Cape Coral Wednesday Breeze

Page 1

Safety on the water

Local state of emergency, curfew end in Cape

the lights back on

Specific to Cape Coral we re down to a couple hundred outages I'm very happy to report ” Vidal said “And it continues to decrease as we get through today's work ”

Roughly 1,200 crews are still working along Cape Coral streets, and LCEC said several hundred customers who needed to reconnect after damage was sustained have been able to do so after repairs

see the efforts on every corner Everyone's contributions go a long way in recovery

We will continue to restore power to every customer in our beautiful Southwest Florida community ”

LCEC has temporarily suspended late fees and disconnections for non payment “so customers can focus on their families and homes after the disastrous Hurricane Ian

course take precedence over any other per mits Hernandez said adding the depart ment also is focusing on permits in the sys tem prior to the state of emergency

Cape Coral Community Development Director Vincent Cautero, said several h

s e d o n

Tuesday the first day City Hall has been open since the storm

One of the most pressing issues for res idents since the aftermath of the storm has been restoring power to homes and busi nesses Lee County Electric Cooperative CEO Denise Vidal shared the latest on what the utility is doing and has done to get


Vidal called Hurricane Ian an “unprece dented” event and shared her gratitude to other companies that have lent a hand such as Duke Energy and Florida Power & Light She said the residents and workers in Southwest Florida have been resilient

We've all joined together to help this community rebuild ” Vidal said “And you

City Manager Rob Hernandez said Cape Coral has suspended the intake of any new permits that are not hurricane related for “at least” 30 days "

“This will allow us to focus primarily on those permits that are necessary to allow our residents and businesses to get back on

Shell Factory, nature park battered by Ian

For a person who saw her business resemble a war zone last week Pam Cronin felt like a very blessed woman

The Shell Factory & Nature Park, which Cronin owns was hit very hard by Hurricane Ian and as of Thursday still had no electricity or any of its attractions even close to being open

The famed Shell Factory sign now reads “SHE” and has made national news as the rest of the letters are long gone the gift shop saw some flooding and roof damage, the restaurant had approximately $30,000 in food go bad when the power went out early and the refrig erators and freezers couldn’t hold in the cold and the nature park well it was totally trashed

The good news was that all the animals made it through the storm (unlike Irma when 11 animals died) and Players Circle Theater and the Fun Park sustained no damage and the Shell Factory is looking to get back in business sooner rather than later

Cronin said they have been working hard to get things back to normal, which begins with the iconic sign

“The sign has been there since 1960 but it’s been destroyed We have the “SHE” left which



That backup

from the


Myers High School helped spread


The Lee County School District partnered with the Miami Dolphins



Countless cars formed

the way to


for the chance

meet a




He said the majority of the permits com ing through the system are for “minor” damages in electrical and roofing areas for $20,000 or less

Cautero said the city has predicted and is now starting

permits already in the system for



District’s goal is to open schools Oct. 17

Lee County Superintendent Dr Christopher Bernier announced Friday during an afternoon press conference that the district s goal is to r e t u r n t o a n e d u c a

Monday Oct 17

“Unfortunately I have to report that schools will remain closed Certified inspectors have evaluated our buildings and special centers, he said The majority of our schools are consid ered what is called a low needs environment Meaning they need very little more in order to open ”

The reason the schools will remain closed this upcoming week is the district still has sig nificant and disproportional challenges to over come as not all the district's buildings were impacted in the same manner by the storm There are at least eight schools that do not have power

Some schools, most schools, do not have suitable drinking water Most of our schools remain on a boil water notice We still have safety and debris issues which will impact the safe pick up and delivery of our students both to and from our schools Bernier said We have to reopen in a way that is safe for our students and staff and sensitive to their needs, while being effective enough to be able to provide teaching and learning that we expect ”

There are schools that remain in the high needs category with some significant damage with some needing time for repairs and some needing longer to rebuild

The list of schools not ready to open include Fort Myers Beach Elementary Hector Cafferata E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l H e i g h t s E l e m e n t a r y School, Pine Island Elementary School, Skyline Elementary School, Caloosa Middle School, Cypress Lake Middle School, Diplomat Middle School Gulf Middle School Lexington Middle School Mariner Middle School Paul Laurence D u n b a r M i d d l e S c h o o l T r a f a l g a r M i d d l e School, The Sanibel School, North Fort Myers Academy for the Arts, North Fort Myers High School, Fort Myers Tech Center and Success Academy

Bernier said they have plans in place for the schools that are not able to reopen to ensure they have educational environments for those children He said they will do their very best to keep those communities of learning, those stu dents teachers and principals together in the process

There could be the possibility of double ses sions based upon the buildings that we have ready to go, Bernier said

As of Friday the calendar has not been revised to show the days students have missed

in to help at North High

he could on his days off to help

This is where I m from I m glad my team mates came out to help me and the whole Dolphin organization, White said It feels great to give back A lot of people have nothing right now so it’s an opportunity to help out ”

Dolphins teammate Raheem Mostert said that although he went to high school on the other coast, he felt obligated to come to the aid of his teammate

“I’ve been through these experiences grow ing up in hurricane season I remember as a boy trees being knocked over and not having the right supplies, Mostert said Being able to ask for help is very important for the community It's important to stick together at a time like this ”

The Dolphins who arrived by bus from Miami reached out to the school district shortly after the hurricane to show support for the North Fort Myers community

They asked what they would be eating and what they should bring and we were already

WEEKDAY EDition Post CommEnts At CAPECorAlbrEEzE.Com Vol 61, No 78 Wednesday, October 12, 2022 50 Cents Classified Marketplace Auctions & Bazaars • Garage Sales • Real Estate • Marine General Notices • Automotive • Employment • Business & Service Directory Coming in this weekend’s Breeze ■ Health hazards from Hurricane Ian ■ Cleanup continues across Cape 7 48445 46010 1 AT A GLANCE Inside today’s Breeze T h e C a l u s a S p o r t s m a n Foundation makes big dona t i o n t o V a l e r i e s H o u s e Forever Home project INSIDE Legal Notices 5 6 Local Tides 3 Sports 3 Weather 2 INDEX NEWS OF NOTE CAPE CORAL BREEZE Cape Coral s Community Newspaper Since 1961 Governor Ron DeSantis a n n o u n c e d T u e s d a y t h a t t e m p o r a r y r e p a i r s t o t h e Sanibel Causeway are com plete and will allow a one t i m e c o n v o y o f p o w e r restoration equipment, sup plies and crews to access Sanibel Island and continue r e s t o r a t i o n e f f o r t s O n c e crews are on the island the F l o r i d a D e p a r t m e n t o f Transportation will resume repairs to restore access to t h e i s l a n d f o r r e s i d e n t s which is expected to be com p l e t e b y t h e e n d o f t h i s month The temporary repairs to the bridge will allow over 200 bucket trucks 150 line and pickup trucks towing 50 trailers and 2 tractor trailers t o m o v e o n t o t h e i s l a n d , along with additional first r e s p o n d e r s t o c r o s s t h e bridge and aid in recovery e f f o r t s w h i l e f i n a l r o a d repairs are underway This includes crews from across the state, Lee County Elec t r i c C o o p e r a t i v e F l o r i d a Power and Light and mem bers of the Florida Electric Cooperative Association
week, at DeSantis direction, barges began to deploy to move equipment and supplies to Sanibel to restore power and ensure w r a p a r o u n d s e r v i c e s l i k e running water are available a s q u i c k l y a s p o s s i b l e B a r g e s c o n t i n u e t o m o v e daily to transport equipment personnel and supplies to support recovery operations
FWC urges boaters to use caution after Hurricane Ian SPORTS
Sanibel Causeway temporar y repairs
now complete
The city of Cape Coral’s local state of emergency and curfew ended Tuesday nearly two weeks removed from the most catastrophic storm in the city s history Cape officials gathered Tuesday after n o o n t o p r o v i d e u p d a t e s o n r e c o v e r y e f f o r t s f r o m h i g h e n d C a t e g o r y 4 Hurricane Ian
t h e i r f e e t A l l e m e r g e n c y p e r m i t s o f
u n d r e d p e r m i t s w e r e p r o c e s
to see
ZaQuandre White s mother s North F o r t M y e r s h o m e w a s d a m a g e d d u r i n g Hurricane Ian and much of his hometown was in a state of tatters he called for some backup
came in the form of his team mates
Miami Dolphins, who, on their off day, along
the athletes from North Fort
some good fortune to thousands of
Tuesday to distribute hurricane recovery supplies, food, water and
necessities at
Fort Myers High
a line almost all
on April
waiting hours
to get
much needed food and water,
Miami Dolphin or two and even get a hot meal
many haven t had since the storm W h i t e w h o i s a r u n n i n g b a c k f o r t h e Dolphins was also a star running back and bas ketball player at North graduating in 2017 He s t i l l h a s m a n y f r i e n d s a n d f a m i l y h e r e i n Southwest Florida and after Ian did its damage he sprang into action returning home whenever
is funny We got a lot of damage like everyone else and have a lot of water inside the building so we re pulling all the carpet out and mitigate the problems we have with the water ” Cronin
t i o n a l e n v i r o n m e n t o n
BALLARO The iconic Shell Factory sign, above, was badly damaged by Hurricane Ian Two carousel ponies, top, rode out the storm in place The horses are still usable, as is the carousel, though it had to be dismantled See SHELL FACTORY, page 4 See DISTRICT, page 4 See MIAMI DOLPHINS, page 4
Lawrence takes a selfie with M i a m i D o l p h i n s r u n n i n g b a c k ZaQuandre White during a hurricane supplies event Tuesday at North Fort Myers High CHUCK BALLARO City provides recovery update See CAPE, page 4

Donalds to host Property Restoration Town Hall meeting today in Cape Coral

Congressman Byron Donalds

will hold




Office of





M. Eckenrode

Editor: Valarie Harring 239-829-1159,

Strine 239-829-1156,

5 p.m.



Advertising Manager: Laurie Ragle 239-574-3403, mail to:


Circulation Manager: Joe Trupo 239-425-8869, mail to:

If you have a news tip or letter to the editor: 239-574-1110, mail to: If you want to subscribe: 239-574-1936, mail to:

Postal information

The Cape Coral Breeze (ISSN 10726152) is published two times a week by the Breeze Corporation, 2510 Del Prado Blvd., Cape Coral FL 33904. Periodicals postage paid at Fort Myers, FL. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Cape Coral Breeze, 2510 Del Prado Blvd., Cape Coral FL 33904. Periodicals authorization has been issued by the USPS in Lee County and the following unique publication number has been issued: 112150.

Auditor information Breeze Newspapers and affiliated websites are audited by: Circulation Verification Council 338 South Kirkwood Road, Suite 102 St. Louse, MO 63122

Statement of Ownership

Title of Publication: Cape Coral Breeze Publication # 0112-1500

Date of filing: 9/30/2021

Frequency of issue: Wednesday and Friday Number of issues published annually: 104 Annual subscription price $39 Location of known office of publication: 2510 Del Prado Blvd., Cape Coral, FL 33904

Contact person: Joseph Trupo, 239-425-8870

Complete mailing address of headquarters: The Nutting Company, Inc., 1500 Main Street, Wheeling, WV 26003

Publisher: Ray Eckenrode, 2510 Del Prado Blvd., Cape Coral, FL 33904

Editor: Valarie Harring, 2510 Del Prado Blvd., Cape Coral, FL 33904

Managing Editor: Chris Strine

Owner: As per


Total No.


Following the catastrophic damage that ensued following


residents, businesses, non profits and large areas of the Southwest F l o r i d a c o m m u n i t y s u f f e r e d u n

a b

a g

damage or total destruction While the land scape of the communities might have changed, we will rebuild stronger than ever, Donalds said in a press release

The meeting will also include representa t

This Town Hall


This Town Hall event will allow residents business owners and non profits the opportunity to access resources share their concerns ask questions and receive first hand information on ways to

their property


Lee County building damage assessments, permits and inspection guidelines

Due to both public and private damage generated by Hurricane Ian unincorporat ed Lee County is temporarily altering rou tine construction permitting and inspec tions for rebuilding

Damage assessment:

Unincorporated Lee County following t h e N a t i o n a l F l o o d I n s u r a n c e P r o g r a m (NFIP) requirements, has the responsibility to determine substantial damage and “substantial improvement ” and has imple mented the procedures to do so

■ Substantial damage is defined as dam age of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its before damage condition would equal or exceed 50% of the market value of the structure (Note: The cost of the repairs must include all costs necessary to fully repair the structure to its before damage condition )

■ Substantial improvement is defined as any reconstruction rehabilitation addition or other improvement of a structure the cost of which equals or exceeds 50% of the market value of the structure (before any improvements are performed)

Historic structures may be exempt from these requirements if the compliance would threaten the structure’s continued eligibili ty for historic designation

These laws are required by the NFIP to protect lives and investment from future flood damages The county must enforce these laws in order for federally backed flood insurance to be made available to Unincorporated Lee County residents and property owners

FEMA 50% rule:

■ This is in effect and will be enforced during review

■ Basic rule: If the cost of improve ments or the cost to repair the damage exceeds 50% of the market value of the building it must be brought up to current f





for more information


Phase II of the

involve structural

trical systems

Previously permitted fences destroyed due to the storm may be re installed, like for like, in

2 Minor damage

Permits for minor damage consisting of roof covering, screen enclosures, wood decks, doors, windows and other non struc tural components may be obtained upon the submission of an itemized list from the contractor or ow ner builder s tating the items to be repaired with an accurate cost estimate of the repairs It will be the responsibility of the owner builder or con tractor to request the required inspections from the Lee County Inspections Office at 239 533 8997 or use an approved archi tect or engineer to perform the inspections and provide inspection reports to the Lee County Building Inspections Office

3 Major damage

■ Permits for minimal structural compo nents such as damaged glass rooms trusses on single family houses, cladding (roof and wall sheathing) and non structural compo nents including mechanical (air condition ing) electrical and insulation may be issued to a contractor or owner builder upon submission of an itemized list signed and sealed by an approved architect or engineer

■ Considered Substantial Damage per FEMA guidelines requiring a more com p l e x p e r m i t r e v i e


4 Major structural damage

■ Permits for collapsed roofing systems destroyed walls foundation damage dam age to beams and other major structural components, will only be issued upon sub mission of detailed construction drawings prepared and sealed by an approved archi tect or engineer

■ Considered Substantial Damage per FEMA guidelines, requiring a more com p


Expired permits/permits due to expire:

Existing permitting records (all record types) that have

expiration date of Sept


will be auto extended with

expiration date of Nov 1

and is subject to further extension


All inspection requests are being accepted at this time with priority being given to hurricane related repairs

the responsibility of the con tractor

request the required


l o o d p l a i n m a n a g e m e n t s t a n d a r d s
i s i t w w w l e e g o v c o m / d c d / f l o o d / b u i l d
or www fema gov/sites/
e f a u l t / f i l e s / 2 0 2 0
p213 08232018 pdf
Disaster Recovery proce d u r e s e x t e n d s p e r m i t t i n g , r e v i e w a n d i n s p e c t i o n s e r v i c e s t o a l l r e c o r d t y p e s regardless of damage while ensuring those with hurricane damage are given priority Please review the Phase II Disaster R e c o v e r y P e r m i t t i n g R e q u i r e m e n t s a n d the Guides and Forms webpage for infor mation about Permitting Requirements by record type 1 Work not requiring a permit: ■ Removal of debris from on or inside a structure ■ Minor demolition to prevent injury or prevent further damage to buildings ■ Structural shoring and bracing ■ Replacement of broken glass within existing framing for windows and doors ■ Repair/Replacement of soffit and gut ters ■ Roof Shingle replacement of one square of shingles (10 foot by 10 foot area, or less) ■ Minor non structural repairs made to the exterior of structures ■ Repair of minor water leaks that do not
mechanical or elec
the exact same location
w p r o c e s s d e s c r i b e d h e r e : w w w l e e g o v c o m / d c d / f l o o d / b u i l d
l e x p e r m i t r e v i e w p r o c e s s d e s c r i b e d h e r e : w w w l e e g o v c o m / d c d / f l o o d / b u i l d
Oct 31 2022
a new
■ It will be
or owner builder to
inspections, based on the
scope of work The use of an approved pri vate provider inspection firm to perform the necessary inspections and provide inspec tion reports to the Lee County Building I n s p e c t i o n s O f f i c e i s a c c e p t a b l e Email inspections@leegov com ■ I n s p e c t i o n s c a n b e s c h e d u l e d via eConnect/ACA or by phone at 239 533 8997 ■ Inspections must be scheduled by 5 p m for next business day inspections Lee
239-574-2824, mail to: Switchboard: 239-574-1110 /CapeCoralDailyBreeze @CapeCoralDaily ISSN 10726152
2510 Del Prado Blvd. S, Cape
FL 33904 Hours: Monday
Friday 8 a.m. to
list furnished to Postal Department, known bondholders, mortgages and other security holders holding or owning 1 percent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities: None CAPE CORAL BREEZE Issue Date for Circulation Data Below 9-24-21
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Copies Printed (Net Press Run) 624869 Paid/Requested Outside-County Mail Subscriptions Stated on Form 3541. (Include advertiser’s proof and exchange copies) 3140 Paid In-County Subscriptions (Include advertiser’s proof and exchange copies)416585 Sales Through Dealers and Carriers, Street Vendors, Counter Sales, and Other Non-USPS Paid Distribution 6084 Other Classes Mailed Through USPS 0 0 Total Paid and/or Requested Circulation 507709 Free Distribution by Mail (samples, complimentary, and other free) (1) Outside-County as Stated on Form 3541 00 (2) In-County as Stated on Form 3541 00 (3) Other Classes Mailed through the USPS 00 Free Distribution Outside the Mail(Carriers or other means) 0 Total Free Distribution0 Total Distribution507709 Copies not Distributed117160 Total624869 Percent Paid and/or Requested Circulation 100100 Publication of Statement of 100% Ownership: 10/06/2021 I certify that the statements made by me above are correct and complete. Signed: Raymond M. Eckenrode, Publisher Executive
Editor: Chris
Page 2 Wednesday October 12 2022 capecoral breeze com CAPE CORAL BREE ZE
(FL 19)
an in person Property Restoration Town
event today Oct 12 at Cape Christian
Blvd S in Cape
Hurricane Ian, countless tem
and permanent
i m
i n
l e
i v e s f r o m F E M A , S B A , t h e I n s u r a n c e Commissioner's Office and Sanibel Captiva Community Bank
will only address issues related to property restoration Kindly direct all other questions or comments regarding unrelat ed matters to the appropriate officials Donalds' staff will also be willing and able to assist in handling all other questions or con cerns
those unable to attend the congress man s Town Hall event in person, Donalds i n v i t e s a l l c o n s t i t u e n t s o f F l o r i d a s 1 9 t h Congressional District to tune in to the virtual broadcast of the event
stream the Town Hall live visit https://www face book com/RepDonaldsPress/
See GUIDELINES, page 4

permission first Never try to enter a storm affected marina or boat storage facility without it Bring proof of ownership Spilled fuel combined with the potential of downed electrical wires and a host of other hazards make them extremely dangerous places Don t even think of smoking Stay off docks until it is safe to do so and never climb in or on boats that have piled up together or are dangling precariously from dock pilings or other obstructions

■ Remove valuables If your boat has washed ashore remove as much equip ment as possible and move it to a safe place to protect it from looters and van dals It s a good idea to put your name, telephone number, address and email somewhere conspicuously on the boat along with a “No Trespassing” sign

■ Minimize further damage Protect your boat from further water damage resulting from exposure to the weather This could include covering it with a tarp or boarding up broken windows or hatches As soon as possible start drying out the boat either by taking advantage of sunny weather or using electric air handlers All wet materials, such as cushions, must be removed and saved for a potential insurance claim The storm may be gone but the clock is tick ing on mold growth

■ Pickle wet machinery Engines and other machinery that were sub merged or have gotten wet should be “pickled” by flushing with freshwater a n d t h e n f i l l e d w i t h d i e s e l f u e l o r kerosene Here’s how

■ Consult your insurance provider If your boat is sunk or must be moved by a salvage company, BoatUS recommends that boat owners should not sign any sal vage or wreck removal contract without first getting approval from their insur ance company Proceeding without your insurer s knowledge and approval may jeopardize your coverage

Additional post hurricane boat recov ery tips can be found https://www boa t u s c o m / e x p e r t a d v i c e / e x p e r t a d v i c e archive/2019/october/what to do after a hurricane

About Boat Owners Association of The United States: C e l e b r a t i n g m o r e t h a n 5 5 y e a r s , BoatUS is the nation s largest advocacy, services and safety group with more than 800 000 dues paying members BoatUS is the boat owners’ voice on Capitol Hill f i g

Calusa Sportsman Foundation makes donation to Valerie’s House






fundraiser attracted 233 anglers,

teams and 54 sponsors This was a virtual event, where boats could fish in many local waterways catch the required



then submit their catches

The second year event was originally the brainchild of the





House, said Valerie

House founder and CEO Angela Melvin We are honored to be the beneficiary of the Calusa Sportsman Fishing Tournament this year and are grateful for all of the hard work of those involved

The donation was the largest

year for a single event fundraiser supporting Valerie’s House


lion, with hopes


House is raising


happens inside Valerie’s House is nothing short of amazing

Wiles said

In the aftermath of Hurricane Ian, the focus of the Florida Fish and Wildlife C o n s e r v a t i o n C o m m i s s i o n r e m a i n s o n search and rescue cleanup and the safety of Florida’s residents and visitors

The FWC reminds boaters across the state that the scope of the storm was large a n d a f f e c t e d b o t h c o a s t a l a n d i n l a n d waterways Some areas are still experi encing high water and flooding and might not be accessible If you are in affected areas, please stay off the water and out of the way of boats directly involved in storm response

If you must go on the water proceed with extreme caution, maintain a safe speed at all times and remember Florida Statutes require all vessel operators to maintain a slow speed (minimum wake) within 300 feet of any emergency vessel when the emergency lights are on Even if you are familiar with the route and sur rounding area expect to find new under water hazards, so pay close attention and look out for submerged navigation aids and changes to water depth caused by shifting sands Storms can cause haz ardous water conditions by altering the location and condition of pilings trees shoals, sandbars and navigation markers As always ensure you and any passengers on board are wearing lifejackets

If you are on the water after sunset,

the community

House opened


individuals including



FWC reminds boaters: Use caution after Hurricane Ian

Contractors encouraged to register to help with derelict vessel recovery efforts

Dolphins’ quarterback situation up in the air

M I A M I G A R D E N S , F l a ( A P )

Dolphins quarterback Teddy Bridgewater is still showing no concussion symptoms after a hit against the Jets on Sunday caused him to leave the game but he remains in the concussion protocol after the NFL s revised concussion rules Bridgewater has to clear the NFL's five step process to return to football activities Although there is no definitive timeframe for his return coach Mike McDaniel said the earliest Bridgewater could return to practice would be Thursday Starter Tua Tagovailoa is still in the concussion protocol and is "not ready to t a k e t h e s t e p t o d o f o o t b a l l s t u f f " McDaniel said McDaniel also did not commit to rook ie quarterback Skylar Thompson, who entered Sunday's game after Bridgewater left as the Dolphins starter Sunday against the Vikings

It's too soon for me to really pinpoint that, McDaniel said, I kind of have to wait and assess the whole situation, which I do not have in scope So the Dolphins will enter this week's

preparation for the Vikings in a precarious situation as their quarterbacks have taken big hits in three consecutive games

“It's a nice challenge ” McDaniel said “But nothing that myself and the rest of the coaching staff isn t paid to do No one real ly cares how hard it is Bridgewater took a hard hit from Jets cornerback Ahmad “Sauce” Gardner on the Dolphins first offensive snap The vet eran quarterback was listed with a head and elbow injury and was immediately taken to the locker room and evaluated for a concussion

M c D a n i e l s a i d a f t e r t h e g a m e t h a t Bridgewater didn't show any concussion symptoms and passed tests but a spotter saw Bridgewater stumble after the play Bridgewater was ruled ineligible to return because of the NFL's revised proto cols put into place after Tagovailoa took a hit against Buffalo last month

Against the Bills Tagovailoa wobbled when he got up after slamming hard to the turf, but he was cleared to return at the start of the third quarter, to the surprise of many Tagovailoa was later found to have

a back injury, not a concussion

On Saturday, the NFL and NFL Players Association agreed to make changes to the league's concussion protocol following a joint investigation into the handling of Tagovailoa s injury The league and play ers union said in a joint statement that while the Dolphins followed protocol after the injury the outcome of the Tagovailoa case “was not what was intended when the Protocol was drafted ”

A s a r e s u l t , t h e y a d d e d l a n g u a g e addressing abnormality of balance/stability to the league's list of symptoms that would keep a player from returning to the game Bridgewater's perceived stumble trig gered the “ataxia” term causing him to immediately be put in concussion protocol

Bridgewater started Sunday in place of Tagovailoa, who suffered a concussion in Miami's Sept 29 game against Cincinnati four days after taking the hit against Buffalo He was stretchered off the field and taken to a hospital and remains in the concussion protocol

Thompson finished 19 of 33 for 166 yards and an interception in his NFL debut

Bring a group of dedicated fishermen believing in a community cause together a n d w h a t d o y o u g e t ? A c h e c k f o r $ 1 8 0 0 0 0 b y t h e C a l u s a S p o r t s m a n
to Valerie s House and the
profit s Forever Home for continued
in helping children and families
with the loss of a loved one
h e S e p t 9 1 0 I n s h o r e B e n e f i t
fish meas
using an
Calusa Sportsman
o u n d a t i o n f o u n d e r s M a r k W i l e s , J e f f R i c h a r d s a n d M i k e D a n n e n h a u e r T h e
raised $120 000 last year
food and fun We can’t think o f a b e t t e r e v e n t f o r t h e f a m i l i e s o f
and its operations as well as the new home under construction near Veronica S Shoemaker Boulevard in Fort
Valerie s
$3 mil
of opening
new house in 2023 “What
“To raise that amount of money this year
the generosity and
Valerie s
in January of 2016 and
then has
over 1,100
children parents and g r a n d p a r e n t s T o d o n a t e g o t o valerieshouse org Based in Fort Myers, the foundation is dedicated to building relationships through various outdoor sportsman activities and to h e l p l o c a l n o n p r o f i t o r g a n i z a t i o n s i n S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a b y r a i s i n g m o n e y through the foundation s various events Foundation members share a deep sense of community stewardship coupled with a passion for the camaraderie their events promote www capecoralbreeze com Wednesday, October 12, 2022 PAGE 3 CAPE CORA L BREEZE SPORTS T I D E S C H A R T at Cape Coral Bridge Day High Tide Height Sunrise Moon Time % Moon /Low Time Feet Sunset Visible Th 13 High 4:38 AM 1 2 7:26 AM Set 10:59 AM 91 13 Low 1:10 PM 0 0 7:02 PM Rise 9:40 PM 13 High 7:29 PM 0 7 13 Low 11:42 PM 0 6 F 14 High 5:05 AM 1 2 7:27 AM Set 11:57 AM 84 14 Low 1:58 PM 0 1 7:01 PM Rise 10:25 PM 14 High 8:54 PM 0 7 14 Low 11:44 PM 0 6 at Matlacha Pass (Bascule bridge) Th 13 High 4:06 AM 2 2 7:27 AM Set 11:00 AM 91 13 Low 12:36 PM 0 1 7:02 PM Rise 9:41 PM 13 High 6:57 PM 1 4 13 Low 11:08 PM 1 2 F 14 High 4:33 AM 2 2 7:27 AM Set 11:57 AM 84 14 Low 1:24 PM 0 2 7:01 PM Rise 10:26 PM 14 High 8:22 PM 1 3 14 Low 11:10 PM 1 2 S P O R T S B R I E F Flounder recreational harvest season closes Oct. 15 The recreational harvest of floun der in all Florida state and federal waters will close Saturday, Oct 15, and remain closed through Wednes day, Nov 30, reopening Thursday, Dec 1 This annual season closure and other management measures were approved by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission in December 2020 because a stock s t a t u s u p d a t e s u g g e s t e d t h a t t h e flounder fishery statewide has been in a declining trend and is likely overfished and undergoing overfish ing on the Atlantic coast of Florida This closed season will provide additional protection to vulnerable flounder during pre spawning aggre gations O t h e r s o u t h A t l a n t i c a n d G u l f states have also reported declines in flounder populations and have been making their own regulation changes in response To learn more about flounder reg ulations or other fishing rules, please v i s i t M y F W C c o m / M a r i n e , c l i c k R e c r e a t i o n a l R e g u l a t i o n s , a n d select Flounder BoatUS: How to recover your boat after a hurricane B o a t o w n e r s i n F l o r i d a G e o r g i a South and North Carolina are starting recovery efforts after Hurricane Ian To h e l p t h o s e a f f e c t e d , B o a t O w n e r s A s s o c i a t i o n o f T h e s e U n i t e d S t a t e s (BoatUS) offers five tips to help recover recreational vessels and begin the sal vage process The goal for any boat owner is to try to prevent further damage if possible,” said BoatUS vice president of public a f f a i r s S c o t t C r o f t “ T h a t w i l l h e l p potentially lessen repairs and get you back on the water sooner
h t i n g f o r t h e i r r i g h t s T h e TowBoatUS® fleet is available 24/7 to assist our members on the water when boats break down or run aground with some 600 vessels and 300 plus loca tions across North America bringing our members safely back to the launch ramp, marina or dock On the road, we are The Boat Owners Auto Club™, helping ensure roadside trailer and tow v e h i c l e b r e a k d o w n s w o n ’ t s l o w y o u down BoatUS offers GEICO boat insur a n c e p o l i c i e s t h a t g i v e b o a t o w n e r s affordable, specialized coverage and the superior service they need Award win ning BoatUS Magazine is the largest cir culation recreational marine publication in the U S with engaging content that speaks to the passion for boat ownership while our 501(c)(3) nonprofit BoatUS F o u n d a t i o n f o r B o a t i n g S a f e t y a n d Clean Water offers the nation’s only free online boating safety course and many other programs that keep boaters safe a n d o u r w a t e r s c l e a n V i s i t http://BoatUS com
PHOTO PROVIDED The Calusa Sportsman Foundation recently made a $180,000 donation to Valerie’s House and the non profit’s “Forever Home” project
observe any curfews in place in your area, elevate your awareness and attention to y o u r s u r r o u n d i n g s , u s e n a v i g a t i o n a l lights and remain at a slow speed The FWC takes the quality and safety of our waterways very seriously We have d a m a g e d a n d s u b m e r g e d n a v i g a t i o n m a r k e r s d i s p l a c e d v e s s e l s a n d o t h e r debris in some waterways that might not be visible Please use caution ” said FWC
Boating and Waterways Section
Leader Maj Rob
Report missing or damaged waterway markers by calling 866 405 2869 or by f i l l i n g o u t a n o n l i n e f o r m a t M y F W C c o m / b o a t i n g b y c l i c k i n g Waterway Management then Water w a y M a r k e r s ” a n d “ R e p o r t i n g Damaged/Missing Waterway Markers
PAULETTE LEBLANC This sailboat was pushed up on a dock by Hurricane Ian T h e F l o r i d a F i s h a n d W i l d l i f e C o n s e r v a t i o n C o m m i s s i o n e n c o u r a g e s Florida contractors to register to assist with vessel removal recovery efforts fol lowing Hurricane Ian “In conjunction with state and federal partners, we are setting up a Unified Command to address the large numbers of d i s p l a c e d v e s s e l s i n t h e a f t e r m a t h o f Hurricane Ian ” said Boating and Water ways Section Leader Maj Rob Beaton “We are going to bring all available resources to bear to address these vessels and encourage contractors with the tools and experience in this arena to register Contractors are required to have a fed eral Unique Entity ID number a valid W 9 form on file and follow the state of Florida registration process for vendors by r e g i s t e r i n g i n t h e f e d e r a l S y s t e m f o r A w a r d M a n a g e m e n t a n d M y F l o r i d a Marketplace F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t r a c t o r s should visit the websites for both the fed eral Small Business Administration and Florida s MyFlorida Marketplace, or call t h e M y F l o r i d a M a r k e t P l a c e V e n d o r Registration Customer Service at 866 FLA EPRO (866 352 3776) The vendor management section with the Florida Department of Financial serv ices can also assist with W 9 registration questions at 850 413 5519 or email at FLW9@myfloridacfo com

Cape: State of emergency, curfew end in city; update provided

being bundled with emergency permits He added paper is currently being used but that a new module for emergency permits only is being created by staff

There are no fees for emergency per mits and they are broken down into three categories: minor major and structural damage

Cautero said the city is asking contrac tors to submit no more than 10 permits at a time to help file people through the queue He predicted a total of 30 000 to 40 000 emergency permits would be filed when all is said and done

We'll be in this for quite a while, Cautero said “I was very pleased with the way things went today the first day (back) after such a catastrophic event ”

A hotline number for inspections for all emergency permits can be reached by call ing 239 574 0555

Mayor John Gunter said he spoke with key personnel of cable and internet service in the area He said Xfinity representatives told him 1,700 technicians are in Lee County are working to restore service Xfinity told Gunter its goal is to get to 100% operation by Oct 15 An Xfinity Wi Fi truck is set up in the Walmart park

ing lot on Del Prado Boulevard between 9 a m and 6 p m each day

Gunter said CenturyLink representa tives reported roughly 16,000 are without internet in Southwest Florida CenturyLink told Gunter water damage has made it nec essary to replace some infrastructure and they hope to have 98% of customers back online by Oct 16

Gunter said as of Tuesday, there are 150 trucks collecting debris throughout Cape Coral

The city has removed about 2 500 truckloads of vegetative debris thus far totaling roughly 118 000 cubic yards

Public Works will begin removing con struction waste starting Wednesday, con centrating on the Southeast Cape

“Because that's where a majority of the storm surge took place and where we have most of the construction debris ” Gunter said

R e s i d e n t s m a y d r o p o f f v e g e t a t i v e debris at 1130 Northwest 28th Place from 8 a m to 6 p m daily

You must bring identification to show you are a Cape Coral resident Do not place debris in bags For home collection, debris must be placed at the curb in three separate p i l e s : v e g e t a t i v e d e b r i s , c o n s t r u c t i o n debris and appliances

Gunter said FEMA is working on estab

lishing a Disaster Recovery Center in Cape Coral

Hopefully that will be mobilized in the next couple of days, Gunter said

Emergency Permitting Locations hours of operation will be Monday to Friday from 7 a m to 6 p m and Saturday from 7 a m to 3 p m

■ City Hall 1015 Cultural Park Blvd

■ Art Center, 4533 Coronado Parkway (Opening date TBA)

Visit www capecoral gov for more info

For individual and business assistance visit www fema gov to apply

Businesses can visit www fema gov or www sba gov to apply

T h e C a p e C o r a l B u s i n e s s R e c o v e r y Center is open 8 a m to 4 p m Monday through Thursday at Kiwanis Club 360 Santa Barbara Blvd S; and closed Friday Saturday and Sunday Community Distribution Sites are at:

■ C a p e C h r i s t i a n C h u r c h , 2 1 1 0

Chiquita Blvd S Open at 10 a m

■ Ocean Church 2016 Kismet Parkway E Open a m to 5 p m

■ Leonard Street POD, 4820 Leonard St Open 8 a m to 5 p m

Operation BlueRoof from the Army Corps of Engineers is up and running Call 1 888 766 3258 to get a free tarp or visit

BlueRoof us Deadline to apply is Oct 23

Free tarps are being distributed today at the following community distribution sites:

■ Cape Christian, 2110 Chiquita Blvd S

■ Ocean Church, 2016 Kismet Parkway E

The city of Cape Coral issued a burn ban effective Oct 6 until further notice Recreational burns are not permitted

Hygiene stations are at Jim Jeffers Park (2817 Southwest 3rd Lane) and Cape C o r a l T e c h n i c a l C o l l e g e ( 3 6 0 S a n t a Barbara Blvd N ) Open from 8 a m to 7 p m daily Charging and cooling stations are available Laundry services are on site

This was a very catastrophic event for our community ” Gunter said “We have pooled many resources


Miami Dolphins: Players deliver food, supplies at North High

partnering with World Central Kitchen to bring some meals in, said Rob Spicker, assistant director of media Relations for the Lee County School District “They are getting generators off this bus brooms diapers baby formula the things our community needs

World Central Kitchen set up a hot meal distribution site at North High and will run it for the remainder of the week

Members of the North volleyball cross country and football teams all came out to help Football coach Dwayne Mack said it s just what the community does

It goes back to tradition and the history of the high school and the legends who have played here Zee White played here so for him to come back and partner with the Dolphins and North Fort Myers High School to give back is a big thing ” Mack said “Gulf Coast Strong School Superintendent Christopher Bernier said he was excited to see the Southwest Florida community step up during a time of disaster

“You have a man who graduated from North made a career for himself with the Dolphins and in the midst of doing everything as a player, realized his communi

ty needed him ” Bernier said “We’ve had meals and food distribution sites at all our schools Going to where people have been impacted by the storm makes you believe that people want to support their community

North Principal Debbie Diggs said her school man aged OK during the storm and having installed a new roof two years ago kept the school from becoming a complete disaster

Zee is one of our Red Knight babies and when the Dolphins realized he s from the area and his mom s house was damaged during the storm they wanted to support him and give back ” Diggs said “It means a lot We service a lot of neighborhoods that really struggle without a storm To sponsor this kind f event means a lot

Cars started lining up early this morning in the front parking lot Cecelia Hernandez was first in line with her teenaged son She had just moved to North Fort Myers three months ago

We got here around 8 We thought there was going to be a big line, but we ended up being the first one, Hernandez said We re thankful for the help We did n’t have power for a week and no food We just need the basics like water and food ”

Madison Fischer of the North Fort Myers High School volleyball team, helps distribute hot meals during a hurricane recovery event Tuesday at North Fort Myers High School

District: Goal is to re open Lee County’s schools this Monday

From page 1

reopening date When that date is finalized they will work with the Department of Education and unions to ensure they revise their calendars

The community he said has rebounded nine days post hurricane but they are just not ready to reopen next week In the upcoming week debris will continue to be removed, power will be restored, drinking water will return to the school buildings as well as further assessing staff's ability to return to work

My academic team, my cabinet and my board members are committed to develop ing a plan and revising plans to return all of our students no matter the status of our school buildings to an educational envi ronment There are still many factors that I previously mentioned that must be over come, Bernier said Teachers need the opportunity to return to the school buildings set for Thursday Oct 13 Bernier said that will begin with a reunification of staff and support to help them in the transition He said depending on where families live and where the school their child attends, their return and how the district goes about will reflect the disappropriate challenges

Their response and our support profes sionals response will provide another criti cal determining factor to reopening, he


said Company staff has been working on that and other things since the day after the storm when they came in and started the process of cleaning up Much of the mess from Ian was cleaned up a week later

Scalliwags Fun Park was in decent shape while the carousel was mostly taken down except for two horses they were not able to remove Both survived the storm

“We just rebuilt that bumper boat dock and it withstood the storm like champ We moved the boats inside and everything looks wonderful Cronin said

As for the Players Circle Theater and the Southern Grill, there was a little water dam age inside and at Tommy’s but structurally everything else was fine

Robert Cacioppo Players Circle artistic director and co founder, went by there after the storm and was amazed by what he saw

I came here expecting a disaster and when I went inside there was no damage thank God ” Cacioppo said “We can con tinue on with preparing for the new season coming up

Overall, Cronin said the Shell Factory got pretty lucky, all things considered The Nature Park not so much It was almost

said That is our staff, our support profes sionals and teachers' readiness to return We cannot ignore this storm has impacted all of us ”

Bernier said he realizes that all students just like staff, may not return We as a district will remain flexible with our parents and students during this period of time just as we will remain flex ible for staff ” he said “When we return to an educational environment we will be and have the opportunity to provide our stu dents with the learning they need

The return also will depend on staff, as the district wants to be sensitive to their needs as well

We have staff that has been impacted by complete loss of home, flooding, all their personal belongings We continue to work with what we refer to as the coalition of willing ”

On Oct 5 the district surveyed its staff including support professionals and teach ers, which revealed that 65 percent at the middle and elementary schools are already in the position where they believe they can return

“We saw a number approaching 65 per cent with our high school people as well, Bernier said That was on Oct 5 and that was a staff check in

On Oct 13 staff will have the chance to reunify and those without a school building will be provided with another location

We understand there is a lot of dis

placed people in the community We also know there are a lot of people that have lost their jobs Our Human Resource Depart ment is ready willing and able We have great jobs here in Lee County ” Bernier said

On Wednesday, Oct 12, the School Board discuss an updated reopening plan

“Nine days ago Hurricane Ian landed directly in Lee County The storm's impact was historic and disproportional across this g r e a t S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a c o m m u n i t y

People have lost lives, their homes and much, if not all of their personal property None of us were untouched by this hurri cane Citizens community members sup port professionals teachers this hurricane touched us all, Bernier said As a com munity, we were all impacted

He went on to say that out of the devas tation they know Lee County will rebuild and it will recover

We all love this community and we will take back what this storm has attempt ed to take from us, Bernier said

The school district closed all of its s c h o o l s b e f o r e H u r r i c a n e I a n s w e p t through the area as a safety measure for children and staff, as well as providing the opportunity to open 12 campuses as a shel ter

“We are thankful to the Lee County EOC team for asking us to step into that process and provide food water supplies and support We continue to do that today

“We have been working in partnership over these last nine days with the gover nor s office, the Florida Department of E d u c a t i o n , L e e C o u n t y E m e r g e n c y o f Operation Center and our community part ners to help heal and recover from the store and begin the process of reopening our schools Bernier said

As a new resident of Lee County, he said he and his family are proud to see the way the community has responded in such a catastrophic event Bernier said he is also proud in the way their employees teach ers administrators support professionals and all staff has also responded

I have to thank the EOC command team members the Florida Department of Education and all of my fellow 66 school districts in the state of Florida ” Bernier said All of them have responded and offered their support They have shared plans, their knowledge and their staff to help us We are forever and will be forev er grateful ”

Iconic attraction badly damaged by Hurricane Ian

totally trashed with trees downed and all sorts of debris littering the area

The good news is that all the staff their families and the animals are safe There were no animal deaths and we are really happy about that ” Cronin said “Inside the nature park It’s devastated ”

Cronin said it would take about a year to bring the nature park back to what it was They may have to rehome some of the ani mals to keep them safe and create new habi tats All the aviaries were destroyed except one

T h e f i x e s w i l l r e q u i r e m o n e y a n d Cronin plans to do some fundraising to make that happen We re going to have big fundraisers for the Nature Park Foundation to try to create new habitats and keep that going ” Cronin said I don’t see us opening it anytime soon It s just too devastated

As for reopening, they haven t decided whether to hold the annual Nam Jam, the first big event of the new season Sunday Oct 16 The new season at the Players Circle begins Oct 25

Overall, we were very fortunate Our staff, family and animals are safe Some are worse for wear Some lost their home, cars, but they are stepping up and are here ” Cronin said

Guidelines: Building damage assessments, permits and inspections

together There are thousands of
on the ground who are helping our community I got out and see how members of the community are help ing one another We're in this together and we're here to get through this ” G u n t e r a n d C o n g r e s s m a n B y r o n Donalds will take part in a Town Hall m e e t i n g W e d n e s d a y n i g h t a t C a p e Christian starting at 5:30 p m Connect with this reporter on Twitter: @haddad cj Page 4 Wednesday October 12 2022 capecoral breeze com CAPE CORAL BREE ZE County is temporarily suspending same day inspection scheduling Tips for rebuilding: ■ Homeowners may perform their own repairs per state statute 489 103 ■ Anyone hired to do repairs for the homeowner must be a properly licensed contractor The homeowner should visit the Florida Department of Business & P r o f e s s i o n a l R e g u l a t i o n w e b s i t e at www myfloridalicense com or contact t h e L e e C o u n t y C o n t r a c t o r L i c e n s i n g O f f i c e a t C o n t r a c t o r L i c e n s i n g @ l e e gov com, to assure the contractor is proper ly licensed to perform the work being requested ■ Getting a permit for permanent repairs will help prevent post storm scams and price gouging Your community s permit ting process can help ensure that repairmen are licensed and performing repairs to code P l e a s e n o t e : T h e s e p r o c e d u r e s a r e designed to facilitate permitting during the aftermath of a major catastrophic event Changes may occur depending on circum stances Hurricane Ian recovery updates and resources can be found from Lee County government by following @Lee County G o v e r n m e n t o n F a c e b o o k w w w f a c e book com/leecountyflbocc A d d i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n i s a v a i l a b l e at www leegov com/storm
From page 2
From page 1
CHUCK BALLARO Parrots hang out in the weathered aviary at the Shell Factory & Nature Park The nature park sustained significant damage during Hurricane Ian
b e c a u s e t h e y d o n o t h a v e a n o f f i c i a l
We have had food drives, food distribution sites and we will continue to support this c o m m u n i t y i n e v e r y w a y p o s s i b l e ” Bernier said Since the landfall of Hurricane Ian the School District has kept the schools closed due to the support need of shelters and the damage caused by the storm and associated safety hazards
From page 1
From page 1




thereafter; otherwise a



the complaint or petition

Dated on September 21 2022

Kevin C Karnes Clerk of Court

By: C Richardson Deputy Clerk

Derek R Griffith Esq (0031359)

Attorney for Plaintiff THE GRIFFITH LAW FIRM P A P O Box 570333 Miami Florida 33257 Tel (305) 224 1878/Fax (305) 224 1879 Email:dgriffith@esqmiami com September 28 October 5 12 19 2022 LC1800





YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action to quiet title the following property in Lee County Florida:


Property Address: 4126 NW 39TH STREET CAPE CORAL FL 33993 Strap#: 13 43 22 C3 05455 0090 has been filed against you and you are required to


of your written defenses if any to it on The Griffith Law Firm P A Attorneys for Plaintiff whose address is P O Box 570333 Miami Florida 33257 on

October 31 2022 and

inal with the clerk of

court either before

on the plain tiff s attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default wi l be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition Dated on September 21 2022 Kevin C Karnes Clerk of Court



NOTICE OF ACTION TO: MARTHA GOSSIN A/K/A MARTHA MADRID, 6641 Tampa Drive Pensacola FL 32526 and if alive or if dead their unknown spouse, widows, widowers, heirs, devisees creditors grantees and all parties having or claiming by through under or against them and any and all persons claiming any right title interest claim lien estate or demand against the Defendant in regards to the follow ing described property in Lee County Florida: Lot(s)




NO 21 DP 000414




Minor Child



Samantha Sipel Address

YOU ARE HERBY NOTIFIED that the State of Florida Department of Children and Families has filed a Petition to terminate your parental rights and permanently commit the following ch ld for adoption: O R a Female child born on 09/22/2021 A copy of the Petition is on file with the Clerk of the Court




Division at Lee County

Center, Courtroom 3A, 3rd Floor

Monroe Street Fort Myers Florida 33901 at


petition DATED on this 20th day of September 2022 Kevin C Karnes Clerk of the Court

By: C Richardson As Deputy Clerk cc: Kelsey Hazzard Esq kelsey@naples law; wanda@naples law September 21 28 October 5 12 2022 LC1318



YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action to quiet title the following property in Lee County Florida:


Property Address: 1804 NW 15TH STREET CAPE CORAL FL 33993

Strap#: 04 44 23 C2 03820 0390

has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses if any to it on The Griffith Law Firm, P A , Attorneys for Plaintiff whose address is P O Box 570333 Miami Florida 33257 on or before October 31 2022 and file the orig inal with the clerk of this court either before service on the plain tiff s attorney or immediately

By: C Richardson Deputy Clerk

Derek R Griffith Esq (0031359)

Attorney for Plaintiff THE GRIFFITH LAW FIRM P A P O Box 570333 Miami Florida 33257 Tel (305) 224 1878 Fax (305) 224 1879 Email:dgriffith@esqmiami com September 28 October 5 12 19 2022 LC1800 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIEFTH JUDICIAL CIR CUIT IN AND FOR LEE COUNTY FLORIDA Case No : 22 CA 003076 Division:





Lot 15 Block I CARVER PARK a subdivis on according to the

thereof as recorded in

Book 8, at Page (s) 87 and 88, in the Public Records of Lee County Florida has been filed against

and that you are


to it on The Law Office of C W Wickersham Jr P A Plaintiff’s attorney at 2720 Park Street Suite 205 Jacksonville Florida 32205 Phone Number: (904) 389 6202 on or


YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the State of Florida Department of Children and Families has filed a Petition to terminate your parental rights and permanently commit the following children for adoption: T K a Male child born on 10/15/2017; S K a Male child born on 2/2/2016; and A P a Female child born on 9/15/2018 A copy of the Petition is on file with the Clerk of the Court You are hereby commanded to appear on November 10, 2022 at 9:00 a m before the Honorable Gilberto Perez Juvenile Division at Lee County Justice Center 1700 Monroe Street Courtroom 3 A Third Floor Fort Myers FL 33901 for an Advisory Hearing FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CON SENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THESE CHILDREN IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPECIFIED YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILDREN NAMED IN THIS NOTICE If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro ceeding you are entitled at no cost to you to the provision of cer tain assistance Please contact Brooke Dean Operations Division Manager, whose office is located at Lee County Justice Center 1700 Monroe Street Ft Myers Fl 33901, telephone (239) 533 1771, at east 7 days before your sched uled court appearance or immedi ately upon receiving this notifica tion if the time before the sched uled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired call 711 WITNESS BY HAND as the Clerk of Said Court and the seal thereof 09/15/2022 KEVIN C KARNES CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BY: Kimberly Kelly DEPUTY CLERK September 21 28 October 5 12 2022 LC0017




YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an Ejectment action on the following property in Lee County Florida: 16150 Bay Pointe Blvd , #107, North Fort Myers Florida 33917 and more particularly described as Unit B 107 of Baypointe Yacht and Racquet Club Condominium Phase II a Condominium accord ing to the Declaration of Condominium thereof recorded in Official Records Book 1745 pages 2221 through 2307 inclu sive of the Public Records of Lee County Florida and all amend ments thereto together with its undivided share in the common elements has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses if any to it on the plaintiff s attorney Lampley Law Office 5237 Summerlin Commons Blvd , Ste 217, Fort Myers FL 33907 on or before October 31 2022 and file the orig inal with the clerk of this court either before service on the plain tiff’s attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition DATED ON 09/21/2022




the Clerk of the Circuit Court Lee County

Myers FL 33901 on or before October 31 2022 2022 or otherwise a default judgment will be entered against you for the relief sought in the Complaint THIS NOTICE will be published four times once each week for four consecut ve weeks in a newspa per of general circulation pub lished in Lee County Florida Dated this 21st day of September 2022

KEVIN C KARNES Clerk of the Court By Richardson Deputy Clerk /s/Nicole Spence Nicole Spence Esq FBN 90496 Affordable Law SWFL PA 210 Del Prado Blvd Suite 6 Cape Coral, FL 33990 EMail: affordablelawswfl@gmail com September 28, October 5, 12, 19, 2022 LC0935

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR LEE COUNTY STATE OF FLORIDA JUVENILE DIVISION CASE NO 21 DP 000414 IN THE INTEREST OF: O R DOB: 09/22/2021 A Minor Child NOTICE OF ACTION (TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS) TO: Ricardo Resto Address Unknown YOU ARE HERBY NOTIFIED that the State of Florida Department of Children and Families has filed a Petition to terminate your parental rights


Lee County

Center Courtroom

3rd Floor

Street Fort Myers Florida

FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CON SENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS CHILD IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPEC IFIED YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THIS NOTICE If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro ceeding you are entitled at no cost to you to the provision of cer tain assistance Please contact Brooke Dean Operations Division Manager whose office is located at Lee County Justice Center 1700 Monroe Street Fort Myers Florida 33901 and whose tele phone number is (239) 533 1771 at least 7 days before your sched uled Court appearance or imme diately upon receiving this notifica tion if the time before the sched uled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired call 711 WITNESS BY HAND as the Clerk of Said Court and the seal thereof this 09/15/2022


BY: Kimberk Kelly DEPUTY CLERK October 12 19 26 November 2 2022 LC0017

Advisory Hearing


If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro ceeding you are entitled at no cost to you to the provision of cer tain assistance Please contact Brooke Dean Operations Division Manager whose office is located at Lee County Justice Center 1700 Monroe Street Fort Myers Florida 33901, and whose tele phone number is (239) 533 1771 at least 7 days before your sched uled Court appearance, or imme diately upon receiving this notifica tion if the time before the sched uled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired call 711 WITNESS BY HAND as the Clerk of Said Court and the seal thereof this 09/15/2022


BY: Kimberly Kelly DEPUTY CLERK October 12 19 26 November 2 2022 LC0017


To: Alexis Rubio Address Unknown YOU ARE HERBY NOTIFIED that the State of Florida Department of Children and Families has filed a Petition to terminate your parental rights and permanently commit the following ch ld for adoption: J N , a Male chi d, born on 01/07/2018 A copy of the Petition is on file with the Clerk of the Court You are hereby com manded to appear on November 10 2022 at 9:00 a m before the Honorable Gilberto Perez, Juvenile Division at Lee County Justice Center Courtroom 3A 3rd Floor 1700 Monroe Street Fort Myers Florida 33901 at 9:00am for an Advisory Hearing

FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THIS ADVISORY HEARING CONSTITUTES CON SENT TO THE TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THIS CHILD IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THE DATE AND TIME SPEC IFIED YOU MAY LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THIS NOTICE If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this pro ceeding you are entitled at no cost to you to the provision of cer tain assistance Please contact Brooke Dean Operations Division Manager whose office is located at Lee County Justice Center, 1700 Monroe Street Fort Myers Florida 33901 and whose tele phone number is (239) 533 1771 at least 7 days before your sched uled Court appearance or imme diately upon receiving this notifica tion if the time before the sched uled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired call 711

WITNESS BY HAND as the Clerk of Said Court and the seal thereof this 09/15/2022


BY: Kimberly Kelly

CLERK October 12 19 26 November 2 2022 LC0017


suant to Florida statute 713 78 2016 FORD 1FDWE3FS0GDC55560 2018 HOND 1HGCV1F56JA109809 2001 CHEV 2G1WF52EX19216677 2020 KIA 3KPF24AD5LE181055 1996 MITS 4A3AK34Y5TE390338 2004 TOYT 5TEGN92N94Z372181 2021 INFI JN1FV7DP7MM850625 2018 HYUN KM8J23A42JU694181 October 12 2022 LC0310 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: STARFIVE TOWING LLC gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 10/25/2022 08:01 AM at 13081 Metro Pkwy Fort Myers FL 33966 pursuant to subsection 713 78 of the Florida Statutes STARFIVE TOWING LLC reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids 2016 JEEP 1C4HJWEG2GL335035 October 12 2022 LC2086 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: USA TOWING gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 10/27/2022 08:00 am at 8144 MAINLINE PKWY FORT MYERS FL 33912 pursuant to subsection 713 78 of the Florida Statutes USA TOW ING reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids YEAR: 2015 MAKE: CHEV VIN: 1GNSCCKC9FR306585 October 12 2022 LC0869 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: USA TOWING gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 10/24/2022 08:00 am at 8144 MAINLINE PKWY FORT MYERS FL 33912 pursuant to subsection 713 78 of the Florida Statutes USA TOW ING reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids YEAR: 2008 MAKE: MAZD VIN: 1YVHP80C485M16147 October 12 2022 LC0869 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: USA TOWING gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 10/27/2022 08:00 am at 8144 MAINLINE PKWY FORT MYERS FL 33912 pursuant to subsection 713 78 of the Florida Statutes USA TOW ING reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids YEAR: 2005 MAKE: LINC VIN: 1LNHM81W55Y667529 October 12, 2022 LC0869 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: WIL SON S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE CENTER & TOWING gives notice that on 10/24/2022 at 08:00 AM the following vehicles(s) may be sold by public sale at 953 COUN TRY CLUB BLVD CAPE CORAL FL to satisfy the lien for the amount owed on each vehicle for any recovery towing or storage services charges and administra tive fees allowed pursuant to Florida statute 713 78 2010 FORD 1FAHP3EN0AW143961 1999 CHEV 1GCEC14W7XE248728 2015 KIA KNAGM4A70F5653796 October 12 2022 LC0733 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: XTREME TOWING gives notice that on 10/21/2022 at 08:00 AM the following vehicles(s) may be sold by public sale at 3865 BONI TA BEACH RD BONITA SPRINGS FL 34134 to satisfy the lien for the amount owed on each vehicle for any recovery towing or storage services charges and administrative fees allowed pur suant to Florida statute 713 78 2018 FORD 3FA6P0HD1JR279480 October 12 2022 LC3865 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: XTREME TOWING gives notice that on 10/28/2022 at 08:00 AM the following vehicles(s) may be sold by public sale at 3865 BONI TA BEACH RD BONITA SPRINGS FL 34134 to satisfy the lien for the amount owed on each vehicle for any recovery towing or storage services charges and administrative fees allowed pur suant to Florida statute 713 78 2007 TOY 2T1BR32E07C838067 October 12 2022 LC3865 NOTICE OF SALE: BEST LIEN SERVICES INC LOCATED AT: 7290 SW 41 ST MIAMI FL 33155 WILL SELL AT 9:00 AM AT A RESERVE PUBLIC SALE THE FOLLOWING VEHI CLES AT THE LOCATION LIST ED ABOVE TO SATISFY LIEN PURSUANT TO ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CHAPTERS 713 585/713 78/677 209/677 210/ 328 17 OF THE FLORIDA STAT UES 2014 HYUN UT 5XYZU3LAXEG175665 DATE OF SALE: NOV 8 2022 AT: DIA MOND BODY SHOP CUSTOM PAINTING 2829 FORD ST FT MYERS FL 33916 P#: 239 332 4110 SUM TO REDEEM VEHI CLE IS: $6 064 50 ANY PERSON(S) CLAIMING ANY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE VEHI CLES/VESSELS SHOULD CON TACT: BEST LIEN SERVICES 6800 SW 40 ST SUITE #279 MIAMI FL 33155 (1 866 299 9391) AT LEAST 1 WEEK PRIOR TO THE LIEN SALE ALL SALES ARE WITH RESERVE 20% BUY ERS PREMIUM October 12 2022 LC0680 ACTIONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION CASE NO 2022 CA 3508 DANIELLE WATSON MILLER Plaintiff v DONALD B SWEET NARISSA HASNOD n/k/a Narissa Hardath and Unknown Heirs Devisees Grantees Creditors and Other Unknown Persons or Unknown Spouses, Defendant NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Donald B Sweet Unknown Heirs Devisees Grantees Creditors and Other Unknown Persons or Unknown Spouses Address Unknown YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action has been filed against you for quiet title under Chapter 65 Fla Statute for the following premises located n Lee County Florida: Lot 15 Block 46 Unit 12 Section 21 Township 44 South Range 27 East Lehigh Acres according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 15 Page 30 Public Records of Lee County Florida You are required to serve a copy of your written defenses if any to this action on the Plaintiff s attor ney Kelsey Hazzard Esq Lindsav & Allen PLLC 13180 Livingston Rd Suite 206 Naples FL 34109, on or before October 31 2022 of publication of this Notice and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on the Plaintiff s attorney or immediately thereafter;
a default will be
against you for the relief
complaint or
default wi l
entered against you for the
demanded in
or before
file the orig
required to serve a copy
your written defenses, if any,
before October 24 2022
origina with the Clerk of this Court at PO Box 310 Fort Myers, Florida 33902 before service on Plaintiff or immediately thereafter If you fail to do so a Default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint DATED this 14 day of Sept 2022 KEVIN C KARNES Clerk of the Circuit Court By: M Nixon As Deputy Clerk September 21 28 October 5 12 2022 LC2720
as Deputy Clerk September 28, October 5, 12, 19, 2022 LC5237 IN
37 Block 3311 Unit 65 CAPE
according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 21 Pages 151 to 164 inclusive in Public Records
is hereby given to each of you that an action to quiet title to the above described properties has been filed against you and you are required to serve your written defenses on Plaintiff s attorney Affordable Law SWFL 210 Del Prado Blvd S , Ste 6, Cape Coral FL 33990 and file the original with
2075 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd 2nd Floor Fort
and permanently commit the fol owing child for adoption: O R a Female child born on 09/22/2021 A copy of
Petition is on file with the Clerk of the Court You are hereby com manded to appear on November 10 2022 at 9:00 a m before the Honorable Gilberto Perez Juvenile Division at
1700 Monroe
33901 at 9:00am for an Advisory Hearing
hereby com manded to appear on November 10 2022 at 9:00 a m before
Honorable Gilberto Perez Juvenile
9:00am for an
Page 6 Wednesday, October 12, 2022 w w w capecoral breeze com C A P E C O R A L B R E E Z E

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