The Name Emmanuel for Choir
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Martin Smolka
The Name Emmanuel for Choir
Commissioned by the Swedish Radio / Berwaldhallen
divided up to 12 voices (3S, 3A, 3T, 3B) or chamber choir of 12 solo voices
Virgin shall be with child And shall bring forth a Son Child of the Holy Ghost And they shall call his name: Emmanuel God with us Jesus God with us Amen
The name Emmanuel God with us Nolite timere
(excerpts from Bible, Mt 1)
Duration: approx. 10 minutes
World premiere: Swedish Radio Choir, cond. Peter Dijkstra Stockholm, Baltic Sea Festival, 27 August 2017
“ə” neutral vocal
“M, N, L“ if a consonant is underlined, it should be sung instead of vocal – “M” bocca chiusa, “L ,N” neutral vocal (“ə”) while mouth is as if pronouncing “L” or “N”
“A > M<E>N” a gradual change of vocal
very delicate undertuning (1/6-tone or less). As gives the rhythm above the stave and/or the graphic notation, there should be fast undertuning and slow tuning back. The tension of tuning back may remind the practice in blues or jazz, however here it should be more gentle, working with truly slight nuances (better do not think of glissando).
Aleatory (soprano solos after measure 65): Timing of each individual aleatory pattern should be irregular, fermata should be every time of different duration (and may be sometimes ignored). The function of this half minute (luminoso) is to let the high C# explode again and again and to shine dazzlingly almost without interruption.
Forte should always be kept in limits of lucid, crystal-like sound and well perceptible pitch. Clarity, no big voices.
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The Name
Martin Smolka,Unverkäufliches Mietmaterial
© 2017 by Breitkopf & Härtel, Wiesbaden Weitervermietung und Vervielfältigung jeglicher Art sind verboten! Printed in Germany Einzeichnungen sind nur mit weichem Bleistift gestattet. Wir sind in anderen Fällen genötigt, Schadenersatz zu verlangen. Alterations, cuts or markings only with pencil. Otherwise we will claim damage compensation in addition to the rental fee.

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Martin Smolka Works for Choir
The Name Emmanuel (2017) 10‘ (Text: Psalms)
Laudate, angeli (2016) 20‘ (Text: Psalms)
Sacred Vessel (2014/15) 40‘ (Text: Bible)
3 Choirs and orchestra Annunciation (2013) 33’ (Text: Liturgy; Litany of Loreto) Choir and orchestra
MARE + MARE = MARIA (2013) 30’–35’ (Text: Bible, Hildegard von Bingen) Choir (SSAATTBB) and orchestra
Agnus Dei (2011) 10’ (Text: Liturgy) Choir (SSAATTBB) and youth choir (SSAATB)
Per divina bellezza (2010/11) 19’ (Text: Liturgy; Francesco Petrarca)
4 Chants for sextet (STTTBarB)
Psalmus 114 (2009) 25’ (Text: Liturgy) Chor (SATB, separated up to 16 voices) and orchestra
Poema de balcones (2008) 15’ (Text: Federico García Lorca) Double choir (2x16 voices)
Fünf Choretüden für Jugendliche oder Amateure (2008) 13’ (Text: Martin Smolka, German: Klaus Angermann) 2S3A2Bar
Słone i smutne (2006) 15’ (Text: Tadeusz Rozewicz) 8S8A8T8B
Touha stát se Kafkou / Der Wunsch, Kafka zu werden (2004) 10’ (Text: Franz Kafka) Double choir (SMezABar/SMezABar), pia no, electric guitar and percussion
Walden, the Distiller of Celestial Dews (2000) 21’ (Text: H. D. Thoreau) Choir (8S8A8T8B) and percussion