Pine Island Eagle

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Kevin Ruane has agreed to attend weekly meetings of the Greater Pine Island Alliance, in an effort to get Pine Island back on track in the wake of Hurricane Ian, saying that Pine Island is his district, and he will be there every week until we recover

y Tuesday to understand what the community needs are,” Ruane said

Ruane, who spent many hours on Pine Island Sunday, Dec. 11, discussing how best t o g o a b o u t h e l p i n g w i t h things such as debris removal and housing those who lost their homes in the hurricane,

promises to stand

with Pine Island

simply sees it as his duty to stand with the island, saying he will do the best he possibly can After having asked to be responsible for the recovery of Lee County by acting as chair of the long term recovery task force, Ruane said, his inclination has always been to run towards, rather than away from a fire

“My job is to try to help I will advoc a t e l i k e I h a v e i n T a l l a h a s s e e a l l w e e k t o m a k

Washington next I asked for the job, I asked to be chairman of the long term r e c o v e r y t a s k f o r c e o f L e e C o u n t y , ” Ruane said

While Ruane admits he is in awe of the tenacity of Pine Islanders, saying it’s like nothing he’s ever seen, he emphasizes that this is his district, and he will respond by taking each and every phone call and text, attend weekly meetings, and currently

John R Wood holds Christmas event for islanders

John R Wood hosted a Christmas party event on Sunday, Dec 11, from noon to 2 p m for islanders All families

Faulkner describes as a wonderful event with a good turnout

“We had Santa Clause and a photo booth where we were taking pictures of people with Santa Clause and emailing it to them We had a place where they could decorate Christmas ornaments We had Christmas stockings with glitter pens where kids could decorate and put their names on them We had cookies, we had candy canes and drinks, and we also gave away two pretty nice bikes,” Faulkner said

aint James City Civic Association p

when she first arrived at the Civic Center after Hurricane Ian, she saw that

there had been approximately 4 feet of water in the garage, and about 2 feet of water in the rest of the building The roof had major damage and the entire lanai had been destroyed, she said The center was needed for hurricane sup-

plies, which meant the floors needed to be mopped Bickford said residents, Denny and Andrea Dekker along with

s i d e n t
i n d y B i c k f o r d s a i d
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e e C o u n t y C o m m i s s i o n e r
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I w i l
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e s u r e
w e g o t o
w e r e i n v i t e d t o w h a t
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M i k e
shoulder to shoulder
Renovations happening at St. James City Civic Center K e v i n R u a n e
Commissioner Ruane
WEEK OF DECEMBER 21, 2022 VOLUME 46, NUMBER 33 PINEISLAND-EAGLE COM FLIER INSIDE insidetoday Athletes of the Week..................................8 Guest Commentary....................................4 Web Poll......................................................4 Worship Directory......................................6 Classifieds GPIA is working for Pine
See RUANE, page 9

Government officials at the county level are completely on board with helping Pine Island to find solutions, he said The GPIA is working with FEMA to bring trailers, which will be set up on a commercial site The largest challenge, presently, he said, is being granted a state waiver to put a FEMA or state trailer in a flood zone


i v e r t o h e l p m a k e t h i s h a p p e n o n t h e i s l a n d

“We’ve identified at least 130 people who need housing right now They’re not living in a house We figure the number is probably double, but we need to get to those people, so if we can get to 130, then we can start working on the permanent solution,” Sanderson said

As far as debris removal, which has become a nuisance to many islanders, Barreda said the GPIA is now working with the Florida Department of Emergency Management to make islanders aware of debris pick-up

“The focus is getting down into the hardest hit areas, based on the contract that is where we’re supposed to get

to They’re supposed to help move that debris to more accessible roads That’s part of their responsibility,”

Barreda said

Residents should call to get their piles of garbage picked up, as some of the island roads have not been surveyed since the middle of October, he said Chemical runoff from homes that were taken down or lost during the storm must be taken into account, as this will impact

our waterway after rainfall The GPIA is thankful for the island organizations with which they are currently partnering, said Barreda, such as, the Beacon of Hope, several of the local churches, the Mullet Runners, and the Matlacha Hookers

“We are very grateful for the great teams of volunteers that are on the island. It’s a great collective of volunteer organizations,” Barreda said

at Edward Jones, Century 21 and The

Edward Jones, Century 21 and The Frozen Flip Flop, located in the plaza at 10191 Stringfellow Road, St James City, are holding a Holiday Open House

today, Dec 21, from noon-2 p m Shawn Kinney at Edward Jones, Sara Brinks at The Frozen Flip Flop, Mike Shevlin, Carlyn Herring and all of the

There will be live music and Holiday favorites Lunch cookout and soft drinks will be provided All are welcome

P i n e I s l
p i
i s l
g l e . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 2 1 , 2 0 2 2 n P a g e 2
a n d
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a n
Holiday Open House today
Frozen Flip
Realtors at Century 21 Sunbelt are proud members of the Pine Island community and are inviting the public to help them celebrate the holiday season GPIA is working for Pine Island residents
A m e r i c a n L e g i o n C o m m a n d e r A a r o n B a r r e d a , i n c o m b i n a t i o n w i t h I s l a n d T a c t i c a l o w n e r , J a y S a n d e r s o n i s w o r k i n g t o g e t m u c h d o n e o n P i n e I s l a n d , s u c h a s d e b r i s r e m o v a l a n d h o u s i n g t h o s e w h o b e c a m e h o m e l e s s a f t e r H u r r i c a n e I a n A c c o r d i n g t o S a n d e r s o n , L e e C o u n t y C o m m i s s i o n e r K e v i n R u a n e c a m e t o P i n e I s l a n d o n S u n d a y , D e c 1 1 , t o m e e t w i t h t h e G r e a t e r P i n e I s l a n d A l l i a n c e g r o u p t o l o o k a t t r a n -
n a l h o u s i n g o p t i o n s
By PAULETTE LeBLANC pleblanc@breezenewspapers
s i t i o
“I think it’s important that the community know that we are working toward a solution for transitional housing and there will be a solution We’ve got people at the highest level of government that are fighting for us,” Sanderson said
“Getting this done with Lee County will also require a w
, ” Sanderson said
The county and state both have to wave the ability to use government resources for any area in a flood zone, he said. Currently, the GPIA is surveying possible sites for transitional housing for approximately 130 trailers to begin with, likely ending up around 500
P a g e 3 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 2 1 , 2 0 2 2 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e

The second wave: Housing insecurity shakes community Eagle Editorial

Hurricane Ian has brought the specter and reality of homelessness to too many of us here in Lee County

According to still-preliminary estimates provided by Lee County, Ian destroyed 5 , 0 7 6 h o m e s , c a u s e d m a j o r d a m a g e t o 13,532, and minor damage to 14,418 Add in the 17,287 additional residences that were impacted in some way and the tally stands at 50,313

R e n t a l s a r e l a c k i n g o r p r o h i b i t i v e l y


This means many are sleeping in cars parked in driveways or hastily obtained RVs and campers as they await insurance money or FEMA aid. This means the forced sharing of space with family or friends or trying to find a house share

It’s trying

It’s tragic

But, hopefully for most, it is temporary For others, the storm exacerbated the issue of affordable housing and the lack thereof

For make no mistake, Lee County was in the midst of a housing crisis well before Hurricane Ian

Driven by inflation and spiraling housing costs, many Lee Countians were already struggling to pay rent, much less buy a home Homelessness also is not a new issue

According to the Lee County Homeless Coalition, we, as a community, have long grappled with its challenges and its impacts

In an early September release that’s pre-Ian the coalition estimated that there are more than 3,400 individuals who are homeless here at any given time

According to the coalition’s latest survey, taken in January, about 8 percent of those liv-

Thank you for being a par t of the best community

To the editor:

Pine Island strong – calling all garbage angels to help protect the island we love Save our birds fish and turtles Save our waters We all choose to live here because of the beauty We are Pine Island strong Grab a garbage bag and choose an area near you or on Stringfellow or Pine Island Road Every piece you pick up helps save our island There are 1,440 minutes in every day That means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact Thank you for being Pine Island strong Thank you for being a part of the best community.

ing on Lee County streets are chronically homeless defined as an individual adult “with a disabling condition who has either continuously been homeless for a year or more or has had at least four episodes of homelessness in the past three years ”

The majority were male and white but the demographic ranges across gender, age and race

Nor is homelessness limited to unaccompanied adults The survey found 49 families, with 86 children among them, without a place to live

Data from the School District of Lee County shows numbers significantly higher than that “snapshot ” This year the district has identified 3,014 students as meeting the criteria for the Federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act which states that children and youths who lack a “fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence” are considered homeless

This number is not the result of Hurricane Ian alone, the storm has simply given homelessness and housing insecurity a new face

The problem of existant homelessness is real

It spans age groups and gender

It affects individuals and families with kids

And sometimes it kills.

At least 16 individuals who were homeless died here in Lee County this year alone

So two things one for the chronic issue; one for the new and hopefully transient

Letters to the Editor

Proud to be a member of this community

To the editor:

I recently had a conversation with Dr. T o m M i l l i n s , P r i n c i p a l a t P i n e I s l a n d Elementary School, in which he told me that he was truly humbled by the community support for the school I was struck by what an appropriate word “humbled” is for my feelings regarding Pine Island and the people who make it so special - humbled and very, very grateful

As a Pine Island native I’ve seen many changes but none as life altering as Hurricane Ian The impact of the storm was and still is gut wrenching but watching people come together to deal with it has been awe inspiring

We want your opinion

One, the Lee County Homeless Coalition will again hold a vigil to remember those who have passed

The 26th annual Candlelight Vigil for the Homeless will be held today, Dec 21, at 6 p m at the Lee County Courthouse Steps at 2120 Main St. in Fort Myers.

This event is intended to “educate and inspire the public to support the community’s need for more affordable housing, shelters, and accessible health care ”

Education and support are both sorely needed

Two, for those in the maelstrom of the storm-caused housing crisis, Lee County is w o r k i n g t o h e l p y o u T h e c o u n t y h a s l a u n c h e d a h o u s i n g w e b s i t e , Leegov com/storm, to better connect stormimpacted residents with resources.

Leegov com/storm features “a one-stop location for housing resources,” officials said, adding users should click on the house icon, or look for “Housing” in the left rail

The site encourages those who are homeless or in damaged homes due to Hurricane Ian to apply to FEMA for assistance at DisasterAssistance gov; by calling 800-6213 3 6 2 ; o r b y v i s i t i n g a l o c a l D i s a s t e r Recovery Center, the locations of which may b e f o u n d a t l e e g o v c o m / h u r r i c a n e / s t o r m / available-resources.

The deadline was recently extended to Jan 12, 2023

Leegov com/storm also provides information on available county resources and aid

I am humbled by the response of our First Responders The men and women of the Matlacha/Pine Island Fire Dept put their lives, homes, and families on hold for days and weeks while they worked through the massive amounts of debris doing search and rescue and doing their best to take care of us They used their personal vehicles as well trucks from Uni-Scape and other residents to transport over a thousand people to Matlacha so they could be evacuated off the Island by boat They have continued to go above and beyond in their efforts to help the people of our community When they were told that life on Pine Island was “unsustainable” and they had 2 days until they had to evacuate and abandon the residents to their own resources Chief Mickuleit said “no way ”

I am humbled that First Responders from all over the state and beyond came to assist with the search and rescue efforts They stayed for weeks and helped run hundreds of calls and wellness checks

I am humbled by Steve Honc who spent hours on the phone insisting that the road in Matlacha could be fixed in a matter of days and that Honc Industries could and would do it if the state was not going to Because of his tireless efforts our road was fixed quickly

All letters and guest columns must be signed and must contain a phone number for verification purposes. You also can comment on any letter or editorial opinion online at:

I am humbled by Dr Tom Millins and his insistence that Pine Island Elementary be reopened for our kids Dr Millins and the staff at Pine Island Elementary have worked

P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e p i n e i s l a n de a g l e . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 2 1 , 2 0 2 2 ■ P a g e 4
Publisher Raymond M Eckenrode reckenrode@breezenewspapers com Executive Editor Valarie Harring vharring@breezenewspapers com Editor Paulette LeBlanc pleblanc@breezenewspapers com Advertising Director Laurie Ragle lragle@ breezenewspapers com Advertising Sales Charlene Russ cruss@breezenewspapers com Design & Layout Chris Strine cstrine@breezenewspapers com Obituaries Debbie Carletti obits@breezenewspapers com Subscriptions 1 Year $52 To Pay For Your Subscription P O Box 151306 Cape Coral FL 33915 Circulation (239) 574-1936 Classified Advertising (239) 574-5644 Display Advertising
283-2022 Customer service hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a m to 5 p m , except major holidays Letters to the editor must be typed or handprinted Your name and phone number must be affixed to the copy In the event of an advertising error we are responsible only for the first incorrect insertion of the ad itself We are not responsible for any credit or reimbursement after 30 days from publication Postal Information: Bulk rate postage paid at Fort Myers, FL Postmaster Send address changes to the Pine Island Eagle Permit # 521 The Eagle is published every Wednesday
Road, Ste 60
FL 33922
com Report your news to PINEISLAND-EAGLE COM OPINIONS Web Poll Previous Web Poll Question: Did you vote in this year’s General Election? ■ Yes ■ No ■ There are other, more pressing issues to deal with right now Current Web Poll Question: Are you getting the post-Ian recovery help you need? ■ Yes ■ No ■ Not yet, but it’s supposed to be coming ■ I don’t expect any Share your opinion at pineisland-eagle com The views expressed on the Opinions pages are just that opinions. These pages are intended to convey a range of viewpoints; opinions printed on this page do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper Opposing views are welcome Letters to the Editor or guest columns may be mailed to: Pine Island Eagle, 10700 Stringfellow Road, Ste 60,
FL 33922; e-mailed to pineisland@ breezenewspapers com; posted to our Virtual Newsroom at www breezenewspapers com or faxed to 283-0232
10700 Stringfellow
Phone: (239)
Fax: (239)
Web: pineisland-eagle
See HOUSING, page 7
P a g e 5 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 2 1 , 2 0 2 2 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e

From page 4

1 ,


e e k o f

t i r e l e s s l y t o g e t s c h o o l l i f e b a c k t o n o r m a l a n d q u i c kl y d e t e r m i n e d t h a t t h e K i w a n i s F a l l F e s t i v a l / T r u n k o r T r e a t e v e n t c o u l d a n d s h o u l d b e h e l d W i t h j u s t 2 w e e k s ’ n o t i c e t h e P I K i w a n i s C l u b a s s e m b l e d v o l u nt e e r s a n d d o n a t i o n s f o r t h e e v e n t S p e c i a l t h a n k s a r e o w e d t o H o n c I n d u s t r i e s , P i n e I s l a n d P i z z a , C e n t e n n i a l B a n k , P I C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e , P i n e I s l a n d M o o s e L o d g e , a n d s o m a n y m o r e f o r t h e i r h e l p i n m a k i n g t h i s e v e n t a s u c c e s s I a m h u m b l e d t h a t t h e c o m m u n i t y c a m e t o g e t h e r t o c o n t i n u e m a k i n g t h i s H a l l o w e e n w e e k e n d a s p e c i a l o n e f o r t h e k i d s T h e K i w a n i s F a l l F e s t i v a l w a s f o ll o w e d b y a w o n d e r f u l T r u n k o r T r e a t e v e n t a t t h e P u b l i x p a r k i n g l o t a n d t h e n a s p e c i a l T r i c k o r T r e a t o n t h e F i s h S t r e e t s T h e c h i l d r e n w e r e h a p p i l y e x h a u s t e d f r o m t h e f u n o f t h e w e e k e n d . I a m h u m b l e d b y t h e e f f o r t s o f t h e a r e a c h u r c h e s a n d o u t s i d e o r g a n i z a t i o n s a n d t h e i r t i r e l e s s c o m m i tm e n t t o p r o v i d e a c c e s s t o d o n a t e d s u p p l i e s , h o t m e a l s , s h o w e r s , a n d c o m f o r t t o t h o s e i n n e e d I a m h u m b l e d b y t h e e f f o r t s o f t h e C a j u n N a v y ,

A happy Christmas moment

To the editor:

p i n e i s l a n de a g l e . c o m

C a t h e r i n e P r u i t t i s 1

0 3 y e a r s o l d a n d h a s l i v e d

i t s

l s t a r t S h e

Thanks to the Rotar y Clubs of our area

To the editor:

On Nov 22, Jim Wentz of Pine Island

F I S H p i c k e d u p 2 b e a u t i f u l , b r a n d n e w Wheelchairs from Jim Fabry, of the Rotary D i s t r i c t 6 9 6 0 , a n d t h e W h e e l c h a i r Foundation.

Jim Fabry is the President of the Bonita Naples Rotary Club 6960 and the Wheelchair Foundation Co-Chair The Rotary Club discovered the need Pine Island FISH had for new chairs due to the losses sustained during Hurricane Ian from Lou Peppe, of the Caloosa Rotary Club of Cape Coral

We want to bring attention and give thanks to the Rotary Clubs of our area and especially to Lou and Jim for facilitating this donation

Guy Vaughan, St James City

M u l l e t R u n n e r s , W o r l d C e n t r a l K i t c h e n ( i n c l u d i n g L i s a D e n c e a n d h e r w o n d e r f u l c r e w f o r t a k i n g o v e r w h e n t h e y l e f t ) a n d a l l t h e o t h e r o r g a n i z a t i o n s a n d v o l u n t e e r s t h a t c a m e r u n n i n g i n o u r t i m e o f n e e d I a m h u m b l e d b y t h e M a t l a c h a H o o k e r s a n d t h e B e a c o n o f H O P E ’ s c o n t i n u e d e f f o r t s t o s u p p o r t a n d a s s i s t P i n e I s l a n d c i t i z e n s i n s u r v i v i n g t h e a f t e r m a t h o f I a n a n d r e b u i l d i n g o u r l i v e s I a m h u m b l e d b y t h e d e t e r m i n a t i o n , r e s i l i e n c e , a n d t o u g h n e s s o f t h e p e o p l e o f M a t l a c h a a n d P i n e I s l a n d I a m p r o u d t o b e a m e m b e r o f t h i s c o m m u n i t y a n d a m v e r y , v e r y g r a t e f u l

Tonya Player, St. James City

To the editor:

Linda Leary, Saint James City

We have been working diligently on gathering information about FREE resources available from not only local island organizations but also State and Federal level. The attached Pine Island Cares Resource Guide was developed with the cooperation of PIC organizations, Things To Do On Pine Island and volunteers in constant look out for updates The PDF guide and the Website is updated as soon as new information is available A printed version (which may not be the most recent as it changes daily) can be picked up at the fol-

lowing locations and the most current version can be downloaded from the website https://greaterpineisland resourceguide com/ The attached is the most current version from Dec 7

We have also implemented a PUSH notification system where pertinent information is sent out via text to residents who enroll in the push notification system They can enroll by sending an email Subject PUSH ENROLL with their name, cell number and address to PIHurricaneRelief@gmail com

Pick up locations:

∫ American Legion Post 136, 4106 Stringfellow Rd, Saint James City

∫ Beacon of Hope, 5090 Doug Taylor Circle, St James City

Pine Island United Methodist Church, 5701 Pine Island Rd, Bokeelia

First Baptist Church of Pine Island, 5363 Avenue D, Bokeelia

∫ Pine Island Community Church, 5320 Doug Taylor Circle, St James City

∫ Matlacha/Pine Island Fire Control District (Station 1): 5700 Pine Island Rd, Bokeelia

∫ Pine Island Public Library, 10701 Russell Rd, Bokeelia


2 0 2 2
P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e a g e 6
e d n e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 2
■ P
Pine Island Cares Resource Guide now available Gaylor Vice Madam Matlacha Hookers, Inc. i n F l a m i n g o B a y s i n c e o r i g i n a i s d e t e r m i n e d t o r e t u r n a f t e r t h e s t o r m H e r d a u g h t e r - i n - l a w d i d t h e p a i n t i n g a n d i t j u s t m a d e m e s m i l e t h a t a t h e r a g e , s h e i s s t i l l s o d e t e rm i n e d t o r e t u r n t o o u r s e v e r e l y d a m a g e d n e i g hb o r h o o d I s a w t h i s o n h e r t r e e a n d t h o u g h t i t m i g h t b e a h a p p y C h r i s t m a s m o m e n t PHOTO PROVIDED See LETTERS TO THE EDITOR, page 7


37 years of luminaries’ display

Neighbors and friends will gather Saturday Dec, 24, to fill the luminary bags with sand, (donated by John Honc), and add the candles Bring a chair and please join us. Volunteers will distribute the luminaries throughout Matlacha

“Let’s Up Matlacha” is a community endeavor and is working toward making Matlacha Strong after Ian’s dev-


In addition Matlacha is hosting two Christmas Trees; you must see them on the lot at intersection of Island Avenue and Pine Island Road (thank you George Williamson) and the original Dolphins are now gracing the Matlacha Bridge

Letters to the Editor

From page 6

To the editor:

The Pine Island Kiwanis Club was thrilled to be able to sponsor this year’s Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat at Pine Island Elementary School The challenges were great but the community really came together to make this event a tremendous success Huge thanks to everyo n e w h o m a d e t h i s e v e n t p o s s i b l e ! P i n e I s l a n d

Elementary School, Matlacha/Pine Island Fire Dept, The Bobby Holloway Foundation, Ace Hardware, Honc Construction, Centennial Bank, Pine Island Moose Lodge, Pine Island Pizza, Pine Island Elks, Olde Fish House Marina, Friends of the Pine Island Library, Pine Island Chamber of Commerce, and the many other businesses and volunteers all helped and contributed to the


From page 4

programs, including home repair assistance, insurance deductible assistance, utility assistance and the coordinated entry program for people at risk of homelessness or who are homeless as well as links to other offices and agencies


to help make a difference?

There are numerous charitable efforts under way to help those whose lives were upended by Hurricane Ian Donations can make an immediate impact And long term?

The Lee County Homeless Coalition also welcomes donations, and involvement by individuals, families, businesses and other organizations.

For more information, visit leehomeless org

triumph of this event. These organizations can always be counted on to support the youth of Pine Island We are grateful!

Candidates Sought for Fire District Seat Five

The Matlacha/Pine Island Fire Control District is now accepting resumes to fill vacant seat five for the Fire Board Anyone interested in filling the vacant position must meet the qualifications listed below:

Is at least 18 years old

Is a United States citizen

Is a resident of the District

Is a registered voter within the District

Resumes must be turned in or postmarked no later than noon on December 29, 2022 The resumes can be mailed to or dropped off at 5700 Pine Island Rd , Bokeelia, Florida 33922. I f y o u h a v e a n y q u e s t i o n s , p l e a s e c a l l

Administrative Assistant Miles at 239-283-0030

A huge thanks to ever yone who made this year’s Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat possible
P a g e 7 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 2 1 , 2 0 2 2 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e
Pine Island Kiwanis Club

Cape Coral Breeze Athletes of the Week

Cape Coral Breeze Athletes Week of the

(Selected by the Breeze Sports staff)

Surge t-shirts to Pine Island Elementary students and staff. These t-shirts are in response to Hurricane Ian with the goal of bringing awareness and raising funds for the Beacon of Hope to support the island

community Pine Island Elementary sends a BIG thank you for the t-shirts and sends LOVE to all P I residents during this time If anyone is interested in purchasing a Stronger than the Surge t-shirt or donating to the Beacon of Hope, access the attached link https://beaconofhopepineisland com #P I Strong

P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e p i n e i s l a n de a g l e . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 2 1 , 2 0 2 2 ■ P a g e 8
r e c e n t l y d o n a t e d S t r o n g e r t h a n t h e
Pine Islander and former Aeropostale CEO Tom Johnson and his wife Marie
P.I.E. sends
Sponsored by:
a thank
and love to the island community
Food Pantr y receives donation from Captains
Pine Island Elementary students and staff
Pine Island
PHOTO PROVIDED Pictured left to right: Front Row - Chip Buchanan, DeAnna Buchanan and Denise Selby Back Row - Wendy Rickelman, Jim Gregg, Darlene Wisniefski, Howie Loyson, Rob Hobmeier and Carolyn Anglin
Pine Island Food Pantry Benefit at Captain's Harbor Condominiums, Unit 302, Pot Luck Dinner and Game Night held Dec 13, received $1510 00 donations (1 anonymous donor of $1000) The hosts were DeAnna and Chip Buchanan

Fundraiser event at the Moose Lodge raises $8,752 for Food Pantr y


Fundraiser event at the Moose Lodge on Saturday, Nov 26, was led by Peter Lilienthal He raised donations totaling $ 8 , 7 5 2 f o

St. James City Civic Association upcoming concert set for Jan. 8

T h e S t J a m e s C i v i c A s s o c i a t i o n h a p p y t o a n n o u n c e t h a t U p r o o t H o o t e n a n n y (http://www uproothootenanny com/) will be returning to play at Saint James City Civic Association on Sunday, Jan 8, at 6:30 p m





d F o o d Pantry It was an epic event and he and his group deserve recognition for their outstanding efforts These funds will help feed many families on Pine Island for a long time


From page 1

splits his paycheck between the Pine Island Food Pantry and Community Cooperative.

“My net paycheck gets deposited every month to one of two of the organizations I don’t work for a paycheck I’m glad to

help Pine Islanders, I truly am You’re the most resilient community I’ve ever seen, and that is a reason you fight for people,” Ruane said Ruane explained that despite what peo-

Christmas event

Faulkner said gaining clients was never the intention, adding that, as far as he knew, the subject of business never even came up throughout the event, as it was merely an act of love for a community that’s been through a lot Santa waved

From page 1

folks in from the road, he said, inviting anyone and everyone who came by to join t h e s e a s o n a l f e s t i v i t i e s A f t e r t h e Halloween pumpkin patch celebration, it was decided a Christmas event would be next, Faulkner said, adding that there is

Come out for an evening of bluegrass, country, Celtic, and rock tunes You won't be able to sit still in your seats! Uproot has played several times and the show always sells out

T i c k e t s a r e $ 2 5 a n d c a n b e p u r c h a s e d o n line at sjccapi org

Any questions, call Cindy 954-249-5512

ple may think, he hasn’t always had it easy, and needed a hand up in his life at one time.

When you ask for public assistance for food or rent, it’s not something easily forgotten, he said, adding that it’s helped keep him

now discussion on how best to tackle Easter for the children and families on the island

“We were happy to do this for the community We want to continue to be an integral part of Pine Island We appreciate


“I’ve never forgotten how it is to go to bed hungry I’ve never forgotten that I don’t need this paycheck and I’m able to help others,” Ruane said

the reception we have and have always had, both as Pine Island Realty and now, John R Wood, Christies international Real E s t a t e W e w a n t t o k e e p d o i n g t h i s because we have so much fun doing it,” Faulkner said

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Kramer's Kutting Edge relocates Kramer's Kutting Edge has relocated to 5459 Pine Island Road
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PHOTO PROVIDED Peter Lilienthal giving the Pine Island Food Pantry a cashier's check for $8,752
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P a g e 1 1 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 2 1 , 2 0 2 2 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e

Jody Franke worked diligently to ready the center to become the distribution center for St James City

“So we became the distribution point, we set up the tables, brought in all the food and supplies that we could possibly get and we started serving 7 days a week,” Bickford said

The center served the community with non-perishable foods, cleaning supplies, and shovels, she said, stressing that whatever they could get their hands on was given out to locals The roof was tarped by J.F. Smith at no charge, while assessments were done on the floors, which were only two years old at the time of the hurricane

“A group came out from Sanibel by boat and ripped up all the laminate floors When they got done there were loose asbestos tiles all over the floor Our estimate to remove all the asbestos flooring a n d l a m i n a t e t i l e s w a s $ 1 2 , 5 0 0 , ” Bickford said

A n e a s t c o a s t c o m p a n y c a l l e d , T L C B T C a n d H a n d s o n T z e d a k a h reached out to the center and agreed to provide the funds to remove all the flooring Bickford said There was also a $1,000 donation made by Brett Burns, who is a musician in Alabama, as well as $500 Given by a couple in Lake Whales a n d t h e M a t l a c h a H o o k e r s d o n a t e d $3,000, and promised some of the proceeds from their annual luau

“This is really going to help because we need to replace the outside doors We need to replace the whole lanai, the shed door is gone all the things we had in the garage to sell at garage sales had to be thrown away, so we’re just starting from scratch,” Bickford said

A roofer who was working nearby is need of a place to put an office, Bickford explained Since the Civic Association owns a small piece of land on the east side of the property, they negotiated a deal with the roofer to trade a new roof for the property

“He’s going to put a metal roof on the e n t i r e b u i l d i n g i n e x c h a n g e f o r t h e

land I was afraid he was going to back out because he kept saying, what are the setbacks? When can I put electric and water on the land? I said, when you’re

done with the roof and it’s all been approved and inspected, the land is yours H e ’ s a l r e a d y s i g n e d t h e c o n t r a c t s , ” Bickford said

Now the roof is being done and the floors are being ripped up, Bickford said, thankful so many locals have shown up to

P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e p i n e i s l a n de a g l e . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 2 1 , 2 0 2 2 ■ P a g e 1 2
Civic Center From page 1
See CIVIC CENTER, page 13

volunteer to help in one way or another, including Robert and Ellen Ballard of Calusa Land Trust, who volunteered to spend time beautifying the land

“As hard as it’s been, there have been so many wonderful people, people who

were dealing with their own house being destroyed who were there helping It’s been a real village effort to get the place back up and running We have a lot coming up it’s coming around,” Bickford said

P a g e 1 3 ■ W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 2 1 , 2 0 2 2 b r e e z e n e w s p a p e r s . c o m P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e
Civic Center From page 12
P i n e I s l a n d E a g l e p i n e i s l a n de a g l e . c o m W e e k o f W e d n e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 2 1 , 2 0 2 2 ■ P a g e 1 4 For Sale: 25’ RVision Trail Sport camping trailer. Lovingly kept and used for 12 years in Woodsmoke Camping Resort in Fort Myers. Slide-out with futon couch, brand new awning, 4 new tires, queen size bed with 4” memory foam topper. $12,000 Contact Jo or Carol, 828778-0826 for more information. Pressman PressAssistant TheBreeze NewspapersBreeze CommercialPrinting hasanimmediate needforthefollowing positionsatour PrintingFacility. PRESSMAN: experiencepreferred butnotrequired.F/T PRESSASSISTANT: willtrain,F/T PaidVacation, Benefits,401K,great workenvironment! ApplyinPersonor emailyourresume BreezeNewspapers 14051JetportLoop FtMyersFL33913 TruckDriver DELIVERYDRIVER (BoxTruck) TheBreeze Newspapershas animmediate needfora FullTimeDelivery driver. NoCDLrequired 401(k), medical/dental benefits, Greatwork environment. ApplyinPersonor emailyourresume BreezeNewspapers 14051JetportLoop FtMyersFL33913 Getyour MedicalMarijuanaCard Fast Easy Appro-val callfora FREEEVALUATIONBY PHONE 239-236-5311 CMMDR.COM 12 x 8 swim spa nees to be removed from a concrete pad. Under 1,000 lbs. Generous compensation for your time. Please Call 608-219-6431 AdvertiseYour Garage Sale adpricesstartat $20.00 2 39-574-5644 I BUY ALL RV’s I PAY CASH I will Come To You To See It Quick & Easy Sale. CASH ON THE SPOT! Vince ~ 941-301-9946 ~ Local I BUY ALL BOATS I PAY CASH I will Come To You To See It Quick & Easy Sale. CASH ON THE SPOT! Vince ~ 941-301-9946 ~ Local 24óHOURSERVICE NOOVERTIMECHARGES FAMILY OWNED/OPERATED Lic#CAC1817070 (239)573-2086 INSTANTREBATES AVAILABLE óAirPurificationSystems óHighEfficiencySystems óDuctCleani ng FreeEstimateson ReplacementSystems CUSTOMDOCKS &BOATLIFTS WEBUILDQUALITY DOCKS HAWLEY CONSTRUCTION OVER20YEARS OFEXPERIENCE ALLINLEECOUNTY. FREEESTIMATES Call(239)561-8074 CBC026058 TOMáSCONCRETE,INC ànTractorService Specializingin ConcreteSlabs Drives Patios Sidewalks Stucco-LandscapeCurbing SprayCrete-Keystone âNoJobTooSmallã BackHoe-Grading-Fill TopSoil-Rock-BushHogging PondDigging-LandClearing WefixDrainageProblems LaborersWanted 239-543-3700 Cell239-849-5375 âNo Bull - Just Quality Work YouCanTrustã Residential¯Commercial NewConstruction R emodels¯Repairs RoomAdditions FreeEstimates 239-707-0654 Bonded-LicCBC058576-Insured AFFORDABLE FREE ESTIMATES $1,800.00FourZones N ewInstallation IncludesPermit 2YearWarranty A+RATED-ANGIESLIST Installation&Repair FAMILYOWNEDSINCE1981 LEE#LSO200031 CAPE#06938 A&JServices UnlimitedLLC Over40YearsExperience ElectricalRepairs Upgrades Installations âWorkdoneasifI’mdoing itformyself.ã 239-785-4865 CSCLic#ES12001592Insured Absolutely FREE Estimates ¯Top Soil ¯Fill Dirt ¯Grading ¯Shell, Stone ¯Erosion Control ¯Lot/Acreage Mowing ¯Driveways/ Roads ¯Asphalt Patch/ Seal ¯Culvert Pipes ¯Land Clearing ¯Invasive & Exotic Removal ¯Holes along Seawalls ¯Solutions to pooling water Licensed - Insured (239) 872-3228 543-2288 William Rinehart Handyman Let me put my 30yrs of experience to work for you. ¯Painting ¯Pressure-Cleaning ¯Carpet ¯Laminate Flooring ¯Tile New-Repair Regrouting ¯Complete Woodworking ¯Door-Window Repair **Free Estimates** (239) 839-1131 Lic#0901158/Insured Krueger’s Painting LLC 239-980-0680 Interior/Exterior Exterior Specialist ******************************* Licensed & Insured PT15-00319 Cape: 62966 AFFORDABLE FREE ESTIMATES $1,800.00FourZones NewInstallation IncludesPermit 2YearWarranty A+RATED-ANGIESLIST Installation&Repair FAMILYOWNEDSINCE1981 LEE#LSO200031 CAPE#06938 UltraPlumbing &DrainCleaning,Inc PlumbingInstallations ServiceandRepair 24/7EmergencyServices DrainBack-Ups PipeBursts Residential&Commercial Honest-Professional Affordable Veteran&SeniorDiscounts FreeEstimates 239-203-7047 FacebookandInstagram @ultraplumbingservice Licensed&InsuredLic#CFC1430549 A Tip Top Rescreen Pool Screen Repair Rescreen and Repair for an Affordable Price. Call For Your Free Estimate 239-440-6857 Licensed and Insured AFFORDABLE FREE ESTIMATES $1,800.00FourZones NewInstallation IncludesPermit 2YearWarranty A+RATED-ANGIESLIST Installation&Repair FAMILYOWNEDSINCE1981 LEE#LSO200031 CAPE#06938 Armando’s Tree Service Trim Trees * Stump Removal Lot Clearing * Landscaping Residential & Commercial Now Offering Paver Installation 239-910-4514 Licensed and Insured PHILIP C CAIL, LLC LICENSED INSURED WORKERS COMP COVERED COMMERCIAL/ RESIDENTIAL LARGE TO SMALL TREE WORK STUMP REMOVAL BUCKET TRUCK SERVICE WOOD CHIPPER SERVICE I WANT TO BE YOUR TREE GUY!! CALL ME FOR WHATEVER YOU NEED!! FREE ESTIMATES 239-357-1520 Stump Grinding! *Tree Trimming *Bobcat Services *Hurricane Clean Up Safe Local Team Free Estimates 727-243-5580 Licensed & Insured cbc060173
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