dozen calls Sunday related to the storm and flooding

“There were a variety of stalled vehi-

cles, fire alarms, and powerline or arcing issues. We put out a special request for highwater vehicles and had two in district which we used on a couple of calls,”

Wirth said “With our mutual resources, there were no incidents that we were unable to respond to Today has been quiet However, high tide is in another hour so we will have to wait-and-see At about 11 a m this morning the water was nearly to the top of the seawall so I expect some additional flooding from now until probably early evening but nothing like yesterday.”

F o r m e r F o r t M y e r s B e a c h

Councilmember Bill Veach who is nearing completion of repairs on his garage after it suffered heavy damage during Hurricane Ian, said “The water got within an inch or so of our garage floor But there isn’t much there on the ground ”

L i k e m a n y o n t h e i s l a n d s i n c e

Hurricane Ian, Veach is still living in a trailer in front of his beachfront property He watched Sunday as many motorists attempted to drive through the flooded Estero Boulevard “Estero is flooded from storm surge and a parade of people are driving around ” Luckily, the flooding did not impact his trailer “There was a stream of water flowing under the trailer but it was clear,” he said

T h e t o w n a n d c o u n t y h a v e h a d

stormwater issues on Fort Myers Beach that predated Hurricane Ian A six-year project to rebuild Estero Boulevard along

“The water in the street was flooding even before the storm. Nearly every home at our end of the street had water in their homes So sad because the drainage problem has not been fixed ”

-Nadine DeGenova, resident of Curlew Street on Fort Myers Beach

with a stormwater project in the town was damaged by Hurricane Ian Lee County, which owns Estero Boulevard the main road through the town, has said that drainage on the road is not working properly due to damage from Hurricane Ian The county is working with the Federal Highway Administration to implement repairs

Residents on Curlew Street who have complained about flooding and lack of proper drainage before Hurricane Ian, said the street was hit hard again by flooding

on Sunday

Nadine DeGenova said Monday she has been cleaning up from the flooding again in her home She said the trouble started before Debby even hit “We had at least two inches of water in our home,” DeGenova said “The water in the street w a s f

Nearly every home at our end of the street had water in their homes So sad because the drainage problem has not been fixed ” L

See FLOODS, page 18

F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , A u g u s t 7 , 2 0 2 4 ■ P a g e 1 8

Floods From page 17

r e s p o n d e d t o t h e d o w n t o w n a r e a w h i c h w a s h i t h a r d b y t h e f l o o d i n g a s w e l l

S h e r i f f C a r m i n e M a r c e n o s a i d h e d e p l o y e d a s w a m p b u g g y , a i r b o a t , s i d e b y s i d e s , F 2 5 0 t r u c k s , a n d v e s s e l s t o t h e i s l a n d t o a s s i s t w i t h t h e f l o o d i n g “ W h i l e m a n y b u s i n e s s e s o n F o r t M y e r s B e a c h a r e b e g i n n i n g t o r e b u i l d f r o m H u r r i c a n e I a n , t h e r a i n b a n d s f r o m T r o p i c a l S t o r m D e b b y c a u s e d a s u bs t a n t i a l a m o u n t o f f l o o d i n g i n T i m e s S q u a r e a n d t h e a r e a o f O l d S a n C a r l o s , ” M a r c e n o s a i d M a r c e n o p e r s o n a l l y w e n t t o t h e i s l a n d t o a s s i s t . “ A s t h e C h i e f L a w E n f o r c e m e n t O f f i c e r

“While we’re in the midst of hurricane season, I encourage all residents to stay informed, have a plan in place for you and your family, and do not wait until the last minute to obtain essential items necessary to get through a weather event ”

Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno

Tropical Storm Debby brought more than three feet of storm surge to Fort Myers Beach streets on Sunday


L y n n H a l l M e m o r i a l P a r k o n F o r t M y e r s B e a c h h a s b e e n t e m p o r a r i l y c l o s e d b y L e e C o u n t y d u e t o t h e e f f e c t s o f H u r r i c a n e D e b b y a n d w o r k b e i n g d o n e t o c l e a r s a n d o u t t h a t w a s h e d u p o n t


y f e e l s s u p p o r t e d d u r i n g t i m e s o f u n c e r t a i n t y , ” h e s a i d M a r c e n o s a i d h e e n c o u r a g e s a l l r e s id e n t s t o s t a y i n f o r m e d d u r i n g t h i s h u r r ic a n e s e a s o n “ H a v e a p l a n i n p l a c e f o r y o u a n d y o u r f a m i l y , a n d d o n o t w a i t u n t i l t h e l a s t m i n u t e t o o b t a i n e s s e n t i a l i t e m s n e c e s s a r y t o g e t t h r o u g h a w e a t h e r e v e n t , ” M a r c e n o s a i d “ W h i l e F l o r i d a w e a t h e r c a n b e u n p r e d i c t a b l e , m y f a m i -

l y m e m b e r s a n d I s t a n d p r e p a r e d t o r e s p o n d a n d a s s i s t w i t h a n y e v e n t t h a t

c o m e s o u r w a y ”

Town of Fort Myers Beach Public Works employees work on removing sand that washed up on Times Square from the beach during flooding from Tropical Storm Debby Sunday
PHOTO PROVIDED Vehicles attempt to pass through flooded out Estero Boulevard on Fort Myers Beach Sunday during Tropical Storm Debby
A vehicle that was stuck in the flooded roads of Fort Myers Beach is towed out Sunday during Tropical Storm Debby

immune system to fight off illnesses and do its job well

It’s especially important to practice staying healthy during the season when large gatherings and illnesses like the flu are more common, but these tips can be practiced yearlong to help ensure proper health for all

If you’re starting to feel flu-like symptoms, please visit a convenient care location, your primary care provider or make an appointment with Lee TeleHealth, which provides e-Visits to message with a provider, on demand video visits and scheduled video visits

The emergency department is strongly encouraged if you’re experiencing severe symptoms

To receive your flu shot when the vaccine is available, make an appointment with your primary care provider, or for more information, visit www leehealth org

Dr. Mary Beth Saunders is Lee Health’s System Medical Director of Epidemiology

Clerk’s office holding class on eviction process

Landlords and tenants who need information about the eviction process are invited to attend a


Evictions in Lee County have increased by 35 7% over the past three years, and the Clerk’s office wants to help educate the community on the process associated with filing and responding to an eviction case

The How-To class will be held from 2-3 p m on Wednesday, August 14 at the North Fort Myers Public Library in Room AB The library is located at 2001 North Tamiami Trail in North Fort Myers

During the class, attendees will learn the following:

Landlord & tenant rights and responsibilities

What forms & information are required to

file and respond to an eviction

Steps in serving & responding to a summons:

∫ The steps needed in responding to an eviction

∫ Time limits & related fees

∫ Additional steps to follow after filing and responding to an eviction

∫ Available resources for landlords and tenants

The class is free, but registration is required Anyone who would like to attend can register at www leeclerk org/seminar

This class is part of the “How-To” series provided by the Lee Clerk’s office to educate the community about all of the resources available to them Recorded tutorials of past “How-To” classes are available at www leeclerk org/howto


nmayberg@breezenewspapers com

The music will be back on Old San Carlos Boulevard this Sunday for the Bayside Park Concert Series after last Sunday’s show was canceled due to Hurricane Debby

This Sunday, folks in downtown Fort Myers Beach can enjoy a free show from the party band Mockingbird at Bayside Veterans Park from 4 p m to 7 p m

The park is situated next to Snug Harbor Waterfront Restaurant, the Harbor House, Nervous Nellie’s and Wahoo Willie’s

The Town of Fort Myers Beach, in conjunction with the Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce and local business sponsors, put on the weekly shows overlooking the bay

The series sponsor is the Alex King Group Stage sponsors are Gavins Ace Hardware and the Florida

Structural Group Title Sponsors are Nervous Nellie’s, Snug Harbor Restaurant and Wahoo Willie's Lawn chairs and well-behaved pets on a six-feet or less leash are encouraged There will be no outside food or beverage permitted on the turf inside the park For more information,

the Fort Myers Beach

www fortmyersbeach org/events/bayside-concert-series/

F o r t M y e r s B e a c h O b s e r v e r f o r t m y e r s b e a c h t a l k . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , A u g u s t 7 , 2 0 2 4 ■ P a g e 2 4

Margaritaville celebrates Jimmy Buffett Day and invites community to ‘Keep the Party Going’

Florida has declared Aug 30 as Jimmy Buffett Day To celebrate, Margaritaville Beach Resort Fort Myers Beach and Compass Hotel By Margaritaville Naples invite you to join them and “Keep the Party Going ” Both Margaritaville locations will be hosting special events throughout Labor Day weekend, beginning on Aug 30, coinciding with Jimmy Buffett Day These events are open to the public and include live music performances, food and drink specials, games and fundraising initiatives

Guests can also enjoy JD Spradlin from Radio Margaritaville, who will be broadcasting live from Margaritaville Beach Resort Fort Myers Beach on Saturday from 10 a m to 2 p m He will broadcast live f r o m C o

Sunday, Sept 1, from 3 to 7 p m “This day and weekend are being planned in the spirit of Jimmy as we strive to emulate his good nature, kindness and spirit of fun in all we do,” said Liz Morris, area director of sales and marketing

Jimmy Buffett Day will become an annual day of service at Margaritaville properties across the nation, providing all hotels and resorts an opportunity to do something great in their respective communities in the spirit of Jimmy Several fundraising initiatives are underway at both Margaritaville Beach Resort Fort Myers Beach and Compass by Margaritaville Naples

Under a limited time, “Keep the Party Going” room package, guests will receive 20% off along with two commemorative cups and a nightly $5 contribution will be donated to a local community partner The room package is available at both properties through Aug 31 for stays through the end of 2024 Some restrictions may apply At Compass Hotel by Margaritaville Naples, the nightly $5 contribution will be donated to Harry Chapin Food Bank. The money from this initiative on Fort Myers Beach will go to FMB Strong, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting the community on Fort Myers Beach as it

rebuilds from Hurricane Ian

For more information on the events or to book this room package at Margaritaville Resort Fort Myers Beach, visit Margaritaville Beach Resort Fort Myers Beach or Compass by Margaritaville Naples, visit Compass Hotel by Margaritaville Naples

In addition to the nightly contribution from the Keep the Party Going room package, both properties are inviting the community to give back in many ways

Margaritaville Beach Resort Fort Myers Beach:

∫ Drink for a cause: The resort will donate a portion of its signature drink sales to FMB Strong and a portion of beer sales to Calusa Waterkeeper Additionally, the resort will host the finale of Taps Flow for H20, an inaugural annual event hosted by Calusa Waterkeeper

∫ Back-to-school drive: Margaritaville Beach Resort is collecting items like crayons, backpacks, pencils and notebooks to support the Foundation for Lee County Schools and Fort Myers Beach Elementary School Donations can be dropped off at Fins Up! Beach Club or the resort lobby

Compass Hotel by Margaritaville Naples:

∫ Drink for a cause: The hotel will donate a portion of its signature drink sales to Harry Chapin Food Bank, and sales over Labor Day weekend will support the philanthropic efforts of both the Naples and SWFL Parrot Head Clubs

∫ Community donation drive: The hotel is asking residents to donate toiletries, blankets and socks to support St Matthew’s House Items and hygiene products can be dropped off in the hotel lobby

Additionally, 15% of all Jimmy Buffett merchandise sales at both locations will be donated to Jimmy’s Singing for Change foundation

Bring your friends, or make some along the way, and join these Margaritaville locations as they Keep the Party Going Post on social media with #KeepThePartyGoing for a chance to have your Jimmy Buffett-inspired content featured

SWFL Children’s Charities hosts second Wine & Women event

S W F L C h i l d r e n ’ s C h a r i t i e s I n c r e c e n t l y l a u n c h e d a n e w s u m m e r w i n e s e r i e s g e a r e d a t b r i n g i n g l i k e - m i n d e d w o m e n t o g e t h e r a r o u n d a g r e a t c a u s e a n d s u p p o r t i n g r e s t a u r a n t & w i n e r y p a r t n e r s d u r i n g t h e s l o w e r s u m m e r m o n t h s T h e c o - c h a i r s o f W i n e & W o m e n a r e K a t y C i c c a r e l l o a n d R e n e e

S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a W i n e & F o o d F e s t S W F L C h i l d r e n ’ s C h a r i t i e s I n c i s a n o n p r o f i t o r g a n i z a t i o n d e d i c a t e d t o s a v i n g c h i l d r e n ’ s l i v e s b y s u p p o r t i n g t h e r e g i o n ’ s g r o w i n g p e d i a t r i c h e a l t h

c a r e s y s t e m S W F L C h i l d r e n ’ s

C i c c a r e l l o a n d t h e g r o u p w i l l h o s t m o n t h l y s o c i a l s t h r o u g h S e p t e m b e r T h e J u l y w i n e e v e n t w a s h e l d a t S t o n e ’ s T h r o w i n C a p e C o r a l w h e r e a t t e n d e e s s i p p e d o n w i n e s f r o m U t o p i u m C a s s a t a W i n e s a n d l e a r n e d a b o u t S W F L C h i l d r e n ’ s C h a r i t i e s , I n c a n d t h e i r a n n u a l s i g n a t u r e f u n d r a i s e r ,

C h a r i t i e s I n c ’ s a n n u a l s i g n a t u r e f u n d r a i s e r , t h e S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a W i n e & F o o d F e s t , h a s d o n a t e d o v e r $ 2 9

m i l l i o n o v e r t h e p a s t 1 5 y e a r s i n s u pp o r t o f c h i l d r e n ’ s h e a l t h i n i t i a t i v e s i n c l u d i n g p e d i a t r i c o n c o l o g y , b e h a v -

i o r a l a n d m e n t a l h e a l t h , p e d i a t r i c n e u -

r o s u r g e r y a n d m o r e

C e l e b r a t i n g i t s 1 6 t h y e a r , t h e 2 0 2 5

S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a W i n e & F o o d F e s t

w i l l t a k e p l a c e o n F r i d a y a n d S a t u r d a y ,

J a n u a r y 1 7 & 1 8 a n d w i l l f e a t u r e C h e f V i n t n e r D i n n e r s c r e a t i v e l y h o s t e d i n p r i v a t e l u x u r y v e n u e s a c r o s s t h e r e

PHOTO PROVIDED Margaritaville Beach Resort, Fort Myers Beach
5 o'Clock Bar, Compass Hotel by Margaritaville Naples.

Shell museum releases new schedule for programming

The Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum & Aquarium on Sanibel recently announced its upcoming lineup of chances for the community to take part in field

Search and Biodiversity Walks, Live Mollusk Counts, and Sunrise Shell and Mollusk Strolls In addition, Beach Walks will be held on Wednesdays at 9 a.m. starting in December at the Sundial Beach Resort & Spa on Sanibel

“These summer and fall programs offer opportunities for education, community science and fun,” museum Associate Director of Education Jorden Falker said “Getting outside and enjoying our beautiful beaches and natural areas in Lee County is also a wonderful way to learn

Snail Search and Biodiversity Walks

Participants will join a museum educator for biodiversity walks in natural areas throughout Lee County. They will observe flora and fauna and document land snail sightings The information gathered will contribute to community science about land snail species distribution in Southwest Florida

The following walks are scheduled:

∫ Aug 9 at 10 a m at the Estero Bay Preserve State Park in Estero

∫ Sept 24 at 1 p m at the Pond Apple Trail on Sanibel

∫ Oct 25 at 4 p m at the Koreshan State Park in Estero

∫ Nov. 19 at 10 a.m. at the Wild Turkey Strand Preserve in Fort Myers

∫ Dec 11 at 3 p m at the Caloosahatchee Creeks Preserve East in North Fort Myers

The walks are free, but advance registration is required

To register, email jfalker@shellmuseum org

Live Mollusk Counts

Participants will contribute to community science by walking the Lighthouse Beach on Sanibel at some of the lowest tides of the year to document sightings of living mollusks The data collected will be used to help benchmark the health of local mollusk species on the island

The following counts are scheduled:

∫ Sept 21 at 9 a m

∫ Nov 18 at 8 a m


The Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum & Aquarium will hold a Sunrise Shell and Mollusk Stroll on Oct 19, Nov 17 and Dec 16 at the Lighthouse Beach on Sanibel

The counts are free, but advance registration is required

To register, email jfalker@shellmuseum org

Sunrise Shell and Mollusk Strolls

Participants will join a museum marine biologist for low-tide beach strolls with good shelling conditions at the Lighthouse Beach on Sanibel They will learn about local mollusks and their shells, while searching for live mollusks

The following strolls are scheduled:

∫ Oct 19 at 8:30 a m

∫ Nov 17 at 7:30 a m

∫ Dec 16 at 7:30 a m

The cost is $10 for adults, $5 for museum members, and $5 for ages 17 and under Parking at the beach is not included in the cost.

Capacity for the strolls is limited, so advance registration is required

To register, visit ShellMuseum org/sunrise-stroll

Beach Walks

A Live Mollusk Count will be organized by the B a i l e y - M a t t h

M u s e u m & Aquarium on Sept 21 and Nov 18 along the Lighthouse Beach on Sanibel

receive an introduction to local shells, exploration and shelling They will also discuss their morning's finds

The cost is $10 for adults, $5 for museum members, and $5 for ages 17 and under

Advance registration is required


ShellMuseum org/beach-walks

For more information about the programs, visit https://www shellmuseum org/ or contact jfalker@shellmuseum org

The Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum & Aquarium is at 3075 Sanibel-Captiva Road, Sanibel

The Southwest Florida Symphony to roll out its mobile educational tool, The Music Box Truck, Aug. 28

The Southwest Florida Symphony, L e e C o u n t y ’ s o n l y p r o f e s s i o n a l orchestra and fourth oldest in the state, rolls out its new mobile education and community outreach tool, The Music Box Truck, on Wednesday, Aug 28, at 12:30 p m for a very special visit with patients at Golisano Children’s Hospital This 14’ long “box truck” is painted, polished, and ready to deliver a taste of the Symphony wherever it goes This unique vehicle serves as a r o l l i n g c l a s s r o o m t h r o u g h o u t Southwest Florida, providing school visits and participation at community events, and area hospitals, including Golisano Children’s Hospital Robert V a n W i n k l e , t h e S y m p h o n y ’ s Education and Community Outreach Ambassador, has created curriculum to accompany Music Box Truck visits, which he leads at every stop The M

hands-on instruments from the orchestra, lectures, games, and even a firstrate boombox to provide musical support for visits. There will also be demonstrations and mini-classes from professional musicians when possible Van Winkle says, “With The Music Box in play, we now have a greater ability to reach more young people and provide music education, appreciation, and motivation to attend classical music concerts The Southwest Florida Symphony is committed to reaching out in every way possible to show the community how beautiful, v a l u a b

e , a n d a c c

e c l a s

c a l music can be ” To schedule a Music Box Truck visit to a school, house of worship, community center, or festival, contact Robert Van Winkle at rvanwinkle@swflso org or call the Southwest Florida Symphony office at 239-418-0996

This unique vehicle serves as a rolling classroom throughout Southwest Florida, providing school visits and participation at community events, and area hospitals, including Golisano Children’s Hospital.



Ser vices at St. Peter Lutheran Church

St Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church in America at 3751 Estero Boulevard, Fort Myers Beach

Outdoor Services under the tent

Every Sunday 9 a m

All are welcome, we are pet friendly 239-463-4251 www stpeterfmb com

YouTube - St Peter Lutheran Church Fort Myers Beach FL

In cooperation with former Chapel by the Sea and Beach United Methodist Church

Calusa Waterkeeper

announces open enrollment for Fall Ranger Training Academy

i f i e d r a n g e r s a n d s t e w a r d s o f

l o c a l w a t e r w a y s T h e a c a d e m y o f f e r s a c o m p r e h e n s i v e e d u c a t i o n a l p r o g r a m a i m e d a t f o s t e r i n g e n v i r o n m e n t a l s t e w a r d s h i p a n d a d v o c a c y f o r c l e a n w a t e r .

T h e R a n g e r T r a i n i n g A c a d e m y c o n s i s t s o f t h r e e

c o u r s e s d e s i g n e d t o e m p o w e r p a r t i c i p a n t s w i t h t h e k n o w l e d g e a n d s k i l l s n e e d e d t o p r o t e c t a r e a w a t e r s

M o d u l e 1 p r o v i d e s a n i n t r o d u c t o r y o v e r v i e w a n d i s a v a i l a b l e f o r o n l i n e v i e w i n g i n A u g u s t . T h e s u b s eq u e n t t r a i n i n g m o d u l e s f e a t u r e i n - p e r s o n e d u c a t i o n a n d c o u r s e w o r k s c h e d u l e d o n t h e f i r s t S a t u r d a y o f

e a c h m o n t h : S e p t 7 , O c t 5 a n d N o v 2

P a r t i c i p a n t s w h o c o m p l e t e t h e a c a d e m y w i l l g r a d u -

a t e a s R a n g e r s , e q u i p p e d t o c o n d u c t w a t e r a n d a i r q u a l i t y t e s t i n g a s c e r t i f i e d c i t i z e n s c i e n t i s t s T h e y w i l l a l s o s e r v e a s a m b a s s a d o r s o f C a l u s a W a t e r k e e p e r , a d v o c a t i n g f o r t h e c l e a n w a t e r m o v e m e n t i n o u r c o m -

m u n i t y

E n r o l l m e n t i n t h e F a l l R a n g e r T r a i n i n g A c a d e m y i s

a $ 1 2 5 d o n a t i o n t h a t h e l p s t o c o v e r t h e c o s t o f t h e

e d u c a t i o n a l p r o g r a m . P a r t i c i p a n t s w i l l r e c e i v e a n

A n n u a l C a l u s a W a t e r k e e p e r m e m b e r s h i p , a R a n g e r

b a s e b a l l h a t a n d a c e r t i f i c a t e o f c o m p l e t i o n u p o n g r a d -

u a t i o n f r o m t h e a

Theatre Conspiracy at the Alliance for the Ar ts brings two Fringe For t Myers per for mances back to Foulds Stage Theatre Conspiracy at the Alliance for the Arts announces two summer performances Naples native, Frank Blocker, who previously performed at Fringe 2023 and 2024 brings his two performances back for an encore performance this August Fort Myers Southern Gothic will take place on Friday August 9th and Stabilized Not Controlled on August 30 Both shows are sixty minutes long, half of all proceeds will go towards the Art is Essential Campaign

Souther n Gothic Novel

Performance: Friday, Aug. 9, at 7:30 pm

The hilarious solo play Southern Gothic Novel has been performed more than 200 times across the US and Canada and is back for a command performance after winning Best of Venue at Fringe Fort Myers There are 5,218 people living in Aberdeen, Mississippi Southern Gothic Novel is the story of 17 of them and the men who caused all the trouble

Ultimate Hell’s Bay Skiff package up for grabs, benefiting the fight for clean water

To support its mission to restore and protect Florida's waters, Captains For Clean Water is raffling off a one-ofa-kind boat custom crafted by Hell's Bay Boatworks in Titusville, Florida, along with a literal boatload of gear from partner brands Orvis, YETI and Costa Del Mar

Conservation is at the heart of everything CFCW does Hell’s Bay Boatworks has committed from to fight alongside CFCW in the pursuit of the restoration of the Everglades By donating the Professional as this year’s raffle skiff, both are investing in the protection of Florida’s waters now and for future generations

This year's skiff is a Hell's Bay Professional 17 8, a shallow water technical poling skiff specifically designed for the pursuit of fish in the most challenging shallow water conditions Carefully engineered for poling the flats with stealth, this skiff is outfitted with a Mercury 60R Motor, T-H Marine Atlas hydraulic Jack Plate Micro Jacker, custom SeaDek floor kit, Ram-Lin aluminum trailer, Simrad NSS9 evo3S multifunction display, a Power Pole 6ft Pro Series and a Stiffy Guide Series- Graphite 22-foot Push Pole

Sporting a multi-tone grey color combination and custom cork SeaDek floor kit, this boat's look and feel was inspired by the Orvis Helios line of fly rods of which there are four included with the package

In addition to this fully rigged shallow water skiff, the winner will also receive a boatload of gear from Orvis, YETI and Costa Del Mar, including four Orvis fly rod outfits, Orvis men’s and women’s Sun Hoodies, a $1,000 Costa Del Mar gift card and from Yeti, a hard cooler, Trailhead camp chair, carryall tote bag, and Yonder water bottles and travel mugs

Stabilized Not Controlled

Performance: Friday, Aug 30, at 7:30 pm

Back by popular demand, Frank Blocker brings his Fringe Fort Myers 2024 performance back to the Foulds Theatre for one night only on August 30th Evil landlord “Killer” Joe goes to war on the tenants of his 5-floor stabilized apartment building in Manhattan Septuagenarian sex addict Lorna Breedlove, the “mother” of them all, guides her eccentric neighbors to keep up the good fight

Manhattan’s Stage Left Studio

Individual ticket prices are $30, $15 for students or $27 for Alliance members Audio described shows are available on selected dates Reservation of headsets is required prior to the show by calling 239-939-2787 Half of all ticket sales will go towards AFTA’s Art is Essential campaign To purchase tickets or for more information, call the box office at 239-939-2787, visit 10091 McGregor Blvd , Fort Myers, or go online at www ArtInLee org/Theatre

Saint Hilar y’s Helping Hands Outreach to hold used clothes sale Aug. 10

Saint Hilary's Episcopal Church's Helping Hands Outreach Ministry is hosting a “used clothes sales (cash $5 by the bag) ”

This fundraising event will be held Saturday, Aug 10, from 9:30 a m to 12:30p m , at the farmers market, Saint Hilary’s Episcopal Church, 5011 McGregor Blvd, Fort Myers

The ministry is raising funds to purchase uniforms and polo shirts for the underserved PreK to 5th grade children of Orangewood Elementary, Orange River Elementary and Villas Elementary schools

Reusable bags for the clothing purchases will be provided.

For more information about the sale, please call 239935-1000

“Hell’s Bay Boatworks and Orvis embody conservation commitment and remain leaders in this fight for clean water,” said Capt Chris Wittman, co-founder of Captains For Clean Water “They have invested their name and resources into securing clean water protections in Florida and championing Everglades Restoration So, it’s with great pride that we collaborate with them and other industry partners on initiatives like this raffle, which advance our mission and engage more individuals in the critical effort to safeguard our waterways.”

Supporters can purchase tickets for a chance to win now through December 31, 2024, at https://shop captainsforcleanwater org/pages/worlds-finest-skiff Every ticket purchase supports CFCW's mission to protect and restore Florida's water resources for the use and enjoyment of all

A winner will be drawn at random Jan 12 at Backyard Social in Fort Myers

About Captains For Clean Water

Captains For Clean Water is a Florida-based 501(c)(3) grassroots nonprofit on a mission to restore and protect aquatic ecosystems for the use and enjoyment of all Founded in 2016 by fishing guides, CFCW has united the outdoor industry, business community, and concerned citizens at the forefront of the fight for clean water the lifeblood of Florida’s economy and $85 9 billion tourism industry Learn more at captainsforcleanwater org or follow along on YouTube, Instagram, X (formally known as Twitter), Facebook, LinkedIn and TikTok

Rock Star Séance tickets on sale now

Celebrate Halloween by joining us for a special concert led by Andrew Lipke, where he and “spirit host” vocalists will channel legendary rock stars like Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, and more! Dress as your favorite dearly departed rock star and enjoy a multimedia experience that promises to be a musical séance like no other

Performing Arts Hall, 13350 FSW Pkwy, Fort Myers. For more information visit https://www bbmannpah com/

Edison and Ford Winter Estates holds Far mers Market ever y Friday

Edison and Ford Winter Estates is hosting a farmers market each Friday from 9 a m to 1 p m More than 20 vendors will have a wide variety of edible, decorative, and wearable products Family-friendly games and coloring projects will be available for children, and David Rojas will provide live music during the event

Vendors will offer an assortment of edible items including produce, baked goods, honey, sauces, juices, soups, premade meals, and treats for dogs Other items, such as candles, linens, soaps, jewelry, and lizard condos for the garden will also be available

In addition, the Garden Shoppe will have fruit trees, herbs, flowering plants, and more available for sale Visitors may also stroll through the Bromeliad and Wild Flower gardens behind the botanic research laboratory

Admission to the farmers market and parking is free (does not include tours or admission to the museum, laboratory, or riverside of the property

For more information about Edison and Ford Winter Estates, visit EdisonFord org Edison and Ford Winter Estates is at 2350 McGregor Blvd , Fort Myers

Island pets seeking forever homes PET PALS


A couple weeks ago we received a call from a lady who needed to place two little senior female chihuahuas after someone in her family passed It was either us or the shelter and she really didn’t want to have these cuties being lost in a stressful environment where they could have been euthanized in a blink of an eye Yes, that is actually what is going on in shelters in United States and definitely right here in Lee County. It seems that if you are a mixedbreed including a pitty you will not make it very long on the adoption floor Too many pitt bulls? There is not much action being taken to monitor the back yard breeders in the area I have to say Europe, and especially France, got the back yard breeding under control and really restrict this to make sure owners are responsible for their dogs It is very sad to see how many dogs and cats are euthanized every week right here in our community Seems like not too many care in public office and you wonder why so many shelter volunteers and employees quit

Meet Missy (brown - 10 years old) and Honey (Tan - 8 years old)

These two little ones lived together for a long time and we think they will be OK separated It seems that Little Missy is overwhelming Honey who could use a one-on-one mommy/daddy and not having a big sister always on top of her That happens sometimes Honey who is approx 8 years old is shy, quick learner and a doll Missy who is 10 years old, acts puppyish and will prance and leap for an interaction with you Both girls were not vetted and had to be vaccinated and spayed Missy and Honey are super cute and would make great little pets They use both outside and pee pads Call or text Isabelle at 239-281-0739 if you would like to sponsor them and help with their vet care please let us know. Our email is

Sweet Piper (11 years old - Yorkie)

Piper was a stray and came from the shelter A few weeks later she is ready for adoption She is a sweetie pie, petite and only 14 pounds She had to go through a complete mouth extraction and is now eating very well and will be happy to be in a loving home Piper is good with other dogs and should be fine with cats Lovely old lady Please consider this sweet little one Call or text Isabelle at 239-281-0739

also make a donation at using the donation tab using PayPal

Please make sure you do it through “Friends and Family” so there is no fee and all the donation comes to us directly.

With more than 30 kittens in rescue we are going through a 24-pack of kitten wet food per day Kitten food is hard to find in the pet stores as goes off the shelf as soon as in It can be ordered from Amazon or Chewey and sent directly to our rescue on Estero Boulevard Call for directions on having delivered

We are also in need of cat trees in case anyone has one they are not using We lost more than 12 in the hurricane and only have four currently and the cats and kittens love them for climbing and sleeping in the cubbies

Volunteers are badly needed to help at the rescue please call us at 239-8513485 if you can spare an hour or two a few days a week to help Kittens need to be played with and held which keeps them friendly and not afraid of people

Missy and Honey

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