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Interesting information
Ascent to Üntschenspitze
Safety tips for off-piste skiing Please note that you are skiing at your own risk! This brochure only contains suggested routes. • Off-piste skiing is fun when you master the technique. The
Bregenzerwald ski schools offer courses to this end. • The correct equipment and clothing are essential safety factors. • Anyone skiing off piste needs avalanche equipment (avalanche search equipment, probe, avalanche shovel, First Aid kit) and also needs to know how to use such equipment! • Never set off too late. In winter, it starts getting dark at 4.30 p.m. • Never set off if it is snowing/foggy. • The skiing and mountain guides are familiar with the place and terrain and ensure that you safely reach your destination – and back home.
emergency telephone numbers (free of charge) • 112 European emergency number • 144 alpine emergencies vorarlberg avalanche warning service Free use of the avalanche alarm service via fax, e-mail or the Internet: www.vorarlberg.at/lawine Avalanche information app: www.snowsafe.at 24-hour recorded message: T +43 (0)5574 201 1588
Respect your boundaries However, anyone out and about enjoying the countryside needs to keep in mind that it is also a very sensitive habitat for plants and animals which is worth protecting. Please don’t take any short-cuts through forest paths, since they are often used by wild game as a refuge. Moreover, the edges of skis and snowboards can easily damage the young forest. Observe the no-go hunting areas and, if necessary, choose a different tour destination. It is with this in mind that we also appeal to you to respect preservation and conservation areas and to observe any restrictions.