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Stay informed as 2024 election cycle nears
Lee Elections hosted the 2023 Florida Supervisors of Elections Summer Conference i n M a y a t t h e b e a u t i f u l M a r r i o t t S a n i b e l H a r b o u r Resort It was remarkable that the conference was held in Lee C o u n t y o n l y s e v e n m o n t h s after Hurricane Ian devastated our county
The resort made an exceptional recovery effort to ensure our election colleagues would enjoy their stay in one of the most beautiful landscapes Lee County offers Conferences are essential for Florida's election administrators to come together, share b e s t p r a c t i c e s a n d r e c e i v e guidance from the Division of Elections about how the new election laws will affect us moving forward
Tommy Doyle
Guest Commentary
W h i l e t h e r e w e r e m a n y educational opportunities during the conference, networki n g w i t h f e l l o w e l e c t i o n administrators was among one of the best benefits Meeting and sharing with staff members from other counties with similar positions and responsibilities gives us a fresh perspective on our jobs It builds relationships that help us during the many stresses of conducting elections.
As we near the 2024 election cycle, it is vital that our office remains your trusted source for election informat i o n A s o f f i c i a l e l e c t i o n a d m i n i s t r a t o r s , y o u c a n b e sure that we will provide you with credible and accurate information We must remain vigilant in this new era of advancing technology and artificial intelligence. Bad actors can use this technology to fabricate false new stories, images, audio bites and videos to erode confidence in the successful administration of elections in Lee County and the United States
Florida set the gold standard for conducting elections in the 2020 and 2022 elections We aim to continue this standard and provide our voters with a safe and secure environment to cast their votes and protect the accuracy and integrity of elections in Lee County, w h i l e r e m a i n i n g o p e n a n d t r a n s p a r e n t through every aspect of the elections process. My staff and I are always available to answer questions Stay informed about election happenings via our newsletters, social media and website
T o m m y D o y l e i s t h e L e e C o u n t y Supervisor of Elections For more information, visit https://www lee vote/ or call 239533-8683
Attorney General warns about screen-sharing scams
Attorney General Ashley Moody is continuing the “Summer Scams Series: Tech Traps” with a warning about screen-sharing scams An umbrella term, screen-sharing scams include banking, tech support and any scam where fraudsters trick targets into giving full remote access to their computer, allowing personal and financial information to be stolen These scams often target seniors sometimes costing the victim's entire life savings The Federal Bureau of Investigation tracks the origin of many of these scams to India, including this one scamming U S citizens out of more than $20 million, yet it is known to occur worldwide
“As we continue our Summer Scams Series, it's important that Floridians know to never share their screens or access to their devices with anyone they don't know or trust,” Attorney General Ashley Moody said “If scammers do get access, then they will be able to steal personal and financial informat i o n t o e n a c t a l l s o r t s o f d e v a s t a t i n g schemes ”
Screen-sharing scams work like this: A target answers an illicit robocall or online message and connects with a scammer who claims to be a representative from a trusted business, such as a bank or technology company The scammer then tells the victim that the account is compromised, and that the scammer will need to download screen-sharing software to help Once the screen-sharing s o f t w a r e i s d o w n l o a d e d , t h e f r a u d s t e r receives full access to the victim's computer and can hack accounts, steal personal infor- mation and set traps to further the scam. The F B I ' s B o s t o n d i v i s i o n r e p o r t s a 1 3 7 % increase nationwide in losses from tech-support scams from 2020 to 2021 Screen-sharing scams can be financially devastating. Once a victim agrees to share a screen, the fraudster will try to gain a victim's confidence and lay a trap to further the scam One common scheme occurs when a scammer pretends to be giving a victim a refund and “accidentally” sends more money than originally intended The fraudster then brings up a second website displaying what looks to be the victim's bank account, but it's really a fake screen that has been tampered with to show a fake bank balance, “proving” that they sent too much money Taking advantage of the victim's generosity, the scammer pleads to have the money returned If the victim goes through with the return, it will soon become clear that no money ever transferred, and the victim's money is now stolen The scammer may also use that fake website to steal the login credentials of the victim, allowing total control of the account.
There are reports of fraudsters verbally berating seniors over the phone and schemes resulting in major losses from victims, like a Tamarac couple who lost $99,000 in life savings after falling victim to a screen-sharing scam
To avoid screen-sharing scams:
∫ Never share your screen or allow remote access with a stranger a bank will never need to access a screen to view account information
∫ Avoid clicking on any suspicious links.
∫ Ignore unsolicited contact from supposed tech-support companies
∫ Be aware that phone numbers and emails can be tampered with, making it look like a call is originating from a trusted source.
∫ Verify the validity of a call that appears to come from a legitimate business by hanging up and calling the number listed on the company's website
To stay ahead of scams, check out the “Summer Scams Series: Tech Traps” at MyFloridaLegal.com.
T h e F e d e r a l T r a d e C o m m i s s i o n h a s r e l e a s e d r e s o u r c e g u i d e s a t h t t p s : / / c o nsumer ftc gov/features/how-stop-unwantedcalls with tips for consumers to stop unwanted robocalls. Floridians should report roboc a l l s t o t h e F T C o n l i n e a t FTC gov/Complaint
Victims of cybercrimes should report incidents to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Computer Crime Center at https://www fdle state fl us/FCCC aspx/
Anyone who receives an illegal robocall c a n f i l e a c o m p l a i n t w i t h t h e F l o r i d a A t t o r n e y G e n e r a l ' s O f f i c e o n l i n e a t MyFloridaLegal com or by calling 8669NO-SCAM (866-966-7226)
The Florida Attorney General's Consumer Protection Division issues Consumer Alerts to inform Floridians of emerging scams, new methods used to commit fraud, increased reports of common scams, or any other deceptive practice For more information, visit MyFloridaLegal.com.