Raymond M. Eckenrode reckenrode@breezenewspapers com
Executive Editor
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Advertising Director
Laurie Ragle lragle@breezenewspapers com
Content Meghan Bradbury, LCEC, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Brandpoint, MetroCreativeConnection news@breezenewspapers.com
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What’s Inside
Communities continue to bounce back from recent stormy seasons Page 6
Local manufactured home communities continue to attract would-be buyers Page 8
Tips to safely co-exist with alligators — Page 12
Keep pets safe from electrical hazards — Page 12
Spin cycle energy savings — Page 13
Freshen up your home with window coverings Page 14
How to clear out home office clutter Page 17
Recycle and reduce waste for the holidays Page 18
Steps anyone can take to reduce air pollution Page 19
The benefits of residential solar energy — Page 20
The basics of pickleball — Page 22
Communities continue to bounce back from recent stormy seasons
A l t h o u g h i t w a s a n a c t i v e h u r r i c a n e
s e a s o n f o r S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a , t h e
b i g g e s t t h r e a t t o N o r t h F o r t M y e r s t h i s
y e a r w a s t h e l a r g e t o r n a d o t h a t c a u s e d
t o t a l d e v a s t a t i o n t o s o m e m a n u f a c t u r e d
h o m e s .
N o r t h F o r t M y e r s C h a m b e r o f
C o m m e r c e p r e s i d e n t a n d L e e C o u n t y
I n s u r a n c e A g e n c y o w n e r J o h n G a r d n e r
s a i d t h e r e w a s o n e t o r n a d o t h a t c u t f r o m
C o l o n i a l B o u l e v a r d t o t h e c o u n t y l i n e –
a l l t h e w a y t o P i n e L a k e s i n N o r t h F o r t
M y e r s . “ T h e r e w e r e s e v e r a l u n i t s t h a t w e r e
t o t a l l y d e v a s t a t e d , ” h e s a i d , a d d i n g t h a t
n o t t h e e n t i r e p a r k s u f f e r e d “ T h e r e w a s
a l o t o f s m a l l e r c l a i m s o f s i d i n g a n d
o c c a s i o n a l r o o f l e a k s . H e l e n e a n d
M i l t o n w e r e n o t h i n g c o m p a r e d t o I a n
f o r u s ”
H u r r i c a n e I a n , G a r d n e r s a i d , c e r t a i n -
l y c a u s e d m o r e c l a i m s t h a n i n t h e 2 0 2 4
s e a s o n , b u t i t d i d n ’ t p r o d u c e t o r n a d o e s .
“ O l d e r u n i t s d i d n o t f a r e a s w e l l , ” h e
s a i d “ 1 9 9 4 w a s t h e m a g i c a l y e a r w h e n
t h e y c h a n g e d t h e b u i l d i n g c o d e o n m a n -
u f a c t u r e d h o m e s . ’ 9 4 a n d n e w e r s e e m t o
h o l d u p b e t t e r t h a n t h e o l d e r u n i t s ”
I n N o r t h F o r t M y e r s t h e r e a r e 1 9 , 0 0 0
m o b i l e h o m e s i n c o m m u n i t i e s 5 5 a n d
o l d e r . H e s a i d t h a t d o e s n o t i n c l u d e f a m -
i l y p a r k s o r p r i v a t e p r o p e r t i e s .
W h i l e N o r t h F o r t M y e r s f a r e d O K ,
F o r t M y e r s B e a c h e x p e r i e n c e d m o r e
d e v a s t a t i o n , a s m a n y o f t h e c o m m u n i -
t i e s a r e s t i l l r e c o v e r i n g f r o m H u r r i c a n e
I a n “ T h e r e w e r e s e v e r a l p a r k s t h a t w e r e
t o t a l l y a n n i h i l a t e d – t h e y t o o k u n i t s o u t a n d s t a r t e d o v e r , ” G a r d n e r s a i d f r o m
I a n . “ W h a t ’ s d o w n t h e r e i s n e w e r a n d
h e l d u p b e t t e r I n c e r t a i n a r e a s t h e r e w a s
m o r e f l o o d i n g r i s k t h a n w i n d t h i s t i m e ”
M o s t o f t h e p a r k s a r o u n d t h e b e a c h ,
h e s a i d , c o m p l e t e l y s t a r t e d o v e r f r o m
s c r a t c h w i t h a l o t o f t h e m b u i l d i n g v e r y
h i g h – 1 0 f e e t o f f t h e g r o u n d
I n d i a n C r e e k , G a r d n e r s a i d , w a s
h e a v i l y d a m a g e d f r o m H u r r i c a n e I a n
a n d h a s n o t g o t b a c k u p t o s p e e d y e t
M o r e t h a n 7 0 % o f t h e h o m e s h a v e b e e n
p u l l e d f r o m I n d i a n C r e e k
A s f a r a s B a y s i d e E s t a t e s o n S a n
C a r l o s B o u l e v a r d , i t f a r e d b e t t e r , a s t h e r e a r e n e w e r u n i t s i n t h e c o m m u n i t y H e s a i d h e h a d s o m e c l a i m s f o r f l o o d
d a m a g e i n S t . J a m e s C i t y a n d w i t h i n t h e o n e p a r k o n S a n i b e l – P e r i w i n k l e P a r k –
w h i c h h a d f l o o d i n g f r o m b o t h H u r r i c a n e
M i l t o n a n d H u r r i c a n e H e l e n e
I n S t . J a m e s C i t y , G a r d n e r s a i d , t h e r e a r e n e w e r u n i t s w i t h h i g h e r e l e v a t i o n s .
Local manufactured home communities continue to attract would-be buyers
By MEGHAN BRADBURY news@breezenewspapers com
Individuals continue to seek out manufactured home communities with many of them located in North Fort Myers and in and around Fort Myers Beach
Bayshore Village – North Fort Myers Community Manager Michele Gonnelly said the community is a beautiful 55 and older community that offers a brand new fitness room, bocce and shuffle board courts, heated pool, available storage with a low quarterly fee, large clubhouse with free Wi-Fi, library and pool table
“Our fees are on the lower end then most surrounding similar 55+ communities,” she said of the well-maintained grounds, homes and roads that is close to shopping, dining and I-75
There are available homes listed in the community, some of which have move-in s p e c i a l s . G o n n e l l y s a i d s o m e o f t h e homes have been listed for a while, while
others sell faster
“I have homes ranging from $30,000 to approximately $90,000,” she said.
“We also have brand new homes, last two available, just under $200,000 ”
Bayshore Village is located at 15711
Shoreline Blvd , North Fort Myers For more information, call (239) 543-5444.
Horizon Village Sales Team Member Amanda Hill said there are 619 homes in the active, resident-owned 55 and older
See BUYERS, page 10
community The amenities include a heated swimming pool, jacuzzi hot tub, lighted and covered shuffleboard courts, bocce courts, horseshoe pits and a 15,000s q u a r e - f o o t c l u b h o u s e T h e c l u b h o u s e features a billiards room, card and craft room, library and outdoor dining that overlooks the lake, as well as a huge stage that has concerts, dances, bands, comedians and plays
Hill said they have 24 homes listed in the office currently. She said if residents choose to list with them, it is with a lower percentage for commission
“ W e d o n ’ t c o - b r o k e r A n o u t s i d e agency, they can choose to do so, at their percentage, which is typically 2% to 4% more than we are,” Hill said “A lot of people think they are going to list with an outside agent – if you don’t own your share, you can’t list on MLS.”
Horizon Village is now putting listings on Instagram, Tick-Tok, Facebook and in the near future YouTube advertising
Hill explained that a shared home owns a piece of the park, not necessarily owning a piece of land
The listings range from $58,900 for n o n - s h a r e h o l d e r h o m e s f o r s a l e t o
$245,000 for shareholder homes for sale
“Currently, at the tim,e we don’t have any new rentals,” Hill said, adding that residents can choose to rent out their homes, but they go fast
Horizon Village Co-Op, Inc is located a t 9 2 0 0
www.horizonvillagefla.com, or call 239997-1140
Lee County Insurance Agency owner John Gardner said you cannot use the word affordable when dealing with manufactured home insurance unless it is new construction
“The new stuff going in is less than half the price of what the unit is replacing,” he said
That is because of the new standards –newer roofs, being more wind resistant
“Prices have stabilized. The older units haven’t come down,” he said.
s , Gardner said flood insurance is a whole different ball game. He said there is no magic way to figure out how much flood insurance is going to cost without determining the distance the home is from the water.
“It can be a pond,” Gardner said of the body of water “The distance to water can have a significant impact on the pricing of flood (insurance).”
He said for example look at a community like Jamaica Bay that has ponds
“You pay more for flood than houses for the middle of the park for the same amount of coverage,” Gardner said.
He said with the Town of Fort Myers Beach being put on probation, therefore taking away the National Flood Insurance Program’s 25% discount, it will affect their homeowner’s insurance
“FEMA is penalizing them because they allowed trailers to come in to use for businesses while rehabbing or rebuilding the homes I don’t know if that is the only reason Temporary trailers and storage units weren’t buying flood insurance anyway. I don’t know why FEMA feels it was jeopardizing the flood program,” Gardner said
In addition to losing the 25% discount, there is also a $50 surcharge because they are in a probationary community.
“You can’t get a loan without flood insurance Add 25% to insurance cost,” he said.
Tips to safely co-exist with alligators
The American alligator is a conservation success story in Florida. Florida has a healthy and stable alligator population, which is estimated at 1 3 million alligators of every size. Alligators are found in all 67 counties, inhabiting all wetlands where there’s adequate food and shelter
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission works to k e e p F l o r i d i a n s a n d visitors informed and recommends the following precautionary measures near alligao r s , i n c l u d i n g i n o r near the water, to reduce the chances of conflict:
∫ Keep a safe distance if you see an alligator If someone is concerned about an alligator, they should call FWC’s tollfree Nuisance Alligator Hotline at 866FWC-GATOR (866-392-4286), and we will dispatch a contracted nuisance alligator trapper to resolve the situation
∫ Keep pets on a leash and away from the water’s edge. Pets often resemble alligators’ natural prey.
∫ Swim only in designated swimming areas during daylight hours and without y o u r p e t . A l l i g a t o
between dusk and dawn
∫ Never feed an alligator It’s illegal and dangerous. When fed, alligators can lose their natural wariness and instead learn to associate people with the availability of food This can lead to dangerous circumstances for yourself and other peo-
ple who could encounter the alligator in the future
Access safety information resources in both English and Spanish by visiting MyFWC com/Alligator and clicking on “Living with Alligators ”
Keep pets safe from electrical hazards
Electrical hazards around the home can cause serious harm and even death to furry family members. Keep the following safety tips in mind to protect pets from the dangers that electricity poses:
∫ Protect pets from electrical cords by covering with a heavy plastic sleeve or
applying a bitter tasting product to deter pets from chewing Chewing on cords can cause deadly shock!
∫ Never leave charging cords plugged in when not in use and in view Serious burns or shock can happen if pets put these cords in their mouths.
∫ Ensure that night lights and appliances are fully plugged into wall outlets with no exposed prongs which could attract tiny paws or tongues.
∫ Ensure that no cords are dangling from conveniences such as lamps and appliances. These cords could easily get pulled down and potentially start a fire.
∫ Never allow pets to nap or play behind and/or near computer equipment, dryers or other large electrical appliances.
∫ Do not allow pets to curl up for a nap behind warm computer equipment, clothes dryer or other electrical items Keep an eye on pets and steer furry friends away from situations that could cause an electrical risk.
If an animal comes in contact with an electrical hazard, it is essential to check the pet for signs of burns, increased drooli n g , c o u g h i n g , d i f f i c u l t y b r e a t h i n g o r signs of suffering If any of these symptoms are present, immediately contact a veterinarian
For additional information about electrical safety, visit the LCEC website at lcec net
Spin cycle energy savings
On average, Americans do approximately 300 loads of laundry per year which equates to nearly six loads per w e e k ! A l t h o u g h w a s h i n g a n d d r y i n g loads of laundry is just one of the power devourers in your home, every bit counts when it comes to saving money.
The following tips can help you save electricity from the spin cycle on your washer to the buzzer on your dryer!
∫ Wash full loads of laundry, but be careful not to overload your washing machine
∫ Use cold water to wash your clothes whenever possible. If you must, use warm water but try to avoid using hot water unless completely necessary
∫ Presoak heavily soiled items to avoid having to wash items twice, or invest in the quality laundry detergent to eliminate the need to presoak.
∫ Use a clothesline when possible Air is FREE!
∫ Use the automatic dry cycle. Over drying wastes electricity and can diminish the quality of your clothes over time
∫ Remove and clean the lint screen from your dryer after every load. Lint buildup hinders airflow in your dryer causing the machine to use more energy
∫ Check the outside exhaust of your c l o t h e s d r y e r r e g u l a r l y . A c l o g g e d exhaust can extend the time it takes to dry your clothes while wasting electricity
∫ Invest in an ENERGY STAR washer and dryer which use less electricity than other models without foregoing any of the reliability of other washers and dryers
For more ways to cut down of energy consumption while saving on your electric bill, visit lcec.net.
Freshen up your home with window coverings
( B P T ) - U p d a t i n g y o u r
home doesn't always require a complete overhaul or major e x p e n s e S o m e t i m
new life into your space. One of the best and easiest ways to transform a room is through window coverings
Window coverings come in a vast array of patterns and fabrics, each with the potential to transform your space, servi n g a s a s t r i k i n g s t a t e m e n t piece on their own. So, when y o u ' r e c
e impact that updating your window coverings can have Give your windows a little extra attention and watch how they elevate the entire room while also enhancing your home's aesthetics and energy savings. Here are some top ways to
update your home with window coverings.
Think outside the box
Don't be afraid to take risks and elevate your home's aesthetic with a variety of wind
Consider wood blinds or shutters which add warmth and t
sheer curtains offer a light and airy feel while allowing natural light to filter through For a bolder statement, explore patterns and textures that inject personality and style into your space Pops of color can also breathe new life into a room, providing a vibrant contrast or complement to your existing decor.
From page 14
Have kids? Choose cordless blinds for safety and style
Cordless blinds are an excellent choice, especially for those with children or child visitors Did you know that corded window coverings pose safety hazards, as children can become entangled, creating a strangulation hazard? Cordless window coverings eliminate this risk, offering a sleek, clean look and safer environment
When selecting cordless blinds, look for those marked with the Best for Kids certification, available at all national retailers Cordless blinds come in various styles, allowing you to match your home's decor seamlessly
Opt for energy-efficient window coverings
About 30% of a home's heating energy can be lost through windows, and in cooling seasons, about 76% of sunlight that falls on standard double-pane windows will enter to become heat. The good news is, window attachments help regulate the amount of heat and sunlight that enters or exits in your home, which can reduce the need for heating when it's cool outside and the need for air conditioning when the weather is warmer
Look for window attachments from major brands that have the Attachment Energy Rating Council certification which means they are proven to reduce energy use, save money on utilities and increase the comfort of your home An AERC energy improvement rating
helps you easily compare and choose the most energy-efficient window attachments by showing their performance in both warm and cool climates so you can select the right one for your home.
Maximize the benefits of window coverings with automation
Automated window coverings are a game-changer, adding convenience and a touch of luxury to your home. These smart solutions allow you to control your blinds, screens, draperies and shades with a remote control or a smartphone app.
As a further bonus, automated window attachments can increase energy savings and comfort even more by allowing you to schedule opening and closing of the window coverings which optimize their performance. Studies have shown on average, AERC certified products with automation can save you 13 5% on electricity and 3 4% on gas annually
Finally, automation offers more than just convenience; it can also enhance security By scheduling your blinds to open or close at specific times, you can give the appearance of an occupied home even when you're away
Final thoughts
Refreshing your home with window coverings is an easy and impactful way to enhance its look and functionality. With these updates, you can enjoy a home that's not only beautiful, but also safer, more efficient and in tune with your lifestyle.
How to clear out home office clutter
Home offices have garnered more attention in recent years. Restrictions implemented as part of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic forced many professionals to start working from home, which created a greater need for home office space.
Though millions of professionals have now returned to the office full-time, millions more have continued to work from home five days a week or are now working on a hybrid schedule. As a result, home office spaces have maintained their utility even as restrictions related to the pandemic move further into the rearview mirror.
Since home office spaces remain vital for so many, it’s important that these s p a c e s a r e c o n d u c i v e t o p r o d u c t i v i t y Conquering home office clutter is a step in that direction.
∫ Cut through the piles of paper. Home offices have a tendency to transform into paper depositories over time Work files, notes, monthly bills, receipts, and junk mail can quickly overwhelm a home office. Professionals who spend ample time working from home can resolve to cut through the piles of paper. Use a paper shredder to discard documents with sensitive informa-
tion, such as bank statements and utility bills Signing up for e-statements can prevent the piling up of paper in the future
Invest in a small file cabinet to store important personal and professional documents See OFFICE
Home office spaces remain vital for so many, so it’s important that these spaces are conducive to productivity. Conquering home office clutter is a step in that direction.
Recycle and reduce waste for the holidays
The holiday season is a special time of year. Individuals often spend a little more on gifts, indulge a little more on rich foods and treats and make a concerted effort to enjoy more time with their loved ones during the holidays.
The tendency to overdo things during the holiday season can create a lot of waste In fact, Americans produce 25 percent more garbage from Thanksgiving through the end o f t h e y e a r , a c c o r d i n g t o W a s t e Advantage magazine, a publication of the waste and recycling industry. That uptick equates to one million tons of extra trash per week throughout the holidays.
Extra food, plastic and paper waste is generated this time of year, but people can be mindful of the potential to go overboard and take some steps to be more waste-conscious as they entertain
∫ Reuse a small portion of wrapping paper or look for other wrapping items. Sunday comics, newsprint, colorful magazine pages, and even pieces of fabric can be used to wrap gifts in lieu of purchasing new wrapping paper Otherwise, collect used wrapping paper and reuse it next year, doing the same with boxes and
Stanford University, if every American family wrapped just three presents in reused materials, it would save enough paper to cover 45,000 football fields.
∫ Skip disposable party items It’s certainly easy to use disposable plates, napkins and cups when hosting holiday parties, but that is very wasteful. Opt for durable, reusable products that can be packed away and used each year during holiday events
∫ Buy durable and reusable items as gifts. Avoid fad gifts and focus on items that will have staying power Homemade gifts, such as foods, knitted scarves, art-
work, and more, are generally ecofriendly.
∫ Set up marked trash and recy-
materials by clearly marking a pail designed for collecting recyclables, such as cans, plastic beverage bottles and glass wine bottles Most hard plastics can be recycled
∫ Remove your name from catalog lists. Call companies and ask to be taken off promotional mailing lists to reduce paper waste
∫ Send a photo. Mail holiday card recipients photos of the kids or the entire family in lieu of cards. They’re apt to save the photos and display them, helping to keep even more paper trash out of landfills.
∫ Research new recipes for leftovers. With an abundance of food remaining after entertaining, turn leftovers into new meals by exploring recipes from friends or by doing a little research online. Waste can get out of control during the holidays, but there are ways to tame the excess
Steps anyone can take to reduce air pollution
The threat posed by air pollution is more significant than many people may realize. According to the World Health Organization, almost 99% of the global population breathes air that exceeds safety guidelines and contains high levels of pollutants. The WHO notes that exposure is associated with seven million premature deaths each year
Despite its prevalence, air pollution at s u c h h i g h l e v e l s i s n o t i n e v i t a b l e . Individuals concerned about the threat posed by air pollution can take various steps to combat it, and such measures can prove even more effective when adopted on a wide scale.
∫ Drive less. Exhaust from cars is among the biggest contributors to air pollution According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the transportation sector is responsible for approximately 45 percent of total nitrogen oxide emissions in the United States
T h e U n i o n o f C o n c e r n e d S c i e n t i s t s reports that studies have linked exhaust emissions like nitrogen oxide to adverse effects on various organ systems in the body Driving less frequently can help to curb the vehicle exhaust emissions that
Individuals concerned about the threat posed by air pollution can take various steps to combat it, and such measures can prove even more effective when adopted on a wide scale.
are contributing to air pollution across the globe
∫ Do your homework before purchas-
ing an electric vehicle. Electric vehicles (EVs) do not produce the exhaust emis-
The benefits of residential solar energy
Solar energy panels have gained visibility in neighborhoods across the country
Where it once was a rarity to see solar panels on the roofs of homes, today a stroll or drive around a given community is bound to reveal a n u m b e r o f h o m e o w n e r s have made the transition to solar power. You may be wondering if the investment is worth it
S o l a r p a n e l s h a r v e s t energy from the sun through the use of photovoltaic cells
These semiconductor materials absorb photons from t h e s u n , a n d t h e p h o t o n s release electrons from the atoms of the s e m i c o n d u c t o r m a t e r i a l A c c o r d i n g t o Forbes, the flow of these electrons within the cell creates an electric current directed to circuits. Solar panels can be placed anywhere there is abundant sunlight, such as in open fields In residential areas, they’re most often placed on roofs to get the most sun exposure.
the cost of solar has decreased by more than 70% in the past decade compared to the cost of electricity, which has risen about 5%. Over the course of a solar p a n e l l i f e s p a n , w h i c h i s t y p i c a l l y between 25 and 30 years, it’s possible to save $25,500 to $33,000 on electricity
Although having solar panels on the roof may affect the aesthetic of a home, many people find the benefits far outweigh such issues. Consider these perks to going solar.
∫ Save money: One of the draws of solar power is the ability to save money on your monthly utility bill. Electricity costs seemingly rise year after year. The Solar Energy Industries Association says
∫ More affordable: As noted, the cost of installing solar panels continues to drop. Investopedia says up-front cost of a residential solar power system is between $3,500 and $16,000, depending on the size of the system. Energy.gov says the United States has extended the federal residential solar tax credit, and you can save a 30% tax credit on the cost of solar systems through Jan. 1, 2033. Options abound for financing to make solar more affordable.
From page 19
sions that have contributed so heavily to air pollution, and that has compelled millions of drivers to make the switch from gas-powered automobiles to EVs. In theory, EVs should be an ally in the fight against air pollution However, that might come down to which type of EV drivers purchase. According to Cars.com, EVs tend to be heavier than similar gas cars, and that extra weight can cause tires to wear more quickly. In addition, Cars.com notes tires made for EVs are designed to provide reduced rolling resistance in an attempt to increase driving range, but still might not last as long as traditional tires on gas-powered vehicles. Tire wear and the resulting road dust pollution can affect air quality These variables underscore the significance of doing your homework
b e f o r e p u r c h a s i n g a n E V . I n d u s t r y
experts note that more research into the effects of the non-exhaust emissions produced by EVs is necessary, but in the meantime car buyers can conduct their own research and determine if purchasing an EV is an effective way for them to combat air pollution.
∫ Consider additional electric-powered alternatives Even if drivers are hesitant to purchase an EV, they have other options to reduce their reliance on gasp
care products like mowers and string trimmers can be significant contributors t
r d i n g t o t h e Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, a single hour running a gas-powered lawn mower can produce the same amount of pollution as a 100-mile car trip That’s because smaller gas-powered engines like
∫ Increased home value: According to the National R e n e w a b l e E n e r g y L a b o r a t o r y , h o m e o w n e r s can increase the value of t h e i r h o m e s b y $ 2 0 f o r every $1 in savings on electrical bills from solar energy. Homes with solar pane l s s e l l 4 % h i g h e r t h a n those that don’t have them.
∫ Get paid back: Solar i n c e n t i v e s i n s o m e a r e a s may enable homeowners to turn profits in addition to generating electric bill savings Solar renewable energy credits compensate you for the electricity that the solar panel system generates
∫ Avoid disruptions in power: Strong storms or even accidents that affect power lines can knock out traditional electricity for hours. Battery storage combined with solar energy can be beneficial during a disruption in power, and eliminate the need to purchase a backup generator.
∫ Protect the planet: Burning of fossil fuels to generate power contributes to carbon emissions Switching to solar can reduce carbon emissions and help prevent air and water contamination.
S o l a r e n e r g y p a n e l s a r e b e c o m i n g more visible in residential neighborhoods thanks in large parts to the many benefits such panels provide.
the ones on mowers and leaf blowers lack pollution control devices.
Service notes that trees improve air quality in various ways Trees directly remove pollutants from the air and reduce energy consumption in buildings, thus reducing emissions produced by air conditioners and other appliances An analysis from the Urban Ecology Research Learning Alliance found that urban forest treecanopy in 11 National Capital Area parks removes more than 1 1 million metric tons of air pollution every year
Air pollution is a prevalent and formidable threat. Fortunately, there’s much everyone can do to combat that threat. TF24C489
The basics of pickleball
A court sport is sweeping the nation, and it isn’t tennis or basketball According t o t h e S p o r t s & F i t n e s s I n d u s t r y Association, 4.8 million people played pickleball in 2021, marking a nearly 15 percent growth in the total number of players from the year prior
Data from the SFIA suggests pickleball is popular among people of all ages. Total participation among players between ages six and 17 (21%), 18 and 34 (29%) and 35 and 54 (20%) is significant, and players 65 and older also are well represented (18%).
As the popularity of pickleball grows, now is a great time to explore the basics of this game that’s become a go-to pastime for so many people.
What is pickleball?
USA Pickleball notes that pickleball combines many elements of tennis, badm i n t o n a n d p i n g - p o n g T h a t g a m e i s played with a paddle and a plastic ball with holes and can be played both indoors and outdoors on a badminton-sized court with a slightly modified tennis net Much
like tennis, pickleball can be played in a singles (one-on-one) or doubles (two-ontwo) format
How long has pickleball been played?
Despite a recent and meteoric spike in popularity, pickleball has been around since 1965 The brainchild of three fathers from Bainbridge Island (which is just a brief ferry ride away from Seattle), the game was invented as a means of enter-
evolved from those roots and become a
United States and Canada, and the game has even begun to spread into Europe and Asia
How is pickleball played?
An extensive list of the rules of pickleball can be found at https://usapickleb
rules/rules-summary/. A game is typically played to 11 points, and a team must win by two Tournament games may be played to 15 or 21, and a team must win by two
Does pickleball utilize referees?
Recreational games of pickleball can rely on the honor system much like pickup games of other sports do. However, USA Pickleball notes that referees and line judges are important components of tournament play More information about becoming a pickleball referee can be f
Why should I play pickleball?
Players enjoy the game of pickleball for a multitude of reasons, including the thrill of competition, the chance to socialize and the opportunity to exercise outside of a gym or home fitness center. But many play the game because they find it fun
Pickleball has experienced a notable spike in popularity in recent years. More information about the game and how to g
https://usapickleball org
Office clutter
∫ Discard old devices Old devices are another space eater in many home offices. In fact, a recent survey from Material Focus found that more than 20 million unused electrical items are currently hoarded in homes t h r o u g h o u t t h
and laptops that users are afraid to throw out can be wiped clean a n d d i
with local laws Contact your local government to determine h o w t o s a f e l y d i s c a r d o l d devices rather than simply tossing them in the trash once they’ve been wiped clean
∫ Buy a bigger bookshelf. Home offices often double as reading rooms, which makes them vulnerable to clutter associated with leisure time as well Books stacked in a corner or taking up space on your desk can create a cluttered look, but also compromise your ability to c o n c e n t r a t e . A 2 0 1 1 s t u d y from researchers at Princeton
From page 17
University published in The Journal of Neuroscience found that clutter can make it difficult to focus on a particular task If books are strewn about your office, purchase a bookshelf that can hold them. Once books are shelved, the less cluttered space can make it easier to concentrate.
∫ Go digital. If space is limited, forgo traditional file cabin e t s i n f a v o r o f d i g i t i z i n g important records and documents. Scan important receipts and statements and store them on a desktop or backup hard drive so they’re never out of each. This creates space and makes it easier and quicker to find important files
Home offices can quickly b e c o m e o v e r w h e l m e d w i t h clutter. Some simple strategies can help any professional transform their home offices into more organized spaces