Breinco bluefuture | ecoinspire EN

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ecoinspired eco-logic products 速


Materials obtaining stage Use of recycled, recyclable, biodegradable materials

End of life stage

and products out of use.

Production stage

路 Recyclable and/or

Use of mono materials,

biodegradable product.

compatible materials, elimination

路Material identification by means of codes.

of toxic and hazardous substances,

路 Information on the treatment

manufacture of modular parts

of products at the end

easy to dismantle.

of their useful life.

Usage stage

Distribution stage

Design of modular products

In the event of using containers and

which can be recycled

packaging for product distribution,

and reused.

which are recycled, recyclable and/or reusable.


Environmental quality self-declaration

air quality Pollution generated by exhaust gases and heating systems continues to rise; it is therefore essential to find new solutions to improve air quality and make the city a better place for living in. Thanks to the eco-logic速 line of products, there is a possibility of achieving a long-term reduction in the polluting agents in the air we breathe. Improving air quality is the first step to improving our quality of life.

health Widespread atmospheric pollution is undoubtedly the source of many health problems. In the presence of light and air, eco-logic速 oxidises organic and inorganic polluting substances and turns them into nontoxic compounds.

ecology Ecological awareness is a collective phenomenon which has gone from having a simple cultural interest to becoming the basis for a true ecological lifestyle. It is all our responsibility to try to do something specific to protect the environment and its inhabitants. To be able to enjoy a cleaner, more inhabitable city, we have an effective weapon: eco-logic速 creates pleasant spaces for meeting, enjoying and relaxing, and combating pollution at the same time.

improving air quality is the first step to improving our quality of life 3

cycle paths To satisfy citizens’ leisure needs, cities also need an ever increasing number of lanes for bicycles. These spaces are of vital importance in a modern urban city increasingly congested by road traffic. Paving slabs are the ideal solution for cycle paths thanks to their renowned aesthetic appeal and functional characteristics. pedestrian paths The use of paving slabs on pedestrian paths guarantees an attractive appearance both for runners and walkers. Thanks to a wide selection of colour combinations and finishes, paving slabs are ideal for streets, courtyards, parks and gardens. squares A well recognised characteristic of paving slabs is their ability to enhance architectural surroundings by exploring a wide range of tones, colours and finishes. These properties adapt perfectly to the design of squares, urban spaces par excellence where history blends into the present. urban road networks To increase safety in our road network, and therefore try to reduce the number of accidents, is one of the main objectives of paving with paving slabs. This is a valid tool for use in traffic moderation policies, which guarantee safe, functional and attractive urban road use.

discover the slab that will change the appearance of our cities 4






Aromatic Polycondensates




by Breinco

improves air to


improve our

quality of life

Pollution caused by exhaust gases and heating systems has become a serious problem for society. The nitrogen oxides (NOx) contained in exhaust gases from vehicles are in fact one of the main causes of poor air quality, continuous risks to health (especially those that affect the respiratory system), the greenhouse effect, climate change and the increase in average temperatures. Breinco’s objective has been to create an innovative solution, which provides clients and designers with eco-logic® products capable of reducing polluting substances such as nitrogen oxide (NOx). These products are unique, due to TX Arca® cement with photo-catalytic properties used in their manufacture. In the presence of light and air, this cement is capable of oxidising highly toxic substances and turning them into nontoxic compounds.


CaCO3 -2



photocatalysis Breinco’s eco-logic® product line is the result of exclusive collaboration between the Magnetti Technological Laboratory and the CTG (Centro Tecnico di Gruppo) belonging to the Italcementi group. These products are made with a special kind of cement, TX Arca®, designed, patented and produced by Italcementi according to the EN 197/1 standard for common cements. · PM10 (fine particles)

· Benzenes

· Nitrogen oxides (NOx)

· Carbon oxide

· Aromatic polycondensates

Depending on the type of polluting agents, eco-logic® turns them into nitrates, carbonates or sulphates, which are non-toxic compounds. This chemical process occurs in all kinds of sunlight or artificial light with a wavelength of or λ<400nm in reduced light on cloudy days.

NOx Nitrogen oxide

Ca(NO3)2 Calcium nitrate

Co-23 Carbonate ion

SOx Sulphur oxide

Ca(SO4) Calcium sulphate

CaCO3 Calcium carbonate

TiO2 Titanium dioxide


In the absence of national and European regulations, the tests carried out by the Italcementi Group’s CTG were developed in the laboratory following internal procedures established ad hoc, in collaboration with the following renowned institutes:

laboratory tests on samples of cement and TiO2


The graph shows the residual NOx content after 7 hours of exposure to light to which the pure titanium dioxide (TiO2), the cement with a percentage of titanium dioxide (cement + TiO2) and common cement (cement) were subjected. It is obvious that the combination of cement and TiO2 has a greater effect in reducing nitrogen oxide levels.

Cement + TiO2 Cement

0 20 NOx residue (%)

test 2 Degree of NOx elimination depending on ultraviolet radiation.

CNR laboratory in Rome Institute of the European Community of Ispra – Varese





100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00

A team was created by UNI in order to define the regulation on test methods for photo-catalytic cement paving slabs.

figure 3 The graph shows the degree of NOx elimination depending on ultraviolet radiation over a 24 hour period.


100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.2 0.4 UV radiation (mW/cm2)

Removal level (%)

Milanese – Milan


NO (Nitrogen monoxide) NO2 (Nitrogen oxide)

CNR laboratory in Ferrara ITC laboratory, Institute for Construction Technology, San Giuliano


Time (h) 6



Intensity UV (mW/m2)

When the surface of a product which contains TiO2 is irradiated by sunlight, high-production oxidising substances are formed, which turn the NOx in the air into nitrate ions (NO3). The nitrate ions in the cement in the form of calcium nitrate are extracted by the rain. Experiments have concluded that 1,000 m2 of photo-catalytic surface is capable of cleaning a volume of 200,000 m3 of air for every 10 hours of sunlight.

test 1

NOx removal (%)

reduction of nitrogen dioxide (NOx)

ppb (parts per billion)

1 Presence of NOx on asphalt flooring

300 250 200 150 100 50 0 10,00 Time (h)





The experiment was started in March 2003 in an industrial area in the province of Bergamo. 6,000 m2 of double layer grey paving slabs were laid with a thickness of 8 cm. The base layer of the paving slab was made with a mixture of high-strength cement and selected inert materials. The wear layer was made by mixing quartz and silica sand into a fine 7 mm thick layer which contained the photo-catalytic cement. The following instruments were used to carry out the measurements:

2 Presence of NOx on the paving in eco-logic paving slabs ppb (parts per billion)

first field tests

300 250 200 150 100 50 0 10,00 Time (h)



LUXOMETRO 545 (model for tests) Hot wire anemometer 425 (model for tests)

3 Presence of NOx. Comparative results

The nitrogen oxide analysers were placed in the centre of the photo-catalytic flooring and at a distance of eighty metres in the asphalted part. The environmental conditions measured during the test are described below.

results of the measurements With a difference of five months, the controls carried out by Italcementi in the test area confirmed the laboratory results, with a rapid reduction in the polluting substances. The amount of NOx was measured at the same time with two analysers, as indicated in the two diagrams in figures 1 and 2. As the two graphs show, in the area paved with slabs, made with photo-catalytic cement, there are significantly lower levels of NOx than in the reference area. The reduction calculated on the basis of the average results recorded is around 45% (fig. 3). To check the reproducibility and reliability of the two analysers, they were placed in the photocatalytic paving slab area from 4 o’clock in the afternoon, and data were noted for approximately 1 hour (fig 4). As indicated, reproducibility and reliability can be considered fairly high.

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

29 16



4 Parallel study of the measurements instruments


Laptop computers

Average NOx - ppb

N itrogen Oxide Analyser Model AC 32 M (Environnement S.A.)

45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 16,00 Time (h)



Environmental conditions






Temperature (°C)



Wind (m/sec)



Humidity %




with eco-logic the surfaces are kept clean

Grease, dust and acid rain cause the formation of micro-organisms which attack the surface of buildings. The photo-catalytic action, which is activated on the surface of the paving breaks down these micro-organisms and prevents the accumulation of dirt, thus protecting their aesthetic characteristics over time. 85

test 3

test 4 The graph shows the degree of elimination of the polluting agents over time. Dirt mainly comes from cigarette ash.

Brightness (%)


83 82



75 1




160 Ref 0 8 Exposure time (hours) UV light


82 80

0,5 Time (years)

Brightness (%)

shine test This measures the anaesthetic durability of concrete elements made with white cement containing TiO2 and exposed to urban surroundings for five years. The variation is almost nil, which shows that the shine values remain constant over time.

Cement TX Arca速




other advantages in the use of eco-logic paving slabs 速

deodorant action The decomposition of the substances containing sulphur and nitrogen prevents the formation of moss and bad smells. antimicrobial action It has a proven effective action against bacteria and fungi that attack cement surfaces. properties eco-logic速 products made with photocatalytic cement have the same physical and mechanical properties and characteristics as products made with other kinds of cement.


most frequently asked questions What is the photo-catalytic cement used in the line of eco-logic速 products? It is a special kind of TX Arca速 cement capable of carrying out photo-catalytic activity according to the requirements of EN 197/1 for common cement. This is the result of the research carried out by the laboratory Centro Tecnico di Gruppo (CTG) of the Italcementi Group. What is photocatalysis? It is a natural phenomenon in which a substance (photo-catalyst), when irradiated by the right intensity of light, changes the speed of a chemical reaction with its presence, while remaining unaltered. With sufficient radiation, the materials in photo-catalytic cement show greater effectiveness in oxidising organic and inorganic substances found in the atmosphere. How does titanium dioxide act on the polluting agents? Titanium dioxide acts as a photo-catalyst. This means that in light, it accelerates the oxidation reaction of the polluting agents which come into contact with the surface of the cement.


Where do the sub-products from the photocatalysis go? The sub-products obtained from the photo-oxidation reaction, being in an alkaline atmosphere due to the cement, are

mineralised and become inorganic salts such as nitrates, sulphates and calcium carbonates. These salts are partially dragged away by rainwater. Does it give off a bad smell? Not at all. In fact, when the aromatic substances and those containing sulphur and nitrogen break down, a deodorant action takes place. Does the photo-catalytic activity of eco-logic速 products tend to disappear over time? No, photo-catalytic activity does not disappear over time, because titanium dioxide acts as a photo-catalyst, allowing the oxidation reaction to occur without becoming exhausted. Photo-catalytic activity would only disappear if the surface of the paving containing the photo-catalyst was eliminated mechanically. After repeated cycles to eliminate the NOx no reduction is observed in surface photocatalytic activity. How does it work with traffic residues such as dust, tyre rubber and oil stains? Obviously, for titanium dioxide to work optimally, the surface cement which contains it must not be covered with other materials. The tests carried out on the terrain did not show a significant fall in activity due to the presence of sub-products from normal traffic.

Are compounds resulting from photo-catalytic action (for example, nitrates, sulphates and carbonates) dangerous, and where do they end up once produced? Actually, photo-catalytic action does not alter the type of inorganic products obtained (nitrates, sulphates and carbonates), and simply accelerates the transformation of the polluting agents reducing their concentration in the atmosphere. The small concentration of polluting agents in the atmosphere reduces breathing problems. With respect to the polluting substance NOx, it is important to bear in mind that the absence of the photocatalyst would cause the formation of nitrites (toxic). Is photo-catalysis also used in other materials? Photocatalysis is one of the natural processes in which some chemical reactions can only be produced when there is light radiation (for example, chlorophyll photosynthesis, etc.) Other inorganic photo-catalytic products are also marketed such as glass and ceramics. Do eco-logic速 line paving slabs work in the rain? In the event of rain, the layer of water which covers the surface reduces photo-catalytic activity. However, rain drags away inorganic salts produced by photocatalysis.

At what stage is the research? The main applications developed with photocatalytic cement include white and grey, highstrength structural concrete. Photo-catalytic concrete was used to make the prefabricated panels of the Dives in Misericordia church in Rome, designed by the American architect Richard Meyer; furthermore, the grey variant was the basis for the photo-catalytic concrete used in the City of the Music in Chambery (Francia). Tests have shown that the destruction of organic material on the surface of the cement product results in buildings keeping their attractive appearance even after prolonged exposure, thus guaranteeing that the initial shine is maintained. The properties for reducing the atmospheric polluting agents have been tested in the laboratory in Italcementi, in university laboratories and in research bodies. This intense, laboratory research is intended to show the photo-catalytic effectiveness of the product and develop a wide range of possible applications. What colours can be used? White, grey and other colours. Light colours allow a more effective, catalytic action.

How long do the eco-logic速 paving slabs last? Do they wear out? Paving using eco-logic速 paving slabs as long as similar paving using traditional slabs.

volume of around 200,000 m3 every 10 hours. Even limited surface areas have a significant effect on local reduction. Obviously, the larger the paved area, the greater the effect will be.

To what extent has the reduction of the socalled fine particles been proven? Today, experiments are being carried out to determine the percentage of organic compounds which can be assimilated as fine particles. What are the efectos colaterales of the use of the product? The cement used in the eco-logic速 line is, to all intents and purposes, a standard cement; the photo-catalytic elements are innocuous and free from any specific collateral effect. What is their range of action? Very good results have been achieved with respect to NOX reduction thanks to the use of experimental procedures developed by photocatalysis experts (CNR Ferrara), in air quality (ISPRA and CNR Research Centre in Rome) and in emissions of polluting materials (ITC ex I.C.I.T.E.). These results obtained by some independent laboratories show that it is possible to effectively reduce NOX The best results achieved to date indicate that 1,000 m2 of photo-catalytic surface are capable of reducing the polluting agents present in a


better than asphalt


Paving slabs are cheaper than asphalt. The long-term duration (over 20 years) of paving slabs and reduced maintenance and restoration costs are advantages over asphalt, which requires periodical resurfacing. Paving slabs come in a wide variety of shapes and colours; asphalt does not. Paving slabs allow special lines to be designed and finishes to be chosen for highlighting different architectural environments, an advantage which asphalt does not offer. Paving slabs cannot be deformed. Asphalt may be deformed by atmospheric agents, particularly the sun, and therefore has to be replaced or intensely maintained. Paving slabs contain natural inert materials, so they are more ecological than asphalt made with pitch and tar. Paving slabs are thicker and can also be used for paving roads for heavy vehicles. Asphalt deforms, especially in hotter seasons. Paving slabs contain traffic signs on the road which do not deform and last a long time. Asphalt does not. Paving slabs are discontinuous and can follow the lie of the land. Asphalt cannot, and also cracks easily in rain. Paving slabs are easy to restore; asphalt requires resurfacing, or the use of short-term solutions and frequent work on the road.

Paving slabs allow water drainage, asphalt causes accumulation. Paving slabs are ideal for use in traffic moderation systems. Interlocking paving slabs are safer than asphalt. Field tests have shown that paving slabs significantly improve the road network, during the day and at night, with a significant reduction in the braking distance in comparison with an asphalt surface.

better than natural stone Thanks to their special shapes, paving slabs have the ability to block themselves. The shape of natural stone makes it tend to move easily. Paving slabs offer a guarantee of material quality in compliance with current legislation and established regulations. There are many solutions (shapes, sizes, colours and finishes). Greater profitability with respect to stone, in particular with regard to the cost of installation and subsequent maintenance. eco-logicÂŽ paving slabs have photo-catalytic properties, stone does not. Paving slabs are non-slip, over time stone may become uneven and slippery. Paving slabs have excellent non-slip properties which allows pedestrians to walk safely, and optimum grip for vehicles. Natural stone tends to become smoother due to wear, with

the subsequent problems of slipperiness and little grip. Paving slabs are resistant to abrasion and cannot be deformed. Natural stone, especially when placed on mortar, becomes easily separable due to the different thermal expansion of the two materials. Breinco paving slabs are resistant to ice whereas natural stone enhances the formation of ice in the winter due to water collection, causing serious trouble for pedestrians and problems of exfoliation on the surface. Paving slabs can be used for relief applications, which may be of help to the blind.

Guiding paving stones for pedestrians. The Tactile Paving Stones are designed to alert the blind or partially blind of the dangers they might encounter in the paving. The Tactile Paving Stones are made with an easily perceptible surface proďŹ le that warns them of a speciďŹ c risk.



paving slabs are


the best


eco-logic products


facades ecovent-screen


original eco-tegula original eco-terana

® ®

26,4x20,8x7cm. 10,4x17,3x7cm. 20,8x17,3x7cm.

eco-tegula six eco-terana six




® ®


pave stones

120x60x5cm. 100x50x5cm.

gran llosa eco-vulcano llosa eco-vulcano



programa eco-opac

60x40x10cm. 30x20x10cm. 30x10x10cm.

60x40x7cm. 40x40x7cm. 40x20x7cm.

programa eco-zehn



120x80x12cm. 80x60x12cm. 60x40x5/7/8cm.

40x40x7/8cm. 40x20x7/8cm. 20x20x8cm.

colours finishes









































original eco-terana® eco-terana® six

original eco-tegula® eco-terana® six


llosa eco-vulcano® gran llosa eco-vulcano®



programa eco-opac


programa eco-zehn®




facades eco vent-screen




eco vent-screen

energy saving

Ventilated facades can be considered like a second skin for a building, protecting it from the direct effects of the weather and creating a space between the exterior skin and the shutter work of the facade. This ventilation cavity generates a chimney effect, which causes constant air renewal, enabling energy savings of between 20% and 30%.

Ventilated shafts today are a fully consolidated construction solution. They must give the building watertightness, ventilation, installation and durability, without forgetting its exterior image. With these guidelines, Breinco has developed the eco vent-screen速. ventilated facade system. An innovative slab, striking and pleasant at the same time, which allows buildings to be created with extraordinary aesthetic results. Its production procedure gives the slab a surface with optimal light fastness and high resistance to ageing. Furthermore, it has a long, useful and maintenance-free life. A high-quality concrete slab in which strength and colour are the main features. 19

pave stones

original eco-tegula / eco-terana ®

The design of the original eco-tegula® / eco-terana® paving stone is based on a study of its geometric proportions, and the search for the appearance of a classical paving stone made of genuine stone.

eco-tegula® 20,8x17,3x7cm.

eco-tegula® 10,4x17,3x7cm.

eco-terana® 20,8x17,3x7cm.

eco-terana® 10,4x17,3x7cm.

vehicular traffic

eco-tegula / eco-terana six ®


This is ideal for drives, paths and courtyards. The combination of soft colours and the 90º layout gives it a perfect traditional appearance.

eco-tegula® 20x10x8cm.

eco-tegula® 20x10x6cm.

light vehicular traffic 6cm. thickness

eco-terana® 20x10x8cm.

eco-terana® 20x10x6cm.

vehicular traffic 8cm. thickness

eco-rectangular The eco-rectangular paving stone allows a wide variety of possible floor layouts, depending on the loads it will have to withstand.




vehicular traffic 8cm. thickness


heavy vehicular traffic 12cm. thickness

gran llosa eco-vulcano llosa eco-vulcano




A carefully conceived slab, which allows us to guarantee a product of exceptional hardness and a colour that is stable over time.



stone cladding 5cm. thickness


pedestrian 5/7/8cm. thickness




light vehicular traffic 12cm. thickness


vehicular traffic 20 x 20 x 8cm.

programa eco-zehn


This is recommended for paving and footways adjacent to traffic areas which are often invaded by vehicles.



light vehicular traffic 60x40x10cm.

30x10x10cm. vehicular traffic 30x20x10cm. 30x10x10cm.

programa eco-opac The eco-opac programme comprises three slabs made entirely of basalt aggregate, which increases the piece’s breakage resistance.






UNACON european research programmes

UNACON is an innovation project which studies the use of nan additives to achieve higher output in concrete parts (CONcrete).. This is one of the most ambitious projects of SF-Kooperation and in the present European Era-SME market it has managed to meet the requirements for obtaining a budget of 1.1 million euros to explore the use of nan additives in concrete products.

SF-Kooperation is an international group of prefabricated concrete product manufacturers, which with proven technique and innovative products and productive systems put their effort and emphasis into consolidating public and private spaces. The group was founded in 1970 and is currently made up of approximately 30 shareholders, including Breinco since 1995 and 25 licence holders. SF-Kooperation gives the partners and shareholders technical support in developing new products, tests, software development and brings in its many years’ experience in product installation.


In principle, the objective focuses on achieving an addition with a lasting effect to produce Easy to clean surfaces, and secondly, research will be done into the use of materials which change the phases which positively influence the tendency of horizontal surfaces to freeze. This project forms part of the Zusatznutzen 2010 Added Value 2010 and SF-Kooperation has agreed to coordinate the activities between the research institutions and the industrial partners. The circle of members of the consortium is currently formed by the following institutes and SMEs: 1 Research institutes: Federal Office of Research and Testing of Materials (BAM) of Berlin, Institute of New Materials (INM), Saarbrücken (Germany), Leopold-Franzen University, Innsbruck (Austria). 2 Industrial companies (SMEs): Greese Betonwaren, Eggesin (Germany), F.C. Nüdling, Fulda (Germany), Betonwerk Eltersberg, Alten-Buseck (Germany), Kandussi Steinwerke, St. Veit/Glan (Austria), BM Vallá, Reikiavik (Iceland), Starka, Södra Sandby (Sweeden), Breinco S.A., Barcelona (Spain), VCR van Cauwenbergh, Rumst (Belgium). The project is expected to last 3 years and has been structured in “working packages” to maximise efficiency. The project process is currently being revised and updated to reflect the results of the research. Industry needs this new scientific-technical specialisation to be able to develop innovative products which will assure its future in an ever more competitive global market.

Nan additives. Enlarged image.

Study of different stain and dirt applications: mayonnaise, tomato, cola, coffee, wine, industrial oil, olive oil and blue spray paint.

Main points for the development of an easy to clean nan additive:

Lines of work:

· That it can be mixed in a damp mass.

· Easy handling and dispensing.

1. Basic analysis.

· That it has no negative influence on the durability of the

· Efflorescence protection.

2. Development and optimisation of prototypes.

· Not harmful to health.

3. Engineering and pilot production process.

concrete. · That it can be integrated in industrialised manufacture.

4. Evaluation tests.

· Long-term effectiveness >10 years.

5. Validation and optimisation.

· That additional production units are not needed.

6. Final project and lines of work. 7. Communication. 23



the new Reolux® effect allows luminous reflections to be created with sources of natural or artificial light, and a special optical effect to be generated; the dark areas become lit areas. At first sight, a paving slab with Reolux® effect looks like any standard tyre. It is only when light hits the surface of the paving slab that we can see the difference: the paving slab shines in the dark. This effect is possible thanks to what we call retro-reflections, which are caused by small glass spheres that shine under light. Paving slabs with the Reolux® effect are suitable for marking paths and car parks, pavements, cycle paths and pedestrian paths in dark areas in the periphery of the city, where there is no lighting but where the path must be safely indicated. tests performed The study performed in the technical university of Hamburg-Harburg (TU) using the silica-alkaline accelerated reaction test of the glass spheres shows that they are not a reactive material. There are no significant deviations between the results of a standard tile and the results of the same paving slab with Reolux® effect for the purpose of UNE EN 1338. After studying the durability of the glass pearls in a paving slab under the corresponding environmental conditions, the Federal Institute of Research and Material Tests-BAM concludes that there is no harmful effect on the structure of the surface of the paving slab. Complete reports available.

Reolux® effect. Enlarged image


Surface without light.

Standard surface

Standard surface

Reolux速 surface

Reolux速 surface

Surface with light


LEED Certifica ®

clear colours

long life

In recent years, North American design has embraced sustainable design by adopting LEED®, a voluntary design system for buildings and works which offers a system of evaluation which puts forward the use of technologies that reduce energy and preserve the non-renewable resources. LEED® establishes methods based on consensus for measuring output by promoting designs that integrate the preservation of energy and resources. A project must gain at least 26 points to achieve the certificate. The points are earned when the requirements and the requisites specified in each credit are met. The prerequisites and credits are organised into five main categories: sustainable sites (SS), water efficiency (WE), energy and atmosphere (EA), materials and resources (MR), interior quality (IQ).



regional materials

The Pronatura® green flooring by Breinco reduces drainage, introduces a colder microclimate and may suppose up to 14 points in the SS, MR and ID credits. This permeable segmenting flooring reduces the index and amount of surface drainage and decreases pollutants such as the total solids in suspension and the total phosphorus. A tile with a broad joint and filled with ground stone on a natural base and subbase is a clear example of such flooring.

a colder microclimate In the Sustainable Site credits (SS), using the segmenting flooring with light colours with a Solar Reflectance index of at least 29, we also reduce the island effect of heat (the thermal difference between the urbanised areas and the undeveloped areas), which can bring down the air pollution trapped by the temperature inversions

caused on these heated surfaces. Colder flooring surfaces also increase the comfort of the microclimate in the summer. In comparison with asphalt, green grille floorings reduce the temperature of the surface air by evaporationperspiration by between 1 and 2 degrees centigrade.

reduce and reuse

The aim of the Materials and Resources (MR) category is to reduce and reuse material resources and reduce building waste, in addition to choosing environmentally acceptable construction materials. management of building waste and the use of resources The high rates of rubbish and disposal units and the threat of pollution of the water in the soil have imposed recycling in the building and

ation demolition processes. Being dry installed, the tiles, slabs or pieces of contention walls may be removed from the initial location to be reused in other places, if necessary. It is also possible to reprocess them in a recycling facility by grinding or for them to be reused in a new location as a base flooring material. recycled content The inclusion of materials with a recycled content reduces the environmental impact of the extraction and processing of new virgin materials and the industrial and manufacturing processes, which make intensive use of greenhouse effect gas. Breinco products may be made with recycled materials and count for this credit. regional materials This credit offers incentives for increasing the

demand for building materials and external products and products manufactured in the region; as a result, it gives support to the use of native resources and reduces the environmental impact resulting from long-distance transport. Â

modular nature

In the credit category (MR8) of durable construction, the aim is to minimise the use of materials and the constructive waste throughout the life of the building, derived from premature anomalies in the building and its constitutive components and assemblies. The modular nature of all Breinco flooring products and contention walls allows easy access to repairs for common underground services and for rehabilitating the same flooring units without the surface being damaged or affected.

innovative improvements Finally, the credit for Design Innovation and Process (ID) enables the designers to include innovative improvements in building materials and design in the LEEDÂŽ evaluation system. In Breinco we have designed a green flooring slab with a lower groove provided for drip irrigation. In this way we reduce water consumption and offer the possibility of using non-drinkable water.


eco-logicÂŽ creates pleasant spaces for meeting, enjoying and relaxing, while combating pollution.

Breinco is aware of the challenge of sustainability, and how important it is to establish an approach with strategies of change. Breinco agrees to follow the rules of environmental action, prevent pollution and minimise the impact of its activities. Breinco’s aim is that no environmental damage might occur as a result of its activities, and policies are being carried out to ensure that all of its operations lie within the requirements of legislation and the best applicable practice. As a manufacturer of industrialised products, Breinco recycles the waste it generates in its manufacturing process. All products which fail to satisfactorily meet the requirements of the current regulations are separated and sent to a grinding plant to reduce them to a suitable size. The resulting aggregate is returned to the initial production chain in a maximum percentage without harming the properties of the finished product. In this way, we achieve products of the same quality and with waste revaluation, avoiding their accumulation in disposal units.


r r r

reusable material:

recycled material:

recoverable material:

the destination of recyclable material is reuse, and not the disposal unit.

we avoid pollution and unnecessary energy consumption in making the same new material, and also reduce the total amount of waste.

we use materials which have been rejected by the company.




r r r 29

the pigments used in making kerbs, steps and channels are iron oxides that guarantee colour resistance to ultraviolet rays and the weather. The colour remains throughout the years and the pigments are totally harmless to the environment. By using high quality pigments, it is also possible to achieve a constant colour tone and high colouring capacity. Requirements of the pigments for colouring the concrete: · Resistance to atmospheric agents. · Resistance to high temperatures, up to 120ºC · Resistance to light (UV). · No fading due to rain. · Resistance to alkaline substances · No risk to the environment. (pH approximately equal to 12). Colouring may be achieved with natural and synthetic iron oxides. Synthetic oxides are currently preferable because: · They can be produced with practically any colour tone (except for green, blue and white). · They enable coloured concrete to be achieved at low cost. · They guarantee brighter colours and greater colouring ability. · They present colour tones and a colouring ability that can be controlled more effectively. Breinco uses granular pigments that have a series of advantages over powder or liquid paste. Practically 100% is pigment, without any addition of water to the cement, without sedimentation, without freezing, a high apparent density, absence of dust, no waste in the sacks, clean handling, high colouring ability and the organic dispersants guarantee greater dispersion. 30


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