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Kids’ programme
Tobogganing – a great pleasure
The Bregenzerwald boasts the best conditions for enjoyable family holidays. Friendly hosts in the hotels, guest houses, holiday apartments and on the farms offering holidays ensure the right setting for this.
Tobogganing with children Almost all towns and villages have one or several toboggan runs, many of which are illuminated in the evening. This includes many runs which children can ride alone, or on their parents’ toboggan. Toboggans are available for rent in many towns and villages. The starting points of several toboggan runs can be easily reached by lift (→ page 74).
Well-supervised in the ski schools The Bregenzerwald’s ski schools are well-known for their child-friendly programmes. You can find further information on selected offers in the chapter Ski and Board (→ page 5). Village lifts for young skiers The clearly laid-out village lifts are ideal for families: Alberschwende: rope tow and ski lift Bizau: Hütten rope tow Buch: Buch ski lifts Hittisau: Hittisberg ski lift Reuthe: Reuthe Baienberg ski lift Sibratsgfäll: Krähenberg ski lift Sulzberg: Sulzberg village lift, Hagenberg ski lifts
Packages available to book:
Kinderschnee Bregenzerwald
The “Kinderschnee” (“Kids’ Snow”) activity is a free four-day ski course for children between three and six years of age (born in 2016 / 2017 / 2018) that includes a free ski pass (7 nights). Dates: 15 January – 22 January 2022 12 March – 19 March 2022 19 March – 26 March 2022 information Bregenzerwald Tourismus T +43 (0)5512 2365 info@bregenzerwald.at www.bregenzerwald.at/ buchbare-angebote
Andelsbuch – mini-bob race Mini-bob race on the practice slope of the valley station of Andelsbuch cable car (with adequate snow conditions). Meeting point: At the practice slope of the Andelsbuch cable car Date: 17, 24 February, 3 March 2022 at 4 p.m. Duration: approx. 1 hour Price per person: free of charge information & registration Tourist office Andelsbuch T +43 (0)5512 2565 www.andelsbuch.at
Au-Schoppernau – sheep pen wool Discover some fascinating facts about large and small sheep in the old sheep pen: fragrant mountain hay in the hayloft, haymaking tools, wool processing, production of a fragrant sheep’s wool cushion, concluding with an exciting sheep story. Meeting point: Church in Au, Rehmen Dates: Wednesday 30 December 2021 to 24 March 2022: every Thursday at 4 p.m. Duration: approx. 1 ½ hours Age: from 4 years Price per person: € 8 incl. sheep’s wool cushion, drink and “sheep biscuits” information & booking Booking by 5 p.m. the day before Tourist office Au-Schoppernau T +43 (0)5515 2288 www.au-schoppernau.at
Au-Schoppernau – farm experience Life on the farm has a magical appeal to children. They are allowed to stroke the animals and watch the farmer feed, care for and milk the animals. Meeting point: Church in Au, Rehmen Date: 28 December 2021 until 12 April 2022: every Tuesday at 5.30 p.m. Length: approx. 1 hour Price per person: free of charge information & registration Tourist office Au-Schoppernau T +43 (0)5515 2288 www.au-schoppernau.at
Au-Schoppernau – lantern-lit ramble Carrying brightly lit lanterns and accompanied by mascot “BASTI”, the children ramble through Schoppernau. The lanterns can be taken home, and burn brightly as a reminder. Meeting point: tourist information office, Schoppernau Dates: 29 December 2021 to 23 March 2022 every Wed at 5.30 p.m. Duration: approx. 1 hour Price per person: free of charge information & registration Bookings must be made by 12 p.m. Tourist office Au-Schoppernau T +43 (0)5515 2495 www.au-schoppernau.at
Bezau – lantern-lit walk to the Deerofo Cultural and historical walk by lantern light through Bezau with a stop at the “Deerofo”. The walk concludes with a little drink at this lovingly restored barn that was once used by the whole village as a drying chamber. Meeting point: 8 p.m. at the fountain in the village square (near Hotel Gams) Date: Every Wednesday, from end of December 2021 to mid-April 2022 Duration: Approx. 1 hour Price per person: € 5 (children free) information & registration Registration by 2 p.m. Tourist office Bezau T +43 (0)5514 2295 www.bezau-bregenzerwald.com
Damüls – Bunny disco Bunny – the ski-school mascot – joins the children in their party dances to cool hits. Meeting point: Bunny-Park (Kinderland) Dates: 24 December 2021 to 15 April 2022 every Friday at 2.45 p.m. information Skischule Damüls T +43 (0)5510 295 www.skischule-damuels.at
Damüls – indoor playground The “Spielhaus” with a 170-squaremetre indoor playground is particularly popular with children and parents. Opening times: Daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Location: Multi-purpose building, Damüls 137 information Tourist office Damüls Faschina T +43 (0)5510 620 www.damuels.at
Egg-Großdorf – lantern-lit ramble Particularly well suited for families: a romantic ramble into the silence of the night. The light of the lanterns, of the moon and the stars, make the outing into a special experience. Guide Marianne relates stories on the way. Meeting point: Falken inn Date: End of December until the end of March: every Tuesday at 6 p.m. Length: approx. 1 hour Price per person: free of charge information & registration Register by 4 p.m. on Monday Tourist office Egg T +43 (0)5512 2426 www.egg-bregenzerwald.com Egg – Kuno Kinderkultur (culture for children) KUNO stands for an adventurous kid’s programme in the middle of the Bregenzerwald. Once a month, KUNO invites both young and old to culture at the highest level. KUNO is music, theatre, dance, art, film and literature. Advance booking: tickets are available from the KUNO advance booking partners and online. information & tickets www.kunokinderkultur.com
Egg – farm visit for young and old The Meusburger family welcomes visitors to see their modern free-range stable. It’s a place where the animals feel happy and like being stroked. And, afterwards, interested visitors will be able to take a look at the cheese depot and purchase some of the products made at the farm. Meeting point: Sieban 72, 6863 Egg-Großdorf Dates: every Saturday at 9.30 a.m. between end of December and the middle of March Price per person: € 4, children free information & registration Hilde Meusburger M +43 (0)664 6304073