Sanibel Island Reporter/Islander

Page 4

four vying for seats on city council

The city of Sanibel's election for two seats on the Sanibel City Council is set for March 7.

Island voters will have four candidates to pick from They are incumbents Mayor Holly Dineen Smith and Vice Mayor Richard Johnson, as well as challengers J u d e S i n c o s k i e a n d T r o y C o b b Thompson

Sanibel Sea School to offer summer camps for youths

t t h e B a i l e y H o m e s t e a d P r e s e r v e t h i s y e a r

“Recently, overcoming adversity has

been the name of the game for our staff, and planning for this summer is no different,” Director Shannon Rivard said “ W i t h o u r m a i n c a m p u s c l o s e d f o r remodeling, and as we explore questions about future water quality and increased debris buried in the sand, we have a lot to consider Regardless, our staff is dedicated to ensuring we still have the best summer yet ”

A list of the summer camps to be offered are as follows:

Sea Squir ts (ages 4-6)

∫ J u n e 1 9 - 2 3 : “ A n o t h e r D a y ,

Another Sand Dollar Week” from 9 a m to 2 p m

∫ July 10-14: “Summer Shimmer

Pen Shells Week” from 9 a m to 2 p m

∫ Aug 7-11: “#1 Sea Fans Week”

County GOP committee passes ‘Ban the Jab’ resolution

(Editor’s note: This is an evolving story Comments from members of the Lee L e g i s l a t i v e D e l e g a t i o n w i l l b e a d d e d when and if received )

T h e L e e C o u n t y R e p u b l i c a n P a r t y

Executive Committee passed a “Ban the Jab” resolution on Feb 21, asking the Florida Legislature to ban the COVID vaccine and the Attorney General’s Office to confiscate all doses within the state

The resolution passed by a voice vote of the attending committee membership as presented after discussion split largely into two camps: whether banning the injections would be an infringement of individual choice and the prevailing view that a lack of informed consent is not consent.

The resolution received the required

page 10

On Election Day, both of the island's precincts will be able to cast their ballots at the Sanibel Recreation Center, at 3880 Sanibel-Captiva Road, Sanibel In-person voting will be open from 7 a m to 7 p m For those with a Vote-by-Mail Ballot, the deadline for return is March 7 before 7 p m

Guest Commentary........................4 Web Poll.........................................4 Captiva Current..........................6-7 B u s i n e s s 8 Preserving Paradise 12 Island Living................................14 S p o r t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 Classifieds 24
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Reg is tr atio n f o r th e S an ib el S ea School's summer camp activities will open on March 4 W i t h t h e s c h o o l ' s f l a g s h i p c a m p u s o n t h e e a s t e n d o f S a n i b e l i n r e c o v e r y m o d e f o l l o w i n g H u r r i c a n e I a n , i t w i l l o n l y o f f e r t h e s u m m e r c a m p p r o g r a m s a
WEEk Of MARCH 1, 2023
The Sanibel Sea School will offer summer camp activities from June 12 to Aug 25 SANIBEL SEA SCHOOL See SUMMER CAMPS, page 11 See COUNCIL SEAT, page 10

City provides updates on post-hurricane recovery efforts

The city of Sanibel shared the following dur ing its Facebook Live update on Feb 21:

∫ City Manager Dana Souza reported that the Feb. 20 deadline to place hurricane generated debris on the rights-of-way for collection by the city's debris management contractor ha been extended Residents and businesses now h until today, March 1 The contractor's last pickup day is March 29

∫ The Sanibel Community Park would reopen on Feb 27

∫ Gulfside City Park and Bowman's Beach will reopen on March 6, along with the Sanibel Boat Ramp for parking only There are no reopening dates as of yet

Lighthouse Park and Turner Beach

Milbrandt reiterated that the city's Codes still ly when conducting post-storm restoration work. When in doubt, contact the department at 239472-3700

For site work and landscape restoration, she highlighted the following:

Vegetation permits: Required for work with mangroves in the beach dune, on vacant parcels and other activities

Landscaping: 75 percent native required; know your developed areas and sod limits

Beachfront properties and activities seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line: Sea turtle lighting; window/glass tint; dune restoration

Be Fire Wise

For questions, call the Natural Resources Department at 239-472-3700

In addition, the city will be announcing detailed guidance and upcoming workshops.

∫ The Building and Planning Departments are still located at 6200 Whiskey Creek in Fort Myers

∫ Mayor Holly Smith encouraged the community to reach out to the city with any questions She explained that a lot of the information it provides in the updates stems from those questions

SCCf: EAA Reservoir groundbreaking a huge step forward

O n F e b 2 3 , S a n i b e l - C a p t i v a C o n s e r v a t i o n

Foundation Chief Executive Officer James Evans and Environmental Policy Director Matt DePaolis attended the initial groundbreaking of the Everglades Agricultural A r ea ( EA A ) R es er v o ir , a majo r co mp o n en t o f th e d e c a d e s - l o n g , m u l t i - b i l l i o n d o l l a r C o m p r e h e n s i v e Everglades Restoration Plan

“SCCF was very excited to participate in the groundbreaking of this vital reservoir,” Evans said. “The South Florida Water Management District and U S Army Corps have been working hard for years to move this


M15 spreads his wings to protect his eaglets from a female who has been intruding on the nest off of Bayshore Road in North fort Myers The female, who has an injured talon, has been stealing food brought to the nest by M15 for the two eaglets, who may be the last brood of M15 and missing mate Harriett

Eagle dad, eaglets dealing with intruders

Since Southwest Florida’s most famous eagle matriarch Harriet disappeared nearly four weeks ago, many viewers of the Southwest Florida Eagle Cam have wondered whether mate M15 would rebound and find himself another mate while protecting his eaglets at the same time

M15 may not be looking but it seems as if there are eagles eager to find him, and the now-single parent is trying to cope

According to those running the eagle cam, there were at least three eagles vying for M15’s attention as of last week, which could have a negative impact on the two eaglets he is now trying to raise on his own.

“We don’t really know their true intentions, what we see on the cameras seems to be either a hungry eagle looking for an easy meal or another female trying to take over the territory,” Ginny Pritchett-McSpadden, founder of the eagle cam, said “He has acted differently toward each one in different situations, kind of on a watch-andsee basis ”

She said there were three eagle “intruders ” One roosts with M15 at night and has been playing it cool, with M15 doing the same This eagle may have been knocked off the tree on the night of Feb 19 by owls This intruder appeared unhurt, but stunned by the attack.

There has been one female in particular that has been

See INTRUDERS, page 3


T h e g r o u n d b r e a k i n g f o r t h e E v e r g l a d e s Agricultural Area (EAA) Reservoir took place on feb 23

foundational project forward ”

The SCCF reported that once the EAA Reservoir is complete, along with its associated stormwater treatment areas, the SFWMD will have the added capacity to store and treat water from Lake Okeechobee before ultimately sending it south to the Everglades

“This 240,000 acre-foot reservoir will take significant pressure off of the Caloosahatchee,” DePaolis said “By diverting polluted water from the lake, we will be able to reduce the number of damaging discharges we receive ”

The SCCF reported that the EAA Reservoir Project has had a long history filled with uncertainty and mired in litigation and politics It was not until 2018 when the coastal communities of the Caloosahatchee and St Lucie

estuaries were devastated by harmful algal blooms, including blue-green algae and red tide, that the state made the project a top priority

The SCCF added that there have been several challenges since In September, it joined six partner organizations in signing an amicus brief filed by the Everglades Law Center to keep the sugar industry from succeeding with a lawsuit that threatened the project.

“The EAA Reservoir will mean less nutrient pollution in our river, cleaner water in our estuaries, and a lowered risk of devastating algal blooms,” DePaolis said

Weather station at Marine Lab to fill data gaps

O r i g i n a l l y d e p l o y e d i n 2 0 1 2 , thanks to funding from the West C o a s t I n l a n d N a v i g a t i o n D i s t r i c t through a grant from Lee County, the S a n i b e l - C a p t i v a C o n s e r v a t i o n F o u n d a t i o n ' s R i v e r , E s t u a r y , a n d C o a s t a l O b s e r v i n g N e t w o r k (RECON) weather stations became the first weather stations in the region located directly over the water.

“Designed to give researchers and boaters near real-time information on the current over-water weather conditions, they quickly became the go to weather source for the local boating c o m m u n i t y , ” M a r i n e L a b o r a t o r y Manager A J Martignette said

The SCCF reported that all three of the RECON stations were lost during Hurricane Ian Two of them, Red Fish Pass and Fort Myers, were located on wood piling channel markers, which were destroyed in the storm and have been replaced with temporary navigation buoys The third in the Gulf of Mexico was located on a steel pilling channel marker While the piling sur-


vived the storm, the storm surge and 20-plus-foot waves ripped off all the station components

Last week, the U S Coast Guard was working in the area to replace lost channel marker pilings, and the Fort Myers and Red Fish pilings should soon be replaced The SCCF reported that it will still be some time, however, before staff are able to get the stations online due to the loss of the equipment

In the meantime, a project that was in the works before Ian to upgrade a station located on the Marine Lab

building to a RECON weather station has been completed Located at the lab on Tarpon Bay, the new station will help fill the gap until the SCCF is able to get the other stations back online

“We are currently exploring funding opportunities to replace the lost equipment and get the other stations back online as soon as possible,” Martignette said “Until then, we hope the community finds the new station useful ”

To view the RECON data, visit https://recon sccf org/weather

I s l a n d R e p o r t e r c a p t i v a s a n i b e l . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 2
∫ S t a r t i n g o n M a r c h 6 , t h e S a n i b e l
be open on Tuesday and Thursday from 7 a m to 5 p m Hours will r e m a i n 8 a m t o 5 p m o n M o n d a y , Wednesday, Friday and Saturday ∫ N a t u r a l R e s o u r c e s D i r e c t o r H o l l y
Recreation Center will
Sanibel-Captiva Conservation foundation Chief Executive Officer James Evans and Environmental Policy Director Matt DePaolis, second and third from left, with U S Army Corps Of Engineers' Jacksonville District Commander Col. James Booth and Lt. Col. Todd Polk.

County board OKs resiliency measures for causeway project

The Lee County Board of County Commissioners took action on Feb. 21 on three bridge projects.

The commissioners voted to approve resiliency measures and recreational amenities for the Sanibel Causeway and design changes for the Cape Coral Bridge, as well as awarded a construction contract to replace the Big Carlos Pass Bridge

Sanibel Causeway

In February 2022, the commissioners directed staff to design additional improvements to the recreational area amenities along the Sanibel Causeway Islands to include a bike lane, turn lanes, designated parking areas and recreational improvements

After Hurricane Ian caused catastrophic damage to the causeway in September, the Florida Department of Transportation completed temporary repairs and then hired a contractor to complete permanent repairs The FDOT has recommended numerous resiliency measures as a part of the design, including sheet pile walls, rip rap, gabion baskets and landscaping improvements to help stabilize the roadway and causeway islands

At a Feb 6 workshop, the commissioners reached

consensus to incorporate the resiliency measures, along with the previously approved recreational amenities into the FDOT project The cost of the improvements as a part of FDOT's proposed permanent repairs is $285 3 million, of which the Federal Highway Administration would fund $239 3 million and Lee County would be responsible for $46 1 million Lee County is responsible for the $5 6 million needed for recreational amenities

Cape Coral Bridge

The design changes for the Cape Coral Bridge are to replace both the eastbound and westbound spans, gaining an additional 40-plus years of useful life at the presentday value of $20 million The commissioners reached consensus on that plan at a Feb 6 workshop

Previously, plans were to replace the westbound span with a new three-lane bridge and widen the eastbound span to add a third lane However, the latest FOT design requirements would have significantly increased the cost of widening the eastbound lanes.

Construction on the project is slated to begin in 2027 The Cape bridge will remain open and the current four-lane configuration will be maintained throughout construction

Big Carlos Pass Bridge

The Big Carlos Pass Bridge connects the south end of Fort Myers Beach to Lover's Key on Estero Boulevard

The $90.8 million construction contract with Superior Construction Co Southeast includes:

∫ A new fixed span bridge with a 60-foot navigation clearance over Big Carlos Pass with a lifespan of 75 years

∫ A fishing pier.

∫ Pedestrian/bicycle-friendly features

The new bridge will be constructed on the Gulf side of the existing bridge; motorists will continue to have access to the old bridge throughout construction It will include one travel lane in each direction, bicycle lanes, a 6-foot-wide sidewalk along the north side of Estero Boulevard and a 10-foot shared use path along the south side of the boulevard The project also includes installation of new infrastructure for Lee County Utilities and Bonita Springs Utilities

Construction is expected to begin in late spring

The construction contract also includes creation of an offshore artificial reef using the old bridge

Supervisor of Elections taking scholarship applications

The Lee County Supervisor of Elections is accepting a p p l i c a t i o n s f o r t h e 2 0 2 3 F l o r i d a S u p e r v i s o r s o f Elections (FSE) Scholarship. A statewide professional organization comprised of county supervisors of elections, the FSE is awarding four $1,200 scholarships to Florida undergraduate students

Applicants must be registered Florida voters, live in the state for at least the preceding two years, and be enrolled or accepted as a full-time student in a Florida university or college. Applicants must be a political science, public administration, business administration, or

journalism/mass communication major Additionally, students must have at least a “C” average or above for the previous year, have finished two years of junior college or undergraduate work, and demonstrate a financial need

Applications must be submitted to the elections office of the county where the applicant is registered to vote Each county will select one finalist to send to the FSE Scholarship Committee for consideration The committee will select four winners from the finalists submitted.

“(I look) forward to reviewing applications and inter-

viewing students, and encourages all who are eligible to apply,” Lee County Supervisor of Elections Tommy Doyle said.

A p p l i c a t i o n s a r e a v a i l a b l e a t h t t p s : / / w w w l e e vote/Community-Education-Services/FSE-Scholarship

The deadline to submit applications is March 10 Students can submit their applications via e-mail, mail or in person For contact information, visit https://lee electionsfl org/Contact-Us

For more information, visit or call 239533-8683 (LEE-VOTE)

Community can rank names for new middle school

The School District of Lee County reported that six potential names suggested by the public have been selected as f i n a l i s t s b y a n A d H o c N a m i n g Committee for the new middle school in Lehigh Acres

T h e f i n a l i s t s a r e : A r t h u r M i d d l e School; Central Lehigh Middle School; Gerald Gould Middle School; Lee Ratner

M i d d l e S c h o o l ; L e m u e l T e a l M i d d l e School; and Veterans Park Middle School

A second survey for students, parents and the community to rank their favorite c h o i c e i s n o w a v a i l a b l e a t


S87 The survey will be open until March 2 at 6 p m

The new school is the original Lehigh Acres Middle School on Arthur Avenue

It will reopen in August with room for 900 sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade students The campus went through an $18 6 million renovation last year to create new classrooms and upgrade the facilities

Th e co mmittee r eco mmen d s A r th u r because of the school's address on Arthur Avenue. Central Lehigh represents the school's location in Lehigh Acres Gerald

From page 2

coming to the nest off of Bayshore Road in North Fort Myers uninvited This eagle, with a wounded talon, has been looking for food and has been frequently visiting the nest on the Pritchett Farm to grab a free meal

But the food isn’t for her, it's for M15 and the eaglets. Since the eaglets are still relatively helpless at seven-plus weeks, the intruder has helped herself to dinner until M15 flies back and chases her away

Those who watch the eagle cam have seen things get very busy and even a little violent at times in the nest over the past weeks, with more than one scary moment

On Feb 19, M15 was knocked out of the nest by the intruder moments after arriving with a fish for his now apparently motherless brood The intruder, with the fish to herself, bit E22 and warned off the other eaglet until she had her fill and flew off

This intruder seems only to be after the

food, not to harm the eaglets Indeed, M15 decided to allow the intruder to eat and not risk injury to the babies M15 later went and got another fish to feed the eaglets, this time without the intruder

“This intruder seems to be becoming more fierce with her intentions of stealing food from the nest This could be a territory fight between the two, with the injuries coming from previous battles,” PritchettMcSpadden said “It’s amazing to see how this is unfolding ”

The intruders arrived shorty after Harriet went missing on Feb 2 The main one would hang out in the nest edge at first, and M15 didn’t seem to mind as long as she kept her distance from the eaglets But she soon became much braver and began coming into the nest for food.

Harriet has been missing since when she went out after intruders near the nest and

G o u l d w a s t h e f i r s t p r e s i d e n t o f t h e

L e h i g h C o r p o r a t i o n , w h i c h d e v e l o p e d

Lehigh Acres Lee Ratner owned the land that became Lehigh Acres and founded the Lehigh Corporation to develop it Lemuel Teal was a middle school teacher in Lee County for 38 years, 30 of those at Fort Myers Middle Academy Veterans Park is a finalist because the campus is next to Veterans Park Academy for the Arts and Veterans Park Recreation Center

The committee will review the survey results and recommend one to the school board for approval

didn’t return

As time has progressed, it is feared that Harriet died somewhere She has not been located

There has been concern for the lives of the eaglets, who are still about a month or so away from fledging. Pritchett-McSpadden said once that happens assuming they survive the question becomes if M15 allows them to stay, or picks one or none of the intruders

In the meantime, these intruders will stick around, knowing the nest is vulnerable

“Within the first 24 hours of Harriet going missing, there were already other eagles circling the area The eagles can sense the vulnerability,” she said “How they do it, I don’t know, but it’s pretty amazing ”

Pritchett-McSpadden said the eaglets and M15 are defying the odds and believes the eaglets have a shot at making it to the point

Education Note

Finkelstein makes Dean’s List

Aimee Finkelstein, of Sanibel, was named to the fall Dean’s List at the Rochester Institute of Technology

She is in the film and animation program

Full-time degree-seeking undergraduate students are eligible for the Dean's List if their term GPA is greater than or equal to 3 400; they do not have any grades of Incomplete, D or F; and they have registered for, and completed, at least 12 credit hours

of being old enough to leave the nest and hunt for themselves

“In so many situations like this, the eaglets have succumbed to injury or hunger or the surviving mate can’t deal with it,” she said “M15 has been the rock star, rolling with the punches and doing the best he can. We’re thankful he has stepped up ”

Pritchett-McSpadden said viewers are really getting a chance to see nature at its best, and worst, sometimes all at the same time

“If people’s heartstrings can handle it, it’s time to tune in just because it’s something new and there is so much in the air we can see happen,” she said “We’ve seen the beautiful and the ugly in nature, but it’s fascinating to watch firsthand ”

For more information or to view the eagle cam, visit dickpritchettrealestate com

P a g e 3 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m I s l a n d R e p o r t e r

Web Poll

Previous Web Poll Question

Will you attend the Sanibel City Council candidates forum planned for feb 23?

∫ Yes, in person, 33%

∫ Yes, virtually, 27%

∫ No, 40%

Current Web Poll Question

How will you vote in the city of Sanibel's March 7 election?

∫ Mail ballot

∫ At the poll

∫ Not voting

Share your opinion at captivasanibel com

Genesis of ‘People’s Choice’ amendments

W h e n S a n i b e l ' s f o u n d e r s created the Sanibel Plan in 1976, they had lofty goals in mind:

∫ Lots of open, undeveloped space for wildlife habitat a n d g r o u n d w a t e r r e p l e n i s hment

∫ L i m i t s o n p o p u l a t i o n density based on the sensitivit y o f e c o l o g i c a l z o n e s t o human intrusion

∫ A building height limit of three stories so the natural beauty of the island was not o v e r w h e l m e d b y t a l l b u i l dings

The Sanibel Plan soon won awards and became a model for city planners throughout the United States

There was a complication, however: The founders were not starting with an undeveloped island Sanibel had already been developed

Problem of nonconfor ming structure

With the opening of the first Sanibel Causeway in 1966, developers rushed in with visions of Sanibel becoming another Miami Beach

Since Sanibel was not incorporated until 1974, it was the Lee County Board of County Commissioners that set the rules for development on the island in the early days With official approval, some developers built condos on the Gulf beach that were taller (four stories), had far greater population den-

City council and Sea Oats hydrology issues

To the editor: This letter regards my comments on the surface water issues in the Sea Oats subdivision that were mentioned in Sanibel city staff responses via email to residents and discussed by the city council and staff at the Feb 7 council meeting

First of all, I appreciate staff's site inspection of the Sea Oats properties and the weir Also, I appreciate the sincere interest shown by the mayor and council to inquire about the Sea Oats water issues on behalf of concerned residents and the city manager's promise at the meeting to follow up with staff and residents to see what relief is possible

Staff's email comments to residents and their comments at the council meeting cite the observation that “current water levels in the western pool of the Sanibel River basin

sity and more developed land area with impermeable coverage than the Sanibel Plan and L a n d D e v e l o p m e n t C o d e would later allow After the city of Sanibel a d o p t e d i t s o w n L a n d Development Code in sync with the Sanibel Plan – those condos became “nonconforming” legal when built but not aligned with current standards They could exist but not be built back or redeveloped i n t h e e v e n t t h e y w e r e destroyed in a natural disaster or simply became obsolete

T h e S a n i b e l P l a n d i d n ' t address what to do with nonconforming condos That crea t e d u n d e r s t a n d a b l e a n x i e t y for condo owners And that wasn't the only cause for anxiety There were rumblings that Sanibel was behind the times, and in need of bigger, more luxurious resorts to drive the local economy Redevelopment was viewed as the best way forward.

Redevelopment looms

The specter of larger, perhaps taller, luxury resorts was evident to the board members of the Committee of the Islands, who saw irreplaceable value in the small town, sanctuary character for which Sanibel had become famous

B u t w h y t h e a n x i e t y ? W o u l d n ’ t t h e Sanibel Plan prevent overdevelopment? Not necessarily The Sanibel Plan was vulnerable

Letter to the Editor

are at 2 75 which is lower than the 3 2 elevation required to open weirs and lower water levels by the city's water control policy as ratified by Resolution 94-75 ”

The first paragraph of the policy states the city's objective is to “attempt to retain as much fresh surface water as possible … so long as developed areas are not adversely affected ”

I believe it is admirable that a policy dealing with rainwater and the flooding it causes has served the city so well since its adoption in 1994 However, I believe an oversight in the drafting of the policy is the conspicuous absence of any mention of the flooding caused by saltwater storm surge from a hurricane It is quite reasonable to assume that with the weir structure closed, the city is impounding salt water not fresh water which is contrary to the purpose of the policy

Although staff admitted at the council meeting that they have not done any salinity

Unlike the city charter which can only be amended with voter approval, the Sanibel Plan could be amended by a simple majority of the Sanibel City Council It meant that the limits on building height, residential density and developed area were not guaranteed The COTI board saw at least the possibility that a future city council might forgo the founders' idealism and jeopardize Sanibel's essential character as they dealt with post-disaster build back and redevelopment

‘People’s Choice’ char ter amendments

To prevent any weakening of the protections of the Sanibel Plan, COTI developed three city charter amendments in 2004 later known as the “People’s Choice” amendments that enshrined limits on building height and residential density Only a vote of the people could overturn those protections

The amendments also protect the Land Development Code's limits on developed area, impermeable coverage and vegetative removal

But the condo owners still had no protections. So COTI came up with a compromise between the founders' idealism and basic fairness to condo owners A provision based on what existed on May 4, 2004, states: 1) the condos with four stories could be built back after a disaster with all four stories intact; 2) the city council could allow redevelopment of parcels up to the number of dwelling units then in place; and 3) voters would need to approve any ordinances to increase developed area, impermeable cover-

testing, the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation has such results, which indicate the salinity range of Sanibel lakes was 20-33 PSU, while the salinity of the Gulf of Mexico is 30-35 PSU, while fresh water is 0-1 5 PSU

The impounding of water is adversely affecting the Sea Oats residents' ability to recover from the hurricane and begin repairs to their homes and property The ponding around their homes is directly connected to groundwater infiltration and as staff indicates, the “water table and Sanibel River level go hand in hand ”

The Sanibel River as it crosses under Rabbit Road has been at historic high levels since the hurricane I question what exactly staff's comments meant when they said they “did not see any drainage easements that needed to be cleaned out ” I would be inter-

See LETTER, page 5

We want your opinion

I s l a n d R e p o r t e r c a p t i v a s a n i b e l . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 4 Report your news to CAPTIvASANIBEL.COM
The Island Reporter Opposing views
verification purposes Letters considered
public interest Letters to the Editor may be e-mailed to Tiffany Repecki at trepecki@breezenewspapers com; posted to the virtual newsroom at captivasanibel com; or mailed to 2340 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, fL 33957 Letters are due no later than noon Thursday The Island Reporter reserves the right to edit or reject any
The views expressed on the Opinions Pages are just that opinions. These pages are intended to convey a range of viewpoints; opinions printed on these pages do not necessarily reflect the views of
are welcome All letters must be signed and must contain a phone
must relate to subjects of
Larry Schopp
See AMENDMENTS, page 5
Guest Commentary

Intensifying red tide threatens islands’ recovery

U n d e r s t a n d i n g h o w r e l e a s e s f r o m L a k e O k e e c h o b e e a r e c o n n e c t e d t o t h e r e d t i d e b l o o m t h a t h a s l i n g e r e d o f f t h e S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a c o a s t s i n c e O c t o b e r t e l l s u s t h a t i t c o u l d h a v e b e e n w o r s e i f f l o w s w e r e n ’ t c u r b e d a t f i r s t I t a l s o t e l l s u s t h a t r e l e a s e s m a y n o w b e f u e l i n g t h e b l o o m w i t h n u t r i e n t l o a d i n g , j e o p a r d i z i n g t h e m u c h - n e e d e d r e s t o r a t i o n o f o u r i s l a n d s ’ t o u r i s m e c o n o m y

Most of all, it tells us that striking a healthy balance between Lake Okeechobee levels, ecology, and safety, and the environmental effects of flows to the northern estuaries is impossible with the current infrastructure and water management practices

Lake Okeechobee levels have an important impact on w a t e r f l o w s t o t h e C a l o o s a h a t c h e e R i v e r S i n c e Hurricanes Ian and Nicole, Lake Okeechoobee levels have been too high and were at a level that is designated as the “Intermediate sub-band” by the U S Army Corps of Engineers in their Lake Operation Release Schedule, k n o w n as LO R S 0 8 U n d er th is o p er atin g s ch ed u le (developed in 2008), the Corps was directed to release up to 4,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) at S-77 (the lock and dam closest to the lake) and up to 1,800 cfs at S-80 (the St Lucie Estuary on the east coast)

These flows would have caused major environmental issues to both coasts if they had been implemented, which would have further devastated our community after going through Hurricane Ian Instead of implementing high-volume releases, the Corps utilized a makeup release tool, sending us a seven-day average of 2,000 cfs and “banking” the difference for releases later in the wet season

After watching the lake slowly recede for months, it is now in what is designated as the “Low sub-band” and LORS08 directs the Corps to release up to 450 cfs at S79 and 200 cfs at S-80 However, they are going to continue sending us 2,000 cfs at S-79 and 500 cfs to S-80 to use water that is stored in the bank and to continue to lower lake levels

Unfortunately, despite efforts to curtail high-volume releases to our estuary, we are still experiencing red tide on our coast While 2,000 cfs is technically within the RECOVER2020 optimum flow envelope for salinity (750 to 2,100 cfs), this performance measure does not account for seasonality or nutrient loading

Being at the high end of the flow envelope during the dry season does not mimic the natural reduction of flows that would be seen during the dry season and could potentially interfere with spawning season in March and April. Further, the additional nutrient loading from Lake


From page 4 age and alter vegetation removal, but variances would still be available to prevent hardship on a case-by-case basis

Not everyone agreed with what COTI was trying to accomplish Some said state law the Growth Management Act gave Sanibel all the protection that it n e e d e d f r o m o v e r - d e v e l o p m e n t A s i t turned out, the state Legislature repealed

from page 4

ested to know whether there is a flowage obstruction somewhere between the Sea Oats subdivision and the western weir that registers 2 75 Has staff actually navigated the flowage or viewed it by drone or some other suitable method to determine whether or not the massive amount of vegetation and other debris tossed about by Hurricane Ian may have created an obstruction?

The General Provisions section of the city policy states that “this policy was form u l a t e d u n d e r e x i s t i n g c o n d i t i o n s i n 1994 … if modifications are made to this system, this policy should be re-examined and altered if necessary ” Hurricane Ian has “modified” Sanibel and its surface

Guest Commentary

Okeechoobee could be intensifying the current red tide bloom around Sanibel

The red tide bloom has been patchy on our coast since October and was exacerbated by runoff from Hurricane Ian. Reports of fish kills this past month have been frequent along Sanibel beaches and reports of mild to severe respiratory irritation have also been reported

Recently, the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission has detected bloom levels of Karenia brevis in 22 samples in Lee County and the Florida Department of Health has issued health alerts for the presence of red tide near Lynn Hall Park (Fort Myers Beach), Gasparilla Island State Park (Boca Grande Pass), Turner Beach (Captiva), Blind Pass Beach (Sanibel), and Lighthouse Beach Park (Sanibel) Shellfish harvesting areas in the Pine Island Sound and Matlacha Pass have been closed due to the presence of K. brevis.

When red tide intensifies, it’s not only bad for wildlife and human health, but it is also bad for tourism Sanibel is typically viewed as an escape from the overly developed cities of Fort Myers and Cape Coral, and we have just begun reopening our beaches and businesses to the

the Growth Management Act and abolished the agency that was responsible for its administration in 2011

When the campaigning was over, the citizens of Sanibel showed that they wanted to control their own destiny by approving the People’s Choice charter amendments in March of 2005

Those amendments today still provide

water system As staff stated at the council meeting, “This is a situation we have never seen before ”

The Interior Flooding Conditions section of the policy states that “weirs may be opened during or subsequent to a period of heavy rainfall which results in interior flooding ” The opening of the weir now w o u l d b e c o n s i s t e n t w i t h t h e p o l i c y because the huge rainfall and storm surge from Hurricane Ian certainly resulted in and continues to cause interior flooding

The Miscellaneous Conditions section of the policy states that “the city manager may deviate from the above (policy) standards when deemed necessary for the preventing of immediate harm to persons, property, or the environment ” The harm

public Although our beautiful island isn’t recovered, red tide is stymying our ability to bring back the tourism economy that many businesses on Sanibel and Captiva depend on

Even with the completion of Everglades restoration, a healthy balance between Lake Okeechobee levels, ecology, and safety, and the environmental effects of flows to the northern estuaries is not always possible Achieving that balance is increasingly at the mercy of the weather and a changing climate, requiring an urgent response

Water managers must send more water south to the Everglades where it is needed, and more water storage and treatment in the Caloosahatchee watershed are absolutely necessary to buffer periods of high and low flows and reduce nutrient loading Our islands’ economy and our future depend upon it

Leah Reidenbach is a research and policy associate f

Founded in 1967, the SCCF's mission is to protect and care for Southwest Florida’s coastal ecosystems For more information, visit www sccf org

the legal underpinning for the city's postdisaster build-back and resort redevelopment ordinances Older condos have the means to rebuild and the island maintains its special status as a sanctuary haven for wildlife and residents

L a r r y S c h o p p i s p r e s i d e n t o f t h e Committee of the Islands COTI is a

already exists the inability to remove debris and risk or refusal of contractors to take on roof and property repairs due to water and muck causing ground destabilizing effects

I believe that the historic and catastrophic damage to Sanibel and the homes of its residents and the need for residents to be allowed full safe access to all their property in order to begin to repair their homes and lives is sufficient cause and justification for the city council through its city manager to use all the options provided to him in the city's Surface Water Policy

Finally, at the meeting, council members asked excellent probing questions about the groundwater hydrology of the

Florida not-for-profit corporation dedicated to the continuity of good local government, protection of the environment and preservation of the small town character of the barrier island community For more information, visit www coti org or “COTI Committee of the Islands” on Facebook

Sea Oats subdivision and the potential consequences of taking certain actions (i e lowering the water level at the weir), but the majority of staff’s answers were “maybe,” “what I think is going on,” “I don’t know” and “I’m not sure, because this is a situation we have never seen before ” These were honest answers, but not helpful answers because as policymakers, council decisions are only as good as the information they are based upon I urge council to direct staff to investigate more thoroughly and provide it the factual answers to its hydrological questions Only then, will the residents be well served

P a g e 5 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m I s l a n d R e p o r t e r
o r t h e S a n i b e l - C a p t i v a C o n s e r v a t i o n F o u n d a t i o n

County library system offering virtual programming

T h e L e e C o u n t y L i b r a r y S y s t e m , which includes the Captiva Memorial Library, is offering the following free

tion required

of information The presentation will show examples of the data in the files and how to analyze the information to develop a plan for further research Advance registration required For more information or to register, visit Questions can also be directed to 239479-INFO (4636) Download books, stream video and o t h e r o n l i n e c o n t e n t a t www leelibrary net The Captiva Memorial Library is currently closed due to Hurricane Ian T h e C a p t i v a l i

The Captiva Civic Association will have “Island Love Stories,” by photographer Rob Hoovis, on display from March 2 through April 28 at the Captiva Civic Center on Captiva


b r a r y i s a t 1 1 5 6 0 Chapin Lane, Captiva

Reservations open for CCA wine tasting

The Captiva Civic Association is taking registrations for an upcoming wine tasting event

C u r a t e d

W i n e s W i t h

C a l l i w i l l t a k e place on March

6 from 5 to 7

p m a t t h e

C a p t i v a C i v i c

C e n t e r B a i l e y ' s

G e n e r a l S t o r e and Island Store

w i n e s t e w a r d

CCA to host opening reception for season art exhibit

As the islands continue to recover in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian, the Captiva Civic Association will kick off its first and only art exhibition planned for the spring season with an opening reception

“Island Love Stories” will be on display from March 2 to April 28 at the Captiva Civic Center Featuring the work of

photographer Rob Hoovis, the collection of approximately 20 pieces will be comprised of unique photos of subjects on or around Sanibel or Captiva from before the storm

“'Island Love Stories' is a collection of photos showcasing the beautiful islands of Southwest Florida and their amazing landscapes, particularly Sanibel, Captiva and the islands in and around the Pine Island Sound,” he shared “The photos being

See ART EXHIBIT, page 7

Calli Johnson will showcase a variety of selections from around the world, which will each be paired with tasty bites by Chef Karl Hamme

See WINE TASTING, page 7

Offshore Sailing School reopens on island post-storm

The Offshore Sailing School's resortb a s e d s a i l i n g c o u r s e s r e s u m e d t o d a y , March 1, at the 'Tween Waters Island Resort & Spa on Captiva

“We've known and respected the owners and management of 'Tween Waters Island Resort for many years Now our clients have the opportunity to enjoy all this destination resort has to offer while l e a r n i n g t o s a i l o r b a r e b o a t c h a r t e r , ”

President and Chief Executive Officer Doris Colgate said “Offshore Sailing School is thrilled to welcome visitors and residents back to Sanibel-Captiva Islands and support other businesses welcoming guests to the beaches, islands and neighborhoods of Fort Myers and the greater Southwest Florida area ”


I s l a n d R e p o r t e r c a p t i v a s a n i b e l . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 6
M a
c h 6 : O n l i n e M e d i t a t i o n Mondays at 11:30 a m
virtual programming: Adult
The guided program will provide visual instructions to help keep participants focused and meditating Advance registra- m
March 7: Online United We Stand, Using Civil War Pension Records at 10 a
The U.S. Civil War involved most of the families in the country at that time It was a traumatic era in our history, but the records created for the pension files can provide a wealth

shown are some of my favorites and mean so much more after Ian I look forward to the future but am glad to have a history of what was. Every picture tells a story ”

CCA Executive Director Emily Hess Ankerson explained that the some of the photographs feature scenery around the islands, while others highlight island landmarks like the Sanibel Lighthouse

“It's kind of creative, artsy shots of places on and around Sanibel and Captiva,” she said

The opening reception will be held on March 2 from 5 to 7 p m at the center Free and open to the community, attendees will be able to meet Hoovis and talk to him about his work and process

Live musical entertainment will be provided by

“We'll have a bar and hors d'oeuvres and refreshments,” Ankerson said

On March 9, the CCA with host an Artist Talk with Hoovis beginning at 5 p m

If you go

Wine tasting

“Rob will be coming back to talk about the photos and how he gets the shots,” she said

“It'll be free also,” Ankerson added. “We'll provide some beer and wine ”

The pieces in “Island Love Stories” will be available for purchase, and people can also order prints from the show To aid with the recovery on the islands, Hoovis is donating a portion of the sales

“He would like to donate a portion of his proceeds from the show to a local island organization, specifically with a focus to help with the hurricane repair and restoration efforts,” she said Bank of the Islands is the sponsor for the CCA's art exhibitions for 2023.

The community is welcome to check out the new exhibit

Ankerson noted that it will support local artists and the islands' recovery

“And the photos are photos of before the storm It's kind of looking at the islands and looking at the beauty that it was,” she added “I think it's a nice reminder of what the islands can be again ”

While the open reception and Artist Talk are free, RSVPs are requested

To make a reservation, visit

For more information, visit the CCA website or contact 239-472-2111 or info@ccacaptiva org

For those unable to attend the reception, the CCA gallery is open to the public on Monday through Friday from 10 a m to 1 p m , unless otherwise posted People can also make an appointment

The Captiva Civic Center is at 11550 Chapin Lane, Captiva

From page 6

Ankerson explained that part of the CCA's mission is to provide opportunities for quality of life experiences for the island, and the wine tastings are a popular one

“They're fun social events, but they're also educational,” she said

For the events, Johnson typically prepares four wines for attendees to taste

“It's usually a variety,” Ankerson said “There's definitely a mix of white and red ”

“She generally does a nice range of pricing,” she added Attendees will also enjoy four courses of small plates prepared by Hamme

“For each wine, there will be a different kind of small plate that's particularly curated to go with the specific wine,” Ankerson said

The price is $30 for CCA members and $40 for non-members

M e m b e r s s h o u l d c h e c k t h e i r C C A emails for the Eventbrite link with the disc o u n t N o n - m e m b e r s c a n r e g i s t e r a t h t t p s : / / w w w e v e n t b r i t e c o m / e / w i n e - t a s ti n g - c u r a t e d - w i n e s - w i t h - c a l l i - n o n - m e mber-rate-tickets-546588088687

“Often these events sell out, so get your tickets while they are available,” she said.

The Sanibel Captiva Trust Company is the sponsor for the wine tastings

The public is encouraged to reserve

If you go

Offshore Sailing School founder and Chairman Steve Colgate and President and Chief Executive Officer Doris Colgate


their space and take part

“You're connecting with other people on the island in a social and educational setting,” Ankerson said, adding that participating also helps to support the CCA and future programs and an island business

For more information, visit https://ccacaptiva org/ or contact 239-472-2111 or info@ccacaptiva org

The Captiva Civic Center is at 11550 Chapin Lane, Captiva

Sailing school

On Sept 28, Hurricane Ian caused significant damage to marinas at three of t h e c o m p a n y ' s s i x l o c a t i o n s i n Southwest Florida: on Captiva at the South Seas Island Resort, on Fort Myers Beach and in Cape Coral Since the hurricane, it has repaired its fleet and hired additional instructors The company has also added a new Jeanneau 440 cruising yacht and Lagoon 40 catamaran to its Florida fleet

Learn to Sail, Performance Sailing and Fast Track to Cruising course vacation packages for adults and families, plus sailing lessons for resort guests and team building events Students receive textbooks to study in advance, with US

From page 6

Sailing certification available at each level. In its Fast Track to Cruising course, students qualify as skippers to handle cruising boats up to 50 feet The c o m p a n y a l s o o f f e r s a d v a n c e d Navigation and Passage Making courses for avid sailors.

It continues to hire qualified instructors for its sailing and powerboating courses at all of its locations Candidates c a n e m a i l U S R e g i o n a l M a n a g e r

R a n d o n F i n k e l s t e i n a t Randon@OffshoreSailing com

F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t https://www offshoresailing com/

The Offshore Sailing School's headquarters is at 6338 Presidential Court, Suite 201, Fort Myers

P a g e 7 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m I s l a n d R e p o r t e r Report your news to THE CAPTIVA CURRENT:
What “Island Love Stories” opening reception
When March 2 from 5 to 7 p m
Where Captiva Civic Center, 11550 Chapin Lane, Captiva
the public, but RSVPs
Details Free to
From page 6
Art exhibit
A t ' T w e e n W a t e r s , i t i s o f f e r i n g
E x e c u t i v e D i r e c t o r E m i l y H e s s
What Curated Wines With Calli When March 6 from 5 to 7 p m Where Captiva Civic Center, 11550 Chapin Lane, Captiva Who Captiva Civic Association Details
is $30 for members and $40 for non-members


San Cap Trust Company hosts economic outlook

The Sanibel Captiva Trust Company recently hosted its 2023 Economic Outlook in Fort Myers

Held at the Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre, the annua l l u n c h e o n f e a t u r e d e x p e r t s f r o m t h e I n v e s t m e n t Management Team, who offered a global economic overview and investment strategies to consider

Founder and Chairman S Albert D Hanser, along with Lee County market President and wealth services advisor Jeffrey A Muddell, welcomed over 100 attendees with a recap of 2022's financial highlights and the company's successes, as well as insight into what is ahead for the economy

“So much happened in 2022 inflation and interest rates spiked, housing prices soared, stocks went up and down, cryptocurrencies collapsed, unemployment rates dropped, political tensions continued,” Hanser said “For 2023, investors should keep medium- and long-term gains in mind Slow and steady wins the race ”

Many investors question whether now is the time to

fSW to host open houses at all locations

Florida SouthWestern State College will host Spring 2023 Open House events at all locations

Prospective students, their families and the community are invited to learn how they can move forward with a degree from FSW. Faculty, staff and students will be available to answer questions about academic programs, student support services, financial aid, study abroad, honors programs and campus life Attendees will also receive a promo code to apply to FSW for free

The following Open House events will be held:

∫ Today, March 1, from 3:30 to 6:30 p m at FSW Collier Campus, at 7505 Grand Lely Drive, Naples

∫ March 2 from 3:30 to 6:30 p m at FSW Charlotte Campus, at 26300 Airport Road, Punta Gorda

∫ March 2 from 3:30 to 6:30 p m at FSW Hendry/Glades Curtis Center, at 1092 East Cowboy Way, LaBelle

∫ March 3 from 1 to 4 p m at FSW Lee Campus, at 8099 College Parkway, Fort Myers

F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o r t o r e g i s t e r , v i s i t fsw edu/openhouse

District to conduct hiring event for new school

The School District of Lee County will hold a job fair for Amanecer Elementary School on March 4 from 9 a m to noon at the Lee County Public Education Center, at 2855 Colonial Blvd , Fort Myers

It will hire for all available teaching and non-instructional positions at the school Managers will interview and hire during the job fair

U n d e r c o n s t r u c t i o n i n L e h i g h A c r e s , A m a n e c e r

Elementary will open in August The school will the first Cambridge Primary Center in the district. As one, it will provide Cambridge curriculum to help students develop deep subject knowledge, conceptual understanding and higher order thinking skills

Interested candidates can register for the job fair at https://forms gle/JN1idCwiVdwtr9MU7

For more information, contact Careers@leeschools net or 239-337-8676


The Sanibel Captiva Trust Company recently hosted its 2023 Economic Outlook at the Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre in fort Myers

sell and “cash in” in case the market dips Advisors, however, caution against that strategy

“You should not try to time the market,” senior portfolio manager and Senior Vice President Gary W Dyer said “That’s why it makes sense for many investors to purchase stocks in trusted, established brands and companies that have been industry leaders for generations You buy something for a longer return and let it grow ”

Edwin C Ciskowski, senior vice president and senior portfolio manager, addressed one of the biggest economic issues of 2022 inflation

“We have more job openings than we have people willing to fill those jobs,” he said “It’s forcing companies to pay more for labor, and that’s driving inflation ”

Looking ahead to 2023, senior portfolio manager and

Executive Vice President Craig J Holston is optimistic about the U S economy and stock market, and bonds should remain attractive because of elevated interest rates He noted that potential volatility in the market should force investors to heed traditional valuation metrics and put their money into proven, long-lasting companies Investing in cryptocurrencies or tech startups can generate quick returns, but they also come with significant risk

“You can’t value it,” Dyer said of some newer companies and cryptocurrencies “You have no idea what it’s worth ”

Overall, stocks should see a steady climb for the next few years

“More than likely, we’re going to do OK,” Holston said.

Interactive guide to open island businesses

The Sanibel & Captiva Islands Chamber of Commerce has a list available of businesses back in opera t i o n a f t e r H u r r i c a n e I a n o n Wander: Maps & Navigation The GPS-enabled interactive map also

pinpoints beach accesses that have opened, bike parking areas and the user's relative location Points of interest can be filtered by seven categories: beaches, shopping, attrac-

services and off-island businesses

Users can download the app onto their smart device from the Apple App Store and Google Play. They can also access the map online at tinyurl com/sancapwandermap

I s l a n d R e p o r t e r c a p t i v a s a n i b e l . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 8 Report your news to CAPTIvASANIBEL COM
t i o n s , l o d g i n g , v a c a t i o n r e n t a l s ,

Island pillars return with chamber ribbon-cuttings

Two iconic island businesses celebrated their posthurricane reopenings with a ribbon-cutting by the Sanibel & Captiva Islands Chamber of Commerce and other festivities Doc Ford's Rum Bar & Grille rejoined the Sanibel commercial scene on Feb 17, followed by Billy's Bikes on Sanibel on Feb 19

Doc Ford's opened on Sanibel in 2003 and moved to its present location in 2016, and from there spawned spinoffs all the way to St Petersburg It officially first reopened its doors following the 4 p.m. ribbon-cutting to a line of eager diners

“We're excited to get back open after a long 4 5 months of rebuilding,” partner Joe Harrity said “We've heard nothing but excitement about our reopening, and the reopening of the island as a whole Being able to get

our employees back to work is a great feeling as well, as about 75 percent of our staff prior to the storm are coming back, and some never left, helping us through the rebuild ”

The restaurant returns not only with familiar faces, but the same look and menu to bring back a sense of normalcy and comfort post-storm As in the past, the restaurant will be open daily for lunch and dinner

“We received about 8 inches of water throughout the building,” Harrity said. “We decided it was best to cut the 4 feet of drywall and wainscoting to remove any possibility of mold We are getting all new booths and did a completely new paint job inside, so the place will really look nice ”

“We've had so many inquiries wondering when Doc

Billy’s Bikes celebrated its grand opening with free bicycle rentals for the day, along with hamburgers, hot dogs, ice cream and treats from other island businesses

“Owner Billy Kirkland was a godsend and valuable resource since Ian hitting helping neighbors and other businesses in ways too many to count,” Lai said. “We celebrated his comeback in a big way, which was only fitting ”

Doc Ford’s Rum Bar & Grille is at 2500 Island Inn Road, Sanibel

Billy’s Bikes is at 2437 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel

P a g e 9 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m I s l a n d R e p o r t e r
F o r d ' s w i l l r e o p e n , ” c h a m b e r P r e s i d e n t a n d C h i e f Executive Officer John Lai said “It's such a huge feeling
of progress
have its doors back open for some
shrimp and an icy mojito ”
SANIBEL & CAPTIVA ISLANDS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The Sanibel & Captiva Islands Chamber of Commerce's ribbon-cutting for Doc ford's Rum Bar & Grille on Sanibel drew a big crowd on feb. 17. The Sanibel & Captiva Islands Chamber of Commerce's ribbon-cutting for Billy's Bikes on Sanibel drew a big crowd on feb. 19.


F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t https://www lee vote or contact 239-5338683.

The following is an overview of each candidate, based on information that they provided:


W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h

page 1

∫ Richard Johnson, 66 P r e s i d e n t a n d g e n e r a l m a n a g e r o f Bailey's General Store, Johnson has been visiting the island since 1980 and became a permanent resident in 2004 He is currently seated on the city council and is serving as vice mayor, and he has served on the Sanibel Planning Commission. Johnson is a past board chair for Community Housing and Resources, the Sanibel & Captiva Islands Chamber of Commerce and the Sanibel Community Association He is a member of the Committee of the Islands and Coastal Watch and once served on The Sanibel School A d v i s o r y C o m m i t t e e a n d S a n i b e l C h a r t e r R e v i e w Committee

Richard Johnson Jude Sincoskie Holly Dineen Smith


Holly Dineen Smith, 61

Currently a Lee County hotelier as an

n e

“Sanibel is a very special place for all of us It requires leadership that puts our community before oneself In 1974, Porter Goss, Francis Bailey, Zee Butler, Vernon McKenzie, and Charles LeBuff stepped up to lead our c i t y a n d d e v e l o p T h e S a n i b e l P l a n a n d t h e L a n d Development Code,” Johnson said of why he is seeking re-election “I consider it my duty to carry forward the principles they developed and protect our community today We have been successful in protecting our environment, our wildlife, our residents, and local businesses ”

He cited leadership for the past, present and future as the planks of his platform

Johnson's top three issues are disaster recovery, financial stability and security, and a united and inclusive community

∫ Jude Sincoskie, 48

Previously working in human resources, Sincoskie is currently a stay-at-home mother and she runs a small


From page 1

two-thirds majority for passage It was accepted for a vote after first receiving the required two-thirds majority from the sixmember REC leadership T h e r e s o l u t i o n , t o n o w b e s e n t t o G o v R o n D e S a n t i s a n d t h e S t a t e L e g i s l a t u r e a s a f o r m a l p o s i t i o n o f t h e L e e G O P , s t a t e s t h a t s t r o n g a n d c r e d i b l e e v i d e n c e e x i s t s t h a t i n j e c t i o n s a r e “ b i o l o g i c a l a n d t e c h n o l o g i c a l w e a p o n s ” a n d c i t e s v a r io u s s o u r c e s t o s u b s t a n t i a t e i t s p o s i t i o n t h a t “ g o v e r n m e n t a g e n c i e s , m e d i a a n d t e c h c o m p a n i e s , a n d o t h e r c o r p o r a t i o n s , h a v e c o m m i t t e d e n o r m o u s f r a u d b y c l a i m i n g C o v i d i n j e c t i o n s a r e s a f e a n d e f f e c t i v e ”

Among those opposed were members o f t h e e x e c u t i v e c o m m i t t e e o f t h e

Southwest Florida Young Republicans Club

“Basically our issue on it was we felt is was an overreach by the government,” Olivia Erfman-Tenzel, president of the Southwest Florida Young Republicans, said

She said proponents kept mentioning they had a moral obligation to ban the

online direct sales business

After visiting Sanibel for over 15 years, she and her husband relocated to the island Sincoskie is involved with The Sanibel School and its PTA, along with the Sanibel School Fund. She serves as chair of The Sanibel School Advisory Council to the School District of Lee County's District Advisory Council, plus a new Parent-District Liaison Committee

“To bring transparency, integrity, passion and common sense in leadership to the people of the island To help Sanibel recover and plan for the future and make the island better than it was before the hurricane To improve upon community relations across generations and to keep the Sanibel Plan and the values of the island protected,” she said of why she is running

Some of the planks Sincoskie cited for her platform include: I believe in the Sanibel Plan; I believe in small government; I believe in government transparency; I do not believe a government should act as a parent, and I will always fight for individual and property rights; I believe in cutting red tape and making it easier for residents and businesses to recover; and I do not believe in mandates of any kind

Her top three issues are ensure transparency at all levels of city government, assure Sanibel’s future resiliency and improve water quality in the years to come, and ensure fiscal responsibility and meticulous financial planning for the future of Sanibel

vaccine in the state because in their view people in Florida were not smart enough to take the vaccine or not, adding that that position sets a course few may want to follow

“You end up going down this rabbit hole,” Erfman-Tenzel said “If we start banning everything that harms people, that affects their health, then we should ban other things such as smoking cigarettes or alcohol ”

The Cape Coral Republican Club does not take positions on resolutions under c o n s i d e r a t i o n b y t h e L e e R e p u b l i c a n E x e c u t i v e C o m m i t t e e , c l u b P r e s i d e n t Andrew Sund, who had served as the REC’s treasurer until new leadership was elected in December, said

H e h a s a s t r o n g p e r s o n a l o p i n i o n , though, and spoke in opposition of the resolution on Feb 21

Sund summed up that position when reached by phone on Feb 22

“ I b e l i e v e t h a t t h e r e s o l u t i o n t h a t passed is antithetical to everything we believe as Republicans,” he said “We can’t say we believe in personal freedom and letting people make individual choices and then take away their ability to make those choices It’s not different than the people mandating the vaccine Both are equally bad ”

The Breeze reached out to all members of the Lee County Legislative Deletion via email on Feb 22 as to their reaction to the resolution to be sent their way As of Feb 24, it had received one response from state Sen Kathleen C Passidomo, R-District 28:

“In my view, each person should make

She cited as a few of the planks of her platform: resident and business success post-hurricane; having the community unified; continuing to advocate for water quality-quality and Everglades restoration; continuing to educate on Sanibel environmental stewardship and conservation education; and working legislatively to bring money back to Sanibel

Smith's top three issues are rebuilding a resilient island, supporting the Sanibel Plan and water quality

∫ Troy Cobb Thompson

Thompson did not provide his bio and information as of press time

For the full bio and information provided by each candidate, visit this article online at http://www captivasanibel com/ All content is available for free to website visitors

their own decision about the Covid-19 vaccine

“I know our Surgeon General is very involved in investigating the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine for different segments of our population I understand he has a particular expertise in cardiology, and has raised many concerns about the impacts of the vaccine on the heart as it relates to younger men That’s important work that I support, and I look forward to learning more about his research and recommendations as they become available

“I share the very serious concerns that have been raised regarding how information about COVID-19 was shared with our citizens by the federal government Quite frankly, everything we were told from the federal government (from the origins of the virus, to 14 days to slow the spread, to the efficacy of lockdowns, masks, treatments and vaccinations) has been wrong to some degree or another That’s why I’m grateful we have a leader like Governor DeSantis who worked so hard to keep Florida free from the misguided mandates imposed by other states and by the federal government, which so clearly trampled on individual liberty and rejected the dignity of work

“ T h i s s e s s i o n , i n p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h Governor DeSantis, we will pass legislation to make permanent to protections in state law that protect the dignity of work, the responsibility to parent, and the right to live in freedom,” she said via email

The resolution, as approved, states:

“Ban the Jab Resolution:

“Whereas strong and credible evidence exists that Covid 19 and Covid 19 injec-

tio n s ar e b io lo g ical an d tech n o lo g ical weapons, “ W h e r e a s P f i z e r ’ s c l i n i c a l d a t a revealed 1223 deaths, 42,000 adverse cases, 158,000 adverse incidents, and approximately 1,000 side effects, “ W h e r e a s a n e n o r m o u s n u m b e r o f humans have died and or have been permanently disabled,

“Whereas strong and credible evidence e x i s t s t h a t C o v i d m R N A s h o t s a l t e r human DNA,

“Whereas government agencies, media and tech companies, and other corporations, have committed enormous fraud by claiming Covid injections are safe and effective,

“Whereas a statewide grand jury is investigating Covid vaccine crimes,

“Whereas continued experimentation on humans and denial of informed consent are violations of the Nuremberg Code and therefore constitute crimes against humanity,

“Be it Further Resolved:

“On behalf of the preservation of the human race, the Lee County Republican Party calls upon Governor DeSantis and the state legislature to prohibit the sale and distribution of Covid injections and a l l m R N A i n j e c t i o n s i n t h e s t a t e o f Florida, and for the state Attorney General to immediately seize all Covid injections and mRNA injections in the state of Florida and have a forensic analysis conducted ”

I t t h e n a t t a c h e s f o o t n o t e d l i n k s t o

“Small Sample of Supporting Data” for each paragraph.

I s l a n d R e p o r t e r 1
c a p t i v a s a n i b e l . c o m 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 1 0
Such “continued experimentation on humans and denial of informed consent are violations of the Nuremberg Code and t h e r e f o r e c o n s t i t u t e c r i m e s a g a i n s t humanity,” the resolution states, calling upon “Governor DeSantis and the state legislature to prohibit the sale and distribution of Covid injections and all mRNA injections in the state of Florida, and for the state Attorney General to immediately seize all Covid injections and mRNA injections in the state of Florida and have a forensic analysis conducted ”
r - o p e r a t o r , S m i t h i n i t i a l l y s t a r t e d w o r k i n g o n t h e i s l a n d s i n 1 9 9 0 a n d became a full-time resident in 2001 A member of the city council since 2017, she has been serving as mayor since March 2021 Prior to joining the council, Smith s e r v e d o n t h e S a n i b e l P l a n n i n g Commission for nearly a decade. A liaison to the Sanibel & Captiva Islands Chamber of Commerce's Intergovernmental Affairs Committee, she has served as liaison to Community Housing Resources and the Contractor Review Board She is a memb e r o f t h e S a n i b e l C a p t i v a B u s i n e s s Woman’s Association
“I am running to do what I have always done, stand up for Sanibel and the laws we have in place, and to work outside of the island on issues of importance which can adversely affect Sanibel, its residents and businesses,” Smith said of why she is seeking re-election.
Council seat

Summer camps

from 9 a m to 2 p m

The cost is $375 per week.

Island Skills Camp (ages 6-13)

From page 1

Teen Camps

∫ Counselor in Training (CIT) Program (ages 13-17)

Camps taking place weekly from June 12 to Aug 25

The cost is $265 per week

Honda State Park on Bahia Honda Key The cost is $625 for the week.

∫ “A Week in the Field” (ages 13-15)

∫ June 12-16: “Life’s Better with Your Pod Dolphins Week” from 9 to 4 p m

∫ June 26-30: “The Hostess with the Mostest Gopher Tortoise Week” from 9 to 4 p m

∫ July 3-7: “Can We Get An 'Oh Yeah' for Oysters Week?” from 9 to 4 p m

∫ July 17-21: “Planting with a Purpose Red Mangrove Week” from 9 to 4 p m

∫ July 24-28: Calusa Week” from 9 to 4 p.m.

∫ July 31 to Aug 4: “We’re Over the Moon for Jellies Week” from 9 to 4 p m

∫ Aug 14-18: “Large and in Charge Horse Conch Week” from 9 to 4 p m

∫ Aug 21-25: “Walking, Talking Fish Sea Robin Week” from 9 to 4 p m

The cost is $375 per week

∫ “The Art of Fishing” (ages 11-15)

Camp taking place from June 12-16 from 9 a m to 4 p m The cost is $450 for the week

∫ “Wahine Toa” (girls ages 13-17)

Camp taking place from June 19-23 from 9 a.m. to 4 p m The cost is $470 for the week and includes first aid/CPR certification

∫ “Have Paddle, Will Survive” (ages 13-17)

Camp taking place from June 26-30 from 9 a m to 4 p m The cost is $450 for the week

∫ “Keys Coral Reef Week” (ages 13-14)

Overnight camping trip on July 10-14 to the John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park on Key Largo The cost is $625 for the week

∫ “Keys Coral Reef Week” (ages 15-17)

Overnight camping trip on July 17-21 to the Bahia

Camp taking place from July 31 to Aug 4 from 9 a m to 4 p m The cost is $450 for the week

General registration will open on March 4 at noon at https://www sanibelseaschool org/registerforcamp The link will not be active until then If a camp is full, joining a wait list at no cost will be an option

The school also offers a scholarship program Those w h o n e e d a s c h o l a r s h i p s h o u l d e m a i l s a n ibelseaschool@sccf org before the registration opens on March 4 with their request.

F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t t h e o f f e r i n g s , v i s i t https://www sanibelseaschool org/sanibel-camps

For assistance with registration, contact 239-4728585 or sanibelseaschool@sccf org

T o s u p p o r t t h e s c h o o l ' s r e c o v e r y , v i s i t https://www sanibelseaschool org/support-the-cause

P a g e 1 1 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m I s l a n d R e p o r t e r

PreserVInG ParadIse

florida Winter Shorebird Survey takes place on islands

L a s t m o n t h , S a n i b e l - C a p t i v a C o n s e r v a t i o n Foundation staff and volunteers participated in the 15th annual Florida Winter Shorebird Survey, documenting nearly 3,000 shorebirds and seabirds over two days

A collaborative effort of the Florida Shorebird Alliance, the survey of shorebirds and seabirds in Florida aims to gain a better understanding of their winter distributions, the SCCF reported. It and island partners have participated in the count since 2010

“Data collected from this survey will be useful in determining important wintering sites and assessing long-term trends in wintering populations and distributions,” shorebird technician Aaron White said “This information will also help guide current and future conservation strategies, especially for threatened species in our state ”

In addition to the islands, the SCCF coordinates with partners to survey routes at the nearby Bunche Beach in Fort Myers, which offers critical tidal flat habitat for thousands of shorebirds. The SCCF reported that species that use the beach include federally threatened piping plovers and red knots

“Among the many birds counted, staff were happy to find some regular winter resident piping plovers, including one individual from the endangered Great L a k e s p o p u l a t i o n , ” s h o r e b i r d b i o l o g i s t A u d r e y Albrecht said. “Known as 'Big' by the researchers who banded her, this bird hatched in 2017 at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore and winters each year at Bunche Beach She was spotted with another regular wintering plover, 'Green Flag N6V,' who was banded as an adult in 2019 at Cape Hatteras National Seashore in North Carolina ”

In total, the SCCF shorebird team counted 2,851 birds across Sanibel and Captiva

Top five species this year:

∫ Laughing gull

∫ Royal tern

∫ Ring-billed gull

∫ Brown pelican

∫ Turkey vulture

Top five species of past 1 0 years:

∫ Laughing gull

∫ Sanderling

Royal tern

∫ Ring-billed gull

SCCf seeks debris sightings on preserve lands

The Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation is asking island residents and businesses to report any debris on SCCF preserve land that is adjacent to their property Many areas with debris are not visible from the street or from the interior and can only be seen from residential privately-owned lots

“We appreciate the help in identifying areas where contractors will come to remove debris from SCCF land,” W i l d l i f e & H a b i t a t M a n a g e m e n t D i r e c t o r C h r i s

Lechowicz said “Debris on private property is the responsibility of the property owner. We are only seeking sightings of debris on SCCF land ”

SCCF owns nearly 1,400 acres on Sanibel and over 2,200 acres total in or around the Pine Island Sound It

reported that as with most properties on the island, large amounts of debris from homes and businesses were scattered on conservation lands, primarily from the storm surge

SCCF reported that the water rising to unprecedented levels, at least in recent years, resulted in large amounts of construction and demolition (C&D) debris being pushed to the interior and then either settling or being pulled partially back which left a mess that most, if not all, residents can relate with

“There has been significant progress on the clean-up of C&D debris on SCCF conservation lands so far, but there is a long road ahead in getting to all SCCF properties,” Lechowicz said


I s l a n d R e p o r t e r c a p t i v a s a n i b e l . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 1 2
See SHOREBIRD, page 13

DDWS reports on refuge programming and more

The “Ding” Darling Wildlife Society-Friends of the Refuge reported that the J N “Ding” Darling National W i l d l i f e R e f u g e ' s V i s i t o r & E d u c a t i o n C e n t e r a n d Wildlife Drive remain closed to the public due to the hurricane damage Consequently, many programs and events are canceled

I n a d d i t i o n , t h e D D W S p r o v i d e d t h e f o l l o w i n g updates:

∫ Refuge Cleanup with a Ranger takes place on Wednesdays at 9 a m Participation is limited; preregistration is required at DingDarling Eventbrite com

∫ “Ding” Darling Nature Wellness is partnering with the Sanibel Recreation Center to offer Mindfulness Meditations and Mindful Nature Walks Preregister at

∫ Most Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, the Nature Store will pop up at the Outdoor Gallery and Island Market from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Rachel Pierce Art Gallery, at 1571 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel

∫ Solar United Neighbors (SUN) will hold in-person informational meetings on March 14 in Fort Myers and on March 15 on Sanibel

∫ The deadline for the annual Florida Junior Duck Stamp Contest is March 15 For more information, cont a c t S u p e r v i s o r y R e f u g e R a n g e r T o n i W e s t l a n d a t Toni Westland@fws gov or 239-940-0169

∫ The Sounds of the Sand fundraiser will take place on March 25 at the Bell Tower in Fort Myers to benefit the refuge's hurricane recovery and conservation The DDWS, Two Lane Lager and Bell Tower are partnering

for the free event

∫ The deadline to apply for DDWS scholarships for environmental studies is March 31.

∫ In concert with Earth Day, the “Ding” Darling Day Conservation Carnival will take place on April 22 at the Lakes Park in Fort Myers

∫ “Ding” Wellness Week will precede National Mental Health Awareness Week, May 3-10

∫ The annual “Ding” Darling & Doc Ford’s Tarpon Tournament will take place on May 19 Registration is open As of Feb 23, there were three spots left The DDWS thanked the 2023 sponsors To become an event sponsor, contact April Boehnen at aprilb@dingdarlingsociety org or 239-292-0566

SCCF supports groundbreaking of slough project

On Jan 26, Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation Environmental Policy Director Matt DePaolis traveled to Everglades National Park for the groundbreaking ceremony for the Taylor Slough Flow Improvement Project

“This project helps support Everglades restoration


SCCF Legislative Tracker goes live


n Foundation publishes a Legislative Tracker to help the public track and actively participate in the bills that the SCCF is following It is now available in advance of the 2023 Legislative Session, which will run from March 7 through May 5 The public can follow along as the SCCF watches bills move through committees and throughout the legislative session Bills that will have an impact on the SCCF's priorities in Southwest Florida will be logged and updated To v i e w t h e L e g i s l a t i v e T r a c k e r , v i s i t

Debris sightings

The effort began with SCCF staff gutting buildings that had been flooded out and picking up and moving debris to the street for collection After this stage, volunteers began removing debris from the borders of highly visible SCCF lands, such as the south end of the Frannie’s Preserve off Tarpon Bay Road and Gretchen C. Valade Preserve off Pine Avenue Coastal Watch Director Kealy McNeal led the teams, which included residents and vaca-


From page 12

∫ Willet

“Noticeably, there are no shorebirds inside the top five species this year; only seabird species,” White said “The exact cause of this decline is unknown, though possible factors include red tide conditions and heavy equipment on the beach for ongoing hurricane restoration In addition, lower than normal tides associated with the full moon exposed large m u d f l a t s i n S a n C a r l o s B a y , w h i c h attracted thousands of shorebirds ”

The SCCF reported that this year’s numbers were consistent with the past 10 years of winter shorebird survey data, which has recorded an average of 2,499 individuals per year

SANIBEL-CAPTIVA CONSERVATION FOUNDATION South florida Water Management Governing Board Chairman Chauncey Goss, Sanibel-Captiva Conservation foundation Environmental Policy Director Matt DePaolis and SfWMD Board Member Charlette Roman

From page 12

tioners, on Thursday and Friday mornings in January and February, clearing debris from 10 preserves out of a total of more than 40 SCCF preserves on island

As a non-profit, SCCF also registered with the Florida Division of Emergency Management to remove C&D debris, as well as some dead vegetation on the properties All SCCF properties were included in the application process, including ones off island It reported that a few stipula-

tions in the contract may exclude parts of a f e w p r o p e r t i e s , h o w e v e r , t h e b u l k o f p a r c e l s w i l l l i k e l y b e a p p r o v e d a n d cleaned up

“We are asking residents to be patient as this is a major effort,” Lechowicz said “Some areas are either hard to access or inaccessible at this time.”

The SCCF reported that currently, the contractors have worked on the Brightwater Preserve off West Gulf Drive and the Dunes

Preserves off Sandcastle Road

Residents who live adjacent to SCCF lands should report parcels where C& debris has accumulated from the storm surge The contractors can only remove debris from SCCF lands; they cannot work on lands owned by other entities or residents. Make sure it is SCCF property before filling out the form

T o f i l l o u t t h e f o r m , v i s i t https://forms gle/Rf5CQP2BJ9BxQuQb7

P a g e 1 3 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m I s l a n d R e p o r t e r
v e r y y e a r , t h e S a n i b e l - C a p t i v a C o n s e r v a t
i o

Isl and lIVInG

SPD releases weekly blotter

As Sanibel continues to recover from Hurricane Ian, the Sanibel Police Department is committed to keeping the community safe and secure To support that effort, a weekly police blotter will be issued on Tuesday that will include real time information about law enforcement response to criminal activity

Arrest repor ts

∫ Luis Armando, 43, of 800 Clubhouse Drive, Apt 1, West Palm Beach, was charged Feb 18 with one count each of DUI unlawful blood alcohol refusal to submit to DUI testing, moving traffic violation drive on permanently revoked driver's license and marijuana possession not more than 20 grams

∫ Garrett Mahn, 24, of no listed address, was charged on Feb 20 with one count of loitering or prowling.

Other enforcement actions

∫ On Feb 14, a traffic stop was conducted on a motorcycle for no license plate attached The operator did not have a driver's license, never had one issued and had no motorcycle endorsement. The motorcycle was also unregistered The operator was issued three criminal traffic citations and one non-moving traffic citation

∫ On Feb 15, a natural resource employee contacted police to report heavy equipment being operated in a wetland A landscaping company was issued three violations of city ordinance citations

∫ On Feb 18, a traffic stop was conducted for expired registration and it was discovered the vehicle had a seize tag order The driver was issued a citation and the vehicle was towed

∫ Officers continue to issue warnings and citations for the dewatering of pools in violation of the city ordinance

Enforcement operations statistics

Week to date for Feb 14-20:

∫ Alarm calls (business and residential): 2

∫ 911 non-emergency calls: 72

∫ Traffic crashes: 1

∫ Traffic stops: 50

∫ Citations issued: 25

∫ Written warnings issued: 2

∫ Field interviews: 0

∫ Residential area checks: 763

∫ Business area checks: 451

∫ Reported burglaries: 1

∫ Reported thefts: 2

∫ Total CAD calls: 1,868 February 2023 to date:

∫ Alarm calls (business and residential): 7

∫ Non-emergency calls: 173

∫ Traffic crashes: 5

∫ Traffic stops: 96

∫ Citations issued: 32

∫ Written warnings issued: 2

∫ Field interviews: 4

∫ Residential area checks: 1,613

∫ Business area checks: 1,254

∫ Reported burglaries: 3

∫ Reported thefts: 5 ∫

City reports on resolution of poststorm market value concerns

The city of Sanibel reported that it recently received three letters from FEMA concerning the “just value” or “market value” of properties as determined by the Lee County Property Appraiser (LEEPA)

It noted that all other jurisdictions in Lee County received similar letters

On Feb 18, the city received a letter titled, “Sanibel Market Value Clarification Letter ” The letter recognized the legal authority the LEEPA has in determining the just or market value of properties in Lee Based on the letter, the city will continue to use the “Tax Roll Value Letter” available for single-family residential properties on the LEEPA's website at https://www leepa org/, or an independent appraisal submitted with a Building Permit Application, to determine the pre-hurricane market value of Sanibel properties (structures) The pre-hurricane market values are required to measure the cost of repairs to “substantially damaged” properties against FEMA's 50% rule

The city reported that the city council and city staff engaged in communications with federal and state delegation members, LEEPA, county elected and administration officials, elected and administration officials from other cities in the county and Florida Division of Emergency Management to resolve the matter On Feb 17, city officials participated in a call with FEMA and the others to reach a resolution.

The letters received by the city, with summary information, are as follows:

FEMA Sanibel Just Value Notification Letter

Dated Feb 14, the letter was not read by city officials until the morning of Feb 15 It was addressed to Mayor Holly Smith, but emailed to the city manager and city's building official/floodplain manager

∫ The letter called into question the methodology and consistency of LEEPA in determining the pre-hurricane

just or market value of properties on Sanibel through LEEPA's “tool.” The tool referred to is the “Tax Roll Value Letter” that LEEPA provided for single-family residential properties following Hurricane Ian It is also used by the city's building official to determine the market value of properties and if the damage to a single-family r e s i d e n t i a l p r o p e r t y i s w i t h i n F E M A ' s 5 0 % r u l e Properties requiring repairs that are below 50% of their market value may be repaired Properties requiring repairs that exceed 50% of their market value must be brought into compliance with current floodplain and building code requirements This may include a requirement to elevate a structure

The letter also “strongly” recommended that the city not use the LEEPA tool in determining the pre-storm market value of homes The recommendation was in direct conflict with the definition the city’s Code of Ordinances (Section 94-127) provides for how market values are to be determined

∫ Market value The value of buildings and structures, excluding the land and other improvements on the parcel Market value is the actual cash value (like-kind replacement cost depreciated for age, wear and tear, neglect, and quality of construction) determined by a qualified independent appraiser, or tax assessment value adjusted to approximate market value by a factor provided by the property appraiser

∫ The recommendation would have required the city to use assessed values for structures provided by LEEPA, instead of the market value determined by LEEPA Alternatively, all property owners may obtain an appraisal from an independent appraiser to determine the market value of their structure

∫ The city supported the market values determined by LEEPA and questioned the FEMA letter, which failed to provide any specifics for its concern or recommended See MARkET vALUE CONCERNS, page 16

Household chemical waste collection set for islands

Island residents will be able to safely and responsibly dispose of household chemical waste leftover paints, cleaners, herbicides, pesticides, automotive fluids and pool chemicals today, March 1

Hosted in partnership with Lee County Solid Waste, a household chemical waste collection event will be held from 9 a m to 1 p m in the parking lot of the Sanibel Public L i b r a r y , a t 7 7 0 D u n l o p R o a d Sanibel Drop off of items will an easy drive-through process available

to all residents at no charge

It is part of an interlocal agreement between the city and Lee County to p r o v i d e r e s i d e n t s c o n v e n i e n t a n d responsible disposal of chemicals that might otherwise be harmful to people and the environment

B u s i n e s s e s t h a t n e e d c h e m i c a l waste disposal can call 239-5338000 to schedule an appointment for t h e m o n t h l y b u s i n e s s c o l l e c t i o n , which is held at the Lee County Household Chemical Waste Facility, at 6441 Topaz Court, Fort Myers.

T h e f o l l o w i n g i t e m s a r e n o t chemical waste and can be set out with regular garbage:

∫ Empty paint cans and dried paint

∫ Empty automotive fluid containers

∫ Small-engine equipment, such as pressure washers, lawnmowers, and weed eaters

∫ Small electronic parts, such as routers, mice and keyboards

∫ Small appliances

∫ Tires

The Sanibel School

in all grade levels for students who do not live on Sanibel and Captiva

For more information, call 239-472-1617 or visit sbl leeschools net

I s l a n d R e p o r t e r c a p t i v a s a n i b e l . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 1 4 Report your news to CAPTIvASANIBEL COM
CAD calls:
Impor tant reminders Roadside parking on Sanibel is not allowed except in the case of special events requiring a permit It is
See BLOTTER, page 16 Sanibel Public Meetings T h e f o l l o w i n g p u b l i c meetings/hearings are scheduled: ∫ March 7: Sanibel City Council meeting at 9 a m at BIG ARTS, at 900 Dunlop Road, Sanibel, and via Facebook Live For more informat i o n o r t h e a g e n d a , v i s i t www mysanibel com ∫ M a r c h 8 : S a n i b e l F i r e a n d Rescue District meeting at 9 a m at Station 171, at 2351 Palm Ridge Road, Sanibel For more information o r t h e a g e n d a , v i s i t w w w s a n ibelfire com The Sanibel School, at 3840 Sanibel-Captiva Road,
Kinder gar ten
10 For registration information,
at 2 3 9 - 4 7 2 - 1 6 1 7 o r d o n n a m m @ l e e s c h o o l s n e t T h o s e w h o r e g i s t e r w i l l r e c e i v e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t t h e Kindergarten Orientation in March The school is accepting waivers
Sanibel, reported
enrollment set to close
enrollment for the 2023-34 school year is open now and will close on March
contact Donna Marks


DOH-Lee issues red tide alerts for islands, more

On Feb. 20, the Florida Department of Health in Lee County issued health alerts for the presence of a red tide bloom An alert level of red tide was found near Lynn Hall Park on Fort Myers Beach, Gasparilla Island State Park at Boca Grande Pass, Turner Beach o n C a p t i v a , B l i n d P a s s B e a c h o n S a n i b e l a n d Lighthouse Beach on Sanibel This was in response to water samples taken on Feb 13-15

The public is advised to take the following precautions:

∫ Look for informational signage posted at most beaches

∫ Stay away from the water, and do not swim in waters with dead fish

∫ Those with chronic respiratory problems should be especially cautious and stay away from the locations as red tide can affect your breathing

first reopening phase on feb. 21 on Sanibel.

Chamber ribbon-cutting endorses


Bay Explorers reopening

Tarpon Bay Explorers, the recreation concession for the J N “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel, reopened with limited services on Feb 1 The Sanibel & Captiva Islands Chamber of Commerce honored the occasion on Feb 21 with a ribbon-cutting at the Tarpon Bay Recreation Area

Having suffered extensive damage from Hurricane Ian, including the loss of most of its paddlecraft and all of its pontoon boats, rental bikes, and trams, Tarpon Bay Explorers has been opening in gradual phases On Feb 1, its Gift & Nature Store was back up and running, along with kayak and paddleboard rentals The ramp also opened for non-motorized vessel launching

On Feb 13, staff naturalists began offering kayak t o u r s o f C o m m o d o r e T r a i l C r e e k e v e r y M o n d a y , Wednesday and Friday at 10 a m The current business hours are Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 8 a m to 5 p m , with last rentals of the day at 3 p.m.

“As soon as we can generate enough revenue to pay additional staff, we will be able to expand how many days we are open,” co-owner Wendy Schnapp said “Right now, there are just three of us working We will add more kayak tours once we have the demand We will add the tram tours once Wildlife Drive opens ”

She added that boat cruises and other services that require a major investment will depend on island visitation numbers and accommodations recovery, but probably will not happen until 2024 In the meantime, islanders and visitors alike are happy to take advantage of

the available services

“Locals have been out to shop and some out to take a break from working on their own home repairs and get out on the water, which they miss so much,” Schnapp said “Visitors and snowbirds who normally stay on Sanibel and have found rentals in Fort Myers, Estero, et cetera, have come out to the island just because they saw we were open and wanted to support us ”

“We are so thrilled to take this exciting first step toward refuge recovery,” Supervisory Refuge Ranger Toni Westland said

She and Schnapp are pleased to see people finding relief from the mental and physical effects of the storm and its aftermath with a dose of nature at Tarpon Bay

“Whether people want to just come over and watch the manatees and birds from the deck or actually get out and paddle, our facility opening is able to provide that muchneeded release,” Schnapp said “A big thank you to U S Fish and Wildlife Service and the 'Ding' Darling Wildlife Society for all they have done to help us recover and open ”

“As the islands' main attraction, along with our beaches, 'Ding' Darling's recovery benefits us all,” chamber President and Chief Executive Officer John Lai said “We join everyone in sending up a big cheer of encouragement as Tarpon Bay Explorers forges ahead ”

For more information or to book a kayak tour, call 239-472-8900 or visit tarponbayexplorers com

Tarpon Bay Explorers is at 900 Tarpon Bay Road, Sanibel

Shipley Trail reopens to visitors

On Feb 21, the Sanibel-Captiva C o n s e r v a t i o n F o u n d a t i o n announced the reopening of the Shipley Trail on Sanibel Located at the Bailey Homestead Preserve, it runs alongside the SCCF's Native L a n d s c a p e s & G a r d e n C e n t e r before connecting with the Starr D Thomas Memorial Boardwalk and

city's Pond Apple Trail The trail is under 0 75 miles with a crushed s h e l l s u b s t r a t e a n d o f f e r s g r e a t opportunities for birdwatching The SCCF reported that because the Roadside City Park parking lot on Periwinkle Way is closed, the public is encouraged to access the trail by foot or during the garden center's

h o u r s T r a i l - g o e r s a r e c a u t i o n e d that the connecting portions of the trail may still contain some downed vegetation from the hurricane The g a r d e n c e n t e r i s o p e n T u e s d a y through Thursday from 10 a m to 3 p m T h e B a i l e y H o m e s t e a d P r e s e r v e i s a t 1 3 0 0 P e r i w i n k l e Way, Sanibel.

∫ Do not harvest or eat molluscan shellfish, or distressed or dead fish from the locations If caught live and healthy, finfish are safe to eat as long as they are filleted and the guts are discarded Rinse fillets with tap or bottled water

∫ Wash your skin and clothing with soap and fresh water if you have had recent contact with red tide

∫ Keep pets and livestock away and out of the water, sea foam and dead sea life If your pet swims in waters with red tide, wash it as soon as possible

∫ Those living in beach areas are advised to close windows and run the air conditioner, making sure that the A/C filter is maintained according to manufacturer's specifications

∫ If outdoors near an affected location, people may choose to wear masks, especially if onshore winds are blowing

In addition, a caution level was found near Bonita Beach Park and Tarpon Bay Road Beach on Sanibel A cautionary notice indicates low levels (less than 10,000-100,000 Karenia brevis cells per liter) of red tide detected in sampling This was in response to water samples taken on Feb 15

The DOH-Lee encourages the public to review the following tips to stay safe on the beach:

∫ In Florida, red tide is caused by a naturally occurring microscopic alga called Karenia brevis Red tide algal blooms can change rapidly, staying in one place for months or just a few days or weeks

∫ Symptoms from breathing red tide usually include coughing, sneezing and watery eyes For most people, symptoms are temporary and typically go away when the person leaves the area Wearing a particle filter mask may lessen the effects, and over-thecounter antihistamines decrease symptoms

∫ Those with chronic respiratory problems, like asthma, should avoid areas with active red tides People with symptoms that persist should seek medical attention

∫ Pet owners are advised that red tide poses a risk to animals brought to the beach Red tide can affect animals if they drink affected water, lick their wet paws or fur, or breath marine aerosols

∫ Those sensitive to red tide and living in beach areas affected by blooms are advised to close windows and run the air conditioner, making sure that the AC filter is maintained according to the manufacturer’s specifications

∫ Seafood, including shellfish, in restaurants, hotels, grocery stores, and markets is safe to eat Cooked shellfish oysters, clams, mussels thor-

See RED TIDE, page 16

P a g e 1 5 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m I s l a n d R e p o r t e r Report your news to CAPTIvASANIBEL COM
SANIBEL & CAPTIVA ISLANDS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Tarpon Bay Explorers hosted a Sanibel & Captiva Islands Chamber of Commerce celebration of the J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge's

goals by allowing additional clean f r e s h w a t e r t h r o u g h E v e r g l a d e s National Park and into Florida Bay,” he said “It’s certainly no small feat to build a project, but navigating the red tape, garnering support, completing necessary environmental evaluations, and finding the funding to get a project to the point where you can put a shovel in the ground is an immense task that many people don’t see ”

The SCCF reported that the project will include the installation of 18 culverts to allow water to pass underneath 3 2 miles of the Old Ingraham H i g h w a y , a s w e l l a s m o v e s p o i l materials from north of the highway to plug canals that could result in f r e s h w a t e r d i v e r s i o n a w a y f r o m

“This week has been a flurry of activity, and while the ribbon cuttings are exciting, the groundbreakings represent the massive effort it takes to get a project to this stage,” DePaolis said

Market value concerns

process for determining the market value of a residential structure The property appraiser participated in the city's community updates to explain his methodology in determining the market values of structures following Ian and provided a tutorial on how to access the information on the FEMA website

∫ To view the letter, visit https://files constantcontact com/97af97e6001/633e39e587be-4e8d-8190-d5e3a96f8e49 pdf

FEMA City of Sanibel Substantial Damage Review Letter

Dated on Feb 15, the letter was not read by city officials until the morning of Feb 16 It was addressed to Smith, but was emailed to the city manager and city's building official/floodplain manager

∫ The letter informs the city that FEMA will review


From page 14

enforced and can result in a $150 fine

Several beach park facilities are open to the public For more information on S a n i b e l b e a c h e s , v i s i t h t t p s : / / w w w m y s a n i b e l c o m / g o v e r nm e n t / p u b l i c - w o r k s - d e p a r t m e n t / u s e f u llinks/parks-public-beaches

Dewatering of a pool or spa directly

Red tide

From page 15

oughly to prevent exposure to Vibrio vulnificus Shellfish should not be harvested or eaten from areas with active red tide

People are encouraged to check conditions before going to the beach as they can change daily

What is red tide?

Red tide is one type of harmful algal bloom caused by high concentrations of the toxic dinoflagellate Karenia brevis (K. brevis), a type of microscopic algae found in the Gulf of Mexico It typically forms naturally offshore, commonly in late summer or early fall, and is carried into coastal waters by winds and currents

Once inshore, these organisms can use nearshore nutrient sources to fuel their growth Blooms typically last into winter or spring, but in some cases, can endure for more than one year

From page 14

“substantial damage” determinations and building repair permits issued on Sanibel to ensure compliance with “floodplain management programs,” which includes the National Flood Insurance Program The city's Community Service Rating provides residents with a 25 percent discount on flood insurance rates

∫ A review of the noted records is typical following a major hurricane that caused substantial damage to structures/properties

∫ To view the letter, visit https://files constantcontact com/97af97e6001/8bb02a7aed17-444a-819a-d28fa6d88664 pdf

FEMA Sanibel Market Value Clarification Letter

Dated Feb 17, the letter was not received by city officials until the morning of Feb. 18 when it was forwarded to the

into a waterbody, into the city’s stormwater system or onto any third-party’s property without the third party’s consent is expressly prohibited Solicitation is not allowed on Sanibel Please share any photos of solicitation hang tags to police@mysanibel com or use Tip411

Is it har mful?

K brevis produces potent neurotoxins (brevetoxins) that can be harmful to the health of wildlife and people Wind and wave action can break open K brevis cells and release toxins into the air This is why you should monitor conditions and use caution when visiting affected water bodies

People in coastal areas can experience varying degrees of eye, nose and throat irritation during a red tide bloom Some individuals with chronic respiratory conditions, like asthma or chronic lung disease, might experience more severe symptoms Red tide toxins can also affect the central nervous system of fish and other marine life, which can lead to fish kills and increased wildlife strandings or mortalities. Eating contaminated seafood can cause neurotoxic shellfish poisoning in humans Symptoms include nausea and vomiting; tingling of the mouth, lips and tongue; and slurred speech and dizziness

city manager by the Florida DEM director It was addressed to Smith, but was emailed to the city manager and city's building official/floodplain manager

∫ The letter recognizes the legal authority the LEEPA has in determining the just or market value of properties in Lee County

∫ The letter is the result of the Feb 17 call between FEMA, city officials and others

∫ Based on the letter, the city will continue to use the “Tax Roll Value Letter” available for single-family residential properties on the LEEPA's website, or an independent appraisal submitted with a Building Permit Application, to determine the pre-hurricane market value of properties (structures)

∫ To view the letter, visit https://files constantcontact com/97af97e6001/2b1499f2b46e-431a-860c-f75461e904aa.pdf.

Repor ting suspicious activity

Anonymous tips regarding crimes or suspicious activity can be submitted via Tip411:

∫ Text the keyword SANIBEL then your tip to 847411

∫ W e b t i p s c a n b e s u b m i t t e d a t https://www tip411 com/tips/new?alert g

T o f i n d c u r r e n t i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t Florida's water quality status and public h e a l t h n o t i f i c a t i o n s f o r h a r m f u l a l g a l b l o o m s a n d b e a c h c o n d i t i o n s , v i s i t and floridahealth gov/environmental-health/aquatic-toxins For local shellfish harvesting status, visit the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services at h t t p s : / / w w w f d a c s g o v / A g r i c u l t u r eI n d u s t r y / A q u a c u l t u r e / S h e l l f i s h -


Where to repor t issues related to red tide?

T h e F l o r i d a F i s h a n d W i l d l i f e

Conservation Commission collects and analyzes red tide samples and results are u p d a t e d m u l t i p l e t i m e s d a i l y a t

MyFWC com/redtidemap/ Status updates are issued twice weekly during blooms at https://myfwc com/research/redtide/state

roup id=22450

∫ Use the free “Sanibel PD” app for your Android or iOS device

The SPD's non-emergency line is 239472-3111

F i n d t h e S P D o n F a c e b o o k a t https://www facebook com/SanibelPolice

wide/ To hear a recording about red tide conditions throughout the state, call the toll-free hotline at 866-300-9399

To report fish kills, contact the Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute via the FWC Reporter App, call 800-6360 5 1 1 o r r e p o r t o n l i n e a t https://myfwc com/research/saltwater/hea


Report symptoms from exposure to a harmful algal bloom or any aquatic toxin to the Florida Poison Information Center Call 800-222-1222 to speak to a poison specialist immediately

C o n t a c t y o u r v e t e r i n a r i a n i f y o u

believe your pet has become ill after consuming or having contact with red tideaffected water or contaminated marine life

For other health questions or concerns about red tide blooms, call the DOH-Lee at 239-690-2100

I s l a n d R e p o r t e r c a p t i v a s a n i b e l . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 1 6
Slough project From page 13
SANIBEL-CAPTIVA CONSERVATION FOUNDATION Officials break ground with ceremonial golden shovels in front of Everglades National Park for the Taylor Slough flow Improvement Project.
WEEK OF MARCH 1, 2023 In the Garden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Island Home 20 BIG ARTS Calendar 21 CROW Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 faces on faith 21 Island Worship 21 Recipe of the Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Poetic License 22 Island Beat 23 alsOInsIdetOday alsOInsIdetOday alsOInsIdetOday alsOInsIdetOday Tower Gallery to hold Annual Art From The Attic Sale PaGe 18

Annual sale with great deals to mark Sanibel gallery’s reopening

An annual event will celebrate the post-storm reopening of the Tower Gallery on Sanibel

The 16th Annual Art From The Attic Sale will take place on March 3-5 from 10 a m to 4 p m Attendees will be able to browse through and purchase work from the co-operative's award-winning artists at discounted prices which will be set up on the porch and beneath tents outdoors

Artist and co-op board Vice President Susan Sadler explained that the event normally kicks off the gallery's season, as it is held in October It is also intended to give the local community a chance to buy pieces at a more affordable cost, while enabling the artists to make room for the new season's work

“It was more designed for giving back to full-time residents,” she said

Following Hurricane Ian, this year's event will also mark the gallery's official reopening

“We had to start somewhere,” Sadler said “And we missed our regular one ”

As for how the gallery weathered the storm, it was a lucky one She explained that there was storm surge under the elevated structure that damaged the AC unit and such, along with damages to the yard. However, the inside of the gallery was completely intact and sustained no wind nor water intrusion

“You could have opened up the doors and took sales,” Sadler said

The Tower Gallery represents over 25 local artists working in a multitude of mediums

“You'll see see oil paintings, acrylic paintings, ceramics, raku, photography, wood working, fiber art, jewelry,” she said of the wide range of pieces that will be available for purchase during the event

“They can find great treasures at great prices,” Salder added.

The event is also a chance to meet the artists and learn about their work

Before the three-day event kicks off, there will be another festivity for the gallery's reopening The Sanibel & Captiva Islands Chamber of Commerce will host a ribbon-cutting on March 2 at 11:30 a m

The public is encouraged to swing by and check out the artwork

“It's just a fun event,” she said “Come out and support the arts ”

For those unable to stop by, the gallery has launched an online shop on its website. While the deep discounts

will not apply online, all of the artists are represented and the prices include shipping For more information, call 239-579-0659 or visit www towergallery net

Shell find Junonia found on Sanibel

A l e x a n d r e C ô t é , o f M o n t r é a l , C a n a d a , f o u n d a j u n o n i a o n t h e m o r n i n g o f

Feb 18 at Turner Beach on the Sanibel side He reported that it was in a wave roll and he managed to grab it Côté added that he is a sheller and h e a n d h i s w i f e , J u s t i n e LeBlanc, have a family house on Captiva It was their first time back on the island since H u r r i c a n e I a n T h e c o u p l e t h a n k e d e v e r y o n e w h o h a s been working hard to clean up the beach and repair everyt h i n g s o b e a c h - g o e r s c a n e n j o y s h e l l i n g a g a i n i n Southwest Florida To report a shell find, contact 239-4721587 or trepecki@breezenewspapers com

If you go


16th Annual Art From The Attic Sale When March 3-5 from 10 a m to 4 p m

Where Tower Gallery, 751 Tarpon Bay Road, Sanibel

The Tower Gallery is at 751 Tarpon Bay Road, Sanibel

For t Myers boutique to suppor t CROW

Jennifer's “Fashion Forward Friday” event on March 3 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. will benefit the Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife on Sanibel The women's boutique will donate 5 percent of all its sales Jennifer's will also collect needed items for CROW that are repurposed for other uses around the clinic, including bags of rice, dry erase markers (fine tip), AA and AAA batteries, puppy potty-training pads, bungee cords (assorted sizes) and yoga mats Jennifer's is at 13251 McGregor Blvd , Fort Myers

Al-Anon, Al-Ateen meetings

Are you concerned with a friend or family member's drinking? Let us help Call our 24-hour helpline at 941-5645098 or visit www SouthFloridaAlAnon org Meetings are held every day in Lee County Al-Ateen meetings are also offered for ages 10-18 I s l a n d R e p o r t e r c a p t i v a s a n i b e l . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 1 8

Sanibel Music festival announces schedule

T h e 3 6 t h a n n u a l S a n i b e l M u s i c Festival will take place from March 4 through April 4 on select Saturdays and Tuesdays at Peace Lutheran Church in Fort Myers and feature six programs

The schedule for the festival is as follows:

∫ March 4 : Emerson String Quartet at 7 :3 0 p.m.

F o r m o r e t h a n f o u r d e c a d e s , t h e

Emerson String Quartet has maintained worldwide status as a premier chamber music ensemble It has made more than 30 acclaimed recordings and has been h o n o r e d w i t h n i n e G r a m m y s , t h r e e

Gramophone Awards, the Avery Fisher Prize and Musical America’s “Ensemble of the Year” award Formed in 1976 and based in New York City, it was one of the first quartets to have its violinists alternate in the first chair position The quartet will disband in the fall and play in concert halls across the United States and Europe for the very last time

∫ March 1 1 : Calidore String Quartet at 7 :3 0 p.m.

Recipient of a 2018 Avery Fisher Career Grant and 2017 Lincoln Center E m e r g i n g A r t i s t A w a r d , t h e C a l i d o r e String Quartet first made international headlines as the winner of the Grand Prize o f t h e 2 0 1 6 M - P r i z e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Chamber Music Competition It is the only North American ensemble to win the

Borletti-Buitoni Trust Fellowship, was a BBC Radio 3 New Generation Artist, and is in residence with the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center The quartet was founded at the Colburn School in Los Angeles in 2010

∫ March 1 8 : Lysander Piano Trio at 7 :3 0 p.m.

The Lysander Piano Trio, whose name i s i n s p i r e d b y t h e c h a r a c t e r i n Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s D r e a m ” w a s f o r m e d a t T h e J u i l l i a r d School and launched with acclaim in New York in 2010 Early in its career, the trio became a standout at competitions, with top honors at the 2010 Fischoff National C h a m b e r M u s i c C o m p e t i t i o n , 2 0 1 1

C o l e m a n C h a m b e r E n s e m b l e Competition (grand prize), 2011 J C A r r i a g a C h a m b e r M u s i c C o m p e t i t i o n (first prize) and 2012 Concert Artists Guild Victor Elmaleh Competition

∫ Marc h 2 1 : “S i ng i ng Le rne r & Loewe: Masters of Glamour & Romance” by the Opera Theater of Connecticut at 2 p m and 7 :3 0 p m

T h e O p e r a T h e a t e r o f C o n n e c t i c u t w i l l s i n g h i t s f r o m t h e m e m o r a b l e m u s i -

c a l p r o d u c t i o n s o f L e r n e r a n d L o e w e , i n c l u d i n g “ M y F a i r L a d y , ” “ C a m e l o t , ”

“ B r i g a d o o n , ” “ G i g i ” a n d m o r e T h e p r o g r a m w i l l c h o o s e f r o m f a v o r i t e s

s u c h a s “ A l m o s t L i k e B e i n g I n L o v e , ” “ F r o m T h i s D a y O n , ” “ G e t M e T o T h e

C h u r c h O n T i m e , ” “ I C o u l d H a v e D a n c e d A l l N i g h t , ” “ A h Y e s I

R e m e m b e r I t W e l l , ” “ I f E v e r I W o u l d

L e a v e Y o u , ” “ T h e N i g h t T h e y I n v e n t e d

C h a m p a g n e , ” “ O n T h e S t r e e t W h e r e

Y o u L i v e , ” “ T h e R a i n I n S p a i n , ” “ T h e y

C a l l T h e W i n d M a r i a , ” “ W i t h A L i t t l e

B i t O f L u c k , ” a n d “ W o u l d n ' t I t B e

L o v e r l y ”

∫ March 2 8 : New York Brass Arts

Trio at 7 :3 0 p m

Audiences can expect a musical romp with surprising twists with the New York Brass Arts Trio David Jolley on French horn, Joe Burgstaller on trumpet and Haim Avitsur on trombone are distinguished artists in their own right The trip combines to create a musical experience that defies the boundaries of classical and leaves audiences thoroughly entertained

∫ A pri l 4 : Fl o ri da Gul f Co as t U ni v e rs i ty 's B o w e r S c ho o l o f Mus i c Chamber Strings at 7 :3 0 p m

Known for inspiring performances and amazing musicianship, Florida Gulf Coast University's Bower School of Music students under the direction of Dr Kyle Szabo demonstrate the vitality of classical music as participants in the Sanibel Music Festival's Emerging Artist Series

For more information or tickets, visit h t t p s : / / s a n i b e l m u s i c f e s t i v a l o r g / o r c a l l 239-344-7025.

P e a c e L u t h e r a n C h u r c h i s 1 5 8 4 0 McGregor Blvd , Fort Myers

Southwest Florida Reading Festival to welcome authors

5 a u t h o r s f o r a l l a g e s t o m e e t f a n s a n d s h o w c a s e t h e i r b o o k s

T h e f e s t i v a l i s a t i m e - h o n o r e d t r a d it i o n i n t h e c o m m u n i t y , w i t h a t t e n d e e s c o m i n g b a c k y e a r a f t e r y e a r t o h e a r a u t h o r p r e s e n t a t i o n s , m e e t - a n d - g r e e t w i t h a d i v e r s e l i n e - u p o f b e s t - s e l l i n g

a u t h o r s a n d h a v e t h e i r b o o k s s i g n e d I t i s a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o d i s c o v e r t h e l a t e s t b o o k s a n d d i g i t a l r e s o u r c e s o f f e r e d b y t h e l i b r a r y , w i t h s t o r y t e l l i n g p r o g r a m s , y o u t h w r i t i n g a w a r d p r e s e n t a t i o n s , a r t s a n d c r a f t s , a n d a f r e e b o o k f o r e v e r y c h i l d a n d t e e n w h o a t t e n d i n g

T h e c o m p l e t e l i n e u p o f a u t h o r s a n d m o s t u p - t o - d a t e i n f o r m a t i o n c a n b e f o u n d b y d o w n l o a d i n g t h e f e s t i v a l ' s f r e e m o b i l e a p p “ S W F L R e a d s , ” w h i c h i s a v a i l a ble from the App Store or Google

T h e S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a Reading Festival is free and community-supported through d o n a t i o n s , s p o n s o r s h i p s a n d g r a n t s V i s i t to make a secure online donation

For more information, visit w w w R e a d F e s t o r g o r c a l l 239-533-4832

The Fort Myers Regional Library is at 2450 First St , Fort Myers

P a g e 1 9 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m I s l a n d R e p o r t e r
SANIBEL MUSIC FESTIVAL The Emerson String Quartet will perform on March 4 at the Sanibel Music festival The Calidore String Quartet will perform on March 11 at the Sanibel Music festival. The Lysander Piano Trio will perform on March 18 at the Sanibel Music festival. The New York Brass Arts Trio will perform on March 28 at the Sanibel Music festival The Opera Theater of Connecticut Singing Lerner & Loewe: Masters of Glamour & Romance will perform on March 21 at the Sanibel Music festival
T h e L e e C o u n t y L i b r a r y S y s t e m ' s 2 4 t h a n n u a l S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a R e a d i n g F e s t i v a l w i l l b e h e l d o n M a r c h 4 f r o m 1 0 a m t o 4 p m o n t h e o u t d o o r c a mp u s o f t h e F o r t M y e r s R e g i o n a l L i b r a r y T h e f r e e e v e n t w i l l h o s t 2

Isl and HOMe islander

To sod or not to sod

(Editor's note: This is part of a series of articles by members of the city of Sanibel's Vegetation Committee dealing with vegetative matters of concern to island resi d e n t s F o r t h e o t h e r a r t i c l e s i n t h e s e r i e s , v i s i t www mysanibel com/Departments/Natural-Resources )

Water conservation is one of the most critical issues f a c i n g F l o r i d a t o d a y B e s t M a n a g e m e n t P r a c t i c e s (BMPs) promote the most efficient use of water by addressing the establishment and care of grass and landscape plants in a way that reduces fertilizer and pesticide use and conserves water

Grass can be useful for erosion control or in a play area for children and may remind you of your northern lawn However, to keep grass healthy and green in South Florida, lawns need endless maintenance, additional nutrients, regular pesticide applications to control weeds and insects, and frequent irrigation

In a place as lovely as Sanibel, why would we choose to spend so much time and money to maintain sod?

N a t i v e g r o u n d c o v e r s o r m u l c h e d l a n d s c a p i n g b e d s , which require little or no additional water, could be used to serve the same purpose Mulch releases moisture slowly, unlike bare soil or grass and provides free weed control, fertilizer, and acts as a soil amendment.

Native plants have adapted to the wet and dry periods

Salt-tolerant buccaneer palm brings unusual and unique

To bring the unusual and unique to an island native garden, the addition of a silvery-blue buccaneer palm (Pseudophoenix Sargentii) is a great choice

This specimen palm has lots to recommend it for island living It is very salt tolerant, slow growing and wind tolerant No two buccaneer palms seem to be alike as each palm has its own d i s t i n c t g r o w t h h a b i t s Some buccaneer palms develop long fronds and o t h e r s h a v e h e a v i e r t r u n k s , a n d s o m e w i l l develop fronds that are more blue or more green They have a fan-shaped frond and do well planted as a double or triple stem palm

Even when planted side by side, in the same soil, you could end up with two palms that look different from each other, making them truly unique even among their own variety of palms They prefer full sun, but will grow in part shade The palm does not like to be too far from the coast as it does not tolerate cold weather, although as a potted palm on a sunny patio or pool deck it would do fine


SANIBEL-CAPTIVA CONSERVATION FOUNDATION Mimosa (Mimosa strigillosa) See SOD, page 22

Don’t plant a pest: Give them an inch, they’ll take an acre

Initiated in 2010, National Invasive Species Awareness Week is a weeklong series of activities, briefings and events to highlight efforts across the nation and around the world to slow the spread of invasive species In the United States alone, invasive species cost over $120 billion annually in damage and control, and the cost they inflict on our natural heritage is immeasurable

The city of Sanibel has been waging war against invasive exotic plants and some animals, too that threaten the island's natural areas since the early 1980s An invasive exotic plant is an exotic or non-native plant that not only has naturalized but is aggressively expanding on its own, displacing native plants and wildlife and disrupting natural ecological processes In 1996, the city enacted legislation regu-

lating eight invasive exotic plant species Brazilian pepper, air potato, earleaf acacia, exotic inkberry (beach naupaka), java plum, lead tree, mother-

in-law's tongue and Melaleuca that were determined to be the “worst of the worst” invaders These eight species

See PEST, page 22

Post-storm landscape restoration lecture planned

r e o n M a r c h 2 a t 3 p m a t B I G

A R T S , w h i c h f o l l o w s t h e S a n i b e l

V e g e t a t i o n C o m m i t t e e m e e t i n g

W i t h t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f F l o r i d a ' s

I n s t i t u t e o f F o o d a n d A g r i c u l t u r e S c i e n c e s , h e w i l l d i s c u s s h o w H u r r i c a n e I a n i m p a c t e d S a n i b e l ' s v e g e t a t i o n , c o n s i d e r a t i o n s f o r

r e p l a c i n g d e s t r o y e d p l a n t s a n d m o r e T h e p r e s e n t a t i o n w i l l b e o p e n t o t h e p u b l i c T h o s e i n t e r e s t e d a r e e n c o u r a g e d t o a t t e n d . B r o w n i s a f a c u l t y m e m b e r a n d a n e x t e n s i o n a g e n t w i t h U F ' s I n s t i t u t e o f F o o d a n d A g r i c u l t u r e S c i e n c e s H e h o l d s a B a c h e l o r o f S c i e n c e i n s o i l s c i e n c e f r o m t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f C a l i f o r n i a a n d M a s t e r

o f S c i e n c e i n s o i l f e r t i l i t y a n d p l a n t n u t r i t i o n f r o m U F B r o w n i s r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t a k i n g u n i v e r s i t yb a s e d r e s e a r c h o n F l o r i d a F r i e n d l y L a n d s c a p i n g f o r b o t h c o m m e r c i a l a n d r e s i d e n t i a l c l i e n t e l e s A s s u c h , h e p l a n s , d e v e l o p s , i m p l e m e n t s , a n d e v a l u a t e s v a r i o u s m e t h o d s f o r c l i e n t e l e o u t r e a c h a n d e d u c a t i o n

B I G A R T S i s a t 9 0 0 D u n l o p R o a d , S a n i b e l

I s l a n d R e p o r t e r c a p t i v a s a n i b e l . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 2 0 Report your news to CAPTIvASANIBEL.COM
Sanibel Captiva PHOTO PROVIDED Buccaneer palm
L e e C o u n t y h o r t i c u l t u r a l a g e n t S t e p h e n B r o w n w i l l p r o v i d e a p o s th u r r i c a n e l a n d s c a p e r e s t o r a t i o n l e ct u
o f F l o r i d a T h e y h a v e d e v e l o p e d d e f e n s e s t o most diseases and insects found here Well-placed native plants will remain h e a l t h y w i t h m i n i m u m c a r e . G r o u n d c o v e r s t h a t are appropriate for South Florida gardeners include, b u t a r e n o t l i m i t e d t o , A m b r o s i a ( A m b r o s i a hispida), dune sunflower (Helianthus debilis),
en creeper (Ernodea lit-
pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius)
Dune sunflower (Helianthus debilis)
RUTH BROOKS C o o n t i e ( Z a m i a floridana)

Recipe of the Week:

Tomato Base Cioppino Chowder with Homemade fish Stock

Cioppino is a Mediterranean fish stew traditionally prepared by the fisherman’s wife to use up the unsold fish from the day’s catch. The word is derived from local dialect cioppin, meaning to reduce by boiling Thus, the essence of a good cioppino is its rich, concentrated broth

Serves 12 (Chef tip: Using a variety of fish or shellfish in your fish stew will give it a richer flavor )

Fish stock:

2 pounds of fish bones, shrimp shells

1 onion, chopped

2 stalks of celery, chopped

1 teaspoon black pepper

1/2 cup dry white wine

1/4 cup parsley

For cioppino:

4 tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil

1 small onion, chopped

2 cloves garlic, chopped

2 green peppers, chopped

2 stalk celery, some leaves, chopped

1/4 cup fresh Italian parsley, chopped, plus more for serving

1 bay leaf

BIG ARTS Calendar

B I G A R T S , a t 9 0 0 D u n l o p R o a d , Sanibel, will present the following:


C r e a t i v e C o l l a g e w i t h K a t h l e e n Conover today, March 1, from 10 a m to 1 p m at BIG ARTS Cost is $39 for donors and $48 for non-donors


C r e a t i v e C o l l a g e w i t h K a t h l e e n Conover on March 2 from 10 a m to 1 p m at BIG ARTS Cost is $39 for donors and $48 for non-donors

Workshop A n I n v i t a t i o n T o P h o t o g r a p h i c S t o r y t e l l i n g w i t h H a r v e y S c h i p p e r o n March 6, 13 and 20 from 2 to 4 p m virtually via Zoom. Cost is $72 for donors and $90 for non-donors

Pre-registration is required for workshops by contacting 239-395-0900 or F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t www bigarts org or call 239-395-0900

CROW Calendar

The Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife, at 3883 Sanibel-Captiva Road, Sanibel, will present the following:

∫ Today, March 1

Speaker Series at 1 p m

Adam Pottruck, wildlife biologist and e n v i r o n m e n t a l e d u c a t o r w i t h A d a m ' s

A n i m a l E n c o u n t e r s , w i l l p r e s e n t “ A l l

About Alligators” via Zoom. Alligators once lived with dinosaurs Learn general information about alligators and the adaptions that have allowed them to live for so

long, as well as how they bounced back from the brink of extinction Cost is free o r b y d o n a t i o n T o r e g i s t e r , v i s i t h t t p s : / / w w w e v e n t b r i t e c o m / o / c l i n i c - f o rt h e - r e h a b i l i t a t i o n - o f - w i l d l i f e - c r o w -


CROW's campus on Sanibel is currently closed due to Hurricane Ian.

F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t h t t p : / / www crowclinic org/ or call 239-4723644

The serious side of Purim

O n M o n d a y n i g h t , March 6, Jews around the w o r l d w i l l c e l e b r a t e t h e Festival of Purim

Purim is a joyful celeb r a t i o n w i t h c o s t u m e s , masks and great frivolity

Unfortunately, all the fun and games can mask the v e r y s e r i o u s l e s s o n s o f Purim found in the biblical Book of Esther, which is the basis for the for the festival

That is a shame because the Purim story confronts the mature reader with vital p h i l o s o p h i c a l q u e s t i o n s : about the place of women in society, the phenomenon of prejudice, and the very meaning of our lives

faces on faith

1 teaspoon sea salt

1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

1/8 teaspoon crushed red pepper

1/2 cup dry white wine

1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

2 cups tomatoes, chopped

8 cups fish stock

2-3 pounds of fish fillet, choose several types, such as cod, snapper, halibut, cut into 1-inch-by-2-inch pieces

12 shrimp

24 mussels

12 crostini, for serving

Put all fish stock ingredients into a stock pot; add a couple quarts of water and bring to a boil Lower heat and simmer for 20 minutes Strain and reserve stock

In a large soup pot, saute olive oil and onion until the onion is transparent Add garlic, green peppers and celery Cook until soft, about 10 minutes Add parsley, bay leaf, salt, black pepper and crushed red pepper

Cook for five more minutes. Add white wine and Worcestershire sauce. Add chopped tomatoes and fish stock Simmer for another 15 minutes Taste for seasoning and add the seafood Simmer gently until shellfish shells open Discard any shells that do not open Take off heat Add parsley and serve

With a slotted spoon divide the shellfish and fish among 12 warmed, deep bowls Ladle the broth over each and serve with crostini

Island Worship

∫ Bat Yam Temple of the Islands

2050 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel (Sanibel Congregational United Church of Christ), https://www batyam org/, https://www facebook com/batyamsanibel/

Rabbi Stephen Fuchs and Cantor Rabbi Sunny Schnitzer

Sabbath service on Friday at 7 p m at the Jewish Federation of Lee & Charlotte Counties, at 9701 Commerce Center Court, Fort Myers, and via Zoom For Zoom links, email batyamsanibel@gmail com

∫ Captiva Chapel by the Sea

11580 Chapin Lane, Captiva, 239-472-1646,, www facebook com/Captiva-Chapel-By-The-Sea

Rev Larry Marshall

In-person service on Sundays at 11 a m through April Services will be videotaped and posted on the chapel's website and Facebook page Services from the past season can also be found online

∫ Chavurat Shalom of Southwest Florida

www chavuratshalomofsouthwestflorida org

Lecture and discussion on Thursday at 11 a m via Zoom Torah Talk on the third Thursday of each month at 11 a m via Zoom Friday Shabbat service at 7:30 p m via Zoom Len Minsky Current Events discussion on Saturday at 11 a m via Zoom For Zoom links, email ChavuratShalom@gmail com

∫ Sanibel Christian Science Church

2950 West Gulf Drive, Sanibel, 239-810-1077

Due to the hurricane, it is not currently holding services

∫ Sanibel Community Church

1740 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, 239-472-2684, https://sanibelchurch com/, https://www facebook com/sanibelchurch/

Pastor Jeramie Rinne

Sunday service at 10 a m in the SCC Historic Chapel Sunday service at 5 p m at the Fort Myers Community Church, at 8440 Cypress Lake Drive, Fort Myers Services will be recorded and posted on the SCC's YouTube channel on Monday

∫ Sanibel Congregational United Church of Christ

2050 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, 239-472-0497, https://www sanibelucc org/,

Too seldom do we ponder the courage of Vashti, King Ahasueras’ first wife In the story, the world’s most powerful man commands her to display her b e a u t y f o r h i s d r u n k e n f r i e n d s , b u t s h e r e f u s e s

She is a worthy role model for our daughters Vashti refused to simply be a sex object even if that refusal cost her throne Hopefully all of us can learn from her courage

A v i t a l l e s s o n a b o u t p r e j u d i c e p r e s e n t s i t s e l f when Mordecai refuses to bow down before Haman Haman is angry, but as the Bible records: “ it was not enough for him to punish Mordecai

Senior Minister Dr Mark Boyea

Sunday service at 10 a m at The Refuge Church, at 1901 Brantley Road, Fort Myers

∫ St Isabel Catholic Church

3559 Sanibel-Captiva Road, Sanibel, 239-472-2763, https://www saintisabel org/, https://www facebook com/stisabelcatholicchurch/

Father Ed Martin

Due to the hurricane, it is not currently holding services

∫ St Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church

2304 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, 239-472-2173, https://www saintmichaelssanibel org/, https://www facebook com/saintmichaelssanibel/

Rev. William “Bill” Van Oss

Service with optional healing prayers on Wednesday at 9 a m at the Peace Lutheran Church, at 15840 McGregor Blvd , Fort Myers Sunday service at 11:30 a m at the same location, followed by a coffee hour in Fellowship Hall

alone, for they had told him the people of Mordecai (Esther 3:5) ” No, because of his anger at one man, Haman sought to destroy all the Jews Sadly, the prejudice presented against in the book of Esther

persists in many forms to this day. The third vital lesson instructs us in the meaning of life itself When Mordecai read Haman’s decree condemning the

P a g e 2 1 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m I s l a n d R e p o r t e r
Loretta Paganini
See PURIM, page 22


From page 20

toralis), coontie (Zamia floridana), and mimosa (Mimosa strigillosa). All have low nutritional requirements and medium to fast growth rates They also have a high tolerance to salt and drought

Native plants, when used properly, planting the right plant in the right place, are also the best choice for attracting and nourishing wildlife Native plants bloom and fruit when native species need them, providing food and shelter for birds and butterflies, as well as beneficial insects

Although grass and sod seem to be the standard of nearly every Southwest Florida landscape, it is never too late to make a better choice for water conservation, water quality, and wildlife If you’re not ready to give up sod

Buccaneer palm

The palms grow in the Florida Keys and are in fact native to Sanibel, as well as parts of Mexico and the Caribbean The name “buccaneer palm” likely is derived from the fact that the palm is found in most of the places favored by the pirates and buccaneers who roamed the Caribbean

Because the palm is a coastal island


From page 20

may not be intentionally planted, transplanted or otherwise introduced in any way on Sanibel and are required to be permanently removed as a condition of all city development permits

Although the war is far from over, the city and its conservation partners the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation and U S Fish and Wildlife Service at the J N “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge have won several battles. Introduced as an ornamental and for its ability to dry up swampy environments, the last known Melaleuca tree was cut down in


altogether, consider beginning with a small section of your landscape. Visit a local native plant nursery, consult with the city’s Natural Resources Department or join the city's Vegetation Committee on a Native Plant Walk at City Hall to see plants, including groundcovers, grown without fertilizer or additional water

F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t w w w m y s a n i b e l c o m / Departments/Natural-Resources or contact the Natural Resources Department at 239-472-3700 Photos of the “Worst of the Worst” invasive exotic plants and the city’s “The Alien Invasion” brochure can also be found on the website

From page 20

native, it can be planted in direct Gulf exposure on the beachside of your home as few other palms can be You do not have to worry about losing your beach view as the palm rarely exceeds 10-15 feet in height You can plant them close to the house or drive for a pop of silvery beauty and not worry about them out-

September 1989 The city also continues to make progress with the island-wide Brazilian Pepper Eradication Program As a result of the ambitious program, Brazilian pepper has been removed from all conservation areas and from most of the island's residential and commercial properties Additionally, residents collected over 1,000 pounds of air potato bulbils as part of the city’s “Air Potato Exchange Day” program in 2012 and 2013.

T h e i m p a c t o f H u r r i c a n e I a n h a s c h a n g e d t h e c o m m e r c i a l a n d r e s i d e n t i a l l a n d s c a p e s o n S a n i b e l D i s t u r b a n c e

From page 21

Jews of Persia to death, he sent a message to Esther to intercede for her people. Esther’s response was that she dared not approach the king because he had not summoned her, and the penalty is death for anyone even the Queen who appears unbidden before the king unless he holds out his scepter as a sign of acceptance

I n h i s r e s p o n s e , M o r d e c a i a s k s E s t h e r a q u e s t i o n w e s h o u l d a l l a s k o u r s e l v e s :

“ W h o k n o w s i f y o u h a v e n o t b e c o m e

Q u e e n f o r j u s t s u c h a t i m e a s t h i s ? ”

( E s t h e r 4 : 1 4 ) I n o t h e r w o r d s , w h o

k n o w s i f w e a r e w h e r e w e a r e a t a n y g i v e n m o m e n t j u s t f o r t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t h e m o m e n t o f f e r s u s t o m a k e a d i f f e re n c e

License ‘My Carmella’

Prince Charming gave a royal ball

So he could dance with Cinderella, But when he came to Palestine

He danced all night with my Carmella

Her gown was pink from head to toe, And made to fit by Slenderella, He asked her name, without a shame, She answered, “Call me Pinkarella ”

Columbus discovered America

In the name of Spain and Isabella

So Papi Joe could build a house

Where he could swim with his Carmella

When Ponce de Leon found Florida, He said, “I’m such a lucky fella, The Fountain of Youth will keep me cute And always young like my Carmella.”

Now every summer she can be found

On the isle of Sanibella

Make no mistake, on Kittiwake, The beauty queen is My Carmella

growing the space because of their slow growth pattern

When you have a tough spot that is salty, windy and sandy and you want a native specimen palm, the buccaneer palm may be just the one for you It has an interesting name that is fun to talk about and is tough enough to handle our coastal

e v e n t s s u c h a s h u r r i c a n e s m a k e l a n ds c a p e d a n d n a t u r a l a r e a s m o r e s u s c e p t ib l e t o i n v a s i o n b y p e s t p l a n t s , a n d a r e o f t e n s o m e o f f i r s t p l a n t s t o b e g i n r e g r o w i n g o r s p r o u t i n g S t o r m s u r g e r e v e a l e d t h e v u l n e r a b i l i t y o f p l a n t s w i t h l o w t o n o s a l t t o l e r a n c e , e x t r e m e w i n d s d a m a g e d o r d e s t r o y e d v e g e t a t i o n , a n d t h e s t o r m m a y h a v e p o t e n t i a l l y i n t r od u c e d i n v a s i v e e x o t i c p l a n t s p e c i e s i n t o n e w a r e a s . N o w i s t h e t i m e t o c h e c k y o u r p r o p e r t y f o r i n v a s i v e e x o t i c p l a n t s t o r e m o v e W h e t h e r y o u a r e a c t i n g a s a s t e w a r d f o r y o u r o w n p r o p e r t y , a l o c a l

Mordecai’s response addresses us all

In our lives we, like Esther, have moments when our action or inaction can make a vital difference in someone’s life We can seize these moments or turn away from t h e m E s t h e r s w a l l o w e d h e r f e a r a n d seized her moment Her example and her courage commend themselves to all of us when the times come for us to step up and

island environment What more could you want from a specimen palm?

In The Garden is a joint effort by all at the local garden center, at 3889 SanibelCaptiva Road, Sanibel For more information, contact 239-395-5859 or visit www facebook com/rswalshinthegarden

p a r k o r a f a r a w a y n a t u r a l a r e a , i n v a s i v e p l a n t s a r e l i k e l y t o b e a p r o b l e m I n t h e f a c e o f s u c h g l o b a l t h r e a t s t o b i o d i v e r s it y a s h a b i t a t d e s t r u c t i o n a n d c l i m a t e c h a n g e , w e c a n e a c h m a k e a d i f f e r e n c e b y p r e v e n t i n g a n d c o n t r o l l i n g t h e s p r e a d o f i n v a s i v e s p e c i e s

To view photos of the “Worst of the Worst” invasive exotic plants and the city’s “The Alien Invasion” brochure, visit www mysanibel com/Departments /NaturalResources or contact the city's Natural Resources Department at 239-472-3700

make a difference

Y e s , P u r i m i s m o r e t h a n f u n a n d games If we study the Story of Esther, we learn about the dignity of women, the phenomenon of prejudice and the very meaning of life itself

Rabbi Stephen Lewis Fuchs is with the Bat Yam Temple of the Islands

I s l a n d R e p o r t e r c a p t i v a s a n i b e l . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 2 2

islandBeat islander

F I S H OF SANIBEL-CAPTIVA F.I.S.H. thanks program donors

F I S H of Sanibel-Captiva recently thanked those who answered its request for equipment donations As of last week, it was back to a full stock of supplies for its Medical Equipment Lending program F I S H previously reported that all of the equipment was destroyed or lost as a result of Hurricane Ian. The program assists island residents or visitors with equipment that they may need on a temporary basis Interested individuals can borrow equipment that they require from F I S H at no cost to them

Lee Health to offer selfmanagement programs

Lee Health's “It’s All About You” a self-management resource program with the SMRC is offering the following research-based virtual programs for free to the community:

Chronic Disease Self-Management Program

The Chronic Disease Self-Management Program is designed for people ages 18 and older with chronic health conditions to help them learn ways to better manage the chronic conditions and symptoms that often accompany chronic health conditions The workshops are held once a week for six weeks

The virtual program will be offered on Thursdays starting on March 2 from 1 to 3 p m

Participants will receive a copy of the book “Living a Healthier Life with Chronic Conditions ”

For more information or to register for one of the programs, call 239-424-3121

Sanibel Captiva


MacIntosh Books and Paper owner Rebecca Binkowski is selling postcards created by local artist Diana Taylor to benefit the Sanibel-Captiva kiwanis Club's scholarship program.

MacIntosh Books suppor ting scholarships

MacIntosh Books and Paper on Sanibel is donating to the SanibelCaptiva Kiwanis Club's scholarship program Owner Rebecca Binkowski

has collaborated with local artist Diana Taylor to create postcards and more showing life on the island after Hurricane Ian A portion of every sale

Free autism screening for young children

Charities of Southwest Florida, the Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida offers a free monthly autism spectrum disorder screening for toddlers 18 months to 5 years of age

The next screening will be held on March 3 from 9

m to 2 p m at the Pediatric Specialist Office, at 15901 Bass Road, Suite 102, Fort Myers

The ASD screening is conducted by the children’s h

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, who has extensive training and experience in typical child development and developmental disorders

A physician referral is not required

To schedule a screening or for more information, call 239-343-6838

will be donated to the program To purchase a postcard or for more information, visit https://www macintoshbooks com/

P a g e 2 3 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m I s l a n d R e p o r t e r
Traders, 1551 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel PETER REDPATH 5 to 8 p m DANNY MORGAN AND JOHN McLANE 5 to 8 p m DANNY MORGAN 5 to 8 p.m. PETER REDPATH 5 to 8 p m JOHN McLANE 5 to 8 p m DANNY MORGAN 5 to 8 p m Cielo, 1244 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel SCOTT McDONALD 4 to 7:30 p m SCOTT McDONALD 4 to 7:30 p m SCOTT McDONALD 4 to 7:30 p m SCOTT McDONALD 4 to 7:30 p m SCOTT McDONALD 4 to 7:30 p m MACINTOSH BOOKS PAPER
I n p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h R o n a l d M c D o n a l d H o u s e
p i t a l T h e s c r e e n i n g s a r e a d m i n i s t e r e d b y a n
your news to THE ISLANDER:
I s l a n d R e p o r t e r c a p t i v a s a n i b e l . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 3 ■ P a g e 2 4 )+ & 1 0( + )+ .* + .-1 +$& ( .+".( 1 0$-# - ( & -# + $(- +$)+ (&1 '$& , ,%$(" && ,(##)' 1.+'/&#" ,+", #+#/## (34 *')# $.,* !#+0#. &1..'! +# " * %# ,. $),,"'+% #3 #3#. .,,$ ## ')),3 .1)' 5,0&#. )'/0'+%/6 14#./7 %#+0/ ! )) *# *, //,! $## )) $,. '+$, ,(##)' 1.+'/&#" ,+", #+#/## (34 *')# $.,* !#+0#. &1..'! +# " * %# ,. $),,"'+% #3 #3#. .,,$ ## ')),3 .1)' 5,0&#. )'/0'+%/6 14#./7 %#+0/ ! )) *# *, //,! $## )) $,. '+$, Pressman PressAssistant TheBreeze NewspapersBreeze CommercialPrinting hasanimmediate needforthefollowing positionsatour PrintingFacility. PRESSMAN: experiencepreferred butnotrequired.F/T PRESSASSISTANT: willtrain,F/T PaidVacation, Benefits,401K,great workenvironment! ApplyinPersonor emailyourresume BreezeNewspapers 14051JetportLoop FtMyersFL33913 Residential/Commercia l FullServiceGeneralContractor *Additions *Remodels *Renovations 30YearsExperience VeteranOwned 239-560-5448 Licensed&Insured License#CGC1532266 +' ( )2, + +/$ .'* .##/ 01*#*,2 ) ,0 )# .'+% +"/! -'+% #/'"#+0' ) ,**#.!' ) )0 !! +$(" / + (,- && -$)( '!#+/#" +" +/1.#" captivasanibel .com captivasanibel .com captivasanibel .com

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e d n e s d a y , M a r c h



3 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m I s l a n d R e p o r t e r

P a g e 2 5 ■ W

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